MKT 245 GRAND CANYON WEEK 1 COMPLETE WORK Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= MKT 245 Grand Canyon Week 1 Complete Work MKT245 MKT 245 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Identify and describe 3 or more distinct market segments within a specific industry, such as aerospace or automobile manufacturing. What differences are apparent? Why would this matter to a marketer?
MKT 245 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 Identify and describe a potential ethical dilemma that a marketer might face when segmenting a market. How might this concern be appropriately addressed given the need to satisfy often conflicting stakeholders? MKT 245 Grand Canyon Week 1 Assignment Marketing Analysis Research Report: Product Selection and List of Sources Details: Identify a product that will be the focus of your research. The product might be one of personal interest (e.g., computers/electronics, cell phones, cars, food services, home health care) or concern (e.g., blood diamonds, tobacco). In a Word document, briefly describe the consumer appeal and environmental factors that you think might influence the market for this product. Also, propose how this product could have implications for ethical, social responsibility, or global issues in the market. Refer to “Research Report Outline� for a list of possible ethical and social responsibility issues in marketing. With instructor approval, you may also choose an issue that is not on the list.
Do some preliminary research (on the Internet and/or in the GCU Library) to ascertain if source information on the product (and/or industry) is available. Avoid choosing a product for which data is difficult to find. Find a minimum of three sources that you think will provide sufficient information for your analysis and make a list for instructor approval. Submit the assignment for instructor approval by the end of Module 1. Instructor must approve product selection and sources and will advise the student by the third day of Module 2. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
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