Mkt 607 gcu week 5 discussions

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MKT 607 GCU WEEK 5 DISCUSSIONS Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM MKT 607 GCU Week 5 Discussions MKT607 MKT 607 GCU Module 5 Discussion 1 Define integrated marketing communications (IMC) and discuss the importance of teamwork in achieving a successful IMC effort. Provide examples of how this concept would apply to a specific organization. Use the Schultz and Kitchen article on “Integrated Marketing Communications in U.S. Advertising Agencies: An Exploratory Study” for reference. MKT 607 GCU Module 5 Discussion 2 Regarding “Make Your Dealers Your Partners,” why do you think the Caterpillar system works? Identify characteristics that seem to be unique to Caterpillar and make their system successful. Explain how these unique characteristics contribute to the success of Caterpillar.

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