MKT 607 GCU WEEK 7 DISCUSSIONS Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM MKT 607 GCU Week 7 Discussions MKT607 MKT 607 GCU Module 7 Discussion 1 With regard to “Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model of Synthesis of Evidence,� comment on the problem of perceived versus objective quality. Provide examples. How does this affect the marketing of services? MKT 607 GCU Module 7 Discussion 2 Think of two creative ideas for services to be provided by the grocery business industry. Be very specific in terms of the rationale behind your approach, and the systematic procedures (e.g., questionnaire) you would use to introduce your services to the market. In the health care industry, what other ideas do you have for providing better services to customers? Analyze and discuss your judgment about whether marketing in this industry is different because human life is involved.
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