Mkt 607 gcu week 8 discussions

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MKT 607 GCU WEEK 8 DISCUSSIONS Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: URL= Or Email us HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM MKT 607 GCU Week 8 Discussions MKT607 MKT 607 GCU Module 8 Discussion 1 “National Cultures in Four Dimensions: A Research-Based Theory of Cultural Differences Among Nations,” is considered seminal in several fields, including marketing, international business, and organizational development. Based on your experiences and readings, how does Hofstede’s model help a marketer plan a global market entry? MKT 607 GCU Module 8 Discussion 2 With regard to “Fair Trade Marketing: An Alternative System for Globalization and Development,” how can the apparent conflict between marketing management’s emphasis on consumer satisfaction be reconciled with the tenets of fair trade, wherein disadvantaged members of the supply chain are given some priority? “Organizing for Worldwide Effectiveness: the Transnational Solution” suggests that technical and marketing functions be integrated within each subsidiary of any organization. What are the strengths of such an organization? What are the weaknesses or pitfalls?

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