Pcn 520 grand canyon week 6 complete work

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PCN 520 GRAND CANYON WEEK 6 COMPLETE WORK Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/pcn-520-grand-canyon-week-6-complete-work/ PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 6 Complete Work PCN520 PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 1 Latest July 2016 What form of resistive behavior (or difficult behavior displayed by a group member) would you find most problematic in one of your groups? Why? How might you work in a therapeutic way with such a member’s behavior?

PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 6 Discussion 2 Latest July 2016 After watching the second part of the DVD (Challenges Facing Group Leaders), what skills do you think you need to acquire or refine to more effectively address challenging situations in groups? How can you work on developing these skills? PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 6 Assignment 1 Latest July 2016 Groups in Action Workbook–Challenges Facing Group Leaders Details: Upon viewing the Groups in Action DVD, you will answer workbook questions that emphasize the application of concepts and techniques appropriate to the various stages of a group’s development. This portion of the workbook has 25 sections, each corresponding to a specific numbered segment of the DVD. Watch the DVD, stopping after each segment as indicated in the workbook and on the DVD. Answer the assigned questions below: Page 102 #4 4) Assume you are leading this group and during the check-in several members emphatically stated that they are not getting what they want and they are not sure that they will remain in it. What would you say? Page 104 #2

2) How would you deal with a member’s concern about confidentiality? Page 106 #2 2) How would you address Joel’s guilt about having taken up too much time and having disclosed too much? Page 109 #3 3) Can you think of ways to work with Nadine so that she could get something out of the group, even though her attendance was mandatory? Page 113 #1 1) Would you consider possible cultural messages to be relevant in exploring with Vivian her hesitation to express emotions? If so, how would you attend to that? Page 114 #5 5) How can you facilitate Toni in establishing trust and safety? What would you say to her? Page 116 #2 2) Assume you ask Nicole not to withdraw, yet she crosses her arms and curtly says, “I’m not going to say anything more.” How would you deal with this stance? Can you think of an intervention that might be helpful to her? Page 118 #2 2) As a group leader, how would you react to Nicole if she told you that she wanted you to share more of yourself personally? If she tells you that she is hesitant to opening up and participating until she gets to know more about you, what would you say to her? Page 120 #3 3) If Vivian were to tell you that she learns best by observing the process quietly, how would you respond? Page 121 #7 7) How would you intervene if other members interpreted Galo’s quietness as meaning that he is judging them? What specifically will you say? Page 125 #1

1) At the beginning of this session, there was a silence. Assume the silence was to continue for some time after you made an opening statement. What might you be inclined to say or do? How long would you let the silence go before you intervened? If members do not respond to the invitation to participate, what would be the next step for you? Page 127 #3 3) If a member of your group was assuming the role of a co-leader, what direction would you pursue? Page 131 #6 6) What would you most want to teach members about the consequences of not dealing with conflict when it arises in the group? Page 132 #12 12) What is your greatest fear or concern as you think of yourself being the leader in this group where conflict is occurring? Page 135 #2 2) Below are some of Gallo’s statements. With each one, think of a brief response that you might make as a group leader. 1. a) “I never had a voice at home.” 2. b) “I grew up believing it was a sign of weakness to have and express feelings.” 3. c) “In my life, people don’t seem to listen to me.” 4. d) “I didn’t get my time in this session.” 5. e) “I want you leaders to call on me.” Page 137 #4 4) Assume that you were a member in this group when this conflict initially erupted. How might you have responded? What would you need from the leaders and other members that would be helpful to you? Page 141 #6 6) What are your thoughts about leaders needing to be bicultural in order to be effective with bicultural clients?

Page 143 #4 4) Assume that a member in your group says, “I feel very different from others in here. I’m having trouble in making a connection with anyone.” How would you respond? Page 144 #1 1) Sometimes members form alliances with one another within a group. Describe some ways that could facilitate or impede group cohesion. Page 146 #3 3) How aware are you in your own life of how you respond to people who speak with an accent or use words incorrectly? Page 148 #5 5) When members say that they have been discriminated against and oppressed, what interventions will you make to prevent this from evolving into an abstract discussion about society at large? How can you facilitate a more personal interaction within the present context of the group? Page 150 #2 2) What are some common themes that you see emerging in this group? Page 152 #4 4) How important is it for you to understand what the group member said in his/her own primary language and why? Page 155 #6 6) How might you deal with a group member who is insensitive in the manner in which he/she relates to other members who are different? Page 156 #2 2) What would you respond to a member who states, “There is really nobody in this group that I can identify with.” Page 157 #5 5) What, if any, responsibility do you have as a leader when members show evidences of racism, ethnocentricity, prejudices, and stereotypes?

Page 159 #1 1) It is common for members to want answers from group leaders. How would you respond to such requests? Page 162 #3 3) What are some important lessons you have learned about dealing with the range of problematic situations that often occur within a group? Page 163 #6 6) What are some skills you most need to acquire or refine for you to more effectively address the challenging situations you observed? From Corey, G., Corey, M.S., & Haynes, R. (2006). Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges (8th ed.).Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.

PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 6 Assignment 2 Latest July 2016 Group Design Part 3 Details: In narrative form (1,000-1,500 words) present the first two group sessions. Assume that one participant states that he/she “is uncomfortable being with groups and really does not want to be here.� How would you as the group leader address this? Over the next three to four sessions, challenging issues arise. Choose three issues from the following list that are realistic to your group type and describe how you would handle these situations. 1. Sexual abuse 2. Homosexuality 3. Religious preferences 4. Abortion 5. Use of illegal drugs 6. Drinking and driving

Develop a plan for how you will start the transition of ending your group. Assume that one participant must be referred to ongoing services. Describe how you, as the counselor, will handle this referral for continued services. Will you continue with individual services, refer to another therapist, or refer to another group? APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Submit Group Design Part 3 to the instructor by the end of Module 6.

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