Phi 105 grand canyon week 2 complete work

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PHI 105 GRAND CANYON WEEK 2 COMPLETE WORK Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 2 Complete Work PHI105 PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1 Do you believe the statement “perception is reality”? Why or why not?

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2 Discuss a time when the results of an interaction turned out differently than you initially perceived it would. Why do you think it was different? PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment 1 Perception Power Point Details: Imagine you are an expert on critical thinking. A local high school wants you to present your knowledge to its seniors and asks that you create a PowerPoint presentation to specifically explain perception and critical thinking. 1- Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the concepts of perception and critical thinking to high school seniors. In your explanation, address the following: How all five senses impact perception? The role of perception in critical thinking. For directions on how to create a PowerPoint presentation, refer to the “How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation Resource.” Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following: 1. 8 slides (1 title slide, 6 content slides, and 1 reference slide).

2. Put key points in bullets. The bullets are what the audience would see during a presentation. Remember not to overcrowd each slide. 3. Elaborate on the bullet points in the slide notes for all 6 content slides. The slide notes section is where the speaker documents what he/she would say during the presentation. While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a grading rubric that can be viewed at the assignment’s drop box. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

PHI 105 Grand Canyon Week 2 Assignment 2 Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet Details: “Review “How Should I Brainstorm?” in the media piece “The Writing Process.” The media piece can be found in resources, course materials. Click on the add-ons tab and look under “Electronic Resources”. The media piece “The Writing Process” explores six ways to brainstorm: “ 1) Free Writing 2) Breaking down a Topic 3) Listing 4) Mapping/Webbing 5) Three Perspectives 6) Journalistic Questions Assignment Directions: 1. Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above. 2. Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen 3 methods.

3. Document your brainstorms using this resource. 4. If you choose to brainstorm by mapping/webbing, you will document your brainstorm within the media piece and save it as a PDF file (directions are included in the media piece), which you will then submit to the drop box along with this completed resource (an assignment drop box can accept more than one assignment). Documentation of Brainstorm: Record your brainstorms below using as much space as needed for each entry. Brainstorm One: Brainstorm Two: Brainstorm Three: Grading Criteria: The assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria: 1) Brainstorm includes three different ways to brainstorm. 2) Brainstorm includes multiple and varied ideas.

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