Psy 860 grand canyon assignment information gathering and processing

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PSY 860 GRAND CANYON ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION GATHERING AND PROCESSING Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= PSY 860 Grand Canyon Assignment Information gathering and processing PSY860 PSY 860 Grand Canyon Assignment Information gathering and processing Details: Write a paper (1,750-2,000 words) that discusses factors that influence information gathering and processing. Address the following in the paper: 1-

Briefly describe the fast brain/slow brain concept presented by Kahneman.


Briefly describe the positivity ratio concept presented by Fredrickson.


Briefly describe the readiness concept presented by Prochaska.


Analyze how each of these concepts influences the process of creating hypotheses, testing

hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. Which of these researchers’ concepts is the preferred model? Why? 5-

Using the model you identified above as the preferred model, draft a sample theoretical

foundation/conceptual framework for a dissertation prospectus that is based in that model. You may use your own topic/prospectus if the model is applicable. Need it to be 2000 words

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