SOC 445 Case Management Entire Course Latest-GCU Downloading is very simple, you can download this Course here: Or Contact us at:
HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM SOC 445 Case Management Entire Course Latest-GCU SOC445 SOC 445 Case Management SOC 445 Week 1 Discussions Latest-GCU 1.
Explain how case management is not therapy. Why is it important for the case manager to have good listening skills even though they do not conduct therapy sessions?
After watching “The First Interview” video and analyzing it, explain why it is important for a case manager to develop a rapport with a client. Recommend some ways to accomplish this task. How would you decide on a questioning technique before interviewing a client?
SOC 445 Week 2 Discussions Latest-GCU Please answer each question and an in text citation must be used for each question. Please make sure every question is covered in the answer for each number. 1.
Establishing a therapeutic relationship (rapport) with a client requires specific skills to move the process forward (Hepworth, et al, 2017). How would you work to avoid any barriers to communication? What role does culture play in this step of the therapeutic process? Explain some effective physical attending behaviors that will help the process move toward positive responses or interventions with the client?
How would you rate your level of knowledge on a 1-10 scale in regards to the building a therapeutic relationship with a client? Post the number and any comments you woud like to make.
View the “Diversity/Multicultural: Ferguson” case study video located in the Topic 2 folder in MindTap and reflect on your own possible cultural biases. Consider the following in your response:
Why is it important for a social worker to take into account a client’s cultural background? How could cultural bias affect a social worker’s interviewing techniques? Why is it important for a social worker to know their own cultural biases? For the “Diversity/Multicultural: Ferguson” video, propose some culturally informed interview that will help the process move forward. 200 words for each discussion
SOC 445 Week 3 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation.
Describe the various roles and duties a social worker has in the case management field. Explain how the case management process in social work is a helping process. Explain why it is important for the client to understand their role in the helping process. Provide some examples of a client and their role.
Identify the various client populations that a social worker may work with. Why is it important for a case manager to know the various client populations? What population are you most interested in working with? Explain why you are interested in working with this specific population.
SOC 445 Week 4 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation. 1.
Explain why it is important to know the strengths perspective when assisting a client/consumer. Read the “Marta” case study located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Describe some of the strengths, abilities, and resources (internal and external) that you noticed in Marta. If you were assisting Marta as case manager, how would you apply the strengths assessment you completed based on her case?
Read the “Marta” case study located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Briefly describe the micro, meso, and macro levels of the ecological model found in this case . Now that you have some context about Marta’s case, recommend some appropriate resources for Marta. Explain some possible barriers that might keep Marta from utilizing these resources.
SOC 445 Week 5 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation. 1.
Read the “Dave” case study located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. After reading the case study, recommend some appropriate interventions. Identify the stakeholders in Dave’s social services system. Considering the stakeholders involved in Dave’s life, how would you advise Dave to move forward toward change?
Complete the “Cultural Competence Worksheet.” Describe the fictional client/consumer you created. Discuss the following: What you need to know as a social worker to work with a client/consumer from this kind of cultural background? How would you recommend interventions to another social worker based on the cultural background of this client/consumer population? How would a social worker with the Christian Worldview handle a client/consumer from a different cultural worldview? Keep in mind the NASW Code of Ethics when answering the question.
SOC 445 Week 6 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation. 1.
Explain why it is important to conduct an intake interview before beginning the treatment phase of the case management process. What is some of the basic information a social worker can glean from the first interview? How does this information assist the case manager in selecting a possible program for referral? What eligible criteria is required for a program to be low risk for the client?
For the Case Management Process assignment in this course, you selected a client/consumer” (Michelle) out of the The First interview” in mind tap. Write a specific corresponding case note for the intake and assessment of your selected client. What are some of the specifics you included in the case note? Finally, conduct research in your community for a possible treatment program to refer your client to. Describe the program and what the eligibility criteria was that makes it low risk.
SOC 445 Week 7 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation. 1.
Access and watch the “Developing a Service Plan” video located in the Topic 7 folder in MindTap. Evaluate how the case manager supported the client/consumer. Why is it important for the social worker to collaborate with the client/consumer to determine appropriate goals? Why shouldn’t only the social worker set goals/objectives for the client? Explain why it is important for goals to have time frames along with areas of responsibility for the client/consumer.
For the Case Management Process assignment in this course, you selected a client/consumer. Using the selected client/consumer’s case “The First Interview, Michelle”., write a specific corresponding case note on goal setting and intervention activities for your client/consumer. Post the note in the discussion forum. Comment on the manageability of the goals your peers posted. How can these goals be managed or measured?
SOC 445 Week 8 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation. 1.
Access and view the “Helping Tom Solve a Personal Problem” video located in Topic 8 folder in MindTap. Explain the purpose of monitoring in case management. What does effective monitoring look like? Provide an example of how you would monitor Tom. Explain the importance of time-management skills to conduct effective monitoring, evaluation, and termination activities. Imagine you are assigned to help Tom. Suggest some time-management strategies to effectively conduct monitoring, evaluation, and termination for Tom’s case.
For the Case Management Process assignment in this course, you selected a client/consumer “The first Interview, Michelle”. Using the selected client/consumer’s case, write a specific corresponding case note (150-200 words) for monitoring, evaluation, and termination activities. Post your note in the discussion forum. Comment on the proposed strategies for facilitating effective monitoring, evaluation, and termination activities presented by your classmates.
SOC 445 Week 2 Assignment Latest-GCU Topic 2: Ethics in Social Work Worksheet
Directions: Complete the “Ethics in Social Work” worksheet using the NASW Code of Ethics to justify your responses. Be sure to cite the specific section(s) of the code utilized in each scenario.
Scenario 1: A representative from “Canyon Smiles” dentist’s office comes to your agency to make a presentation about their services. You are surprised to see Bethanie; an old friend from high school is now working for “Canyon Smiles” and will be the one making the presentation. During the presentation you learn the dentist’s office recently opened a new location that is really close to your house. This is important because you predominately work from home so this location would work best for you. Everyone in the office very gets excited when Bethanie tells them: “Every case manager, who brings in a new client, will be entered into a drawing to win a brand new IPad! Don’t worry, she says, it is perfectly legal!” At the end of the meeting Bethanie pulls you aside and ask if you want to go lunch and catch up! In 200-300 words, explain all the ethical situations that may arise out of the above scenario. Explain what you would do as case manager and why. Make sure to cite the NASW Code of Ethics in your explanation. Also, explain what else you could do to clarify ethical dilemmas in this situation that are not clear in the code of ethics.
Scenario 2(a): You are shopping one Sunday afternoon at one of your favorite stores when you run into a current client of yours. After some simple chit-chat, about the store’s “special” that day, your client asks if you want to head on over to the food court to have lunch. You need to eat and was actually thinking about going over to the food court yourself, before your client mentioned it. In 100-150 words, Explain what you would do as Case Manager and why? Make sure to cite the N.A.S.W Code of Ethics in your response.
Scenario 2(b): You are shopping one Sunday afternoon at one of your favorite stores and you run into an old client of yours. After some simple chit-chat about the store’s “special” that day, and how well they are doing at their new job, the client asks if you want to head on over to the food court to have lunch. You need to eat and was actually thinking about going over to the food court yourself, before your client mentioned it. In 100-150 words, Explain what you would do as case manager and why. Make sure to cite the NASW Code of Ethics in your response.
Scenario 3: After graduating from college, you apply for and are offered a program manager position with a social service agency. Your primary responsibility is to develop a volunteer program that includes increasing donations & volunteerism for your clients and your program. One week into your new job, you learn the program only has one volunteer group, that is part of a church, but they are on hiatus because of a bad experience between them, clients, and the agency. Wanting to repaper this damaged relationship you invite the members of the group into the office to discuss the situation and a plan for going forward. During the meeting you learn that the leader of the group does not believe “everyone” in the group needs to poses a valid DPS Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card because he has one and he can vouch for everyone else in the group. The policy of the agency is that every volunteer, who interacts with clients more than one time, is required to possess a valid DPS Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card. The leader of the group fears the card requirement will discourage volunteers from staying in/ joining the group because the cards cost $65 dollars each! The leader is unsure if he wants the group to continue because it is always hard to find volunteers willing to pay the $65 for the clearance card. This group’s church donates $5,000 to your program every year. They sponsor your programs largest donation drive every year! In addition, the time they spend with your clients is given a monetary value and then matched by another donor source. In short, this group is the single largest private contributor to your program. In 200-300 words, explain all the ethical situations that may arise out of the above scenario. Explain what you would do as case manager and why. Make sure to cite the NASW Code of Ethics in your explanation. Also, explain what else you could do to clarify ethical dilemmas in this situation that are not clear in the code of ethics.
SOC 445 Week 3 Assignment Latest-GCU 1. Section 2: Assess the Client/Consumer (250-300words) For this section, explain the client’s micro, meso, and macro level systems, developmental transitions, and cultural impact, including culture and possible subculture. In the video “The First interview” in Mind Tap Topic1 folder.
2. Client Role Job Aid Details: For this assignment, you will provide a case manager job aid that clearly defines the key roles and best practice recommendations that would benefit a beginning case manager. In a tri-fold brochure, provide a comprehensive explanation of the following roles: 1.
Social Worker
Client and various populations
In addition, provide the best practice recommendations for social workers regarding the appropriate problem-solving strategies and assessment techniques for the various populations. Both sides of the tri-fold brochure must be fully utilized. Images may be used; however, only use images with small file sizes. You may use Microsoft Word, which has several creative document templates. While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines
SOC 445 Week 4 Assignment Latest-GCU Details: Access the “Roadblocks in Social Work Worksheet.” Complete the assignment citing three to five sources. While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines Topic 4: Roadblocks in Social Work Worksheet
Directions: In social work, part of the helping process is to see a balanced view of the client/consumer. This requires knowing how to utilize questioning and listening techniques, set aside personal biases, taking into consideration the culture and subculture of the client/consumer, and proposing ways to deal with possible barriers to recommended resources. This assignment will assist you in learning this skill. Cite three to five scholarly sources to support your answers to the prompts below: Balanced View of the Client Explain why it is important to seek a balanced view of the client/consumer. (50 words) Explain what is meant by good responses in communication. Provide some examples. (75-100 words) Describe what reflective listening looks like. What are the results? (50-75 words) Explain the importance of asking open questions to understand a client/consumer. How are effective questions connected to reflective listening? (50-75 words) How can the client/consumer’s culture and subculture cause barriers to various recommended resources and services? (75-100 words) Explain how a social worker must not allow personal biases to interfere with the case management process. How might personal bias prevent a social worker from adequately supporting a client/consumer? (200-250 words)
SOC 445 Week 5 Assignment 1 Latest-GCU Details: Complete the “Cultural Competence in Social Work” worksheet. While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines Topic 5: Cultural Competence in Social Work Worksheet As a social worker, it is imperative that a client/consumer is seen as a unique individual in order to constructively serve them. Taking into consideration the culture and subculture of the client/consumer is key in accomplishing this goal. This assignment will assist you in learning this skill.
Directions: Select three (3) of the cultural diversity groups listed below and then compile them to make one person. Then, use the intersectionality of that person to inform an appropriate intervention.
Cultural Groups:
African American Native American Gender Sexual Orientation Asian American Age Ability status Spiritual identity Economic status Latino American For example: A Native American female in her 20s who identifies as Christian, comes to you because she feels incredible anxiety about being outed at church. After you create the fictional client/consumer from the characteristics above, address the prompts below based on the fictional person you created: In 75-100 words, explain what you need to know as a social worker, from a cultural point of view when working with a client/consumer from this kind of cultural background. In 75-100 words, explain how your understanding of this person’s culture(s) will help you when working with this client/consumer. In 100-200 words, explain how understanding the client/consumer’s culture(s) informs the client/consumer’s intervention. In many cultures, it is often believed that depression is caused by a lack of religious faith. What are your first ideas about how to handle the case of a client/consumer from such a cultural philosophy?
SOC 445 Week 5 Assignment 2 Latest-GCU For this assignment, you will continue to use your selected case study to complete this assignment. Complete Section 3 of the Case Management Process template: The First interview video Section 3: Planning and Linking (500-750 words) Due Topic 5 For this section, begin to develop the initial plan that includes the following: Consider possible interventions. Explain the systems affecting the client/consumer. Conduct the strengths perspective and explain how you would use this assessment to assist the client/consumer. Recall what you learned about linking the client/consumer to resources and recommended resources, while taking into consideration the stakeholders and interventions, and explain possible barriers to resources that may exist. Turn in Section 3 at the end of Topic 5 for instructor feedback
SOC 445 Week 7 Assignment Latest-GCU Case Management Process Section 5: Terminating the Case Review the NASW Code of Ethics. Describe a possible termination process for your client/consumer (350-500 words) recommending ways to maintain change including preparing for a possible relapse while keeping in mind the autonomy of the client.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, Review the NASW Code of Ethics. Describe a possible termination process for your client/consumer and recommend ways to maintain change including preparing for a possible relapse, while keeping in mind the autonomy of the client. Once you have made all the revisions, complete the assignment using quality academic writing. Cite all sources.
SOC 445 Week 8 Assignment Latest-GCU Case Management Practice Essay Details: The social worker must understand the working relationship and engagement process between the social worker and the client/consumer. For this assignment, review the case studies provided to you throughout the course. The case studies are located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Select two cases in different settings (not including the case study/video you used for the Case Management Process assignment). Use these case studies to address the following in your essay: In 750-1,000 words, citing two to four scholarly sources, address the following: Describe the similarities and differences between how you would help the client/consumer as a friend in contrast to how you would support a client/consumer as a case manager for each case. Explain the strategies you would use as a case manager for each case. Next, describe the skills needed to thoughtfully engage your client/consumer through a change experience, keeping in mind cultural awareness, ethics, and client autonomy. As a social worker, what are the challenges you may experience and the biases you must be aware of for yourself as a social worker in each case?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,