Soc 445 week 4 discussions latest gcu

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HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM SOC 445 Week 4 Discussions Latest-GCU SOC445 SOC 445 Week 4 Discussions Latest-GCU Each DQ question needs a reference and it must be citied in citation. 1.

Explain why it is important to know the strengths perspective when assisting a client/consumer. Read the “Marta” case study located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Describe some of the strengths, abilities, and resources (internal and external) that you noticed in Marta. If you were assisting Marta as case manager, how would you apply the strengths assessment you completed based on her case?


Read the “Marta” case study located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Briefly describe the micro, meso, and macro levels of the ecological model found in this case . Now that you have some context about Marta’s case, recommend some appropriate resources for Marta. Explain some possible barriers that might keep Marta from utilizing these resources.

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