SOC 445 Week 8 Practice Essay Latest-GCU Downloading is very simple, you can download this Course here: Or Contact us at:
HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM SOC 445 Week 8 Practice Essay Latest-GCU SOC445 SOC 445 Week 8 Practice Essay Latest-GCU Case Management Practice Essay Details: The social worker must understand the working relationship and engagement process between the social worker and the client/consumer. For this assignment, review the case studies provided to you throughout the course. The case studies are located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Select two cases in different settings (not including the case study/video you used for the Case Management Process assignment). Use these case studies to address the following in your essay: In 750-1,000 words, citing two to four scholarly sources, address the following: Describe the similarities and differences between how you would help the client/consumer as a friend in contrast to how you would support a client/consumer as a case manager for each case. Explain the strategies you would use as a case manager for each case. Next, describe the skills needed to thoughtfully engage your client/consumer through a change experience, keeping in mind cultural awareness, ethics, and client autonomy. As a social worker, what are the challenges you may experience and the biases you must be aware of for yourself as a social worker in each case? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide