SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet-GCU Downloading is very simple, you can download this Course here: sOr Contact us at:
HELP@TUTORIALSEXPERTS.COM SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet-GCU SOC449 SOC 449 Week 5 Assessment Tool Worksheet-GCU Details: For this assignment, complete the “Assessment Tool Worksheet.” Use the worksheet to list the appropriate assessment tool(s) you would use for the provided client situation and population. While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and reference Students should use the Academic Writing Resource located in the course materials folder
SOC-449 Assessment Tool Worksheet For this assignment, list the appropriate assessment tool(s) you would use for the provided client situation and population. Provide your reasoning for the assessment tool you listed citing two to four sources to support your reasoning: While APA format is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Students should use the Academic Writing Resource located in the course materials folder. You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Turn in the completed assignment by the end of Topic 5.
Client Situation and Population
Assessment Tool
Valerie from “Getting Back to Shakopee” video (Topic 1 folder in MindTap) Native American Tool: woman struggles with low self-esteem and alcoholism. Reasoning: Marta Ramirez case study (in Chapter 1 of the textbook)–Hispanic lower socioeconomic Tool: status woman. Reasoning: Carl video (Topic 7 folder in MindTap)- Middle-aged heroin addict
Greg video (Topic 3 folder in MindTap)- Young adult arrested for DUI.
Tool: Reasoning: Tool: Reasoning:
Rosetta video (Topic 5 folder in MindTap)-Middle-aged African American female with young Tool: adult lesbian daughter. Reasoning: