UNV 502 GRAND CANYON ALL WEEK DISCUSSIONS Just Click on Below Link to Download This Course: URL= http://www.tutorialsexperts.com/product/unv-502-grand-canyon-all-week-discussions/ UNV 502 Grand Canyon All Week Discussions UNV502 UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 1 Write a 250-300-word journal reflection on what you have learned in this class. Include information about the most essential lessons you have learned and the parts of the course you found most challenging. How do you think your graduate educational experience will be different from your undergraduate experience? How would you describe a graduate learning community? What would be the key components of a learning community and how might it be different from an undergraduate learning community?
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 2 This topic discussed the importance of communication. One of the goals of GCU is to help you to effectively communicate throughout your life. Access and review the “Communication Tool.” Why is it important to communicate effectively with others? How will effective communication help students in their academic career? Give examples. Why do you think GCU emphasizes quality discussion posts and proper etiquette in the Discussion Forums?
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 1 Discussion 3 After learning more about what GCU is all about by reading the GCU doctrinal statement, Four Pillars, and Christian Worldview, how do you think GCU’s Christian heritage makes the GCU academic experience different than at a non-faith based university? What value will this difference add to your educational experience? After learning about the complexities and benefits of spiritual integration within the counseling process, how do you believe GCU addresses this need for spiritual competency? GCU Doctrinal Statement
.gcu.edu/About-Us/Doctrinal-Statement.php”>http://www.gcu.edu/About-Us/Doctrinal-Statement.php Christian Worldview .gcu.edu/About-Us/ Christian-Worldview .php”>http://www.gcu.edu/About-Us/Christian-Worldview.php Four Pillars .gcu.edu/About-Us/ Four-Pillars .php”>http://www.gcu.edu/About-Us/Four-Pillars.php
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 1 Find a scholarly article in the GCU library. Copy an excerpt from the article. The excerpt should be the length of a paragraph (approximately four to five sentences long). Post the excerpt as your initial discussion forum post with your paraphrase of this excerpt directly underneath using appropriate APA citations. Use the link below and the paraphrasing guidelines outlined in Lecture 2 to assist you. In addition, select at least two posts that your classmates have made and comment on what they did well with their paraphrasing, and what they could have done differently. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 2
Why is it important to critically analyze sources? Why are scholarly sources more appropriate for academic research?
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 2 Discussion 3 How is conducting graduate-level research different from research you did in your undergraduate program? Provide specific examples.
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 1
If a counselor is licensed, does this make him/her competent as a counselor? Provide insight from the readings this week as to how a counselor can maintain his/her professional competency.
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 2 Prior to answering this discussion question, please download and read the Code of Ethics from American Association of Christian Counselors, located in your Course Materials for this week. Can a Christian counselor approach working with a client differently than a professional counselor? How can they make sure their approach adheres to laws and the ACA Code of Ethics? Furthermore, what is the major role of the counselor when working with other mental health professionals?
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 3 Discussion 3 Please take time to review the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) website to be able to respond to this discussion question. Website link:.org/�>http://nbcc.org/ What would be the major licensure difference between the state and national level according to the NBCC? In addition, could a counselor practice in their state with only a national certification? What is the purpose of a national certification?
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1 List one thing you learned from the weekly log tutorial. Identify the counseling program you are in. How many hours are needed for you to complete your pre-practicum? How many more hours will you need in practicum classes to graduate? How many hours of supervision are needed per 40 hours logged? List three or more things you learned from the practicum manual and discuss.
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2 Identify what program you are in. List two sites that would be an appropriate place to complete your practicum and explain. Why might you be interested in these facilities?
UNV 502 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 3 List three questions you would ask when contacting a potential site. List three questions you would ask during an interview with a potential site and discuss why these might be important.
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