Clash of clans how to play your cards right

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Clash of Clans: How to Play your Cards Right In this modern world, a lot of online video games have been created. This has changed the form of entertainment of many people, as it has included competing into different players from different cities and even countries. Multiplayer online games have been produced, and one of the most famous is the Clash of Clans. This game was created in 2012 and has started spreading in many countries through Apple store and Google Play. What makes Clash of Clans very popular and unique? Players of this online game are given the ability to build communities, train troop members, attack other players or clans, and defend their castle. It is like having your own empire. In an empire, you have to be a leader, and you have to know how to train your army and expand your wealth. In expanding your wealth, you may utilize clash of clans gem hack. You may also use real money to purchase gems. In every victory that you gain, you also earn gold and elixir as part of your wealth. In training your troop members, barracks and defense buildings are very important. Utilize your wealth wisely by building walls and creating cannons, mortars, bombs, wizard towers, and archer towers. Having access to these buildings in the soonest time possible while building elixir and gold storages one at a time. Building one storage for each treasure is enough so that you can divide your gems and other treasures into creating and replacing troop units such as archers, wizards, giants, and barbarians.

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