7 minute read
Case Study II: Acropolis Museum
by Juu L
progression relapse
The Pavilions of Relapse, Stagnation and Progression will be located at the 8 Hour Reserve. These institutions of time will change frequently on site, showing the oscillations of time physically and figuratively. The site was selected due to the Pavilions’ relation with the 8 Hour Monument, which marks the important event of Australian workers collectively fighting for their worker rights in 1856, on 8 hours of work, 8 hours of play/rest and 8 hours of education/other. It is facing opposite of the Victorian Trades Hall and is readily accessible, whilst its relatively empty lawn leaves great potential for dynamic opportunities.
0 20 40m The Trades Hall, situated at the corner of Lygon and Victoria Street, this was one of the earliest trade union buildings, financed and built by workers as an icon to showcase labour movement. It was used to platform the Eight Hour Day, which allowed for more conventional work hours and reduced exploitation of labour. Trades Hall was first opened as a wooden building in May 1859 but was upgraded further between 1874 to 1925 by architectural firm, Reed and Barnes.
Eventually this was replaced with a two storey building with a classical facade, bluestone foundation and cement rendered brick walls. In 1884, a Council Chamber and Female Operatives Hall was added. Over the years, more amenities and facilities were added, such as the bookshop, to which represents celebration of the Eight Hour Day and also serve as a literary institute, combining both political and educational aspects. This shows that, over time, the construct of a building may become grander and far more complex, leading to progression of itself and progression of the evolution of its users.
Victorian Trades Hall Stats: Construction: Architect: Overlay no.: Location: 1873 Reed & Barnes HO68; registered 2 Lygon Street, 172 Victoria Street, Carlton Rural Water Co.: Southern Rural Water; City West water Power distributor: CITIPower Legislative Council: Northern Metropolitan
Planning Zone: Schedule: Parking: Heritage:
MUZ (mixed use) DDO44; HO68 (heritage overlay) PO12 (Precinct 12 overlay) VHR no. HO663. Affected by Heritage Registry. Pavilion stats: ~650m2, a Prescribed Structure Design for wind speed 20-30m/s
Quilt room, Solidarity Hall, ETU Ballroom, Meeting room x3, Loading bay Old Council Chambers (Union use only) Common Rooms (anchor tenants) Smaller spaces (community use), larger (Union, political, environmental, book publishers, theatre companies etc.) The Pavilion proposal will also cater for a range of unions, in which its ownership will change depending on the oscillation of time of the Pavilion being used. Trade unions represent Australian workers who require services, advice and other industrial support for their own field of work. According to the ABS Government report in 2016, approximately 1.5 million Australians are members of the trade unions in their own industry. However contrary to the demographic teeming in the Carlton area, approximately 88%, the majority, of trade union members are around 55-59 years of age.
Corporations and group hosts at the Trades Hall are: • Comedy Festival • Australian Council of Trades Union • We Are Union: OHS representative • RTBU Women’s Conference 2020 • Young Unionists Climate Activists’ Network • Australian Labour Party • Union Contingent • Open House Melbourne • Australian Unemployed Workers Union • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
Astronomy and meteor craters were also part of the Aboriginal cultures, being referred to as a “star bin”. A Djaru Elder, Jack Jugarie (1927-1999) referred to a crater at Wolfe Creek:
“A star bin fall down. It was a small star, not so big. It fell straight down and hit the ground. It fell straight down and made that hole round, a very deep hole. The earth shook when that star fell down” (Sanday 2007:26) (Hamacher, 2016)
They are not to be regarded as mythology or fables, being very much ingrained in the land and with life and spaciotemporal elements itself. The Dreaming is religiously passed down via rituals, celebrations, dancing and illustrations, rather than text in order to be reflective of their culture, which is always progressing together with the span of time.
Pre-modern rituals performed by the Aboriginals, were also translated into modern events (Laing, 2014.) The following sequence adopted throughout time, were as follows:
• Preservation- Events that were stage d continuously, with great value placed on maintenance of the sequence and materials/props used as to how they were conducted in the past. This was mostly to help build authenticity in the practice.
• Adaption- Event would be assumed to evolve over time, integrating new aspects but also retaining its old ones, allowing for a evolutionary function.
• Appropriation- Event may incorporate factors from other cultures or the environmental context, to suit appropriately. This may also be impacted by the geographical location within which the event/ ritual would take place.
• Invention- New creation of symbolic meanings that are incorporated into the practice of the rituals, but do not overwhelm the traditional customs of the practice. This may take place in order for the tradition to be appropriated to modern times.
The chief rites common to Indigenous events and rites were: • Valorisation: Time and space claimed for the event. Usually begins with an opening ceremony to mark its importance. • Purification: Cleansing practices for safeguarding and security of the event and its participants. • Passage: Practices during the event that may mark milestones or transitions. • Reversal: Normality of behaviours and roles are reversed or changed, such as the ‘leader’ becoming part of the ‘common folk’. • Conspicuous display: Display of valuable objects and subjects • Conspicuous consumption: Relishing in food and drink, as well as the waste of. • Drama: Dramatic performances to provide entertainment, storytelling. • Exchange: Symbolic exchange of goods, riches or tokens • Competition: Games and sports may take place as part of the celebration. • Devalorisation: Conclusive part of the ceremony to mark return to a normal time and space; repeat of the festival may be promised. PHASING
Brief summary of contents in the phases of Oscillations in time
An autopsy of the future. Here, time is perceived as moving towards changes in society, culture and technology.
The equilibrium moment between Progression and Relapse, if they were to occur at the same time.
Changing faiths and priorities of society of the future. The most dynamic form out of the three phases.
Local community, consumers, bystanders. Active and passive participative uses. Public users. The residents within the immediate vicinity, activists or temporary residents advocating for a cause included. For mixed use. Platform of inventory kits for other users to become their own designer and be fully involved in the process of designing their own futures.
Remains from other Solid component
Long-term structure that uses ‘recycled’ components from Stagnation and Relapse. Difficult to disassemble, but can be done. Possibly years on site. Massing, framing
Remains from other Solid component (concrete/stone/glass) Stays on site for a longer period of time than Progression. Can disassemble for use to support the long term structure of Progression. Planar, framing
Intended fastest disposal/disassembly out of the 3 phases. Stays on site for a shorter period of time. Can disassemble for use to support the long term structure of Stagnation.
The user’s initial perception of time that is least open to interpretation. The users are free to actively or passively participate with the structure.
Permanent on site. The user’s secondary perception; influenced by the changed environment and also the set program. Space for improvement of issues of concern, in order to head toward the ‘progression’ phase. For gatherings concerning social issues. Potentially a temporary residence. Potentially, revisiting this aspect of the pavilion will allow for re-contemplation and thus ‘progression’ in the users’ perception of time. Spaces that introduce and encourage design and showcases evolution in beliefs of the public. Where man is no longer limited to the perception that only one ‘plane’ of dimension exists in any given opportunity of time.
8 Hour Reserve