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Fig. 1. Joo Liew, Encountering Scenarios from 21st century onwards, 2019.

Fig. 2. Fritz Lang, Metropolis Artwork Visualisation, 1927. Resilience that is monumental.

Fig. 3. Eidos Montreal, Augs Lives Matter, 2016. Montreal. Accessed 11th November 2019. https://





Fig. 4. Joo Liew, Computer overdependency in society, 2019.

Fig. 5. Joo Liew, Facade vs Structure, 2019.

Fig. 6. Joo Liew, Computerised forms that look appealing but have no solidity, 2019.

Fig. 7. Vitali Bulgarov, Building in City Centre in Battle Angel:Alita, 2019. Accessed 11th November

2019. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ah




Fig. 8. Square Enix, Concept Art Interior in Kingslaive, 2019. Accessed 11th November 2019. https://


Fig. 9. Joo Liew, Human & building resilience, 2019.

Fig. 10. Joo Liew, Interpretation of historical examples and fundamentals, 2019.

Fig. 11. Joo Liew, Power in a whole entity, 2019.

Fig. 12. Vitali Bulgarov, Reimagined‘ Kowloon’ in Battle Angel:Alita, 2019.

Fig. 13. Joo Liew, Retrofit: Design Consideration of the Pentagon, 2019.

Fig. 14. Joo Liew, Growth of architecture in a ‘urban context’, 2019.

Fig. 15. Biosphere Analysis, 2019.

Fig. 16. Sendai Mediatheque Analysis, 2019.

Fig. 17. Joo Liew, Human needs architecture must account for, 2019.

Fig. 18. Liew, Joo. Visualisation of Melbourne 2200 where heatwaves may rise to extreme temperatures,

2019. Conceptual painting via Photoshop.

Appendix content. Visualisations in given contexts, 2019.


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