3 Things to Consider if Pursuing a Cannabis Business Plan for the Owner Operator Program

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3 Things to Consider if Pursuing a Cannabis Business Plan for the Owner Operator Program

Canada has been a top choice of business immigrants for years. Until recent changes, the Owner Operator Program has been among the most popular options. Another recent event, the legalization of cannabis, has also created other interesting opportunities. Is it possible to mix these two things together? Well, maybe. But, if it is to succeed you will need an excellent Cannabis Business Plan. A cannabis business plan, whether for the owner operator program or any other purpose, needs to be top rate to succeed. In addition to that, there are several other important considerations. 1. Legal Issues – First and foremost, you need to understand that cannabis, like tobacco or alcohol, is a highly regulated substance. As such, there will be significant red tape to cut through. This can be challenging under normal circumstances but, especially when pursuing an immigration pathway like the owner operator program. Not only do you need to consider the usual issues, like licensing and registrations, you also must make sure you are in full compliance with any laws. You need to know exactly what ways cannabis is and is not permitted to be grown, harvested, processed, and distributed. You also need to know what types of business are eligible for the owner operator program. As cannabis legalization is so new, this is likely to change over time. 2. Expertise – If you are to find a business type that is allowed under the Owner Operator Program, the next step will be to prove your expertise. In a budding industry, this can be particularly difficult. The best way to do this will be things like showing you’ve been in a related industry, or you have expertise in the specific function of the business you plan to pursue. The best way to demonstrate this

is through a well-written cannabis business plan. 3. LMIA Requirements – Expertise alone is not enough, however. The recent changes dictate that an owner operator LMIA is to now be evaluated and treated as a regular LMIA. This means that an applicant must technically place a job advertisement and prove that there were no local resident or citizen able or willing to take on the owner operator role. Given the rush to start new cannabis businesses, this may be difficult. The expertise factor will help but, it may not be enough. You may also rely on the investment needed to purchase a controlling interested – the ownership part of owner operator – in a business. Combined, these factors may allow you to be successful in your case. A Cannabis Business Plan will definitely not be an easy sell for the owner operator program. That doesn’t mean it will be impossible. If you follow the guidelines above, you will be on the right track. You will also need the best professionals on your side. This includes an immigration consultant or lawyer, and an immigration business plan writer. With these factors combined, you will be well on your way to a successful owner operator case.

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