Understanding the Importance and Key Factors of the BC PNP and OINP Concept

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Understanding the Importance and Key Factors of the BC PNP and OINP Concept

Each province in Canada offers its own provincial nominee program. Two of the most popular are the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) and the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). Each province has multiple immigration streams, including an entrepreneur option. If you choose to apply via this option, you will need a strong OINP Concept or BC PNP Concept. In both cases, you must submit an initial application, also called an expression of interest, to qualify to be entered into the respective candidate pool. Candidates are then ranked against each other and the top ones are invited to apply. In order to understand the key factors of the concept, you must first understand how scoring works. Scoring The BC PNP concept is a maximum of 80 points out of an overall registration score of 200. The BC PNP concept is scored based on three main factors: commercial viability (30 points), transferability of skills (20 points), and economic benefit (30 points).

The Ontario program also has a max of 200 points but the OINP concept is only 74 of 200 points. The OINP concept score is broken down differently than the BC PNP concept. As mentioned, each province has their own unique specifications and requirements. The OINP Concept breaks down as follows: business concept (15 points), market research (15 points), economic benefit & key sector (10 points), investment allocation (10 points), business location (10 points), job creation (7 points), creation of NOC 0, A, or B jobs (7 points). Kay Factors Although there are differences between how these two provinces and others weigh and score their business concepts, there are a few common key factors in scoring that can help one application have an edge and stand out from others. Business Model & Market Research The first component of the BC PNP concept and the OINP concept includes the business model and market research. The first step in a strong entrepreneur immigration path application is a wellresearched and supported business model. Your business model concept should be able to be clearly explained in a short format. Full details will be required if you are invited to apply but, for registration, you need to be able to explain your business succinctly. This will include providing evidence that you have done your market research and determined your business model is viable. Key Sector Part of the reason to have provincial programs, is so that each province can focus on bolstering specific industries or key sectors that have the biggest positive impact in that area. Many of the key sectors overlap between the two provinces including tourism, forestry, technology and mining. However, several key sectors are different. In British Columbia, they focus on international education and value-

added manufacturing. Meanwhile, Ontario is interested in developing financial services and IT. Choosing a key sector in any province immediately makes an applicant more appealing. Location Each province also has different interests in terms of which regions to develop. The BC PNP concept score for location is scored based specifically on which region of the province an applicant is interested in. Meanwhile, OINP concept breaks it down by population, with lower population areas receiving higher scores. Job Creation It should be evident that one of the most important aspects of any province’s immigration program, is providing economic benefit. In all provinces, including British Columbia and Ontario, one of the top ways to evaluate that is job creation. Both the BC PNP concept and OINP concept want an applicant to not just create jobs but, to create specific kinds of jobs. Make sure your business concept is clear on exactly what job and how many are expected to be created. Once you have decided which province you want to immigrant to, whether that is British Columbia, Ontario, or any other province, the first step is to get familiar with their scoring. Only through understanding how applicants are scored can you strategically angle your business interest and goals to increase your chances of receiving an invitation to apply.

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