Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
Vol. 1 (n. 1-3) - 1987 Vol. 2 (n. 1-3) - 1988 MONOGRAFHIC PUBLICATION - 1989 Vol. 3 (n. 1-3) - 1989-1991 Vol. 4 (n. 1-3) - 1991-1992 MONOGRAFHIC PUBLICATION - 1992 Vol. 5 (n. 1-3) - 1993 Vol. 6 (n. 1-3) - 1994 Vol. 7 (n. 1-3) - 1995 Vol. 8 (n. 1-3) - 1996 Vol. 9 (n. 1-3) - 1997 Vol. 10 (n. 1-3) - 1998 Vol. 11 (n. 1-3) - 1999 Vol. 12 (n. 1-3) - 2000 Vol. 13 (n. 1-3) - 2001 Vol. 14 (n. 1-3) - 2002 Vol. 15 (n. 1-3) - 2003 Vol. 16 (n. 1-3) - 2004 Vol. 17 (n. 1-3) - 2005 Vol. 18 (n. 1-3) - 2006 Vol. 19 (n. 1-3) - 2007 Vol. 20 (n. 1-3) - 2008 Vol. 21 - 2009
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 1 (1) - 1987 CAPASSO, L.: A new Journal: why? p. 3 WALDRON, T.: Lytic lesions in a skull: a problem in diagnosis. p. 5 JANSSENS, P.A.: A copper plate on the upper arm in a burial at the Church in Vrasene (Belgium). p. 15 EXTEBERRIA, F., VEGAS, J.I.: Violent injury in a Bronze Age individual in the Basque country (Spain). p. 19 MARCSIK, A., BAGLYAS, B.: The frequency of enamel hypoplasia from the 8th century (Hungary). p. 25 MARTIN HERRERA, A., ARNAY DE LA ROSA, M., GONZALEZ REIMERS, C.E., JORGE HERNANDEZ, J.A., DIAZ FLORES, L.: Histological observations in a Prehispanic mummy of Gran Canaria (Spain). p. 33 JANSSENS, P.A.: Book review. p. 37
VOL. 1 (2) – 1987 CAPASSO, L.: Foreword. p. 45 ARPINO, A.: La Paleo-coprologie: application à l'étude de Bergeries neolithique. p. 47 ASCENZI, A., BELLELLI, A., BRUNORI, M., CITRO, G., IPPOLITO, R., LEANDRO, E., ZITO, R.: On a new method for recognizing thalassemia in ancient bones. p. 48 BELLIZZA, L., GILLI, B., RABINO MASSA, E., REDDAVID, M., Distances biologiques entre populations anciennes. p. 49 BENNIKE, P., BRO-RASMUSSEN, F.: Ankylosis and restricted movement of the hip in a right angle: examples from danish prehistoric skeletons. p. 50 BIRKETT, D.A., ANDERSON, S.: Two cases of infection causing total loss of the head of the femur. p. 51 CAMPILLO, D., MERCADAL, O.: New trephined skulls in Minorca. p. 52 CAPASSO, L.: Paleopathology of the Bronze Age population from Grotta dello Scoglietto (Tuscany, Italy). p. 53 DUBAR, C., PERROT., R.: Contribution à la connaisance de l'état bucco-dentaire d'une population RomanoBritannique (Colchester, GB). p. 54 DUTOUR, O., BERRATO, J., ACQUAVIVA, P.C.: Contribution of rheumatology in human paleopathology.
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index p. 55 DZIERŹYKRAY-ROGALSKI, T.: Natural mummification of babies in ancient Egypt. p. 56 DZIERŹYKRAY-ROGALSKI, T.: Paleopathology changes of the scrotum of the baby from XVI century. p. 57 FORNACIARI, G., AMADEI, A.: Anthropologie et paleodemographie d'une classe socialment elevée de la Renaissance italienne: la serie de momies de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 58 FORNACIARI, G., BROGI, G., BRUNO, J.: Phyisiognomic reconstruction of some important personages of the italian Reinassance: the series of S. Domenico Maggiore Abbey in Naples (XV century). p. 59 FORNACIARI, G., BROGI, G., MENCONI, A.: Dental pathology of a wealthy class of italian Reinassance: the mummies of the Abbey of S. Domenico Maggiore in Naples (XVI century). p. 60 FORNACIARI, G., BRUNO, J., AMADEI, A.: Pathologie rachidienne sur un enchantillon d'une classe socialement elevée de la Reinassance italienne: la serie de momies de al Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 61 FORNACIARI, G., BRUNO, J., CORCIONE, N.: Un cas de tumeur maligne primitive de la region naso-orbitaire dans une momie de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XVI siècle). p. 62 FORNACIARI, G., CASTAGNA, M., TOGNETTI, A., TORNABONI, D.: Syphilis tertiaire dans une momie du XVI siècle de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples: etude immunohistochimique et ultrastructurelle. p. 63 FORNACIARI, G., CORCIONE, N., BRUNO, J.: Blessure mortelle de pointe dans une momie de sexe masculin de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XVI siècle). p. 64 FORNACIARI, G., CORCIONE, N., CECCANTI, B.: Recherches paleonutritionelles sur un echantillon d'une classe socialement elevèe de la Renaissance italienne: la serie de momie de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 65 FORNACIARI, G., MARCHETTI, A., CASTAGNA, M., BEVILACQUA, G.: Variole dans une momie du XVI siècle de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples: etude immunohistochimique, ultrastructurelle et biologie moleculaire. p. 66 FORNACIARI, G., TOGNETTI, A., TORNABONI, D., POLLINA, L.: Etudie histologique, histochimique et ultrastructurelle des momies de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 67 FORNACIARI, G., TORNABONI, D., MARIANI, A.: Conservation du DNA dans les tissus des mommie de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 68 FORNACIARI, G., TORNABONI, D., POLLINA, L. TOGNETTI, A.: Pathologie pulmonaire et hepatique dans la series de momies de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 69
FOUNTOULAKIS, M.: Dental and osseous pathology of neolithic Rhodians. p. 70
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index FULCHERI, E., GRILLETTO, R.: Sur un probable calcul renal datè ancien Empire egyptien. p. 71 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.: Congenital anomalies of early Polish man. p. 72 GOMEZ BELLARD, F., SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, J.A.: Spondylarthrite ankylosante: un cas complet. p. 73 HENDERSON, J.D.: Medical intervention in fracture repair. A study of the Parry fracture in Britain, from the first century to the seventeenth century A.D. p. 74 HOLCK, P.: “To catch a thief”. A find from a medieval churchyard. p. 75 JANSSENS, P.A.: Between Anthropology and Paleopathology: three cases from a Nunner. p. 76 KHUDABUX, M.R.: Signs of physical strain as indicators of health status during growth in a negro slave population from Suriname (S.A). p. 77 KÜHL, I.: Two different cases of disease in prehistoric cremations. p. 78 MAAT, G.J.R., LONNEE, H.A., NOORDHUIZEN, H.J.W.: Osteology of human skeletons of the hellenistic period from Failaka Islands, Kuwait. p. 79 MARKSIE, A.: On the association of Harris lines, enamel hypolasia and porotic hyperostosis. p. 80 McGEORGE, P.J.P.: A case of radiopaque lumbar and sacral vertebrae in a late minoan skeleton from the Armenoi cemetery, Crete (p. 1425-p. 1275 B.C.). p. 81 McGEORGE, P.J.P., MAVROUDIS, E.: The incidence of osteoporosis in Bronze Age, Crete. p. 82 PERROT, R., VIGNON, D.: Contribution à l'étude de la pathologie vertèbrale de la population Romano-Britannique de Colchester (GB). p. 83 PROMINSKA, E.: The different in paleopathology of human beings and animals. p. 84 REINHARD, K., BROOKS, R.H., BROOKS, S.: Diet and environment determined from analysis of prehistoric coprolites, from an archaeological site near Zape Chico, Durango (Mexico). p. 85 RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍN, C., RODRIGUEZ MAFIOTTE, C.: Injuries of knee menisci in two guanches of Tenerife (Canary Islands). p. 86 RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍN, C., RODRIGUEZ MAFIOTTE, C.: A mummified from Tenerife (Canary Islands). p. 87 ROGERS, J, WALDRON, T.: The paleopathology of enthesopathy. p. 88
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, J.A., GOMEZ BELLARD, F.: Application de l‟analyse d‟image computerisée a l‟étude des restes osseux. p. 89 SMRCKA, V., JAMBOR, J., SALAS, M.: Trace elements in paleopathology of human nourishment. p. 90 SOULIER, D.: Remarquable pathologie rachidienne chez un vieillard medieval. p. 91 STIRLAND, A.: The case of the late sir Thomas Reynes: an exercise in medieval identification. p. 92 STLOUKAL, M., VYHNÁNEK, L.: Amputations d‟extrémités dans les ensembles datant du Moyen Age. p. 93 STROUHAL, E.: Paleopathology of the Christian population at Sayala (Egyptian Nubia, 5th-11th century A.D.). p. 94 THILLAUD, P.L., GRMEK, M.D.: Vertebral paleopathology of the victims of the 79 A.D. disaster in Herculaneum. p. 95 WALDRON, T., ROGERS, J.: The paleopathology of the sacro-iliac joint. p. 96 WALKER, P.L.: Paleopathological evidence for stress in a California Indian population. p. 98 ZAFEIRATOS, C., FOUNTOULAKIS, M.: Artificial injuries on human bones in early helladic period from island Eubea p. 99 ZAMMIT, J.: Paleopathologie et recherche médicale fondamentale: apports mutuels et interactions. p. 100 BENNIKE, P.: Film Review. p. 101
VOL. 1 (3) - 1987 GRIMM, H.: Paleopathology in the German Democratic Republic (D.D.R.). p. 107 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.: Is this a case of the Morgagni syndrome? p. 109 CAPASSO, L.: Exostoses of the auditory bony meatus in Precolumbian Peruvians. p. 113 WALDRON, T., ROGERS, J.: Iatrogenic paleopathology. p. 117 BERMÚDEZ DE CASTRO, J.M.: Dental Diseases and Harris lines in the fossil human remains from Atapuerca-Ibeas (Spain). p. 131 PERROT, R.: The Materia Medicalis in the therapy of medieval injuries. p. 147
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index CAPASSO, L.: Book review. p. 157
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 2 (1) - 1988 SCIULLI, P. W., PACHECO, P.I., WYMER, D.A.: Traumatic pathology in a late prehistoric individual from central Ohio. p. 3 ROBERTS, C.A.: A rare case of dwarfism from the Roman period. p. 9 KERR, N.W.: Childhood health of two Scottish Mediaeval populations as revealed by enamel (hypoplastic) defects. p. 23 STUART-MACADAM, F.: Rickets as an interpretative tool. p. 33 SCHNEIDER, K.N., SCIULLI, P.W.: A rare dental variant in a Prehistoric Amerindian. p. 43 GONZALEZ REIMERS, C., ARNAY DE AL ROSA, M., MARTIN, L.G., SANTOLARIA FERNANDEZ, F., CUENCA SANABRIS, J., MARTIN ERRERA, A., DIAZ FLORES, L.: Bone Histology of the Prehisponic inhabitants of Gran Canaria. p. 47 CAPASSO, L.: Book review. p. 61
VOL. 2 (2) - 1988 KERR, N.W.: A method of assessing periodontal status in archaeologically derived skeletal material. p. 67 EXTEBERRIA, F., HERRASTI, L.: A Bronze age individual from the Basque country who survived open cranial trauma. p. 79 CAPASSO, L.: A paleopathological case of osseous leontiasis. p. 85 CAMPILLLO, D.: Herniated intervertebral lumbar discs in an individual from the Roman Era, exhumated from the “Quinta de San Rafael” (Tarragogna, Spain). p. 89 JANSSENS, P.A.: Coxarthritis and gonarthritis in a nunnery at Maseik Belgian Limburg, 17th and 18th centuries. p. 95 KÜHL, I.: Three cases of ancylosed vertebrae from prehistoric cremations of Schleswing-Holstein, North Germany. p. 107
VOL. 2 (3) - 1988 JANSSENS, P.A.: Belgium in the history of the European Paleopathology. p. 115 KERR, N.W.: The periodontal status of a Scottish Mediaeval cohort. p. 119 WEISS, M.M.: Etruscan medicine. p. 129
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index DICKEL, D.N., AKER, C.G., BARTON, B.K., DORAN, G.H.: An orbital floor and ulna fracture from the early archaic of Florida. p. 165 CAPASSO, L., SCIULLI, P.: Ideopathic heteropia of the maxillary central incisors in a Precolumbian Peruvian from Cuzco. p. 171 THORNTON, F.: Extraordinary human teeth. p. 173
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index MONOGRAFHIC PUBLICATION - 1989 CAPASSO, L., CARAMIELLO, S., DI TOTA, G.: Foreword. p. 1 COCKBURN, E.: Welcome to the delegates. p. 5 ARPINO, A.: Paleocoprologie: application à l'étude de Bergerie neolithiques. p. 7 BILLARD, M., RAFFIER, P.: A case of interproximal artificial grooves on prothoistorical teeth from France. p. 11 CAMPILLO, D., MERCADAL, O.: New trephined skulls in Minorca. p. 15 CAPASSO, L.: Paleopathology of the Bronze age population from Grotta dello Scoglietto (Tuscany, Italy). p. 21 DUBAR, C., PERROT, preliminary report
R.: Dental pathology of the Romano-British population of Colchester, G.B. III AD: p. 27
DUTOUR, O., BERATO, J., ZAKANARIAN, H., ACQUAVIVA, P.C.: Contribution de la rhumatologie à la paléopathologie osseuse. p. 31 DZIERZYKRAY-ROGALSKI, T.: Chengements pathologiques du scrotum (cas datant du XVI s. découvert en Egypte). p. 37 DZIERZYKRAY-ROGALSKI, T.: La momification naturelle d‟enfants en Egypte. p. 41 FORNACIARI, G., AMADEI, A.: Anthropologie et paléodemographie d'une classe socialment élevée de la Renaissance italienne: la serie de momies de S.Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XVe-XVIe siècle). p. 47 FORNACIARI, G., BROGI, G., BRUNO, J., CINI, F.: Phyisiognomic reconstruction of some important personages of the Italian Reinassance: the series of S. Domenico Maggiore Abbey in Naples (XVI century). p. 53 FORNACIARI, G., BROGI, G., MENCONI, A., POLLINA, L.: Dental pathology of a wealthy class of Italian Reinassance: the mummies of the Abbey of S. Domenico Maggiore in Naples (XVI century). p. 57 FORNACIARI, G., BRUNO, J. AMADEI, A., TORNABONI, D. TOGNETTI, A.: Pathologie rachidienne sur un énchantillon d'une classe socialement élevée de la Reinassance italienne: la série de momies de al Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XVe-XVIe siècle). p. 59 FORNACIARI, G., BRUNO, J., CORCIONE, N., TORNABONI, D. TOGNETTI, A.: Un cas de tumeur maligne primitive de la region naso-orbitaire dans une momie de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore à Naples (XVIe siècle). p. 65 FORNACIARI, G., BRUNO, J., CORCIONE, N., TORNABONI, D. TOGNETTI, A.: Blessure mortelle de pointe dans une momie de sexe masculin de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore à Naples (XVIe siécle). p. 71
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index FORNACIARI, G., CASTAGNA, M., TOGNETTI, A., TORNABONI, D.: Syphilis tertiaire dans une momie du XVI siècle de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore à Naples: étude immunohistochimique et ultrastructurelle. p. 75 FORNACIARI, G., CECCANTI, B., CORCIONE, N., BRUNO, J. :Recherches paléonutritionelles sur un échantillon d'une classe socialement élevée de la Renaissance italienne: la série de momie de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XVXVI siècle). p. 81 FORNACIARI, G., POLLINA, L., TORNABONI, D., TOGNETTI, A.: Pulmonary and hepatic pathologique in the series of mommies of S. Domenico Maggiore atNaples (XVI century). p. 89 FORNACIARI, G., TOGNETTI, A., TORNABONI, D., POLINA, L., BRUNO, J.: Etude histologique, histochimique et ultrastructurelle des momis de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore à Naples (XV-XVI siècle). p. 93 FORNACIARI, G., TORNABONI, D., CASTAGNA, M., BEVILACQUA, G., TOGNETTI, A.: Variole dans une momie du XVI siècle de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore à Naples: étude immunohistochimique, ultrastructurelle et biologie moléculaire. p. 97 FORNACIARI, G., TORNABONI, D., MARIANI, R., TOGNETTI, A.: Conservation de l‟ADN dans les tissus des mommies de la Basilique de S. Domenico Maggiore a Naples (XVe-XVIe siècle). p. 101 FOUNTOULAKIS, M., ZAFEIRATOS, C.: The dentition of Neolithic Rhodians. p. 107 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.: Congenital anomalies of early Polish man. p. 111 GOMEZ BELLARD, F., SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, J.A.: Spondylarthrite ankylosante: un cas complet. p. 117 HERBRETEAU, Y.: Une curieus malformation: D12 asymétrique. p. 119 HOLCK, P.: “To catch a thief”. A find from a medieval churchyard. p. 121 JANSSENS, P.A.: Between Anthropology and Paleopathology. (Three cases from the nunnery of Zion, 17th and 18th cent., Maaseik, Belgium). p. 125 KHUDABUX, M.R.: Signs of physical strain as indicators of health status during growth in a negro slave population from Suriname (S.A.). p. 131 MAAT, G.J.R., LONNEE, H.A., NOORDHUIZEN, H.J.W.: Osteology of human skeletons of the Hellenistic Period from Failaka Islands, Kuwait. p. 135 MORIN, A.: Teratologie et paleopathologie. p. 143 REINHARD, K., BROOKS, R.H., BROOKS, S., LARGENT, Jr: Diet and environment determined from analysis of prehistoric coprolites, from an archaeological site near Zape Chico, Durango (Mexico). p. 151 RODRIGUEZ MARTIN, C., RODRIGUEZ MAFIOTTE, C.: A mummified from Tenerife (Canary Islands).
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index p. 157 RODRIGUEZ MARTIN, C., RODRIGUEZ MAFIOTTE, C.: Injuries of knee menisci in two guanches of Tenerife (Canary Islands). p. 163 ROGERS, J., WALDRON, T.: The paleopathology of enthesopathy. p. 169 SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, J.A., GOMEZ BELLAR, F.: Application de l‟analyse d‟image computerisée a l‟étude des restes osseux. p. 173 SCHULTZ, M.: Causes and frequency of diseases during early childhood in Bronze Age populations. p. 175 SMRCKA, V., JAMBOR, J., SALAS, M.: Trace elements in paleopathology of human diet. p. 181 SOULIER, D.: Pathologie rachidienne chez un vieillard medieval. p. 185 STLOUKAL, M., VYHNÁNEK, L.: Amputations d‟extrémités dans les ensembles datant du moyen age. p. 187 STROUHAL, E.: Paleopathology of the Christian population at Sayala (Egyptian Nubia, 5th- 11th century A.D.). p. 191 VIGNON, D., PERROT, R.: Contribution a l‟étude de la pathologie vertebrale de la population Romano-Britannique de Colchester (GB). p. 197
WALDRON, T., ROGERS, J.: Fusion of sacroliac joint: a paleopathological case control study. p. 203 WALKER, P.L., LAMBERT, P.: Skeletal evidence for stress during a period of cultural change in prehistoric California. p. 207 ZAFEIRATOS, C., FOUNTOULAKIS, M.: Artificial injuries on human bones in early Helladic period from island Euboea. p. 213 ZAMMIT, J.: Paleopathologie et recherche médicale fondamentale: apports mutuels et interactions. p. 219
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 3 (1) - 1989 RÖSING, F.W.: Ancient disease and coping strategies: future option of paleopathology? p. 5 CAMPILLO, D.: Historic news of paleopathology in Spain. p. 7 PEREZ, P.J., MARTINEZ, I.: Evidence of temporomandibular arthrosis in the middle Pleistocene human fossilis from Atapuerca/Ibeas (Spain). p. 15 SKINNER, M., BARKELEY, J., CARLSON, R.L.: Cranial asymmetry and muscular torcicollis in Prehistoric Northwest Coast Natives from British Columbia (Canada). p. 19 STEINBOCK, T.R.: Studies in ancient calcified soft tissues and organic concretions. I: a review of structures, diseases and conditions. p. 35 STEINBOCK, T.R.: Studies in ancient calcified soft tissues and organic concretions. II: urolithiasis (renal and urinary bladder stone disease). p. 39
VOL. 3 (2) - 1990 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.: Paleopathology in Poland. p. 69 WARKELY, J., DUHIG, C.: A comparative microscopical study of three European trephined skulls. p. 75 WALDRON, T.: A note on a Mummy from Theban Tombs 253, 254 and 294. p. 89 STEINBOCK, T.R.: Studies in ancient calcified soft tissues and organic concretions. III: Gallstones (Cholelithiasis). p. 95 CRUBÉZY, E.: Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis: Diagnosis and importance in Paleopathology. p. 107 GRIMM, H.: Rudolf Virchow, A Famous Pathologist: Not Interested in Paleopathology? p. 119
VOL. 3 (3) - 1991 ZEPPA, R.: San Francisco‟s Blindness. p. 133 CAMPILLO, D.: Healing of the Skull Bone after Injury. p. 137 STROUHAL, E.: A case of Primary Carcinoma from Christian Sayala (Egyptian Nubia). p. 151 BLOOM, R.A., SMITH, P.: A Healed Depressed Frontal Bone Fracture in an Early Samaritan (the Goliath Injury). p. 167
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index CAPASSO, L.: Fossil mosquitoes and the spread of infectious diseases in manâ€&#x;s ancestors. p. 171
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 4 (1) - 1991 JANSSENS, P.A.: Nils-Gustaf Gejvall, Obituary. p. 5 RODRIGUEZ MARTIN, C., CASARIEGO RAMIREZ, C.: Historical note on Canarian Paleopathology. p. 7 DRENHAUS, U., HILDMANN, H.: Mastoiditis in a skull of the Middle pre-Roman Iron Age. p. 15 LAGIER, R., BAUD, C.A., KRAMAR, C.: A case of Tibia Vara (Blount‟s Disease) from the Early Middle Ages. p. 25 JANSSENS P.A., MARCSIK A., DE MEYERE C.: Two cases of trepanation from the Post-Renaissance period (Antwerp, Belgium). p. 29 THURZO, M., LIETAVA, J., VONDRAKOVA, M.: A case of an unusually large survived neurocranial trauma with marks of partial trephination from West Slovakia (10th century A.D.). p. 37 JIMENEZ BROBEIL, S.A., ORTEGA, J.A.: Dental Pathology among Prehistoric Populations of Eastern Andalusia (Spain). p. 47 CAPASSO, L., DI MUZIO, M., DI TOTA, G., SPOLETINI, L.: A Case of probable cranial hemangioma (Iron Age, Central Italy). p. 55
VOL. 4 (2) - 1992 CAMPILLO, D.: Introduction. p. 67 ACQUARO E., GALEAZZI, O.: Comparison between Archaeological and Paleopathological Results in Several Punic Areas (Bithia, Neapolis and others). p. 68 ANGELETTI, L.R., AGRIMI, U., CURIA, C., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R.: Treatment of Skin Lesions in Classical Theurgical Medicine: a Healing Role for Sacred Serpents? p. 69 AWAZU PEREIRA DA SILVA, M., CUSSENOT, O., THILLAUD, P.: When Paleopathology has a finger on the history of a mediaeval monastery. p. 70 BENNIKE, P.: A “New” Pathological Collection of Bones for Palaeopathological Studies. p. 71 BENNIKE P., BOHR, H.: Bone Mineral Content in the Past and Present. p. 72 BORGOGNINI TARLI, S.M., CANCI, A., MINOZZI, S., REPETTO, E., SCATTARELLA, V.: Skeletal and Dental Indicators of Heath Conditions in Italian Bronze Age Sample. p. 73 BOROBIA MELENDO, E.L., MORA POSTIGO, C.: A Case of bone Treponematosis in the cranium of a Female from the Samar cave in the Philippines. p. 74
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index BORTUZZO, L.: The Vertebral Column of a VIth millenium B.P. Achondroplastic Dwarf from Ernes. p. 75 BOTELLA LÒPEZ, M.C., JIMÉNEZ BROBEIL, S.A., ORTEGA VALLET, J.A.: Trauma in the Bronze Age Populations from the Iberic Penisula (Argar Culture). p. 76 BRUINTJES, TJ. D., PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Paleopathological Diagnosis of Seronegative Spondylarthropathies. p. 77 CAMPILLO, D.: Malignant Skull Tumors in Ancient Times (Spain). p. 78 CAMPILLO, D., MAJÒ, T.: Study of Three Trepanated Skulls from the Neolythic Period Exhumed in “Sant Pau Road” in Barcellona (Spain). p. 79 CAPASSO, L., CAPELLI, A.: First Italian Case of Trepanation Dated to Roman Times. p. 80 CAPASSO, L., CAPELLI, A., FRATI, L., MARIANI COSTANTINI, R.: Paleopathological Evidence from the “IceMan” Mummy: Preliminary Report and Future Perspectives. p. 81 CATASUS, M., ROSELL, F., CAMPILLO, D.: Blood Groups in Medieval Catalonia. p. 82 CHIMENOS KÜSTNER, E., PÉREZ PERÉZ, A., LALUEZA FOX, C.: Evolution of Dental Pathology from Infectious Origin. p. 83 DI MUZIO, M., CAPASSO, L.: Spinal Lesions of Probable Brucellar Origin in Bone Material from Abruzzo (Central Italy). p. 84 DI TOTA, G., CAPASSO, L., DI MUZIO M.: A Probable Bladder Stone from an Iron Age Burial of Central Italy. p. 85 EXTEBERRIA, F., VEGAS, J.I., HERRASTI, L.: Arrow Wounds during Prehistory in the Iberian Penisula with Regards to San Juan ante Portam Latinam. p. 86 FERNÁNDEZ-MONRÁS, F., CAMPILLO D.: A Probably Essential Humerus Bone Cyst. p. 87 FULCHERI, E., BARACCHINI, P., COPPA, A., DORO GARETTO, T., VARGIU, R., RABINO MASSA, E.: Distribution, Pattern and Degree of Traumatic Lesions in the Meroitic Population of El-Geili (Sudan). p. 88 GÓMEZ BELLARD, F., PRIETO, J.L.: Estudio Paleopatologico de Varias Momias Naturales de los Siglos XVII y XVIII de la Comunidad Valenciana. p. 89 HIGGINS, V.: The Use of Non-Specific Stress in Paleopathology. p. 90 HOFMAN, P.A.M., PANHYSEN, R.G.A.M., MAAT, G.J.R., BRUINTJES, TJ.D.: The use of Computer Tomography in Age Determination. p. 91 ISIDRO-LLORENS, A., ALCALA, L.: Abnormalities in the Cervical Spine of Mammals from the Spanish Miocene. p. 92
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
JAKOBSEN, J., JØREGENSE, B.J., KJIÆR, I.: Archaeological, Embryological and Orthodontic Interdisciplinarity in Evaluating Two Palaeopathological Mandibles. p. 93 JANKAUSKAS, R.: Degenerative Changes of the Vertebral Column in Lithuanian Skeletal Samples. p. 94 JIMENEZ BROBEIL, S.A., BOTELLA LÒPEZ, M.C., ORTEGA VALLET, J.A.: Arthropaties in the Iberian Penisula During the Bronze Age (Argar Culture). p. 95 JOSSET, P., QUEMERUC, M.D., DUCOU LE POINTE, H., KISELMAN, R.: La Momie d‟Enfant du Musee de Gueret (France). p. 96 KRAMAR, C., LAGIER, R., BAUD, C.A.: A Case of Skeletal Dysplasia. p. 97 LONNÉE, A.: The Differential Diagnosis for Osteophytes along the Vertebral Column a Case Study. p. 98 MAAT, G.J.R.: Scanning Electronmicroscopy of the Decomposition Process in Ancient Human Bones from Kuwait. p. 99 MALAGOSA, A., SUBIRÁ, M.E., CASTELLANA, C.: Pathological Evidence in Iberic Cremations. p. 100 MARCSIK, A., PÁLFI, G., BACK, F.: Problems of Differential Diagnostics of Lesions on Skulls. p. 101 MARÍ, V., CAMPILLO, D.: Macrocephalia, Probably of a Hydrocephalic Aetiology, in an Individual Exhumed in the Sant Vicenç De Malla Cementery (Osona, Catalonia, Spain). p. 102 MERCADAL, O.: Artificial Injuries and Ritual Practices in Catalonia. p. 103 MERCADAL, O., CAMPILLO, D., EQUIP GUINEU: Pathological remains from the Burials at the “Guineu Cave” (Font-Rubi, Alt Penedes, Barcellona). p. 104 MERCADAL, O., CAMPILLO, D., EQUIPO DEL MUSEU DE GAVÁ: Anthropological and Paleopathological Study of a Man from the “Rocabruna Castle” (Gavà, Barcellona). p. 105 MESTRES, A., CAMPILLO, D.: Pseudopathology in Several Exhumated Skeletons from Late Roman Necropolis at “Can Trullas” (Granollers, Valles Oriental, Spain). p. 106 OMS, I.J.: Dental Paleopathology of the Neolitic Human Remains St. Pau (Barcellona). p. 107 ORTEGA VALLET, J.A., BOTELLA LÓPEZ, M., JIMÉNEZ BROBEIL, S.A.: Paleopathological Evidence from the Bronze Age Human Remains of Terrera del Reloj. p. 108 PALFI, Gy., DUTOUR, O., BORREANI, M., BERATO, J., BRUN, J.P.: Congenital Syphlis from Late Antiquity in France: “Birthday Present” for Columbus‟s Anniversary. p. 109
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index PALMIROTTA R., VITULLO, P., MAMMARELLA, S., MARIANI COSTANTINI, R., BATTISTA, P.: Ancient DNA from Central Italian Archeological Sites: Perspectives in Paleothological Research. p. 110 PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Paleopathology and History. p. 111 PÉREZ-PÉREZ, A., GIRBAU, E., LALUEZA, C., ESTIVILL, X., TURBÒN, D.: Ancient DNA Analysis: Detection of Disease and mt-DNA Varibility. p. 112 PÉREZ-PÉREZ, P.J., MARTÍNEZ MENDIZÀBAL, I.: New Evidence of Temporomandibular Arthrosis in Human Fosils from the Middle Pleistocene Site of Atapuerca/Ibeas (Burgos, Spain). p. 113 PRADA, M.E., PIQUERAS, F., PLASENCIA, E., PALLARES, A.: A Study of Case of Nanism in Iberian Human Remains. p. 114 PRIM, J., CAMPILLO, D.: Bone Leonthiasis in Individual no. 24 of the Paleochristian Necropolis at “La Olmeda”, Pedrosa de la vega (Palencia, Spain). p. 115 PUCHALT, F.J., VILLALAIN, J.D., BELINCHON, M.: Study of Precolumbian Mummy from the Paleontologic Museum of Valencia. p. 116 PUCHALT, F.J., VILLALAIN, J.D., BELINCHON, M.: Precolumbian Skeletal Remains from the Paleontologic Museum of Valencia. p. 117 PUECH, P.F.: Early Closure of the Metopic Suture in a Museum Skull. p. 118 RABINO MASSA, E., REVELLO, D., GIROTTI, M., MELLERI, R., REDDAVID, M., ALBANO, L.: Molecular Biology Techiques Applied to Paleogenetic Studies. p. 119
RAPTIS, G.: On the Preshistoriy of Paleopathology: the Contribution of Ancient Greek Thoght. p. 120 RAPTIS, G.: A new Approach to the Paleopathological Investigations of Osteoporosis: Dual Energy, X-ray Absorpotiometry-Dexa. p. 121 ROLDAN, B., CASTRO, O., PEREA, B.: Torus mandibularis in Historic Populations. p. 122 ROLDAN, B., SANCHEZ, J.A., PEREA, B.: A Human Molar of the Roman period Set in a Silver Ring. p. 123 SANCHEZ, J.A., ARROYO, E., PEREA, B.: Ancient DNA in Bones: a Paleopathological Study. p. 124 SANSILBANO-COLLILIEUX, M., BOUGAULT, D.: A Severe case of Traumatism in a Mediaeval Skeleton. p. 125 SKINNER, M.: Bone mass in Late Ice Age Infants from Europe: Evidence from Localized Enamel Hypoplasia of the Primary Canine Tooth. p. 126
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index TAMARIT, L.V., SÁNCHEZ PEREZ, J.D.: Histology of Burned Bones. p. 127 TENNEY, J.M.: Os Intermetartaseum : Fusion with the Second Metatarsal. p. 128 TRANCHO, G., CAMPILLO, D.: Tibial Periostitis in Several Individuals from the Vallisoletana Necropolis, XII-XVII Centuries, Wamba (Spain). p. 129 TREMBLY, D.L.: New pre-Contact Hawiian Material: Comparisons with the Mokapu Sample. p. 130 VILLALAIN, J.D., PUCHALT, J.F., RAMOS, M.T., SALER, A., GARCERA, S.: Medical Forensic Applications of the Study of Sexual Characteristics of 57 Medieval and p. 13 Contemporary Skulls. p. 130 VILLALAIN, D.J., SACRISTÀN DE LAMA, D.J.: The “Holmes” project: an Anthropological Approach to the Past. p. 131 VIVES, B.E.: Andrean Skulls and Some Paleopathological Problems. p. 132 WATERMANN, R.: From Skeletal Remains at Neuss, p. 13th to p. 17th Century. p. 133 WALKER, P.L., LAMBERT, P.M.: Paleopathological Evidence for Stress in a Prehistoric Northern California Indian Population. p. 134
VOL. 4 (3) - 1992 ANDERSON, T.: A medieval example of meningiomatous hyperostois. p. 141 JIMÉNEZ BROBEIL, S.A., BOTELLA LÓPEZ, M.C., RUIZ RODRÍGUEZ, L.: A contribution to medieval pathological gynaecology. p. 155 ALT, K.W., WÄCHTER, R., TÜRP, J.C.: Pulpoalveolar disease: etiology, incidence and differentiation of periapical lesions. p. 163 PÁLFI, G., MARCSIK, A., KOVÁCS, J.: Lumbosacral and hip tubercolosis in a Migration Period skeleton. p. 179 CAPASSO, L., CAPELLI, A ., FRATI, L., PIERFELICE, V.: Absence of the foramen nutricium with a probable anurismatic cyst of the right ilium in Medieval subject from South-West Italy. p. 185 DE LA RÚA, C., DRÚE, J.M.: Health conditions in a monastic comunity of the Basque Country (16th and 17th centuries). p. 193 JANSSENS, P., MARCSIK, A., DE MEYERE, C.: The influence of rickets on the anthropological measurements of the femur. p. 201 CRUWYS, E., ROBB, N.D., SMITH, B.G.N.: Anterior tooth notches: An Anglo-Saxon case study. p. 211
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index SCHOENTAL, R.: The rise and fall of the Etruscans: the role of metallurgy, mycotoxin and porphyria. p. 221
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index MONOGRAFHIC PUBLICATION – 1992 CAPASSO, L., GOODMAN, A.: Introduction. p. 11 BERTI, P.R., MAHANEY, M.C.: Quantification of the confidence interval of linear enamel hypoplasia chronologies. p. 19 SCIULLI, P.W.: Estimating age of occurrence of enamel defects in deciduous teeth. p. 31 SKINNER, M.: Gestation length and location of the neonatal line in human enamel. p. 41 DANFORTH, M.E., GILIBERTI, J.A.: Patterns of inter-and intraobserver error in the microscopic scoring of linear enamel hypolplasia. p. 51 CONDON, K., ROSE, J.C.: Intertooth and intratooth variability in the occurrence of developmental enamel defects. p. 61 MARKS, M.K.: Developmental dental enamel defects. A SEM analysis. p. 79 CAPASSO, L., DI TOTA, G. : Foramen caecum molare as a developmental defect of the enamel. p. 91 ECKHARDT, R.B., PROTSCH, A., PROTSCH von ZIETEN, R.R.:Vertical enamel hypoplasias in a free-living population of Liberian chimpanzees: Variations in expression and frequency of incidence. p. 107 GOODMAN, A.H., MARTIN, D.L., KLEIN, C.P., PEELE, M.S., CRUSE, N.A., McEWEN, L.R., SAEED, A., ROBINSON, B.M.: Cluster bands, Wilson bands and pit patches: Histological and enamel surface indicators of stress in the Black Mesa Anasazi population. p. 115 MACK, M.E., COPPA, A.: Frequency and chronological distriburtion of enamel hypoplasias from the Ra‟s al-Hamra 5 (RH5) skeletal collection, Oman. p. 131 MITTLER, D.M., VAN DER GERVEN, D.P., SHERIDAN, S.G., BECK, R.: The epidemiology of enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia and subadult mortality in an ancient Nubian population. p. 143 LARSEN, C.S., HUTCHINSON, D.L.: Dental evidence for physiological disruption : Biocultural interpretations from the eastern Spanish Borderlands, U.S.A. p. 151 STOREY, R.: Patterns of susceptibility to dental enamel defects in the deciduous dentition of a Precolumbian skeletal population. p. 171 WHITTINGTON, S.L.: Enamel hypoplasia in the low status Maya population of prehispanic Copan, Honduras. p. 185 UBERLAKER, D.H.: Enamel hypoplasia in ancient Ecuador. p. 207 MARCSIK, A., KOCSIS, G.S.: Occurrence of enamel hypoplasia in prehistoric and historicskeletal samples (Hungary). p. 219
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index YAMAMOTO, M.: Secular trends of enamel hypoplasia in Japanese from the prehistoric to modern period. p. 231 KĂœHL, I.: Six cases of enamel hypoplasia in prehistoric cremations of Schleswig-Holstein, North-Germany. p. 239 HALL, R.K., BOWMAN, J.E.: Examination of the teeth of twelve children buried in the crypt of the church of St. Bride, Fleet Street, London, England, p. 1787-p. 1840. p. 255 SUGA, S.: Hypoplasia and hypomineralization of tooth enamel. p. 269 ECKHARDT, R.B.: Tooth crown development: Nonhuman primate perspectives on the interpretation of linear enamel hypoplasia frequencies in the present and past hominid populations. p. 293 DURAY, S.M.: Enamel defects and caries etiology: An historical prospective. p. 307 SEOW, W.K.: Dental enamel defects in low birthweight children. p. 321 KING, N.M., TSANG, M.C.K.: The presence of tetracycline in the dentine and enamel of extracted human teeth. p. 331 KING, N.M., WEI, S.H.Y.: A review of the prevalence of developmental enamel defects in permanent teeth. p. 341 LUKACS, J.R., JOSKI, M.R.: Enamel hyoplasia prevalence in three ethnic groups of Northwest India: A test of daughter neglect and a framework for the past. p.359 GOODMAN, A.H., PELTO, G.H., ALLEN, L.H., CHAVEZ, A.: Socioeconomic and anthropometric correlates of linear enamel hypoplasia in children from Solis, Mexico. p.373 HILLIER, R.J., CRAIG, G.T.: Human dental enamel in the determination of health patterns in children. p.381 SUCKLING, G.W., COOTE, G.E., CUTREE, T.W.: Proton microprobe determination of profiles of fluoride levels in the enamel and dentine of human teeth. p. 391
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 5 (1) - 1993 ROTHSCHILD, B.M., WOODS, R.J.: Possible Implications of Paleopathology for Early Archaic Migrations: Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease. p. 5 PÁLFI, G., DUTOUR, O., BERATO, J.: Traumas and Activites: A Case report about a polytraumatism from the Late Antiquity in France. p. 17 JANSENS, P.A., MARCSIK, A., DE MEYERE, C., DE ROY, G.: Qualitative and quantitative aspects of scurvy in ancient bones. p. 25 WAKELY, J.: Bilateral congenital dislocation of the hip, Spina Bifida occulta and spondylolysis in a female skeleton from the medieval cemetery at Abingdon, England. p. 37 CRUWS, E., DUHIG, C.: A possible case of dental erosion in a skull from the French Congo (Peolple‟s Republic of the Congo). p. 47 WEISS, M.M.: Telesforos: Neglected son of Asklepios. p. 53 CAPASSO, L.: Book Review. p. 61
VOL. 5 (2) - 1993 COPPENS, Y.: Preface. p. 69 COCKBURN, E.: Foreword. p. 70 DUTOUR, O., PÁLFI, Gy.: Introduction. p. 71 HAMILTON FAIRLEY, D.: Inaugural speech in honour of Cecil J. Hackett. p. 72 ANDRE L., J.: Le Mal de Naples était-il le SIDA? (Was the “Mal de Naples” the AIDS?) p. 74 ARMELAGOS, G.J.: New World Origin of Treponemal infection. p. 75 BENNIKE, P.: Evidence of treponema infections in Danish skeletons (Preuve d‟infections à Tréponémes sur des squelettes danois). p. 76 BERATO, J., DUTOUR, O., PALFI, Gy.: “Cristobal”, foetes de l‟Antiquité tardive et ses lésions pathologiques – site de Costebelle, Hyéres, Var- (Cristobal, foetus from the late antiquity and its pathological lesions-site of Costebelle, Hyéres, Var , France). p. 77 BLONDIAUX, J., DAUCHY, P., SOUFFLET, L.: Etude de deux syphilis antérieure à 1543 a.d. découvertes à Cambrai (Nord): macroscopie, microscopie et “paléosérologie”. (Two cases of syphilitic skeletons discovered in Cambrai (Nord) and dating before 1543 a.d.: macroscopic and palaeserological studies) p. 78
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
BOETSCH, G., DUTOUR, O.: La syphilis, une position-clé entre Eros et Thanatos. Pour une antropologie des representations du corps malade. (The syphilis, a key-position between Eros and Thanatos. Anthropological approach of disease body representations). p. 79 BORREANI, S.T., BRUN, J.P.: La tombe n°1 de Costebelle (Hyères, Var, France) et son contexte archélogique. (The burial n°1 of Costbelle (Hyères, Var France) and its archaeological context). p. 80 BROOKS, S.T., BROOKS, R.H., PERIZONIUS, W.RK. : Possible syphilitic lesions: problem cases from Holland and New Guinea. (Probableas lésions syphilitiques: problèmes da cas de Hollande et de Nouvelle-Guinée). p. 81 CANCI, A., BORGOGNINI TARLI, S.M.: Haematogenous osteomyelitis: problems in differential diagnosis on skeletal material. (Oséomyélite hématogene: problèmes dans le diagnostic différentiel sur le squelette). p. 82 CAPASSO, L.: Morfology of the macroscopic changes of syphilis in dry human bones. (Morphology des modifications macroscopiques de la syphilis sur os humains secs). p. 83 COCKBURN, E.: Forty years on: are Aidan Cockburn‟s theories still valid? (Quarante ans après: LES THEORIES D‟Adain Cockburn sontelles toujours valides?). p. 84 CRUBEZY, E.: Syphilis periostitis and Paget‟s disease like aspects of the tibia. An often difficult differential diagnosis in paleopathology. (Periostite syphilitique et aspects pagétoides du tibia. Un diagnostic souvent difficle en paléopathologie). p. 85 DAGORN, J., CLAIRET, D., EISINGER, J.: Aspects radiologiques de la syphilis acquise. (The radiology of skeletal disordes in acquired syphlis: present aspect). p. 86 DEVANT, O.: La syphilis maligne: aspect actuel malignant syphilis: present aspect. p. 87 DUTOUR, H.: Les contacts entre les marins de Columb et les femmes d‟Hispaniola au cours du premier voyage (p. 1492). Analyse des récits. (Relations between Columbu‟s sailors and the women of Hispaniola during the first journey. Study of the historical documents). p. 88 DUTOUR, O., PANUEL M., PALFI Gy. , BERTAO J : Differential diagnosis of the lesions observed on the foetus « Cristobal ». (Diagnostic différentiel des lésions observées sur le foetus Cristobal). p. 89 FORNACIARI, G., CASTAGNA, M., VIACAVA, P., BEVILACQUA, G.: Nouvelles observations sur un cas de tréponématose (syphilis tertiaire?) dans une momie italenne du XVIe siècle. (New observations on treponematosic case on an italian mummy of the XVIth century). p. 90 FORNACIARI, G., NACCARATO, G., FABBRI, P., BUSONI, F., PAGLIARA, C., MALLEGNI, F.: Un cas de tréponématose diffuse du squelette (siphilis?) chez un individu du bas Moyen-Age (XIVe-XVIe siècle) de la Pouille (Italie méridionale). (A case of diffuse skeletal treponematosis from the medieval period (XIVth-XVIth century) Southern Italy). p. 91 FROMENT, A.: Epidémiologie des tréponématoses endémiques africanes de savanes et de forêt. (Epidemiology of african endemic treponematosis in savanna and forest). p. 92
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.: Syphilis in ancient Poland. (La syphilis dans la Pologne ancienne). p. 93 HENNEBERG, M., HENNEBERG, R.J.: Treponematosis in an ancient greek colony of Metaponto, Southern Italy, 580-250 BCE. (Tréponématoses dans une anceinne colonie grecque de Metaponto- Itale méridionale). p. 94 HERSHKOWITS, I.: Natural varation and and differential diagnosis of skeletal changes in bejel and yaws. (Variation naturelle et diagnostic differéntiel des modifications du squelette dans le bejel et le pian). p. 95 JANKAUSKAS, R.: Syphilis in the Eastern Europe: historical and paleopathological evidences. (La syphlis en Europe orientale: donées historiques et paléopathologiques). p. 96 LAGIER, R., BAUD, C.A., KRAMAR, C.: Bases anatomiques du diagnostic de syphilis ostéoarticular syphilis en paleopathologie. (Anatomical bases of diagnisis of osteoarticular syphilis in palepathology). p. 97 LARROUY, G.: Contre l‟origine américaine de la syphilis. Sérologie des tréponématoses dans l‟Ancient et le Nouveau Monde. Conclusions de vingt ans d‟enquétes. (Against the american‟s origine of syphilis. Seroloy of the Treponematosis in Ancient and New World. Conclusions of twenty years enquiries). p. 98 MAFART, B.Y., DE LUMLEY, M. A., CANTALOUBE, P., MARTIN, J.P., JOFFRE, P., GAGNERE, S., SPITERY, E.: Nouvelle étude du crâne romain d‟Arles: syphilis frontale et naso-palatine? (A new study of the roman skull from Arles: frontal and naso-palatine syphilis). p. 99 MANCHESTER, K.: Rhinomaxillary lesions in syphilis: differential diagnosis. (Diagnostic différentiel des lesions rhinomaxillaire dans la syphilis). p. 101 MANSILLA, J., PIJOAN, C.M.: Treponematosis in Mexico (Les tréponématoses au Mexique). p. 102 MARCSIK, A.: Data on the epidemiology of the syphilis and other specific infections disease in ancient populations in Central Europe. (Données su l‟epidémologie de la syphilis et des autres infections spécifiques dans les anciennes populations d‟Europe Centrale). p. 103 MARMOTTANT, A.: Histoire du traitement de la syphilis. (Hostory of syphilis therapy). p. 104 MOLTO, J.E.: A Treponematosis “Endemic” to the Precontact Population of the Cape Region of Baja California, Sur. (Tréponématose endémique dans une population précolombienne de la région de Baja California). p. 106 MORA POSTIGO, C., BOROBJA MELENDO, L.: (Madrid, Espagne): Tréponématoses chez les îles Philippines. A propos de certains du Musée National d‟Anthropologie. (Treponematosis in the Philippines. About some skulls from the National Museum of Anthropology). p. 107 POWELL, M.L.: Why call it syphilis? Treponematosis before 1492 in the Southeastern United States of America. (Pourquoi l‟appeler syphilis? Tréponématoses antérieures à 1492 dans le Sud-Est des Etats-Unis d‟Amérique). p. 108 PALFI, Gy., DUTOR, O., BERATO, J.: Paleopathological study of Gallo-Roman series from Costebelle. (Étude paléopathologique de la série gallo-romaine de Costebelle). p. 109
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index PANUEL, M.: Radiographic manifestations of congenital syphilis. (Manifestations radiologiques de la syphilis congénitale). p. 110 ROBERTS, C.: Pre-Columbian syphilis in England in a well preserved female skeleton from Gloucester. (Syphlis précolombienne en Angleterre-Gloucester-chez un squelette féminin en bon état de conservation). p. 111 ROTHSCHILD, B.M., ROTHSCHILD, C.: Treponemal disease distinguished: syphilis, yaws and bejel on the basis of differences in their respectives osseous impact. (Distinction des maladies tréponémiques-syphilis, pian et bejel-à partir des diffèrence leurs atteintes oseuse respectives). p. 112 SANDFORD, M.K., BOGDAN, G., WEAVER, D.S.: Possible treponematoses from the Pre-Columbiam Caribbean and Coastal North Carolina. (Possibles tréponématoses précolombiennes aux Caraibes et en Caroline du Nord). p. 113 SCHULTZ, M.: Comparative Histopathology of syphilitic lesions in prehistoric and historic human bones. (Histopathologie comparative des lésions syphilitiques sur les ossements humains préhistoriques et historiques). p. 114 SKINNER, M.: Osseous treponematosis of the americas: evidence from the Pacific Northwest. (tréponématose osseuse aux Amériques: donées du Nord-Ouest Pacifique). p. 115 SOURNIA, J.C.: Les notions d‟épidémie et de contagion dans les comportements sociaux. (Notion of epidemy and contagion in social behaviour). p. 116 STIRLAND, A.: Evidence for pre-columbian syphilis in medieval Europe (Preuve de l‟existence de la syphilis précolombienne en Europe médiévale). p. 117 STROUHAL, E.: Syphilis in ancient Egypt (La syphilis dans l‟Egypte ancienne). p. 118 SWIADER, L., DISDIER, P., BOLLA, G., HARLE‟, J.R., WEILLER, P.J.: Syphilis osseus: à propos d‟un cas récent (Osseous syphilis: about a recent case). p. 119 YBERT, J.P.: Le livre de Fracastor: Syphilis ou le mal vénérien: poème ou oeuvre scientifique? (Fracastor‟s book: syphilis or the venereal disease, poem or scientific work?). p. 120 ZINK, A., PARSCHE, F., NERLICH, A., WIEST, I.: A case of syphilis in the Munich collection of Peruvian Skeletons. p. 121
VOL. 5 (3) - 1993 PHILLIPS III, K.M.: Memorial to Albert Sabin. p. 134 IRISH, J.D., PEREIRE DA SILVA, M.A., CUSSENOT, O.: Hard tissue regeneration of Gunshot Wound in a historic North African skull: a paleopathological perspective. p. 135 ORTNER D.J., BUSH, H.: Destructive lesion of the spine in a 17th Oxfordshire.
century child‟s skeleton from Abingdon, p. 143
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index HAUSER, G., GUIDOTTI, A., VIENNA, A.: Bilateral parietal thinness: an effect of aging? p. 153 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J., PREJZNER, W.: A case of probable Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy from the Polish Medieval cementery of Czarna Wielka, district of Grodzisk. p. 159 ANDERSON, T.: An unusual dentition from medieval Canterbury, Great Britain. p. 167 CAPASSO, L.: A preliminary report on the tatoos of the Val Senales mummy (Tyrol, Neolitihic). p. 173
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 6 (1) - 1995 RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, C.: The epidemic of Modorra (1494-1495) among the Guanches of Tenerife. p. 5 BEWTRA, C., REINHARDT, K., SALO, W., AUFDERHEIDE, A.C.: Presence of acid-fast organism in Archaeological tissues. p. 15 DURING, M.E., ZIMMERMANN, M.R., KRICUN, M.E., RYDBERG, J.: Helmsan‟s Elbow: an occupational disease of the p. 17th century. p. 19 ANDERSON, T.: An Anglo-Saxon case of Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna from Sarre, Kent. p. 29 ROTHSCHILD, B.M., ROTHSCHILD, C.: Reliability of ossuary sites for analysis paleopathologic epidemiology. p. 35 ETXBERRIA, F.: Vertebral epiphysitis: early sign of brucellar disease . p. 41
VOL. 6 (2) - 1995 ANDERSON, T., CARTER, A.R.: A possible example of Scheuermann's Disease from Iron Age, DeaI, Kent . p. 57 URUNUELA, G., ALVAREZ, R.: A Report of Klippel-FeiI Syndrome in Prehispanic Remains from Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. p. 63 BECKER, M.J.: Etruscan Gold Dental Appliances: origins and functions as indicated by an example from Valsiarosa, Italy. p. 69 MALLEGNI, E., RAGGHIANTI, U., USAI, L.: Traumatic events, of which one was perhaps lethal, in a skeleton of an individual of Etruscan culture of the 8th century B.C. from the Civita of Tarquinia. p. 93 PARSCHE, E., NERLICH, A., ZJNK, A., WIEST, I.: Collagen Immunohistology in Paleopathology. Evidence for active bone remodelling in a Peruvian tibia. p. 103 SCHOENTAL, R.: Reflections on Herodotus and his “History", Teratology, and Myths. p. 109
VOL. 6 (3) - 1995 TOBIAS, P.V.: The Pathology of the Kanam Mandible. p. 125 BROTHWELL, D.R.: Ancient Trephining: Multi-focal evolution or Trans-World Diffusion? p. 129 ROTHSCHILD, B.M., ROTHSCHILD, C., ROPP, S.L., ESPOSITO, J.J., MANZANO, B., COWIN, V.: Attempt to Detect Smallpox Virus in Excavated Bones of Monangahela Indians? p. 141 ANDERSON, T., CARTER, A.R.: An Archeological Example of Medieval Trauma. p. 145
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
RICCI, R., LAMA, R., DI TOTA, G., PIETRANGELO, F., VECCHIO, F.M., EVANGELISTA, A., METONI, C., CAPELLI, A., CAPASSO, L.: Skull Osteolytic Lesions in a XV Century Child: a Case of Childhood Malignancy. p. 151 GARCIA SANCHEZ, M., JIMENEZ BROBEIL, S.A., ORTEGA VALLET, J.A.: Trepanned Skull from the "Cueva de los Marmoles" (Priego de Cordoba, Spain) displaying evidence of ritual defeeshing. p. 161 CAPASSO, L.: Books Reviews. p. 169
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 7 (1) - 1995 RICCI, R., LAMA, R., DI TOTA, G., CAPELLI, A., CAPASSO, L.: Some Considerations about the Incidence of Neoplasms in the Human History. p. 5 SOREN, D., FENTON, T., BIRKBY, W.: The Late Roman Infant Cemetery Near Lugnano in Teverina, Italy: Some Implications. p. 13 BALABANOVA, S., SCHNEIDER, H., TESCHLER-NICOLA, M., SCHERER, G.: Detection of Nicotine in Ancient European Populations. p. 43 WAKELY, J., YOUNG, I.: A Medieval wrist injury Fracture of the hook of the Hamate Bone. p. 51 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J.: Morbus Pyle (Dysplasia Metaphysealis la Cemeteries in Poland.
Congenita) from Medieval p. 57
VOL. 7 (2) - 1995 MAAT., G.J.R.: Preface. p. 69 LUYENDIJK-ELSHOUT, A.M.: Opening Address: The magic of the skull. p. 70 ANDERSON, T.: Documentary and artistic evidence for congenital conditions from sixteenth century England. p. 71 ARCINI, C.: Osteoarthritis in Large Joints: Widely Differential Prevalence Rates with Different sets of Diagnostic Criteria. p. 72 BAESTEN, S., BITTER, P., BRUINTJES, TJ.: Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Tibiofemoral Joint in the 18th Century. p. 73 BAESTEN, S., BITTER, P., BRUINTJES, TJ.: Hip Dislocation and Evidence of Treatment in an 18th Century Female from Alkmaar, the Netherlands. p. 74 BAGGIERI, G., GRMECK, M.D., CAPASSO, L.: On The Paleopathology Depicted in Collection of Roman Votive Terracottas. p. 75 BARBER, G.: Arachnoid Granulations and Age in an American Popolation. p. 76 BENNIKE, P., SCHUTKOWSKY, H.: The Reliability of Photonabsorptiometry Scanning of Excavated Bones. p. 77 BLACK S., SCHEUER L.: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Osteological Research. p. 78 BLONDIAUX, J., COTTEN, A., FONTAINE, C., HÄNNI, C., BÈRA, A., FLIPO, R.M.: Two roman and Medieval Cases of Symmetrical Erosive Polyarthritis from Normandy: Anatomo-Pathologic Radiologic Features and Molecular Evidence for Rheumatoid Arthritis. p. 79
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index BOYLSTON, A., ROBERTS, C.: Comparison of Different Types of Burial in Roman and medieval Lincoln, England. p. 80 BRICKELEY, M.B.: A Novel Approach to Detecting Osteoporosis in Archaeological Bone. p. 81 BRUINTJES, TJ. D., PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M., VAN MAURIK , W.A.M.: An Unusual Stapes from Medieval Maastricht. p. 82 BUJATTI-NARBESHUBER, M., HOOGEWERFF, J.A.: Iridium, Rare-Earth Elements and The Koefels-CometImpact-Series Scenario (Kiss) of mass Extinction and neolithic Paleopathology: Impacts as Triggers in Double Niche Transition (DNT) Theory of Hominid Selection, XXXIII. p. 83 BUZHILOVA, A.P., KOZLOVSKAYA, M.V., OVCHINNIKOV, I.V.: Cremated Bones from a Scythian Mound: paleopathological Findings. p. 84 CAMPILLO, D., CARVAJAL, A.: The possibility of Studying Craniostenosis and Related Pathologies by Vestibular Craniometry, Using Computerized Tomography (CT). p. 85 CAPASSO, L.: Osteoma: Paleopathology and Phylogeny. p. 86 CARDENAS-ARROYO, F.: Hallucinogenically induced Phosphene Decorations: Archaeological and Ethnographic Correlates in Aboriginal Colombia. p. 87 CARLI-THIELE, P.: Scurvy: Investigations on the Human Skeleton Using Macroscopic, Radiological and Microscopic Methods. p. 88 CASTRO, M., MORENO, R., ASPILLAGA, E.: Genetic Epidemiology and the Evolution of Disease: The Chilean Case. p. 89 COENEN, V., BRUINTJES, TJ. D., PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Maxillary Sinusitis in Medieval Maastricht, the Netherlands. p. 90 COLLIEUX, M., BORTUZZO, L.: A Case of Platyspondyly from the Middle Age. p. 91 CUIJPERS, S.A.G.F.M., SMITS, E., MAAT, G.J.R.: Dry Bone Histotechnique. p. 92 CUNHA, E., SILVA, A.M.: War Lesions from the Famous Portuguese Medieval Battle of Aljubarrota. p. 93 Dâ€&#x;ALESSANDRO, A., DI DOMENICANTONIO, L., RAGGHIANTI, U., CONSOLI, V., CAPASSO, L.: The Ossification of the Thyroid Cartilage: Paleopathological Interest. p. 94 DE JONG, L., CONSTANDES-WESTERMANN, T.S.: Degeneration of the Joint Surface in a Sample of 21 Individuals of Known Age, Sex and Profession. p. 95 DI TOTA, G., DI DOMENICANTONIO, L., CAPASSO, L: Parasites in Amber: A new Perspecitve in Paleopathology. p. 96
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index DURING, E.M.: Some Observations with Respect to the Skeletal injuries from the ongoing: Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains from the Swedish p. 17th century Man-War Kronan (The Crown). p. 97 DUTOUR, O., PÁLFI, GY., PANUEL, M., GELY, B.: Paleopathological Study of upper Palaeolithic remains from Southeastern France. p. 98 FAERMAN, M., FILON, D., SMITH, P., OPPENHEIM, A.: Ancient DNA Analysis Provides Direct Evidence for betaThalassemia in DNA Recovered from Skeletal Remains with Severe Porotic Hyperostosis. p. 99 FILER, M.J.: In the Eye of the Beholder…(the Use and Abuse of Egyptian Art in Diagnosis Pathological Conditions). p. 100 FINNEGAN, M., MARCSIK, A., PAUDITZ, R.: Traumatic Injuries in Oosteoarchaeological Samples. p. 101 FORNACIARI, G., PELLEGRINI, S., BEVILACQUA, G., MARCHETTI A.: K-Ras Mutation in the Tumor of Ferrante I if Aragon, King of Naples (p. 143 p. 1-p. 1494 AD). p. 102 GABALLAH, M.F., BADAWY, Z.H., WALKER, R., GUILLÈN, S.: A Case of Osteosarcoma Ancient Egyptian Skull. p. 103 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J.: Periostitis: Cause, Form and Frequency. p. 104 HOFMAN, P.A.M., PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Fractures in Ancient bone. p. 105 JANKAUSKAS, R., SCHULTZ, M.: Meningeal reactions in a late medieval-Early Modern Child Population from Alytus, Lithuania. p. 106 KOZLOVSKAJA, M.V.: Enamel Hypoplasia in the Neolithic Paleopopulation SAHKTYSH-IIA. p. 107 KREUTZ, K., TEICHAMANN, G., SCHULTZ, M.: Paleoepidemiology of Inflammatory Processes of the Skull: A Comparative Study of two Early Medieval Infant Populations from Southern Germany. p. 108 LEWIS, M.E., ROBERTS, C.A.: Growing Pains: Interpreting Stress Indicators. p. 109 LOE, L., ROGERS, J., WATT, I.: An Atypical Arthropathy. p. 110 LÖWEN, H.: A Neurosurgical Intervention from the Neolithic Period. p. 111 MAAT, G.J.R., MASTWIJK, R.W., VAN DER VELDE, E.A.: On the Reliability of Non-Metrical Morphological Sex determination of the Skull Compared with that of the pelvis in the Low Countries. p. 112 MANCINELLI, D., COPPA, A., LUCCI, M., CAPASSO, L.: On the causes of Infant Death: Indications from Human Skeletal Remains. p. 113 MARIANI COSTANTINI, R., CARAMIELLO, S., VERGINELLI, F., CAPASSO, L.: Taphonomic Studies of fossil hominid material from the Acheulean Site of Castel Di Guido near Rome. p. 114
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
MAYS, S.: A Perspective on British Archaeological Research on Human Remains. p. 115 MENDNIKOVA, M.B.: A Chariot-Driver of the Bronze Age from Southern Siberia: A case of Injury. p. 116 NEMECKOVÁ, A., STROUHAL, E., VYHNÁNEK, L.: The Histological picture of an Osteosarcoma from the early medieval Ages in England. p. 117 NERLIC, A., WIEST, I., TÜBEL, J.: Coronary Arteriosclerosis in an Egyptian Male Mummy. p. 118 NERLICH, A., ZINK, A.: Evidence for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis in an infant of Late Roman Cementery. p. 119 PÀLFI, Gy., MOLNÀR, E., SZEKELY, M., DUTOUR, O.: A Well-Preserved Paleopathological case of Treponematosis from hungary. p. 120 PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M., BRUINTJES, TJ.D.: Traces of Multatuli: Agony or Diagenesis? p. 121 PIETRANGELO, F., DI DOMENICANTONIO, L., FORNACIARI, G., CAPASSO, L.: A Case of Cranial Trephination from Pontecagnano (South Italy, 5th Century BC). p. 122 PIRSIG, W., SOKIRANSKI, R., NEHRLICH, A., PARSCHE, F.: An Unusual fracture of the Epistropheus in a PreColumbian Skull of Peru. p. 123 RABINO MASSA, E., MEAGLIA, D.: Techiniques and Methods for Hair Analysis in Paleopathology. p. 124 RICCI, R., CATALANO, P., MANCINELLI, D., VARGIU, R., CUCINA, A., CAPELLI, A., CAPASSO, L.: Pattern of Anaemia and Quality of Life in a 2nd Century ad Suburban area near Rome. p. 125 RINALDI, I., CALCINAI, A., TORINO, M., FORNACIARI, G.: Aortic Coarctation in an Etruscan of the 6th Century BC. p. 126 RINALDI, I, MORGANTI, M., MALLEGNI, F., DOMENICI, R., FORNACIARI, G.: Mortal Cranial Injury by an Iron Arrow Point in a Medieval Man from Northern Italy (p. 11th-12th Century AD). p. 127 RODRIGUEZ-MARTIN, C.: Spinal degenerative pathology in the Guanche Population of Tenerife (Canary Islands). p. 128 ROGERS, J.: Paget‟s Disease in an Archaeological Population. p. 129 ROTHSCHILD, C., ROTHSCHILD, B.M.: Patterns of Periosteal Reaction in England from Roman Through Elizabethan Epochs. p. 130 RÜHLI, F., BÖNI, T., RÜTTIMANN, B.: Case Report of Non-Invasive medical Examinations (CT, Endoscopy) in a 2300 Year Old Eyptian Mummy. p. 131
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index SANTOS, A.L., UMBELINO, C.: A Medieval Cementery in Evora (Portugal): Traumatic lesions and Occupational Stress Markers. p. 132 SCHAMALL, D., TESCHLER-NICOLA, M., SCHNELLER, S., HÜBSCH, P., PLENK, JR. H.: Differential Diagnosis Provided by SE/BSE – Mode in Sem: A Case of Lytic Metastases of a Carcinoma. p. 133 SCHAMALL, S., SCHAMALL, D., PROSSINGER, H., TESHLER-NICOLA, M.: Comparing microscopic, radiological and SE/BSE methods in the analyses of an extensive postraumatic ossification p. 134 SCHNELLER, S., SCHAMALL, D., SCHULTZ, M., PROSSINGER, H., TESCHLER-NICOLA, M.: A Rare Location of an Unilateral Paramedian Encephalocele of the Frontal Bone. p. 135 STIRLAND, A.J.: Care in the Medieval Community. p. 136 STROUHAL, E., NEMECKOVÀ, A., VYHNÀNEK, L.: Examination of Malignant Tumors from English Collections (A Progress Reports). p. 137 TALMON, J.L., PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Asas: Archaeological Skeleton Archiving System. p. 138 TEEGEN, W. R., SCHULTZ, M.: Harris‟ Lines and Transverse Linear Enamel Hypoplasia in the 10 th Century ad Population from Starigard/Oldenburg (Germany). p. 139 TESCHLER-NICOLA, M., GEROLD, F., LINDENBAUER, K., SPANNAGI, M., SCHAMALL, D., SCNELLER, S.: Violent Deaths in an Early Neolithic Popolation (7000Y BP): Traumatology, Post Changes and Human Behavior. p. 140 TESCHLER-NICOLA, M., KNEISSEL, M., SCHAMALL, D., WILTSCHKE-SCHROTTA, K.: A Rare case of osteomalacia in a Skeleton from a Late Antique Burial Site in Linz, Austria. p. 141 TORINO, M., BROGI, G., FORNACIARI, G.: Orthopantomography and teleradiography in the Mummies of the Abbey of S. Domenico Maggiore in Naples (16th Century). p. 142 TREMBLY, D.L.: From Whence Came Tubercolosis to Hawai‟i? p. 143 TYRRELL, A.: Quantifying Immigration During the British Early medieval Period from Skeletal Biology. p. 144 VERGINELLI, F., PALMIROTTA, R., CARAMIELLO, S., BATTISTA, P.,CAMA, A., CAPASSO, L., MARIANICOSTANTINI, R.: Molecular Determination of Sex in Ancient Human Bones: Analysis of Medieval Burials from Abruzzo. p. 145 WALDRON, T.: Cortical defects on the Neck of the Femur. p. 146 WALKER, P.L., YABLONSKI, L.L.T.: Paleopathological Data on the Health of Central Asian Pastoralists. p. 147 WALKER, R., BADAWY, Z.H., GUILLÈN, S., GABALLAH, M.F.: The Rediscovery of Material from the 1935 Farina-Marro Turin Excavation at Gebelein, Egypt: A Preliminary Report. p. 148
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
WIESMAN, F.J., PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Computer Assisted Diagnosis in Paleopathology. p. 149 WIGGINS, R.: Skeletal Stress Indicators and Long Bone Lenght for Age in the Subadult Population from St. Peter‟s Church, Barton on Humber: An Ongoing study. p. 150 ZIAS, J., MITCHELL, P.D.: Psoriatic Arthritis in a Fifth Century Judean Desert Monastery. p. 151 ZIEMANN-BECKER, B., PIRSIG, W., BOUKERCHA, S., TESCHLER-NICOLA, M.: Pathological and Diagenetic Changes of Archaeological Bone: Analyses of the Superficial Bone Layer of ear Ossicles using the Electron Microscope. p. 152 ZINK, A.: Evidence of Inflammatory Lesions in the Early Medieval Infant Population from Altenerding (Germany). p. 153
VOL. 7 (3) - 1995 LOVELAND, C.J., WILLIAMS, J.A., GREGG, J.B.: Hip Disease in proto-Historic Midwestern United States. p. 165 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J., KRENZ, M.: Extensive Changes within a Subadult Skeleton from a Medieval Cemetery of Slaboszewo, Mogilno District, Poland. p. 177 ROBLEDO, B., TRANCHO, G.J., BROTHWELL, D.: Cribra Orbitalia: Health Indicator in the Late Roman Population of Cannington (Sommerset, Great Britain). p. 185 SKINNER, M.F., DUPRAS, T.L., MOYÀ-SOLÀ, S.: Periodicity of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia among Miocene Dryopithecus from Spain. p. 195 ANDERSON, T.: An Anomalous Medieval Parietal Bone. p. 223 ANDERSON, T.: Two Traumatic Cases from Medieval Canterbury. p. 227
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 8 (1) - 1996 STROUHAL, E., VYHNÁNEK, L., HORÁČKOVÁ, L., BENEŃOVÁ, L., NĔMEČKOVÁ, A.: Malignant tumors affecting the people from the ossuary at Křtiny (Czech Republic). p. 5 DUHIG, C., STROUHAL, E., NĚMEČKOVÀ, A.: Case of a secondary carcinoma of Anglo-Saxon period from Edix Hill, Barrington, Cambridgeshire, England. p. 25 MAYS, S., STROUHAL, E., VYHNÁNEK, L., NĚMEČKOVRÁ, A.: A case of metastatic carcinoma of Medieval date from Wharram Percy, England. p. 33 BALABANOVA, S., RÖSING, F.W., TESCHLER-NICOLA, M., STROUHAL, E., BÜHLER, O., MICHAEL, C., ROSENTHAL, J.: Was Nicotine used as stimulant already in the VI century A.D. from the Christian Sayala Population? p. 43 GÓMEZ, J. L.: A study of a Molar Tooth found in the Coronoid Process. p. 51 ANDERSON, T.: Cleft neural arch and spinous process aplasia in the lower thoracic spine of a medieval skeleton. p. 57
VOL. 8 (2) - 1996 OGILVIE, M.D., IRISH, J.D.: Craniofacial asymmetry in a prehistoric native american from the South-Western United States. p. 69 MALINOWSKI, A., KAPICA, Z., LUCZAK, B., ANTOSZEWSKI, B.: characteristic of the skull with the gnathoschisis and palotoschisis.
Antrhopological and morphological p. 79
SCATTARELLA, V., SUBLIMI SAPONETTI, S., CUSCIANNA, N., GATTULLI, A.: A case of skull trephination from late imperial Rome. p. 85 CAMPO, M., ETXEBERRIA, F., GONZÁLEZ, A., GARCÍA, C.: Differential diagnosis of tumors and pseudocystic lesions of the calcaneus: a particular case. p. 89 TAMARIT, L.V.: Metaplastic bone originating from trichinous myositis ossificans in an osseous remain from the XVI century: a histologic and histochemical study. p. 95 ANDERSON, T.: Recovery and identification of rarely encountered bone elements and abnormal calcifications. p. 111 BROTHWELL, D.: Introduction to the section PROBLEMATICA. p. 119 BROTWELL, D.: PROBLEMATICA I. Possible Evidence of Soft Tissue Neoplasm from All Saints Church, York. p. 121 EXTEBERRIA, F.: PROBLEMATICA Il. What is your diagnosis? p. 125
Vol. 8 (3) - 1996
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index DIEGUEZ, C., ISIDRO, A., MALAGOSA, A.: An introduction to zoo-paleopathology and an update on fossil phytopaleopathology from Spain. p. 133 ISIDRO, A., MALGOSA, A., BELINCHÓN, M., VELA, S., DIEGUEZ, C., CASTELLANA, C., FENÀNDEZ, S.: Zoo-paleopathology from Spain. A discussion of some cases. p. 143 CAPASSO, L., BACCHIA, F., RABOTTINI, N., ROTHSHILD, B.M., MARIANI COSTANTINI, R.: Possible intraspecific aggressive behavior of devonian giant fishes (Arthrodira, Dinichthydae). p. 153 CAPASSO, L., DI TOTA, G.: An anomalous mandibular structure in Adapis parisiensis Blainville (Mammalia, Lemuroidea), form the upper ludian phosphorites of quercy (late Eocene, France). p. 161 MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R.M., OTTINI, L., CAPASSO, L.: On a pathological fossil bovid phalanx from the late Middle Pleistocene Aurelia formation near Rome. p. 169 ISIDRO, A., MALGOSA, A., BALAGUÉ, S.: Tumor of the sinus frontalis in a specimen of Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla from the XIXth Century. p. 177 CAPASSO, L., CARAMIELLO, S.: A Healed injury in a Cambrian Trilobite. p. 181 BROTHWELL, D.: PROBLEMATICA III: Is this ancient Nubian Foot a Possible Early Example of Mycotic Infection? p. 185
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index Vol. 9 (1) - 1997 ALVRUS, A.: Trauma to the teeth and jaws: three nubian examples. p. 5 BALABANOVA, S., RÖSING, F.W., BÜHLER, G., TESCHLER-NICOLA, M., STROUHAL, E., ROSENTHAL, J.: Evidence of cocaine in ancient pre-columbian populations from Christian Sayala (Egyptian Nubia). p. 15 CAMPILLO, D., CARVAJAL, A., PRIM, J.: Acoustic neuromas in paleopathology. p. 23 CHAPMAN, S.J.: The findings of a possible reference collection in the grounds of a Victorian General Hospital, Nottingham, U.K. p. 37 GLADYLOWSKA-RZECZYCHA, J.J.: Osteosarcoma and osteochondroma from polish medieval cemeteries. p. 47 ANDERSON, T.: An archaeological example of mandibular trauma. p. 55 BROTHWELL, D.: Journal of Paleopathology section PROBLEMATICA. p. 59 GONZÀLEZ MARTIN, A., ROBLES RODRIGUEZ, F.J., GARCIA MARTIN, M.C., CAMPO MARTIN, M.: PROBLEMATICA IV: What is this? A new trait found on infant skulls? p. 61
VOL. 9 (2) - 1997 ANDERSON, T.: A probable osteoma of mandible from Northeamptonshire, Great Britain. p. 69 MAYS, S., NERLICH, A.G.: A possible case of Langerhans‟cell histiocytosis in a medieval child from an english cementery. p. 73 NERLICH, A.G., WIEST, I., TÜBEL, J.: Coronary arteriosclerosis in a male mummy from ancient Egypt. p. 83 RODRÍGUEZ-MARTÍN, C.: Forensic anthropological study of cranial fractures in the Guanche population of the Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). p. 91 AUFDERHEIDE, A.C., RAGSDALE, B., BUIKUSTRA, J., EKBERG, F., VINH, T.N.: Structure of the radiological “sunburts” pattern as revealed in an ancient ostearcoma. p. 101 SPIGELMAN, M., BENTLEY, P.: Cancer in ancient Egypt. p. 107
VOL 9 (3) - 1997 CAPASSO, L., CARAMIELLO, S., LA VERGHETTA, M., DI DOMENICANTONIO, L., D‟ANASTASIO, R.: Lice and related skull lesions in a female subject from Herculaneum (79 AD, South Italy). p. 125
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index ORTNER, D.J., RIBAS, C.,: Bone Change in a Human skull from the Early Bronze site of Babedh-DhrĂ , Jordan, Probably resulting from scalping. p. 137 ANDERSON, T.: A medieval case of bilateral humerus varus. p. 143 CAPASSO, L., BANNIKOV, A.: Vertebral anomaly in Anenchelum angustum (Teleostei, Trichiuridae) from the lower oligocene of the North Caucasus, Russia. p. 147 CAPASSO, L., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R., CALVIERI, S., FRATI, L.: The health of the Tyrolean Ice Man: evidence from Nail, skin and hair. p. 153 KLONOWSKI, E.: Paleopathology of the Skeljasta ir skeletal remains Iceland. p. 159
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 10 (1) - 1998 GLADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J., SMISZKEIWWICZ-SKWARSKA, A.: Probable poliomyelitis from XVIIXVIII Century cemetery in Poland. p. 5 LITTLETON, J.: A middle eastern paradox: rickets in skeletons from Baharain. p. 13 ANDERSON, T.: Two cases of hypoplastic hamulus from Iron Age and Roman Northeamptonshire. p. 31 SCATTARELLA, V., SUBLIMI SAPONETTI, S., LARASPATA, L., paleopathology caused by a cutting blow. .
VOLPE, G.: Cranial p. 37
BROTWHELL, D.: A possibile neolithic case of histiocytosis X? p. 43
VOL. 10 (2) - 1998 MAROTTA, I., FORNACIARI, G., ROLLO, F.: Hepatitis e virus (hev) RNA sequences in the DNA of Maria of Aragon (p. 1503-p. 1568): paleopathological evidence or anthropological marker? p. 53 ANDERSON, T.: An overlooked anatomical variant: the clavicular rhomboid fossa. p. 59 BAXARIAS, J., GARCÍA, A., GONZÁLEZ, J., PÉREZ PÉREZ, A., TUDÓ, B.G., GARCÍA-BOUR, C., CAMPILLO, D., TURBÓN, E.D.: A rare case of tuberculous gonarthropathy from the Middle Ages in Spain: in ancient DNA confirmation study. p. 63 CAMPILLO, D.: Primary benign skull tumours in paleopathology. p. 73
VOL. 10 (3) - 1998 STROUHAL, E.: Survey and Analysis of Malignant Tumours of Past Populations in England and Scotland. p. 101 SMRČKA, V., MARÍK, I., DOČKALOVÁ, M., SVENSONOVÁ, M.: Congenital Deficiency of the Tibia at Medieval Monastic Cemetery in Olomouc (Czech Republic). p. 111 SUBLIMI, S., SAPONETTI, V., SCATTARELLA, V., VOLPE, G.: Cranial Trepanation in an Individual of Hellenistic Age (III century bc) from the necropolis of Contrada Santo Stefano (Gravina, Bari, Italy). p. 121 LÖWEN, H.: A Ewing‟s sarcoma from an Early medieval Hillside in Westphalia. p. 127 JÓZSA, L.G., PAP, I.: Immunohistochemical Analylis of Mummy Skin. p. 133
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 11 (1) - 1999 MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R., DI TOTA, G., CATALANO, P., OTTINI, L. ANGELETTI, L.R.: Cranial trepanation in graeco-roman medicine. p. 5 HEGYI, A., MARCSIK, A., ÉRY, K.: Congenital bilateral clubfoot in an osteoarcheological sample. Case history. p. 13 MILES, A.E.W.: Coraco-humeral impingement in an early 19th century londoner. p. 21 MAYS, S., TURNER-WALKER, G.: A medieval case of paget‟s disease of bone with complications. p. 29 SCHILLACI, M.A.: A case of coccidioidomycosis from the prehistoric southwestern United States. p. 41 GINESTÁ, J.A., BAXERIAS, J., SUBIRÁ, M.E., CAMPILLO, D.: Orbital pathology with ophthalmologic repercussions in osteopaleopathology. p. 53 VOL. 11 (2) – 1999 CAPASSO, L.: Preface. p. 5 COCKBURN, E.: Foreword. p. 6 AHLSTRÖM, T.: Osteoarthritis in the middle neolithic population from Västerbjers, Gotland, Sweden. p. 7 ALEXEEVA, T.I.: Bioarchaeological analysis of sex differences in mortality profiles and stress levels in the late medieval population from Mistehaly, Bosnia and Herzegovina. p. 8 ARCINI, C.: Atherosclerosis, a sign that people became old-aged in the middle ages? p. 9 ARDAGNA, Y.: Method for re-evaluating the prevalence of spinal disease in human paleopathology. p. 10 BACHMEIER, B., ZINK, A., ROHRBACH, H., SZEIMIES, U., NERLICH, A.G.: Metastatic tumor infiltration in an ancient egyptian vertebra. p. 11 BAGGIERI, G.: Interception and pathophysiology of accessory articular facettes in a dwarf belonging to X-XII century. p. 12 BAGGIERI, G., MALLEGNI, F., USAI, L., MAZZOLENI, A., DI GIACOMO, M., BARTOLI, F.: The mummies of Arezzo. p. 13 BANDRES, A., ETXEBERRIA, F.: Maxilary lesions in one old specimen of Ursus Artarctos L. p. 14 BARNES, E.: Tumors and rheumatoid arthitis from medieval corinth, Greece. p. 15
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index BARACCO, D., CIRANNI, R., CARAMELLA, D., FORNACIARI, G.: A case mastopathy in a 16th century italian mummy. p. 16 BAXARIAS, J., GINESTÀ, J.A., SUBIRÀ, E., CAMPILLO, D.: Evidence of surgical knife marks on a lateroman skeleton. A Facial neoplasia exeresis attempt. p. 17 BAZARSAD, N.: Degenerative disease changes from prehistoric chandam burials from western Mongolia. p. 18 BEDINI, E., BERTOLDI, F., FAGGIONI, P.R., MALLEGNI, F., PAGNI, G., BARICCO PEJRANI, L., SUBBRIZIO, M., USAI, L., FORNACIARI, G.: Cranial trauma in the individuals from the cementery of piazza San Giovanni (Torino): medieval example. p. 19 BELCASTRO, M.G., BONFIGLIOLI, B.: Extra-masticatory wear patterns in the horsemen of Vicenne-Campochiaro (Molise, Italy) medieval necropolis. p. 20 BENUŃ, R., MASNICOVÁ, S.: Prevalence of cranial lesions from the ossuary in ST. Jakub Chapel (Bratislava, Slovakia). p. 21 BERTOLDI, F., BEDINI, E., FAGGIONI, P.R., MALLEGNI, F., PAGNI, G., PEJARANI BARICCO, L., SUBBRIZIO, M., FORNACIARI, G., USAI, L.: Cranial trauma in the individuals from the cementery of piazza San Giovanni (Torino): a multiple burial dated to reinassance. p. 22 BLONDIAUX, J.: The aging of fracture healeng in paleopathology with light microscopic osservation. p. 23 BONDIOLI, L., MACCHIARELLI, R.: Infant health status in imperial roman urban population. Evidence from Portus Romae. p. 24 BORGOGNINI TARLI, S.M., CANCI, A., FLORIS, G., MARINI, E., MULLIRI, G., USAI, E., VACCA, L.: Bilateral brachymelia in a skeleton from a Nuragic Sardinian site. p. 25 BOURBON, C.: Pathological conditions in the lower extremities of two skeletons from early-byzantine Greece. p. 26 BRASILI, P., VENTRELLA, A., BONFIGLIOLI, B.: A case of deformation of the vertebral column in an adult female of the 19th century ad. p. 27 BRASILI, P., VENTRELLA, A., BONFIGLIOLI, B.: Congenital malformation of the vertebral column: “Butterfly” vertebra. p. 28 BRICKLEY, M., MILLARD, A.: A study using nitrogen isotopes and historical sources for detecting weaning. p. 29 BRUINTJES, Tj. D.: Traumatic injuries in skeletons from the antwerp Cathedral, Belgium. p. 30 BUIKSTRA, E. J., PRICE, D., BURTON, J., WRIGHT, L.: The founders of the copan dynasty: a life history approach. p. 31 BUZHILOVA A., KOZLOSKAYA, M.: Hyperostosis frontals interna in sckythians of middle Don Region, Russia. p. 32
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BUZHILOVA, A., VNUKOV, S., ANTIPINA, E.: The battle injuries in context funeral burial of medieval nomad. p. 33 CAMPILLO, D., SUBIRÁ, M., VILA, S.: Two medieval paleopathological cases. p. 34 CANCI, A., BORGOGNINI TARLI, S.M., MINOZZI, S.: Tubercolosis spondylitis during the bronze age: two case from Italy. p. 35 CAPASSO, L.: The pathocenonsis of Herculaneum (79 AD). p. 36 CARDOSO, F., CUNHA, E.: Pathological evidences within the Portuguese Mesolithic context. The muge shell middens. p. 37 CIRANNI, R., MARRADI, I., GIUSIANI, M., FORNACIARI, G.: Toxicology in a noble class of the italian reinaissance. p. 38 CORSI, M., ZAMPETTI, P.: Gaucher disease (p. 1854-p. 1928): perspectives on the most prevalent jewish genetic disease. p. 39 CUCINA, A., COPPA, A., VIARGIU, R., MANCINELLI, D.: Bio-cultural evidence of stress impact in ancient Italy from the analysis of linear enamel hypoplasia. p. 40 CUCINA, A., OTTINI, L., VARGIU, R., VERGINELLI, F., COPPA, A., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R.: A case of pulmonary calcification from imperial Rome. p. 41 CUNHA, E., UMBELLINO, C., MARQUES, A.C., MARTIN-DUPONT, S., SILVA, A.M.: Spondyloarthopathies in modern portuguese archaeological samples: prevalence and interpretation. p. 42 D‟ANASTASIO, R., CARAMIELLO, S., CAPASSO, L.: Paleopathology of the mummy of Santa Rosa from Viterbo (central Italy, XIII century ad). p. 43 D‟ANASTASIO, R., MICHETTI, E., DI FABRIZIO, A., MARTUCCI, R., RABOTTINI, N., PROPERZIO, R., CAPASSO, L.: Duplications of the lumbar spinal column in an adult medieval individual from Liguria (North Italy). p. 44 DIAS, G.J.: The distribution of bone lesions in treponemal disease: is the lymphatic system responsable?. p. 45 DI DOMENICANTONIO, L., CAPASSO, L.: The paleobiology of a pre-roman central Italian Population (Opi, Val Fondillo, VI-V Century BC). p. 46 DOMETT, K.M.: A new model for the interpretation of subadult healt in prehistory. p. 47 DURING, E.: The Swedish Royal Princess Anna Vasa – her life and skeletal remains. p. 48 ETXBERRIA, F., BANDRES, A., HERRASTI, L.: Differential diagnosis of a perforating injury in the frontal bone. p. 49
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FERRARI, L., MICALIZIO, S.: A case of cerebral cysticercosis in an anatomical collection of the last century. p. 50 FERRARI, L., MICALIZIO, S.: Adaptation of the argentic impregnation technique according to Gomori for the study of ancient material. p. 51 FORNACIARI, G., BERTOLDI, F., FAGGIONI, P.R., MALLEGNI, F., PAGNI, G., PEJRANI BARICCO, L., SUBBRIZIO, M., USAI L., BEDINI, E.: Cranial trauma in the individuals from the cementery of piazza San Giovanni (Torino): cranial trauma and surgical operation in a reinassance individual. p. 52 FORNACIARI, G., CIRANNI, R.: The leprosy of Henry VII (1211-1242), son of the Emperor Frederic II and King of Germany: incarceration or isolation? p. 53 GINESTÁ, J.A., SUBIRÁ, M.E., ALESAN, A., BAXARIAS, J., CAMPILLO, D.: A case of generalized periostitis in an medeival infant (S.XII a.C.) from Olèrdola (Barcellona, Spain). p. 54 GIUSTI, L., CIRANNI, R., BARACCO, D., FORNACIARI, G.: Condyloma Acuminatum in 16th century mummy. p. 55 GROOT, M.: Animal paleopathology in a roman period burial site and two settlements in the netherlands. p. 56 HAGEDORN, H., ZINK, A., SZEMIES, U., NERLICH, A.G.: Macroscopic and endoscopic examination of the head and neck region of ancient Egyptian mummies. p. 57 HANTSCH, N., KREUTZ, K.: A case of severe changes of the shoulder in a middle age population (Zülpich, Germany). p. 58 ISIDRO, A., ETXEBERRIA, F.: Holocene‟s ursus arctos tarsal coalition from Navarra (N. Spain). p. 59 JANKAUSKAS, R.: Epidemiology of Lithuanian iron age populations. p. 60 KARALI-YANNAKOPOULOU, L., TSALIKI, A.: Paleopathological remarks on skeletons from prehistoric Cyprus. p. 61 KJELLSTRÖM, A.: A medieval mass grave in Sigtuna, Sweden- an interpretation of multiple finds of trauma from several skeletons. p. 62 KOZLOVSKAYA, M.: Cranial injuries and decapitation of the ancient Eskimo society. p. 63 KOZLOVSKAJA, M.: Nutritional traditions and the health status of the ancient hunter-gatherers of the central Russia. p. 64 LA VERGHETTA, M., CAPASSO, L.: Paleopathology of fibroleiomi: direct and indirect sources. p. 65 LEOCATA, L., VENTURA, L., MICHELINI, O., VENTURA, T., PASQUA, M., FORNACIARI, G.: Paleopathologic study of four nineteenth-century mummies from Goriano Valli (L‟Aquila, Italy). p. 66
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index LLÁCER-BORRÁS, F., FORNER-CANÓS, A.B., VILLALAÍN, J.D.: Platimeria-platicnemia: a populational study. (Century “Antiguo Calvario”, Morella, Els Ports, Valencia, Spain). p. 67 LOPES, C., CUNHA, E., RAPOSO, J., DUARTE, A.L.: Occupational stress markers in a medieval farm from Corroios, Portugal. p. 68 MAAT, G.J.L., MASTWIJK, R.W.: Avulsion injuries of vertebral endplateas. p. 69 MACCHIARELLI, R., PERRY, G.H., WEAVER, D.S., BONDIOLI, L.: “Ulpius Amerimnus” at work. A successful case of surgical leg amputation in imperial Rome. p. 70 MACZEL, M., ARDAGNA, Y., AYCARD, P., BERATO, J., ZINK, A., NERLICH, A.G., PANUEL, M., DUTOUR, O., PALFI, Gy.: Traces of skeletal infections in a french medieval osteoarchaeological sample (La Celle, Var, France). p. 71 MAIO, V., CIRANNI, R., CARAMELLA, D., NERI, E., FORNACIARI, G.: The Livorno mummy: paleopathlogy and embalming of an early 19th century man. p. 73 MALLEGNI, F., LIPPI, B., MENCONI, A., BARTOLI, F.: Evidence of syphilis in renassance infant‟s teeth. p. 74 MARCSIK, A., BAZRSAD, N., HEGYI, A., KOCSIS, G.S.: Pathological cases from the middle ages in Huyngary. p. 75 MARIOTTI, V., BELCASTRO, M.G.: Subluxation of right coxo-femoral joint in a roman skeleton (T.115) from Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna, II-III A.D.). p. 76 MARQUES, A.C., CUNHA, E., SILVA, A.M.: A neoplastic lesion in a muslim individual. p. 77 MARTINEZ, M. J., BAIXERIAS, J., ISIDRE, A., VILA, S., CAMPILLO, D.: A case of talus calcaneus arthrosis secondary to a valgus foot in an late Roman secondary individual. p. 78 MEDNIKOVA, M.: Geographical and long-term distribution of prehistoric trepanations in Russia. p. 79 MEDNIKOVA, M., LEBEDINSKAYA, G.: A bronze age battle in European Russia: paleopathological evidences. p. 80 MEKOTA, A.M., ZINK, A., ESTERHAZY, M.G., NERLICH, A.G.: Determination of rehydration and staining conditions for the histological and immunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues. p. 81
MENDOÇA DE SOUZA, S.: Anemia, infections and adapatability in Brazilian shellmounds. p. 82 MENDOÇA DE SOUZA, S., CAMPANATI, V.: Lapa vermelha IV human remains (“Luzia”): paleopathology. p. 83 MIQUEL-FEUCHT, M., POLO-CERDÁ, M., VILLALAÍN-BLANCO, J.D.: Cribra orbitalia vs. cribra femora: new contributions to the cribose syndrome. p. 84
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index MITCHELL, P.D., STERN, E.: Parastic intestinal helminth ova from the latrines of the 13th century crusader hospital of St. John in Acre, Israel. p. 85 NERLICH, A.G., ZINK, A.: Detection of tuberculosis in an ancient egyptian population and the estimation of its frequency. p. 86 NERLICH, A.G., ZINK, A., SZEIMIES, U., ROHRBACH, H., BACHMEIER, B., HAGEDORN, H.: Paleopathological evidence for surgical treatment in ancient Egypt. p. 87 OKUMURA, M.M.M., EGGERS, S.: Paleopathology as one of the tools to unravel the way of lifen of a Brazilian shellmound population. p. 88 ORTNER, D.J.: Metabolic disease in archaeological human skeletons. p. 89 OTTINI, L., MANCINI, G., MINOZZI, S., PANTANO, W.B., BUCCELLATO, A., MUSCO, S., GAZZANIGA, V., ANGELETTI, L.R., CATALANO, P., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R.: A probable case of pituitary dwarfism from imperial Rome. p. 90 OTTINI L., RICCI, R., BEDINI, A., MUSCO, S., NENCIONI, L., SANTANDREA, E., EGIDI R., ANGELETTI, L.R., MARIANI COSTANTINI, R., CATALANO, P.: Paleopathological indicators of life conditions in classical roman necropolises. p. 92 PALOMBO, M.R., CELLETTI, P.: Dental anomalies in middle pleistocene Elephas (Paleoloxodon) Antiquus Falconer & Cautley, 1847 from Italy. p. 93 PANHUYSEN, R.G.A.M.: Child mortality in early medieval Maastricht: missing children?. p. 94 POLO-CERDA, M., MIQUEL-FEUCHT, M., VILLALAÍN-BLANCO, J.D.: Experimental Cribra Orbitalia in wistar rats: an etiopathogenic model of porotic hyperostosis and other porotic phenomens. p. 95 PRATT, J.G., MENDOÇA DE SOUZA, S., COIMBRA, JR C.: Tuberculosis in the prehistoric populations of America: updating literature review. p. 96 PRIETO, J.L., SÁNCHEZ, J.A., DEL RIO, P.A.: Ankylosis of elbow in a medieval skeleton from the necropolis of Parayas (Cantabria, Spain). p. 97 ROBERTS, C.A., CAFFELL, A.C., WILSON, A.S., JANAWAY, R.C.: Use and abuse of skeletal collections for teaching and research: the need for damage limitation. p. 98 RODRÍGUEZ, J.V., ETXEBERRIA, F., BANDRES, A.: Injury caused by a lodged projectile coming from Sabanalarga (Atlántico, Colombia). p. 99 RODRÍGUEZ-MARTIN, C., GARCÍA, M., CHINEA, C.D.: Skeletal analysis of the human remains found in a crypt of the XVIIIth century in La Laguna (Tenerife). p. 100
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index ROHRBACH, H., BETZ, A., NERLICH, A.G., ZINK, A.: Computer-based analysis of the paleopathological findings in the human remains from the necropolis if Thebes-Weast. p. 101 ROLLO, F., MAROTA, I., LUCIANI, S., UBALDI, M.: Bacterial DNA analysis in ancient human remains. p. 102 ROTHSCHILD, B.M., ROTHSCHILD, C.: Spondyloarthropathy as a trans-mammalian phenomenon, reproducible in its manifestations across species lines. p. 103 SÁNCHEZ, J.A., DEL RIO, P.A. PRIETO, J.L.: Paleopathology in a collective burial dated from p. 1834 in Alcalà La Real (Spain). p. 104 SANTOS, A.L.: The five cases of osteomyelitis from the coimbra collection: skeletal and medical evidences. p. 105 SCARPINELLI, R., CAPASSO, L.: Partite and emarginated patellae in victims of the 79 A.D. Vesuvian eruption. p. 106 SCATTARELLA, V., SUBLIMI SAPONETTI, S., LARASPATA, L., SELVAGGI, A.: Pathological profile of a peucetian hoplite of the V century bC: the warrior of grave p. 10/II of Padreterno (Gravina-Bari, Italy). p. 107 SCHULTZ, M., SCHMIDT-SCHULTZ, T.H.: A contribution to health and disease in the pre-columbian north american southwest: the children from the Grasshopper Pueblo. p. 108 STROUHAL, E.: Malignant tumours of past populations in middle Europe. p. 109 SUZUKI, T., MATSUSHIMA, T., HAN, K.: On the possible cases of treponematosis in the bronze age from Qinghai Province, China. p. 110 TAMARIT, L.V., ETXEBERRÍA, F.: Histopathologic study of bone remains from Pre-Hispanic Colombia. p. 111 TAYLES, N., NELSEN, K., DOMETT, K.: Taphonomy and pathology, including leprosy, in iron age southeast Asia. p. 112 TEEGEN, W.R., WUSSOW, J.: Maltreatment of animals in the late 19th and early 20th Centuyr AD? Evidence from the Julius –Kühn-collection, University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). p. 113 TEMPESTINI, R., CIRANNI, R., GIUSTI, L., BARRACO, D., ROMUALDI, A., FORNACIARI, G.: Metastatic cancer in a IVth century BC Etruscan from Populonia (Tuscany). p. 114 THOMAS, R.: The medieval managment of fallow deer: a pathological line of enquire. p. 115 TSALIKI, A.: Vampires beyond legend: a bioarchaeological approch. p. 116 VALLETTA, A., CAPASSO, L., SCARSINI, B.: A hydrocephalus from necropis of Pontecagnano (IX-III sec. B.C.). p. 118 VENTURA, L., FORNACIARI, G., LEOCATA, P., COLIMBERTI, P., ALONZI, C., VENTURA, T.: Multinodular goiter and pulmonary tuberculosis in a nineteenth-century Italian. p. 119
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VERANO, J.W.: Human sacrifice and possible cannibalism at the pyramid of the moon, Moche Valley, Peru: the skeletal evidence. p. 121 VERGINELLI, F., PALMIROTTA, R., CONTENTO, S., DESTRO-BISOL, G., BATTISTA, P., RAPINESI, I., OTTINI, L., CATALANO, P., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R.: Paleogenetic investigations on the Roman mummy from Grottarossa. p. 122 VERGINELLI, F., PALMIROTTA, R., DESTRO-BISOL, G., CAMA, A., BATTISTA, P., OTTINI, L., REA, R., SANTANDREA, E., NANNI, A., ANGELETTI, L.R., CATALANO, P., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R.: Mitochondrial DNA analysis on skeletal reamains from a wealthy roman family of the late empire. p. 123 WALKER, P.L., STECKEL, R.H.: A western hemisphere perspective on the etiology of criba orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis. p. 125 ZINK, A., HAAS, C.J., MOLNÁR, E., SZEIMIES, U., REISCHL, U., MARCSIK, A., ARDAGNA, Y., DUTOUR, O., PÁLFI, Gy., NERLICH, A.G.: Identification of mycobacterium tuberculosis in different stages of tuberculosis in ancient bone samples from Hungary. p. 126
VOL. 11 (3) - 1999 HORÁCKOVÁ, L., VARGOVÁ, L.: Bone remains from a common grave pit from the battle of Austerlitz (anthropology and paleopathology). p. 5 MIQUEL-FEUCHT, M.J., POLO-CERDÁ, M., VILLALAÍN-BLANCO, J.D.: Anthropological and paleopathological studies of a mass execution during the war of independence in Valencia, Spain (1808-1812). p. 15 ETXEBERRIA, F.: Surgery in the Spanish war of independence (1807-1813), between desault and lister. p. 25 ROLLO, F.: A war wound in a skeleton from the battlefield of Tolentino (2-3 may 1815). p. 41
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 12 (1) - 2000 KOSLOWSKI, T., PIONTEK, J.: A case of atrophy of bones of the right lower of skeleton from a medieval (12th –14th centuries) burial ground in Gruczno, Poland. p. 5 EL-NAJJAR, M.: New evidence for human treponematosis in pre-Columbian North America. p. 17 MAYS, S.: Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyerostosis (dish) in skeletons from two medieval english cemetery. p. 25 BAZARSAD, N., BROTHWELL, D.: A problematic case of iliac pathology in a prehistoric skeleton from western Mongolia. p. 37 WEISS, M.M.: Aesculapius in Rome: a monument in need of preservation. p. 41 BAZARSAD, N., BROTHWELL, D.: Problematica VI – A prehistoric endocranial lesion on the frontal bone: a question of congenital versus neoplastic aetiology. p. 47 Vol. 12 (2) – 2001 LIKOVSKÝ, J., STROUHAL, E.: Paleopathological analysis of the painting Christ Among The Doctors by Hieronymus Bosch-Copy from Opočno (Czech Republic). p. 5 LINOLI, O.: Causa mortis in a fifteenth century infant mummy in St. Francis‟s Basilica in Arezzo (Italy). p. 13 LUNARDINI, A., CARAMELLA D., MALLEGNI F., FORNACIARI, G.: Frontal fracture with therapeutic trepanation in an early medieval skull Northern Italy. p. 21 SCAPINELLI, R., CAPASSO, L.: Partite and emarginated patellae in victims of tue 79 a.d. Vesuvian Eruption. p. 27 WEBER, J., CZARNETZKI, A.: Head injuries resulting from sword wouds from the 6th to the 8th centuries ad in central Europe – A systematic study. p. 37 Vol. 12 (3) – 2001 CAPASSO, L.: Rice and evolution of human diseases. p. 5 CASE, D.T.: Frequency and form of the supracodylar process among ancient nubians. p. 17 KORNAFEL, D., KWIATKOWSKA, B., POSPIESZNY, N., TRNKA, J., GARCAREK, J.: A Medieval Skull with a neoplastic lesion found in Wrocław, Poland. p. 29 MILES, A.E.W.: A bilateral benign-tumour-like lesion of the acromioclavicular joints in an early p. 19th Century Londoner. p. 37
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index CZARNETZKI, A., SCHOLZ, M., PUSCH, C.M.: Identification of sarcomas in two burials of the 9 th century in Western Germany. p. 47 RÚHLI, F.J., BÓNI, T.: Radiological and Physico-Chemical Analyses of an unusual post mortem artefact in an Egyptian mummy. p. 63
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index Vol. 13 (1) – 2002 BRASILI, P., BONFIGLIOLI, B., VENTRELLA, A.R.: A case of deformation of the vertebral column in an adult female of the 20th century AD. p. 5 LYNNERUP, N., MIKKELSEN, H., POULSEN, K., FRØHLICH, B., HJALGRIM, H., HEINEMEIER, J.: A firearmes fatality from 14th century Denmark. p. 11 MILES, A.E.W.: Examples of lateral clavicular epiphysis, in two human skeletal populations, that need to be distinguished from moerbid disorders. p. 17 MURPHY, E.M., DAVIS-KIMBAL, J.: Iron age weapon trauma from the chowhougou cemetery complex, Western China. p. 27 WEBER, J., CZARNETZKI, A.: Neurotraumatological aspects of depressed skull fracture antiquity with special reference to skulls from central Europe in the early medieval period. p. 35 SASSI, A.: Books reviews. p. 41 Vol. 13 (2) – 2002 BAZARSAD, N.: Degenerative changes in chandman burials of western Mongolia. p. 53 LINOLI, O.: The cause of death in a fifteenth century mummy in St. Francis‟s basilica in Arezzo. p. 57 TÓTH, G.A., BUDA, A.G.: Funnel chest (pectus excavatum) in 10th- 16th century fossil material. p. 63 ZINK, A., NERLICH, A.G.: A case of langerhans cell histiocytosis in an infant of a late roman cemetery. p. 67 GLADYKOWSKA, J.J. – RZECZYCHA PARAFINIUK, M.: Atypical cranial vault and cervical vertebrae lesion caused by insects. p. 75 Vol. 13 (3) – 2002 ANDERSON, T., FELL, C.: Computerised tomographic investigation of medieval frontal osteoma. p. 5 BELCASTRO, M.G., FACCHINI, F., NERI, R., MARIOTTI, V.: Skeletal markers of activity in the early middle ages necropolis of Vicenne-Campochiaro (Molise, Italy) . p. 9 LEWIN, P.K. : Was the Capestrano warrior a eunuch. p. 21 OTTINI, L., DI TOTA, G., MARIANI-COSTANTINI, R., ANGELETTI, L.R., LA VERGHETTA, M., CAPASSO, L., DI FABRIZIO, A., D‟ANASTASIO, R.: Evidence of a forearm fracture in a young victim of the ad 79 Vesuvium eruption. p. 23 index
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index Vol. 14 (1) – 2002 HERRERIN, J., GARRALDA, M.D.: Mendicant and ill individual n. p. 14 from the al Burgo de Osma Cathedral Cloister‟s necropolis (Soria, n. Spain). p. 5 MENDOÇA DE SOUZA, S., RICK F., CARVALHO GONÇALVES, M.L., FERRIRA, L.F., REINHARD, K., NASCIMENTO, F., ARAUJO, A.: Louse infection in shrunken heads. p. 21 POLO-CERDÁ, M., GARCÍA-PRÓSPER, E., PIQUER, H.: Fracture, surgical intervention or aneurysm in a 15th century skeleton found in the parochial cemetery of Pucol (Valencia, Spain) . p. 25 FERRARI, L., MICALIZIO, S.: About some cases of tuberculosis of the pathology Museum in Turin. p. 31 MICALIZIO, S., FERRARI, L.: The study and the restoration of a osseous universitary collection. p. 35 JIMÉNEZ-BROBEIL, S.A., AL OUMAOUI, I.: Health and disease in the city of Granada (Spain) during the p. 17th century. p. 37 Vol. 14 (2) – 2002 KOCSIS, S.G., MARCSIK, A.: Supernumerary occlusal (central) cups in osteoarcheological material. p. 53 ZINKK, R., GRABNER, W., NERLICH, G.: Molecular study on human tuberculosis in contemporary tissue samples and time delineated populations from ancient Egypt. p. 59 LUNARDINI, A., ROLLO, F., FORNACIARI, G.: Bone lesions from the ossuary of the Napoleonic battle of Marengo, northern Italy (p. 14th June p. 1800). p. 69 MARCSIK, A., SZATHMÁRY, L., FINNEGAN, M.: Multiple myeloma and metastatic lesions in osteoarchaeology. p. 77 BAXARIAS, J., GINESTÁ, J.A., SUBIRÁ, E., MARTINEZ, M.J., CAMPILLO, D.: Prevalence and anatomical localization of osteoarthritis in the late-roman population of Terraco, Spain. p. 87 KANAAN KANAAN A., SANTIAGO SEÁZ A., MILLANDA DE YNES, C., SÁNCHEZ SANCHEZ, J.A., PEREA PÉREZ, B.: A case of tuberculosis in historical human remains. p. 91 Vol. 14 (3) – 2002 BAGGIERI, G., DI GIACOMO, M.: Three cases of exostosis of the auditory canal. p. 101 SÁNCHEZ SANCHEZ, J.A., PEREA PÉREZ, B., DE RÍO MUŇOZ, P.A., PRIETO CARRERO, J.L.: Study of the remains of Juan Hurtado de Mendoza y Lujan. p. 107 HEGYI, A., MARCSIK, A., KOCSIS, G.S.: Developmental disorders of nasal bones in human osteoarcheological samples. p. 113
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index -
PERAL PACHECO, D., FERNÁNDEZ FALERO, M.R., ETXEBERRIA, F.: What do spaniards write and publish concerning paleopathology? A bibliometric study on their production. p. 121 D‟ANASTASIO, R., PIERFELICE, L., DI FABRIZIO, A., CAPASSO, L.: The cessation of tooth replacement in an aged tyrannosaur. p. 133 JUAN, J., LÓPEZ, B., SÁNCHEZ, E, RODRÍGUEZ, H., CARO, L.: Dental paleopathology in a mediaeval skeletal sample: necropolis of “el Barrejo” (Leon, Spain) . p. 135
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index Vol. 15 (1) – 2003 NERLICH, G., ZINK, A.: Histopathology of knee menisci in ancient egyptian mummies. p. 5 BROTHWELL, D.: On the need for a more systemstic evaluation of endo-cranial valut abnormality. p. 13 JÓSA, L.G., FÓTHI, E.: Juxtacortical osteosarcoma on tibia and fibula from a Medieval cemetery of Budapest. p. 23 GARRALDA, M.D., HERRERÌN, J.: Pathological mendicant child from the necopolis XVII-XVIII c. A.D. of the El Burgo de Osma Cathedral, Soria, Spain. p. 33 GŁADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J., JANKOWSY, Z., MYJAK, P., SKÓŁ, A., SZOSTAKIEWCZ, M.: An Echinococcosis cyst from an Early Medieval cemetery in Poland. TC, histologic and DNA findigs. p. 47 Vol. 15 (2) – 2003 BROTHWELL, D.: Can oral pathology be a measure of dietary cantrasts between Island and Mainland people in Britain? p. 69 TAMARIT, L.V., HERRERÌN, J., GARRALDA, M.D.: Exogenous versus hemetogenous osteomyelitis of an ancient adult skeletal remains: differential diagnosis and histopathologic approach. p. 77 HEGYI, A., MARCSIK, A., KOCSIC, G.S.: Developmental disorders of nasal bones in human osteoarcheological samples. p. 91 MILES, A.E.W.: Groove-like markings on surfaces of long-buried human bones produced by roots of maram-grass. p. 97 GŁADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J., WRZESINSKA, A., WRZESINSKI, J., SKÓŁ, A.: A skeleton with a cyst from an early mediaval cemetery at Dziekanowice, Łubowo Parish, Wielkopolska province, Poland. p. 111 Vol. 15 (3) – 2003 GARRALDA, M.D., HERRERÌN, J.: Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in a woman from the necropolis (XVII-XVIII C. a.d.) of El Burgo De Osma Cathedral (Soria, Spain). p. 133 ANDERSON, T.: The first evidence of brucellosis from british skeletal material. p. 153 MAYS, S.: An unusual deciduous incisor in medieval child. p. 159 HEGYI, A., KOCSIC, G.S., MARCSIK, A.: Idiopathic bone cavities of the mandible. p. 167 GŁADYKOWSKA-RZECZYCKA, J.J., KWIATKOWSKA, B., NOWAKOWSKI, D., TRNKA, J.: Treponematosis in a 14th century skelethon fron Wroclaw, Poland. p. 187 index
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 16 (1) - 2004 CHARON, P.: Contribution to osteo-archaeological knowledge of anencephaly. p. 5 HEGYI A., MARCSIK A., KOCSIS G.S.: Frequency of developmental anomalies of skull and the axial skeleton from archaeological peropds (Hungary). p. 15 O‟BRIEN T.G., SENSOR K.P.: On the classification of abnormal head shape: interpreting artificial cranial deformation and craniosynostosis – a review. p. 27 BAGGIERI G., DI GIACOMO M.: A new case of biparietal symmetrical thinning of the ectocranium in an individual from San Martino ad Ovaro (Udine – Italy). p. 53
VOL. 16 (2) - 2004 nd
ANTIKAS T, WYNN-ANTIKAS L., NAYLOR J., STEFANI L.: Perimortem weapon trauma to the thoracic vertebrae of a 2 century BCE adult male skeleton from central Macedonia, Northern Greece. p. 69 BAXARIAS TIBAU J, SUBIRÁ DE GALDÁCANO Mª E, BERROCAL ZARAGOZA Mª I., GARCIA GUIXÉ E., CORBELLA CORBELLA J., TORRAS SANTAMARIA M., CAMPILLO VALERO D.: Lead concentrations in the Roman hispanic population. Was saturnism a prevalent illness in imperial Tarracco?. p. 79 WEISS E.: Understanding osteoarthritis patterns: an examination of aggregate osteoarthritis. p. 87 D‟ANASTASIO R., CAPASSO L., SCAPINELLI R., DI TOTA G.: Invertebral disc herniation and erect posture. p. 99 ETXEBERRÍA F., SORONDO A.A., HERRASTI L.: Bones used to form an anvil for creating the teeth of a metal sickle: a functional explanation. p. 101
VOL. 16 (3) - 2004 MOLNÁR E, MERCI M., MARCSIK A., HEGYI A.: “Butterfly” vertebrae in human osteoarchaeological series (Hungary). p. 117 LÓPEZ MARTINEZ B., CARO DOBÓN L., FERNÁNDEZ SUÁREZ M.E.: Shoulder instability in the Medieval population from the church of Santo Tome (Zamora – Spain). p. 125 D‟ANASTASIO R.: Idiopathic hyperostosis: epidemiology and phylogeny. p. 133 SCHWEICH M.: The secular trend for stature in the British archaeological populations. p. 147 DIAS G.J., KIESER J.A., DENNISON K.J.: Patent premaxillary suture in adult early Polynesians – a pathological feature? p. 155
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 17 (1) - 2005 NOWAKOWSKI D., KWIATKOWSKA B.: A case of hyperostosis frontalis interna (hfi) in a medieval skeleton from lower Silesia (Poland). p. 5 CAMPILLO D.: Paleoradiology. I: Anatomical variability. p. 11 BERTOLDI F., LORA S., BULLEGATO C., GHEZZO M., LIBRENTI M., GELICHI S.: The cemetery of Nonantola (Modena – Italy): a preliminary study of the health status of the medieval population. p. 27 CAPASSO L.: Histological reasons for modern human obesity: once a benefit, now killer. p. 35 SLAVEC Z.Z.: Book Review: The Skrljevo disease (Endemic Syphilis) in the Slowena Lands. p. 37
VOL. 17 (2) - 2005 CAMPILLO D.: Paleoradiology. II: Congenital and hereditary malformations of the skeleton. p. 45 PHILLIPS S.M.: Atlas and axis fracture with healing and non-union in an inmate from a nineteenth century asylum for the mentally ill, New York (U.S.A.). p. 65 BERTOLDI F., GIACOMELLO R., ALBERTI A., SBARRA F., BARTOLI F., GELICHI S.: Pathologies and stress markers of the medieval human sample from Vicopisano (Pisa – Italy). p. 71 ISIDRO A., MALGOSA A., SAFONT S., ALESAN A.: Abdominal calcification from a female burial, cls-1033 (Barcelona – TH
Spain, 6 -7
centuries). Approach to differential diagnosis. p. 77
VOL. 17 (3) - 2005 CAMPILLO D.: Paleoradiology. III: neoplastic conditions. p. 93 LUNARDINI A., MINOZZI S., PANTANO W., CARAMELLA D., CATALANO P., FORNACIARI G: A severe case of rickets in the Roman Imperial age (I-II Century A.D.). p. 137 JOZSA L.G.: The illnesses of Prince Joseph Hadsburg (1776-1847) and his first wife, princess Alexandra Pavlovna Romanova (1783-1801). p. 145 BERTOLDI F., LORA S., GRANDI E., SALVADOR A.M., LIBRENTI M., GELICHI S.: Paleopathology data from the cemetery of S. Bartolomeo‟s church – Formigine (Modena – Italy). p. 153
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 18 (1) - 2006 BAXARIAS J., GARCIA E., DEVENAT L., CUESTA M.M., MORENO D., CAMPILLO D.: Carpal fractures in paleopathology. p. 5 PIOMBINO-MASCALI D., BARTOLI F., PAGNI G., FORNACIARI G., MALLEGNI F.: A late renaissance case of trepanation and pseudopathological damage from Populonia (Central Italy). p. 15 CAMPILLO D.: Paleoradiology. IV: Infections. p. 21
VOL. 18 (2) - 2006 CAMPILLO D.: Paleoradiology. V: Traumatic lesions. p. 49 WEISS M.M.: The double cervix Etruscan votive: an example of a congenital anomaly or a misreading of Aristotle? p. 97
VOL. 18 (3) - 2006 WEISS E.: Facial trauma in a prehistoric California population: patterns and comparisons. p. 107 CAMPILLO D.: Paleoradiology. VI: Metabolic osteopathies. p. 117 ALOBIEDAT A.: Two cases of cribra orbitalia at Yaâ€&#x;amun: a late Roman/Byzantine site in Northern Jordan. p. 135
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 19 (1-3) - 2007 ARMENTANO N., CARRASCAL S., ISIDRO A., MALGOSA A.: Rheumatic or traumatic etiology?: a case of ankylosis of the elbow. p. 5 CECCONI E., MALLEGNI F., D‟ANASTASIO R.: Endocranial lesions in a subadult of the cemetery of San Sebastiano‟s church, Saluzzo, Piedmont, Italy (XV century). p. 11 CHARON P.: Guidelines for diagnosis in osteo-archaeology: usefulness of anatomo-radiologico-clinical comparison (example of osteoplastic conditions in the Dupuytren Museum, Paris). p. 19 GLEIZE Y., CASTEX D., DUDAY H.: An excessive ossification of costal cartilage linked to a traumatici pathology. p. 47 MESSINA A., SÌNEO L.: A case of bipartite patella in a paleochristian necropolis in Marsala (Italy). p. 57 PHILLIPS M. S.: Os odontoideum and neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot‟s joint) of the elbow in a male from nineteenth century, U.S.A. p. 63 SCAPINELLI R., D‟ANASTASIO R., CAPASSO L.: Harris lines in the long bones of the limbs. p. 73
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 20 (1-3) - 2008 GATTINI F., CORSI A., PORTA D., BIANCO P.: Facial Reconstruction and Meningioma-Related Hyperostosis in a 2000 BP Man from the Peruvian Andes. p. 5 GIUFFRA V., COSTANTINI L., COSTANTINI BIASIMI L., CARAMELLA D., FORNACIARI G.: Bladder calculosis in 19th century Central Italy. p. 21 LUNARDINI A., MINOZZI S., CATALANO P., CARAMELLA D., FORNACIARI G.: A severe case of ankylosing spondylitis from the roman imperial age (I-II century A.D.). p. 29 ROTHSCHILD B.M., MARTIN L.D., VERNON K.: Documentation of Mycobacterium bovis in the „Alaskan‟ Refugium, Contrasted with Holarctic persistence of Mycobactrium tuberculosis. p. 37 ROTHSCHILD B., LAUB R.: Pedal Stress Fractures in Mastodons. p. 43 MESSINA A., SINEO L., SCHIMMENTI V., DI SALVO R.: Cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasia of the iron-age (IX-VII centuries B.C.) human group of Polizzello (Sicily). p. 53 D‟ANASTASIO R., VITULLO G., PAOLUCCI A., MICHETTI E.: A paleopathological case of echinococcus cyst. p. 67
Journal of Paleopathology - Chronological Index VOL. 21 - 2009 BILLARD M., VIGNON E.: Fluctuating relations of hip and knee osteoarthritis prevalence in late prehistoric french populations. p. 5 CESANA D.T., PAOLUCC I A., ANGELINI L.R., MILIA M.L., D‟ANASTASIO R.: Multiple weapon trauma in an adult individual from the medieval necropolis of Monte d‟Argento (XI-XV A.D. - Central Italy). p. 15 JÓZSA L.G., FARKAS G.L.: Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (Bamberger-Marie disease) in a medieval skeleton: morphometric, radiological and histological study. p. 25 MESSINA A., SÌNEO L.: Dental paleopathology among sicilian human population. p. 33 SCAPINELLI R.: Macroscopic and radiological study of the bones of Francesco Petrarca with particular regard to the sequelae of traumatic injuries. p. 41 TADDEI RUGGIERO E., TADDEI A., RAIA P.: Paleopathological cases in Brachiopod shell. p. 63