Fontographer Process - Original designs, saved as .eps docs in Illustrator I decided to try and create an actual True Type font file (.ttf ) out of the pixel font I had designed in Illustrator using a program called Fontographer. I have never used this program so most of this process was experimenting and using online tutorials. The first step was finding the correct save format each letter needed to be saved as so it could be imported in to fontographer. I found that this was an .eps file. I saved each individual letter and then imported them in to fontographer.
I then found, that because of the way I had designed the type and the way fontographer flattens the entire design down in to a just black and white image, that each letter looked like one big block with no gaps where the different shades of colour were on the original design. This made the type hard to distinguish which letter was which.
- Original designs, imported in to Fontographer