Hand Job Book To go with my hand drawn sketches I have used in my designs I thought I would look in to hand drawn typography. I found this book by Michael Perry which has a broad range of hand drawn type from many different artists. I really like the rough, unplanned results you get from creating type by hand. I like the subtle differences between letters even if you are trying to create a similar styled font, I feel this aspect gives the designs a more original feel, rather than using digital stock typography which everyone is able to use. I also like how the theme of the designs can be incorporated in to the type for example, the type can be made from aspects of the main design the text will be a part of. The front cover of the book demonstrates this as the title’s type is created by drawing pencils shaped like the letters needed. I aim to experiment using hand drawn text, incorporating elements of my project in to the types design.
Type by - Sparky Hardisty