Sometimes, snowy winter days turn into snowy, school-cancellation days. Which are just wonderful (most of the time!). A beautiful blanket of fresh snow outside, a toasty fire inside (maybe. I’m just setting the scene here), the kids still in their jammies, and you’re all cuddled up on the couch sipping hot cocoa and watching a few morning cartoons. Blissful, right? As a child, I remember my snow days typically involving some time outside playing in the snow. Building snowmen and snow forts and sledding down the hills with friends. It was always so much fun. But then I got cold. Really cold. And back into the house I would go. Wouldn’t it be great if you could take the magic of snow inside with you-after your mittens were soaked and you couldn’t feel your fingertips anymore and you HAD to go inside?! You could continue to roll up little snowmen and form little igloos all while staying nice and dry by the fire. Perfect! This next recipe allows you to do just that. Okay, so it’s not cold and wet like snow, but it’s just as pretty and just as fun and will keep your kiddos busy long after they’ve retreated indoors on their snow days.
It’s quick. It’s easy. And your kids will love it!
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Sparkling Snow PlayDough 1 Cup Flour 1/2 cup salt 2 tbsp coconut oil 2 tsp cream of tartar 1 cup water 8-10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil 1/3 cup Super Sparkle Iridescent Glitter Start by melting the coconut oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Once melted, remove the oil from the heat source and add the water. Stir in the flour, salt, cream of tartar and return to cook over low heat. Once the mixture begins to get firm, remove from heat and add the essential oil and glitter, stirring well to blend. Scoop out the dough onto wax paper and allow to cool before use. Store in an airtight container. Have fun!