4 and 9 screenshots

Page 1

Pages 4 and 10

This is the photo that shall be used for 10th page of the booklet.

Like all the other photos I have turned this into black and white image to keep with the house style of the booklet.

I then adjusted the curves to make the blacks and whites stand out more.

Same with the levels as well, just to bring out the shadows and highlights out more.

I then added a overlay gradient over the artists face to make the exposure more brighter so creates a more of a spotlight effect.

Which after I added to the booklets template.

and added a black background to bring the black and white image out more.

which I then prepared the opposite for the lyrics to be added for the 4th page of the booklet.

i added the lyrics to the white page and flipped the template as noticed that they were the wrong way round to go into the booklet.

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