Portfolio Jordan Tok Wen Xuan
some selected projects to describe architecture and me
Retreat House Sem 2 final model “an attachment of the nature�
A Portfolio A u t h o r / D e s i g n e r: J o r d a n To k We n X u a n @2019 Taylors University School of Architecture Architecture / Photography Some selected architecture projects from my uni life and some photos that taken by me to show my viewpoint in architecture. All rights of the photographs and other visual materials used in this portfolio belong to the author unless stated otherwise.
About me 03 04
Visitor Intepretive Center
Community Recreation Center 05
Learning Center
Culture and Innovation Center Photography
St ory, vi s i on , ex perienc e o r may be ... everyt h i n g “I have tried to use my eyes and passion to discover every minimal differences, it is not only about architecture or people, it is about life.” I think it is mainly because I joined photography society during my high school life, the experiences give me a different viewpoint and inspirations to see things. I see through things from viewfinder, an invisible boundary, a limited view, it makes me focus and zoom in to some detailed parts and play with the art of composition - “Rule of Third”. That makes every snaps become unique, every captures become precious, every moments become eternal. Thus, every frame that I captured has a story, an identity and feeling. I truly believe that every photos tend to express different stories, even though every people thinks that it is not a good design but I still able to discover the interesting elements in it. Because I think that the composition or imperfections in a photo can be edited and create a different story for it, same goes to architecture, it depends on yourself. The influences of photography is giving me a sense of discovering something new in a different viewpoint. From the panorama of my life, I think that photography has influenced my view to architecture, I think that I have different view when I see architecture, I’m not only seeing buildings or space, I see opportunities for a story and moment of interaction between human and nature. Although photography and architecture are two different industry, one emphasizes on the moment and one emphasizes on the space, but I believe that my architecture creates the spaces and opportunities for the best moment. “Follow the trend” is totally not my type when I design and see architecture, I tend to challenge something new, different and tend to surpass myself. I think that “discovering and challenging user’s experiences” is my design approach and philosophy when I try to design a building. I tend to create a different kind of senses in my building to serve and create different memories for them. “So what is architecture?”, I think that architecture is a platform for you to know more about yourself.
Profe ssional Skills Adobe P hotoshop (Advan ce d)
Jordan Tok Wen X u an jordantok@gmail. c o m 60-12-707-5335
Adobe I ndesign
(Advan ce d)
Adobe Lightroom (Advan ce d) Autocad (G ood)
D.O.B : 3 Dec 1 9 9 7
R evit (G ood) Sk etchup (G ood) Vray R endering
(G ood)
Adobe P remiere P ro (Be gin n e r ) Adobe I llustrator (Be gin n e r )
Edu c a t i on Foon Y e w Hi g h S c h o o l, J o h o r B ah r u , M alays i a . 20 10 - 2015 , S P M , UE C
3 DS Max (Be gin n e r ) P hotography
Tayl o r ’ s Un i v e r s i t y, Su ban g J aya, M alays ia. Au g 2016 - A ug 2019 , Ba Sc i enc e i n A rc hi t ec t u re, CGPA 3.22
E xtracurriculum Activitie s Phot ogr aphy Society - Y earbook Assistant Ap r 20 15 - Se p t 20 15
Exp e ri e n c e Int ern s hi p a t R D C A K IT EK S DN. B H D. Ma r 2 016 - Jul 2016, J an 2 0 19 - M ar 2 0 19 THE UN I T Y P R OJ E C T - VERIT A S F u n d f o r Ex c el l en c e (VFE ) 2 0 1 7 P r o g r a m S ept 2017 - D e c 2017 KL D I V E R SE C I T Y P RO J ECT - Pe r u m ah an A w a m Sr i Ti oman 1 i n T a m a n M e law at i Apr 2018 - Jun 2018
Gr a du a t i on Exhi b i t i on - Photographer, Graphic Team Member J ul 20 19 - Se p t 20 19
Awards / Scholarship U EC Golden Virtues Scholarship
Year: 2017 Location: Clan Jetties, Penang
Sem 3
Visitor Interpretive Center at Clan Jetty, Penang “A n ex p l ora t i on o f shape, user ’s ex p eri en ce a n d natur e”
This Visitor Interpretive Center (VIC) is located at the end of Tan Jetty, Penang. It is not only a place for visitors to know about the history and culture, it is a place for them to have interaction with locals. The idea of focusing the connection of tubulars is actually reflecting the bonding of community and challenging the building typology of the site as it can be seen as a big difference with the site. As a VIC, the combination of tubulars actually emphasises on the culture of Clan Jetty and revive the essence of it.
Segrega tio n Segregation of community and culture can be seen at there as Clan Jetties have brain drain that happens at there, youngsters tend to leave there and approach to cities. Besides, segregation can be seen at different jetties, all of the jetties were used for living in the past and clansmen strongly depend on tidal coefficient for fishing, maritime activities and worship events. Those are their culture, but now it segregates as some of the jetties are used for living and some are used as tourist spot. So, how to deal with it?
A p a t h , a bonding, a r elatio nship A Vi s i t or I n t er pr etive Center
Proposed Site
Design Concept VIC as a Boathouse By implementing the characteristics of the site, the VIC is able to ultilize them to explore the past and present of the clan jetties, narrow the gap between different generation and nationality and let the users experience the journey of clan jetties.
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Conceptual Model
Visual connectivity and light penetration
Final Model
Challenging the building typology of the site
A vi s u a l con n ect i on , a n idea o r even a br idge
A b oa t t h a t i n va d i n g you r l if e, c r o ssing y o ur bo dy
Year: 2018 Location: Dr Park, Ipoh
Sem 4
Community Recreation Center at DR Park, Ipoh “A n ex p l ora t i on o f c luster ing, fea t u re a n d mater iality ”
We live on this planet, develop the land and build our home. We drink its water, eat its plants and animals. We even mining its raw materials to build and power our tools. But we seem like dont appreciate and think about the nature, we take things for granted. Dr. Seenivasagam Park (Dr. Park) is located right next to Kinta River, it is a nice place to recreational activities and offers great views. But engaging nature is not the priority when we tend to seek for leisure, we don’t see nature as a leisure or even meditation. Thus, the idea is to create a “leisure cage” in a nature context, people can see a significant plantation of Ipoh - Vanda Hookeriana and they can see some animal sculptures inside the space and rethink about the definition of “Nature”. The intention of doing cluster with a huge cage is to emphasize movement in a nature context and enclose it to provide different kind of sensory, let people rethink nature. Each cluster serves different function but and yet there are a connection between them, the spaces are bridged together.
Year: 2018 Location: Dr. Park, Ipoh
Unused gathering point
Lack of c om mu n al s p ac e an d leisure In this nature context, every route and direction are surrounded by nature and emphasizing the walking experience in a nature context. Playground can be seen at there to gather families, picnickers and vendors as an interaction point. But there are low density of people using the space because the site doesn’t provide other activities, people will just pass by it. That should not be a place that let us pass by, it should be a place for us to linger and mingle. When people gather for leisure, why don’t we let them stay?
Segregated communal area
Limited leisure activities
En cl os i n g n atur e in a natur e c o ntext
Design Concept CRC as a leisure house Engaging leisure with nature, let more people know about the importance of nature and how it integrates with leisure.
A n ex p l ora t i on of h aving dif f er ent kind o f i n n ova t ed n a t u re el e ments in the building.
The idea is to let people rest and interact inside a nature cage with a different views and experiences.
As the site had a zoo at there before, so the integration of animal sculptures may provoke the memories and awareness of extinct animals.
By redefining the untouchable part of plants, the roots are suspended on the ceiling and make the meditation area be more engaging with the nature.
Typical column structure is boring and rigid, by redefining the column structure, it become a path that shows the information of Ipoh, it becomes a informative corridor.
Vanda Hookeriana is the most significant flower of Ipoh, by planting it at the middle of the building to let everyone can easily approach and create memories.
Typical forest is shaded and not welcoming, by redefining the idea of “forest�, Vanda cage actually provides shaded in a friendly way.
A lo n g o r ga n i c ra m p b ri dges a l l fu n ct i on a l s p a ce t og et h er a nd p r o v i de s di f f e re n t v i e w s a n d ex p eri en ces t h rou g h ou t t h e c ir cu lat ion i n a n a t u re c o n t ex t . I t b lur s t h e b o u n da ry o f i ns i d e a n d ou t s i d e a n d em ph a s i z es on “ n at ur e in b u i l di n g� .
A l i v i n g m u s eu m of a n i m a l s t h a t em ph a s i z e s the aw ar eness o f e x ti n c t a n i m a l s a n d a t ou ch a bl e root t h a t suspended o n the cei l i n g t o l et peopl e a pp roa ch, to uc h and sense.
Ground Floor Plan
5 m
First Floor Plan
3 4
5 m
Second Floor Plan
3 4
5 m
From the elevation and section, human activity and interaction can be seen within the space. The intention of caging the clusters is to let every clusters have the quality of “In and Out�. 1 cluster, 2 experiences.
South West Elevation
Section A-A’
Year: 2018 Location: Klang, Selangor
Sem 5
Learning Center at Jalan Stesen 1, Klang “A n ex p l ora t i on o f lay o ut ty po lo gy , m a s s i n g a n d raw ness in mater iality ”
In the urban context, walkability is the most important to create memory and experiences. The massing and façade design are generated and inspired by the walkability. By enhancing the experiences and maintaining the existing path, pedestrians are able to walk through the path that they walk every day in a different experiences. For the façade design, it is built with bricks to respond to the raw of the urban fabric with a simple materials. Arches and louvre windows can be seen on the façade. Besides, planting trellis on the facade to make it be more environmental friendly. From the site analysis that we did, I found that the site is lacked of diversity, thus it is quite quiet, boring and moody at there. Hence, there is a need for recreational activity to attract youngster and newcomers. Therefore, a LCA should be able to enhance the relationship of the community, encourage self-enrichment, strengthen the culture, attract newcomers, create happy experiences, create liveliness through day and night.
Lack of d i v e r s i t y
Unity in form, but not diversified
Complementing functions with limited options
Invisible barrier generated by two generations
A street elevation that shows the repetition of columns, windows and colours
A di fferen ce, a repet i t i on , a u n i q u e for the Lear ning Center
Des i g n Con cep t LCA as a Network Brighten up klang. Let more people know about the culture of klang to enhance the interaction of community.
Movement pattern
Recessed entrance
Possitive space
In and Out
Reanimating back alley
Car park and back alley generate most of the movement of non-locals and locals.
Create a central courtyard to encourage interaction between locals and non-locals.
Extruding greenery boxes are descending to the back alley to create a visual connectivity and transition with the back alley.
The recessed space creates a wider sidewalk and allows the layout of a spacious entrance area.
Challenge the flat typology of neighbouring context to create surprises.
Neighbouring roofscape is arranged in various height.
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
To provide“Diversity” in LCA, it tends to diversify the space, function and user. From ground floor to third floor, it serves for different purposes and user groups to achieve the aim of a “Learning Center for All”. G FLOOR - community area and cafe. It diversifies and serves for locals and non-locals to encourage interaction between each other. FIRST FLOOR - childcare There is need for childcare to let children stay and let them learn through doing group work. SECOND FLOOR - textile and tin workshop To let everyone learn about the culture, history and industry of Klang. THIRD FLOOR - reading area and leisure zone Provide a space for readers to chill after they brainstorm.
Legend 1. Cafe 2. Community area 3. Childcare 4. Tin workshop 5. Textile workshop 6. Open reading space 7. Leisure zone 8. Skylight
The elevations show how the building height of LCA blend in to the site and how the roof reflects the identity of site context.
Front Elevation
Side Elevation
Back Elevation
5 m
I n t er g r at ion of gr eener y , t ra di ti on a l w i n do ws a n d bri cks
A rel a t i on s h i p, a c o nnec tio n and yet a bon d i n g t hr o ugho ut the view
Year: 2019 Location: Jalan Maharani, Muar
Sem 6
Culture & Innovation Center at Jalan Maharani, Muar “A n ex pl ora t i on o f natur e integr atio n, form a n d con t ex tual r espo nse”
Spices and herbs, a fading culture, an overtaken culture, the origin culture. Everyone has different definitions for culture, but culture can be seen in people and their lifestyle. Muar is a multicultural city, it can be represented by a lot of things such as foods, festivals and events, but none of these are the origin culture or local culture, they are touristy culture. Thus the idea is reviving the fading, overtaken and yet origin culture - spices and herbs. As Muar was known for agriculture in the past, specifically spices and herbs which makes up their popular local cuisines. By implementing the idea of “live, work, learn and play”, people actually have some lively spaces for them to stay while introducing spices and herbs culture.
Des i g n Con cep t Reviving Fading Culture + Creating Public Spaces Revive fading culture, let more people know about spices and herbs farming. Educate locals on sustainability through experience.
Building typology of Muar
No public space, no integration with greenery.
Green Culture Slope
By tilting a simple rectangular box to create public space on top and underneath the building.
1 2 3 4 5 m
Back Elevation
1 2 3 4 5 m
Front Elevation
1 2 3 4 5 m
View to site
View to river
Extended jetty
Public Seatings
Reanimating back alley
Living Museum
The tilted rectangular box creates a visual continuity of the building.
The jetty is extended to create a continuition for officer from Muar’s fisheries office and fishermen to use and interact.
Introducing the activities and programmes through levelling as people at Muar seldom use the upper level.
The continuition of outdoor space creates a series of potential nice view for users.
The plaza is opened towards the cafeteria, bus terminal and wet market, it offers some extra seatings for people at there.
Creating 5 phases of plantation to maintain sustainability as the harvesting period for pepper and gambier are 75 days.
5 m
First Floor Plan
5 m
Second Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan
5 m
Sectional Perspective
Th e view to ri v e r i n di f f e re n t l evel , t he p lan t a t i on s a n d th e j e t t y.
A pu bl i c spac e under neath a n d rel a t i on ship w ith the r iver .
Th e lo un g e , c o nn ect io n w i t h l ow e r f l oor a n d u pp er fl oor.
G a m bi er pr o c essing r o o m, t h e p rog ra m me and the peo ple.
Jordan Tok W en Xuan jor dantok @gmail.com + 60-12-707-5335