Rescue Training Puteri marina 2009

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J. Gadea Scuba Instructor IDEA/SDI Open Water Instructor

- PROGRAM (Pics.1, 2, 3)

-Health /Assistance /First aid

-Health (Sport Pics. 4 to 7) Periodic training into cardiovascular sports will be basic to face up emergency situations such a rescue actions, first aid responses or any other extreme situation. The cardiovascular system has to be use to affront a sudden increasing of pressure and let us be able to give an accurate, fast and successful answer. The importance of a good habits and periodic training in sports and trough maneuvers will allow us definitely to face up stress situations


-Prevention is the best way to avoid accidents. It can be extended to home, life in general and not only at work. Know the safety rules in any condition, have the fire extinguisher near the risk points and well marked as well as the emergency exits or meeting points is part of our responsibility’s as a professionals ...Have always nearby hand the emergency telephones and take part into some First aid courses and periodic practice of the basic maneuvers can help us to improve the right action and do it successfully. That’s the reason of this training sessions we’re going take together

(Equipment pics. 8 to 11)

Choose the right equipment every time according to the work you’re going to do.

Protect: hands, eyes, breathe. It will definitely help you to avoid personal injuries. Is responsibility of your company providing the right equipment for every specific work or hazardous conditions. - PAS (Protection, Alert, Succor)

The meaning of take as a first action the Protection, become from the innumerable times has occur a new accident while the emergency staff were helping and working in accidents. Professionals from ambulances, fireman’s and policeman’s has die while working knocked down by cars which lost attention looking the accident or driving drunk or any other circumstances . However don’t ever loose attentions to your environment in prevention of something happen afterward. Cars can be fired in during rescue tasks or scatterbrains can run over us during rescues. Look the environment, how it happens? Any other related danger? Is safe taking any rescue action? (Marking zone and Alfa flag pic. 12) Marking the actuation zone will help us to protect the zone and avoid a new accident, cones, lights, car with lights on. In the sea use buoys, flags, lights (Alfa en diving situations) This will be good to control the actuation zone and have a right starting point for research of lost persons or boats.

-Drown cases (Drown pic.13) Dry and wet, white and blue. Are the two ways to describe the difference in between the kind of drown. The definition difference is on depending if the water is fresh or salted and if it’s directly breath by the drown or not. In after meals for example the blood circulation concentrate lots of blood and energy within the stomach to process the food (digestion) and we use to feel sleepy because our brain activity decreases due the minor contribution of blood. In case of sudden contact with cold water, the blood runs fast to warm up and protect

the peripheral areas decreasing irrigation on the brain becoming temporary loose of conscience, which in the water equals to drown. The probability to find water into lungs in this case is minor than in the subject who fights before get drown and the last thing he does is take a water breath before collapse the glottis and get into a cardio breathing stop. Another difference is if the water breath is salted or fresh (hypotonic). The salted water is hypertonic and easily absorbed through the lungs getting into the blood circulation making the recuperation task much more difficult.

-CPR (CPR pic. 14) The difference in between advanced or basic CPR lies on the equipment we dispose to take the action. It means ambu, guedel, and defibrillator. Unconscious with pulse and breathing (simple faint)-Go to Side secure position, explanation of the pose. Lift up legs to help irrigation within the brain Whom we have to apply CPR? Steps. Tell the victim your name and that you are a life guard and if he or she wants to be attended or helped. Try to find if possible some witness to see what are you doing to avoid liabilities in case of bad attention or lost objects in the place of the emergency. (Sequences CPR Pics. 15, 16, 17)

(Pic. 18 brief out line)

Mobilization and how to put a berth down the traumatic injured with 3 or 4 life guards.  Neck Control  Bridge

-Basic Surface Rescue techniques -How to safe conscious persons in the water:  (Fins pic 19) To reach the victim faster. Safety in movements and powerful control.  (Drown pic. 20) Get near of the victim trying to talk before the contact to calm him and let him get more confidence.  If the contact is necessary try to reach the back of the victim and show him the buoyancy is ok with our help. Dive under him to reach the back side and hold him strong giving the necessary confidence.  In case of danger of our safety get sunk and definitely we will be released and he will search the surface.  (No violence pic. 21) Never use the violence under any reason. We are professionals and should have resources enough to avoid use the violence.

Rescue of a conscious person: (Use the floater fun pic .22,23) Once we reach the victim show and let him hold the life preserver (floater) by one side. In a fast and precise movement roll it to the victim and introduce it over his head getting him into the life preserver.

-Dragging and swimming with the victim holding the floater  -Back fin swim with the victim laying on his back and us holding the floater.

-Dragging and swimming without floater.  -Swim holding the wrist of the victim with his arm flexed 90 degrees.  -Holding head and lying upon us.  -Holding both arms from below.

Approaching the boat to victim (pic. 24)

Always try the approach over Leeward, never Windward. It will avoid we run over the victim pushed by the wind action. Store the life preserver line into bags will avoid tangles / knotted when throwing it away.

Underwater Search techniques & Basic Compass Navigation Search systems (Use the whiteboard)

-Circular (rounded) / Fix point in angle 180 degrees / Parallel lines -Buoy marking in any case is important to have a starting point and be sure about the zone we’ve already searched for.  -Circular First is important mark the zone starting over the last reference we can know about, talking with the witness for example. Set the starting point with a buoy and one anchor and dive until it and attach one reel on it. Check the course in the compass and give line until we almost loose the sight of the anchor. Start a 360 round using frog fins technique to avoid remove the sea bed. If before we gave approximately two meters of line again two more and swim again 360 round checking the compass and writing on our board the heading avoiding forgotten.  -Fix point from the coast Fix the line on the coast which can also be controlled by another person and start doing diving from side to side in 180 degrees round. Make the line longer after every dive.  -Parallel lines Fix lines in the research zone in parallel way ready to be followed by the rescue divers. Move them after each dive in the direction of search previous marking the point of start to be sure the area you’ve already done. This is an accurate system which can be done by two divers at the same time making the space of research bigger.

Compass navigation (Earth pic. 25) The earth is divided into two hemispheres separates by the Ecuador line and divided by lines which mark the latitude called parallels starting from the Ecuador to North or South.

Vertically is divided by lines called longitude (meridians) starting in the meridian 0 called Greenwich. It can be to East or West. That’s the way the compasses are divided into 360 degrees as well. This allowed the sailors mark positions in the nautical charts or maps. There are more accurate Charts where the divers can see the kind of sea bed which can be rocks, mud, sand, reefs etc. The magnetic North and the geographic North are separated 1609 K. It’s known as Magnetic declination, which in case of long distances makes compulsory to do some corrections. For example: If the magnetic variation is, for example, 6 degrees, and you forget to add it on, you will be 105 meters off course for every kilometer travelled in a straight line. This gets proportionally bigger over greater distances.

Deviation is the effect of the magnetic attraction of the metal objects and affects directly to the calculations being also compulsory do some corrections. (Compass pic. 26)

Compass parts    

Magnetic needle (Magnetic North) Compass housing marked with 360 degrees Case with liquid inside (the needle has to float free) Direction arrow line (marks the line we follow)

-How to take a bearing? Just look the point you want to head for and set the direction arrow looking at it. Turn the compass housing until it fronts the North Needle. It will provide you the angle you want to head to. (Navigation position pic.27)  -For underwater navigation, would be good be provided of a whiteboard to write down the changes of directions anytime.  -Lateral reading compass are indicated for underwater navigation due the inclined position of the divers.  -Navigate with stretching arms keeping the compass far from metal objects, like diving tanks, knife etc.  -Check deeps as a reference  -Turn sight back to easily recognize the way back  -Try to swim against current to make easy the way back

 -Natural observation will help in the navigation  ( Example assembling pic. 28) Compass assembled into whiteboards can help to control dates as deep, timing, tank pressure, fins sequences, and to remind bearings and set the opposite heading to go back just adding 180 degrees.

Example: Current 1 knot/hour = 1852 mts / 3600 seconds 1852 / 3600 equals 0,5 mts/sec current speed. Diver speed 1 mts/sec Distance to be swum 100 mts. If the deviation due the current is 0,5 mts/sec, in 100 meters which means 100 seconds the deviation will be 50 meters.  Should be applied correction 50 meters or swim that distance once we reach the point.    

The bearings 

Are useful to fix a point as two lines set an exactly point when they cross each other, try to get the bearings over 90 degrees.


-Nautical knots (Knots pics. 29-35)

 -Eight, clove hitch, Bowline, Fisherman, Marguerite, Prusik, Decorative knots

-Line installations in bad visibility and secure rules in confined places (Pic. 36)     

-The reel -Life line -Progression – Installations -Illumination -Equipment

1. The reel (Reels pic.37) Better practice using the reel out of the water first and in shallow open waters before use it into confined places. With 75 to 100 mts. should be enough for short explorations. You can use a secondary reel for deviations (only for experts) 2. Life line (pics.38, 39) Natural fibres’ are no resistant enough once they get wet, synthetics like polyethylene floats in the water increasing the risk of tangle in the equipment or the diver.  Nylon is the best as is resistant and doesn’t float.  Experience of divers shown that white colour is the best to be seeing in the major of the situations.  When diving into confined places tie up your life line out of the place to be explored to reach the exit in bad visibility conditions.  Never tie up the life line out of the water to avoid any curious could untie or get into the place.  Musket can be good but a proper knot would be better and check it out before start the exploration.  If was necessary cross the line do it if possible always upon it, is the best way to be out of risk of tangle and if it happens you can have better view and easy to reach.  Life line means to have a route to the surface. The major part of the accidents into caves has been due get lost by absence of Life line.

3. -Progression - Installations (Pics. 40-45)     

-use the frog fins technique to avoid movement of the sea bed stuff. -Install the Life line with elastic rings into rock bridges, prominent, salient, etc. -trace your line thinking on the way back with no visibility -Line on our level or below to avoid tangles. ( Pic.46) Mark the line with arrows can help to find the way back

–Illumination (Pics 47, 48, 49)

 The National Speleological Society defends the use of 3 independent lamps for the cave diving.  The best lamps failed out at least one time every 50 dives due different facts, as corrosion, battery fails, etc.  If you use the same lamp and does 100 dives you have 86,7% probability to run out of lamp in at least one dive.  If you use at least two lamps the probability to run out of both at the same time in 100 dives reduces to 3,9%  But the probability of run out of both at the same time in 1000 dives is up to 33%  The probability of run out of 3 lamps at the same time in 1000 dives is only 0,8%  Conclusion: In caves at least 3 lamps full battery

1. -Equipment (Pics. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57)  -Double tanks independent equipped with regulator and manometer and 1/3 rule explanation why?  -lateral storage of diving tanks, for better accessibility and equipment control as well as protection in narrow passes.  -Full wet suit for protection and insulation.  Double cut tools.  -Helmet for protection and illumination positioning. Hands free!  -Correct distribution of the equipment in order, easy access, and easy view. Knife in the leg?  -Regulators always hanging on your neck. For easy access and avoid wear them hanging out of control getting as well full of dirty and sand.  -use always the best and safest equipment you’re able to get.

 -Practice and regular training are the best way to be able to tell stories about your experience



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