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School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape 2018-2019 Student No.:


Degree Prog. :

K100 Stage 2

Module :


Exercise :

Assessment 1 Design CW

Due :

12:00:00 Monday, 14th Jan 2019

Marker :

Plagiarism Statement I am aware of the University's policy on Plagiarism as described in my Degree Programme Handbook. Where this submitted work is not completely my own, it makes a clear acknowledgment of the work of others, in accordance with advice given by the Module Leader or other relevant members of staff. Where there is reasonable suspicion that I have fabricated research results or that I have made unacknowledged use of another person's idea, words or work, then I am aware that this will be dealt with under the University's Assessment Irregularities Procedure and I accept that I may also be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the Registrar in accordance with the University's Disciplinary Procedures.


When you submit a paper copy of the work at reception, you will receive a receipt via email within 24 hours. This refers to your paper copy ONLY. You must also submit an electronic copy via Blackboard by the deadline. Failure to submit both copies by the deadline will result in a late or non-submission being recorded and a mark penalty will be applied.

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