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What is Fechac

Fechac is a non-profit, non-partisan, independent and autonomous grant-making foundation by which more than 33,000 corporations in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico contribute to support their communities. Our purpose, is to address critical community needs in three programmatic areas: quality basic education, preventive health and development of social capital. We strive to improve the quality of life of Chihuahua’s residents by promoting Corporate Social Responsibility, civic engagement, and strengthening of the civil society organizations, in the ongoing and demanding task of building and improving a better community. Together, working through Fechac, the business community, government and civil society have implemented more than 3,700 projects investing more than US$164 million to promote the human and social development of the people of Chihuahua. Mission Achieve better opportunities for human and social development for the people of Chihuahua. 2025 Vision Be the leader institution for sustainable and effective social responsibility.


•We promote the creation of new nonprofit organizations, incubating projects, convening, sharing, supporting and generating co-responsibility with other community stakeholders.

We multiply the investment of the business community

Fechac is the organization that the business community in Chihuahua utilizes for their financial and charitable contributions to the social development of our state. The business leaders who run the foundation devote their talent and vision to make sure that every single peso is invested effectively to ensure the wellbeing of the people of Chihuahua. In addition to funding high impact projects, we strongly focus on keeping our operating expenses to a minimum. In the last 6 years, we averaged 8.99% in administrative expenses. Additionally, our fundraising efforts from local and international sources successfully increased our revenue by 32% over our main source of income which is composed of a voluntary additional contribution to the payroll tax. This means that we turned every peso contributed by the business community into $1.17 pesos for social programs, after subtracting administrative expenses and asset purchases.



Recognition of our work 2014

Great Place To WorkÂŽ Mexico


Case study Ipade Business School


ISO 9001:2008 Certification

2013 Anahuac University’s Latin American Center for Social Responsibility (CLARES) Award 2006 The Harvard Business School Case included Fechac in the catalogue. noticias.php?n=172


Structure Fechac has nine local Advisory Boards located in the major cities of the state, composed by approximately 105 business leaders, selected with the assistance of the local Chambers of Commerce and business associations, where they voluntarily contribute with their time and expertise to evaluate and follow the progress of the projects financed in their region. Fechac’s local Advisory Boards (Councils) are located in: Camargo, Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Delicias, Jiménez, Juárez, Nuevo Casas Grandes, Ojinaga and Parral.

Ciudad Juarez Ciudad Juarez is located in the north part of Mexico, in the south border of the United States. Our sister city is El Paso (Texas), but even though we are so close, both cities have a very different economic and social contexts; for example: El Paso, TX, is ranked as one of the safest cities in the US, while Ciudad Juarez is ranked among the top most dangerous cities in Mexico. Ciudad Juárez was the city where the first maquiladoras where established, these are foreign-owned factories where imported parts are assembled for export purposes, lowering the assembly cost. Ciudad Juárez boomed with the arrival of these factories, first doing simple tasks like sewing jeans and sorting coupons, but now thriving in much more advanced industries like aerospace, electronics, and autos.



Fechac areas of interest:

1. Comprehensive basic education Support integral education programs that promote the inclusion, continuous improvement, school permanency, and community involvement in school activities; in order to achieve a high quality education in public and private schools, and community centers that will contribute to the human and social development of the families Some examples of the programs supported in this area are: ADN: Extending the Development of Children While the dynamics of the working hours (6:00 am to 4:00 pm) of parents do not match with school hours (8:00 am to 12:30 pm) of children; plus the need of insertion of mothers to the workforce as the main provider of the family, has generated breaches for a healthy human and social development, causing as well lack of attention on the youth of Ciudad Juarez. Young people today spend much of their time in neighborhoods, which is where they build their relationships and identity. The neglect in which young people mainly live in areas with high rates of poverty and under development is the degree of violence in which they are now victims or victimizers.


Therefore, the city must find a way to create a friendly and conducive strategy to help the development of children and teenagers, by improving their living conditions and providing learning opportunities, assuming the responsibility that no child or teenager will be left without the chance to live in a healthy, safe and secure environment . That is why the “Extending the Development of Children Model (ADN)” better known as ADN for its Spanish acronym initiative arises in 2007 from the Juárez Local Council, as a strategy for building safety nets and social intervention activities for youth, with shared responsibility between the public, private and social sectors. Though this project we provides preschool, elementary and junior high school children from highly marginalized neighborhoods, four additional hours to their school day, to learn and enjoy different life skills through sports, artistic and academic activities. They also receive healthy snacks and information about healthy eating habits. During 2014, Fechac supported over 120 projects in Ciudad Juarez. Currently, 12 NPO's in Ciudad Juarez are managing ADN in 31 schools, serving more than 2,800 children. ADN operates in neighborhoods with high rates of poverty and social exclusion, where children and youth are recruited by organized crime and their parents' work schedule can lead to neglect. After impact assessments, children and youth served by AND are able to: • Resolve conflicts peacefully • Develop positive critical thinking habits • Notoriously improve their academic performance • Decrease their inactivity and malnutrition rates • Reduce risk factors that lead to violence and crime ADN began with 300 beneficiaries in Ciudad Juarez. Currently, we are serving seven municipalities, having a positive and direct effect on more than 7,200 children and youth across the state of Chihuahua. To date, through ADN we have reached out to almost 25,000 children.


This educational model has been recognized by programs like: “Iniciativa México” and “Cumbre de Líderes en Acción por la Educación 2012 (CLASE)” as good practices. Leading to its replication in 8 cities of the State of Chihuahua and Merida,Yucatan. Definitely, ADN is a source of great pride for Fundacion del Empresariado Chihuahuense. Other programs supported in this area are: Programa Educación en Valores A.C. .- Promotes identity in Ciudad Juarez, changing the attitudes of the people, to achieve personal and social development through the experience of living Ethical Values. With the promotion of citizenry, contribute to transform Juarez into a comprehensive community with better opportunities. Instituto Promotor de Educación A.C. .- The aim is to improve the quality educational level of basic education in our region, by improving the level of professionalism of teachers, school leaders and teacher education centers, through educational programs, skill development trainings, exchange programs, and the creation of networks.

2. Preventive health

Help improve the public health of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups through the prevention of major diseases and the promotion of a healthy life style. Some examples of the programs under this area of interest are: FECHAC-NFL flag football: For healthy children One of the most significant projects implemented by Fechac Juarez, is the Fechac - NFL flag football tournament, which seeks to reduce childhood obesity, promote principles such as discipline, competitive spirit, and develop mental abilities through sports.


To date, we have organized two tournaments for children between 7-14 years old, living in highly marginalized areas of the city. In its first edition held in 2013, the flag football tournament included close to 50 teams, while in 2014 during the second edition, we reached 200 teams. The grand prize for first place in each of the four categories is an all expenses paid trip to Phoenix, Arizona to see a live NFL game. Last year, more than 25 children won the first prize. These unforgettable life experiences would hardly be possible if not for Fechac. NFL Mexico, the city of Juarez and Fechac provided the 1.5 million pesos to finance the latest edition of the program. The third edition of this tournament which is gaining more and more momentum, will be launched in the summer of 2015; our goal is to reach 300 teams to compete. Asociaciテウn Mexicana de Diabetes A.C. .- Educate patients with diabetes in Ciudad Juテ。rez and their families to manage the condition, avoid complications and improve their quality of life. Corazテウn con テ]gel A.C. .- Provide girls with Down syndrome and their families tools to develop their physical and social skills in order to include them in a sensitized society and have a better quality of life.


3.Social capital

Contribute to build social capital in our community by increasing citizen participation, Corporate Social Responsibility and strengthening Non Profit Organizations. Some of the programs we support under this area of interest are: "Creativamente Arte - Sano" Summer Camp: Fun and education for JuĂĄrez children Fechac created the Creativamente- Arte Sano summer camp to improve the quality of life of children and youth in Juarez. After two years, it has been a resounding success. During summer vacation, children from highly marginalized neighborhoods attend a four-week summer camp taking place in different city venues such as schools and community centers. At camp, children and youth participate in playful hip hop, graffiti, photography, cinema and theater classes, Play 60 physical activation and receive a daily healthy snack. All activities are based on a culture of legality, promoting respect, tolerance and peaceful conflict resolution. In the 2014 edition, Creativamente Arte - Sano was offered at Francisco I Madero, Riveras del Bravo and Francisco Villarreal community centers, as well as at Secundaria TĂŠcnica 90 and Paso del Norte elementary school, where more than 900 children attended the program at no cost.The program's impact assessment yielded wonderful results in participants, such as significant improvement in their ability to socialize and communicate their emotions, increasing their self-esteem and above all, becoming aware of the importance of peaceful conflict resolution.


Creativamente Arte - Sano allows us to make our mission a reality: to create better opportunities for human and social development for Chihuahua residents. The camp is an initiative of FECHAC made possible by USAID, MetLife Foundation, the City of Ciudad Juarez, Indesol, Project Paz and the NFL. The year 2015 will mark the third edition of the summer camp!

ยกYou too can help build a better community! A better society can only be built if we all participate. We can help you direct your charitable gift for maximum impact. Pro Common Good: Fechac grassroots development program Undoubtedly, one of the strongest cards of Fechac is our grassroots development program called "Pro Common Good". The program was created in 2008 to reduce poverty and social inequality in Ciudad Juarez, through training and empowerment of community groups (also known as grassroots groups).


Currently, through our grassroots development strategy, we support 50 groups integrated by more than 1,500 residents living in highly marginalized neighborhoods. Since its inception, Fechac has invested more than 1 million dollars in this program, serving more than 4,500 Juarez residents. Through “Pro Common Good”, formerly known in Spanish as “Juárez Tuyo”, we have been serving emblematic areas of our city such as Arroyo del Indio, where we helped create 28 community groups, which, after a couple of years of hard work, they are now independent and operate with their own resources. How does it work? Fechac maps, identifies and approaches the areas in Juarez with the highest school dropout rates, such as the west side. We convene the residents and together we conduct a community assessment to identify the main challenges and strengths and create a vision of their community. The residents suggest ideas on how to achieve that dream. Generally, the residents decide on a variety of classes for the community, such as computer skills, carpentry, music, sewing, cleaning supplies production, cosmetology and more. Once their ideas are laid out, Fechac helps the leader of the community gather a group of 10 residents with the same interests


When the group is complete, members develop their project and Fechac then provides the funds for equipment, materials, teachers, among other needs. Thus, the residents who join the program learn skills that enable them to develop talents and abilities to become self-employed and generate extra income. Impact assessments in communities where this program has been in operation show that residents increase their self-esteem, restore public spaces and create an atmosphere of greater harmony and mutual understanding in the community, rates of violence and unemployment decrease and the residents' sense of belonging increases, among other positive indicators. Desarrollo Juvenil del Norte A.C..- Develop social skills assertive communication, collaborative work, respect and solidarity among young people through sporting activities, coexistence and non-formal education which will help to create a culture of peace.


Our allies and donors Trust in our transparency and grant making efficiency are the basis upon which local, national and international stakeholders, bestow their resources to us to work hand in hand for the common good in the state of Chihuahua. Thanks to these gifts, the last year we had 9.53 % additional revenue to support projects that improve the quality of life of Chihuahua residents. In the past six years, thanks to the charitable contributions of our Board members and other donors, our endowment fund has increased 503%. We also received in-kind donations for statewide distribution from the following organizations: NFL Foundation Mexico Crocs Mexico One World Football,Disney Foundation Mexico, We appreciate their trust and offer our deepest appreciation for their contributions to improve our community



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