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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0 Admin Guide

What's New In This Document? This is a printable version of the Admin online help.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration ............................................................... 1 Using the Administration Interface......................................................... 1 Administration Mode Pane ............................................................................ 2 Wizards.......................................................................................................... 2 Confirmation Page......................................................................................... 3 Online Help.................................................................................................... 3

Communities and Inheritance................................................................ 3 What Is a Community? .................................................................................. 5 Examples of Community Trees ..................................................................... 8 Community Tree .......................................................................................... 10 What Is Inheritance?.................................................................................... 10 Restoring Broken Inheritance...................................................................... 13

Implementing a New Travel Site.......................................................... 15 Chapter 2 Manage Communities ........................................................................... 17 Community Creation Wizard................................................................ 18 Community Creation Wizard - Overview ..................................................... 18 Community Creation Wizard - Community Identification............................. 19 Community Creation Wizard - General Settings ......................................... 22

Dry Run Creation Wizard - Confirmation ............................................. 23 Dry Run Publishing Wizard - Confirmation .......................................... 24 Community Cloning Wizard - Settings................................................. 25 Community Deletion Wizard - Confirmation ........................................ 26 Chapter 3 Configure Communities........................................................................ 29 Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard ............................................................... 31 Community Structure Wizard - Overview ............................................ 31 Community Structure Wizard - Community Identification .................... 31 Community Structure Wizard - General Settings................................. 43 Community Structure Wizard - Agency Identification .......................... 46 Community Structure Wizard - Contact ............................................... 48 Community Structure Wizard - Billing and Reporting .......................... 48

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Chapter 5 ProfileLess Admin Wizard .................................................................... 49 Chapter 6 Air Itinerary Source Wizard .................................................................. 51 Chapter 7 Admin Customization Templates Wizard ............................................ 53 Admin Customization - Overview ........................................................ 53 Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Template List.................... 54 Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Template Configuration .... 54 Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Customized Administration54 Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Administrative Tree .......... 55 Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Miscellaneous................... 56 Chapter 8 Customized Admin Wizard ................................................................... 59 Chapter 9 Travel Arranging Wizard ....................................................................... 61 Chapter 10 Travel Policy Codes .............................................................................. 63 Justification Codes Wizard - Settings .................................................. 63 Trip Reason Codes Wizard - Settings ................................................. 65 Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules .................................................... 67 Air Configuration.................................................................................. 67 Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard........................................................ 67 Air Configuration - G2 Switchworks Wizard ................................................ 88

Rail Configuration ................................................................................ 89 Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings.............................................. 89 SNCF Configuration Wizard - Agency Identification ................................... 95 SNCF Configuration Wizard - Fare Type .................................................... 95 SNCF Branch Access Setup ....................................................................... 96

Car Configuration ................................................................................ 97 Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Settings.............................. 97 Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Rate Code Definition .......100 Direct Connection Wizard - Main Menu.....................................................101 Direct Connection Wizard - Settings .........................................................101 Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Main Menu .....................................103 Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Configuration..................................103 Car Billing Number Wizard ........................................................................106

Hotel Configuration............................................................................ 107 Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Settings ....................107 Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Rate Code Definition 113 On Request Hotel Catalog Wizard ............................................................114

Web Search Configuration Wizard .................................................... 118 Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview..........................................118 ii

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Web Search Configuration Wizard - General Settings..............................118 Web Search Configuration Wizard - Filters ...............................................120 Web Search Configuration Wizard - Web Sites ........................................121 Web Search Configuration Wizard - Airlines List ......................................122 Web Search Configuration Wizard - Access Information ..........................123

Auxiliary Parameters Wizard - Settings ............................................. 123 Vendor Exclusion Wizard .................................................................. 125 Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Main Menu .....................................................125 Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Air Vendors ....................................................126 Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Hotel Vendors ................................................126 Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Car Vendors...................................................127

Chapter 12 Rules..................................................................................................... 129 Destination Builder Wizard ................................................................ 129 Fare Groups Wizard .......................................................................... 131 Fare Groups Wizard - Main Menu .............................................................131 Fare Groups Wizard - Fare Group Creation..............................................132

Regions Wizard ................................................................................. 136 Regions Wizard - Main Menu ....................................................................136 Regions Wizard - City/Airport Region........................................................137 Regions Wizard - State/Province Region ..................................................138 Regions Wizard - Country Region.............................................................139

Predefined Location Wizard .............................................................. 140 Predefined Location Wizard - Main Menu .................................................140 Predefined Location Wizard - Predefined Location Definition...................140

Trip Plan Rules Wizard...................................................................... 142 Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Main Menu.........................................................142 Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Creation.............................................................143 Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Insert Variables .................................................144

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules ............................................................................ 157 Transport Type Rules Wizard............................................................ 157 Transport Type Rules Wizard - Main Menu...............................................157 Transport Type Rules Wizard - Standard Rule .........................................158 Transport Type Rules Wizard - Global Rule..............................................161

Transport Type Rules Test Wizard.................................................... 162 Transport Type Rules Test Wizard- Overview ..........................................162 Transport Type Rules Test Wizard - Search Criteria ................................162 Transport Type Rules Test Wizard - Rules Results ..................................163

Air Rules Wizard................................................................................ 163 Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu...................................................................163 Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings .............................................165 Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Faring ................................................171 Air Rules Wizard - Lowest Fare Rule ........................................................176 Air Rules Wizard - Web Search Rule ........................................................181 Air Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule ..............................................................185 Air Rules Wizard - Global Rule..................................................................189 Air Rules Wizard - Air Preferences............................................................191 Air Rules Wizard - Negotiated Discount Rule............................................197

Air Rules Test Wizard........................................................................ 201 Air Rules Test Wizard- Overview ..............................................................201 Air Rules Test Wizard - Air Search Criteria ...............................................201 Air Rules Test Wizard - Air Rules Results.................................................203

Rail Rules Wizard .............................................................................. 203 Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Rail Rules Wizard - Main Menu.................................................................203 Rail Rules Wizard - Standard Rule............................................................204 Rail Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule ............................................................208 Rail Rules Wizard - Global Rule................................................................210 Rail Rules Wizard - Rail Provider Preferences..........................................211

Rail Rules Test Wizard ...................................................................... 215 Rail Rules Test Wizard- Overview.............................................................215 Rail Rules Test Wizard - Rail Search Criteria ...........................................215 Rail Rules Test Wizard - Rail Rules Results .............................................217

Car Rules Wizard .............................................................................. 217 Car Rules Wizard - Main Menu .................................................................217 Car Rules Wizard - Standard Rule ............................................................218 Car Rules Wizard - Global Rule ................................................................221 Car Rules Wizard - Car Provider Preferences ..........................................222

Car Rules Test Wizard ...................................................................... 226 Car Rules Test Wizard - Overview ............................................................226 Car Rules Test Wizard - Car Search Criteria ............................................226 Car Rules Test Wizard - Car Rules Results ..............................................227

Hotel Rules Wizard............................................................................ 227 Hotel Rules Wizard - Main Menu...............................................................227 Hotel Rules Wizard - Standard Rule .........................................................228 Hotel Rules Wizard - Global Rule..............................................................232 Hotel Rules Wizard - Hotel Provider Preferences .....................................233 Hotel Rules Wizard - Upload Rules...........................................................237

Hotel Rules Test Wizard.................................................................... 240 Hotel Rules Test Wizard- Overview ..........................................................240 Hotel Rules Test Wizard - Hotel Search Criteria .......................................240 Hotel Rules Test Wizard - Hotel Rules Results.........................................241

Provider Preferences Rule ................................................................ 242 Provider Preference Rule - Overview........................................................242 Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options .........................243

Message Rules Wizard...................................................................... 244 Message Rules Wizard - Main Menu ........................................................244 Message Rules Wizard - Definition ...........................................................245

Message Rules Test Wizard.............................................................. 247 Fare Group Rules Wizard.................................................................. 247 Fare Group Rules Wizard - Main Menu.....................................................247 Fare Group Rules Wizard - Fare Group Rule............................................248

Fare Group Rules Test Wizard.......................................................... 253 Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Overview ...............................................253 Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Search Criteria ......................................253 Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Fare Group Results...............................255

Chapter 14 Scoring Wizard .................................................................................... 257 Chapter 15 Trip Validation Wizard......................................................................... 259 Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1........................................... 259 Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 2........................................... 265


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Chapter 16 Trip Notification Wizard - Settings ..................................................... 269 Chapter 17 User Profile Management ................................................................... 271 Profile Structure - Account Information Wizard - Settings ................. 271 Profile Structure - Contact and Personal Information Wizard............ 273 Profile Structure - Cost Center Definition Wizard .............................. 275 Profile Structure - Payment and Delivery Information Wizard ........... 276 Profile Structure - Travel Preferences Wizard ................................... 278 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard............. 280 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard .............. 281 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Manage Cards .........282 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Settings (Card Details) ...................................................................................................................283 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Fields Used..............284 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Travelers..................285

Profile Structure - Custom Fields Wizard .......................................... 285 Profile Structure - Custom Fields Configuration Wizard .................... 288 Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Settings.........................................288 Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Configuration ................................289

Profile Structure - Profile Upload ....................................................... 293 Upload User Wizard ..................................................................................293 Upload Monitoring Wizard .........................................................................294

Create User Wizard ........................................................................... 295 Create User Wizard - Overview.................................................................295 Create User Wizard - Login Information....................................................296 Create User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments ........................297 Create User Wizard - User Information .....................................................299

Modify User Wizard ........................................................................... 301 Modify User Wizard - Overview .................................................................301 Modify User Wizard - Account Searches...................................................301 Modify User Wizard - Account Changes ...................................................303 Modify User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments ........................305 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings........................................................307 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Traveler Information ....................308 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Method of Payment .....................309 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Method of Delivery ......................311 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - General Preferences ...................312 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Custom Fields .............................316 Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Login Information ........................316 Modify User Wizard - User Information .....................................................317

Chapter 18 Passenger Type Code Wizard ............................................................ 319 Chapter 19 Security Wizard.................................................................................... 323 Security Wizard - Overview ............................................................... 323 Security Wizard - Password Settings ................................................ 323 Security Wizard - User Settings......................................................... 325 Security Wizard - General Settings ................................................... 326

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Chapter 20 Offline Booking.................................................................................... 329 Offline Booking - General Settings Wizard ........................................ 329 Offline Booking - Offline Rules Wizard .............................................. 331 Chapter 21 Self Registration Wizard - Settings .................................................... 345 Chapter 22 Email and Notification Wizard - Settings........................................... 347 Chapter 23 Custom Images Wizard - Settings...................................................... 351 Chapter 24 Custom Integration Wizard ................................................................. 353 Chapter 25 Local Content....................................................................................... 355 Service Tools Wizard - Settings ........................................................ 355 More Services Wizard ....................................................................... 357 More Services Wizard - Main Menu ..........................................................357 More Services Wizard - Manage Providers/External Provider ..................359

Chapter 26 PNR Management ................................................................................ 361 Office Opening Hours Wizard - Settings............................................ 361 Ticket Exchange Wizard.................................................................... 362 Queues Wizard.................................................................................. 362 Queues Wizard - Overview........................................................................362 Queues Wizard - Community Queues.......................................................363 Queues Wizard - Special Purpose Queues...............................................367 Queues Wizard - Secondary Queuing.......................................................369

Finnair Queues Wizard - Settings...................................................... 370 Remarks Wizard - Settings................................................................ 370 Delivery Wizard ................................................................................. 375 Delivery Wizard - Overview .......................................................................375 Delivery Wizard - Delivery Administration Settings ...................................375 Delivery Wizard - General Ticketing Settings............................................378 Delivery Wizard - Electronic Ticketing Settings.........................................380 Delivery Wizard - Mail Service Settings ....................................................381 Delivery Wizard - Delivery Address Command .........................................382

Payment Configuration - Payment Method Wizard ........................... 382 Payment Method Wizard - Overview.........................................................382 Payment Method Wizard - Settings...........................................................383 Payment Method Wizard - Credit Cards....................................................388 Payment Method Wizard - Credit Card Validation ....................................388 Payment Method Wizard - Credit Card Commands..................................390 Payment Method Wizard - Billing and Invoicing ........................................391

Payment Configuration - Guarantee Wizard...................................... 392 vi

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Payment Configuration - Billing Account Wizard ............................... 392 Billing Account Wizard- Main Menu...........................................................392 Billing Account Wizard - Settings ..............................................................393

Command Builder Wizard.................................................................. 395 Command Builder Wizard..........................................................................395 Command Builder Wizard - Command Script Definition ...........................396 Command Builder Email Address Examples.............................................398 Command Builder Variables......................................................................399

Hotel Passive Segment Wizard - Settings......................................... 411 Trip Plan Modification Wizard - Settings............................................ 412 Trip Plan Exportation Wizard............................................................. 414 Trip Plan Exportation Wizard - Main Menu................................................414 Trip Plan Exportation Wizard - View..........................................................415

Chapter 27 Localization.......................................................................................... 417 General Localization Wizard - Settings ............................................. 417 General Messages Wizard ................................................................ 419 General Messages Wizard - Main Menu ...................................................419 General Messages Wizard - Message Details ..........................................420

Login Message Wizard - Settings...................................................... 421 Self Registration Message Localization Wizard - Settings ................ 423 Travel Policy Wizard - Settings.......................................................... 424 Fare Groups Localization Wizard - Fare Groups Localization........... 425 Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard ....................................... 426 Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Main Menu..........................426 Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Message Localization.........426

Air France Subscriber Localization Wizard - Settings ....................... 427 Privacy Statement Localization Wizard - Settings ............................. 427 Trip Validation Localization Wizard - Settings ................................... 428 Trip Notification Localization Wizard - Settings ................................. 430 Travel Planner Messages Wizard...................................................... 431 Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Overview ...........................................431 Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Air Messages ....................................431 Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Hotel Messages ................................432 Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Car Messages...................................433

Marketing Messages Wizard ............................................................. 434 Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Main Menu............................434 Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Message Localization ...........434

Predefined Location Localization Wizard .......................................... 435 Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Main Menu .............................435 Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Predefined Location Localization ...................................................................................................................436

Campaign Codes Localization Wizard............................................... 436 Justification Codes Localization Wizard - Settings ............................ 436 Trip Reason Codes Localization Wizard - Settings ........................... 437 Email Localization Wizard - Settings ................................................. 438 Custom Fields Localization Wizard - Settings ................................... 439 Queues Localization Wizard - Settings.............................................. 440 Service Tools Localization Wizard - Settings .................................... 440 More Services Localization Wizard - Settings ................................... 441 Delivery Localization Wizard - Settings ............................................. 442 AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings............... 443 Rates Localization Wizard - Air Rates ............................................... 444 Hotel Rate Codes Localization Wizard .............................................. 445 Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Chapter 28 How To.................................................................................................. 447 How to Create a Login Message ....................................................... 447 How to Activate Multiple Passenger Bookings .................................. 449 How to Activate Swedish Rail............................................................ 453 How to Activate the Automated Ticketing Limits Process ................. 455 How to Track the Number of Travellers on a Flight ........................... 456 How to Upload Hotel Rules from an Excel File.................................. 457 How to Activate FareAnalyzer ........................................................... 459 How to Activate a Ticketless-access Airline ...................................... 462 How to Activate the Air France Subscriber Program ......................... 465 Index ..................................................................................................... 467


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Chapter 1

Introduction to Administration

Amadeus e-Travel Management is used by business travellers within a corporation. The corporation uses the product in association with a travel agency that processes the bookings and issues the tickets. Amadeus e-Travel Management has two basic parts; the reservation (traveller) part and the administration part. This online help describes the administration part. The administration part allows the site administrator to configure and manage travel communities, travel policies, users and much more.

Using the Administration Interface Log in as an administrator and select the Admin tab from the menu bar at the top of the window. Selecting Admin displays the Administration Home page and the Administration Mode pane. From there, you can configure and manage the community to which you logged in, as well as any child community in the community hierarchy. In addition, if you are authorized to access Amadeus e-Reporter, you can do so by clicking on the e-Reporter link on the Administration Home page. Note:

Use the buttons and links within Amadeus e-Travel Management to navigate the pages. Do not use your browser's back button.


For optimum performance, you should have only one instance of Amadeus e-Travel Management running at a time. Avoid logging into several Amadeus e-Travel Management sites and keeping them open in multiple browser sessions.

Related Topics Administration Mode Pane on page 2 Wizards on page 2 Confirmation Page on page 3 Online Help on page 3

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Administration Mode Pane Whenever you use the Admin tab, the Administration Mode pane is displayed on the left-hand side of the page. You use the Administration Mode pane to select, configure and manage communities.


The currently selected community.


Click on Configure to display the Administration Home page and the available wizards for the current community. For more information about configuring communities, see Configure Communities on page 29.


Click on Manage to display the Manage Communities page, from where you can select an existing community or create child communities. For more information about managing communities, see Manage Communities on page 17.


The administration tree shows the available wizards for the current community (displayed only when you click on Configure).

Wizards You perform most administrative tasks in a community by using the appropriate administration wizard. A wizard guides you through the steps and choices that you need to make in order to manage a community or configure a community. For example, the Air Configuration wizard lets you configure the options available for 2

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration

air travel. For more information about managing and configuring communities, see Manage Communities on page 17 and Configure Communities on page 29. Each wizard consists of one or more pages, with each page displaying a number of related parameters. As you move through the pages, you specify values for each parameter. The parameter values apply to the community in which you are running the wizard and are inherited by child communities, as long as inheritance has not been broken.

Confirmation Page The Confirmation page is displayed whenever you click on Finish at the end of using a wizard. As well as providing confirmation that your changes have been made, the Confirmation page identifies any wizards that have invalid parameter settings as a result of the settings you just submitted. For example, if you change the GDS type for a community in the Community Structure wizard, you may invalidate settings in other wizards that are GDS-specific. Depending on the wizard you were using, the Confirmation page may also provide buttons to display the Administration Home page, restart the wizard or run the next wizard in the administration tree.

Online Help Click on in the top-right corner to display context-sensitive help for the current wizard or pane. Note:

The Admin help is displayed only when you are working on the Admin tab. When you are working on any of the other tabs (Home, Travel Planner, Travel Review, Profile), the Traveller Help is displayed instead.


Amadeus e-Travel Management has been configured to suit your corporation. Some of the features described in the online help may not apply to your community.

Communities and Inheritance Here we describe what you need to know about communities and inheritance. What Is a Community? on page 5 Community Types on page 5 Community Tree on page 10 What Is Inheritance? on page 10 Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

What Is a Community? Your corporation's online travel-booking website is made up of a number of communities. Some communities are non-travelling, administrative communities that define and manage other communities. However, most communities define the travel policies and preferences that apply to a particular group of employees. You can create separate communities for different languages, countries, currencies, travel budgets, GDSs, and so on. This allows you to cater for different travel needs on your website. The flexible community structure allows you to configure and maintain communities to fit the travel needs of your business. For example, a community could be: •

An entire company

A branch of a company in a foreign country

A department that has specific travel needs, different from the other departments in the company

For a one-off event or a single person.

What a community actually is, and what you can and cannot do with it, depends on the type of community. See Community Types below. The communities you create are linked together in a hierarchical structure known as a community tree. See Community Tree on page 10. Community Types There are three main types of community. Each one has its role in the community-tree hierarchy. Each level in the hierarchy influences the options and policies of its child communities. There is a limit of 12 levels in a community tree.

Distributor Community (Level 0) The distributor community is a non-travelling community. It is used to organize and manage other communities. A distributor community can create another distributor community below it; this means that you can create any depth of distributor communities you require. For example, a large corporation might create a distributor company for organisational reporting. At least one distributor community must be defined before you can create company and division communities. Here are some of the things you can do at distributor level:


Create distributor or company child communities.

Define administrators and profile managers for the community tree.

Define the user profile structure (the information that users enter when they log in).

Define the URL extension used to access the distributor community.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration

Company Community (Level 1) This can be a non-travelling or a travelling community. Note:

There can be only one company community in the hierarchy between a distributor community and its child division communities. Make sure that you create the company at the right level.

Here are some of the things you can do at company level: •

Create division child communities.

Define users and the tasks they are allowed to perform in this community and its child communities.

Define the user profile structure (the information that users enter when they log in).

Define the URL extension used to access the company community (this URL is used by all child divisions).

Division Community (Level 2) This is always a travelling community. Typically, a division-level community may be a company division or geographic region. Here are some of the things you can do at division level: •

Create division-type child communities.

Define roles in the community and its child communities.

Set default values for the user profile structure.


At division level, you cannot define the user profile structure or the URL; they are inherited from the parent company community.

Summary of Community Types The table below may help you decide when to create each type of community. Table: Summary of Community Types Distributor



Travel allowed?


Non-travelling or travelling


Can create this type of child community




Can create these users






Profile Manager User profile

Can define user profiles

Can define user profiles

Can set default values only


Must be defined

Must be defined

Uses the company URL

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Admin Guide

Source (certain communities only) This type of community is available to certain communities that are enabled to use Air Itinerary Sources. A source or air itinerary source community is a combination of a GDS and an agency (Amadeus and American Express, for example). It can be used for parallel fare searches across multiple GDSs and agencies to optimize the search for the lowest available fares. For more information on how to associate air itinerary sources to a community, see the help for the Air Itinerary Source wizard. Any communities below a source community are themselves source-level communities. A source-level community can define GDS community settings and configurations, which will be inherited by child communities


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Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration

Examples of Community Trees Here are some examples. Key: Distributor community Company community Division community

Example: Travel Logic Group Travel Logic Group has companies in the United States, Australia and France. Each company has a marketing division and a development division, which have different travel policies. The US marketing division has domestic and international sub-divisions. The US international marketing sub-division has offices in Canada, South America and the Caribbean. The French marketing division has offices in Nice and Paris. Travel Logic Group also has specific travel policies for its executives, and for staff who attend the annual general meeting. Here is the Travel Logic Group community-tree hierarchy.

Example: Zoom Travel Agency Zoom is a travel agency providing fulfilment for four corporate clients. Zoom manages all of these clients from its own distributor community. Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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As Zoom is at the root of the community tree, it can access its clients’ websites for administrative purposes. Two of the four clients are defined at company level. •

At Stout Beverages, all travellers have the same policies and requirements, so no division community is needed.

Crystal Clear Water Company has divisions for different travel needs.

The other two clients are part of a larger corporation, and therefore have some similar requirements. •

The parent corporation is defined as a distributor community

The clients themselves are defined as company communities.

There is one division community for each set of travellers with distinct community settings (such as language or currency) or travel requirements, although they share some common parameters inherited from the parent community. See What Is Inheritance? on page 10.

Here is the Zoom Travel Agency community-tree hierarchy.



Users can potentially log into any community below the company level, but never across two different companies. This means, for example, that Seat travellers cannot log into the VW Cars community.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration

Community Tree You use the community tree to select a community to manage or configure. The tree shows the community you logged into and its child communities. The community tree is displayed on the Manage Communities page. To display the page, click on Manage on the Administration Mode pane. Here is an example of a community tree. Notice that icons are used to identify the types of communities.

The following example shows a community tree with Air Itinerary Source communities. Air Itinerary Source communities are available in certain communities only. The first Air Itinerary Source community in the tree structure is highlighted:

What Is Inheritance? A community automatically inherits the majority of its characteristics (community structure, behaviour and display settings, policy rules, localisation settings and other settings) from its parent community.

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Admin Guide

For example, the VW Cars community has the Air, Hotel and Car travel planner components activated. When you create child communities, the Air, Hotel and Car travel planner components are activated by default. Of course, you don't always want to use the inherited values. VW Cars has the default language set to UK English and the currency set to British Pound, but the France and Germany communities will want to use their own languages and have the currency set to Euro. When you change a value in a child community, you break inheritance from the parent community for the changed parameters only. For more information, see Breaking Inheritance below. Provided that you have not broken inheritance for a parameter, whenever you change a value in a parent community, the child communities automatically inherit the new value.

Breaking Inheritance If a child community needs different settings or policies from its parent community, you can break inheritance for one or more parameters. When you break inheritance for a parameter, any future changes made to that parameter in the parent community are not passed down to its child communities. Note:

All unchanged parameters remain inherited.

For example, within the VW Cars company you change the language and currency for the France and Germany divisions.


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Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration


For the VW Cars company, the language is UK English and the currency is British Pound. These settings apply to all child communities unless inheritance is broken.


For the France division, you set the language to French and the currency to Euro, breaking inheritance for these parameters.


For the Germany division, you set the language to German and the currency to Euro, breaking inheritance for these parameters. However, North and South, the child communities of Germany, inherit these new values because inheritance is still active between the communities and their parent.

If you now change the language of VW Cars to US English, the language is automatically changed only in the Support, Sales and UK communities, because inheritance of the language setting has been broken in the other communities. If you change the GDS of VW Cars to Amadeus, the GDS is set to Amadeus in all child communities because inheritance of the GDS setting has not been broken. Note that inheritance can never be broken for the parameters in the following wizards: •

Standard air rules

Lowest fare rules

Web fare rules

Air upgrade rules

Standard car rules

Standard hotel rules


In other words, child communities will always inherit these kinds of rule from the parent community.

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Admin Guide

Restoring Broken Inheritance If the Restore Inheritance function has been activated for your community (this is done using a database parameter), you can display the inheritance status and optionally restore broken inheritance for parameters in the following wizards: •

Air Configuration - Air Settings

Car Configuration

Hotel Configuration

Payment Method

Command Builder

When this function is activated, you see a link in the top-right corner of the wizards listed above.


You do not see the icon in the top-level community, only in child communities.

Click on the Show Inheritance Icon to display the individual inheritance icons - for each parameter or group of parameters.


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Chapter 1 Introduction to Administration


Click on


After clicking on , you see that this parameter has been modified so inheritance has been broken. Click on Restore Inheritance to restore the value of the parameter from the parent community.


, you see that this parameter inherits the value from the After clicking on parent community.


Click on this link to hide all inheritance icons.

to display the inheritance status of a parameter.

If you restore the inheritance of a parameter, you must complete the wizard and save your changes for the restoration to take effect. Note:

For the Command Builder wizard, there is only one inheritance icon, which is displayed below the Create Command Script button. If you restore inheritance for the Command Builder, you restore inheritance for all command scripts.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Implementing a New Travel Site To implement a new travel site, you need to: •

Create a community structure that fits the business needs of the travel site

Configure the communities in the community structure

Creating a community structure Before creating a community structure, you need to plan the structure that will best fit the business needs of the travel site. In doing so, you need to consider: •

Reporting requirements for the travel site, keeping in mind that child communities are rolled up into the parent community

The influence or control each community needs over child communities

Future requirements for the community structure

Once you have planned the structure that you need, you then can create and manage the community structure.

Configuring the communities in the structure Before configuring the communities in the structure, you need to decide the most efficient and effective order in which to run the configuration wizards for your travel site. In doing so, you need to consider: •

Inheritance — Parameters that you want passed down from a parent community to child communities should be set first to take advantage of inheritance. Note:

If you change a given parameter in the child community, you break inheritance with the parent community for that parameter. Any changes to this parameter in the parent community will no longer affect the child community. Once inheritance is broken, it cannot be restored.

Wizard dependency — Some wizards are dependent on other wizards for values. For example, the Air Rules wizard is dependent on the Trip Reason Codes wizard for the trip reason codes that can be used in air rules. The order in which the wizards appear in the administrative tree takes into account any wizard dependencies. So, you can simply follow that order. However, if your site is configured by, let's say, a travel manager and a travel agency, you might want to use another order. Note:

If you want to follow the order in the administrative tree, you can take advantage of the Continue button on the Confirmation page that appears after you finish with a wizard. The Continue button runs the next wizard listed in the administrative tree. If you do not want to follow the order in the administrative tree, you can just select the wizards in the order in which you want to run them.

Once you have decided the most efficient and effective order in which to run the configuration wizards for your travel site, you then can configure the communities.


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Chapter 2

Manage Communities

After you log in to a community and select Admin in the application menu bar at the top of the window, you can manage the communities to which you have administrative rights; that is you can: •

Select a community to administer in the community tree

Create a test copy (excluding users) of the selected community, called a dry run, and change its settings for testing purposes before applying the changes to the original community

Create a clone (that is, a working duplicate excluding users) of the selected community

Create a new community subordinate to the selected community

Publish (that is apply) changes made in a dry run community to the original community

Delete the selected community

To manage communities: 1. Click on Manage in the Administration Mode pane to display the Community Tools page. 2. In the community tree displayed on the Community Tools page, select the community that you want to administer. Note that when you select a community, it becomes the current community as indicated in the Dashboard. 3. Click: -

Dry Run to create a test copy of the selected community, called a dry run, and change its settings for testing purposes before applying the changes to the original community. Clicking on Dry Run runs the Dry Run Creation wizard.


Clone to create a working duplicate of the selected community. Clicking on Clone runs the Community Cloning wizard.


Create to create a new community subordinate to the selected community. Clicking on Create runs the Community Creation wizard.


Publish to apply changes made in a dry run community to the original, live community. Clicking Publish runs the Dry Run Publishing wizard.


Delete to delete the selected community. Clicking Delete runs the Community Deletion wizard.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

If you want to configure the community you have selected rather than manage it, click on Configure in the Administration Mode pane. Related Topics Configure Communities on page 29 Administration Mode Pane on page 2 Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

Community Creation Wizard Community Creation Wizard - Overview Navigation: To access this wizard, first click on Manage in the Administration Mode pane, then, on the Community Tools page, select the community for which you want to create a subordinate community and click on Create. The Community Creation wizard lets you create the basic structure of a community subordinate to the community that you selected in the community tree. Specifically, you can specify: •

Community identification information, such as the travel services that the community will offer to travellers.

Travel component specifications, such as codes specific to the GDS used by the community.

The newly created community will inherit all the parameters of its parent community. Note:

After creating the basic structure of a subordinate community, you will need to configure it. To do that, click on Configure in the Administrative Mode pane, then run the wizards displayed in the administrative tree. To run a wizard, select it in the tree.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Community Creation Wizard - Community Identification on page 19

Community Creation Wizard - General Settings on page 22

Related Topics Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10


Edition v14.0

Chapter 2 Manage Communities

Community Creation Wizard - Community Identification You use the Community Identification page to specify the basic identification information for a community subordinate to the community that you selected on the Community Tools page. You can specify basic setup information about the community as well as the type of travel services that the community makes available to its travellers.

What You Provide Community name Enter the name for the community. Use: •

A name that is unique among siblings

A maximum of 35 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, and dashes


Inheritance does not apply to this parameter.

Type of community If the community that you selected in the community tree is a Distributor, select the type of community — either Distributor or Company. If the community that you selected in the community tree is a Company or a Division, you can only create a Division. Exception: Certain communities that are enabled to use Air Itinerary Sources, can select a Company in the community tree and create a Division or a Source. A Source or Air Itinerary Source community is a combination of a GDS and an agency (Amadeus and American Express, for example). It can be used for parallel fare searches across multiple GDSs and agencies to optimize the search for the lowest available fares. For more information see the help for the Air Itinerary Source wizard. Note:

Inheritance does not apply to this parameter.

Site name For a Distributor or Company, specify a unique identifier for this community. You can use as many as 55 letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens; you cannot use slashes (/). For a Division, this control is read-only. (Access to a Division is provided by the web address of its company-level parent.) The site name is part of the full web address by which users access a community. The address would look like this: http://server/login/SiteName/language where: •

server is the path to the server that hosts your community (name of the etravel web server). Examples: e-travelmanagement1.amadeus.com (North America) e-travelmanagement2.amadeus.com (Europe, Middle East & Africa) e-travelmanagement3.amadeus.com (Asia Pacific)

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

e-travelmanagement4.amadeus.com (Latin America) •

login is the login site indicator

SiteName is the unique identifier specified in this parameter

language is optional and identifies the code for the language in which the site is to be viewed. (You specify the languages in which a site can be viewed on the General Settings page of this wizard.) For example, if your server is e-travelmanagement2.amadeus.com, your login is login, and you specify a site name of mycompany with a language of en (English). Then full web address for the community would then be http://e-travelmanagement2.amadeus.com/login/mycompany/en.


Inheritance does not apply to this parameter.

GDS type for community Specify the Global Distribution System (GDS) to be utilized by the community (for example, Amadeus or Sabre). Travel Planner Components Specify the type of travel services that the community offers. The possible options are: •

Air — Activates/deactivates the use of air travel services. If this feature is activated, you can then also specify whether users are allowed to search for low-cost carriers (Web fares) when pricing flights. If you select Web search, web fares are displayed on all routes when available. To define which web fare airlines you want to be displayed to the traveller and the in- and out-of-policy status of web fares, you must also: -

Set up web fares using the Web Search Configuration wizard


Create a web search rule using the Web Search Rule page of the Air Rules wizard


Web fares are available only for one-way trips and simple round trips consisting of two flights in which the origin and destination are reversed (for example, BOS-SFO, SFO-BOS).

Rail — Activates/deactivates the use of rail travel services. If you select rail, you must then select your rail reservations provider. You can only select one rail provider for a community. For example, if you select Die Bahn, you cannot also select SNCF. The rail reservations provider is not the rail carrier but the reservations system through which you can book rail trips. For example, if you select SNCF, you may also be able to reserve rail trips on other carriers such as Thalys. You can only set the rail reservations provider in company-level communities. The setting will be inherited in all (division-level) child communities. Also, you can only set the rail reservations provider once. Once you have set it, you cannot change it at a later date. Note:


The rail component may not be available in your country. Your fulfilment travel agency may not be able to provide rail travel services. You should first check with your fulfilment travel agency to see if they can provide rail booking services. If they can provide rail services, they will provide the necessary information (identification

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Chapter 2 Manage Communities

codes) to configure rail. The rail component is only available with Amadeus GDS. •

Hotel — Activates/deactivates the use of hotel reservations. HARP provider: (if available) This option integrates the HARP hotel provider system into the online reservation system. When set for the community, hotel availability and rules are processed by the HARP system and not by the GDS. The GDS hotel availability search (also called multi-availability) is replaced by a search on the HARP system, and no searching is performed on the GDS for that community. Note:

Amadeus e-Travel Management rules do not apply to the hotel search results returned by HARP. This means all results are considered in-policy and are therefore displayed in the search results. When the HARP system is activated any existing hotel rules are no longer visible in the Hotel Rules wizard.


If this option is enabled, a HARP Settings section is displayed in the Hotel Configuration wizard.

Car — Activates/deactivates the use of rental car services.

More Services — Activates/deactivates the use of other ground transportation (taxi, limousine or bus services, for example) or travel-related services by External Content Providers or Integrated Providers. For more information on External Content Providers and Integrated Providers, see the help for the More Services wizard. Note:

Integrated Providers are available to communities using a GDS other than Worldspan.

If enabled, you must also: For External Content Providers: -

Create the External Content Provider links in the More Services wizard. The links are displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab.


Localize the link text in the More Services Localization wizard.


Optionally, you can: Create custom fields in the Custom Fields wizard, for example for the External Content Provider URL log-ins and passwords. With the custom fields you can customize the External Content Provider URL in the More Services wizard allowing the traveller easy access to the External Content Providers' services. The traveller can update and save the log-in and password information of the custom fields in the traveller profile.


Don't forget to configure the custom fields in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard.

For Integrated Providers: -

Activate the providers that you want to allow for the community in the More Services wizard, and define the link text that is displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. Depending on the type of service (train, hotel, taxi, limousine, and so on) Integrated Providers are also accessible through the Rail, Hotel or Car section of the Travel Planner tab.


Localize the link text in the More Services Localization wizard.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Alternatively, if you do not want to create the community, click on Cancel. Related Topics Community Creation Wizard - Overview on page 18 Community Types on page 5 Configure Communities on page 29 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

Community Creation Wizard - General Settings You use the General Settings page to provide the basic travel component specifications for a community subordinate to the community that you selected on the Community Tools page.

What You Provide Show distance as Specify whether to display distances for the car component in miles or kilometres. Community currency Select the default currency to be used: •

For all hotel and car reservations

For rules

For the minimum cost saving required for display of Web fares

When a user logs in to a community that is within the hierarchy of the traveller's governing community but that does not support the currency specified in the traveller's profile

Point of sale/ticketing Specify the three-character International Associations of Travel Agents (IATA) city code for the city where the tickets will be paid for. If you leave this parameter blank, the departure city will be used as the point of sale and point of ticketing. Generally, travel agencies with offices only in a specific city or country need to enter a value for this parameter so that pricing is done correctly. Airlines that have offices or agreements around the world can leave this parameter blank. Fulfilment country code (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus and the Hotel component is enabled) Select the country code of the fulfilment agency/source.


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Chapter 2 Manage Communities

Pseudo city (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus and the Hotel component is enabled) Specify the pseudo city code (PCC) for Apollo or Sabre, or Security Identifier (SID) for Worldspan. Internet office ID (appears only if the GDS is Amadeus) Specify the Amadeus Office ID in uppercase. Amadeus office ID for hotel bookings (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus and the Hotel component is enabled) Specify the Amadeus Office ID that the community will use for hotel reservations. Note that the Amadeus Office ID may require separate configuration before being used by the online reservation system. Languages Specify the languages in which the community's users can view the online reservation system. Note that, for each language that you specify, you will need to run its set of localization wizards in order to translate a number of community-specific items, such as messages. From the selected languages, select the one that will be the primary – that is, the default – language to be used when a user logs in to community that is within the hierarchy of the traveller's governing community but that does not support the language specified in the traveller's profile. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to create the community, click on Cancel. Related Topics Community Creation Wizard - Overview on page 18 Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

Dry Run Creation Wizard - Confirmation Navigation: To access this wizard, first click on Manage in the Administration Mode pane, then, on the Community Tools page, select the community for which you want to create a dry run and click on Dry Run. The Dry Run Creation wizard lets you create a dry run of the community you selected in the community tree. A dry run is a test copy of a community. It has all the parameters of the original community but does not have any of the original's users. A dry run is automatically given the name original_community_Test, where original_community is the name of the original community from which the dry run was created. Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Using a dry run community, you can make changes to a community's parameters and test them without affecting users in the original community before putting the changes into production. (To test a dry run community as a traveller, create a new user in the dry run community, then log in to the dry run community as that user. Note that any bookings you make in the dry run are not automatically cancelled; you must cancel them yourself.) When you are satisfied with your settings, you can publish the dry run, that is, apply the changes in the dry run community to the original community in production. For more information see Dry Run Publishing Wizard - Confirmation below. You can create a dry run of the community to which you are logged in and any of its subordinate communities. However, you cannot create a dry run of a community that itself is a dry run. A community can have only one dry run version at any given time. The wizard consists of a single page, Confirmation.

What You Provide To create the dry run community, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you do not want to create the dry run community, click on Cancel. Related Topics Dry Run Publishing Wizard - Confirmation below Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

Dry Run Publishing Wizard - Confirmation Navigation: To access this wizard, first click on Manage in the Administration Mode pane, then, on the Community Tools page, select the dry run that you want to publish and click on Publish. The Dry Run Publishing wizard lets you publish changes made in the dry run community you selected in the community tree to the original community that is live in production. Publishing replaces the original community with the dry run community but preserves the users of the original community. Note:

Changes made to the original community after the dry run was created will be overwritten when you publish the dry run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Confirmation.

What You Provide To publish changes made in the selected dry run community to the original community, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you do not want to publish to the selected community, click on Cancel. 22

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Related Topics Dry Run Creation Wizard - Confirmation on page 23 Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

Community Cloning Wizard - Settings Navigation: To access this wizard, first click on Manage in the Administration Mode pane, then, on the Community Tools page, select the community that you want to clone and click on Clone. The Community Cloning wizard lets you create a working duplicate of the community that you selected in the community tree. Cloning a community speeds creation of a community. The original and cloned communities will have the same parent community. Once cloned, the cloned community has no relationship to the original community. The cloned community will retain the same parameters of the original community from which it was cloned. It will not, however, have any of the original community's users. The cloned community will have the same inheritance structure as the original community. For example, if inheritance is still active for a given parameter between the original community and the parent, then inheritance will also be active for the parameter between the cloned community and the parent. Similarly, if inheritance is broken for a particular parameter in the original community, it will also be broken for the cloned community. This also means that the parameters of the cloned community may or may not match the parameters of the parent community, depending on whether they were changed in the original community. You can clone any community subordinate to the community to which you are logged in; you cannot clone the community to which you are logged in. After you clone a community, the Administrator for the original community can create users and make any needed changes to the parameters in the cloned community. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide New community name Enter the new name for the community. Use: •

A name that is unique among siblings


A maximum of 35 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, and dashes

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

New community URL For a Distributor or Company, specify a unique identifier for this community. You can use as many as 55 letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens; you cannot use slashes (/). For a Division, this control is read-only. (Access to a Division is provided by the Web address of its company-level parent.) The Site URL is part of the full Web address by which users access a community. This address would take the form: http://server/SiteURL/language where: •

server is the path to the server that hosts your community

SiteURL is the unique identifier specified in this parameter

language is optional and identifies the code for the language in which the site is to be viewed. (You specify the languages in which a site can be viewed on the General Settings page of this wizard.)

For example, if your server is travel/login and you specify a Site URL of mycompany with a language of en, then the full Web address for the community would be http://travel/login/mycompany/en.


Inheritance does not apply to this parameter.

To clone the selected community, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you do not want to clone the selected community, click on Cancel. Related Topics Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

Community Deletion Wizard - Confirmation Navigation: To access this wizard, first click on Manage in the Administration Mode pane, then, on the Community Tools page, select the community that you want to delete and click on Delete. The Community Creation wizard lets you delete the community that you selected in the community tree. Deleting a community makes it unavailable to users (although any users logged in to the community at the time that you delete it will be allowed to complete their sessions). You cannot delete:


The community to which you logged in

A community that has one or more subordinate communities

A community that has a dry run community associated with it

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Chapter 2 Manage Communities

The wizard consists of a single page, Confirmation.

What You Provide To delete the community, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you do not want to delete the community, click on Cancel. Related Topics Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

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Chapter 3

Configure Communities

After you log in to a community as an administrator and select Admin in the application menu bar at the top of the window, you can configure communities to which you have administrative rights. Configuring a community involves running wizards to set parameters for the community. When you first log in and select Admin, the configuration wizards for the community to which you logged in are displayed in the administrative tree in the Administration Mode pane. You can immediately begin configuring this community by running these wizards. To run a wizard, select it in the administrative tree. To configure another community to which you have administrative rights in the current hierarchy: 1. Click Manage in the Administration Mode pane to display the Community Tools page. 2. In the community tree displayed on the Community Tools page, select the community that you want to configure. The selected community becomes the current community as indicated in the Dashboard. 3. Click Configure in the Administration Mode pane to display the wizards for the current community. 4. Run the wizards displayed in the administrative tree. To run a wizard, select it in the tree. Related Topics Manage Communities on page 17 Administration Mode Pane on page 2 Community Types on page 5 Using the Administration Interface on page 1 Wizards on page 2 What Is Inheritance? on page 10

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Chapter 4

Community Structure Wizard

Community Structure Wizard - Overview The Community Structure wizard lets you specify, for a community: -

Community identification information, such as the travel services that the community will offer to travellers


Travel component specifications, such as codes specific to the GDS used by the community


Agency identification information


Contact information for the community


Billing and reporting controls

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Community Structure Wizard - Community Identification below

Community Structure Wizard - General Settings on page 43

Community Structure Wizard - Agency Identification on page 46

Community Structure Wizard - Contact on page 48

Community Structure Wizard - Billing and Reporting on page 48

Community Structure Wizard - Community Identification Use the Community Identification page to display and modify information about the structure of a travel community. You can specify basic setup information about the community as well as the type of travel services that the community makes available to its travellers.

What You Provide Community name Enter the new name for the community. Use: •

A name that is unique among siblings

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

A maximum of 35 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, and dashes


Inheritance does not apply to this parameter.

Site name For a Distributor or Company, specify a unique identifier for this community. You can use as many as 55 letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens; you cannot use slashes (/). For a Division, this control is read-only. (Access to a Division is provided by the Web address of its company-level parent.) The Site name is part of the full web address by which users access a community. This address would take the form: http://server/SiteName/language where: •

server is the path to the server that hosts your community

SiteName is the unique identifier specified in this parameter

language is optional and identifies the code for the language in which the site is to be viewed. (You specify the languages in which a site can be viewed on the General Settings page of this wizard.)

For example, if your server is travel/login and you specify a Site name of mycompany with a language of en, then the full Web address for the community would be http://travel/login/mycompany/en. Note:

Inheritance does not apply to this parameter.

GDS type for community Specify the Global Distribution System (GDS) to be utilized by the community (for example, Amadeus or Sabre). Note:

In some communities, the GDS is set to Amadeus and cannot be changed. In this case, the GDS type is read-only.

Allow customization of the administrative interface Select to allow users defined as a custom administrator to work with a customized administration interface. The purpose of this feature is to provide a shortcut to the most frequentlyaccessed features in the administration wizards and access to a limited number of regular wizards. The settings that determine which settings and wizards are available are stored in a template created by the system administrator. When you have enabled this setting, the Admin Customization wizard appears in the administration tree below the community name. Use this wizard to create an administration template. You must also assign the customer administrator role to a user to provide him or her with access to the customized administration tree. See the help for the Admin Customization wizard for more information. Note:


If you deselect this option when it is being used in the community, all defined templates and role definitions will be removed from the system. The system will display a warning message and ask you to confirm deletion. Edition v14.0

Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard

Require justification Specify whether the community requires justification when the traveller books either out-of-policy or below the time limit before departure date. If you enable this parameter, you must also define the travel components that require justification, and define the justification codes that travellers use to explain why a trip that is inconsistent with travel policy. You define justification codes in the Justification Codes wizard. Note:

If this parameter is enabled, and you have defined a booking time limit in the Justification Codes wizard, justification will be required for any booking attempted outside of the defined booking time limit, regardless of whether the trip is in or out of policy.

Allow Unused Ticket Payment Note:

For this setting to work, an Unused Ticket Bank must be created with the ETVLoadTool. For more information contact the ETV Orders team.

If selected, a traveller can apply an unused e-ticket (limited to one per booking) towards a new trip or when modifying or repeating a trip: Note:

An unused e-ticket is a ticket where the last date of travel is in the past and where at least one flight segment has the status 'open'.


The system does not verify the compatibility of the unused e-ticket with the new itinerary.

A link Unused tickets available is displayed in the Travel Planner and Travel Review pages. The traveller can click on this link to display the unused tickets that he has available for re-use. For Quick Shopper: The traveller can click on the Unused tickets available icon, which is displayed for the individual flight results. The traveller can also click on the airline logos in the Unused Tickets Available section of the flight results display to display the available unused tickets for a specific airline.

From the drop-down list of the Unused Tickets Bank field in the Method of Payment section on the Finish Trip page, he can select which ticket he wants to apply to the trip.

The booking is sent to the Manual Exchange Queue of the travel agency with a PNR remark containing the unused ticket information.

The Trip Summary and the trip confirmation and request for approval emails contain a note that an unused ticket is available for use on this itinerary.

If this setting is enabled, you must also: •

Configure a Manual Exchange Queue in the Unused Ticket Queues section of the Standard Queues wizard to which the booking is queued for ticketing by the travel agency.

Optionally, you can: •

Create commands in the Command Builder wizard to submit specific information (airline code, ticket number, issuing date, expiration date, and so on) about the unused e-ticket in the PNR.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) Note:

This setting is only available for communities that have been configured to use Unused Ticket Trader. It is only available for communities using the Amadeus or the Sabre GDS.

If you select Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment), you can automate the reuse of unused e-tickets (limited to one per booking) towards a new trip or when repeating a trip with Unused Ticket Trader. Note:

An unused e-ticket is a ticket where the last date of travel is in the past and where at least one flight segment has the status 'open'. Partially flown or totally unused e-tickets can be reused.

With this automated process, the traveller selects the unused e-ticket number that he wants to reuse from a drop-down menu on the Unused Ticket page in the Travel Planner. The system verifies the compatibility of the unused e-ticket with the new itinerary, reprices the booking with the unused ticket information and displays the fare details (new flight price, unused ticket price, change fees, refund amount, etc.) to the traveller. When the traveller selects the price with the unused ticket, the system updates the PNR with the necessary ticket reissue/revalidation information, which is then used by your travel agency to reissue or revalidate the ticket. Note:

The airline defines in the fare rule (conditions and restrictions of the fare) if a reissue or a revalidation has to be done. A reissue generates new travel documents whereas a revalidation modifies the original travel documents.


The physical reissue or revalidation is done by the travel agency, not by the online booking system.

Note that Unused Ticket Trader is not possible for: •

Offline bookings.

Bookings for multiple passengers.

Multi-destination trips with more than two bounds in the new itinerary.

Multiple reissues. Only first reissues/revalidations can be done.

Bookings with split PNRs (Corporate and Personal Travel Pass, Malmoe Pass).

Bookings for guest travellers and travellers without a profile.

In order to enable the Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) setting, the following must be provided: •

The Amadeus office ID of the community must be authorized to use Amadeus Ticket Changer.

An Amadeus office ID must be created for communities using the Sabre GDS. For more information see the help for the Amadeus Unused Tickets Office ID setting in the General Settings section of this wizard.

An Unused Ticket Bank must be accessible for the community. For more information contact the ETV Orders team.

The airline must file its carrier fares with a Voluntary Changes category to allow automated reissues or revalidations.



Only Public Carrier Fares, Unifares and Negotiated Fares can be reissued. For communities using Sabre, the booking corporate code (SNAP code) of the Corporate Fares must be matched with an

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Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard

Amadeus corporate code. For more information see the help for the Ticket Exchange wizard. Note:

Only carrier fares can be reissued, not IATA (YY) fares. Reissued fares, however, can be YY-fares.

When you enable the Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) setting, you must also: •

Define the Unused Ticket Trader (UTT) Queues in the Unused Ticket Queues section of the Queues wizard.

For communities using Amadeus, you must define an Unused Ticket Report Queue in the Unused Ticket Queues section of the Standard Queues wizard, unless your Unused Ticket Bank has been created with the ETVLoadTool. For more information contact the ETV Orders team.

Define the headers of the Unused Ticket PNR remarks that are created by the system in the Remarks wizard.

For communities using the Sabre GDS, you must also: •

Create an Amadeus Office ID. For more information see the help for the Amadeus Unused Tickets Office ID setting in the General Settings section of this wizard.

Match the booking corporate codes (SNAP codes) of the corporate fares with the Amadeus corporate codes. For more information see the help for the Ticket Exchange wizard under PNR Management.

Optionally, you can create commands in the Command Builder wizard to submit specific information about the reissue/revalidation in the PNR.


If an unused ticket does not qualify for an automated reissue with Unused Ticket Trader, the traveller can still choose the manual exchange by selecting the unused ticket in the method of payment section on the Finish Trip page.

Allow GDS feed Note:

This setting is only available for communities using the Amadeus GDS.

If you select Allow GDS feed, the system extracts the Unused E-Ticket Tracking Report (UETTR) directly from the GDS. An Unused Ticket Bank does not need to be created with the ETVLoadTool. For this setting to work, the UETTR must be enabled in the GDS offices (terminals) used by the community. For communities using Amadeus, you must also define an Unused Ticket Report Queue in the Unused Ticket Queues section of the Standard Queues wizard. Allow repeat trip Specify whether to activate the repeat trip functionality for the community. Allow special trip request If checked, a traveller can ask a travel arranger to book a trip on behalf of the traveller. A link is displayed at the bottom of the Quick Start or Travel Planner screen, for the traveller to make the request. The request to arrange travel is sent to the travel arranger via email.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

If enabled, you also need to define at least one travel arranger in this community, or you need to ensure at least one nominated travel arranger is assigned to each traveller. Allow offline booking request If selected, a traveller or travel arranger can request a booking proposal from a travel agency at any time during the search or booking process. The booking is processed 'offline' (outside the online reservation system) on behalf of the traveller or travel arranger. A link or button is displayed at the bottom of the Travel Planner screens (including from the Trip Modification and Repeat Trip pages), for the traveller or travel arranger to make the request. For more information, see the help for the Offline Booking - General Settings wizard. If this setting is enabled, proceed as follows: •

Define the information that is needed to make an offline booking request in the Offline Booking - General Settings wizard.

Optionally, you can define a set of rules to enforce which travel requests must be handled offline by your travel agency versus online in the online booking system. For more information see the help for the Offline Booking Offline Rules wizard. Note:

Offline booking rules can only be created for communities using the Amadeus or Sabre GDS.

Define an offline booking request queue in the Other Queues section of the Standard Queues wizard (only required, if offline booking rules have not been defined in the Offline Rules wizard).

Optionally, you can define the layout of the offline booking request and reject emails in different languages in the Email Localization wizard.

Allow all trips to be placed on hold Specify whether travellers can put trips on hold. If a trip cannot be placed on hold, the Place On Hold button does not appear in the online reservation system. Web Fares: There are specific options for bookings that contain web fares, because web fare bookings must be paid for at booking time, even if the trip is placed on hold. Allow all trips to be placed on hold — any type of trip can be placed on hold. All trips except those that contain only webfare elements — trips can be placed on hold, except trips that contain only web fare bookings (no GDS air bookings, car, hotel or rail bookings are present). Example: a trip containing a web fare flight and a hotel reservation can be placed on hold; a web fare flight only cannot. All trips except those that contain at least one webfare element — trips can be placed on hold, except trips that contain a web fare booking. Example: a trip containing a web fare flight and a hotel reservation cannot be placed on hold. Note:

If they have been enabled, the parameters related to pending trips must also be set in the Trip Validation wizard.

Rail Bookings: There are specific options for bookings that contain rail segments that are paid for by credit card. Allow all trips to be placed on hold — any type of trip can be placed on hold. 34

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Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard

All trips except those that contain only rail elements — trips can be placed on hold, except trips that contain only rail bookings (no air bookings, web fare, car or hotel bookings are present). Example: a trip containing a rail booking and a hotel reservation can be placed on hold; a rail booking only cannot. All trips except those that contain at least one rail element — trips can be placed on hold, except trips that contain a rail booking. Example: a trip containing a rail booking and a hotel reservation cannot be placed on hold. Trips containing a Swedish Rail booking cannot be placed on hold. Note:

If they have been enabled, the parameters related to pending (on hold) trips must also be set in the Trip Validation wizard.

Force users to accept privacy statement Selecting this option will force users to accept the privacy statement before they can use the travel reservations tool. You can customize the privacy statement (for each language) in the Localization - Privacy Statement wizard. You can use Amadeus e-Reporter to see which users have or have not accepted the privacy statement. If checked, you can also choose to Display privacy statement acceptance in profile. This causes the system to display the date and time when the user accepted the privacy statement in the Traveller Profile. Hide profile page from users Select this option to hide the profile page from users. If you select this option: •

For all users, the Profile tab will not appear on the interface.

Travellers and travel approvers will not be able to access or modify their profile.

Travel arrangers will not be able to access or modify their own profile. Also, they will not be able to access or modify the profile of a user they are arranging travel for - unless the user belongs to another community in which the profile page is accessible.

Profile managers and administrators will only be able to access and modify profiles, including their own, using the Modify User wizard.

You should load profile data from an external database or synchronize with an external profile database, such as Profile Link.

You must ensure that user profiles are valid and complete before they log in for the first time, otherwise they may not be able to make travel bookings.

Allow billing account If you select this option, the following is activated: •

The Use Billing Account option in the Air and Rail (SNCF only) Method of Payment Option sections in the Payment Method wizard

A Billing Account wizard under Payment Configuration in the administrative community tree structure Note:

The Use Billing Account option can only be activated for both the air and rail (SNCF only) method of payment. You cannot activate it

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Admin Guide

individually for the air method of payment or the rail method of payment only. •

E-ticket office ID field. Enter the office ID of the fulfilling travel agency that issues airline e-tickets. If you leave this field blank, e-tickets are issued to the travel agency office ID defined in the Billing Account wizard.

To allow a traveller to select a specific billing account as the method of payment for airline and train tickets in the Traveller Profile and in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page, you must do the following: •

Enable the Use Billing Account option in the Air Method and Rail Method of Payment sections of the Payment Method wizard.

Create billing accounts in the Billing Account wizard.

Enable the setting Billing Number in the Account Information wizard of the profile structure for Display To Traveller on Profile Page and Display on Finishing.

Enable the setting Use Billing Account for Airline Ticket and Train Ticket Payment in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard of the profile structure for Display to Traveller on Profile Page and Display on Finishing.

To allow a traveller to submit a billing account number together with a method of guarantee for a hotel or car reservation from the Travel Planner Finish Trip page, you must do the following: •

Create billing accounts in the Billing Account wizard.

Enable the setting Billing Number in the Account Information wizard of the profile structure for Display To Traveller on Profile Page and Display on Finishing. Note:

The billing account information can only be used in combination with a hotel or car method of guarantee, like a credit card, for example.

Allow MASSIVEGOOD at Booking Time Select this option to give the traveller the possibility of making a voluntary donation to MASSIVEGOOD during the booking process. Travel Planner Components Specify the type of travel services that the community offers. The possible options are: •

Air — Activates/deactivates the use of air travel services. If this feature is activated, you can then also specify whether users are allowed to search for low-cost carriers (Web fares) when pricing flights. If you select Web search, web fares are displayed on all routes when available. To define which web fare airlines you want to be displayed to the traveller and the in- and out-of-policy status of web fares, you must also: -

Set up web fares using the Web Search Configuration wizard


Create a web search rule using the Web Search Rule page of the Air Rules wizard



Web fares are available only for one-way trips and simple round trips consisting of two flights in which the origin and destination are reversed (for example, BOS-SFO, SFO-BOS).

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Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard


If you have selected web fares but you also want to activate a lowcost airline that is implemented in ticketless access (Amadeus GDS only), you must exclude the airline from the web search using the Web Search Configuration wizard.

Rail — Activates/deactivates the use of rail travel services. If you select rail, you must then select your rail reservations provider. You can only select one rail provider for a community. For example, if you select Die Bahn, you cannot also select SNCF. The rail reservations provider is not the rail carrier but the reservations system through which you can book rail trips. For example, if you select SNCF, you may also be able to reserve rail trips on other carriers such as Thalys. You can only set the rail reservations provider in company-level communities. The setting will be inherited in all (division-level) child communities. Also, you can only set the rail reservations provider once. Once you have set it, you cannot change it at a later date. Note:

The rail component may not be available in your country. Your fulfilment travel agency may not be able to provide rail travel services. You should first check with your fulfilment travel agency to see if they can provide rail booking services. If they can provide rail services, they will provide the necessary information (identification codes) to configure rail. The rail component is only available with Amadeus GDS.

Hotel — Activates/deactivates the use of hotel reservations. HARP provider: (if available) This option integrates the HARP hotel provider system into the online reservation system. When set for the community, hotel availability and rules are processed by the HARP system and not by the GDS. The GDS hotel availability search (also called multi-availability) is replaced by a search on the HARP system, and no searching is performed on the GDS for that community. Note:

Amadeus e-Travel Management rules do not apply to the hotel search results returned by HARP. This means all results are considered in-policy and are therefore displayed in the search results. When the HARP system is activated any existing hotel rules are no longer visible in the Hotel Rules wizard.


If this option is enabled, a HARP Settings section is displayed in the Hotel Configuration wizard.

Car — Activates/deactivates the use of rental car services.

More Services — Activates/deactivates the use of other ground transportation (taxi, limousine or bus services, for example) or travel-related services by External Content Providers or Integrated Providers. For more information on External Content Providers and Integrated Providers, see the help for the More Services wizard. Note:

Integrated Providers are available to communities using a GDS other than Worldspan.

If enabled, you must also: For External Content Providers:

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Create the External Content Provider links in the More Services wizard. The links are displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab.


Localize the link text in the More Services Localization wizard.


Optionally, you can: Create custom fields in the Custom Fields wizard, for example for the External Content Provider URL log-ins and passwords. With the custom fields you can customize the External Content Provider URL in the More Services wizard allowing the traveller easy access to the External Content Providers' services. The traveller can update and save the log-in and password information of the custom fields in the traveller profile.


Don't forget to configure the custom fields in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard.

For Integrated Providers: -

Activate the providers that you want to allow for the community in the More Services wizard, and define the link text that is displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. Depending on the type of service (train, hotel, taxi, limousine, and so on) Integrated Providers are also accessible through the Rail, Hotel or Car section of the Travel Planner tab.


Localize the link text in the More Services Localization wizard.

Preference Display Select which Preference Display you want to be displayed to the traveller in the search results pages. For more details see Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options on page 243. Quick Start/Quick Shopper setting Specify if you want to display the Quick Start or the Quick Shopper panel on the home page. •

Quick Start Allows the traveller to search for a flight, car or hotel by entering a minimum number of search criteria.


Quick Shopper Allows the traveller to search for a flight, car and hotel all from one single search page. Note:

Quick Shopper applies a Search by Fare only and is limited to oneway and round-trip itineraries. Bookings for multiple passengers, multi-destinations, trains, off-airport car locations and one-way car rentals are not supported.

Select the Number of Flight, Car and Hotel options that you want to be displayed on the search results page. Select the Maximum number of hotel options to retrieve from the GDS, if you want to allow the traveller to display hotel recommendations in addition to the search results displayed. Depending on your Display Rule setting in the Hotel Configuration (Hotel Settings) wizard, this can be out-of-policy recommendations in addition to the in-policy recommendations displayed, or out-of policy recommendations when no in-policy recommendations are found. 38

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If the number of hotel options that you select here equals the number of hotel options that you have selected in the Number of Hotel options to display setting, no additional hotels are displayed.

Select Show all matching flights and Show all matching cars, if you want to allow the traveller to display flight and car recommendations in addition to the search results displayed. This can be out-of-policy recommendations in addition to the in-policy recommendations displayed, or out-of policy recommendations when no in-policy recommendations are found. Note:

For Flights this will include FareAnalyzer and web fares in the fare search, if they are enabled in the Air Configuration - Air Settings and in the Community Structure wizard.

Select Force acceptance of Hotel Cancelation Policy, if you want to force travellers to accept the terms relating to the room rate on the Finish Trip page. Select Display Policy and Preferences Section, if you want to display the corporate policy and the travellers' search details and personal preferences on the search results page. Trip Forwarding Specify whether the community allows users to forward trips and, if so, under what circumstances. The options are: •

To travellers and travel arrangers in this community — Users can forward trips to travellers and travel arrangers in this community only.

To all communities in which the user has permissions to plan trips — Users can forward trips to all communities in which they have permissions to plan trips.

To travellers and travel arrangers within the hierarchy of the companylevel community — Users can forward trips to travellers and travel arrangers within the hierarchy of the company-level community.

Disallowed — Users cannot forward trips.

Multipax (multiple passengers) Allow multipax / Allow Air multipax / Allow Rail multipax / Allow Car and Hotel Multipax (options displayed are dependent on the travel components available in the community). Select to allow travellers to book trips for more than one person. This is useful if several travellers in the same community go on the same trip (to a conference for example). The traveller can only book for adults. Allow main traveller community only (appears for SNCF rail only) Select to ensure that only travellers who are registered in the main travel community can be part of a multi-passenger booking. If you deselect it then travellers from child communities can be part of a multi-passenger booking. Maximum number of passengers allowed If you allow multiple passengers, select the maximum number of passengers allowed from the drop-down list box. Note:

For rail trips, the maximum number of passengers a traveller can book depends on the rail provider selected. For example, SNCF bookings are limited to 6 people.

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Allow traveller name selection Specify how the traveller can choose or enter the names of the other passengers: •

The traveller can either enter the names and passenger details manually (for example, if the other passenger is not registered in the online reservation system) or select a name by clicking on a link to a Traveller Lookup dialog box.

The traveller can only choose a passenger already registered in the reservation system from the Traveller Lookup screen. Choose this option to restrict bookings for registered travellers only. (This option is mandatory for rail SNCF bookings.)

Notes for Rail SNCF multi-passenger bookings: •

Train and air bookings cannot be mixed.

The system requests a price for each traveller using the travel card stored in the traveller's profile. If several rail cards are stored, the most advantageous one is used for the itinerary requested.

A separate reservation is made for each traveller so that each person can display or modify the booking afterwards.

For more information, see How to Activate Multiple Passenger Bookings on page 449. Corporate Credit Card Association Select how travellers are associated with AirPlus DBI cards: •

Automatically associate all travellers of the community to each corporate card - Each traveller is automatically associated with the relevant DBI cards for air, webfares rail and car.

Manual association between travellers and corporate cards - You manually assign each traveller to one DBI card, using the Corporate Credit Cards Settings wizard.


If you switch between automatic and manual mode, the system reactivates the last traveller/corporate credit card association that was saved in the previous mode.

Unique Login Page Select Allow Unique Login Page to allow travellers to log on directly to a specific target community via a specific login page. This option is only available for distributor (level 0) and company (level 1) communities. If this option is enabled for a parent community, it is also enabled for the child communities. You cannot disabled it for the child communities only. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31 Community Types on page 5


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Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard

Community Structure Wizard - General Settings You use the General Settings page to provide travel component specifications for a community.

What You Provide Default Travel Planner page to Select the travel service that will display by default when a traveller uses the Travel Planner. The service you select here will also be displayed in the Quick Start panel. Only services that have been activated on the Community Identification page are available. If only one such service has been activated, it is selected by default and cannot be deselected. Default search option in mixed mode Select the travel service that will be searched (Air, Rail, or both) when a traveller uses the Travel Planner search page and the Quick Start search feature on the Home page. This option only appears if both Air and Rail components have been selected on the Community Identification page. Note:

Depending on the rail provider selected, this option is not available for some communities that use both Air and Rail components.

Show distance as Specify whether to display distances for the car component in miles or kilometres. Community currency Select the default currency to be used: •

For all hotel and car reservations

For rules

For the minimum cost saving required for display of Web fares

When a user logs in to community that is within the hierarchy of the traveller's governing community but that does not support the currency specified in the traveller's profile

Point of sale/ticketing Specify the three-character International Associations of Travel Agents (IATA) city code for the city where the tickets will be paid for. If you leave this parameter blank, the departure city will be used as the point of sale and point of ticketing. Generally, travel agencies with offices only in a specific city or country need to enter a value for this parameter so that pricing is done correctly. Airlines that have offices or agreements around the world can leave this parameter blank. Fulfilment country code (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus and the Hotel component is enabled) Select the country code of the fulfilment agency/source. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Pseudo city (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus and the Hotel component is enabled) Specify the pseudo city code (PCC) for Apollo or Sabre, or Security Identifier (SID) for Worldspan. Internet office ID (appears only if the GDS is Amadeus) Specify the Amadeus Office ID in upper case. Amadeus hotel office ID (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus and the Hotel component is enabled) Specify the Amadeus Office ID (nine alpha-numeric characters, letters in upper case. Example: MIALT0102) that the community will use for hotel reservations. Note that the Amadeus Office ID may require separate configuration before being used by the online reservation system. Amadeus unused tickets office ID (appears only if the GDS is other than Amadeus) This setting is only displayed if Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) is selected in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. Specify the Amadeus Office ID (nine alpha-numeric characters, letters in upper case. Example: MIALT0102) that the community will use for unused e-tickets. Note that the Amadeus Office ID may require separate configuration before being used for unused e-tickets by the online reservation system. Note that you must also: •

Match the booking corporate codes (SNAP codes) of the corporate fares with the Amadeus corporate codes. For more information see the help for the Ticket Exchange wizard under PNR Management.

Define the Unused Ticket Trader (UTT) Queues in the Unused Ticket Queues section of the Queues wizard.

Define the headers of the Unused Ticket PNR remarks that are created by the system for reissues or revalidations in the Remarks wizard.

Optionally, you can create commands in the Command Builder wizard to submit specific information about the reissue/revalidation in the PNR.

Amadeus source for search by arrival (certain communities only) Select the Amadeus source that you want the system to use in a Search by Fare with fewer than three destinations when Arrival is selected in the Time field of the Travel Planner flight search pages. This is required to estimate the arrival time for web fare searches and for communities using Worldspan that do not support search-by-arrival requests. Note:

For fare searches with more than three destinations, select an Apollo source in the Apollo source for search by arrival time option.

Apollo source for search by arrival (certain communities only) Select the Apollo source that you want the system to use in a Search by Fare for more than three destinations when Arrival is selected in the Time field of the Travel Planner flight search pages.


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Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard

This is required to estimate the arrival time for web fare searches and for communities using Worldspan that do not support search-by-arrival requests. Allow auto-completion of location fields When selected, a helper is activated that assists the traveller in filling in the From and To fields (Location fields for car and hotel searches) in the Quick Start panel, the Travel Planner and Trip Modification pages. When the traveller enters the first three letters of a location in these fields, a drop-down list from which he can select the correct location is displayed. Allow service fee to be charged Specify whether travellers in the community can be charged a service fee. If a service fee is permitted, specify whether a traveller who incurs a service fee will be notified at the time that travel arrangements are made. In addition, you must also set the Service fee remark parameter on the Settings page of the Remarks wizard. If service fee notification is permitted, you must also set the Service fee parameter on the Settings page of the General Localization wizard for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system. Include offline modified/created record in reports Specify whether to include travel records created or modified outside the online reservation system in reports for the community. Languages Specify the languages in which the community's users can view the online reservation system. From the selected languages, select the one that will be the primary – that is, the default – language to be used when a user logs in to community that is within the hierarchy of the traveller's governing community but that does not support the language specified in the traveller's profile. Note that, for each language that you specify, you will need to run its associated set of localization wizards in order to translate a number of community-specific items, such as messages. Note:

If you select an East Asian language (Japanese, Simplified or Traditional Chinese, and so on) the Allow non-ASCII characters in email setting is automatically enabled in the Email and Notification wizard to ensure accurate email messaging in these languages.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31

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Community Structure Wizard - Agency Identification You use the Agency Identification page to provide information about the travel agency that the community will use.

What You Provide IATA number Specify the IATA Number of the fulfilment agency branch. Agency name Specify the name of the fulfilment agency. Street addresses Specify the full street address of the fulfilment agency. Country Specify the country of the fulfilment agency. State/Province/Region Select the state, province, or region of the fulfilment agency. City or town Specify the city or town of the fulfilment agency. Postal code Specify the postal code of the fulfilment agency. Phone number Specify the phone number of the fulfilment agency. Email for itineraries Specify an agency email address to which a copy of traveller itineraries can be sent. Leaving this field blank disables the associated function. Email for forgotten password Specify an agency email address to which a message is sent when a user forgets his or her password. Leaving this field blank disables the associated function. Email profile changes Specify an agency email address to which an email is sent with any changes that a user has made to his or her profile. Leaving this field blank disables the associated function.


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Chapter 4 Community Structure Wizard

Second email profile changes Specify a second address to which an email is sent with any changes that a user has made to his or her profile. Leaving this field blank disables the associated function. Send profile change email notification to traveller Specify whether or not you want the traveller to receive a notification email each time her profile is updated (regardless of who makes the update.) Point of sale Specify the city where the tickets are to be paid for. If the field is left blank, the system will use the departure city. For a travel agency with offices only in a specific city or country, this field should not be left blank. Point of ticketing For pricing purposes, specify the city where tickets are to be printed. If the field is left blank, the system will use the departure city. For a travel agency with offices only in a specific city or country, this field should not be left blank. Rail Agency Identification Provide the identification number of the rail or travel agency for the rail provider for the community. This option only appears if the Rail component has been selected on the Community Identification page. In this case, the field is mandatory. You can only set this parameter in company-level communities. The setting will be inherited in all (division-level) child communities. Note:

You can only set this parameter once. Once you have set it, you cannot change it at a later date.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.


Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31

Community Structure Wizard - Contact You use the Contact page to provide information about the individual designated as the community's contact person.

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What You Provide Provide a name, address, phone, and email information for the designated contact. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31

Community Structure Wizard - Billing and Reporting This page appears only when the GDS for the community is Amadeus. You use the Billing and Reporting page to enter billing and reporting controls for a community.

What You Provide Office IDs for FK element Specify up to five office IDs to receive mirror Amadeus Interface Records. Note:

An extended ownership agreement must exist with the offices that will receive the mirror Amadeus Interface Records, and the office profile of the travel agency must be correctly configured to generate Amadeus Interface Records. Please contact your local Amadeus help desk for more information.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31


Edition v14.0

Chapter 5

ProfileLess Admin Wizard

This wizard's behaviour depends on the community where you logged in: •

In ProfileLess Master (distributor) communities, you can use the wizard to add and delete information such as email patterns.

In ProfileLess (company) communities, this wizard is available in read-only mode.

The wizard is not available if you are logged onto a non-ProfileLess community.

What Is a ProfileLess Site? A ProfileLess site allows users to make bookings without having an account. When a user accesses the ProfileLess site, he goes directly to the home page and can make a booking. The user cannot log into a ProfileLess site. What Is a Register Site? A register site is a standard Amadeus e-Travel Management site where a user logs in before he can make a booking. A ProfileLess site user can choose to create an account on a register site. The user's email address determines the register site on which the account is created. What Are Email Patterns? The association of an email domain to a register site is known as an email pattern. To define email patterns in the ProfileLess Admin Wizard, you must log into a ProfileLess Master community.

What You Provide Important to Know •

The register sites available in the wizard are the non-ProfileLess company and division communities below the ProfileLess Master (distributor) community.

An email domain can be assigned to only one register site.

Each register site can be assigned multiple email domains.

One register site can be assigned as the default site. If the user's email address does not match any of the specified email domains, the account is created on the default site.

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To Add an Email Pattern 1. Select a Register Site Name from the drop-down list. 2. Enter the Email Domain associated to the site, for example, AMADEUS.COM or ABC.CO.UK. 3. Click on Add. The email pattern is added to the table. To Define a Default Register Site 1. Select a Register Site Name from the drop-down list. 2. Enter DEFAULT as the Email Domain. 3. Click on Add. The email pattern is added to the table. To Delete an Email Pattern Click on the delete icon in the table. To Modify an Email Pattern 1. Delete the existing email pattern. 2. Add a new email pattern.


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Chapter 6

Air Itinerary Source Wizard


The Air Itinerary Source wizard is available to certain communities only.

This wizard allows you to associate multiple Air Itinerary Sources to a community. An Air Itinerary Source is a combination of a GDS and an agency (Amadeus and American Express, for example). It can be used for parallel fare searches across multiple GDSs and agencies to optimize the search for the lowest available fares including agency negotiated rates. Note:

Air Itinerary Sources are used in a Search by Fare only.

For more information on how to create Air Itinerary Sources, see the help for Manage Communities.

What You Provide Available Sources The Air Itinerary Sources available to the community. To assign a source to the community, select it and click on


You can assign a maximum of 4 sources. Selected Sources The Air Itinerary Sources assigned to the community. To move a source in the list, select it and click on the up or down arrows. The position allows you to define the hierarchy in which the system removes duplicate flight search results for identical fares from different sources. Flights offered from the source closest to the top are kept. To delete a source, select it and click on


Non-air itinerary source Select the source that you want to use in non-air itinerary searches. The sources are sorted in alphabetical order. If you enter the first letter of the source that you are looking for, the drop-down list displays the sources starting with this letter on the top of the list. Note:

The source that you select will also be used for hotel and car searches of web fare bookings.


When a traveller books a flight, the source of this flight becomes the source for further car and hotel searches and bookings within the same

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itinerary. If a flight is added to a hotel or car booking, the air itinerary source of the hotel/car booking is used in the flight search. When a booking is made, the name of the Air Itinerary Source, the agency phone number and after-hours phone number is displayed on the Trip Summary page of the Travel Planner and on the Trip Pending Approval page. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Manage Communities on page 17


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Chapter 7

Admin Customization Templates Wizard

Admin Customization - Overview The purpose of the administration customization functionality is to assist a custom administrator to locate and modify the most frequently used administration settings for a travel community. The administration settings are stored in a template, created by the system administrator, which can be activated in a travel community. The template determines which wizards (and in some cases, which fields inside a wizard) are available for display and maintenance by the custom administrator. To modify the settings in the available wizards, the user must be defined as a custom administrator. You assign the role of custom administrator in the Roles and Community Assignments page, and can assign a template to the user in the Travel Information page of the Profile Structure - Create User or Profile Structure - Modify User wizards. To enable this feature, select Allow customization of the administrative interface in the Community Structure wizard, and define the relevant users as custom administrators. To create the template, you use the following panels: •

Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Template List on page 54

Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Template Configuration on page 54

Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Customized Administration on page 54

Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Administrative Tree on page 55

Admin Customization Templates Wizard - Miscellaneous on page 56

You must then activate the template for a travel community (from the Template List panel), or assign it to the custom administrator (using the Modify User wizard) for the template to take effect. When the custom administrator has logged into the system it displays the Administration Mode tree: •

The Customized Admin wizard

The wizards you have selected in the template

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You are advised to create a custom administrator role for yourself (in addition to your administrator role), so that you can log in and check that the content of the Administration tree and the Customized Admin wizard is as you planned.

Admin Customization Templates Wizard Template List See also Admin Customization - Overview on page 53. The Admin Customization panel displays the custom administration templates that are available to a travel community. The template that is currently active on the community is indicated by an icon. To create a new template, click on Create. To display or modify an existing template, select it and click on Modify. To activate a template for the custom administrators of the community, select it and click on Activate. To delete a template, select it and click on Delete. If the template is currently active on a community, you cannot delete it. If it is assigned to a custom administrator in the user's profile, the system displays a warning message before deletion.

Admin Customization Templates Wizard Template Configuration See also Admin Customization - Overview on page 53. Use this panel to enter the name and description of a new custom administration template. The name can be up to 30 characters, and the description up to 75 characters. Click on Next to continue.

Admin Customization Templates Wizard Customized Administration See also Admin Customization - Overview on page 53. Use this panel to define which parameters will be displayed to the user that you have defined as a custom administrator for this template. Select each parameter that you want to be available to the custom administrator in the Customized Administration wizard. Click on Check all or Uncheck all to select or deselect all fields. When you have selected the relevant fields, click on Next to continue.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 7 Admin Customization Templates Wizard

What You Provide The hyperlinks below redirect you to the complete help page for the regular administration panels; these pages therefore describe some fields that do not appear on your screen. If there are several pages for a wizard, the help page will include a link to each of these pages. You may need to display several pages to find the description of a specific field. To redisplay this help page (after you have clicked on a hyperlink), close the help window then click on the help icon again. See also: Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31 Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard on page 67 Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89 Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Settings on page 97 Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Settings on page 107 Auxiliary Parameters Wizard - Settings on page 123 Trip Notification Wizard - Settings on page 269 Security Wizard - Overview on page 323 Email and Notification Wizard - Settings on page 347

Admin Customization Templates Wizard Administrative Tree See also Admin Customization - Overview on page 53. Use this panel to define which wizards will be displayed to the custom administrator in the Administration tree. Select each wizard that you want to display in the Administration tree. Click on Check all or Uncheck all to select or deselect all wizards. When you have selected the relevant fields, click on Next to display the Miscellaneous panel. Note:

If you do not select a wizard in this panel, you cannot select the corresponding rules in the Miscellaneous panel.

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Admin Customization Templates Wizard Miscellaneous See also Admin Customization - Overview on page 53 Use this panel to define whether the custom administrator using this template can manage communities or create rules.

What You Provide Allow communities management Select to allow the custom administrator to create, delete, make a dry run of, and publish communities. Rules Select each global rule type that the custom administrator is allowed to create, display and modify. Click below to display the help page for each type of global rule: •

Air Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 189

Rail Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 210

Car Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 221

Hotel Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 232

Show a light version of: A "light" version of a rule contains a subset of the fields available in the regular rule. Select each rule type that the custom administrator is allowed to create, display and modify. The hyperlinks below redirect you to the complete help page for the regular administration panels; these pages therefore describe some fields that do not appear on your screen. •

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings on page 165

Air Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule on page 185

Air Rules Wizard - Lowest Fare Rule on page 176

Air Rules Wizard - Web Search Rule on page 181

Air Rules Wizard - Air Preferences on page 191

Rail Rules Wizard - Standard Rule on page 204

Rail Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule on page 208

Rail Rules Wizard - Rail Provider Preferences on page 211

Car Rules Wizard - Standard Rule on page 218

Car Rules Wizard - Car Provider Preferences on page 222

Hotel Rules Wizard - Standard Rule on page 228

Hotel Rules Wizard - Hotel Provider Preferences on page 233

To redisplay this help page (after you have clicked on a hyperlink), close the help window then click on the help icon again. 54

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Chapter 7 Admin Customization Templates Wizard

When you have finished entering data click on Finish to save the template.

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Chapter 8

Customized Admin Wizard

See also Admin Customization - Overview on page 53. Note:

This panel is for the custom administrator.

It provides you with a subset of the full administration settings: you can quickly display and modify the most frequently-used settings in the travel community. Click on a wizard name to display the fields below it, or click on Expand all wizards to display the fields under each wizard name. Change the settings as required, then click on Finish to save your changes. Note:

You can also display and modify the wizards that are displayed in the Administration tree. You can create and manage rules if you have been authorized to do so.

What You Provide The hyperlinks below redirect you to the complete help page for the regular administration panels; these pages therefore describe some fields that do not appear on your screen. If there are several pages for a wizard, the help page will include a link to each of these pages. You may need to display several pages to find the description of a specific field. Note:

To redisplay this help page (after you have clicked on a hyperlink), close the help window then click on the help icon again.

Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31

Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard on page 67

Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89

Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Settings on page 97

Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Settings on page 107

Auxiliary Parameters Wizard - Settings on page 123

Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1 on page 259

Security Wizard - Overview on page 323

Email and Notification Wizard - Settings on page 347

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Chapter 9

Travel Arranging Wizard

The Travel Arranging wizard lets you specify how travel arranging works in your community. There are three types of travel arranger: •

Principle travel arranger - this role is assigned by the administrator

Appointed travel arranger - this role is assigned by the administrator

Nominated travel arranger - the traveller can nominate any other traveller in the community to arrange travel for them

For more information on these roles, see Create User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments on page 297. The wizard consists of a single page.

What You Provide Guest Traveller Select Allow guest traveller profile to enable the travel arranger to make a booking for someone who does not have a user profile in the system. After a booking is made for a guest traveller, the system sends an email to the guest. Select Display fare in the traveller email to include the price of the air travel as part of the information. If you do not select this option, the fare information is not disclosed. Note:

This option is only available for company and division communities.

Nominated Arranger Select which users are eligible to be nominated travel arrangers. You can select: •

Travellers and travel arrangers in the community you are currently configuring

Travellers in all the communities to which a user belongs

Travellers and travel arrangers in the company-level community and all the communities below it

You can assign nominated travel arrangers to a traveller on the Traveller Information page of the Create User or Modify User wizards. Select Allow nominated travel arrangers to modify traveller profiles if you want travel arrangers to be able to modify the profile of the traveller for whom

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they arrange travel. Nominated travel arrangers can view the traveller's user profile whether you set this option or not. Principal and appointed travel arrangers can always modify the profile of the traveller for whom they arrange travel. Note:

This option is not available if the Amadeus e-Travel Management site is integrated with an external application.

Travel Arranger Enable the Travel Arrange Workplace - Select this option to allow your travel arrangers to arrange, manage and review trips for other travellers from a single place: the Travel Arranger tab. If you do not select this option, travel arrangers will arrange and manage trips using the Travel Arranger section of the Home Page and the Arranged Trips sections of the Home Page and the Travel Review tab. If you enable the Travel Arranger Workplace, select which features the travel arranger will see on the Travel Arranger tab: •

Show 'Next trips pending approval' section Select this option to allow travel arrangers to see the next four trips, by soonest departure date, that are pending approval.

Show 'Imminent trips' section Select this option to allow travel arrangers to see a number of confirmed or approved trips, by soonest departure date. The number of trips displayed depends on your community (hidden parameter).

Activate trip template Select this option to allow travel arrangers to create a trip template from the Trip Summary page. The arranger can use the trip template in any of his communities to save time when arranging similar trips.

Allow the travel arrangers to see all trips of his/her travellers (not only the trips arranged by him/her) This option applies when the arranger searches for trips. Select this option to allow the travel arranger to see all trips for the travellers for whom he is allowed to book trips, regardless of who has booked the trip. If you do not select this option, the arranger sees only trips that he has booked for travellers.

Force all travel arrangers to land on Travel Arranger Workplace after login Select this option if travel arrangers should automatically open the Traveller Arranger tab when they log on.

Keep usual landing page for nominated arrangers Select this option if nominated travel arrangers should not automatically open the Traveller Arranger tab when they log on. Note:

If a user is a nominated arranger in addition to being an appointed or principle travel arranger, the settings for appointed/principle arrangers are used.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 10

Travel Policy Codes

Justification Codes Wizard - Settings Navigation: Travel Policy Codes This wizard is available only if the Require justification parameter is enabled on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Justification Codes wizard lets you manage the justification codes that travellers can use to explain submitting a trip. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings. Note:

After you define one or more justification codes, you will need to localize the code(s) for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize justification codes for a given language, display the Justification Codes Localization wizard associated with that language.

What You Provide Require justification when trip is booked below time limit Specify whether you would like a time limit placed on the booking of an air segment. If this option is enabled, use the menu to define how many days in advance the booking must be made to avoid needing approval. Require justification when trip is out of policy Select the components that require justification when the traveller books out of policy. The traveller must select a code from a list you have defined in this wizard. To make the justification text mandatory for a travel component, select the Free Text Mandatory field as well. You can enable justification for each of the following components: •



When no hotel is booked (only applies to overnight trips using air travel)



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Admin Guide

Some rail providers do not allow you to enter a justification code for the rail component. So, depending on your rail provider, the rail component may not be available here.

Whole trip For any type of trip. Note:

If you want the traveller to justify when the maximum number of travellers on a flight has been exceeded, as defined in the Auxiliary Parameters wizard, select this option.

PNR remark Specify the tag to identify the remark element for the justification free text in a PNR. Add Codes and Manage Codes You must define at least one justification code that applies to the entire trip and at least one code for each travel component (air, car, hotel, rail) that has been enabled for the community on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Manage Codes table displays by default one code per travel component. When you have created additional codes using the Add Codes table, they are displayed in the Manage Codes table. If you want to: •

Change an existing justification code, edit the appropriate information under Manage Codes. For example, it is recommended that you change the description of each default code to meaningful text.

Add a justification code, provide the required information under Add Codes. Click on Add more rows if you need space to create additional codes.

Delete a justification code, select Delete in the column to the right of the code. One code for each type of travel component is mandatory, so you cannot delete all codes.

Code Specify a one-, two-, or three-character code. You can use the same code for different travel components. For example, you can use the code "AA" for air and for rail. (You cannot however, use a code more than once in the same component.) Description Enter up to 65 characters to create a description for the justification code, which will be displayed to the traveller. Trip Component Select the travel component with which a traveller can use the justification code. The components available in this list depend on the components you selected in the first part of the wizard. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. The codes are created, modified or deleted when you click on Finish. To verify the changes, click on Restart Wizard.


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Chapter 10 Travel Policy Codes

Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Trip Reason Codes Wizard - Settings Navigation: Travel Policy Codes The Trip Reason Codes wizard lets you manage the codes that travellers can use to explain the reason for a trip. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings. Note:

After you define one or more trip reason codes, you will need to localize the code(s) for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize trip reason codes for a given language, you run the Trip Reason Codes Localization wizard associated with that language.

What You Provide Trip Reason text mandatory Specify whether travellers will be required to provide detailed reasons for trips. Code Specify a code for the trip reason using as many as 10 characters. Description Enter a description for the trip reason code using as many as 40 characters. If you want to: •

Add a trip reason code, provide the required information under Add Codes. Click on Add more rows if you need to add an additional row.

Change a trip reason code, edit the appropriate information under Manage Codes.

Delete a trip reason code, select Delete in the column to the right of the code.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Chapter 11

Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Air Configuration Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Air Configuration This wizard is available only if the air component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Air Settings wizard lets you specify the options that travellers in a community will have available in searching for air fares. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Settings Show availability starting from Specify the minimum amount of time in the future that flight availability will be shown. Note:

Make sure that the time frame for delivery for at least one method of delivery on the Delivery Administration Settings page of the Delivery wizard is equal to or less than the time frame set for this parameter; otherwise travellers will be able to book a flight but have no method of delivery from which to choose. Also make sure that the time limit you specify for the Auto cancel option on the General Ticketing page of the Delivery wizard does not exceed the time specified in this parameter. For example, if you allow flight availability to be shown 72 hours in the future, then the auto-cancel time limit cannot be no more than 72 hours; otherwise, flights could be automatically cancelled after travellers have begun their trips.

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Show availability up to Specify the maximum amount of time in the future that flights will be shown. The absolute maximum is 11 months. Show time window starting from Set the starting value in hours that travellers will be able to choose for the Acceptable Time Window when they search for flights (or trains). For example, if you set this value to 6 hours, travellers will be able to select any value from 6 to 23 hours for the Acceptable Time Window. Show time window defaulted to Set the default value in hours for the Acceptable Time Window field in the Traveller Search page. Travellers will also be able to change the Acceptable Time Window to any value that is more than or equal to the value you set in Show time window starting from. For example, if you set this value to 10 hours, travellers can accept the default Acceptable Time Window value of 10 hours or, if they wish, they can select any value more or equal to the Show time window starting from value. This value will also be used as the time window for all searches from the Quick Search panel on the Traveller home page. Default Time Use these fields to set the default travel time displayed on the Home and Travel Planner pages when you search for a flight only. In most cases, the default time is the departure time. However, the traveller can choose between departure and arrival time if you activate Allow search by arrival time (also in this wizard). See Allow search by arrival time for restrictions. Note:

If rail is activated for your community, use the Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89 to set the default travel time displayed when you book a train journey or compare flights with rail.

Set Anytime as default for outbound and multi-destination Select this option if there is no preferred time for outbound and multi-destination flight searches. If your site uses Single View, this option is ignored and the default time is used instead. Default time for outbound and multi-destination Select the default time for outbound and multi-destination flights. This value is used if you do not set Anytime as the default, or if you use Single View. Set Anytime as default for inbound Select this option if there is no preferred time for inbound flight searches (return trips only). If your site uses Single View, this option is ignored and the default time is used instead. Default time for inbound Select the default time for inbound return flights. This value is used if you do not set Anytime, or if you use Single View.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Display Radius option (Amadeus GDS only) If selected, a radius option is displayed on all flight search pages (Quick Start and Travel Planner). This allows the traveller to select a search radius from a dropdown list. The search radius is included in the flight search and allows the traveller to search for alternate cities and/or airports within the specified search radius of the ones that he has entered in the From and To fields of the flight search page. Note:

This option is not available if you activate Amadeus Single View.


Any existing air rules for the community are only applied to the cities and/or airports entered in the From and To fields by the traveller. They are not applied to the alternate cities and/or airports that the online reservation system includes in the flight search.


The search radius is only applied in a Search by Fare and when the GDS for the community is Amadeus.

Maximum of flights results to be displayed You can select the maximum amount of search results to be displayed for schedule-driven searches. Minimum time for PNR modification Specify the minimum amount of time before flight departure that a change can be made to a traveller's itinerary. The valid range is 1 to 72 hours. This parameter takes effect only if the Allow modification of non-ticketed PNR parameter, the Allow modification of ticketed PNR parameter, or both parameters of the Trip Plan Modification wizard are enabled. Activate Amadeus Single View (Amadeus and Galileo only) If you select this option, the search results after a Search by Fare are shown in Single View*. * This is a display that shows fares organized in groups in a matrix layout, where the lowest fare for every fare group is highlighted to help the traveller find the least expensive trip. It allows travellers to select and combine fares from different fare groups (fares with similar fare types and fare restrictions or with matching fare basis or booking codes, for example) for the outbound and for the inbound portion of their trip. The outbound and inbound portions are displayed in separate panels. More restricted fares on the outbound portion can be combined with fully flexible fares on the inbound portion, for example. If you have selected this option, you must also: •

Define the fare groups in the Fare Groups wizard. GDS air fares and web fares can be combined in one single fare group. Note:

If your community uses Amadeus, the system creates a default fare group that is used if no fare groups are defined. For more information, see Fare Groups Wizard - Fare Group Creation on page 132.

Define the geographic application of the fare groups in the Fare Group Rules wizard.

Localize the fare group names and fare conditions that are displayed to the traveller in the Fare Groups Localization wizard.

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Admin Guide


Single View is only shown in a Search by Fare. It is not shown when trips are modified.


You must select this option if you wish to activate the Ticketless Access function (low-cost airlines) but your community does not use New Travel Shopper (database parameter).


The Enhanced Process (see the Standard or Enhanced Process setting in the Faring Process - Search by Fare section of this wizard) is replaced by Single View with the fare types being defined in the Fare Groups wizard.


Selecting this option disables the Display Radius option and Allow search time by arrival.

For Amadeus communities: Note:

If you select this option, the Multiple Fares option is still applied, except for air GDS and web fare combined searches. For more information about multiple fares, see the Cabin Class Selection section in this wizard, and the Faring Method Application and Definition sections of the Standard Air Rule in the Air Rules wizard.


For multi-destination trips, special programs (Corporate or Personal Travel Pass, Malmoe, Air France Subscriber Program, and so on) and GDS air fares cannot be combined.

For Galileo communities: Note:

Special programs are not available.


You cannot combine air and rail journeys in a booking.

Use Single View when origin and destination do not match a fare group rule This option is only available if Single View is activated. This option controls the Search by Fare availability display when the origin and destination do not match a fare group rule: •

For Amadeus communities, if you select this option the Single View matrix is displayed with one column, representing only the lowest fare (using the default fare group).

For Galileo communities, if you select this option an error message is displayed and the traveller cannot complete the search.

For both Amadeus and Galileo, if you do not select this option, the standard Search by Fare availability is displayed when the origin and destination do not match a fare group rule. This is useful, for example, for international routes where round trip fares are cheaper than two one-way fares.

Automatically hide non-selected availability Only available if Single View is activated. Select whether to automatically hide the remaining (non-selected) available flights and rail journeys for a bound, after the traveller has selected an item from Single View availability. If you do not select this option, the traveller can manually hide non-selected availability. In both manual and automatic modes, the traveller can redisplay all availability.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Allow one-way fares (if available) "One-way fares" describes the concept of a one-way fare structure whereby a traveller can choose a price from several fare families, called buckets. Each fare family offers different exchange and refund conditions. One-way fares can be used for one-way and return journeys. This feature is available for Australian domestic flights only. Select this option to provide this functionality to travellers when they select Search by Fare for one-way and return trips. Note:

Standard, upgrade and lowest fare air rules are not taken into account when one-way fares are used. One-way fare rules must be created to define company policy, but you cannot yet create them using the Administration interface. However, you must create a web fare rule if you want the online reservation tool to consider fares from web sites.

Disallow schedule-driven search in one-way and round-trip - Select this option to disallow schedule-driven searches for one-way and round-trip fares (schedule-driven searches will still be available for multi-destination itineraries.) The system does not search for one-way fare types when the user requests Search by Schedule. Search Type Allow both search by schedule and by fare Select which search type you want to allow the traveller to choose from on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages, on the Repeat Trip Details page, and on the Quick Start home page. If you select the option Allow Both Search by Schedule and by Fare: •

The traveller can choose between Search by Schedule and Search by Fare on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages.

The Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option in the Miscellaneous Options section of the Air Configuration wizard is automatically cleared by the system. The search on the Quick Start home page defaults to Search by Fare. If you enable the Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option, the traveller can choose between Search by Fare and Search by Schedule on the Quick Start home page.

The traveller can select the option Search by Schedule, Search by Fare or Direct on the Repeat Trip Details page.


If both the Air and Rail components are enabled in a community, the Search Type settings in the Air Configuration wizard must match the Search Type settings in the Rail Configuration wizard. If you change the settings in one of the wizards, the system changes them automatically to match the settings in the other wizard.


Search by Fare must be activated if you want to implement a low-cost airline in Ticketless Access (Amadeus GDS only).

Allow search by schedule Select which search type you want to allow the traveller to choose from on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages, on the Repeat Trip Details page, and on the Quick Start home page. If you select the option Allow Search by Schedule:

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The traveller can only Search by Schedule on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages.

The Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option in the Miscellaneous Options section of the Air Configuration wizard is automatically checked and disabled by the system. The search on the Quick Start home page defaults to Search by Schedule.

The traveller can select the option Search by Schedule or Direct on the Repeat Trip Details page.


If both the Air and Rail components are enabled in a community, the Search Type settings in the Air Configuration wizard must match the Search Type settings in the Rail Configuration wizard. If you change the settings in one of the wizards, the system changes them automatically to match the settings in the other wizard.

Allow search by fare Select which search type you want to allow the Traveller to choose from on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined Search pages, on the Repeat Trip Details page, and on the Quick Start Home page. If you select the option Allow search by fare: •

The Traveller can only Search by Fare on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined Search pages.

The Allow search by schedule in Quick Start option in the Miscellaneous Options section of the Air Configuration wizard is automatically unchecked and disabled by the system. The search on the Quick Start Home page defaults to Search by Fare.

The traveller can select the option Search by Fare or Direct on the Repeat Trip Details page.


If both, the Air and Rail components are enabled in a community, the Search Type settings in the Air Configuration wizard must match the Search Type settings in the Rail Configuration wizard. If you change the settings in one of the wizards, the system changes them automatically to match the settings in the other wizard.


Search by Fare must be activated if you want to implement a low-cost airline in Ticketless Access (Amadeus GDS only).

Amadeus Search by Fare Engine (Amadeus GDS only) This option is displayed only if you did not select Allow Search by Schedule as the Search Type. Select the Master Pricer fare-engine type for standard searches by fare and Single View searches where the fare group type is Restrictions: •

Master Pricer Travelboard retrieves up to 200 recommendations from cache, meaning that some of the recommendations may no longer be bookable. Master Pricer Travelboard can recommend ticketless-access airlines.

Master Pricer Expert retrieves up to 20 real-time, bookable recommendations. Ticketless-access airlines are excluded from the results.


Regardless of the option you choose, Master Pricer Travelboard is always used when: - The traveller requests an origin/destination radius in the search.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

- The origin or destination has been defined as an alternate airport in the Destination Builder wizard. - More than nine airlines are included in or excluded from the search through a combination of traveller input, air rules and preferences, and the vendor exclusion list. - A Single View search uses the fare group type Air Provider Settings. See also Amadeus Fare & Compare Engine in this wizard. Allow search by arrival time Select this setting if you want to allow the traveller the choice between a search for fares by departure or by arrival time on the Home page and in the Travel Planner. Note:

This option is not available if you activate Amadeus Single View.


The search by arrival time is applied in a Search by Fare only. It is not available for an Air/Rail combined search.


If the traveller selects a search by arrival time for any segment of the itinerary, web fares are excluded from the flight search results.

Authorized Cabin Class Air Cabins Select which cabins can be used to create air rules. Premium economy is used by some airlines as a fourth cabin class; it is between economy and business class. Master pricing cabin resolution (appears only if the GDS is Amadeus) This parameter becomes important in instances when: •

The traveller is doing a fare-driven search for air travel

There are at least two or more applicable rules for both business and first class

In this case, the system can look for business fares or first class fares, but not both. This parameter tells the system which cabin class to search for. The options are: •

Business - Uses applicable business class rules only and ignores any applicable first class rules. (The system searches for business class fares.)

First - Uses applicable first class rules only and ignores any applicable business class rules. (The system searches for first class fares.)

Specify, in fare-driven searches, which rules are to be used when there are valid rules for both first class and business class for a given itinerary. The options are: •

Business — Uses only applicable business class rules and ignores any applicable first class rules

First — Uses only applicable first class rules and ignores any applicable business class rules

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Admin Guide

Sorting Options Search by Schedule Specify the sorting options of flight search results, so the results are sorted by the most important criterion. For example, if you specify that the default sorting option is Trip Duration, flight search results will be displayed with the shortest flights first. The traveller still has the option to sort the flight search results page by a different criterion. Non-stop flights first - This option is only available when the default sorting option has been set to Number of connections. Select this option to have all non-stop flights appear first in the flight results page. Search by Fare In the panel, arrange the order of the search criteria in which you want the search results to be displayed on the flight search results pages. For example, if you specify that the default sorting option at the top of the list is Trip Duration and the second one is Price, flight search results will be displayed with the shortest connection first. If two connections have the same duration, the cheaper one will be displayed second, and so on. Note:

You can arrange the order of the fare types (negotiated fare agency, public fare, and so on) of the Type of Fare search criteria in the Type of Fare panel of this wizard.

To arrange the order of the search criteria, select a criterion from the panel, then click on Move Up or Move Down until the list is in the order that you want. Type of Fare In the panel, arrange the order of the sorting criteria in which you want the search results to be displayed on the flight search results pages. Note:

The fare types that you arrange in this panel are sub-criteria of the Type of Fare sorting criteria listed in the Sorting Options - Search by Fare panel. For example, if you specify that the sorting option at the top of the list in the Sorting Options - Search by Fare panel is Trip Duration followed by Type of Fare, and you move Negotiated Fare Agency in the Sorting Options - Type of Fare panel to the top of the list followed by Public Fare, then the search results will be ordered by Trip Duration first, then the flights with the same trip duration will be ordered by the Type of Fare. The shortest flight with a Negotiated Agency Rate will be displayed before the shortest flight with a Public Fare, etc.

To arrange the order of the sorting criteria, select a criterion from the panel, then click on Move Up or Move Down until the list is in the order that you want. Miscellaneous Options Display advanced air search features Specify whether to show advanced search features on the pages that travellers use to search for flights. The advanced search features are:


Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Airline preference — Allows travellers to express a preference for as many as three airlines from among the company's preferred carriers.

Class of service — Allows travellers to select the appropriate class of air travel, based on the company's travel policy.

If the community uses one-way fares (see Allow one-way fares below), do not display the advanced search features because these user preferences cannot be taken into account by the one-way fare process. Allow multi-destination trips Specify whether to allow travellers to create trips that include multiple destinations. Enable multi-airport search on fare-driven and Web search Specify whether to show travellers flights to alternate nearby airports when they are making reservations using Search by Fare functionality or when a Web Search rule applies. For example, if a traveller searches for flights from Nice to Paris Orly (ORY), flights from Nice to Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) will also be displayed. If selected you can also choose to select Exclude Alternate Airport from Justification. The purpose of this option is to allow a traveller to choose a fare for the specific airports he or she has requested, even if a cheaper fare is available to an alternate airport. A Lowest Fare rule for the requested itinerary must be in place. When selected, and there is a Lowest Fare rule for the requested itinerary, the system calculates the lowest fare value to use in the Lowest Fare rule from the cheapest fare to the requested airports, regardless of whether a cheaper fare exists to another airport in the same city. Example: A traveller requests flights from JFK to SFO. A Lowest Fare rule is in place for travel within the US. The online reservation system returns flights from JFK to SFO for $400 and LGA to SFO for $200. Because the Exclude Alternate Airport from Justification option is checked, the system uses the value of $400 for the lowest fare calculation, instead of the cheaper fare from LGA. Note:

If you enable Use Destination Builder to associate airports/cities in this section of the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard and a flight search request contains a city or airport that is associated with an alternative airport in the Destination Builder wizard, the Enable multiairport search on fare-driven and Web search option is not applied.

Show flights with traffic restrictions (TR) Specify whether to show flights with traffic restrictions to travellers. Note:

This setting is only applied in a Search by Schedule.

Traffic restrictions can refer to several different scenarios. A traffic restriction might occur, for example, when an airline has rights to fly from New York to Paris via Amsterdam but is not allowed to take on passengers in Amsterdam. Availability from AMS to PAR would show the flight but with a TR code next to it, indicating that travellers are allowed to book it only if they have flown with the airline across the Atlantic. Use this setting with care because it refers to the whole family of traffic restrictions, and does not distinguish between the different types.

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If you show flights with traffic restrictions If a traveller tries to book a flight that he is not allowed to book because of traffic restrictions, then the booking will be refused.


If you do not show flights with traffic restrictions There may be a danger in not showing flights with traffic restrictions. Travellers may not see (and therefore cannot book) flights that they are entitled to book. For example, a traveller may be entitled to select a traffic-restricted flight from AMS to PAR since he has also selected that airline from NYC to AMS, but this flight will not be displayed because of its traffic restrictions.

Show wait-listed flights Specify whether to show flights that have a wait list. Although these flights are usually fully booked for the requested booking class, the system enables the traveller to be included on the waitlist. Display last day to ticket Specify whether to show a traveller the last day on which he or she can ticket a flight. This setting is recommended if Automated Ticket Limits has been activated. Allow search by schedule in Quick Start Specify whether to allow the traveller to do schedule-driven searches for flights from the Quick Start panel in the home page. If you do not select this option, users will only be able to do fare-driven searches from the Quick Start panel. Specify whether to allow the traveller to do schedule-driven searches for flights from the Quick Start panel in the home page. If you do not select this option, users will only be able to do fare-driven searches from the Quick Start panel. Verify user name Specify whether or not to verify that the user name matches the name registered in the GDS system for the first frequent flyer number. If this option is selected and the names do not match, an error message will appear and the traveller will not be able to save the profile. Allow direct trips search If selected, a check box will appear on the Air Search page and the Air Quick Start page, which will give travellers the option to restrict the search to direct flights only. If you choose to make the direct flight search available to the user, use the following radio buttons to define whether the option will be selected or deselected by default. Note:


If web search is configured for the site, the selection of this option will override the connections filter defined in the web search configuration page.

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules


This parameter also exists in the Rail Configuration wizard (if Rail is enabled). When the parameter is modified in one wizard, the other wizard is automatically updated with the new setting.

Enable seat maps at availability Select to display a link to the aircraft's seat map (if available) from the flight search results pages. The seat map at this stage is for information only. The traveller can only select a seat from the Trip Summary screen when the flight has been added to the trip plan. Display full airport name Select to display the full airport name, in addition to the airport code, in flight search results pages and the summary page. Highlight number of tickets Select this option to highlight the number of tickets that will be issued. This information is displayed in the Single View shopping basket and on the trip summary page. Hide one-way fares (in Single View and Trip Summary pages) Select this option to hide one-way fares in the Single View shopping basket and on the trip summary page. The one-way fares are aggregated in the fare breakdown window, accessible from the trip summary page. Note:

This option does not apply to multi-destination searches.

Enable request for wheelchair If the request is enabled, the traveller can select special assistance or no assistance for disabled passengers from a drop-down menu in the Air Travel Preferences section on the Finish Trip page. Enable request for blind assistance If the request is enabled, the traveller can select special assistance or no assistance for blind passengers from a drop-down menu in the Air Travel Preferences section on the Finish Trip page. Scoring (certain communities only) Activate Scoring When selected, the Scoring Display Rule in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard and the Scoring wizard are enabled. Scoring allows you to quantify the importance of price, company policy compliance, elapsed travel time, and so on in the flight selection process. For more information see the help for the Scoring wizard. Note:

Scoring is only applied for Search by Fare requests. It is applied to inand out-of-policy flight options.

Scoring Display Rule To enable this rule, select Activate Scoring in the Scoring section of the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard.

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In this rule you can control which flights you want to be displayed to the traveller after scoring has been applied according to the settings that you have defined in the Scoring wizard. For more information see the help for the Scoring wizard. Specify the number (up to 999) of top scoring flights to be displayed or limit the flight search results to flights that are within a specific percentage or number of penalty points (up to 99999) of the best score, as defined in the Scoring wizard. In addition, you can specify a minimum number of top-scoring flights (up to 999) to be displayed. Display Rule Display Rule Specify what travel options are displayed to travellers on the search results pages of the online reservation system. The options are: •

Display all options — Displays both in- and out-of-policy options.

Display only in-policy options — Displays only options that are in policy.

Display out-of-policy options only if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of policy options only if there are no in policy options. Note:

For web fares this setting displays both in- and out-of-policy options.

Display out-of-policy options as alternatives or if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of-policy options on a linked page of alternatives. However, if there are no in-policy options, displays only outof-policy options. If the community allows one-way fares, this option will give the same result as the Display all options setting. Note:


For web fares this setting displays both in- and out-of-policy options.

This setting does not apply to Principal Travel Arrangers; out-of-policy options are always displayed to them.

Upgrade Rule Upgrade Rule Use this setting to define whether the upgrade rule will take layover time into consideration or not. If this setting is enabled, layover time will be taken into consideration. The setting is enabled by default. Backup Rule Activate backup rule Select this option to add a check box to standard and special air rules (including web search rules), which will allow you to give standard air rules priority over other applicable standard air rules. (If selected, the supersede setting in the Standard Air Rule becomes "Give priority over other applicable standard rules", for example.) Negotiated Discount rule Activate Negotiated Discount rule Select this option to activate a Negotiated Discount rule in the Air Rules wizard. 76

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

The Negotiated Discount rule allows you to specify a negotiated discount percentage for those airlines that offer a negotiated discount to their corporate customers. As a result two prices, the total price of a fare and the total price of a fare including the negotiated discount*, are displayed to the traveller in the Travel Planner Faring, the Flight Search Result for Fare Driven Search, and the Trip Summary pages. * The total price of a fare including the negotiated discount is calculated as follows: The base fare minus the negotiated discount, plus all applicable taxes. Trip Approval Trip Approval options Specify under which scenario the traveller needs the trip approved by a travel approver. The options are: •

Never needs approval — The traveller does not need approval even if the air element is out of policy.

Always needs approval — The traveller needs approval even if the air element is in policy.

Needs approval (select the relevant options) — The traveller needs approval if: a) the air element is out of policy b) the booking is attempted after the booking time limit. If selected, use the drop-down menu to define how many days in advance the booking must be made to avoid needing approval. c) The trip contains a shuttle flight (Amadeus GDS). Only available if the parameter Allow Shuttle Flights has been selected in this wizard.

You can also set specific approval options for web fares in the Web Search Configuration wizard. However, the settings in this wizard take precedence over those in the Web Search Configuration. Note:

This parameter also exists in the Rail Configuration wizard (if Rail is enabled). When the parameter is modified in one wizard, the other wizard is automatically updated with the new setting.


If the booking is attempted after the booking time limit specified in this wizard, the trip is sent for approval. If the booking is attempted after the booking time limit specified in the Trip Validation wizard, the approval request is not possible.

Trip Approval - Specific Options Allow approval option at rule level Select this option to add an 'Always needs approval' checkbox to all Air rules. If selected, the traveller will be forced to submit her trip for approval. The activation of this option in the Air rule will override the “Never needs approval” setting in the Air Configuration Wizard. Force approver to choose another approver when out of office enabled If this option is enabled and Out of Office is selected in the Personal Information section of the travel approver's profile, the travel approver must designate a delegate approver as a backup. The Designate Delegate Approver feature is located in the Traveller Information section of the traveller profile.

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On the Finish Trip page, the traveller will only be able to send his trip to the designated delegate approver for approval. Trip Notification Trip Notification options Specify under which scenario email notification will be sent to the defined notification receiver. The options are: •

Never needs notification — Notification will not be sent even if the air element is out of policy.

Always needs notification — Notification will be sent even if the air element is in policy.

Needs notification when trip is out of policy — Notification will be sent only if the air element is out of policy.


This parameter also exists in the Rail Configuration wizard (if Rail is enabled). When the parameter is modified in one wizard, the other wizard is automatically updated with the new setting.

Fare and Compare (Amadeus GDS only) Fare-and-Compare options For schedule-driven flight searches, specify what the application should do after a user selects a flight. The options are: •

Do not display Fare and Compare itineraries — Displays fares for the selected flight and, after a fare is selected, displays a trip summary

Show link to allow display of Fare and Compare itineraries — Displays fares for the selected flight, along with the option for the traveller to search for alternatives

Always display Fare and Compare itineraries — Displays fares for the selected flight, along with the means for the traveller to search for alternatives, and, after a fare is selected, displays a trip summary

You can also select the Display only recommendations with prices lower than the fare of the original selected flights checkbox. If you select this check box, both in-policy and out-of-policy flights with fares lower than the selected flight are displayed.

Amadeus Fare & Compare Engine This option is displayed only if you did not select the Do not display Fare and Compare itineraries option. Select the Master Pricer fare-engine type for Fare & Compare searches: •

Master Pricer Travelboard retrieves up to 200 recommendations from cache, meaning that some of the recommendations may no longer be bookable. Master Pricer Travelboard can recommend ticketless-access airlines.

Master Pricer Expert retrieves up to 20 real-time, bookable recommendations. Ticketless-access airlines are excluded from the results.


Regardless of the option you choose, Master Pricer Travelboard is always used when: - The traveller requests an origin/destination radius in the search.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

- The origin or destination has been defined as an alternate airport in the Destination Builder wizard. - More than nine airlines are included in or excluded from the search through a combination of traveller input, air rules and preferences, and the vendor exclusion list. See also Amadeus Search by Fare Engine in this wizard. Cabin Class Selection Cabin class selection options These options allow you to specify the process for the community when a traveller requests a flight availability. If you select Cabin class selection at availability time, when a traveller requests a Search by Schedule, he or she can select the cabin class from the results displayed. This means that only the fare for that cabin class is displayed on the Faring page. If you select Cabin class selection at faring page (Multiple fares option) Option limited to search by schedule, when a traveller requests a Search by Schedule, the system displays on the Faring page a fare for each of the available cabin classes. The traveller can then select the fare/cabin class that he or she wants. Note:

The system creates a faring request for each command within a rule, but can only send a maximum of 10 requests. For this reason, you should avoid creating too many commands within the same rule for a particular route. If more than 10 fare requests are created, the system will take rules by preference but only use the first 10. The remaining rules/fare requests are ignored.


If you select this option and your community uses mini fare rules, the traveller can display a pop-up description of the mini fare rules on the Faring and Trip Summary pages.

If you select Cabin class selection at faring page (Multiple fares option) Option compliant with both search by schedule and/or fare you can define in the standard air rules several different fare types (for example, fares with or without restrictions, or negotiated fares) that will be offered to the traveller in the Faring page for the selected cabin. The traveller can change the cabin on the Faring page. This option applies to both Search by Fare and Search by Schedule. Note:

This option applies to Amadeus GDS users only. It applies to GDS air fares only, and not to web fares or air and rail combined fare searches.


When you choose this option the system displays to the traveller all the available fare types that you have defined in the Standard air rule so that he or she can choose the most appropriate type of fare. After a Search by Schedule the fare types are displayed below the itinerary. After a Search by Fare the traveller must click on See other fares to display a pop-up window which shows the available fare types.


If you select this option and your community uses mini fare rules, the traveller can display a pop-up description of the mini fare rules on the Trip Summary page.

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Faring Verification - Fare Driven Activate faring verification If selected, a flight recommendation selected by the traveller after a Search by Fare request is checked to ensure that it is still possible to book the itinerary and fare. If not (because the fare or availability is no longer available), the system redisplays the Flight Search Results panel without the selected recommendation, and displays a warning message inviting the traveller to choose another recommendation. Note:

For Galileo communities using Single View, faring verification is always applied regardless of this setting.

Special Programs Allow Air France Subscriber (Amadeus GDS only) Specify whether to allow travellers to use Air France Subscriber. This option is for travellers who use Air France and have Air France Subscriber discount cards. If you allow this option and a traveller has a Subscriber card, the whole air itinerary must be Air France Subscriber-compliant before the card can be used to get a discount. If you select this option, you must also select the maximum number of Subscriber cards travellers can enter in their profile. See also How to Activate the Air France Subscriber Program on page 465. Shuttle Flight Configuration (Amadeus GDS) Allow Shuttle Flights Select this parameter to allow users to book shuttle flights (for example, Iberia shuttle flights from Madrid to Barcelona). If selected, compliant shuttle flights will be returned in the air availability search along with standard flights. Shuttle flights will be indicated as such on the search results screen, so as not to be confused with standard flights. Fare Rule Allow cabin upgrade for in-policy fare When selected; •

If the Faring Command setting in the Air Rules wizard is set to Price with Lower Fares, and

If the GDS cannot price the selected cabin during the faring process (due to no fares available in the GDS for the selected cabin or booking class, or the GDS proposes an upgrade fare that is lower than the fare for the cabin booked), and

If upgraded fares are available

Rather than returning an error message, the system returns a fare for a higher cabin.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Example: A rule allows travel in economy cabin on American Airlines (AA). AA offers an upgrade fare for travel in business cabin that is lower than the available fares in economy. In this case the upgrade fare for travel in business cabin will be proposed to the traveller as in-policy, even though the business cabin is not allowed in the rule. Force the system to search for the lowest prices in fare driven flow when a lowest fare rule applies When you select this option and a lowest fare rule applies to an itinerary, the online reservation system submits an additional lowest fare rule request in the Search by Fare or in the Search by Schedule* to search for the lowest fare recommendations. This additional lowest fare rule request excludes any traveller preferences (class of service, direct trips only, preferred airlines, and/or the time window) that have been specified in the Advanced Flight Search Features section of the Travel Planner search pages. This allows the system to search for the lowest fares as defined in the lowest fare rules of the community without offering higher fares that may result from a fare search taking the traveller preferences into consideration. * if the Do Not Display Fare And Compare Itineraries option is not enabled in the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard. Travel Pass Configuration Card Type Allow corporate Travel Pass This option is used for travellers who have a corporate Travel Pass that enables them to book ticket-less flights with Scandinavian airlines. A traveller can use either a corporate Travel Pass or a personal Travel Pass for booking flights. In order for a traveller to use a corporate Travel Pass, the travel pass number must be entered in the traveller's profile. The traveller can only use the corporate Travel Pass on routes that allow a Travel Pass. Allow personal Travel Pass This option is used for travellers who have a personal Travel Pass that enables them to book ticket-less flights with Scandinavian airlines. A traveller can use either a corporate Travel Pass or a personal Travel Pass for booking flights. In order for a traveller to use a personal Travel Pass, the travel pass number must be entered in the traveller's profile. The traveller can only use his personal Travel Pass on routes that allow a Travel Pass. Allow Malmo Pass (Amadeus GDS only) This option allows the traveller to book a flight using a Malmo Pass. In order for a traveller to use a Malmo Pass, the pass number must be entered in the traveller's profile. The traveller can only use a Malmo Pass on routes that allow travel with a Malmo Pass. Optionally, you may also make a Malmo corporate code available to the user. To do so, you must enter an eight-character corporate code in the available field.

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Mixed Trip Allow mixed Travel Pass and no Travel Pass itineraries (Amadeus GDS only) Note:

This setting is only applied when Amadeus Single View is activated or Multiple Fares is enabled for the community. For more information on Amadeus Single View, see Activate Amadeus Single View in this wizard. For more information on Multiple Fares, see the Cabin Class Selection section in this wizard.


This setting is not applied for multi-destination trips and for multiple passenger bookings.

If selected, a traveller can book a special program fare (SAS Personal Travel Pass, SAS Travel Pass Corporate, Malmo Aviation e-Pass) for one portion of a trip, and a non-special program fare (any GDS air fare) for another portion in one booking. The system automatically creates two PNRs (when the traveller confirms the trip, puts in on hold, or submits it for approval) by separating the special program fare booking from the non-special program fare booking and/or any other bookings (hotel, car, rail, etc.). The two PNRs are cross-referenced by a remark containing each other's PNR reservation number. The trip reservation number of the linked reservation is displayed to the traveller on the Trip Summary page. The PNRs are handled as two separate bookings as far as trip modifications and cancellations are concerned. Note:

Special program and web fare bookings can also be made in one booking; the PNR, however, is not split.


Two special programs can not be mixed. You can not book, for example, a fare using an SAS Personal Travel Pass and another one using an SAS Corporate Travel Pass in one booking.

Optionally, you can define a prefix for the PNR Remark element that is automatically created for linked reservations. For more information see the help for the Remarks wizard. Multifly.e Configuration Multifly.e configuration (Amadeus GDS only) This option allows the traveller to book a flight using a Finnair Multifly.e Pass. In order for a traveller to use a Multifly.e Pass, the eight-digit pass number must be entered in the traveller's profile. The traveller can only use the pass on routes that allow travel with a Multifly.e Pass. Filtering Settings Filtering Settings Use this option to filter search results based on flight duration. If selected, enter a grace percentage in the field provided. If, for example, the shortest flight available based on the user's search criteria is one hour, and you have entered a grace percentage of 50, then flights with durations of up to one and a half hours will be returned. Flights of greater duration will be filtered out.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

FareAnalyzer (if available) Enable FareAnalyzer FareAnalyzer is a tool that allows the traveller to sort and view fares for an itinerary in a table format. This enables the traveller to quickly identify the best possible itinerary and fare from the solutions proposed by the system. The traveller can select which parameters are used to sort the display (such as by airline or rail provider, trip duration, or departure time). FareAnalyzer is displayed when the traveller selects Search by Fare, or on the pricing page following a Search by Schedule (except when only one fare is available). Select this field to enable FareAnalyzer. You must also select the Fare and Compare field to enable FareAnalyzer. The options are: •

Display all out of policy itineraries as "other options" — Groups all out of policy travel solutions under the provider category "other options". However, if all travel solutions are out of policy they will be categorized by provider, and the Other Options category will not appear.

Enable individual flight segment selection — Allows the traveller to select one segment from the list of itineraries and display only the fares that include the selected segment.

List of comparison options — Determines which parameters are available in the drop-down menu for sorting the rows and columns of the FareAnalyzer table. Select each parameter that you want to make available to the traveller. You must select at least one. Note:

The comparison option Unused Tickets is only available for FareAnalyzer in the Quick Shopper search results display. For this option to be displayed to the traveller, the Allow Unused Ticket Payment setting and the Quick Shopper setting must be enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. In addition the Show all matching flights option must be selected for Quick Shopper.

Default X-axis and Y-axis to — Select the comparison options that you want to use as the default in the columns (X-axis) and rows (Y-axis) of the FareAnalyzer table. Note:

Because of the dynamic nature of the list of comparison options, the ones that you have selected as the default may not always be displayed to the traveller.


If enabled in the Air Configuration wizard, FareAnalyzer works for both air and rail.

For more information, see How to Activate FareAnalyzer on page 459. Faring Options Activate "Refare to 1 Ticket" This setting is valid if you have activated the Multiple Fares or Amadeus Single View functionalities in this wizard. If enabled and the fare results that the traveller has selected are composed of several one-way fares, the online reservation system will try to reprice these fares to allow the issuance in one ticket, provided that the price of the ticket (including ticketing fees) is lower than the selected one-way fares. If the one-ticket solution is not the lowest price, the one-way fares are retained. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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The online reservation system reprices the itinerary when the traveller clicks on Add to Trip. If a lower fare for the selected round-trip fare is available, the system books the lowest fare and displays the message 'We have found a cheaper fare for your selected itinerary' to the traveller. The traveller's itinerary is respected and the fare is the lowest available. Note:

This is applicable to itineraries with air GDS fares only. It is not applicable to web fares or air GDS fares and web fare combinations.

Force repricing when selected recommendations are from different fare groups (Amadeus Single View only) When selected, and the traveller has selected several one-way fares from different fare groups, the online reservation system reprices the itinerary, as described under Refare to 1 Ticket, above. Allow special split faring Note:

This setting is mainly used in Australia and is Qantas-specific.

If enabled, the online reservation system prices the selected flights separately for destinations in specific markets depending on the trip direction (outbound/inbound), the origin of the flight and fares information (GDS, Website or Navitaire) and the airline. Note:

When you enable this setting, you must specify the geographic application for which you want this setting to apply in the Air Preference rule. In addition you must select the Qantas Split setting in the Split Faring Settings section of that rule. For more information see the help for the Air Preference Rule wizard.

General Faring Air corporate ID Enter the air corporate ID (also known as the contract number or SNAP code). The corporate ID is used to price air fares (in a Search by Fare and in a Search by Schedule). Note:

The corporate ID entered here will not always be used for faring. If you have entered another corporate ID in a standard air rule, the displayed flights that are in policy will use the rule's corporate ID for pricing. All out-of-policy flights, however, will use the corporate ID entered here for pricing.


If you have selected the Enhanced Process in the Faring Process Search by Fare section of this wizard (Amadeus GDS only), the corporate IDs that you have entered in that section are used for pricing in a Search by Fare and not the IDs that you have entered in the Air Corporate ID field.

If the GDS Is Amadeus If the GDS for the community is set to Amadeus, you can enter up to three corporate IDs. These IDs will be used to price itineraries in a Search by Fare and in a Search by Schedule as described above. Note:


If you specify up to three corporate IDs in a standard rule, the corporate IDs from the standard rules are used for pricing. If no corporate ID or more than three corporate IDs are specified in the standard rules, the corporate IDs specified in the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard are used for pricing.

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules


If you choose the Enhanced Process in the Faring process - Search by Fare section of this wizard, you can also enter your corporate codes here, so that they are used for faring after a Search by Fare.


If you have activated Amadeus Single View in the Settings section of this wizard and you have defined corporate IDs in the Fare Groups wizard, these corporate IDs take precedence over the ones that you have defined here in the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard and/or in the Standard Rule. If no corporate IDs have been defined in the Standard Rule and in the Fare Groups Wizard, the ones that you have defined here are applied.

If the GDS Is Galileo If the GDS for the community is set to Galileo, you can enter up to three corporate IDs. These IDs will be used to price itineraries in a Search by Fare. Note:

If you specify up to three corporate IDs in a standard rule, the corporate IDs from the standard rules are used for pricing. If no corporate ID or more than three corporate IDs are specified in the standard rules, the corporate IDs specified in the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard are used for pricing.


When using Single View, only the first corporate ID is taken into account.

Faring Process - Search by Fare (Amadeus GDS only) Standard or Enhanced process This setting determines which faring commands are used by the system to display the lowest fares when the traveller has requested a Search by Fare. Standard Process If you select Standard process, the lowest fare of all the fare types defined in the applicable air rules for a flight is returned. Enhanced Process If you select Enhanced process, you can select which fare types are requested in the faring process. You can select one or several of the fare types displayed. For example, if you select public and negotiated fares, the system searches for both the lowest public and the lowest negotiated fares for a flight, and depending on the sorting options that you have specified in the Sorting Options - Search by Fare section of this wizard, one or the other is displayed. If you select negotiated fares (agency or corporate), enter up to three corporate codes. Note:

If you define negotiated corporate and/or agency codes in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard, you do not need to specify these codes in the Faring Method Definition (- Predefined Commands) section of the Standard Air Rule. If you define negotiated corporate and/or agency codes in both the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard and in the Standard Air Rule and the codes are different, the system applies the codes that are defined in the Standard Air Rule in the fare search.

Air France Subscriber Program — These are fares available to Air France subscribers. This option is only available if you have activated this program in the Special Programs section of this wizard.

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Remove duplicates in results page — Select to have the system remove duplicate flight recommendations (same itinerary, cabin*, date, airline and flight number) from the flight search results page. * economy and economy restricted are considered the same cabin.


If two duplicate flight recommendations are found, only the one with the most preferred fare type as specified in the Sorting Options -Type of Fare panel in this wizard is displayed.


If you select Enhanced process, the faring commands specified in the air rules are no longer used in the fare search, only to post filter the search results.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Air Configuration - G2 Switchworks Wizard Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Air Configuration This wizard is available only if the air component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The G2 Switchworks wizard lets you specify the connectivity settings and the queue configuration that is used when travellers in a community are booking flights on Sky Team Alliance airlines. G2 Switchworks is a direct connection between the online reservation system and the Sky Team Alliance airlines. When a booking is made in the online reservation system for air segments exclusively on Sky Team Alliance airlines, G2 Switchworks allows the online reservation system to perform the booking, cancellation, modification, and the travel review of these flights directly with the Sky Team Alliance airlines. The fare search and pricing are done in the Amadeus distribution system. Note:

Meal preferences, smoking preferences, and seat preferences are not supported for flight bookings via G2 Switchworks. The method of delivery is always e-ticket, the method of payment is credit card only.

The wizard consists of a single page, G2 Switchworks Settings.

What You Provide Connection PCC Specify the Pseudo-city code (2-5 characters). The Pseudo-city code identifies an online reservation community on the GDS. This Pseudo-city code is also used for booking and queuing. login Specify the login (up to 50 characters) provided by G2 Switchworks. password Specify the password (up to 50 characters) provided by G2 Switchworks. 86

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Rail Configuration Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Rail Settings This wizard is available only if the rail component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The General Settings Configuration wizard lets you specify the options that travellers in a community will have available in searching for train fares. If the rail provider is SNCF, you can also display the following wizards: •

SNCF Configuration Wizard - Agency Identification on page 95

SNCF Configuration Wizard - Fare Type on page 95

SNCF Branch Access Setup on page 96

For Swedish Rail, see How to Activate Swedish Rail on page 453. Note:

Depending on the rail provider selected for the community, some of the settings described here might not be available.

What You Provide Settings Show availability starting from Specify the minimum amount of time in the future that train availability will be shown. Notes:

Make sure that the time frame for delivery for at least one method of delivery on the Delivery Administration Settings page of the Delivery wizard is equal to or less than the time frame set for this parameter; otherwise travellers will be able to book a train trip but have no method of delivery from which to choose. Also make sure that the time limit you specify for the Auto cancel option on the General Ticketing page of the Delivery wizard does not exceed the time specified in this parameter. For example, if you allow train availability to be shown 72 hours in the future, then the auto-cancel time limit cannot be more than 72 hours; otherwise, train trips could be automatically cancelled after travellers have begun their trips.

Show availability up to Specify the maximum amount of time in the future that train availability will be shown. The absolute maximum is 11 months.

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Minimum time for PNR modification Specify the minimum amount of time before train departure that a change can be made to a traveller's itinerary. The valid range is 1 to 72 hours. This parameter takes effect only if the Allow modification of non-ticketed PNR parameter, the Allow modification of ticketed PNR parameter, or both parameters of the Trip Plan Modification wizard are enabled. Default Time Use these fields to set the default travel time displayed on the Home and Travel Planner pages when you search for a train journey or compare flights with rail. On the Home page, the default time always refers to the departure time. For some providers, the traveller chooses on the Travel Planner page whether the default time is the departure or arrival time. Note:

Use the Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard on page 67 to set the default departure time when you search for flights only.

Default time for outbound and multi-destination Set the default time for outbound and multi-destination journeys. Default time for inbound Set the default time for inbound return journeys. Show non-bookable itineraries Select this option if you wish to display itineraries that cannot be booked. An itinerary may be non-bookable when, for example, all or part of a service is provided by a local train operator that has no agreement with the main/national operator, but whose schedules are available in the national system. In search results pages, the purchase conditions link is not displayed and a tooltip indicates that the itinerary is not bookable online. When the traveller sorts by price, non-bookable itineraries are displayed at the end of the results. Activate Amadeus Single View (Swedish Rail only) Select this option to activate Amadeus Single View in the Search by Fare results. If activated, this setting applies to both air and rail results. See Air Configuration Air Settings Wizard on page 67 for a description of Amadeus Single View. Use Single View when origin and destination do not match a fare group rule This option is only available if Amadeus Single View is activated. This option controls the Search by Fare availability display when the origin and destination do not match a fare group rule:



If you select this option the Single View matrix is displayed with one column, representing only the lowest fare (using the default fare group).


If you do not select this option, the standard Search by Fare availability is displayed when the origin and destination do not match a fare group rule. This is useful, for example, for international routes where round trip fares are cheaper than two one-way fares.

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Search Type Allow both search by schedule and by fare Select which search type you want to allow the traveller to choose from on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages, on the Repeat Trip Details page, and on the Quick Start home page. If you select the option Allow Both Search by Schedule and by Fare: •

The traveller can choose between Search by Schedule and Search by Fare on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages.

The Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option in the Miscellaneous Options section of the Air Configuration wizard is automatically cleared by the system. The search on the Quick Start home page defaults to Search by Fare. If you enable the Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option, the traveller can choose between Search by Fare and Search by Schedule on the Quick Start home page.

The traveller can select the option Search by Schedule, Search by Fare or Direct on the Repeat Trip Details page.


If both the Air and Rail components are enabled in a community, the Search Type settings in the Air Configuration wizard must match the Search Type settings in the Rail Configuration wizard. If you change the settings in one of the wizards, the system changes them automatically to match the settings in the other wizard.

Allow search by schedule Select which search type you want to allow the traveller to choose from on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages, on the Repeat Trip Details page, and on the Quick Start home page. If you select the option Allow Search by Schedule: •

The traveller can only Search by Schedule on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages.

The Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option in the Miscellaneous Options section of the Air Configuration wizard is automatically checked and disabled by the system. The search on the Quick Start home page defaults to Search by Schedule.

The traveller can select the option Search by Schedule or Direct on the Repeat Trip Details page.


If both the Air and Rail components are enabled in a community, the Search Type settings in the Air Configuration wizard must match the Search Type settings in the Rail Configuration wizard. If you change the settings in one of the wizards, the system changes them automatically to match the settings in the other wizard.

Allow search by fare Select which search type you want to allow the traveller to choose from on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages, on the Repeat Trip Details page, and on the Quick Start home page. If you select the option Allow Search by Fare: •

The traveller can only Search by Fare on the Air, Rail and Air/Rail combined search pages.

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The Allow Search by Schedule in Quick Start option in the Miscellaneous Options section of the Air Configuration wizard is automatically unchecked and disabled by the system. The search on the Quick Start home page defaults to Search by Fare.


The traveller can select the option Search by Fare or Direct on the Repeat Trip Details page.


If both the Air and Rail components are enabled in a community, the Search Type settings in the Air Configuration wizard must match the Search Type settings in the Rail Configuration wizard. If you change the settings in one of the wizards, the system changes them automatically to match the settings in the other wizard.

Sorting Options - Search by Schedule Default sorting options to Specify the sorting options of train search results, so the results are sorted by the most important criterion. For example, if you specify that the default sorting option is Trip Duration, train search results will be displayed with the shortest train journey first. The traveller still has the option to sort the train search results page by a different criterion. Sorting Options - Search by Fare Sorting options In the panel, arrange the order of the search criteria in which you want the search results to be displayed on the train search results pages. For example, if you specify that the default sorting option at the top of the list is Trip Duration and the second one is Price, train search results will be displayed with the shortest journey first. If two journeys have the same duration, the cheaper one will be displayed second, and so on. To arrange the order of the search criteria, select a criterion from the panel, then click on Move Up or Move Down until the list is in the order that you want. MIS Format MIS Format Select the format of the MIS element in the PNR, for passive rail segments. Miscellaneous Options Display advanced rail search features Specify whether to show advanced search features on the pages that travellers use to search for trains. The advanced search features has a Class of service parameter that allows travellers to select the appropriate class of rail travel, based on the company's travel policy. Allow to request 2 one-way tickets instead of return tickets (Die Bahn only) Select this option to give travellers the option to book two one-way tickets instead of a return ticket: 90

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

If you select this option, the traveller can choose between two one-way tickets or one return ticket when he books his trip. Booking two one-way tickets allows him to cancel one bound if necessary.

If you do not select this option, the traveller receives only one ticket for his journey.

Allow search by schedule in Quick Start Specify whether to allow the traveller to do schedule-driven searches for trains from the Quick Start panel in the home page. If you do not select this option, users will only be able to do fare-driven searches from the Quick Start panel. Specify whether to allow the traveller to do schedule-driven searches for trains from the Quick Start panel in the home page. If you do not select this option, users will only be able to do fare-driven searches from the Quick Start panel. Allow direct trips search If selected, a check box will appear on the rail search page and Quick Start page, which will give travellers the option to restrict the search to direct trips only. If you choose to make the direct trip search available to the user, use the following radio buttons to define whether the option will be selected or deselected by default. Note:

If Web search is configured for the site, the selection of this option will override the connections filter defined in the Web search configuration page.


This parameter also exists in the air configuration wizard (if air is enabled). When the parameter is modified in one wizard, the other wizard is automatically updated with the new setting.

Allow seat-only booking (Die Bahn only) Select this option to allow travellers to book a seat without booking a rail ticket at the same time. This is useful, for example, for Bahncard 100 holders who do not need to buy rail tickets but require seat reservations, or for other travellers who have previously purchased fully flexible tickets and later need to book a seat when their travel plans change. Display RailPlus discount option for Bahncard holders Select this option if travellers with certain Bahncards are eligible for RailPlus discounts on cross-border trains (provided the origin, destination or both is in Germany). The RailPlus discount allows Bahncard holders to obtain a discount on the non-domestic part of the train journey, not just the German part. Note:

In some countries, the RailPlus discount is applicable to certain age groups only, for example, youth or senior travellers. During the booking process, the traveller selects whether or not he is eligible for the RailPlus discount; the system itself does not verify eligibility based on the traveller's age.

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Admin Guide

Other Settings Display Rule Specify what travel options are displayed to travellers on the search results pages of the online reservation system. The options are: •

Display all options — Displays both in- and out-of-policy options.

Display only in-policy options — Displays only options that are in-policy.

Display out-of-policy options only if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of policy options only if there are no in-policy options.

Display out-of-policy options as alternatives or if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of-policy options as alternatives unless there are no in-policy options, in which case it displays only out-ofpolicy options.


This setting does not apply to Principal Travel Arrangers; out-of-policy options are always displayed to them.

Trip Approval Specify under which scenario the traveller needs the trip approved by a travel approver. The options are: •

Never needs approval — The traveller does not need approval even if the rail element is out of policy.

Always needs approval — The traveller needs approval even if the rail element is in policy.

Needs approval when trip is out of policy — The traveller needs approval only if the rail element is out of policy.


This parameter also exists in the Air Configuration wizard (if Air is enabled). When the parameter is modified in one wizard, the other wizard is automatically updated with the new setting.

Trip Approval - Specific Options When the method of payment for a trip is by credit card, you can choose to suppress trip approval as follows: Select Do not allow approval and specify under which scenario the traveller does not need the trip approved by a travel approver: •

for trips that contain only rail segments — The traveller does not need approval for trips that contain rail segments only.

for trips that contain at least one rail segment — The traveller does not need approval when at least one rail segment is present in the booking.

Trip Notification Specify under which scenario email notification will be sent to the defined notification receiver. The options are:


Never needs notification — Notification will not be sent even if the rail element is out of policy.

Always needs notification — Notification will be sent even if the rail element is in policy.

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Needs notification when trip is out of policy — Notification will be sent only if the rail element is out of policy.


This parameter also exists in the Air Configuration wizard (if Air is enabled). When the parameter is modified in one wizard, the other wizard is automatically updated with the new setting.

Campaign Codes (Swedish Rail) Optionally, enter the Swedish Rail campaign codes and description available to your corporation (up to 50 alphanumeric characters), and optionally the expiry dates. Campaign codes you define will be available to the traveller on the Finish Trip page. Campaign codes with an expiry date after the trip departure date will not be available on the Finish Trip page. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

SNCF Configuration Wizard - Agency Identification Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Rail Settings This wizard is available only if the rail component is enabled and SNCF is selected as the rail provider. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The SNCF Configuration wizard lets you specify the options specific to SNCF that travellers in a community will have available in searching for train fares.

What You Provide International Fulfilment Specify the country of the fulfilment agency. PCC Agency Specify the four-character fulfilment agency code. Queue Number Specify the queue that SNCF PNRs will be routed to. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89

SNCF Configuration Wizard - Fare Type This page lists the different fare types applicable to SNCF-provider companies SNCF, Eurostar, Thalys, Lyria, and PGM.

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What You Provide Fare type You can enable or disable any fare type, but you must select at least one fare type for each of the companies: •






Type of contract The contract code if a fare type has been negotiated. For example, if you selected the fare type Eurostar Net Fare Code 1, you must enter the contract code for this fare type here. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish or click on Back to return to the previous page. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89

SNCF Branch Access Setup A PNR for a rail booking is automatically queued, and the reference to this queue is defined by a pseudo city code (PCC). By entering a travel agent's PCC, the SNCF Branch Access wizard allows you to give travel agents the authorization to read and process Rail PNRs.

What You Provide Travel agency PCC Specify the four-character, alphanumeric PCC (for example 'Q9B0') and then click on Add. You can authorize up to 700 PCCs. If you want to delete authorization, click on the appropriate delete button. A popup window will appear, prompting you to confirm the deletion. Related Topics Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Car Configuration Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Settings Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Car Configuration This wizard is available only if the car component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Car Configuration (Car Settings) wizard lets you specify the options that travellers in a community will have available in searching for car rentals. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Settings

Car Rate Code Definition. For more information see Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Rate Code Definition on page 100.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Show availability starting from Specify the minimum amount of time in the future that car availability will be shown. Show availability up to Specify the maximum amount of time in the future that car availability will be shown. Maximum duration for car rental Specify the maximum duration in days for which a car reservation can be made. Note that most car companies usually allow for a maximum of 30 days. Minimum time for PNR modification Specify the minimum amount of time before departure that a car reservation can be modified. The valid range is 1 to 72 hours. This parameter takes effect only if the Allow modification of non-ticketed PNR parameter, the Allow modification of ticketed PNR parameter, or both parameters of the Trip Plan Modification wizard are enabled. Default car class selection to Specify the default car class displayed in the car search page. Include car companies with Standard Access Specify whether to show car companies that provide only standard GDS access. When a traveller makes a reservation with a company that provides only standard GDS access, the confirmation number is either returned via a teletype message or is manually added by the car company.

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Display advanced car search features Specify whether advanced car search features will be shown to users. The advanced search features include: •

Preferred car companies — Allows travellers to specify up to three preferred car hire companies.

Car class — Allows travellers to select the desired car class, such as economy or luxury.

Car type — Allows travellers to select the desired car type, such as 2-door, 4-door, or limousine.

Transmission — Allows travellers to select automatic or manual transmission.

Air conditioning — Allows travellers to specify whether they want air conditioning.

Navigation System — Allows travellers to send a special request for an incar navigation system. If selected, the traveller may not receive confirmation that a navigation system is available.

Display special equipment features (Amadeus GDS only) When selected, the Navigation System option on the Advanced Search page for Cars is replaced by a Special Equipments option, which allows the traveller to select up to three types of special equipment (such as winter tyres or wheelchair access ramp) from a list. The system sends the request to the car company. Allow off-airport car rentals Specify whether to allow travellers to pick up or drop off a rental car at a location other than an airport. If you enable the Allow Off-Airport Car Rental parameter, then the Non-airport Location field appears on the Search for Cars page in the online reservation system. For Amadeus GDS Only: If you enable this parameter, you can also enable the option Allow Special Delivery Address. This option allows the traveller, when searching for nonairport car rental locations, to select a car for a specific delivery and collection location as defined by the administrator in the Car Delivery and Collection wizard. Note:

Car bookings for special delivery addresses are always 'on request' and need to be confirmed by the car rental company.

Allow car on request (Amadeus GDS only) Specify whether to allow travellers to make a car booking 'on request'. The status 'on request' means that the car may be unavailable and that the car rental company needs to confirm the booking. If this option is not checked, the Car Search Results page will only show cars with a 'confirmed' status. Request credit card as guarantee Specify whether travellers must provide a credit card to guarantee the booking.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Show availability with unlimited mileage only If this option is selected, the search results will only include car rentals that allow unlimited mileage. Create a miscellaneous segment for every Car Direct Connect booking The Car Direct Connect functionality allows travellers to book directly with a car provider without going through a travel agent. Select this option to use the Car Direct Connect functionality. If the box is selected, all Car Direct Connect bookings will generate an auxiliary memo segment on main PNR. Sorting Options In the panel, arrange the order of the search criteria in which you want the search results to be displayed on the car search results pages. For example, if you specify that the default sorting option at the top of the list is Provider and the second one is Price, car search results will be displayed with the most preferred provider first. If two providers have the same level of preference, the one with the cheaper price will be displayed second, and so on. To arrange the order of the search criteria, select a criterion from the panel, then click on Move Up or Move Down until the list is in the order that you want. Display Rule Specify what travel options are displayed to travellers on the search results pages of the online reservation system. The options are: •

Display all options — Displays both in- and out-of-policy options.

Display only in-policy options — Displays only options that are in-policy.

Display out-of-policy options only if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of policy options only if there are no in-policy options.

Display out-of-policy options as alternatives or if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of-policy options as alternatives unless there are no in-policy options, in which case it displays only out-ofpolicy options.


This setting does not apply to principal travel arrangers; out-of-policy options are always displayed to them.

Trip Approval Specify under which scenario the traveller needs the trip approved by a travel approver. The options are: •

Never needs approval — The traveller does not need approval even if the car element is out of policy.

Always needs approval — The traveller needs approval even if the car element is in policy.

Needs approval when trip is out of policy — The traveller needs approval only if the car element is out of policy.

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Trip Notification Specify under which scenario email notification will be sent to the defined notification receiver. The options are: •

Never needs notification — Notification will not be sent even if the car element is out of policy.

Always needs notification — Notification will be sent even if the car element is in policy.

Needs notification when trip is out of policy — Notification will be sent only if the car element is out of policy.

To continue, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard the current values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Rate Code Definition The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Settings. For more information see Car Settings - Car Configuration Wizard - Car Settings on page 97.

Car Rate Code Definition

Use this page to define a text label associated to a car vendor and corporate ID for negotiated rates. The text description you enter is displayed in the Car Rate column of the car search results page. It allows you, for example, to differentiate between agency negotiated rates and corporate negotiated rates and to communicate this information to the traveller when he or she is selecting a car rental rate. Note:

The entire set of car rate labels is inherited from the parent community to the child community. If you change, add or remove a rate label at child community level, the inheritance is broken. When the entire set of car rate labels is removed at child community level, the inheritance is restored.

What You Provide 1. Select a car vendor from the drop-down list. 2. Enter a corporate ID in the Corporate ID field. Each combination of car vendor and corporate ID must be unique. 3. Enter the description in the Label field. Example: Corporate or Travel Agency. 4. To add a row to the table, click on Add. To delete a row from the table, select Delete in the row you want to remove. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish or click on Back to return to the previous page. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Direct Connection Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Car Configuration The Direct Connect wizard main menu allows you to configure Car Direct providers within the online reservation system. In this wizard, you can define settings to identify car providers that will be accessible in ‘direct link’ mode. This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Direct Connection Wizard - Main Menu

Direct Connection Wizard - Settings below

What You Provide Click on Create Direct Connection to define and create a new connection. If you want to view, modify or delete an existing connection, first select the connection in the Manage Direct Connections table, then click on View, Modify or Delete, as appropriate. Note:

The Manage Direct Connections table displays all the connections that apply to the community, including inherited connections. However, you can only view inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.)

Direct Connection Wizard - Settings You use the Direct Connect Wizard to configure Car Direct connections within Amadeus e-Travel Management. This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Direct Connection Wizard - Main Menu above

Direct Connection Wizard - Settings

What You Provide Description Enter a description to help identify the Car Direct provider. You may use up to 80 alphanumeric characters. Car Provider Select a car provider from the menu. Amadeus e-Direct Connect Office ID Enter the 9-character office ID used to send car availability requests for this provider. Booking Source Enter an agency control number, IATA or TID booking source (5-8 characters) if another office is to be used as the booking source.

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Billing Number Enter a billing number. The billing number is used to replace the agency billing address. It can be a: •

26-character car company reference beginning with ‘C’

9-character IATA or TID number beginning with ‘A’

7-character company profile locator beginning with ‘A’

Enable e-Voucher This option becomes available when you enter a billing number. Select this option if you wish to issue e-vouchers for this provider. Then, select the e-Voucher value type: •

Full credit - the corporation pays for the car booking in full.

Limited amount - the corporation pays a partial value, up to a maximum amount. The rest is paid for by the traveller at the counter. In this case, you must also enter the maximum amount and currency.

Nil value - the traveller pays in full at the counter.


Some providers do not accept e-vouchers for a limited amount or nil value.

When the traveller books his car, the e-voucher number is displayed in the confirmation summary. If the e-voucher is for a partial value, the amount covered is also displayed. If the e-voucher is for nil value, the words 'no amount covered' are displayed. Depending on the site configuration, the customer may also receive e-voucher information by email. Messages Enter up to four message strings that will be included in the summary details and emails. Each string can have up to 250 characters. For example: Message 1: Avis Rent a Car Message 2: Contacts for questions or modifications of your reservation: Message 3: When in France call: 0820 05 05 05 (0.12€) Message 4: When abroad call: +33 1 44 18 10 54 When you have provided all the required information, click on Create, Modify or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed.

Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Car Configuration


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

This wizard is available only if the car component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. In addition, for the Car Delivery and Collection wizard to be displayed, you must enable the option Allow Special Delivery Address in the Car Configuration wizard. Use the Car Delivery and Collection wizard to define a list of addresses for car rental delivery and collection at specific offices of a company or corporation. You use the Main Menu page to create, view, modify or delete car delivery and collection addresses. The Car Delivery and Collection Address table displays all the existing addresses that apply to the community. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Main Menu

Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Configuration below

What You Provide •

To create a new address, click on Create.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing address, first select the address in the Car Delivery and Collection Address table, then click on View, Modify, or Delete, as appropriate.

Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Configuration The Car Delivery and Collection wizard lets you define a list of addresses for car rental delivery and collection at specific offices of a company or corporation. These addresses (locations) will be available to the travellers in a community who need to search for car rentals at off-airport and collection and delivery locations. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Main Menu above

Car Delivery and Collection Wizard - Configuration

What You Provide - Amadeus GDS Car Rental Select the car company name from the drop-down list. Off-Airport Location code Enter either an off-airport location code or a dummy location code. Off-airport location code Specify the off-airport location code provided by the car rental company. This code consists of a three-letter IATA city code, a one-letter geographic code (C for Center, E for East, W for West and so on.), and a two-digit identification code of the car rental office. Examples: ATLC02, MIAE07, NYCP11:

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Geographic Code

Car Rental Office Identification


C (for Center)



E (for East)



P (for Port/Ferry)


Dummy location code Enter the code given to you by the provider. Provider location reference Select this option if the off-airport location code is a dummy location set up by the provider in its own database. Associated IATA For dummy locations, enter the associated IATA code. Purpose This setting is only available for communities using Amadeus. Select whether this is a Pick-up location, a Drop-off location, or both. The pick-up location is the location where the car will be delivered to the traveller and the drop-off location is the location where the car will be collected from at the end of the reservation. Delivery and Collection Type - Site Code Select this option if the provider uses structured delivery addresses for delivery and collection locations. Delivery & Collection Site Code Specify the delivery and collection code (maximum 10 characters) associated to the delivery and collection address. This code is provided by the car rental company. Delivery & Collection Site Name Enter the provider's name for the location. Phone Number Enter the phone number for the location. Delivery and Collection Type - Site Address Select this option if the provider uses unstructured delivery addresses for delivery and collection locations. Enter the street address, zip/postal code and the city. Select the state, province or region (for the U.S., Canada, and Australia only) and the country. Then enter the phone number (maximum 20 numeric characters or spaces) of the car delivery or collection address. Pick-up/ Drop-off Information This field is optional.


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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Enter additional information (maximum 40 characters) about special conditions for the car delivery and collection. Example: Please leave car at main entrance. The pick-up/drop-off information is displayed on the Trip Summary page. The traveller can change the information before it is sent to the provider. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Finish or Modify, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard the values currently displayed without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed.

What You Provide - Other GDSs Car Rental Select the car company name from the drop-down list. Off-Airport Location code Specify the off-airport location code provided by the car rental company. This code consists of a three-letter IATA city code, a one-letter geographic code (C for Center, E for East, W for West, and so on.), and a two-digit identification code of the car rental office. Examples: ATLC02, MIAE07, NYCP11: IATA Code

Geographic Code

Car Rental Office Identification


C (for Center)



E (for East)



P (for Port/Ferry)



The off-airport location codes can be GDS-specific. If you change the selected GDS for a community, you must also change the off-airport location codes in the Car Delivery and Collection wizard.

Address Specify the car delivery or collection address. You can enter up to 26 alphanumerics, commas and spaces in this field. Note:

You cannot enter different addresses for the same car rental company and off-airport location code.

Pick-up/ Drop-off Information This field is optional. Enter additional information (maximum 40 characters) about special conditions for the car delivery and collection. Example: Please leave car at main entrance. The pick-up/drop-off information is displayed on the Trip Summary page. The traveller can change the information before it is sent to the provider. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Finish or Modify, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Car Billing Number Wizard Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Car Configuration This wizard is available only if the car component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Car Billing Number wizard lets you define the billing numbers that the travellers in a community will be able to select as the method of guarantee when booking car rentals. A car billing number can be used for car reservations only. Car billing numbers replace the agency billing address. They are associated to a specific car rental company. This wizard allows you to add, change, and delete car billing numbers. Note:

The entire set of car billing numbers is inherited from the parent community to the child community. If you change, add or remove a car billing number at child community level, the inheritance is broken. When the entire set of car billing numbers is removed at child community level, the inheritance is restored.


If an accreditive card is stored in the car travel preferences section of the traveller profile and a car billing number exists at the same time, the accreditive card takes precedence over the billing number and is used as the method of guarantee.

The wizard consists of a single page, Car Billing Number Configuration.

What You Provide Code Enter the two-character car rental company code or click on the lookup icon displayed next to the Code field and select a car provider. Number Enter the car billing number by including a mandatory prefix as shown below: •

C followed by a 1 to 25-character car company reference


A followed by an 8-digit IATA or TID number or


A followed by a 6-character company profile locator

The car billing number replaces the agency billing address. Note that you can specify several billing numbers for the same car rental company.

Label Enter a short description of the car rental company to easily identify the billing number associated to a specific car rental company. Examples: HertzParis, AvisMarseille, etc. Spaces are not allowed in the label field. Click on Add more rows to expand the size of the table. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. To delete a billing number select the Delete field and click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Hotel Configuration Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Settings Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Hotel Configuration This wizard is available only if the hotel component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Hotel Configuration (Hotel Settings) wizard lets you specify the options that travellers in a community will have available in searching for hotel rooms. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Hotel Settings


Hotel Rate Code Definition. For more information see Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Rate Code Definition on page 113.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Show availability starting from Specify the minimum amount of time in the future that hotel availability will be shown. Show availability up to Specify the maximum amount of time into the future that hotel rooms can be displayed to the traveller. The absolute maximum is 11 months. Default hotel search radius Specify the default search radius that will appear on the hotel search page. Minimum time for PNR modification Specify the minimum amount of time before trip departure that a change can be made to a traveller's hotel booking. The valid range is 1 to 72. This parameter takes effect only if the Allow modification of non-ticketed PNR parameter, the Allow modification of ticketed PNR parameter, or both parameters of the Trip Plan Modification wizard are enabled. Default number of hotels to search Use this setting to define the default number of results returned in a hotel search. The user can override this setting when performing a search. Maximum number of hotels to search Use this setting to define the maximum number of results returned from a hotel search. Select a value from the drop-down list.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Display advanced hotel search features Specify whether the pages that travellers use to search for hotel rooms should display advanced search features. The advanced search features include: •

Hotel chains — Allows travellers to specify whether the hotel search should consider all hotel chains, consider as many as three hotel chains that they specify, or exclude as many as three hotel chains that they specify.

Maximum price — Allows travellers to select the maximum per diem rate that can be used when searching for a hotel. Alternatively, allows an unrestricted search

Hotel class — Allows travellers to select the quality of the hotels that can be searched. Alternatively, searches hotels of all class levels.

Facilities — Allows travellers to select up to three facilities, for example disabled facilities or meeting rooms, that they want included in the search for a hotel.

Hotel name (this feature is automatically included in Hotel Shopper basic searches)

Display options — Not available for Hotel Shopper communities. Allows travellers to select the order in which they want search results returned and then to specify the total number of results to be returned and the number to be displayed per page. Note:

If the traveller selects a display option other than 'No Preference', the search results will be sorted with that display option first, then with the sort options that you have specified in the Sorting Options section of this wizard.

Display hotel per diem Select this option to display the maximum hotel rate allowed to the traveller in the Hotel Search Results page. You set the maximum hotel rate in the community's hotel rules (using the Hotel Rules wizard). The actual maximum rate displayed to the traveller depends on the hotel rule that applies to the traveller's search. If no hotel rule or maximum rate is applicable to the search, then the text "not specified" is displayed to the traveller. Display hotel picture Select this option to display a picture (when available) of the hotels in the Hotel Search Results page. Property codes set up in the hotel rules take priority in the request If you select this option and you enter property codes in the hotel rules, the hotels with property codes are given priority in the hotel search results page. It is important to make sure that the property codes are consistent with the hotel rule location. For example, you create a hotel rule for France, and enter property codes for Bordeaux and Paris. If a traveller performs a search for hotels in Nice, the hotel rule for France is processed, but hotels in Bordeaux and Paris are given priority in the search results. To avoid this, you should make sure to define hotel rules that correspond to the property codes you enter.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Apply maximum price on room only This parameter allows you to restrict the value of the maximum price parameter (defined in the Hotel Rules Wizards) to room availability only. By default, this parameter is deactivated, meaning the maximum price will be applied to both hotel availability and room availability. Note:

If this parameter is activated - and therefore the maximum price is only applied to room availability and not hotel availability - a hotel could potentially be shown as being in policy, while all rooms could be shown as being out of policy.

Display hotel lowest rate If this setting is enabled, the lowest rate is displayed in the hotel booking process, including in the confirmation and approval emails. Trip approvers may choose to reject a trip request containing text stating that a lower rate is available, even if the lower rate is not available to the user. In these cases, you may not wish to display the lowest rate to facilitate the approval process. Enable On Request Hotel Catalog Note:

This setting is not available for communities using Worldspan.

If enabled, the On Request Hotel Catalog wizard is created under Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Hotel Configuration in the administrative tree. The On Request Hotel Catalog wizard allows you to upload your preferred hotel properties that are not bookable via a GDS into the online booking system. For more information, see On Request Hotel Catalog Wizard on page 114. If you enable the on-request hotel catalog, you can choose Display On Request Hotel Disclaimer. If the disclaimer is enabled, a check box is displayed in the Trip Summary, forcing the traveller to confirm that he has contacted the onrequest hotel to confirm the booking. Display BAR (Best Available Rate) (Amadeus GDS only) Note:

This setting is only available if the community is using the Amadeus GDS or if the Amadeus office ID for hotel bookings setting is configured in the General Settings section of the Community Structure wizard.

If this setting is enabled, a Best Available Rate indicator is displayed in the BAR column of the Hotel Search Results display to guarantee that the rates shown with this indicator are the best available public rates for: •

Rack Rates

Non-Negotiated Rates

Corporate Rates

Weekend Rates

Lowest Unrestricted Rates (Lowest rate available to the general public, on a particular day for a particular stay, that does not require prepayment or impose cancellation and change penalties and/or fees, other than those imposed as a result of a hotel property's normal cancellation policy)

Promotional/Special Rates


The BAR is guaranteed by the hotel chain. In the event of a rate discrepancy, contact the hotel chain provider directly.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Default View Note:

This setting applies only to communities using Hotel Shopper.

Select whether the multi-availability panel is displayed in Map View or List View by default. •

Map View - geo-coded hotels are displayed in a map, with an indication of rates, rules and policies, facilities and so on. If the search does not find any geo-coded hotels, the Map View tab is not displayed. If your community uses BookNow!, the traveller may be able to book a hotel by clicking directly on the map.

List View - hotel details are displayed in a list. The traveller can click to display more information such as name and address, price per night, facilities, policies and so on.

Display Features Note:

This setting applies only to communities using both Hotel Shopper and Hotel Bursting. Use this option to control how rates are displayed in the multi-availability panel.

Classic hotel flow - BookNow! and Hotel Bursting are not activated. The display is a standard multi-availability with one rate per hotel. The traveller clicks on the hotel to display all rates before booking.

BookNow! - Allows the traveller to book a hotel from the multi-availability panel with a single click, using a pre-determined preferred rate. If you select this option, specify how many hotels are speed-bookable per search. For information about which rate is used, see Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Rate Code Definition on page 113.

Hotel Bursting - Allows the traveller to see all rates for some hotels directly from the multi-availability panel, instead of only one rate. If you select this option, specify how many hotels should return multiple rates, and the maximum number of rooms/rates per hotel. For the remaining hotels, the traveller can click on a link to view additional rates.

Sorting Options In the panel, arrange the order of the search criteria in which you want the search results to be displayed on the hotel search results pages. For example, if you specify that the default sorting option at the top of the list is Provider and the second one is Price, hotel search results will be displayed with the most preferred provider first. If two providers have the same level of preference, the cheaper one will be displayed second, and so on. To arrange the order of the search criteria, select a criterion from the panel, then click on Move Up or Move Down until the list is in the order that you want. Note:

If you have selected a display option other than 'No Preference' in the Display Advanced Hotel Search Features section of this wizard, the search results will be sorted with this sort option first, then with the sort options that you have specified in the Sorting Options section of the wizard.

Display Rule Specify what travel options are displayed to travellers on the search results pages of the online reservation system. The options are: •


Display all options — Displays both in- and out-of-policy options.

Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Display only in-policy options — Displays only options that are in-policy.

Display out-of-policy options only if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of policy options only if there are no in-policy options.

Display out-of-policy options as alternatives or if no in-policy options — In addition to in-policy options, displays out-of-policy options as alternatives unless there are no in-policy options, in which case it displays only out-ofpolicy options.


This setting does not apply to Principal Travel Arrangers; out-of-policy options are always displayed to them.

Rule Backup Select this option to add a check box to standard hotel rules, which will allow you to give standard hotel rules priority over other applicable standard hotel rules. (If selected, the supersede setting in the standard hotel rule becomes "Give priority over other applicable standard rules".) Trip Approval Specify under which scenario the traveller needs the trip approved by a travel approver. The options are: •

Never needs approval — The traveller does not need approval even if the hotel element is out of policy.

Always needs approval — The traveller needs approval even if the hotel element is in policy.

Needs approval when trip is out of policy — The traveller needs approval only if the hotel element is out of policy.


If the feature to require justification for no hotel bookings (applies for overnight air trips with no hotel booked) has been enabled in the Justification Codes wizard, a booking will be considered out of policy if there is no hotel booked.

Trip Notification Specify under which scenario email notification will be sent to the defined notification receiver. The options are: •

Never needs notification — Notification will not be sent even if the hotel element is out of policy.

Always needs notification — Notification will be sent even if the hotel element is in policy.

Needs notification when trip is out of policy — Notification will be sent only if the hotel element is out of policy.

HARP Settings (only available if the HARP system has been activated in the Community Identification Wizard) Use these settings to configure the integration of the HARP hotel provider system into your community. Client Codes: Enter up to five client codes. You must enter at least one. Client codes can be entered in any order. Rank: © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Select the display rank that you want to be applied to the client code. This is the sorting criterion that is used by default in the hotel search results pages. If two client codes have the same display rank, they are sorted depending on the order in which you entered them in the Client Codes column. Choose from: Dislike (if available, depends on the Preference Display setting in the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard) * ** *** (highest level of preference) Label: This setting allows you to define a rate label for a client code that appears in the Estimated Rates column on the hotel search results display. It allows you to communicate the names of the different client codes to the traveller when he or she is selecting a hotel room rate. Maximum room price and grace percentage: Optional. When selected, enter a grace percentage. The price for a room returned by the GDS is compared to the room price returned by the HARP system. If the GDS price of a room is higher than the HARP price (plus the grace percentage that you have entered), the room is displayed to the traveller as out of policy. As no hotel rules are applied when the HARP system is used, it is the only case where a room status is displayed as out of policy. Example: The HARP price of a hotel room is 100 Euros, but the GDS price is 120 Euros. The grace percentage is set to 15. In this case the room is shown as out of policy because the GDS price is above 115 Euros (HARP price plus 15% tolerance). Manage LRA rate as non-LRA rate: This option allows you to define the process flow used to manage the Last Room Availability (LRA) rates. If selected, the process flow for LRA rates will follow that of the GDS booking flow, in which the GDS room availability will follow the list of HARP hotels. If this setting is not selected, the process follows the non-GDS flow, meaning there will be no GDS room availability. Note:

Some settings are not available if you have activated the HARP hotel system.

To continue, click on Next.

Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Rate Code Definition The wizard consists of the following pages:



Hotel Settings. For more information see Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Settings on page 107.


Hotel Rate Code Definition

Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Rate codes for BookNow! This section is only displayed if you activated the BookNow! feature in the previous screen in the wizard. Select whether the rate displayed for speed-bookable hotels is always the lowest rate, or the first rate defined on this screen. If you select First rate, the actual rate code used depends on whether the hotel is in or out of policy, and whether the booking is made through the Amadeus GDS or another GDS. A full explanation of which rate is used under which circumstances is given at the bottom of the wizard screen. Rate codes for hotels in policy You can specify up to eight hotel room rate codes for hotels that are in policy. These are negotiated rate codes that are used to target hotels matching rules. Hotel rate codes determine which room rates will be displayed to the traveller in the online reservation system. Each rate code is a three-character code that represents one of two types of hotel rates: •

Negotiated — A discounted rate negotiated between a hotel and a company or agency

Standard — A rate that is available to the general public, for example: -

CON - Convention rates


COR - Corporate rates


PKG - Package rates


PRO - Promotional rates


WKD - Weekend rates

Rate codes for hotels out of policy Specify up to eight hotel room rate codes for hotels that are out of policy. These are standard rate codes that are used to target hotels that are out of policy or hotels matching rules if the negotiated rate list is left empty. Note:

A negotiated rate list is displayed only for communities using a GDS other than Amadeus.


You must enter at least one valid rate code.

Exclude the following room rate codes Sometimes, hotel availability may include room rates other than those requested (room rates that are being promoted by a hotel for example). Use this parameter to exclude specific room rates for a community. To exclude a code, enter the code and click on Add. To remove a code from the exclusion list, click on Delete. You can also use the * wildcard. For example, to exclude codes GO1, GO2, etc. you can add GO* to the exclude list. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Note that you can use the special code ***. In that case * is not considered as the wildcard, and any room whose rate code is specifically *** will be excluded. Associate a label to codes This setting allows you to display a more meaningful name for the rate category in single availability displays. It allows you, for example, to differentiate between agency negotiated rates and corporate negotiated rates and to communicate this information to the traveller when he or she is selecting a hotel room rate. Note:

The entire set of hotel rate labels is inherited from the parent community to the child community. If you change, add or remove a rate label at child community level, the inheritance is broken. When the entire set of hotel rate labels is removed at child community level, the inheritance is restored.

1. Enter the rate code in the Code field. You can also use the * wildcard. For example, to define codes GO1, GO2, etc. you can enter GO*. Each code entered must be unique. 2. Enter the description in the Label field. 3. Click on Add to add the code to the table of defined rates and labels. To delete a code from the table, click on Delete next to the code and label. Note:

You can localise rate labels using the Hotel Rate Codes Localization wizard.

When you have provided all the required information and set attributes for the displayed parameters, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

On Request Hotel Catalog Wizard Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules > Hotel Configuration This wizard is available only if the Enable On Request Hotel Catalog setting is selected in the Hotel Configuration (Hotel Settings) wizard. The On Request Hotel Catalog wizard lets you upload hotel properties that are not bookable via a GDS into the online reservation system. These on-request hotels are displayed with the hotels that are bookable via a GDS on the Hotel Search Results page of the Travel Planner and after a search from the Quick Start page. On-request hotels are always displayed as in-policy with the highest level of preference. The traveller requests an on-request hotel directly from the Hotel Search Results page without entering a method of guarantee. A passive hotel segment is created in the PNR and the travel agency receives the PNR via the standard queues that are defined for the community. The travel agency is also notified via the standard queues, when a traveller cancels or modifies an onrequest hotel booking.



On-request hotel bookings are not confirmed in the online reservation system; this is handled offline by the travel agent.


For on-request hotels the traveller can only book one room per location. The Repeat Trip functionality is not available and on-request hotels can not be booked with Quick Shopper. Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

The wizard consists of a single page, On Request Hotel Catalog. Note:

The On Request Hotel Catalog is inherited from the parent community. The inheritance is broken when a new On Request Hotels catalog is defined. To restore the catalog from the parent community, empty the text box and click on Finish to save the wizard.

What You Provide List Upload Enter the hotel property and rate information in the List Upload box below. You must copy and paste the values from a spreadsheet. You can enter the values for the city code in column 1, for the city name in column 2 and so on. Enter up to 200 hotel properties each in a separate row of the spreadsheet. Select the cells in the spreadsheet and choose Copy (Ctrl+C). Place the cursor in the List Upload box and choose Paste (Ctrl+V). Note:

You can use alphanumeric characters and spaces. The special characters allowed are open and close brackets "()" and dots ".".


When you upload a list, the previous list is not completely replaced. For example, if you add new hotel properties at the end of the list, already existing properties are kept.

City code Enter the three-letter IATA city code. Example: MIA If you do not know the city code, click on Look for a city code. The Location Lookup page appears. Type the name of the location you are looking for. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. City name Enter the city name (max. 40 characters). Example: Miami Note:

The city name that is entered here is displayed to the traveller on the Search Results page, not the city name that is used in the search.

Hotel name Enter the hotel name (max. 30 alphanumerics). Example: Hotel Ocean Drive

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Address 1/ Address 2 Enter the street address (max. 63 alphanumerics per address field). Example: 101 Ocean Drive Building A 7th floor Zip code Enter the zip code (optional). Example: 33139 Country code Enter the two-letter country code. Example: US (for United States of America) Tip:

If you don't know the country code, you can look it up when you use the search icon to search for the city code.

Phone Enter the phone number of the hotel (max. 20 digits including brackets). Example: (001) 305 441 8179 Fax Enter the fax number of the hotel (max. 20 digits including brackets). The fax number is optional. Example: (001) 305 441 2100 Room type Enter the room type (max. 4 alphanumerics). Examples: A1D, B2T, C1K. The first character indicates the category (see below), the second character the number of beds (1-9), and the third character the bed type (see below). Category: A = Superior with Bath/Shower B = Moderate with Bath/Shower C = Standard with Bath/Shower D = Minimum with Bath/Shower E = Superior with Shower only F = Moderate with Shower only G = Standard with Shower only H = Minimum with Shower only I = Moderate no Bath/Shower J = Standard no Bath/Shower K = Minimum no Bath/Shower), Bed type: D = Double K = King 114

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Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Q = Queen S = Single T = Twin P = Pullout You can also use the codes that are given to you by the hotel. Note:

The room type is important as there is no separate Room Availability page for on-request hotels displayed to the traveller.

Rate Enter the room rate per room and night (max. 10 digits including a dot and decimals). Examples: 155.00 Note:

In the Hotel Search Results display both the room rate and currency code entered here and the converted rate and currency code (depending on the site and user currency preferences) are displayed. However, only the rate and currency code entered here is stored in the PNR.

Currency Enter the three-letter currency code. Examples: USD, EUR, GBP, THB. Rate description Enter the rate description (max. 40 alphanumeric characters). The rate description is optional. Examples: Corporate, Promotional, Special, Weekend. Room rate description Enter the room rate description (max. 200 alphanumeric characters). The room rate description is optional. Example: Double room breakfast included. Latitude and Longitude Enter both the latitude and longitude if you want to geo-code the hotel. Only geocoded hotels are displayed in the map view. Latitude and longitude must be entered in WGS84 format and are truncated to five decimal places. If you do not already know the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of the hotel, click on Look for Latitude and Longitude in the menu bar. From there, you can enter the address of the hotel to find out the co-ordinates. Note:

The Latitude and Longitude fields must both be filled in or empty; you cannot enter only one of the values.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Web Search Configuration Wizard Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules This wizard is available only if both the Air and Web Search components are enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. When you enable Air and Web Search, web fares are displayed on all routes when available. They are displayed as out of policy. The Web Search Configuration wizard lets you specify how low-cost carriers (Web Search fares) are to be made available to travellers and incorporated into their itineraries. To define the in- and out-of-policy status of these airlines, you must create a web search rule using the Web Search Rule page of the Air Rules wizard. Note:

Web fares must be paid at the time of booking, even if the trip needs approval from the travel approver.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Web Search Configuration Wizard - General Settings below

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Filters on page 120

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Web Sites on page 121

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Airlines List on page 122

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Access Information on page 123

Web Search Configuration Wizard - General Settings You use the General Settings page to specify some basic features of how a community makes low-cost carriers (Web Search fares) available to its travellers.

What You Provide Web Search Sites Specify whether a community will make all travel websites accessible to its travellers or whether the community will be free to specify which ones to include and exclude. If you enable Use all sites, the websites page is excluded from this wizard. If you enable Include/exclude sites, you use the websites page in this wizard to specify which sites are to be included or excluded from Web fare searches. Web Search Airlines Specify whether a community will make all available suppliers (air carriers) accessible to its travellers or whether the community will be free to specify which ones to include and exclude. If you enable Use all airlines, the Airlines List page is excluded from this wizard.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

If you enable Include/exclude airlines, you use the Airline List page in this wizard to specify which airlines are to be included or excluded from Web fare searches. Note:

If you want to activate a low-cost airline in ticketless access (Amadeus GDS only), and you also use the Web Search feature, you must exclude the ticketless-access airline in the excluded airline list.

Web PNR Specify whether you want to allow the Creation of Ghost Segments in a PNR for web fare bookings by using a backup (fake) IATA code. A ghost segment is a PNR segment that is used to create an itinerary without actually booking any flights. The information in a ghost segment is not sent to the airline. Ghost segments with a backup IATA code are required to make and retrieve bookings for airlines that do not have an IATA code (non-IATA airlines) or for airlines that are hosted* in a GDS that does not permit the creation of ghost segments. * maintain their schedule and availability in a GDS. If you select For non IATA and GDS hosted airlines, the system creates a ghost segment with a backup IATA code for non-IATA airlines and for airlines hosted in a GDS only. If you select For all airlines, the system creates a ghost segment with a backup IATA code for all airlines. Note:

The backup IATA code may be different depending on the airline and on the GDS.

In addition to the ghost segment, the system creates a general remark element (RM) with the full airline name and information linking the remark to the ghost segment. Web Results Specify whether Web Search results should use price filtering. If this function is enabled, you use the Web Search Filters page in this wizard to specify filter settings. If you do not enable this function, the filters page is excluded from the wizard. Website user login Select to enable user identification for web bookings. If this function is enabled, the traveller will be asked at booking time to enter his personal login name and password of the external travel web site, which will allow the booking to be made under his account. This gives the traveller access to additional services offered directly through the travel web site, for example, modifying a booking or checking in online. Note:

The traveller must have created an account at the external travel web site before making the booking.

Backup Contact Phone Number To book Web Search fares, the agency contact phone number needs to be in a specific format. The agency phone number in the Community Structure wizard might not be accepted by the vendor Web site if it is not in this format. For this reason, you should enter the agency phone number here to make sure it will always be accepted by the vendor web site. Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Trip Approval Specify under which scenario the traveller needs a trip containing web fare elements approved by a travel approver. Note:

This setting is dependent on the Trip Approval settings in the Air Configuration wizard. For approval to be implemented for web fare elements, you must activate approval in the Air Configuration wizard.


Webfare bookings must be paid for when booked, even if the trip must be approved by the travel approver.

The options are: •

Always allow approval — The traveller needs approval for any trips containing a web fare, even if the web fare is in-policy. Example: A trip containing a web fare flight and a hotel reservation requires approval.

Do not allow approval for trips that contain only web fare elements — The traveller does not need approval if the booking contains only webfare elements.

Do not allow approval for trips that contain at least one web fare element — The traveller does not need approval if the booking contains a webfare element. Example: A trip containing a web fare flight and a hotel reservation does not require approval.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview on page 118

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Filters This page appears only if you enable the Apply filters parameter on the General Settings page of this wizard. You use the Filters page to specify how the Web Search results are filtered for travellers.

What You Provide Use lowest GDS option as price filter Specify whether to exclude any Web Search results that cost more than the lowest GDS price. Use minimum price savings amount Specify the minimum cost saving required for display of Web Search results. Fares priced greater than the lowest GDS price minus this minimum cost saving will not be displayed in the Web Search results. For example, if the lowest GDS price is $450 and the minimum cost saving required is $200, fares greater than $250 will not be displayed in the search results. To turn this option off, leave the parameter blank.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 11 Rules - Behavior and Display Rules

Note that the minimum cost saving is in the currency specified for the community on the General Settings page of the Community Creation or Community Structure wizard. For this option to take effect, you must also enable the Use lowest GDS option as price filter setting. Use filter by number of connections Specify the maximum number of connections allowed in a Web Search flight. Flights exceeding the maximum number of connections will not be displayed in the search results. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview on page 118

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Web Sites This page appears only if the Include/exclude sites setting on the General Settings page of this wizard is enabled. You use the Web Sites page to specify the travel Web sites that are to be included or to be excluded from travellers' Web Search results. You must choose either to include or exclude sites; you cannot do both.

What You Provide If you want the Web site list to: •

Be restricted to up to 50 Web travel sites, click on Include the following web sites, then select up to 50 sites from the list provided.

Exclude up to 50 Web travel sites, click on Exclude the following web sites, then select up to 50 sites from the list provided.

In either case, you must select at least one web site. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview on page 118

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Airlines List This page appears only if the Include/exclude airlines setting on the General Settings page of this wizard is enabled. You use the Airlines List page to specify the air carriers that are to be included or to be excluded from travellers' Web Search results. You must choose either to include or to exclude airlines; you cannot do both.

What You Provide If you want the airlines list to: •

Be restricted to as many as 50 airlines, click on Include the following airlines, then select as many as 50 carriers from the list provided.

Exclude up to 50 airlines, click on Exclude the following airlines, then select up to 50 carriers from the list provided. Note:

If you want to activate a low-cost airline in ticketless access (Amadeus GDS only), and you also use the Web Search feature, you must exclude the ticketless-access airline in the excluded airline list.

In either case, you must select at least one airline. When you have provided all the required information, click Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview on page 118

Web Search Configuration Wizard - Access Information You use the Access Information for Provider Agency Sites to enter login information that the provider has supplied. This login information allows travel agencies access to information that is not available to the public, such as special discounts or commissions. It also allows the provider sites to collect statistics for different travel agencies.

What You Provide Agency ID This is the IATA, ARC, or TIDS code for the travel agency. Password Enter the password that the provider has supplied for the travel agency. Agent ID The Agent ID is used when the provider Web sites allow specific agents or branches within a travel agency to access their site. For example, If a travel 120

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agency has branches in London, Paris and New York, each of those branches is issued with a separate Agent ID. The Agency ID (the IATA code, for example) is the same for all branches. This allows the provider and the agency to compile statistics or earn commissions for each separate branch. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview on page 118

Auxiliary Parameters Wizard - Settings Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules The Auxiliary Parameters wizard lets you manage auxiliary parameters that are used in the booking process. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Rail (if enabled) This section is only present if you selected the rail component in the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. Rail Cabins Select which cabins are to be used to create rail rules. This field is only present if you selected the rail component for the community, and if your rail provider allows this functionality. Rail Corporate ID or Customer Number/DB Bahn GKR Number Enter your rail corporate ID or customer number. Trip Summary Maximum trip price Type the maximum price allowed for a trip, including the price for air travel, car rentals, and hotels. Allow Passenger Count Tracking If your company policy restricts the number of travellers on the same flight, select this parameter to track the number of travellers that are booked on the same flight (airline, flight number and date) .

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Maximum number of travellers per flight Enter the maximum number of passengers for passenger count tracking from 0 to 999. You can enter this restriction at a level 1 type of community; it is read-only at level 2 communities. A single counter is used to track the number of travellers on the same flight from the level 1 community and all of its child communities. For example, if there are five travellers booked on a flight from the level 1 community, and three from a child community, the counter of the same travellers on the flight is set to eight. If the maximum number of travellers is reached or exceeded, the traveller receives a warning message on the Trip Summary page that the trip is out of policy. If trip justification is enabled, the traveller must justify prior to the Finish Trip page. Refer also to the following wizards: •

Justification Codes Wizard - Settings on page 63, if you want to create a specific justification code for the maximum number of travellers exceeded.

Queues Wizard - Special Purpose Queues on page 367, to define a special queue for PNRs where the maximum number of travellers per flight has been exceeded (the Passengers on Flight Tracker Queue).

Remarks Wizard - Settings on page 370, to define a remark element to be inserted in all PNRs where the maximum number of travellers per flight has been exceeded.

For more information, see How to Track the Number of Travellers on a Flight on page 456. Currency Select the currency for the maximum trip price. Allow / disallow bookings Specify whether to allow the traveller to book a trip if the maximum trip price exceeds the price you have specified. If you choose to allow the traveller to book the trip, the trip is displayed as an outof-policy option. Make sure that the settings you specify here don't conflict with the Display Rule settings for each of the components. For example, if you select Allow booking if maximum travel price is exceeded (as out of policy option), you must enable the display rule for components to display out-of-policy as well as in-policy options. Allow sending trip as SMS This option is only available for certain communities. It enables a traveller to send a trip itinerary as an SMS to a mobile phone. Travellers can send an SMS from the Planned Trips, Received Trips, and Confirmed Trip pages. Other Display provider logos Select this option to display the provider's logo (when available) in the Search Results page. 122

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Include passenger type in the PNR Specify to include the passenger type in the name element in the PNR. Include date of birth in the PNR (Swedish Rail) Select if the rail provider is Swedish Rail. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Vendor Exclusion Wizard Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules The Vendor Exclusion wizard lets you specify which air, car, and hotel vendors you do not want travellers to use. Vendors that you exclude will not be available for rules creation and will be filtered from availability displays in the online reservation system. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Main Menu

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Air Vendors below

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Hotel Vendors below

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Car Vendors on page 127

You use the Main Menu page to specify the components from which you want to exclude vendors.

What You Provide Select the travel components from which you want to exclude vendors, then click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Air Vendors You use the Air Vendors page to specify the air vendors that you do not want travellers to use.

What You Provide Select as many as 50 air vendors to exclude. You must select at least one vendor. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to: © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Main Menu on page 125

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Hotel Vendors You use the Hotel Vendors page to specify the hotel vendors that you do not want travellers to use.

What You Provide Select as many as 50 hotel vendors to exclude. You must select at least one vendor. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Main Menu on page 125

Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Car Vendors You use the Car Vendors page to specify the car vendors that you do not want travellers to use.

What You Provide Select as many as 50 car vendors to exclude. You must select at least one vendor. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Vendor Exclusion Wizard - Main Menu on page 125


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Destination Builder Wizard Navigation: Rules > Behavior and Display Rules The Destination Builder wizard appears when you have selected Use Destination Builder to associate airports/cities in the Air Configuration > Air Settings wizard. Use this wizard to define airports that are relatively close together so that when the user request a search by fare the system will search for flights to any of the associated airports (which may not be defined as airports associated to a city within the GDS). The system may find better fares to or from nearby airports. Note:

The airports must be in the same country.

If you have selected Activate Scoring in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard you can also define which of the associated airports is preferred. Example 1: You associate the airports LAX (LOS ANGELES INTL), BUR (BOB HOPE APT) and LBG (LONG BEACH), which are relatively close to Los Angeles. Example 2: You do not wish travellers to use JOHN F KENNEDY (JFK) airport when flying from New York. Associate only the airports LA GUARDIA (LGA) and NEWARK LIBERTY INTL (EWR) to city code NYC. In this case the system will not search for flights from JFK. Note:

Destination Builder is applied in a Search by Fare only. It is not applied in webfare and rail-only searches. In air and rail combined searches, it is applied to the air search only.

What You Provide Destination Builder Select if you want the alternative airports that you specify in this wizard to apply to destinations only, origins only or both, origins and destinations. Add Codes City or Airport Enter a city or airport code for which you wish to associate airports. Example: LAX, or click on the search icon.

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Airports Enter the airport code of the preferred airport. Example: LGA. Click on Add more airports (max. 3 per city or airport) to associate additional airports to the same city/airport. All airports must be in the same country as the city/airport. For example 1 above you would define LAX, BUR and LGB. For example 2 above you would define LGA and EWR. Preferred This field is displayed if you have enabled Activate Scoring in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. Select this field to prevent the airport from being given penalty points (as defined in the Scoring wizard) for being an alternate airport. Note:

For communities using the Amadeus, Sabre or Worldspan GDS you can select several preferred airports for the same city or airport. For communities using Apollo or Galileo you can select only one preferred airport.

Delete (airport) Select to delete the airport code from the city/airport definition. (You must click on Finish for the airport code to be deleted.) Delete (entire row) Select to delete a city/airport definition. (You must click on Finish for the row to be deleted.) Once you have added the airports for a city/airport definition, you must ensure that they are in order of importance. For example, if you prefer that travellers fly from or to EWR then ensure that EWR is before LGA. To do this click on the airport row, then click on the up or down arrows. Note:

If the Enable multi-airport search on schedule driven, fare driven and websearch field is selected in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard, and the system finds an alternative airport from the Destination Builder wizard, the regular multi-airport functionality is not applied.


The system does not verify whether the airports that you associate are close to each other. For example, the system will allow you to associate LAX with JFK.

Fare Groups Wizard Fare Groups Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules This wizard is displayed if Activate Amadeus Single View is selected in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard (or in the Rail Configuration wizard for Swedish Rail). You use the Fare Groups wizard to define the fare groups that you want to apply for this community. There are three types of fare groups: 126

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Fare groups with the air type Restrictions (fares with similar fare types and fare note restrictions)

Fare groups with the air type Air Provider Settings (fares with matching fare basis or booking codes)

Fare groups with no air type N/A (fare groups with no GDS Air section)

To define for which destinations the fare groups apply, see the help for the Fare Group Rules wizard. The fare groups are displayed to the traveller in a matrix layout in the Single View search results display. The traveller can select and combine fares from different fare groups for the outbound and for the inbound portion of his trip. More restricted fares on the outbound can be combined with fully flexible fares on the inbound trip, for example. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Fare Groups Wizard - Main Menu

Fare Groups Wizard - Fare Group Creation on page 132

You use the Main Menu page to create, view, modify or delete fare groups. The main menu displays a table with all the existing fare groups that apply to the community including fare groups created in parent communities. Note:

For communities using Amadeus, when you select Activate Amadeus Single View in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard, a default fare group (Lowest Price) with the lowest applicable and least restrictive fare types is created by the system. This fare group is used when no other fare group exists for a specific destination. You cannot delete the default fare group; you can only view, modify or localize it in the Fare Groups Localization wizard.


You can only modify or delete the fare groups that have been created in this community. The fare groups that have been inherited from a parent community can only be viewed.

The fare group rules table lists the fare groups by fare group type, name, source community (community where the fare group has been created) and by last modification date (creation date or last date of update).

What You Provide •

To create a fare group, click on Create Fare Group.

To view, modify or delete an existing fare group, first select the fare group in the table, then click on View, Modify, or Delete, as appropriate. Note:

When a fare group is included in a fare group rule, the fare group type cannot be modified.

Fare Groups Wizard - Fare Group Creation This wizard lets you define the fare groups that are available to a community. In this wizard you define which fare group type you want to create, which fare types you want to include in a fare group, and you define the fare group name and the fare conditions as they are displayed to the traveller on the Single View search results page. The wizard consists of the following pages: © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Fare Groups Wizard - Main Menu on page 131


Fare Groups Wizard - Group Definition

Admin Guide

What You Provide Short Name Enter the name of the fare group as it will be displayed to the traveller in the fare group header of the search results page (max. 10 alpha-numeric characters). Example: Eco Saver Note:

You can localize the short name in the Fare Groups Localization wizard.

Name Enter the full name of the fare group as it will be displayed to the traveller when he places the mouse over the fare group short name. Example: Economy Class Saver Fares Note:

You can localize the fare group name in the Fare Groups Localization wizard.

Link (URL) You can either select Link (URL) and enter the link to the fare conditions page that you have created for the fare group or select Description and enter the fare conditions in the Description box. Enter the URL link to the page that you have created for the fare conditions. (You can enter a maximum of 1000 characters on this page.) A pop-up window containing the fare conditions is displayed to the traveller when he clicks on the fare group name on the search results page. Note:

You can localize the URL link in the Fare Groups Localization wizard.

Description If selected, you can enter the fare conditions associated to the fare group here in valid html format (max. 4000 alpha-numeric characters). The fare conditions are displayed in a pop-up window to the traveller when he clicks on the fare group name on the search results page. Note:

The system does not check or validate the html text.


You can localize the description in the Fare Groups Localization wizard.

Faring Method Definition For air, in this section you define the fare types for the travel planner components that you have activated in the Air Configuration wizard for this community. Select the travel planner components (GDS Air section and Web Fare section) that you want to include in the fare group. To exclude a travel planner component, deselect it. For Swedish Rail you define the cabins and types of fare flexibility that will be displayed in the fare groups. GDS Air Section In this section you select the fare group type that you want to create and define which GDS air fares you want to include in the fare group.


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Fare Group Type There are two types of fare group: •

Restrictions - Amadeus only Note:

You must create a fare group with Fare Group type Restrictions if you want to activate a low-cost airline in Ticketless Access (Amadeus GDS only).

Air Provider Settings - Amadeus and Galileo

You cannot modify the fare group type when the fare group is included in a fare group rule. Restrictions (Amadeus GDS only) This fare group type allows you to define fares with similar fare types and fare note restrictions. Cabin Optionally select the cabin that you want to allow for the fare group. Fare Type Select the fare types that you want to include in the fare group. Note:

You must either select a fare type here or a special program in the Special Program section (if available) or both. You cannot leave both sections empty.

Corporate Code Enter up to three corporate codes. The corporate codes that you define here take priority over the ones that you have defined in the Air corporate ID fields of the Air Configuration wizard. Special Programs (if available) If available in the community, select the special programs that you want to include in the fare group. If you have selected a Fare Type above, the only special program you can select is Air France Subscriber. If you have not selected a Fare Type, you can select more than one special program. You cannot leave both the Fare Type and Special Program sections empty. Restrictions Select which type of fares defined by their fare conditions (restrictions) you want to include in this fare group. You can select one fare type. For the Display lowest applicable fare option, you can select more than one restriction. Air Provider Settings This fare group type allows you to define fares by airline and by fare basis or booking code. You need advanced fares knowledge to define this fare group type. Note:

If you select this fare group type, you cannot specify fare types by restrictions. This means that all air rules that target fares with specific fare restrictions or unrestricted fares are not compatible with this fare

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group type. Be aware that you must create air rules that are compatible with your fare groups. Note:

The Standard Rules are applied on top of the Fare Groups to get the most accurate fare search results. This means that you must ensure that the settings that you define in the Fare Groups are compatible with the Standard Rules. For example: if you specify a fare group with the fare type Restrictions and you select Display Only Non-Restricted Fares in the Standard Rule and Display Lowest Applicable Fare in the Fare Group, the lowest applicable fares will be excluded from the search results.

Fare Type You must either select a fare type here or a special program in the Special Program section (if available) or both. You cannot leave both sections empty. Select the fare types that you want to include in the fare group. If you want to include corporate fares, enter the corporate IDs in the Air Corporate ID section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard or in the Standard Rule. Special Programs (Amadeus GDS only and if available) If available in the community, select the special programs that you want to include in the fare group. If you have selected a Fare Type above, the only special program you can select is Air France Subscriber. If you have not selected a Fare Type, you can select more than one special program. You cannot leave both the Fare Type and Special Program sections empty. Air Provider Settings Define the airlines and the fare basis or booking codes as follows: •

Vendor You can enter up to 10 airline codes separated by commas or enter 00 if the setting applies to all vendors.

Code Type Select which type you want to define. If you use the Galileo GDS, you must select Prime Booking Code.

Code Enter the one or two digit booking class (Prime Booking Code) or the Fare Basis. In each Code field you can enter up to 10 booking classes or fare basis codes, separated by a comma. Fare Basis Definition Rules (Amadeus GDS only):



You can enter between one and nine alphanumeric characters.


A fare basis must not begin with a digit.


A hyphen can be used to replace any character (A-Z, 0-9).


Only one hyphen can be used in a fare basis.


A hyphen alone cannot be used as it represents all fare basis codes.

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Chapter 12 Rules


Alphanumeric characters with a hyphen must be entered in the same order as they are coded in the fare basis. For example: H-70 matches the fare basis HLE70 but not BE70HNR.


A hyphen entered in the middle or at the end of a fare basis can represent one or more characters or no characters. For example: B-E70 matches BHE70, BHHE70 and BE70.


A hyphen entered at the beginning of a fare basis must represent a character. For example: -M matches FM but not M. To match M you need to enter M-.


Numerics entered with a hyphen must be an exact numeric match. For example: B-7 matches BE7 but not BE70 or BE72.


When a hyphen is entered at the beginning or in the middle of a fare basis, an invisible hyphen is coded at the end of the fare basis. For example: B-E70 matches BHE70NR.

Fare Basis Definition Examples: Fare Basis

Matching Fare Basis Codes


BE, BE7, BE70, BE70IP, B7, BE2P50IP


QE70, QHE70, QHE70NR, QIHE70, QLLE70









Click on Add Vendors to add up to 10 air provider settings. Rail Section (Swedish Rail) In this section you define which train cabins and fare types you want to include in a fare group. Cabin Select the train cabin that will apply to the fare group you are creating. Flexibility Select either the lowest fare (restrictions apply) or lowest applicable fare according to the refundable, rebookable or non-rebookable conditions that apply to the fare. Web Fare Section In this section you define which web fares you want to include in the fare group. Note:

You can also leave this section blank and select a default web fare group for all web fares in the Fare Group Rules wizard.

Carrier code and Commercial Fare Family Name Enter the carrier code of the airline in the Carrier Code field and the commercial fare family name of the web fare (Economy Saver, Economy Full Flex, for example), as displayed on the airline's website, in the Commercial Fare Family Name field. Then click on Add.

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Be aware that commercial fare family names might change. You must enter the exact commercial fare family name of the web fare that you want to include in the fare group, otherwise this setting will not work.

To delete a web fare from the fare group, click on in the row with the commercial fare family name that you want to delete. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Regions Wizard Regions Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules The Regions wizard lets you create and manage regions for a community. You might want to create a region, for example, if you have a number of rules that apply only to a specific grouping of city/airports, states/provinces, or countries. In that case, you could create a region made up of the specific grouping, then define rules that apply only to that region. Every community has one system-generated region named "World," which is made up of all countries in the world. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Regions Wizard - Main Menu

Regions Wizard - City/Airport Region on page 137

Regions Wizard - State/Province Region on page 138

Regions Wizard - Country Region on page 139

You use the Main Menu page to create a new region or to manage (that is view, modify, or delete) an existing region.

What You Provide If you want to: •

Create a new region, click on Create New Region.

View, modify, or delete an existing region, first select the region, then click on View, Modify, or Delete, as appropriate.


The list of regions displays all the regions that apply to the community, including inherited regions. However, you can only view inherited regions; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited regions can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.)

Regions Wizard - City/Airport Region You use the City/Airport Region page to: •


Create or modify a region made up of cities and airports

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Access the State/Province Region page to create a region made up of states and provinces

Access the Country Region page to create a region made up of countries

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Regions Wizard - Main Menu on page 136

Regions Wizard - City/Airport Region

Regions Wizard - State/Province Region on page 138

Regions Wizard - Country Region on page 139

What You Provide If you are want to create or modify a region made up of cities and airports, provide the following information: Region name Enter a name for the region that is unique within the community. Selected City/Airports Select the cities and airports that will make up the region. For each city or airport that you want to include: 1. Click on the Search for City/Airport icon. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location for which you are looking. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the Selected City/Airports list. You must select at least one city or airport. To remove a city or airport from the Selected City/Airports list, select the city or airport, then click on Remove. When you have provided the required information, click on Done to return to the Main Menu page. Alternatively, if you: •

Are creating a new region and want to create a region made up of states and provinces, click on State/Province.

Are creating a new region and want to create a region made up of countries, click on Country.

Want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

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Regions Wizard - State/Province Region You use the State/Province Region page to create a region made up of states and provinces. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Regions Wizard - Main Menu on page 136

Regions Wizard - City/Airport Region on page 137

Regions Wizard - State/Province Region

Regions Wizard - Country Region on page 139

What You Provide Region name Enter a name for the region that is unique within the community. Selected States/Provinces Specify the states and provinces that will make up the region. For each state or province that you want to include, select the state or province in the State/Province list, then click Add. The selected state or province appears in the Selected State/Provinces list. You must select at least one state or province. To remove a state or province from the Selected State/Provinces list, select the state or province, then click on Remove. When you have provided the required information, click on Done to return to the Main Menu page. Alternatively, if you: •

Are creating a new region and want to create a region made up of cities and airports, click on City/Airport.

Are creating a new region and want to create a region made up of countries, click on Country.

Want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

Regions Wizard - Country Region You use the Country Region page to create a region made up of countries. The wizard consists of the following pages:


Regions Wizard - Main Menu on page 136

Regions Wizard - City/Airport Region on page 137

Regions Wizard - State/Province Region on page 138

Regions Wizard - Country Region

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What You Provide Region name Enter a name for the region that is unique within the community. Selected Countries Specify the countries that will make up the region. For each country that you want to include, select the country in the Country list, then click Add. The selected country appears in the Selected Countries list. You must select at least one country. To remove a country from the Selected Countries list, select the country, then click on Remove. When you have provided the required information, click on Done to return to the Main Menu page. Alternatively, if you: •

Are creating a new region and want to create a region made up of cities/airports, click on City/Airport.

Are creating a new region and want to create a region made up of states and provinces, click on State/Province.

Want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

Predefined Location Wizard Predefined Location Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules The Predefined Location wizard lets you define location names that a traveller can use instead of IATA codes to search for air, hotel, car and rail availability. You use the Main Menu page to create a new predefined location or to manage (that is view, modify, or delete) an existing predefined location. You can localize the predefined location descriptions in the Predefined Location wizard under Localization in the administrative tree structure. The Predefined Location wizard consists of the following pages: •

Predefined Location Wizard - Main Menu

Predefined Location Wizard - Predefined Location Definition below

What You Provide If you want to: •

Create a new predefined location, click on Create Location.

View, modify, or delete an existing predefined location, first select the location from the list, then click on View, Modify, or Delete, as appropriate.

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The list of predefined locations displays all the predefined locations that apply to a community, including inherited locations. If you add a predefined location in a child community, or modify or delete an inherited one, the inheritance is broken.


If a predefined location shows no information in any of the columns in the list (Air, Station, Car, Hotel), the enabled Travel Planner components (Air, Rail, Car, Hotel) in a community might have changed. Check the Travel Planner components in the Community Structure wizard. To include these predefined locations in the Search pages, update the locations in the Predefined Location wizard.

Predefined Location Wizard - Predefined Location Definition You use the Predefined Location wizard to define the locations that a traveller can use instead of IATA codes to search for air, hotel, car and rail availability. The traveller can select the predefined locations from a drop-down list that is displayed next to the From and To fields of the Quick Start, Air, Hotel, Car and Rail Search pages. On the Quick Shopper search page the predefined locations are listed in the Company Destinations folder. The Predefined Location wizard consists of the following pages: •

Predefined Location Wizard - Main Menu above


Predefined Location Wizard - Predefined Location Definition

What You Provide Description Specify the name to identify a predefined location (max. 40 characters). This name appears on the Search pages. The description name must be unique; it can only appear once in the predefined location list. Examples: Development Paris France Headquarters Madrid Spain Marketing Miami Airport Location This field is displayed if Air is selected in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard. Enter the IATA city or airport code that is associated with the predefined location and select City or Airport from the drop-down menu. If you don't know the city or airport code, use the search icon adjacent to the Airport Location field. Lookup in Destination Builder - This setting appears when you have selected Use Destination Builder to associate airports/cities in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. If you select this setting and a traveller uses a predefined location in his fare search, the system includes alternative airports (as specified in the Destination Builder wizard) in the search. If you want the fare search to apply to the city or airport location that is specified here only, leave this setting unselected.


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Chapter 12 Rules

Rail Station Location This field is displayed if Rail is selected in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard. Enter the city name that is associated with the predefined location. Car Location This field is displayed if Car is selected in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard. Enter the IATA airport code that is associated with the predefined location and select Airport from the drop-down menu. If you don't know the airport code, use the search icon adjacent to the Car Location field. If the Allow Off-Airport Car Rental option is enabled in the Car Configuration wizard, you can also enter a valid IATA city code. Hotel Location This field is displayed if Hotel is selected in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard. Enter the IATA city or airport code that is associated with the predefined hotel location and select City or Airport from the drop-down menu. If you don't know the city or airport code, use the search icon adjacent to the Hotel Location field. If you want to specify a street address and/or zip or postal code, select Street Address and/or Postal Code, specify the country, the state or province (if applicable), and enter the street address, the city name and the zip or postal code. If you want to specify a Point of Interest, select Point of Interest, specify the country, the state or province (if applicable), enter the city name (optional) and the Point of Interest (for example Museum of Modern Art), and optionally select the Point of Interest type (for example Attraction). If you are not sure which type to select, leave the default Unknown. Note:

For best results leave the City field blank, because the Point of Interest may not be associated to the city that you have entered.

If the system finds multiple points of interests with a similar name, you can choose the one you want from a list. Note:

You can only specify a street address or a Point of Interest for countries that are geo-coded.

To Search for a Location: 1. Click on the search icon

adjacent to the field.

The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Trip Plan Rules Wizard Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules The Trip Plan Rules wizard is only displayed in communities that allow multi-level trip approval (hidden parameter) and when at least one trip type (air, rail, car or hotel) always needs trip approval or needs approval under certain circumstances. Trip plan rules determine who needs to approve the trip (the approval flow) based on criteria in the trip (the rule conditions). If the trip does not match any trip plan rules, the standard approval flow is used (only one approver is required). Note:

If the trip matches more than one trip plan rule, one of the matching rules is applied at random. You must take care when defining your trip plan rules that only one rule applies to each trip

The wizard consist of the following pages: •

Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Main Menu

Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Creation below

You use the Main Menu page to create, copy view, modify or delete trip plan rules. The main menu displays a table with all the existing trip plan rules that apply to the community including those created in parent communities. You can only view or copy inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.

What You Provide •

To create a rule, click on Create Trip Plan Rule.

To view, modify, copy or delete an existing rule, first select the rule in the table, then click on View, Modify, Copy or Delete, as appropriate.

Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Creation This wizard lets you define the approval flow for a trip according to trip criteria. 138

Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 142

Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Creation

What You Provide Supersede other applicable trip plan rules Select this option to give the rule a higher rank than rules where the option is not selected. Rule name Enter the rule's name, up to 80 characters. Description Enter an optional description for the rule, up to 4000 characters. Rule condition The rule condition is defined by the combination of a variable, operator and literal value. If the rule condition exists in the trip, the approval flow associated to this trip plan rule is applied. Here are some example rule conditions: Variable


Literal Value














If a trip matches two or more trip plan rules, only one approval flow is applied. If a trip does not match any trip plan rules, only one approver is required (selected by the traveller on the Finish Trip page).

Variable Select the variable that exists in the trip. Variable values can be derived from the community, the traveller profile or the trip itself. For a complete list of variables, see Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Insert Variables below. Operator Select the correct type of Operator for the selected variable type (string, number, date, datetime or boolean). Examples of operators include EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, IN, GREATER_THAN, DIFFERS, and so on. Literal value Enter the value for the rule in the correct format based on the operator type. Note:

String values are case-sensitive. Dates must be in YYYYMMDD format. Date and times must be in YYYYMMDD@HHMM format.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Approval flow The approval flow defines how the trip is approved, that is, who needs to approve the trip, how many approvals are needed, and whether hierarchical levels of approval are required. Select the approval flow from the list. You can choose from approval flows for this community and parent communities. Note:

Approval flows and their definitions are currently maintained by the ETV Orders team.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Create. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

Trip Plan Rules Wizard - Insert Variables Insert Variables The list of insert variables in the Trip Plan Rules wizard and on the Command Script Definition page of the Command Builder wizard includes: •

Variables related to profiles, trips, and communities

Variables that represent special GDS keys, such as the Cross of Lorraine key for Sabre

Variables for the custom fields that have been defined for the community on the Settings page of the Custom Fields wizard

The following table identifies these insert variables (except the custom fields variables) and how they are represented in the Insert Variable field. The source of the data for each variable is also shown.


How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Accreditive card number


Traveller Profile

Agency address: city name


Community Structure Wizard

Agency address: postal code


Community Structure Wizard

Agency address: state


Community Structure Wizard

Agency address: street line


Community Structure Wizard

Agency free text line 1


Traveller Profile

Agency free text line 2


Traveller Profile

Agency name


Community Structure Wizard

Agency phone number


Community Structure Wizard

Agency pseudo city name


Community Structure Wizard

Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Air CC exp date - MM_YY format


Air Payment Credit Card - Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Air CC exp date - MMYY format


Air Payment Credit Card - Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Air justification text


Booking Process

Air method of payment


Traveller Profile

Air price amount without tax and decimal


Booking Process

Air price quoted to user


Booking Process

Air trip is international


Booking Process

Air trip is outside agency country


Booking Process

Air trip is outside contact country


Booking Process

Air trip is outside country of point of sale/ticketing


Booking Process

Amadeus customer server profile ID


Traveller Profile

Approver's cost center 1


Travel Approver Profile

Approver's cost center 2


Travel Approver Profile

Approver's cost center 3


Travel Approver Profile

Approver's cost center 4


Travel Approver Profile

Arranger login ID for an arranged trip


Traveller Profile

Arranger phone number


Travel Arranger Profile

Billing account label


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account local code


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card expiry date


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card name


Billing Account Wizard

(The contact country is the community contact, defined in the Community Structure wizard.)

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Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Billing account logee card number


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card type


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account number


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account office ID


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account section code


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account subaccount


Billing Account Wizard

Billing number


Car Billing Number Wizard

Boolean: PNR created by arranger


Traveller Profile

Business address: city


Traveller Profile

Business address: company name


Traveller Profile

Business address: country


Traveller Profile

Business address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Business address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Business address: name


Traveller Profile

Business address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Business phone of PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Cabin code list


Booking Process

Car city IATA code


Booking Process

Car justification code


Booking Process

Car justification text


Booking Process

Car request date


Booking Process

Carrier code in each segment


Booking Process

Code for the selected rail method of delivery


Booking Process

Code related to meal preference


Traveller Profile

Company name


Traveller Profile

Cost center 1


Traveller Profile

Cost center 2


Traveller Profile

Cost center 3


Traveller Profile

Cost center 4


Traveller Profile

Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Country from travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Country from travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Customer number


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: city


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: company name


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: country


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: name


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: state


Traveller Profile

Description of queuing office


Traveller Profile

Email domain of the PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Email domain of travel arranger


Traveller Profile

Email name of travel arranger


Traveller Profile

Email of the PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Email pseudo of the PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Emergency contact name


Traveller Profile

Emergency contact phone number


Traveller Profile

Expiration date for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration date for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Expiration day for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration day for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Expiration month for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration month for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Expiration year for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

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Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Expiration year for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Fare basis list


Booking Process

Final destination city code


Booking Process

GDS Change key (for Sabre, Worldspan)


GDS Support

GDS Cross of Lorraine key (for Sabre)


GDS Support

GDS End Item key (for Sabre, Worldspan, Apollo)


GDS Support

GDS Lozenge key (in Apollo this is known as the "pillow")


GDS Support

Gender (M or F)


Traveller Profile

Highest airfare offered per bound (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Highest airfare offered per bound segment related


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Highest fare offered per bound segment related without tax


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Highest fare offered per bound without tax (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Highest fare offered without tax


Booking Process

Hotel city IATA code


Booking Process

Hotel justification code


Booking Process

Hotel justification text


Booking Process

Hotel rate code


Booking Process

Hotel request date


Booking Process

Invoicing Address: city


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: company name


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: country


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: name


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: state


Traveller Profile

Is PNR in policy


Air Rules

Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Justification code for air


Booking Process

Justification for policy variations


Booking Process

Label for the selected rail method of delivery


Booking Process

Last ticketing date


Booking Process

LCC (Low Cost Carrier) method of payment


Traveller Profile

Lowest airfare cabin codes - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare cabin codes - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare carrier codes - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare carrier codes - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare fare basis codes - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare fare basis codes - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare flight data low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare flight data upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered - all vendors


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered pref. vendors


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered per bound - all vendors (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered per bound - all vendors with decimal (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

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Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Lowest airfare offered per bound - pref. vendors (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related all vendors


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related all vendors with decimal


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related pref. vendors


Booking Process (Single View) Amadeus GDS only

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related without tax


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest airfare offered per bound without tax (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered with decimal - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered with decimal - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered without tax - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered without tax - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest fare offered all vendors w/ decimals


Booking Process

Lowest fare: flight data, all vendors


Booking Process

Lowest fare: flight data, pref. in policy


Booking Process

Lowest GDS fare offered


Booking Process

Lowest GDS fare offered per bound (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest GDS fare offered per bound segment related


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest web fare offered


Booking Process

Lowest web fare offered per bound (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Lowest web fare offered per bound segment related


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Number from passport 1


Traveller Profile

Number from passport 2


Traveller Profile

Number of air segments


Booking Process

Number of car segments


Booking Process

Number of hotel segments


Booking Process

Number of rail segments


Booking Process

Number of web fare products


Booking Process

OB Fee amount


Booking Process

Originating airport code for trip


Booking Process

Originating city code for trip


Booking Process

Payment Address: city


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: company name


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: country


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: name


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: state


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: city


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: country


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: state


Traveller Profile

Primary traveller's credit card for Webfares: Account Number


Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Primary traveller's credit card for Webfares: Expiry Date


Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Primary traveller's credit card for Webfares: Vendor Code


Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Purpose of trip from code list


Booking Process

Rail company code in each segment


Booking Process

Rail method of payment


Traveller Profile

Rail provider record locator


Booking Process

Rail seat-only booking


Booking Process

Renter code (car rental company code) for the billing number


Car Billing Number Wizard

Room type preference


Traveller Profile

Seating preference


Traveller Profile

Service fee amount (currently used to process Lufthansa's preferred fare fee)


Booking process

The email address from arr. users pref.


Traveller Profile

The lowest air fare basis


Booking Process

The lowest airfare cabin offered


Booking Process

The lowest airfare carrier offered


Booking Process

The lowest airfare offered without tax


Booking Process

The traveller CreditCardExpDate MM/YYYY


Traveller Profile

The traveller CreditCardExpDate MMYYYY


Traveller Profile

Total air price without tax of all bookings in case of split PNR


Booking Process

Total base fare


Booking Process

Travel arranger first name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger formatted first name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger formatted last name


Traveller Profile

(This variable is set to True if the traveller booked a rail seat without booking a rail ticket. Suggested for use as a conditional command.)


Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Travel arranger formatted middle name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger last name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger middle name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's air CC num decrypted


Traveller Profile

Traveller's bed type preference


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car air conditioning


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car class preference


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car transmission type


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car type.


Traveller Profile

Traveller's complete email address


Traveller Profile

Traveller's credit card issuer for air


Traveller Profile

Traveller's department


Traveller Profile

Traveller's date of birth ddMMMyy


Traveller Profile

Traveller's discount passenger type 1


Traveller Profile

Traveller's discount passenger type 2


Traveller Profile

Traveller's division


Traveller Profile

Traveller's email domain: info after @


Traveller Profile

Traveller's email pseudo: info before @


Traveller Profile

Traveller's employee ID


Traveller Profile

Traveller's first name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's home phone


Traveller Profile

Traveller's gender


Traveller Profile

Traveller's hotel smoking type pref.


Traveller Profile

Traveller's job title


Traveller Profile

Traveller's last name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's middle name


Traveller Profile


Traveller Profile

(The initial of the primary traveller's middle name.) Traveller's project

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Traveller's work phone


Traveller Profile

Traveller's work phone ext.


Traveller Profile

Traveller's mobile phone 1


Traveller Profile

Traveller's mobile phone 2


Traveller Profile

Traveller's community


Traveller Profile

Traveller's date of birth


Traveller Profile

Traveller's login name


Traveller Profile

Trip creation day in DD format


Booking Process

Trip creation month in MM format


Booking Process

Trip creation month in MMM format


Booking Process

Trip creation year in YY format


Booking Process

Trip departure date


Booking Process

Trip purpose description


Booking Process

TSA applicable


Booking Process


Traveller Profile


Traveller Profile


Traveller Profile

Unused ticket airline code


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket airport tax details (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount of the non-US taxes (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount of the tax


Unused E-Ticket Bank

(Format ddMMMyyyy)

(This variable is set to True if any flight segment is to/from the US or its territory; otherwise it is set to False. Suggested for use as a conditional command sent at PNR confirmation) TSA SSRDOC first name (Use with SR DOCS commands) TSA SSRDOC last name (Use with SR DOCS commands) TSA SSRDOC middle name or initial (Use with SR DOCS commands)


Edition v14.0

Chapter 12 Rules

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Unused ticket amount of the US tax (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount with tax


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket amount with tax (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount without tax


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket amount without tax (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket currency


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket currency code of the base amount (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket currency code of the total amount (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket expiration date


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket issuing date


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket number


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket record locator


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket total amount of the taxes (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket type


Unused E-Ticket Bank

User making reservation


Booking Process

User's login ID


Traveller Profile

UTT Additional collection to be paid


Booking Process

UTT Difference between the original total amount and the new total amount


Booking Process

UTT Extra tax (all the tax without tax 1 and tax 2)


Booking Process

UTT First tax amount


Booking Process

UTT List of airport taxes in the same string


Booking Process

UTT Penalty amount generated by the cat 31


Booking Process

UTT Refundable amount


Booking Process

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How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

UTT Second tax amount


Booking Process

UTT Total amount with tax


Booking Process

Web Fare confirmation number


Booking Process

Web Fare is international


Booking Process

Web Fare Provider web site address


Booking Process

Web Fare total price


Booking Process

Edition v14.0

Chapter 13

Rules - Policy Rules

Transport Type Rules Wizard Transport Type Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Transport Type Rules wizard lets you define the rules for displaying different types of transport (air, rail, or both) on the availability page. Transport type rules determine the type of travel available to travellers based on certain criteria and govern whether flights, trains, or both flights and trains will be displayed as in-policy on the availability page in the online reservation system. Each rule (except the global rule) consists of the criteria (such as departure and destination locations) to which the rule applies as well as the policies or actions that are to be followed. (The global rule consists of only the policies and actions that are to be followed.) You can define standard rules and a global rule, which applies when no other standard rules apply. You can define the following types of transport type rules: •

Standard rule

Global rule

The Manage Rules table displays all the rules that apply to the community, including inherited rules. The global rule, if it exists, is displayed in the table. You can only view or copy inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.) The exception is the global rule, which you can modify or delete even if it has been inherited. Once you have done this, however, the inheritance is broken and cannot be reinstated. Note:

There can only be one global rule.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Transport Type Wizard - Main Menu

Transport Type Rules Wizard - Standard Rule below

Transport Type Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 161

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What You Provide You use the Main Menu page to create, maintain or delete transport type rules. •

To create a new rule, click on the button for the type of rule you want to create: Standard Rule, Global Rule.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing rule, first select the rule in the Manage Rules table, then click on View, Modify, Copy, or Delete, as appropriate.

Sorting existing rules In the Manage Rules table, you can sort the display of existing rules using any column that displays a sort icon: Click on the column title to sort. Clicking on the title again reverses the sort order. The sort icon indicates the direction of the sort (either ascending from A to Z or descending from Z to A ).

Transport Type Rules Wizard - Standard Rule You use the Standard Rule page to define a standard rule for transport types.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable standard rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable standard transport type rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable standard air rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have the Supersede other applicable standard air rules option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station: -


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.


Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.


Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester.

Transport Type Selection Force transport type selection Select to force the traveller to travel on air or rail (depending on whether you have selected Air only or Rail only below), to ensure that the traveller cannot book an out-of-policy type of transport. Air only Select this option if you want: •

Only flights to be shown, or

Flights to be always shown and, if the travel time of the shortest air trip falls below a specified duration, show trains too. To do this, select the Allow rail... option and set the required travel time.

Rail only Select this option if you want: •

Only trains to be shown, or

Trains to be always shown and, if the travel time of all the rail trips are longer than the specified duration, show flights too. To do this, select the Allow air... option and set the required travel time.



Flights are only displayed in an air/rail-combined search; They are not displayed in a rail-only search. If the traveller searches for flights only, he is redirected to the rail-only search and flights will not be displayed.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Transport Type Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 157

Transport Type Rules Wizard - Global Rule Use this page to create or modify the global transport type rule defined for the community. The global rule is applied to a traveller's search criteria when no other standard transport type rules match the search criteria. There can be only one global rule for transport type. You can create, modify or delete a global rule. Note:

Global rule parameters are treated as a group. If you change the value of one of these parameters, then inheritance is broken for all parameters in the group.

What You Provide Air only Select this option if you want: •

Only flights to be shown, or

Flights to be always shown and, if the travel time of the shortest air trip falls below a specified duration, show trains too. To do this, select the Allow rail... option and set the required travel time.

Rail only Select this option if you want: •

Only trains to be shown, or

Trains to be always shown and, if the travel time of all the rail trips are longer than specified duration, show flights too. To do this, select the Allow air... option and set the required travel time.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Create or Modify. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel. Related Topics Transport Type Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 157

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Transport Type Rules Test Wizard Transport Type Rules Test Wizard- Overview Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Transport Type Rules Test wizard lets you test the transport type rules defined for a community. (You define the transport type rules for a community in the Transport Type Rules wizard.) Specifically, you can specify test search criteria and then view all the transport type rules that apply. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Transport Type Rules Test Wizard - Search Criteria below

Transport Type Rules Test Wizard - Rules Results on page 163

Transport Type Rules Test Wizard - Search Criteria You use the Search Criteria page to specify criteria to be used to test the transport type rules defined for a community.

What You Provide Trip type Specify whether the trip is one way or return (a round trip). Trip reason Select the trip reason. From Specify the departure location. You can provide: •

The city or town in which a main train station is located. The system will then automatically find the main station or, if there is more than one match, it will provide a list from which you can select the location. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.

You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.

The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules and for testing rules. Entries are not case-sensitive. To Specify the arrival location. You can provide:


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

The city or town in which a main train station is located. The system will then automatically find the main station or, if there is more than one match, it will provide a list from which you can select the location. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.

You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.

The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules and for testing rules. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Transport Type Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 162

Transport Type Rules Test Wizard - Rules Results You use the Rules Results page to view all the transport type rules that apply to the test criteria you specified on the Search Criteria page.

What You Provide When you have finished viewing the test results, click on Finish to return to the Search Criteria page. Related Topics Transport Type Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 162

Air Rules Wizard Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Air Rules wizard lets you define the rules for air travel that travellers in a community are to follow. Air rules determine the air travel options available to travellers based on certain criteria, and govern which flights will be displayed as in-policy on the air search results pages in the online reservation system. Each rule (except the global rule) consists of the criteria to which the rule applies (such as departure and destination locations) and the policies or actions that are to be followed. (The global rule consists of only the policies and actions that are to be followed.) You can define: •

Standard rule (including an Air France Subscriber Program). For more information see Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings on page 165.

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Lowest fare rule. For more information see Air Rules Wizard - Lowest Fare Rule on page 176.

Web search rule (rules for flights on low-cost carriers). For more information see Air Rules Wizard - Web Search Rule on page 181.

Upgrade rule, governing air travel upgrades for flights longer than a certain duration. For more information see Air Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule on page 185.

Global rule, which applies when no standard rules apply. For more information see Air Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 189.

Air Preference rule. For more information see Air Rules Wizard - Air Preferences on page 191.

Negotiated Discount rule. For more information see Air Rules Wizard Negotiated Discount Rule on page 197.

The Manage Rules table displays all the existing air rules that apply to the community, including inherited rules. The global rule, if it exists, is displayed in the table. You can only view or copy inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.) The exception is the global rule, which you can modify or delete even if it has been inherited. Once you have done this, however, the inheritance is broken and cannot be reinstated. Note:

There can only be one global rule.

What You Provide •

To create a new rule, click on the button for the type of rule you want to create: Standard Air, Lowest Fare, Web Search, Upgrade, Global Rule, Preference, Negotiated Discount.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing air rule, first select the rule in the Manage Rules table, then click on View, Modify, Copy, or Delete, as appropriate.

Sorting existing rules In the Manage Rules table, you can sort the display of existing rules using any column that displays a sort icon: Click on the column title to sort. Clicking on the title again reverses the sort order. The sort icon indicates the direction of the sort (either ascending from A to Z or descending from Z to A ).


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings You use the standard air rule to define a standard rule for air travel. It consists of the following pages: •

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Faring on page 171

What You Provide Supersede other applicable standard air rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable standard air rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable standard air rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied or: Give priority over other applicable standard air rules This option is only available if the Rule Backup option in the Air Configuration Wizard is activated. Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable standard air rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Give priority over other applicable standard air rules option selected will be applied to travel requests. Rules that do not have this option selected will be applied only if there are no results from the priority rules. Standard rule Specify whether this rule will be applied as a standard rule without flight number restrictions to travel requests. Standard rule with flight number Specify whether this rule will be applied as a standard rule with flight number restrictions to travel requests. Note:

If you have activated Amadeus Single View in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard, standard rules with flight numbers are not applied in a Search by Fare.

Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport.

Admin Guide

If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. •

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A.

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Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester •

Multi-destination — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing-London-Johannesburg-Madrid

From/To (GDS is not Amadeus) The From and To columns are only displayed when the Standard Rule with Flight Number option is enabled. You can specify airports only. Vendors, Flight number, Booking class, and Display ranks (when Standard rule with flight number is selected) Note:

This description applies if you have selected the Standard Rule with Flight Number field.

Specify the air vendors to which this rule applies. You can specify up to three air vendors or all air vendors. Depending on the direction that you have selected in the Direction section of the Air Rules wizard, two Vendors, Flight Number, Booking Class and Display Rank sections are displayed, one for outbound flights and one for inbound flights. •

To specify up to three air vendors, for each vendor: -

In the Vendors column, enter the code for the airline. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon to the right and select the airline from the displayed list.


Enter a flight number (max. 4 digits) in the flight number column. You can specify up to three flight numbers.


Enter your preferred flight numbers. If you want the online reservation system to display 'alternative' flight numbers if the preferred flight numbers are not available in the air search, you must enable the Rule Backup option in the Air Configuration wizard, and create another standard rule with other flight numbers or no flight numbers.


If the selected GDS for this community is a GDS other than Amadeus, you can specify one direct flight or up to three connecting flights only. It is not possible to specify more than one direct flight.



If the rule is to be based on cabin class, you must select a cabin class in the Cabin Class Allowed section instead.


If you have enabled the rule for outbound and inbound flights, the cabin class that you select in the Cabin Class Allowed section applies to all flight numbers and to outbound and inbound flights.



If the rule is to be based on booking class rather than cabin class, in the Booking class box enter the one- or two-letter booking code for the vendor in the GDS. If multiple booking codes apply, separate each code by a comma.

In the Display rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of this vendor in this rule relative to other air vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this air vendor as a desired air vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.

To specify all air vendors:

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Leave the Vendors column blank. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon to the right and select All Airlines (00) from the displayed list.


Omit the entry in the Booking class column.


Select the priority in the Display rank column (with three stars indicating the highest priority), of these air vendors in this rule relative to other air vendors. This ranking is used to highlight these air vendors as the desired air vendors on the search results page in the online reservation system.

Ticket designator/IT number (appears only if the GDS is Apollo) If a ticket designator or tour (IT number) is specified in the contract with the airline, enter them in these fields. Vendors, Booking class, and Display rank Optionally, specify the air vendors to which this rule applies. You can specify up to three air vendors or all air vendors. •

To specify up to three air vendors, for each vendor: -

In the Vendors column, enter the code for the airline. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon to the right and select the airline from the displayed list.


If the rule is to be based on booking class rather than cabin class, in the Booking class box enter the one- or two-letter booking code for the vendor in the GDS. If multiple booking codes apply, separate each code by a comma.

Note: -


If the rule is to be based on cabin class, you must select a cabin class in the Cabin Class Allowed section instead.

In the Display rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of this vendor in this rule relative to other air vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this air vendor as a desired air vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.

To specify all air vendors: -

Leave the Vendors column blank. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon to the right and select All Airlines (00) from the displayed list or enter ALL.


Omit the entry in the Booking class column.


Select the priority in the Display rank column (with three stars indicating the highest priority, of these air vendors in this rule relative to other air vendors. This ranking is used to highlight these air vendors as the desired air vendors on the search results page in the online reservation system.


If you want to use an Air Preference rule to define your preferred air vendors, you must leave the vendor fields in this rule blank, and specify the vendors and preferred display rank in the Air Preference rule.

Cabin class allowed If the rule is to apply to a type of cabin rather than a booking class, select the type of cabin class allowed. Note:

If the rule is to apply to a booking class instead, you must specify the booking class for each specified vendor.

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The authorized cabin classes are defined in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. Preferred cabin class Use this parameter to define a preferred cabin class. The preferred cabin class will receive the highest preference ranking on the search results page. The Preferred cabin class menu is automatically populated with the cabin classes selected in the Cabin class allowed setting. If you select Enable mixed cabins, the system searches for the lowest fares available where the longest segments of the itinerary are flown in the preferred cabin class. For example: If the preferred cabin class is business for an itinerary from MIA via NYC to LON, the system offers fares where the segment MIA to NYC is flown in economy cabin and NYC to LON in business cabin in addition to fares where all itinerary segments are flown in business cabin. Note:

This option is only applied in a Search by Fare for communities using the Amadeus or Sabre GDS.


This option is ignored by the system, if two or more standard rules with different preferred cabins apply to the same itinerary.

Ticket queue Select the queue that will handle itineraries to which this rule applies. (Note that the queues that appear as options in this list box are identified on the Special Purpose Queues page of the Queues wizard.) Same airline enforced Specify whether all flights in an itinerary must be on the same airline. If this option is not selected, then flights can be on one or more of the airlines specified in this rule. This option is valid only when more than one air vendor is specified as a desired vendor. Pseudo city (appears only if the GDS is Apollo or Galileo) Specify the pseudo city used for faring purposes. Trip Approval (appears if 'Allow approval option at rule level' is selected in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard) This setting is only available when the Trip Approval - Specific Options setting in the Air Configuration Wizard is activated. Select this option to force the traveller to submit her trip for approval. Click on Next to display the next panel. Alternatively, if you want to discard the current values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Faring You use the standard air rule to define a standard rule for air travel. It consists of the following pages: •

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings on page 165

Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Faring

This panel allows you to define how the system will search for fares for this rule.

What You Provide Maximum price Specify the maximum price allowed for a fare. The possible options are: •

Use global value — Uses the maximum price specified in the global air rule.

Specify value — Uses the maximum price specified. If you select this option, specify the maximum price and the currency code.

None — Allows any price. If you select Use global value or Specify value: -

Only flights with fares that are less than or equal to the maximum price will be displayed as in policy.


In searches by fare, flights with fares that exceed the maximum price will not be displayed as in policy; in searches by schedule, flights will be displayed, but faring will fail, and the traveller will have to choose another option.

If you select None, any fare, regardless of price, will be displayed as in policy. Faring Method Application This section appears if you have selected Cabin class selection at faring page (Multiple fares option) - option compliant with both Search by Schedule and Search by Fare in the Cabin Class Selection section of the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. This section applies to Amadeus GDS users only. It applies to GDS air fares only, and not to web fares or air and rail combined fare searches. •

Define fare options for whole trip– the faring options that you select in the section below are applied to one-way and return trips.

Define common fare options for whole trip, outbound trip and inbound trip– the faring options that you select in the section below are applied to one-way and return trips. The system will suggest both return fares and oneway fares for outbound and inbound journeys.

Define separate fare specific options for whole trip, outbound trip and inbound trip– the faring options that you select in the section below apply to one-way and return trips. You can define different faring commands for return trips, outbound trips and inbound trips. The system will suggest both return fares and one-way fares for outbound and inbound journeys.


On some travel communities only the first option is available.

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Faring Method Definition Free Selection This section applies to Amadeus GDS users only. These options allow you to specify the faring commands that are used by the online reservation system. You will need some knowledge of the fares process in order to fill in these settings. Note:

If you selected Define specific options for both whole trip and oneway trips in the Faring Method Application section, you must define the fare types separately for return trips, inbound trips and outbound trips.

Air France Subscriber Program (Amadeus GDS only) This option is only available if you have activated the relevant fields in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard and on the previous page (Standard Rule page) of this wizard. See How to Activate the Air France Subscriber Program on page 465. Select this option to allow Air France Subscriber fares to be displayed. If you select this option, only the Fare Type field is available in the Free Selection section. The remaining fields are hidden. Fare type Select the type of fare. The possible options are: •

No fare type - Generally used when a corporate ID has been entered in the standard air rule or in the Air Settings wizard; this option searches for fares based on the corporate ID specified.

Published - Searches for published fares and corporate fares (provided that the relevant corporate codes have been entered in the standard air rule or in the Air Settings wizard); it is generally used when negotiated fares are not available.

Negotiated - Searches for negotiated fares and corporate fares (provided that the relevant corporate codes have been entered in the standard air rule or in the Air Settings wizard). This option is not available if you have activated the Air France Subscriber Program.

Lowest of published and negotiated - Searches for the lowest fare, whether that fare is a public fare, or a negotiated or corporate fare (provided that the relevant corporate codes have been entered in the rule or in the Air Settings wizard). This option is not available if you have activated the Air France Subscriber Program.

Faring command Select the faring command. The possible options are: •

Price with lower fares — Generally used when a rule is based on cabin class, this option searches for the lowest fare. If a rule is based on booking class and you choose this option, a reservation may change the booking class, if this produces a lower price. Equivalent GDS commands: Amadeus - FXA Apollo - BA0 and $Q Sabre - WPNC


Price as booked — Generally used when a rule is based on booking class, this option searches for the price for the specified booking class. Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Equivalent GDS commands: Amadeus - FXX Apollo - $B Sabre - WP Enable split fares by airline Select this option, if you want to enable the online reservation system to split itineraries and price and issue separate tickets for airlines that allow corporate discounts on their fares. (These fares may or may not be combinable with other airlines' fares.) The corporate discount codes must be defined in the Standard Air Rule or in the Air Corporate ID field of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard. When this option is selected: •

The system forces the Cabin Class Selection section in the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard to Cabin class selection at availability time.

The system applies the corporate discounts and split ticketing process as follows: -

If only one airline is used on the entire trip, the corporate discount codes (if they are available) are applied and one ticket is issued.


If one airline is used in one trip direction and another airline in another trip direction, the corporate discount codes (if they are available) are applied and separate tickets are issued.


If multiple airlines per trip direction are used on the entire trip, corporate discounts are not applied and one ticket is issued.


If multiple airlines are used in one trip direction and one single airline in another trip direction, corporate discounts (if they are available) are only applied to the portions of the trip where one single airline is used. Separate tickets are issued.

On the Faring page, if split ticketing is required, separate fares for each ticket and the total fare for the entire trip are displayed.

On the Trip Summary page, if split ticketing is required, separate fares for each ticket, the total fare for the entire trip, and the number of flight tickets to be issued are displayed.

The number of the flight tickets to be issued is sent in the email booking confirmation, if the Send a confirmation email on booking and cancel option is activated in the Email and Notification wizard.


This option applies to U.S. domestic itineraries only. Be aware that the online reservation system does not issue an error message, if you enable this option in a standard air rule for non-U.S. domestic itineraries. The following itinerary is also considered a U.S. domestic itinerary: NYC on AC via YUL and YVR to SEA.

Corporate ID Enter the air corporate ID (also known as the contract number or SNAP code) for negotiated fares. The corporate ID is used to price air fares. Enter a corporate ID here if you want the corporate ID to be used for pricing when the specific conditions of your rule are met. The corporate ID will be used for pricing in-policy flights. All out-of-policy flights will use the corporate ID defined in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard.

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If you want the corporate ID to be always used for pricing, enter the corporate ID in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard and leave this field empty in the rule. Note:

If you have activated Amadeus Single View in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard, you must also enter the corporate IDs that you define here in the Fare Groups wizard, or enter them in the Fare Groups wizard only without defining them here. If no corporate IDs are defined here nor in the Fare Groups wizard, the ones that you have entered in the Air Corporate ID fields of the Air Configuration wizard are used in the fare search.

Restrictions Specify the type of fares to display as in policy. The possible options are: •

Use global value — Uses the Restrictions value specified on the Global Rule page

Display: -

Schedule-driven flow - Lowest applicable fare (restrictions may apply ) and lowest unrestricted fare


Fare-driven flow - Lowest applicable fare (restrictions may apply)

If you select this option, when the user performs a search by schedule, two fares will be displayed. One is the lowest of non-restricted fares only; the second is the lowest of both restricted and non-restricted fares. When the user performs a search by fare, only one fare is displayed: the lowest of both restricted and non-restricted fares. •

Display only non-restricted fares — Displays only non-restricted fares as in policy

Display lowest applicable fare — Displays the lowest of all non-restricted fares and fares without the restrictions that you specify. If you enable this option, specify which restrictions should not apply: -

without refund restrictions — refundable fares are in policy


without advance purchase restrictions — fares that do not require an advance purchase are in policy


without penalties — fares that have no penalties are in policy


If you select too few fare types there may be no fares available to the traveller.

Pre-defined Commands (if available) This section applies to Amadeus GDS users only. It applies to GDS air fares only, and not to web fares or air and rail combined fare searches. This section appears if you have selected Cabin class selection at faring page (Multiple fares option) - option compliant with both Search by Schedule and Search by Fare in the Cabin Class Selection section of the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. It allows you to select the fare types that you want to allow in the fare search. You do not need specialized fares knowledge to fill in this section. Note:


If your system also displays a section called Faring Method Definition Free Selection, you must select the faring commands in the Free Selection section (the lowest fare is selected by default), and optionally Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

you can select additional faring commands here in this section. Any duplicate selections you make will be eliminated by the system before processing. Note:

If you selected Define specific options for both whole trip and oneway trips in the Faring Method Application section, you must define the fare types separately for return trips, inbound trips and outbound trips.

Fare Types Specify the type of fares to display as in-policy. The options are: •

Lowest applicable — the lowest fare for the itinerary.

Lowest refundable — the lowest refundable fare for the itinerary, which may have a penalty.

Lowest refundable without penalty — the lowest refundable fare for the itinerary that has no penalty for a refund.

Negotiated Corporate — Negotiated fares available to your corporation. Enter up to three corporate ID numbers as well.

Negotiated Agency — Negotiated fares available to your travel agency. Enter up to three agency ID numbers as well.

Air France Subscriber Program — fares available to Air France subscribers. This option is only available if you have activated the relevant fields in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard and on the previous page (Standard Rule page) of this wizard, and you did not select Air France Subscriber Progam in the Free Selection section. See How to Activate the Air France Subscriber Program on page 465.


If you select too few fare types there may be no fares available to the traveller.


If you define negotiated corporate and/or agency IDs in the Air Configuration wizard (Enhanced Process option in the Faring Process - Search by Fare section), you do not need to specify these IDs in the Standard Air Rule. If you define negotiated corporate and agency IDs in both the Air Configuration wizard and in the Standard Air Rule and the IDs are different, the system applies the IDs that are defined in the Standard Air Rule in the fare search.

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Finish or click on Back to return to the previous page. Alternatively, if you want to discard the current values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163

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Admin Guide

Air Rules Wizard - Lowest Fare Rule You use the Lowest Fare Rule page to define a rule for ensuring that travellers select the lowest fare. When you create a lowest fare rule, you should also activate the Fare and Compare functionality in the Air Configuration Wizard to ensure that the system always searches for the lowest fare.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable lowest fare rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable lowest fare rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable lowest fare rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range.

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Admin Guide

Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester

Multi-destination — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing-London-Johannesburg-Madrid

Lowest Fare Rule Type Specify whether you want the lowest fare rule to be based on all flights (including those with stops or connections) or only for non-stop and direct flights. If you select Lowest fare rule based on non-stop flights, and no non-stop or direct flights are available, then the system searches for the lowest fare based on all flights. Lowest Fare Selection Method Specify the options for the lowest fare search. The options are:


In and out of policy flight options

In policy flight options only

In policy flight options (out of policy if none available) Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Out of policy flight options only

Optionally select the Narrow to flights with connecting times lower than this limit box and enter a time limit (in minutes) to define the maximum connecting time that will be allowed in the lowest fare search results. If you want to limit the application of the lowest fare rule to a specific time frame, select the number of hours from the drop-down list of the Time window to use for Lowest Fare Rule option. The lowest fare is then determined among flight search results that depart within the time specified in the flight search pages and the number of hours specified here. Note:

The time frame requested by the traveller in the Acceptable Time Window field of the flight search pages and the settings specified in the Show time window starting from and Show time window defaulted to fields of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard are ignored, if they are shorter than the time window defined in the lowest fare rule.


If several lowest fare rules with an activated time window apply, the longest time window takes precedence.

Grace saving value type Specify whether the grace values are absolute values or percentages of the lowest fare. If you specify an absolute value then you must also specify the currency. The lowest fare rule will allow fares that are less than or equal to the addition of these two values: 1. the lowest fare found by the availability search 2. the grace value For grace values or percentages equal to or above zero: For example, the system finds the lowest fare of $500 for an itinerary. •

If you set a grace value of $50 then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $550 (500 + 50).

If you set a grace percentage of 12% then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $560 (500 + 12% of 500).

For negative grace values or percentages: For example, the system finds the lowest fare of $500 for an itinerary. •

If you set a grace value of -$50 then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $450 (500 - 50).

If you set a grace percentage of -12% then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $440 (500 - 12% of 500).

Grace saving value definition The grace saving value definition you specify here depends on whether you selected an absolute value or a percentage as the grace saving value type. You specify the: •

Maximum grace value or percentage for all flights The Maximum grace value or percentage is the value or percentage above (or below for negative grace values or percentages) the lowest offered fare that will be allowed for fares.

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Admin Guide

Only fares that do not exceed (or do undercut for negative grace values or percentages) the lowest offered fare by the maximum grace value or percentage will be displayed as in policy. Fares that do exceed (or do not undercut for negative grace values or percentages) the lowest offered fare by the maximum grace value will not be displayed as in policy. For grace values or percentages equal to or above zero: For example, the system finds the lowest fare of $500 for an itinerary. If you set a maximum grace value of $50 then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $550 (500 + 50). If you set a maximum grace percentage of 12% then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $560 (500 + 12% of 500). For negative grace values or percentages: For example, the system finds the lowest fare of $500 for an itinerary. If you set a maximum grace value of -$50 then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $450 (500 - 50). If you set a maximum grace percentage of -12% then the lowest fare rule will allow all flights with fares less than or equal to $540 (500 - 12% of 500). Note:


If you define a negative grace value or percentage, the Lowest Fare Selection Method setting in this wizard must be set to In policy flight options only. In addition the Lowest Fare Rule Appliance Method must be set to either In and out of policy flight options or to Out of policy flight options only.

Maximum grace value or percentage for non-stop flights The Maximum grace non-stop value or percentage is the value or percentage above (or below for negative values or percentages) the lowest offered fare that will be allowed for fares for non-stop flights. If there are no non-stop flights within policy, then non-stop flights with fares that do not exceed (or do undercut for negative grace values or percentages) the fares of the other in-policy flights by the maximum grace value or percentage will be displayed as in policy. Non-stop flights with fares that do exceed (or do not undercut for negative grace values or percentages) the fares of the other in-policy flights by the maximum grace value or percentage will not be displayed as in policy. For grace values or percentages equal to or above zero: For example, the system finds the lowest fare of $500 for an itinerary. -

If you set a maximum grace value of $100 for non-stop flights then the lowest fare rule will allow all non-stop flights with fares less than or equal to $600 (500 + 100).


If you set a maximum grace percentage of 25% for non-stop flights then the lowest fare rule will allow all non-stop flights with fares less than or equal to $625 (500 + 25% of 500).

For negative grace values or percentages: For example, the system finds the lowest fare of $500 for an itinerary.



If you set a maximum grace value of -$100 for non-stop flights then the lowest fare rule will allow all non-stop flights with fares less than or equal to $400 (500 - 100).


If you set a maximum grace percentage of -25% for non-stop flights then the lowest fare rule will allow all non-stop flights with fares less than or equal to $375 (500 - 25% of 500). Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules


If you define a negative grace value or percentage, the Lowest Fare Selection Method setting in this wizard must be set to In policy flight options only. In addition the Lowest Fare Rule Appliance Method must be set to either In and out of policy flight options or to Out of policy flight options only.

Lowest Fare Rule Appliance Method Specify the options that the lowest fare rule applies to. The options are: •

In and out of policy flight options

In policy flight options only

In policy flight options (out of policy if none available)

Out of policy flight options only

Trip Approval This setting is only available when the Trip Approval - Specific Options setting in the Air Configuration Wizard is activated. Select this option to force the traveller to submit her trip for approval. Note:

It is very important to make sure that the options you select for the Lowest Fare Selection Method and the Lowest Fare Rule Appliance Method are consistent with the community settings. If you do not select consistent combinations, travellers may not be able to book flights.

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163

Air Rules Wizard - Web Search Rule You use the Web Search Rule page to define which web fares are in or out of policy for a community. The web airlines that you can define in this rule are the ones that you have enabled in the Web Search Configuration wizard. For web fares to be available, in addition to define this rule, you must also: •

Enable both Air and Web Search in the Travel Planner components section on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard.

Specify in the Web Search Configuration wizard how low-cost airlines are to be made available to the travellers and incorporated in their itineraries.


Web fares must be paid at the time of booking, even if the trip needs approval from the travel approver.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable web search rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable web search rules. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable web search rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied or: Give priority over other applicable web search rules This option is only available if the Rule Backup option in the Air Configuration wizard is activated. Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable web search rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Give priority over other applicable web search rules option selected will be applied to travel requests. Rules that do not have this option selected will be applied only if there are no results from the priority rules. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.


Country — Applies to any location within a specified country.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. •

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range.

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Admin Guide

Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester

Multiple destinations — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing-London-Johannesburg-Madrid

Vendors/Display Rank Optionally, specify the web fare vendors to which this rule applies. In the Vendors column, enter the code for the airline. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon next to the Vendors field and select the airline from the displayed list. In this list only airlines that you have enabled in the Web Search Configuration wizard are displayed. In the Display Rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of this vendor in this rule relative to other web fare vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired web fare vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system. Click on Add Vendors to add more vendors.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

If this web search rule applies, the vendors that you specify here will be displayed as in policy in the search results pages. If you don't specify a vendor, all vendors will be displayed as in policy. To specify all web fare vendors: To specify all web fare vendors that you have enabled in the Web Search Configuration wizard, enter 00. Select the priority in the Display Rank column (with three stars indicating the highest priority), of these web fare vendors in this rule relative to other web fare vendors. This ranking is used to highlight these vendors as the desired web fare vendors on the search results page in the online reservation system. Note:

If you want to use an Air Preference rule to define your preferred web fare vendors, you must leave the vendor fields blank in the web search rule, and specify the vendors and preferred display rank in the Air Preference rule.

Trip Approval This setting is only available when the Trip Approval - Specific Options setting in the Air Configuration Wizard is activated. Select this option to force the traveller to submit her trip for approval. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163 Web Search Configuration Wizard - Overview on page 118

Air Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule You use the Upgrade Rule page to define a rule for governing air travel upgrades; that is, a rule that defines the cabin class to which travellers can upgrade when the travel time of a requested air segment exceeds a given duration. The Upgrade Rule setting in the Air Configuration wizard determines whether the duration of the flight is calculated on the flight times only, or whether it also includes the layover time for connections. Upgrade rules apply only to rules based on cabin. Note:

An upgrade rule is applied to flight options that are in policy only.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable upgrade rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable upgrade rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable upgrade rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied.

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Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. •

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

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Admin Guide

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester

Multi-destination — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing-London-Johannesburg-Madrid

Minimum duration Specify the minimum travel time, in hours, of a requested air segment before a traveller is allowed to upgrade to a higher cabin class. The travel time of a requested air segment includes any layovers and is the difference between the departure date/time of the first individual flight segment and the arrival date/time of the last individual flight segment. For trips that contain more than one air segment, only one segment needs to meet the minimum travel time. Maximum cabin Select the highest cabin class to which travellers can upgrade when a requested air segment exceeds the minimum duration. Trip Approval This setting is only available when the Trip Approval - Specific Options setting in the Air Configuration Wizard is activated. Select this option to force the traveller to submit her trip for approval. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163

Air Rules Wizard - Global Rule Use this page to create or modify the global air rule defined for the community. The global air rule is a default rule that applies to a traveller's air search criteria


Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

when no other standard air rules match the search criteria. There can be only one global rule for air. You can create, modify or delete a global rule. Note:

Global rule parameters are treated as a group. If you change the value of one of these parameters, then inheritance is broken for all parameters in the group.

What You Provide Restrictions Specify the type of fares to display as in policy. The possible options are: •

Display: -

Schedule-driven flow - Lowest applicable fare (restrictions may apply ) and lowest unrestricted fare


Fare-driven flow - Lowest applicable fare (restrictions may apply)

If you select this option, when the user performs a search by schedule, two fares will be displayed. One is the lowest of unrestricted fares only; the second is the lowest of both restricted and unrestricted fares. When the user performs a search by fare, only one fare is displayed: the lowest of both restricted and unrestricted fares. •

Display only unrestricted fares — Displays only unrestricted fares as in policy

Display lowest applicable fare — Displays the lowest of all unrestricted fares and fares without the restrictions that you specify. If you enable this option, specify which restrictions should not apply: -

without refund restrictions — refundable fares are in policy


without advance purchase restrictions — fares that do not require an advance purchase are in policy


without penalties — fares that have no penalties are in policy

Note that restrictions may prevent travellers from booking some flights because there may be no corresponding fares. Maximum price Specify the maximum price allowed for a fare as well as the code for the maximum price currency. Only flights with fares that are less than or equal to this maximum price will be displayed as in policy. In searches by fare, flights with fares that exceed the maximum price will not be displayed as in policy; in searches by schedule, flights will be displayed, but faring will fail, and the traveller will have to choose another option. Fare type Select the type of fare. The possible options are: •

No fare type - Generally used when a corporate ID is set for a rule or community; this option searches for fares based on the corporate ID specified.

Published - Searches for published fares, as well as corporate fares (if available); it is generally used when negotiated fares are not available.

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Negotiated - Searches for negotiated fares, as well as corporate fares (if available).

Lowest of published and negotiated - Searches for the lowest fare, whether that fare is a negotiated or a public fare, as well as corporate fares (if available).

Same airline enforced Specify whether all flights in an itinerary must be on the same airline. If this parameter is not selected, then flights can be on one or more of the airlines specified in this rule. This parameter takes effect only when you select all airlines in the Air Vendors parameter. Faring command Select the type of fare. The possible options are: •

Price with lower fares — Generally used when a rule is based on cabin class, this option searches for the lowest fare. If a rule is based on booking class and you choose this option, a reservation may change the booking class, if this produces a lower price. Equivalent GDS commands: Amadeus - FXA Apollo - BA0 and $Q Sabre - WPNC

Price as booked — Generally used when a rule is based on booking class, this option searches for the price for the specified booking class. Equivalent GDS commands: Amadeus - FXX Apollo - $B Sabre - WP

Booking command Select whether to store the price in the PNR in the GDS. The possible options are: •

Price and store ticket information — Stores the price in the PNR in the GDS Equivalent GDS commands: Amadeus - FXP Apollo - T:$B Sabre - WS

Price as booked — Does not store the price in the PNR in the GDS but displays the price to the traveller Equivalent GDS commands: Amadeus - FXX Apollo - $B Sabre - WP

Cabin class allowed Specify the cabin class in which travellers are allowed to travel. Note:


The valid cabin classes for this parameter are defined in the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Preferred cabin class Use this parameter to define a preferred cabin class. The preferred cabin class will receive the highest preference ranking on the search results page. The Preferred cabin class menu is automatically populated with the cabin classes selected in the Cabin class allowed setting. Air vendors Select the airlines to be considered as the desired air vendors for this rule. You can select up to 20 airlines. If you want this rule to apply to all airlines, do not select any in the list. For each airline that you have selected, choose the vendor's priority in the Display rank column (with three stars indicating the highest priority) relative to other air vendors. This ranking is used to highlight these airlines as the desired air vendors on the search results page in the online reservation system. Flights of the selected airlines are shown on air search results displays as inpolicy. Note:

You cannot select an air vendor that is currently selected in the list of excluded vendors on the Air Vendors page of the Vendor Exclusion wizard.

Trip Approval This setting is only available when the Trip Approval - Specific Options setting in the Air Configuration Wizard is activated. Select this option to force the traveller to submit her trip for approval. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163

Air Rules Wizard - Air Preferences See also Provider Preference Rule - Overview on page 242 The Air Preference rule determines vendor and other preferences for air travel. Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the level of preference and the in- and out-of-policy status of a flight recommendation are displayed differently. For more information see Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options on page 243. Note:

The Air Preference rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a travel recommendation. This is done by the standard rule. When you create an Air Preference rule you must leave the vendor fields blank in the air standard rule.

You can define regular airlines and web fare airlines in the Air Preference rule.

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The web fare airlines that are authorized for a community are defined in the Web Fare Configuration wizard and in the web search rule. When you create an Air Preference rule you must leave the vendor fields blank in the web search rule. Example: An air standard rule is created to allow economy cabin class only, but air vendors are not defined in the air standard rule. An Air Preference rule is created which defines the preferred (and excluded) airlines and display ranking. The air search results page displays economy seats or fares for all airlines as in policy, and indicates which air vendors are preferred by the company.

What You Provide Air Preferences Supersede other applicable air preference rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable air preference rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable air preference rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.


State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. •

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range.

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Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester

Multiple destinations — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing-London-Johannesburg-Madrid

Air Provider Settings Vendors Specify the airlines to which this rule applies. •

Enter the code for the airline. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the airline from the displayed list.

To specify more than six airlines, click on Add Vendors.



You cannot enter a specific airline code twice in the same Air Preference rule.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Display Rule Select the display rule that you want to apply to the airline. The display rule controls the vendors that are displayed in the air search results pages. Choose from: Neutral, Force and Exclude. •

Neutral Neutral allows you to define a level of preference for a specific airline. If you select Neutral for a specific airline, this airline is shown with the level of preference that you specified in the Display Rank column in the air search results pages. All other airlines are shown with a level of preference, if one was specified, or without a level of preference. Example: You have specified the airline AF and selected the Neutral display rule with a display rank **. In this case all AF flights in the air search results pages are shown with display rank **. All other airlines are shown with a display rank, if one was specified, or without a display rank.

Force Force allows you to display only the airlines associated to this display rule. If you select Force for a specific airline, only this airline is displayed together with the level of preference that you specified in the Display Rank column in the air search results pages. Example: You have specified the airline AF and LH with the Force display rule. In this case only AF and LH are displayed to the traveller in the air search results pages, even if the traveller requested another airline.

Exclude Exclude allows you to exclude the airlines associated to this display rule. If you select Exclude for a specific airline, this airline is not displayed in the air search results pages. All other airlines are displayed with a level of preference, if one was specified, or without a level of preference. Note:

When you select Exclude, the Display Rank option is disabled.

If several Air Preference rules apply for the same destination, conflicting display rules for specific airlines may exist. Example: Two Air Preference rules exist and both define the airline Air France, one with the Exclude display rule and one with the Force display rule. In this case, the online reservation system applies the following priorities: Excluded vendors have the highest priority, then Force vendors, then Neutral vendors. In this case Air France is excluded from the search results pages. If the same display rule is associated to a vendor with different display ranks, the highest display rank is applied. Display Rank Select the display rank that you want to be applied to the airline. The display rank controls the level of preference with which the airline is displayed in the air search results pages. Choose from the following levels of preference: •

Dislike (if available; depends on the Preference Displays setting in the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard)

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*** (highest level of preference)

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Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the provider level of preference and the in- and outof-policy status of a travel recommendation are displayed differently in the search results pages. (Click on the link Preference Displays on top of this help page for a description.) Apply these settings to the following recommendations Select to which flight recommendations you want the Air Provider Settings to be applied in the air search results pages. Choose from: •

In Policy

Out of Policy (not available if the Display Rule setting in the Air Configuration wizard does not allow out-of-policy flight recommendations)

Both In and Out of Policy

If you leave the Vendors field in this rule blank, the Air Provider Settings can be applied to both in- and out-of-policy search results. If you specify a vendor, the Air Provider Settings can be applied to out-of-policy search results only. Note:

The Air Preference rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a flight recommendation: this is done by the standard rule (web search rule for web fares).


If you create two Air Preference rules for one airline and one rule applies the Air Provider Settings on in-policy flights and the other one on out-of-policy flights, then the Air Provider Settings for this airline are applied to in- and out-of-policy flights and the display rank associated to the airline is the higher of the two rules.

Filtering Settings Filter the recommendations according to the maximum number of connections Use this option to filter search results according to the number of connections. Select from the drop-down list to define the maximum number of connections allowable for the trip. Search results with a greater number of connections will be filtered out. The filter is applied to flight recommendations that are in and out of policy. You can define an Air Preference rule by activating the filtering settings only and without specifying an airline.



If you specify airlines in the standard rule (web search rule for web fares) and in the Air Preference rule, and you activate the filtering settings in the Air Preference rule, the airlines specified in the Air Preference rule are not taken into consideration by the online reservation system. The filtering settings, however, are applied.


If you create more than one Air Preference rule for a specific airline and the filtering settings are different, the most restrictive filtering setting is applied by the online reservation system.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Maximum Connection Duration (Sabre GDS only) Use this option to bias a Search by Fare according to a specified connection time. Select from the drop-down list to define the maximum number of hours allowable for Domestic* Connections, and for Domestic* and International** Gateways. Search results with a greater number of hours will be filtered out by Sabre. * In the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico or Virgin Islands. ** Other than in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico or Virgin Islands. Note:

Filters are applied in a Search by Fare and for Fare and Compare itineraries.


When you use this option, it is recommended that you set the Apply these settings to the following recommendations setting in this wizard to Both In and Out of Policy.

Split Faring Settings Qantas split Note:

This setting is mainly used in Australia and is Qantas-specific.


This setting is displayed, if Allow Special Split Faring is enabled in the Faring Options section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard.

If enabled, the online reservation system prices the selected flights separately for destinations in specific markets depending on the trip direction (outbound/inbound), the origin of the flight and fares information (GDS, Website or Navitaire) and the airline. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if it is displayed. Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163

Air Rules Wizard - Negotiated Discount Rule You use the Negotiated Discount rule to define a rule for governing negotiated discounts that are offered by specific airlines to their corporate customers. The Negotiated Discount rule allows you to specify a discount percentage that is applicable on all the fares offered by a specific airline with the exception of webfares. As a result two prices, the total price of a fare returned by the GDS and the total price of a fare including the negotiated discount* are displayed to the traveller in the Travel Planner Faring, the Flight Search Result after a Search by Fare, and the Trip Summary pages. The total price of a fare including the negotiated discount is displayed for information purposes only. * The total price of a fare including the negotiated discount is calculated as follows: the base fare minus the negotiated discount, plus all applicable taxes. The calculation of the negotiated discount is global, it is not based on a specific fare (negotiated or published), cabin class or booking code (RBD). The Negotiated Discount rule is applied to flight options that are in and out of policy.

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The processing of the Lowest Fare rule and the Maximum Price option is based on the normal and not on the discounted price. The fare and compare option 'Display only recommendations with prices lower than the fare of the original selected flights' is also based on the normal price.


If two or more negotiated discounts have been specified on the same origin and destination with the same airline, only the best discount with the higher percentage is returned by the online reservation system in the faring pages.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable negotiated discount rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable negotiated discount rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable negotiated discount rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule (max. 80 characters). It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Example: Rebate on AF Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.


State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. •

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: New York - London

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One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York.

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, London - Madrid Manchester

Multi-destination — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing-London-Johannesburg-Madrid

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Vendor Enter a valid airline code for which the negotiated discount applies or click on the search feature icon displayed next to the Vendor field and select an airline. Percentage Specify the negotiated discount percentage (an amount between 0 and 100). Note:

You can also enter a period to specify decimals. Example: 2.50

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Related Topics Air Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 163

Air Rules Test Wizard Air Rules Test Wizard- Overview Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Air Rules Test wizard lets you test the air rules defined for a community. (You define the air rules for a community in the Air Rules wizard.) Specifically, you can specify test air search criteria and then view all the air rules that apply to that test criteria. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Air Rules Test Wizard - Air Search Criteria below

Air Rules Test Wizard - Air Rules Results on page 203

Air Rules Test Wizard - Air Search Criteria You use the Air Search Criteria page to specify air search criteria to be used to test the air rules defined for a community.

What You Provide Trip type Specify whether the trip is a round trip or a trip that is either one way or multiple destinations. Trip reason Select the trip reason. From Specify the departure location. Note that for multiple destinations, you need to enter the departure location for each air segment. Identifying the location — You can provide: •

A three-letter airport code (for example, JFK or ORD)

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. To Specify the arrival location. Note that for multiple destinations, you need to enter the arrival location for each air segment. Identifying the location — You can provide: •

A three-letter airport code (for example, JFK or ORD)

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. Departure date Select the start date of the first leg air travel. Return date Select the date of the return leg (or last leg) of the air trip. Booking date Select the date on which the air travel is arranged. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Related Topics Air Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 201

Air Rules Test Wizard - Air Rules Results The Air Rules Results page shows all the air rules that apply to the test criteria you specified on the Air Search Criteria page.

What You Provide When you have finished viewing the test results, click on Finish to return to the Air Search Criteria page. Related Topics Air Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 201

Rail Rules Wizard Rail Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Rail Rules wizard lets you define the rules for rail travel that travellers in a community are to follow. Rail rules determine the rail travel options available to travellers based on certain criteria and govern which trains will be displayed as in policy on the availability page in the online reservation system. Each rule (except the global rule) consists of the criteria (such as departure and destination locations) to which the rule applies as well as the policies or actions that are to be followed. (The global rule consists of only the policies and actions that are to be followed.) You can define the following types of rail rules: •

Standard rule. For more information see Rail Rules Wizard - Standard Rule on page 204.

Upgrade rule, governing rail travel upgrades for train trips longer than a certain duration. For more information see Rail Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule on page 208.

Global rule, which applies when no standard rules apply. For more information see Rail Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 210.

Provider Preferences rule. For more information see Rail Rules Wizard Rail Provider Preferences on page 211.

The Manage Rules table displays all the existing rail rules that apply to the community, including inherited rules. The global rule, if it exists, is displayed in the table. You can only view or copy inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.) The exception is the global rule, which you can modify or delete

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even if it has been inherited. Once you have done this, however, the inheritance is broken and cannot be reinstated. Note:

There can only be one global rule.

What You Provide You use the Main Menu page to create, maintain or delete rail rules. •

To create a new rule, click on the button for the type of rule you want to create: Standard Rail, Upgrade, Global Rule, Provider Preferences.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing rail rule, first select the rule in the Manage Rules table, then click on View, Modify, Copy, or Delete, as appropriate.

Sorting existing rules In the Manage Rules table, you can sort the display of existing rules using any column that displays a sort icon: Click on the column title to sort. Clicking on the title again reverses the sort order. The sort icon indicates the direction of the sort (either ascending from A to Z or descending from Z to A ).

Rail Rules Wizard - Standard Rule You use the Standard Rule page to define standard rules for rail travel.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable standard rail rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable standard rail rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable standard rail rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.


Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region.

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If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy. Note:

Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

Departure range/to Specify the travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: Hannover - Paris (you live in Hannover).

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: Paris - Hannover (you live in Hannover).

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Germany to France, Hannover - Paris Hannover would be considered a round trip, while Hannover - Paris - Berlin would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Germany to France, Paris - Hannover Paris.

Train Type and Display rank Optionally, specify the train type to which this rule applies. You can select up to three train types, each with their own display rank.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

In the Train type column, select the train type. To select all train types, leave the field blank.

In the Display rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of the train type selection in that row. This ranking is used to highlight the most desirable train type on the availability page in the online reservation system.


If you want to use a Provider Preferences rule to indicate the level of preference for the rail provider, Train type and Display rank fields blank and specify the Display Rank in the Rail Provider Preference rule.

Allowed class and Preferred class Select each class that the passenger can travel in for this rule. Also select the preferred class to be selected by default. Maximum price Specify the maximum price allowed for a fare. The possible options are: •

Use global value — Uses the maximum price specified in the global rail rule.

Specify value — Uses the maximum price specified. If you select this option, specify the maximum price and the currency code.

None — Allows any price.

If you select Use global value or Specify value: •

Only trains with fares that are less than or equal to the maximum price will be displayed as in policy

In searches by fare, trains with fares that exceed the maximum price will not be displayed as in policy; in searches by schedule, trains will be displayed, but faring will fail, and the traveller will have to choose another option.

If you select None, any fare, regardless of price, will be displayed as in policy. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Rail Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 203

Rail Rules Wizard - Upgrade Rule You use the Upgrade Rule page to define a rule for governing rail travel upgrades; that is, a rule that defines the cabin class to which travellers can upgrade when the travel time of a requested rail trip exceeds a given duration. Upgrade rules apply only to rules based on cabin class.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable upgrade rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable upgrade rules. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable upgrade rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station: -


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.

Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: Hannover - Paris (you live in Hannover).

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: Paris - Hannover (you live in Hannover).

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Germany to France, Hannover - Paris Hannover would be considered a round trip, while Hannover - Paris - Berlin would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Germany to France, Paris - Hannover Paris.

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Minimum duration Specify the minimum travel time, in hours, of a requested rail trip before a traveller is allowed to upgrade to a higher cabin class. The travel of a requested rail segment includes any stops and is the difference between the departure date/time of the first individual rail segment and the arrival date/time of the last individual rail segment. For trips that contain more than one rail segment, only one segment needs to meet the minimum travel time. Maximum cabin Select the highest cabin class to which travellers can upgrade when a requested rail segment exceeds the minimum travel time. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Rail Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 203

Rail Rules Wizard - Global Rule Use this page to customize the global rail rule defined for the community. The global rail rule is applied to a traveller's rail search criteria when no other standard rail rules match the search criteria. There can be only one global rule for rail. You can create, modify or delete a global rule. Note:

Global rule parameters are treated as a group. If you change the value of one of these parameters, then inheritance is broken for all parameters in the group.

What You Provide Restrictions Specify whether to allow train tickets with restrictions. Restrictions can be, for example, non-refundable train fares or train tickets that cannot be changed for another departure/return date. Maximum price Specify the maximum price allowed for a fare as well as the currency code. Only rail tips with fares that are less than or equal to this maximum price will be displayed as in policy. In searches by fare, trains with fares that exceed the maximum price will not be displayed as in policy; in searches by schedule, trains will be displayed, but faring will fail, and the traveller will have to choose another option. Train Type and Display rank Specify the train type to which this rule applies. You can select up to three train types, each with their own display rank. 206

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules


In the Train type column, select the train type. To select all train types, leave the field blank.


In the Display rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of the train type selection in that row. This ranking is used to highlight the most desirable train type on the availability page in the online reservation system.

Class allowed and Preferred class Select each class that the passenger can travel in for this rule. Also select the preferred class to be selected by default. When you have provided all the required information, click on Create or Modify. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel. Related Topics Rail Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 203

Rail Rules Wizard - Rail Provider Preferences Provider Preference Rule - Overview on page 242 With the Rail Provider Preferences Rule you can associate a level of preference to in- and out-of-policy train recommendations. Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the level of preference and the in- and out-of-policy status of a train recommendation are displayed differently. For more information see Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options on page 243. Note:

The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a train recommendation. This is done by the standard rule. When you create a rail provider preferences rule, you must leave the train type and display rank fields blank in the rail standard rule.

What You Provide Rail Provider Preferences Supersede other applicable provider preferences rail rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable standard rail rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable provider preferences rail rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies.

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Admin Guide

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.


Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station — Applies to a major train station. If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller enters the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station. When you enter the name of the main train station:



It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.


Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

Departure range/to Specify the travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction Select the direction to which this rule applies. You can select any combination of the following options: •

One way outbound — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Example: Hannover - Paris (you live in Hannover).

One way inbound — Applies to a one-way trip in the reverse direction from the one-way outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: Paris - Hannover (you live in Hannover).

Round trip outbound — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B (but not necessarily to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A). Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Germany to France, Hannover - Paris Hannover would be considered a round trip, while Hannover - Paris - Berlin would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location).

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Round trip inbound — Applies to a round trip in the reverse direction from the round trip outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: For a rule that applies from Germany to France, Paris - Hannover Paris.

Rail Provider Settings Display Rank Select the display rank that you want to be applied to all train recommendations. The display rank controls the level of preference with which the train recommendations are displayed in the train search results pages. Choose from: •

Dislike (if available, depends on the Preference Display setting in the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard)



*** (highest level of preference)

Example: If you select the display rank *** for in-policy train recommendations, then all train recommendations that are in policy are shown with display rank *** in the train search results pages. Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the provider level of preference and the in- and outof-policy status of a train recommendation are displayed differently in the search results pages. (Click on the link Preference Displays on top of this help page a description.) Apply these settings to the following recommendations Select to which train recommendations you want the Rail Provider Settings to be applied in the train search results pages. Choose from: •

In Policy

Out of Policy (not available if the Display Rule setting in the Rail Configuration wizard does not allow out-of-policy recommendations)

Both In and Out of Policy


The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a train recommendation: this is done by the standard rule.

Filtering Settings (Swedish Rail) Select the option to set the maximum number of connections in a train journey that will be offered to the traveller. Choose the maximum number of connections in the drop-down list. When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if it is displayed. Related Topics Rail Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 203


Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Rail Rules Test Wizard Rail Rules Test Wizard- Overview Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Rail Rules Test wizard lets you test the rail rules defined for a community. (You define the rail rules for a community in the Rail Rules wizard.) Specifically, you can specify test rail search criteria and then view all the rail rules that apply to that test criteria. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Rail Rules Test Wizard - Rail Search Criteria below

Rail Rules Test Wizard - Rail Rules Results on page 217

Rail Rules Test Wizard - Rail Search Criteria You use the Rail Search Criteria page to specify rail search criteria to be used to test the rail rules defined for a community.

What You Provide Trip type Specify whether the trip is one way or return (a round trip). Trip reason Select the trip reason. From Specify the departure location. You can provide: •

The city or town in which a main train station is located. The system will then automatically find the main station or, if there is more than one match, it will provide a list from which you can select the location. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.

You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.

The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules and for testing rules. Entries are not case-sensitive. To Specify the arrival location. You can provide:

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The city or town in which a main train station is located. The system will then automatically find the main station or, if there is more than one match, it will provide a list from which you can select the location. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.

The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules and for testing rules. Departure date Select the start date of the first leg rail travel. Return date Select the date of the return leg of the rail trip. Booking date Select the date on which the rail travel is arranged. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Rail Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 215

Rail Rules Test Wizard - Rail Rules Results The Rail Rules Results page shows all the air rules that apply to the test criteria you specified on the Air Search Criteria page.

What You Provide When you have finished viewing the test results, click on Finish to return to the Rail Search Criteria page. Related Topics Rail Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 215

Car Rules Wizard Car Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Car Rules wizard lets you specify the rules for car rentals that travellers in a community are to follow.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Car rules determine the car travel options available to travellers based on certain criteria and govern which car rentals will be displayed as in-policy on the car search results page in the online reservation system. Each rule (except the global rule) consists of the criteria to which the rule applies as well as the policies and actions that are to be followed. (The global rule consists of only the policies and actions that are to be followed.) You can define the following types of car rules: •

Standard car rule. For more information see Car Rules Wizard - Standard Rule on page 218.

Global rule. For more information see Car Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 221.

Provider Preferences rule. For more information see Car Rules Wizard Car Provider Preferences on page 222.

You use the Main Menu page to create, maintain or delete car rules. The Manage Rules table displays all the existing car rules that apply to the community, including inherited rules. The global rule, if it exists, is displayed in the table. You can only view or copy inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.) The exception is the global rule, which you can modify or delete even if it has been inherited. Once you have done this, however, the inheritance is broken and cannot be reinstated. Note:

There can only be one global rule.

What You Provide •

To create a new rule, click on the button for the type of rule you want to create: Standard Car, Global Rule, Provider Preferences.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing car rule, first select the rule in the Manage Rules table, then click on View, Modify, Copy, or Delete, as appropriate.

Sorting existing rules In the Manage Rules table, you can sort the display of existing rules using any column that displays a sort icon: Click on the column title to sort. Clicking on the title again reverses the sort order. The sort icon indicates the direction of the sort (either ascending from A to Z or descending from Z to A ).

Car Rules Wizard - Standard Rule You use the Standard Rule page to define a standard rule for car rentals.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable car rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable car rules.

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If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable car rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Enter a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

Location Specify the pick-up location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Pick-up range/to Specify the car rental pick-up date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any pick-up date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

The online reservation system uses the traveller's pick-up date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the car rental booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the car rental) to test for a match for this date range. Rental duration Type the maximum duration in days of a car rental for this rule to apply. For example, if you specify 5 days, the car rental would have to be for 5 days or less for the rule to apply. Vendors, Corporate ID, Rate code, and Display rank Select up to three car vendors of your choice to which this rule applies, or, if you want the rule to apply to all car vendors, select All. If you select one or more car vendors, make the following entries for each vendor: •

In the Corporate ID column, enter the corporate ID. You will have a corporate ID (also called the customer ID) if you have negotiated rates with the vendor. Providing the corporate ID will ensure that the negotiated rates are displayed. (If you are using the Amadeus GDS, this ID is inserted using the "/CD-" option in the car availability entry.) If you do not have negotiated rates, leave this field blank.

In the Rate code column, enter the rate code. Use this option to request a specific rate category (for example, association, business or package deal) and rate plan (daily, weekly, weekend or monthly). (If you are using the Amadeus GDS, this code is inserted using the "/RC-" option in the car availability entry.) If you leave this blank, standard daily rates are displayed.

In the Display rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of this vendor in this rule relative to other car vendors. This ranking is used to highlight the car vendor as a preferred car vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.

If you select All, do the following: •

Omit the entries in the Corporate ID and Rate code columns.

Select, in the Display rank column, the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of these car vendors in this rule relative to other car vendors. This ranking is used to highlight these car vendors as the preferred car vendors on the search results page in the online reservation system.


If you want to use a Provider Preferences rule to indicate preferred car vendors, you must leave the vendor fields blank and specify the vendors and preferred display rank in the Car Provider Preference rule.

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Maximum price Specify the maximum daily price allowed for a car rental. The possible options are: •

Use global value — Uses the maximum price specified in the global air rule.

Specify value — Uses the maximum price specified. If you select this option, specify the maximum price and the currency code.

None — Allows any price.

If you select Use global value or Specify value: •

Only car rentals with a daily price less than or equal to the maximum price will be displayed as in policy

Car rentals whose daily price exceeds the maximum price will not be displayed as in policy

If you select None, any car rental, regardless of price, will be displayed as in policy. Car class Select the size of the rental car (economy, compact, intermediate, and so on) allowed under this rule. Car type Specify the type of rental car (van, limousine, and so on) allowed under this rule. When you have provided all the required information or you have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Car Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 217

Car Rules Wizard - Global Rule Use this page to customize the global car rule defined for the community. The global car rule is applied to a traveller's car search criteria when no other standard car rules match the search criteria. There can be only one global rule for car. You can create, modify or delete a global rule. Note:

Global rule parameters are treated as a group. If you change the value of one of these parameters, then inheritance is broken for all parameters in the group.

What You Provide Maximum price Specify the maximum daily price allowed for a car rental as well as the code for the maximum price currency. Only car rentals with a daily price less than or equal to this maximum price will be displayed as in policy. 216

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Car rentals whose daily price exceeds this maximum price will not be displayed as in policy. Car size Select the size of the rental car (economy, compact, intermediate, and so on) allowed under this rule. Car type Specify the type of rental car (van, SUV, and so on) allowed under this rule. Car vendors Select the desired car vendors for this rule. For each vendor you select: •

In the Corporate ID column, enter the corporate number assigned by the car vendor.

In the Rate code column, enter the rate code.

In the Display rank column, select the car vendor's priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) relative to other car vendors. This ranking is used to highlight these car vendors as desired car vendors on the search results page in the online reservation system.


You cannot select a car vendor that is currently selected in the list of excluded car vendors on the Car Vendors page of the Vendor Exclusion wizard.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Create or Modify. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel. Related Topics Car Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 217

Car Rules Wizard - Car Provider Preferences Provider Preference Rule - Overview on page 242 With the Car Provider Preferences rule you can determine vendor preferences for the car rental search. Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the level of preference and the in- and out-of-policy status of a car recommendation are displayed differently. For more information see Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options on page 243. Note:

The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a car recommendation. This is done by the standard rule. When you create a provider preferences rule, you must not fill in the vendor fields in the standard rule.

Example: A car standard rule is created to allow economy car class only, but car vendors are not defined in the car standard rule. A car provider preferences rule is created which defines the preferred (and excluded) car vendors. The car search results page displays economy cars for all vendors as in policy, and indicates which car vendors are preferred by the company.

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What You Provide Car Provider Preferences Supersede other applicable provider preference car rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable car rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable provider preference car rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Enter a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

Location Specify the pick-up location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.


Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy. Pick-up range/to Specify the car rental pick-up date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any pick-up date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's pick-up date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the car rental booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the car rental) to test for a match for this date range. Car Provider Settings Vendors Specify the car company to which this rule applies: •

Enter the car company code. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon to the right and select the car company code from the displayed list.

If you want to specify more than six car companies, click on Add Vendors.


You cannot enter a specific car company code twice in the same Car Provider Preferences rule.

Display Rule Select the display rule that you want to apply to the car company. The display rule controls the vendors that are displayed in the car and off-airport location search results pages. Choose from: Neutral, Force and Exclude. •

Neutral Neutral allows you to define a level of preference for a specific car company. If you select Neutral for a specific car company code, this car company is shown with the level of preference that you specified in the Display Rank column in the car and off-airport location search results pages. All other car companies are shown with a level of preference, if one was specified, or without a level of preference. Example: You have specified the car company code ZE (Hertz) and selected the Neutral display rule with a display rank **. In this case Hertz is shown with display rank ** in the car and off-airport location search results pages. All other car companies are shown with a display rank, if one was specified, or without a display rank.

Force Force allows you to display only the car companies associated to this display rule.

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If you select Force for a specific car company code, only this car company is displayed together with the level of preference that you specified in the Display Rank column in the car and off-airport location search results pages. Example: You have specified the car company codes AL (Alamo) and ZI (Avis) with the Force display rule. In this case only Alamo and Avis are displayed to the traveller in the car and off-airport location search results pages, even if the traveller requested another car company. •

Exclude Exclude allows you to exclude the car companies associated to this display rule. If you select Exclude for a specific car company code, this car company is not displayed in the car and off-airport locations search results pages. All other car companies are displayed with a level of preference, if one was specified, or without a level of preference.


When you select Exclude, the Display Rank option is disabled.

If several Provider Preferences rules apply for the same location, conflicting display rules for specific car companies may exist. Example: Two Car Provider Preferences rules exist and both define the car company Budget (ZD), one with the Exclude display rule and one with the Force display rule. In this case, the online reservation system applies the following priorities: Excluded vendors have the highest priority, then Force vendors, then Neutral vendors. In this case Budget is excluded from the car and off-airport location search results pages. If the same display rule is associated to a vendor with different display ranks, the highest display rank is applied. Display Rank Select the display rank that you want to be applied to the car company. The display rank controls the level of preference with which the car company is displayed in the car and off-airport location search results pages. Choose from: •

Dislike (if available; depends on the Preference Display setting in the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard)



*** (highest level of preference)

Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the provider level of preference and the in- and outof-policy status of a car recommendation are displayed differently in the search results pages. (Click on the link Preference Displays on top of this help page for a description.) Apply these settings to the following recommendations Select to which car recommendations you want the Car Provider Settings to be applied in the car and off-airport location search results pages. Choose from: •


In Policy

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Out of Policy (not available if the Display Rule setting in the Car Configuration wizard does not allow out of policy recommendations)

Both In and Out of Policy


The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a car recommendation; this is done by the standard rule.


If you create two Car Provider Preferences rules for one car company and one rule applies the Car Provider Preferences Settings to in-policy recommendations, and the other one to out-of-policy recommendations, then the Car Provider Preferences settings for this car company are applied to in- and out-of-policy recommendations and the display rank associated to the car company is the higher one of the two rules.

When you have provided all the required information or you have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if it is displayed. Related Topics Car Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 217

Car Rules Test Wizard Car Rules Test Wizard - Overview Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Car Rules Test wizard lets you test the car rules defined for a community. (You define the car rules for a community in the Car Rules wizard.). Specifically, you can specify test car search criteria and then view all the car rules that apply to that test criteria. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Rules Test Wizard - Car Search Criteria below

Car Rules Test Wizard - Car Rules Results on page 227

Car Rules Test Wizard - Car Search Criteria You use the Car Search Criteria page to specify car search criteria to be used to test the car rules defined for a community.

What You Provide Trip reason Select the trip reason. Location Specify the pick-up location. Identifying the location — You can provide: © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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A three-letter airport code (for example, JFK or ORD)

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Admin Guide

Entries are not case-sensitive. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. Pick-up date Select the date on which the rental car will be picked up. Drop-off date Select the date on which the rental car will be dropped off. Booking date Select the date on which the car rental is arranged. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Car Rules Test Wizard - Overview on page 226

Car Rules Test Wizard - Car Rules Results The Car Rules Results page shows all the car rules that apply to the test criteria you specified on the Car Search Criteria page.

What You Provide When you have finished viewing the test results, click on Finish to return to the Car Search Criteria page. Related Topics Car Rules Test Wizard - Overview on page 226


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Hotel Rules Wizard Hotel Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Hotel Rules wizard lets you specify the rules for hotel stays that travellers in a community are to follow. Hotel rules determine the hotel travel options available to travellers based on certain criteria and govern which hotels will be displayed as in policy on the hotel search results page in the online reservation system. Each rule (except the global rule) consists of the criteria to which the rule applies as well as the policies and actions that are to be followed. (The global rule consists of only the policies and actions that are to be followed.) You can define the following types of hotel rules: •

Standard rule. For more information see Hotel Rules Wizard - Standard Rule below. You can either create the standard rules individually, or you can create them in one go using data contained in an Excel file. For information on how to do this, see Hotel Rules Wizard - Upload Rules on page 237.

Global rule. For more information see Hotel Rules Wizard - Global Rule on page 232.

Provider Preferences rule. For more information see Hotel Rules Wizard Hotel Provider Preferences on page 233.

The Manage Rules table displays all the existing hotel rules that apply to the community, including inherited rules. The global rule, if it exists, is displayed in the table. You can only view or copy inherited rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.) The exception is the global rule, which you can modify or delete even if it has been inherited. Once you have done this, however, the inheritance is broken and cannot be reinstated. Note:

There can only be one global rule.

What You Provide You use the Main Menu page to create, maintain or delete hotel rules. •

To create a new rule, click on the button for the type of rule you want to create: Standard Hotel, Global Rule, Provider Preferences. To create all the standard rules in one go using data from an Excel spreadsheet, click on Upload Rules.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing hotel rule, first select the rule in the Manage Rules table, then click on View, Modify, Copy, or Delete, as appropriate.

Sorting existing rules In the Manage Rules table, you can sort the display of existing rules using any column that displays a sort icon:

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Click on the column title to sort. Clicking on the title again reverses the sort order. The sort icon indicates the direction of the sort (either ascending from A to Z or descending from Z to A ).

Hotel Rules Wizard - Standard Rule You use the Standard Rule page to define a standard rule for hotel stays.

What You Provide Supersede other applicable hotel rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable hotel rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable hotel rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. or: Give priority over other applicable standard hotel rules This option is only available if the Rule Backup option in the Hotel Configuration Wizard is activated. Specify whether this rule will be applied to hotel requests in place of other applicable standard hotel rules. If you select this option, rules with the Give priority over other applicable standard hotel rules option selected will be applied to hotel requests. Rules that apply but that do not have this option selected will be applied only if there are no results from the priority rules. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

Location Specify the hotel location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. •

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Check-in range/to Specify the hotel check-in date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any check-in date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's check-in date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Select the beginning and ending dates of the hotel booking period to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking period, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the hotel stay) to test for a match to this booking period. Room nights Specify the maximum number of nights to which this rule will apply. For example, if you enter 6, this rule will only apply when travellers specify six nights or less for their hotel stay. Maximum and Minimum Price per Night Specify the maximum and minimum price allowed per night for a hotel room. The possible options are: •

Use global value — Uses the maximum and minimum prices specified in the global hotel rule.

Specify values — Uses the maximum and minimum prices specified. If you select this option, specify the maximum and minimum prices as well as the currency code.

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None — Allows any price. If you select Use global value or Specify values: -

Only hotel rooms with rates that are less than or equal to the maximum price and greater than or equal to the minimum price will be displayed as in policy


Hotel rooms with rates that exceed the maximum price or are less than the minimum price will not be displayed as in policy

If you select None, any hotel room, regardless of price, will be displayed as in policy. Use any hotel vendors When selected, all hotel vendors are in policy. With this option selected, you can optionally create a hotel provider preferences rule to define your preference for hotel vendors. •

If you select this option and do not create a hotel provider preferences rule, all hotel companies are shown as in-policy, with no level of preference.

If you select this option and also create a hotel provider preferences rule, all hotel companies are shown as in-policy, and display the level of preference you have defined in the rule.

For more information see the help for the Hotel Provider Preferences rule. Use all hotel vendors Specify in the Display Rank column the priority to be displayed for hotel vendors in this rule on the search results page in the online reservation system. Specify hotel vendors If you select this option, select up to 60 hotel vendors. For each vendor, specify, in the Display Rank column, the priority of this vendor in this rule relative to other hotel vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired hotel vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system. Specify property codes Specify property codes — Uses the hotel vendors for the property codes that you specify. You can specify up to 50 property codes. If you select this option, select how you want to specify the property codes. The options are: •


Load property codes from spreadsheet — Allows you to copy property code data from an Excel spreadsheet and paste it in the text box. The data must be in a four-column format as follows: -

Column 1: The Amadeus hotel property code.


Column 2: The name of the hotel vendor.


Column 3: The maximum authorized price for the hotel.


Column 4: The display rank; that is, the priority (with 3 asterisks indicating the highest priority) of this vendor in this rule relative to other hotel vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired hotel vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.

Specify property codes individually — Allows you to enter each property code individually as follows: Edition v14.0

Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules


In the Property Code column, enter the Amadeus hotel property code.


In the Name column, enter the name of the hotel vendor.


In the Display Rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of this vendor in this rule relative to other hotel vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired hotel vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.


It is important to make sure that the property codes are consistent with the hotel rule location. For example, you create a hotel rule for France, and enter property codes for Bordeaux and Paris. If a traveller performs a search for hotels in Nice, the hotel rule for France is processed, and hotels in Bordeaux and Paris appear in the search results. To avoid this, you should make sure to define hotel rules that correspond to the property codes you enter.

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed. Related Topics Hotel Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 227

Hotel Rules Wizard - Global Rule Use this page to customize the global hotel rule defined for the community. The global hotel rule is applied to a traveller's hotel search criteria when no other standard hotel rules match the search criteria. There can be only one global rule for hotels. You can create, modify or delete a global rule. Note:

Global rule parameters are treated as a group. If you change the value of one of these parameters, then inheritance is broken for all parameters in the group.

What You Provide Minimum price per night Specify the minimum price allowed for a hotel room per night. Only hotel rooms with a daily price greater than or equal to this minimum amount will be displayed as in policy. Hotel rooms whose daily price is less than this minimum amount will not be displayed as in policy. Maximum price per night Specify the maximum price allowed for a hotel room per night. Only hotel rooms with a daily price less than or equal to this maximum amount will be displayed as in policy. Hotel rooms whose daily price exceeds this maximum amount will not be displayed as in policy.

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Currency Specify the currency for the Maximum amount and Minimum amounts options. Use any hotel vendors Select to display any hotel vendor. Specify hotel vendors Specify hotel vendors — Uses the hotel vendors that you select. If you select this option, select up to 60 hotel vendors. For each vendor, specify, in the Display Rank column, the priority of this vendor relative to other hotel vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired hotel vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system. Specify property codes Specify property codes — Uses the hotel vendors for the property codes that you specify. You can specify up to 50 property codes. If you select this option, select how you want to specify the property codes. The options are: •

Load property codes from spreadsheet — Allows you to copy property code data from an Excel spreadsheet and paste it in the text box. The data must be in a three-column format as follows: -

Column 1: The Amadeus hotel property code.


Column 2: The name of the hotel vendor.


Column 3: The display rank; that is, the priority (1, 2, or 3, with 3 indicating the highest priority) of this vendor relative to other hotel vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired hotel vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.

Specify property codes individually — Allows you to enter each property code individually as follows: -

In the Property Code column, enter the Amadeus hotel property code.


In the Name column, enter the name of the hotel vendor.


In the Display Rank column, select the priority (with three stars indicating the highest priority) of this vendor relative to other hotel vendors. This ranking is used to highlight this vendor as a desired hotel vendor on the search results page in the online reservation system.

You can also enter a message that will appear to the traveller when the search results display a hotel that has a property code defined. Note:

It is important to make sure that the property codes are consistent with the hotel rule location. For example, you create a hotel rule for France, and enter property codes for Bordeaux and Paris. If a traveller performs a search for hotels in Nice, the hotel rule for France is processed, and hotels in Bordeaux and Paris appear in the search results. To avoid this, you should make sure to define hotel rules that correspond to the property codes you enter.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Create or Modify. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Related Topics Hotel Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 227

Hotel Rules Wizard - Hotel Provider Preferences Provider Preference Rule - Overview on page 242 With the Hotel Provider Preferences rule you can determine vendor preferences for the search of hotel accommodation. Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the level of preference and the in- and out-of-policy status of a hotel recommendation are displayed differently. For more information see Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options on page 243. Note:

The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a hotel recommendation. This is done by the standard rule.


For the Hotel Provider Preferences rule to apply you must create a Hotel Standard rule and select the option Use any hotel vendors.

Example: A hotel standard rule is created to define a maximum price for a hotel room. A hotel provider preferences rule is created which defines the preferred (and excluded) hotel vendors. The hotel search results page displays all hotels within the price limit as in policy, and indicates which hotel chains are preferred by the company.

What You Provide Hotel Provider Preferences Supersede other applicable provider preference hotel rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable provider preferences hotel rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable provider preference hotel rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Type a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

Location Specify the hotel location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field.

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The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. •

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Check-in range/to Specify the hotel check-in date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any check-in date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's check-in date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Select the beginning and ending dates of the hotel booking period to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking period, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the hotel stay) to test for a match to this booking period. Hotel Provider Settings Vendors Specify the hotel company to which this rule applies: •

Enter the hotel company code. Alternatively, you can click on the search icon to the right and select the hotel company code from the displayed list.

To specify more than six hotel companies, click on Add Vendors.



You cannot enter a specific hotel company code twice in the same Hotel Provider Preferences rule.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Display Rule Select the display rule that you want to apply to the hotel company. The display rule controls the vendors that are displayed in the hotel search results pages. Choose from: Neutral, Force and Exclude. •

Neutral Neutral allows you to define a level of preference for a specific hotel company. If you select Neutral for a specific hotel company code, this hotel company is shown with the level of preference that you specified in the Display Rank column in the hotel search and room availability results pages. All other hotel companies are shown with a level of preference, if one was specified, or without a level of preference. Example: You have specified the hotel company code HI and selected the Neutral display rule with a display rank **. In this case all Holiday Inn properties in the hotel and room availability search results pages are shown with display rank **. All other hotel companies are shown with a display rank, if one was specified, or without a display rank.

Force Force allows you to display only the hotel companies associated to this display rule. If you select Force for a specific hotel company code, only this hotel company is displayed including the level of preference that you specified in the Display Rank column, in the hotel search results pages. Example: You have specified the hotel company codes HY (Hyatt) and MC (Marriott) with the Force display rule. In this case only Hyatt and Marriott hotel properties are displayed to the traveller in the hotel search results pages, even if the traveller requested another hotel company code.

Exclude Exclude allows you to exclude the hotel companies associated to this display rule. If you select Exclude for a specific hotel company code, this hotel company is not displayed in the hotel search results pages. All other hotel companies are displayed with a level of preference, if one was specified, or without a level of preference. Note:

When you select Exclude the Display Rank option is disabled.

If several Provider Preferences rules apply for the same location, conflicting display rules for specific hotel companies may exist. Example: Two Hotel Provider Preferences rules exist and both define the hotel company Hyatt (HY), one with the Exclude display rule and one with the Force display rule. In this case, the online reservation system applies the following priorities: Excluded vendors have the highest priority, then Force vendors, then Neutral vendors. In this case Hyatt hotel properties are excluded from the hotel search results pages. If the same display rule is associated to a vendor with different display ranks, the highest display rank is applied.

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Display Rank Select the display rank that you want to be applied to the hotel company. The display rank controls the level of preference with which the hotel company is displayed in the hotel and room availability search results pages. Choose from: •

Dislike (if available, depends on the Preference Display setting in the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard)



*** (highest level of preference)

Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the provider level of preference and the in- and outof-policy status of a hotel recommendation are displayed differently in the search results pages. (Click on the link Preference Displays on top of this help page for a description.) Apply these settings to the following recommendations Select to which hotel recommendations you want the Hotel Provider Settings to be applied in the hotel and room availability search results pages. Choose from: •

In Policy

Out of Policy (not available if the Display Rule setting in the Hotel Configuration wizard does not allow out-of-policy recommendations)

Both In and Out of Policy


The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a hotel recommendation: this is done by the standard rule.


If you create two Hotel Provider Preferences rules for one hotel company and one rule applies the Hotel Provider Preferences Settings to in policy recommendations and the other one to out-of-policy recommendations, then the Hotel Provider Preferences settings for this hotel company are applied to in- and out-of-policy recommendations and the display rank associated to the hotel company is the higher one of the two rules.

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Done, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if it is displayed. Related Topics Hotel Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 227

Hotel Rules Wizard - Upload Rules


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Overview The Upload Hotel Rules wizard allows you to create all the standard hotel rules for your community in one go using hotel property codes contained in an Excel file. The purpose of this method is to simplify rule maintenance, particularly when you have a lot of property codes to enter into the rules.

Features Here are the features of using the Upload Hotel Rules method to create hotel standard rules: •

When you upload the rules, all existing hotel standard rules with associated property codes are deleted. The new rules you create are based on the data entered in the Excel file.

When you create the rules, you can subsequently display, modify or delete them using the Hotel Standard Rules wizard. However, if you reload hotel properties from the Excel file, all existing hotel standard rules with associated property codes will be deleted.

There is a limit of 50 hotel properties per rule, but your Excel file can contain data for multiple rules.

The format of the Excel file must follow the structure described below. A blank template is provided.

Hotel property codes are mandatory. They are GDS-specific, and are determined by the GDS used by the community you are working in.

What You Provide If you need to create the Excel file, click on the link to the template provided. If you have already created the Excel file, click on Browse to specify the file location. The Excel file must be in the following format. Table: Fields in the Excel File for Loading Hotel Standard Rules Field Name

Description and Format


Property Code

Maximum 8 alphanumeric characters. The format is GDS-dependent.

BWPAR381 for an Amadeus property code.

This field is mandatory. Property Name

Maximum 80 alphanumeric characters.

Hotel West End

Maximum Price

The maximum price allowed for the property, up to 9 digits.



The display rank, shown to the user when booking a hotel.


1-3 (3 is the highest rank and will display three stars against this property)

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Field Name Supersede

Admin Guide

Description and Format


T (true) or F (false)


Specifies whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable provider preferences hotel rules. If left blank the default value is F (false). Description

The name of the rule, up to 80 alphanumeric characters.

Hotels in Paris

If not entered, the system automatically creates the rule name based on the location of the hotel. For example PAR rule. Trip Reason

A trip reason code, as defined in the Trip Reason wizard, up to 10 characters.


If this field is left blank, the rule applies to all trip reasons. Location Type

A 2-character code to indicate the hotel location that the rule applies to. WO




City or airport


State or province



If this field is left blank the system automatically creates the location type CA, based on the city or airport code of the hotel property code. Location Code

An IATA code for the city/airport, state/province or country.


Leave blank if you entered WO (world) in the Location Type field. If this field is left blank the system automatically creates the location code using the city or airport code of the hotel property code.


Check-in Range (from/to fields)

The date of the stay, in the format dd/mm/yyyy


Booking Range (from/to fields)

The beginning and ending dates of the hotel booking period to which this rule applies, in the format dd/mm/yyyy


Room Nights

The maximum number of nights to which this rule will apply, 1-999


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

Field Name

Description and Format


Price per Night at Rule Level Price Values

Indicates whether you want to use the minimum and maximum prices entered in the Hotel Global Rule, or enter them in the specific standard rule. GV

Use the prices in the hotel global rule


Enter specific values in the minimum/maximum prices fields.


Minimum Price

The minimum price per night of the hotel rooms that will be displayed as In Policy to the traveller.


Maximum Price

The minimum price per night of the hotel rooms that will be displayed as in policy to the traveller.



3-character currency code, for the minimum and maximum prices given above.


Enter data for each hotel property on a separate line in the file. When you upload the file the system checks that the format is correct. If not, you receive an error message and you must correct the file before the rules can be created. A confirmation message is displayed when the rules have been successfully created. The rules are displayed in the Manage Rules table. For more information, see How to Upload Hotel Rules from an Excel File on page 457. Related Topics Hotel Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 227 Hotel Rules Wizard - Standard Rule on page 228.

Hotel Rules Test Wizard Hotel Rules Test Wizard- Overview Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules The Hotel Rules Test wizard lets you test the hotel rules that you have defined using the Hotel Rules wizard. Specifically, you can specify test hotel search criteria and then view all the hotel rules that apply to that test criteria. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Hotel Rules Test Wizard - Hotel Search Criteria below


Hotel Rules Test Wizard - Hotel Rules Results on page 241

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Hotel Rules Test Wizard - Hotel Search Criteria You use the Hotel Search Criteria page to specify the hotel search criteria to be used to test the hotel rules defined for a community.

What You Provide Trip reason Select the trip reason. Location Specify the location of the hotel stay. Identifying the location — You can provide: •

A three-letter airport code (for example, JFK or ORD)

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. Check-in date Specify the date of arrival at the hotel. Check-out date Specify the date of departure from the hotel. Booking date Select the date on which the hotel stay is arranged. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Hotel Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 240 236

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Hotel Rules Test Wizard - Hotel Rules Results The Hotel Rules Results page shows all the hotel rules that apply to the test criteria you specified on the Hotel Search Criteria page.

What You Provide When you have finished viewing the test results, click on Finish to return to the Hotel Search Criteria page. Related Topics Hotel Rules Test Wizard- Overview on page 240

Provider Preferences Rule Provider Preference Rule - Overview Using the Provider Preferences rule (called Air Preference rule for air) you can control which vendors are displayed to the traveller in the air, hotel and car search results pages, and the level of preference with which these vendors are displayed. The Provider Preferences rule allows you to assign a specific level of preference (display rank) and a display rule (to exclude or limit the search results pages to specific vendors, for example) to a list of vendors of your choice. For air (Air Preference rule) additional preference settings can be defined. For rail the Provider Preferences rule allows you to define the level of preference for the rail provider available in the community. Note:

The Provider Preferences rule does not define the in- or out-of-policy status of a travel recommendation. This is done by the standard rule (web search rule for web fares).

Depending on the Preference Display setting that you have chosen in the Community Structure wizard, the provider level of preference and the in- and outof-policy status of a travel recommendation are displayed differently in the search results pages. For more details see Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options on page 243 Setting Up Provider Preferences To define provider preferences in the Provider Preferences rule, follow these steps: 1. Choose the type of preference display that you prefer in the Preference Display section of the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard. 2. In the main menu of the Air, Hotel, Car or Rail Rules wizard create a Provider Preferences rule (Air Preference rule for air). Standard Rule Versus Provider Preferences Rule You use the standard rule (web search rule for web fares) to define in- or out-ofpolicy travel recommendations, and the Provider Preferences rule to indicate your preference for specific providers in the search results pages. Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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If the Provider Preferences rule applies to out-of-policy recommendations, these recommendations are shown with the level of preference as specified in the Provider Preferences rule. If a standard rule (web search rule for web fares) does not exist, but a Provider Preferences rule does, the Provider Preferences rule is used only if it is applied to out-of-policy recommendations. How the online reservation system uses rules When a traveller submits a travel request, the online reservation system searches for rules with criteria that match the traveller's air search criteria, and: •

If one or more standard rules match, it applies the policies and actions contained in those rules to the travel request. Note:


The online reservation does not combine policies and actions of multiple rules and apply them to a travel request; instead it applies each rule separately. For example, if one rule sets only maximum price at $400 and another rule sets only ABC Airline as an air vendor, then any flight below $400 is considered in policy, and any flight with ABC Airline is considered in policy, regardless of price. If one or more rules in a rule type (for example, standard) have been set to supersede other applicable rules of that type, then only those rules will be applied to a travel request; rules of that type that are not set to supersede will not be applied.

If no standard rules match and no global rule is defined, the travel request may not be allowed, depending on the display rule settings enabled for the community on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard.

Provider Preferences Rule - Preference Display Options If you select For in policy trip: preference indicator at itinerary level. For out of policy trip: preference indicator at vendor level in the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard, the in- and out-of-policy status of a travel recommendation (and level of preference if a provider preference rule exists ) are shown as follows: In Policy Results (1)

Out of Policy Results if a Provider Preference Rule exists and there are no in-policy recommendations offered by the online reservation system. (2)

Display Rank Setting for the Vendor in the Standard Rule (Web Search Rule for Web Fares) or Provider Preferences Rule

* ** ***

If you select For in/out of policy trip: in/out of policy indicator at itinerary level, preference indicator at vendor level in the Community Structure Community Identification wizard, the in- and out-of-policy status of a travel recommendation (and level of preference if a provider preference rule exists ) are shown as follows:


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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

In Policy Results (1)

Out of Policy Results (1)

Level of Preference - if a Standard Rule (Web Search Rule for Web Fares) or Provider Preference Rule exists (2)

Display Rank Setting for the Vendor in the Standard Rule (Web Search Rule for Web Fares) or Provider Preferences Rule Dislike * ** ***

(1) Displayed in the Option column of the search results pages (after Search by Schedule for air and rail), or with the travel solution for air or rail results after a Search by Fare request. (2) Displayed: •

in the Vendor, Car Company or Hotel Chain column of the search results pages (after Search by Schedule for air and rail)

in the Options column on the Hotel Room Availability page

with the travel solution for air or rail results after a Search by Fare request

Message Rules Wizard Message Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules This wizard lets you create a rule to display marketing communication messages for specific journeys. The rule is activated for a specific element, such as the air module. In this case, when the configuration is completed, the message will be displayed at the top of the Air Availability and on the Please Wait page. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Message Rules Wizard - Main Menu

Message Rules Wizard - Definition on page 245

The messages can be formatted with a limited selection of HTML tags and can include an image, graphic or URL link. You can: •

Create a new message

View an existing message

Modify an existing message

Delete an existing message

Click on Create New Message to define a new rule and create a message. If you want to view, modify or delete an existing message rule, first select the rule in the table, then click on View, Modify or Delete, as appropriate.

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Message Rules Wizard - Definition Use this page to create rules to display marketing communication messages for specific journeys. The messages will appear in the Availability pages, and in the Please Wait pages for air and train searches. Messages can be formatted with a limited selection of HTML tags and can include an image, graphic or URL link. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Message Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 244

Message Rules Wizard - Definition

What You Provide Description Use this field to enter a short description for the rule. You may use up to 80 alphanumeric characters. Trip Element Use this field to define the trip element, for example: air, rail, car or hotel. From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.


Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy. To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Message Note:

You can enter a Message, a Link, or both.

Use this field to create a message for the rule, up to 4,000 characters. You can add graphics and images and format the message with the HTML tags displayed below the field. Link and Link Text Note:

You can enter a Message, a Link, or both.

Use the Link field to specify a fully-qualified URL, up to 255 characters. You must also enter the Link Text that the traveller will click on to open the link, up to 150 characters. When you have provided all the required information, click on Create, Modify or Done, whichever is displayed. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

Message Rules Test Wizard This wizard allows you to see the rules that will be activated for a given route or location.

What You Provide Trip Element Use the menu to select a trip element. From/To - Location For Air and Rail elements, define a route by entering from and to destinations. For Car and Hotel elements, enter a location. When you have entered all of the necessary information, click on Next to run the test. The test result page is displayed. If there are rules matching the search criteria, the list of message rules are displayed. If no rules exist, a message indicates that there are no matching rules.

Fare Group Rules Wizard Fare Group Rules Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules This wizard is available if Activate Amadeus Single View is selected in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard or the Rail Configuration wizard for Swedish Rail. The Fare Groups Rules wizard allows you to associate the fare groups that you have defined for a community with the destinations (geographic application) for which you want them to apply. In addition, you can define on which portion of the trip (outbound and/or inbound, for example) you want the fare groups to apply. The fare group rules determine the fare groups (fares with similar fare types and fare note restrictions or with matching fare basis or booking codes, for example) and the order in which they are displayed to the traveller on the Single View search results page.



Only one fare group rule is eligible per destination.


Only fare groups of the same air type can be included in a rule. You cannot include both fare groups with the fare group type Restrictions and with the fare group type Air Provider Settings. You can, however, include fare groups with an air type (Restrictions or Air Provider Settings) and with no air type (no GDS Air section) in one rule.

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Chapter 13 Rules - Policy Rules

The main menu of this wizard shows a table with all the existing fare group rules that apply to the community, including inherited fare group rules from parent communities. You can only view or copy inherited fare group rules; you cannot modify or delete them. (Inherited fare group rules can be modified or deleted only in the community in which they were created.) This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Fare Group Rules Wizard - Main Menu

Fare Group Rules Wizard - Fare Group Rule below

What You Provide •

To create a new rule, click on Create Fare Groups Rule.

To view, modify, copy, or delete an existing fare group rule, first select the rule in the table, then click on View, Modify, Copy, or Delete, as appropriate.

Sorting existing rules In the table, you can sort the display of existing rules using any column that displays a sort icon: Click on the column title to sort. Clicking on the title again reverses the sort order. The sort icon indicates the direction of the sort (either ascending from A to Z or descending from Z to A ).

Fare Group Rules Wizard - Fare Group Rule You use the Fare Group Rule page to define a rule for governing fare groups and their geographic application and to determine how the fare groups are displayed to the traveller in the Single View search results display. This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Fare Group Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 247

Fare Group Rules Wizard - Fare Group Rule

What You Provide Supersede other applicable fare group rules Specify whether this rule will be applied to travel requests in place of other applicable fare group rules. If you select this option, only rules with the Supersede other applicable fare group rules option selected will be applied to travel requests; rules that do not have this option selected will not be applied. Description Enter a description for the rule. It is recommended that you use a description that is unique within the community. Type (Swedish Rail) Select whether you want the fare group rule to air and rail travel, air travel only or rail travel only. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Trip reason Select the trip reason to which this rule applies. Note:

Trip reasons are defined in the Trip Reason Codes wizard.

From Specify the departure location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station (rail only) — a specific railway station.

City — Applies to a specified city. If you select this option, specify the city as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

To Specify the arrival location to which this rule applies. The options are: •

World — Applies to any location in the world.

Main Station (rail only) — a specific railway station.

City — Applies to a specified city. If you select this option, specify the city as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for.


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3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. •

State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

Custom Region — Applies to any location within a specified custom region. If you select this option, select the region from the list of all regions defined for the community and communities above the community in the community hierarchy.

Departure range/to Specify the air travel departure date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any departure date range, then leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's first departure date to test for a match for this date range. Booking range/to Specify the air travel booking date range to which this rule applies. If you want the rule to apply to any booking date range, leave the date entries as Month Day Year. The online reservation system uses the traveller's booking date (that is, the date the traveller arranges the air travel) to test for a match for this date range. Direction The direction to which this rule applies: •

One way — Applies to a one-way trip from Point A to Point B or to a one-way trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: New York - London or London - New York

Round trip — Applies to a round trip from Point A to Point B or to a round trip in the reverse direction, that is, from Point B to Point A. Note that to be considered a round trip, both the From location and the To location of the rule must occur at least once in the trip, and the first and last locations of the trip must fall in the same geographic location. Example: For a rule that applies from Spain to England, Madrid - London Barcelona would be considered a round trip, while Madrid - London -

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Manchester would not (because the first and last locations do not fall in the same geographic location). •

Multiple Destinations (if available) — Applies to a trip that is neither a oneway trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. For example: Beijing - London - Johannesburg - Madrid. Note:

Do not select Multiple Destinations if the fare group rule is for Air France Subscriber fare groups.

Round-trip Flight Faring Select how return air fares should be calculated for the fare group rule: •

Exclusive round-trip faring - Only round-trip fares are targeted. You must use the same fare group for outbound and inbound legs.

Exclusive one-way faring - Only one-way fares are targeted.

Round-trip and one-way faring - Both round-trip and one-way fares are targeted.

Fare Group Type Restrictions/ Air Provider Settings Select for which fare group type you want to apply this rule. This defines the fare groups that you can choose from in the Available Groups section. Remember, you can only select one fare group air type (Restrictions or Air Provider Settings) per rule. Destination Group Selection Available Groups Select the fare group that you want to define in this rule from the drop-down list (max. 5). The drop-down list displays all the fare groups that are available for the fare group type that you have selected in the Fare Group Type section of this wizard and for the community. In addition fare groups with no air type (no GDS Air section) are displayed. If you have activated Swedish Rail, the drop-down list displays the fare groups you have defined for air and rail, according to the value you have selected in the Type field above. You can combine air and rail travel in the same fare group. Directions Select for which directionality you want the fare group to apply (you must select at least one): •

Outbound — Applies to a trip from Point A to Point B. Example: New York - London

Inbound — Applies to a trip in the reverse direction from the outbound, that is, from Point B to Point A. Example: London - New York

Multiple Destinations — Applies to a trip that is neither a one-way trip nor a round trip but has multiple destinations, for example, a trip from Point A to Point B to Point C to Point D. Example: Beijing - London - Johannesburg - Madrid


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Tab Colors Here you define the text and background colors of the fare group column headers (tabs) in the Single View display. Select Default skin colors if you want to use the default colors, or Customized colors if you want to customize your own. To customize the Text and Background colors, click on the buttons next to these fields. If you know the code of the color that you want to apply (Example: B8385C), you can enter it directly in the # field at the top of the pop-up window. To select a color from the Color Palette: 1. Click inside the color panel on the right side of the pop-up window and select a color from the color spectrum. 2. Click inside the Color Palette to select the color that you want and then on Select. Note that you must customize both the text color and the background color. Then click on Add to add the fare group to the Selected Groups table. Note:

The tab colors are also displayed in the Shopping Basket of the Search Results page.


If you want to modify the tab colors of a fare group, you need to first delete the fare group from the Selected Groups table and then restore it to the table with the new tab colors.

Selected Groups Table The sequence in which you enter the fare groups in the Selected Groups Table, defines the order in which the fare groups are displayed to the traveller on the search results page. The group on top of the table is displayed on the far left of the search results page, the second group is displayed to the right of the first one, and so on. Note:

You must organize the fare groups from the least restricted on the top of the table to the most restricted on the bottom.

You can change the fare group order by clicking on Move Up or Move Down.

To delete a fare group from a rule, click on that you want to delete.

in the row with the fare group

Web Fare This section is only displayed if Web Search is enabled in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard. Limit Outbound Web Fare to Be Displayed to Select this option if you want to restrict the number of web fares that are displayed in outbound search results. If you select the option, choose the maximum number of web fares to display. Default Web Fare Group Optionally select the default fare groups for those web fares that are not defined in a specific fare group. You can select different default fare groups for the Outbound and the Inbound portion of a trip. In the search results display, web fares will be displayed in the fare groups that you specify here. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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If you want to define some web fares in a specific fare group, you define these web fares by their commercial family name in the Web Fare section of the Fare Groups wizard. For more information see the help for the Fare Groups wizard.

When you have provided all the required information or have finished viewing the settings, click on Create, Modify, Copy, or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel, if displayed.

Fare Group Rules Test Wizard Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Overview Navigation: Rules > Policy Rules This wizard is available if Activate Amadeus Single View is selected in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard or the Rail Configuration wizard for Swedish Rail. The Fare Group Rules Test wizard lets you test the fare group rules that are defined for a community (You define the fare group rules in the Fare Group Rules wizard). Specifically, you can specify test search criteria and then view all the fare group rules that apply to that test criteria. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Search Criteria below


Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Fare Group Results on page 255

Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Search Criteria You use the Search Criteria page to specify search criteria to be used to test the fare group rules defined for a community.

What You Provide Component If Swedish Rail has been activated on the community, select the type of travel that you want to test in the wizard. Trip type Specify whether the trip is a return (round) trip or a trip that is either one way or multiple destinations. Trip reason Select the trip reason. From Specify the departure location.


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Note that for multiple destinations, you need to enter the departure location for each itinerary segment. Identifying the location — You can provide: •

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. To Specify the arrival location. Note that for multiple destinations, you need to enter the arrival location for each itinerary segment. Identifying the location — You can provide: •

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

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Departure date Select the start date of the first leg of the trip. Return date Select the date of the return leg (or last leg) of the trip. Booking date Select the date on which the trip is arranged. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Overview on page 253

Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Fare Group Results The Fare Group Results page shows all the fare group rules that apply to the test criteria that you specified on the Search Criteria page. If no fare group rules match the criteria, you will see one of the following results instead: Default Fare Group Rule This applies to the Amadeus GDS only. The result Default Fare Group Rule is displayed when the criteria did not match any fare group rules and Use Single View when origin and destination do not match a fare group rule is selected in the Air Settings Configuration wizard. If a traveller searches by fare for these criteria, the Single View matrix will consist of a single column representing the lowest fare only (using the default fare group). There is no applicable fare group rule and travellers will not be able to search for flights with this origin/destination This applies to the Galileo GDS only. This result is displayed when the criteria did not match any fare group rules and Use Single View when origin and destination do not match a fare group rule is selected in the Air Settings Configuration wizard. If a traveller searches by fare for these criteria, he will be informed that a search for the origin and destination combination is not allowed. The traveller can only search for the origin and destination using a search by schedule. There is no fare group rule defined for this origin/destination. The standard fare-driven flow will be used This applies to both Amadeus and Galileo. This result is displayed when the criteria did not match any fare group rules and Use Single View when origin and destination do not match a fare group rule is not selected in the Air Settings Configuration wizard.


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If a traveller searches for these criteria, the standard Search by Fare availability will be displayed instead of Single View. When you have finished viewing the test results, click on Finish to return to the Search Criteria page. Related Topics Fare Group Rules Test Wizard - Overview on page 253

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Chapter 14

Scoring Wizard

Navigation: Rules The Scoring wizard appears when you have selected Activate Scoring in the Scoring section of the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. The purpose of this wizard is to define scoring penalty points for flights that differ from the best-scored flight within the categories: Price, Elapsed Time, Policy Compliance, Web Fares and Alternate Airport. By assigning penalty points, you assign weight to each of the categories. The penalty points are used to calculate a score for each flight search result. The system calculates the penalty points in each of these categories and accumulates them to the final score. The lowest score is the best (top) score. Top-scoring flights are displayed to the traveller sorted by score. You can define which flights you want to display in the Scoring Display Rule of the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard. Note:

Scoring is only applied for Search by Fare requests. It is applied to inand out-of-policy flight options.

What You Provide Price This section allows you to define the score for a flight compared to the lowestpriced GDS flight. Enter the amount (up to 99999), select the currency or percent, and enter the scoring penalty points (up to 1000). Note:

The currency (community currency) is defined in the General Settings section of the Community Structure wizard.


The system considers the amount/percentage entered as the minimum required to score the specified number of penalty points. Example: If you enter 'For every USD 10.00 increase in price, add 10 scoring penalty points to the flight option', a flight with a USD 8.00 increase in price would score 0 points, a flight with a USD 12.00 increase in price would score 10 points.


The scoring of a flight offered through a web fare is based on the lowest GDS price.

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Elapsed Time This section allows you to define the score for a flight compared to the shortest elapsed travel time of any GDS flight offered. The elapsed travel time is the sum of all flight times of the itinerary plus the layover time between flights. Enter the minutes or the percentage, select minutes or percent, and enter the scoring penalty points (up to 1000). Note:

The system considers the minutes/percentage entered as the minimum required to score the specified number of penalty points. Example: If you enter 'For every 10 minutes increase in elapsed time, add 10 scoring penalty points to the flight option', a flight with an 8-minute increase in elapsed time would score 0 points, a flight with a 12-minute increase in elapsed time would score 10 points.


The scoring of a flight offered through a web fare is based on the shortest elapsed travel time offered by any GDS flight.

Policy Compliance This section allows you to define the score for a flight based on its compliance with all applicable rules. Enter the penalty points (up to 1000) for every drop in the level of preference. A flight with the highest level of preference does not score penalty points. In addition, you can assign penalty points for every multiple (up to 99999 USD) of the flight price offered. Note:

Web fares are not scored in this category.

Web Fares This section allows you to define the score for a flight offered through a web fare versus a GDS fare. Enter the penalty points (up to 1000) for every multiple (up to 99999 USD) of the flight price offered. Note:

A web fare can have a negative score.

Alternate Airport This section allows you to define penalty points for every alternate airport in the itinerary. Airports that have been defined as Preferred airports in the Destination Builder wizard and multi-airport GDS settings are not penalized. For more information see the help for the Destination Builder wizard. A travel approver can display the scoring information details by clicking on the View Scoring link on the Trip Pending Approval page. When an itinerary is booked, the scoring information is saved in the online reservation system database together with the lowest-priced itinerary and the best-scored itinerary. This information is available for reporting purposes in Amadeus e-Reporter. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 15

Trip Validation Wizard

Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1 The Trip Validation wizard lets you specify options for: •

Trip approval The options related to trip approval appear only when the Trip Approval option on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard is set to Always needs approval or Needs approval when trip is out of policy. The approval text itself can be localized in the Localization - Trip Validation wizard.

Pending trips (trips that the traveller put on hold) The options related to trips on hold appear only when the Allow pending trips option on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard is enabled.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1

Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 2 on page 265

What You Provide Use remarks Specify whether to add status remarks to PNRs for itineraries that are put on hold (by the traveller) and for trips that require approval. Selecting this option enables all the remaining remarks fields on the page. A status remark element consists of a tag to identify the type of element, and then the appropriate text. For example, if the GDS is Amadeus, a status remark element for an itinerary that is pending approval might have the status tag STATUS: and text of PENDING APPROVAL. In the PNR, it would look like this: RM STATUS:PENDING APPROVAL Status remark Specify the tag to be used to identify a status remark in a PNR.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

If the GDS is Amadeus, this tag will appear after RM in the PNR, like this: RM STATUS <followed by the particular status text> Process trip re-pricing at retrieval Specify whether trips that are: •

On hold are re-priced when retrieved by the traveller

Pending approval are re-priced when retrieved for review by an approver

This option is not available if the community uses one-way fares (see the Air Configuration wizard field: Allow one-way fares). Calculate the expiration date for on hold and pending approval trips... Use this option to specify whether the expiration date for trips that are on hold or pending approval should be calculated according to the business hours held by the fulfilment office. If selected, the expiration date will be calculated according to the fulfilment office's business hours and will not take into consideration days during which the office is not operating. Note:

If this option is selected, make sure that you define the fulfilment office's business hours in the Office Opening Hours wizard.


Do not select this option if you want to use the auto-approval time limit.

Trips pending approval

The approval expiration date will be the earliest of the following rules You must select at least one of the following options to calculate the expiration date after which trips pending approval are automatically processed (that is, queued, cancelled or approved, depending on the option selected in the Automatic process when time limit is reached field below). The expiration date is calculated as the earliest of the following dates: •

Last Day to Ticket the flights

Amadeus Ticketing Limit

Fixed time limit, before departure date, to approve the trip

Maximum time limit, after booking date, to approve the trip

Last Day to Ticket the flights Select this option to set the pending approval expiration date based on the last day to ticket defined in the fare. Amadeus Ticketing Limit This option is displayed for information only, and is only available for communities that use the Amadeus GDS. This option is set in the PNR Management - Delivery wizard. This option uses the TK time limit date in the PNR to set the pending approval expiration date.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 15 Trip Validation Wizard

Fixed time limit, before departure date, to approve the trip Select this option to set the pending approval expiration date based on the departure date of the first segment. Specify the maximum number of hours or days before the departure date that an approver must approve or reject a trip request. Maximum time limit, after booking date, to approve the trip Select this option to set the pending approval expiration date based on the date the trip is created. Specify the maximum number of hours or days after booking creation that an approver must approve or reject a trip request. Use auto-approval time limit Note:

This option applies only to communities that use automatic approval.

Select this option to specify how long before the pending approval expiration date the PNR should be automatically approved. The recommended setting is 12 hours. If you use this option: •

Do not select Calculate the expiration date for on hold and pending approval trips.

We recommend that you do not select Enable immediate ticketing.

Send e-mail to approver Specify whether an approver will receive notification by email when a trip is submitted to him or her for approval. If you want to allow an approver to approve trips via email, you must request the hidden database parameter APPROVE_VIA_EMAIL from the ETV orders team (aetm-etvorders@amadeus.com). Enable immediate ticketing Specify whether trips awaiting approval are sent for ticketing when the trip departure date or the last date to ticket is within the pending approval period. Note:

We recommend that you do not select this option if Automatic process when time limit is reached is set to 'Auto Approve'.

Disable list of approvers, Trip approver 1 e-mail, Trip approver 2 e-mail Note:

You must select this option to set Automatic process when time limit is reached to 'Auto Approve'.

If you want to approve trip requests without using Amadeus e-Travel Management, but instead by using Trip Flow (external calls to the Amadeus eTravel Management system), you first need to disable the list of Amadeus eTravel Management approvers. If you select this option: •

You must enter the email address of at least one external trip approver, and optionally a second (in Trip approver 1 e-mail and Trip approver 2 e-mail).

You can no longer approve trips for that community using Amadeus e-Travel Management - you must use external Trip Flow calls to do this.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Travellers will no longer have a list of approvers to choose from when finalizing their trip, since the "internal" Amadeus e-Travel Management approvers are no longer used.


When you disable the list of approvers, travel approvers can no longer approve trips via email.

Allow approver to modify administrative information If you want to allow a travel approver to modify cost center and/or custom field information on the Trip Approval page, select this option. In addition, you must do the following: •

For cost centers: 1. Define cost centers in the Cost Center Definition wizard of the Profile Structure. 2. Enable the cost center fields in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard for display on the Finishing page and/or Display to Traveller on Profile page (the Read Only option must not be selected).

For custom fields: 1. Enable custom fields in the Custom Fields wizard of the Profile Structure (the Read Only option must not be selected). 2. Define the custom field format type and, optionally, the predefined values in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard. 3. Create a command using the custom fields in the Command Builder wizard located under PNR Management in the administrative tree structure. 4. Submit the commands that you have created in the Command Builder wizard to the ETV orders team (aetm-etvorders@amadeus.com) for upload into the TP_SiteRetrievable commands table.

Pending approval remark Specify the text to be used in a status remark to identify an itinerary that is pending approval. Rejected remark Specify the text to be used in a status remark to identify an itinerary that has been rejected. Approved remark Specify the text to be used in a status remark to identify an itinerary that has been approved. Automatic process when time limit is reached Select the action you want to take place when a trip has not been approved and the time limit is reached.


Auto Cancel - The trip is cancelled and removed from the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. The cancelled trip is placed on the agency's cancellation queue.

Auto Queue - The trip is not cancelled, but it is removed from the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. The trip is placed on the agency's cancellation queue. Edition v14.0

Chapter 15 Trip Validation Wizard

Auto Approve (if available) - The trip is queued to the agency's ticketing queue and is kept active in the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. The traveller can still modify or cancel the trip (if allowed by the community settings in the Trip Plan Modification wizard). The approver can approve or reject the trip or reject the trip as 'Modification Required'. If the approver subsequently approves the trip, the status of the trip is changed to 'approved'. If the approver subsequently rejects the trip, the trip is cancelled and removed from the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. This occurs whether or not the trip has already been ticketed by the agency. In every instance email notification is sent to the traveller. If the approver takes no action, the status of the trip is changed to 'Auto Approved'. Note:

When you select Auto Approve, it is recommended that you set the Use auto-approval time limit to 12 hours. A higher value can result in a large number of trips being automatically queued to the agency for ticketing, limiting the time an approver has to approve or reject a trip. A lower value can limit the time the agency has to issue a ticket.


We recommend that you do not select Enable immediate ticketing. If you do, a trip bypasses the approval process completely when a ticket needs to be issued within 24 hours.


You must select Disable list of approvers and enter the Trip approver 1 e-mail. Travel approvers can no longer approve trips via email. However, the fallback approver can see the trip.

Trips on hold

The on hold expiration date will be the earliest of the following rules: You must select at least one of the following options to calculate the expiration date after which on-hold trips are automatically processed (that is, queued, cancelled or approved, depending on the option selected in the Automatic process when time limit is reached field below). The expiration date is calculated as the earliest of the following dates: •

Last Day to Ticket the flights

Amadeus Ticketing Limit

Fixed time limit, before departure date, to approve the trip

Maximum time limit, after booking date, to approve the trip

Last Day to Ticket the flights Select this option to set the on-hold expiration date based on the last day to ticket defined in the fare. Amadeus Ticketing Limit This option is displayed for information only, and is only available for communities that use the Amadeus GDS. This option is set in the PNR Management - Delivery wizard. This option uses the TK time limit date in the PNR to set the on-hold expiration date.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Fixed time limit, before departure date, to confirm the trip Select this option to set the on-hold expiration date based on the departure date of the first segment. Specify the maximum number of hours or days before the departure date that an approver must approve or reject a trip request. Maximum time limit, after booking date, to confirm the trip Select this option to set the on-hold expiration date based on the date the trip is created. Specify the maximum number of hours or days after booking creation that an approver must approve or reject a trip request. Pending trip remark Specify the text to be used in a status remark to identify an itinerary that has been put on hold by the traveller. Pending trip confirmation remark Specify the text to be used in a status remark to identify an itinerary that was previously put on hold but is now confirmed by the traveller. Automatic process when time limit is reached Select the action you want to take place when a trip has not been approved and the time limit is reached. •

Auto Cancel - The trip is cancelled and removed from the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. The cancelled trip is placed on the agency's cancellation queue.

Auto Queue - The trip is not cancelled, but is removed from the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. The trip is placed on the agency's cancellation queue.

Auto Approve (if available) - The trip is queued to the agency's ticketing queue and is kept active in the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. The traveller can still modify or cancel the trip (if allowed by the community settings in the Trip Plan Modification wizard). The approver can approve or reject the trip or reject the trip as 'Modification Required'. If the approver subsequently approves the trip, the status of the trip is changed to 'Approved'. If the approver subsequently rejects the trip, the trip is cancelled and removed from the traveller's Trips Pending Approval view. This occurs whether or not the trip has already been ticketed by the agency. In every instance email notification is sent to the traveller. If the approver takes no action, the status of the trip is changed to 'Auto Approved'. Note:


When you select Auto Approve, it is recommended that you set the Use auto-approval time limit to 12 hours. A higher value can result in a large number of trips being automatically queued to the agency for ticketing, limiting the time an approver has to approve or reject a trip. A lower value can limit the time the agency has to issue a ticket.

Edition v14.0

Chapter 15 Trip Validation Wizard


We recommend that you do not select Enable immediate ticketing. If selected, a trip bypasses the approval process completely when a ticket needs to be issued within 24 hours.


You must select Disable list of approvers and enter the Trip approver 1 e-mail (in the Trips Pending approval section). Travel approvers can no longer approve trips via email. However, the fallback approver can see the trip.

Click on Next to display the next panel. Alternatively, if you want to discard the current values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 2 The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1 on page 259


Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 2

What You Provide Use the fields below to define the rules for sending reminders about trips that require approval. Send reminder e-mail to approver Specify whether an approver will receive a reminder by email when a trip is pending approval and has not yet been processed. How and when reminders are sent are determined by the remaining fields in the High priority trip setup and Low priority trip setup sections. (The fields are activated only if this option is selected.) Limit to determine whether a travel request has a low or high priority Specify the limit (in days from the ticketing time) at which a low priority trip becomes a high priority trip. Ticketing time: this is the latest date at which the ticket needs to be issued for a trip. Naturally, the trip must be approved or rejected before this date. The ticketing time is specified in the PNR. (In Amadeus, the ticketing time is specified by the TKXL or TKTL line in the PNR.) Department contact e-mail Specify the email address of the individual (such as the head of a department) who is to receive notification when a high priority trip pending approval has not been processed by the approver (despite email reminders) and needs immediate action. An email is also sent to this person when a low priority trip pending approval has not been processed by the approver or the fallback approver despite email reminders.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

High priority trip setup Delay to send the first reminder Specify the number of hours between the time when the approver receives a high priority travel request and the time when the approver is sent a reminder email. Number of additional reminders before sending mail to the department contact Specify how many times, after the first reminder, that the approver is sent email reminders (about a high priority travel request) before an email is sent to the department contact. Delay between each reminder Specify how often the approver is sent an email reminder (after receiving the first reminder) when a high priority travel request is pending and needs processing. For example, if you set this field to 18 hours, the approver will receive a reminder by email once every 18 hours until he approves or rejects the trip, provided the number of reminders is not reached. Delay to send mail to department contact Specify the number of hours between the time when the approver received his last reminder (of a high priority travel request) and the time when the department contact is sent an email. Low priority trip setup Delay to send the first reminder Specify the number of hours between the time when the approver receives a low priority travel request and the time when the approver is sent a reminder email. Number of additional reminders before sending mail to fallback travel approvers Specify how many times, after the first reminder, that the approver is sent email reminders (about a low priority travel request) before an email is sent to the fallback approver. Delay between each reminder Specify how often the approver is sent an email reminder (after receiving the first reminder) when a low priority travel request is pending and needs processing. For example, if you set this field to 24 hours, the approver will receive a reminder by email once every 24 hours until he approves or rejects the trip, provided the number of reminders is not reached. Delay to send mail to department contact Specify the number of hours between the time when the fallback approver receives an email to process a low priority travel request and the time when the department contact is sent an email. Use the fields below to define the rules for sending reminders about on-hold trips. Emails are sent until the trip becomes ticketed, cancelled, or a past-date trip.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 15 Trip Validation Wizard

Send reminder e-mail to booker Specify whether the booker will receive a reminder by email when a trip remains on hold. The booker is the last person who placed the trip on hold; this could be the traveller or the travel arranger. How and when reminders are sent are determined by the remaining fields in this section. (The fields are activated only if this option is selected.) Department contact e-mail Specify the email address of the individual (such as the head of a department) who is to receive notification when a trip remains on hold despite email reminders. Delay to send the first reminder Specify the number of hours between the time when the booker places a trip on hold and the time when he is sent a reminder email. Number of additional reminders before sending mail to the department contact Specify how many times, after the first reminder, that the booker is sent email reminders before an email is sent to the department contact. Delay between each reminder Specify how often the booker is sent an email reminder (after receiving the first reminder) when a trip remains on hold. For example, if you set this field to 18 hours, the booker will receive a reminder by email once every 18 hours until the trip is processed, provided the number of reminders is not reached. Delay to send mail to department contact Specify the number of hours between the time when the booker received his last reminder and the time when the department contact is sent an email. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish or click on Back to return to the previous page. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Chapter 16

Trip Notification Wizard - Settings

Navigation: Policy Rules The Trip Notification wizard lets you specify who should receive notification of the traveller's trips. The notification text itself can be localized in the Localization Trip Notification wizard. This wizard appears only when the Trip Notification option in one of the Rules / Behavior and Display Rules pages (such as Air, Car, or Hotel Configuration pages) is set to Always needs notification or Needs notification when trip is out of policy. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Send notification to nominated travel approvers Specify whether the travel approvers who are assigned to the traveller should receive a notification email. (Approvers are assigned to the traveller in the Nominated Travel Approvers section of the Modify User wizard.) Each notification includes a copy of the traveller's itinerary. Designated person e-mail address Specify the email address of the person who is to receive notifications of travellers' trips. Each notification, sent by email, includes a copy of the traveller's itinerary. Department contact e-mail address Specify the email address of an additional individual who is to receive notifications of travellers' trips, such as the organization's head of department. Each notification, sent by email, includes a copy of the traveller's itinerary. This field is optional. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Chapter 17

User Profile Management

Profile Structure - Account Information Wizard Settings Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure The Account Information wizard lets you: •

In a Distributor-level and Company-level community, control the parameters for user account information that are to be part of a travel profile

In a Division-level community, specify default values for the parameters for user account information that have been enabled in the company-level parent

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For a Distributor- and Company-Level Community Note:

Parameters that are required by the online reservation system have all settings except the default value preset and locked. These parameters, known as locked parameters, are shaded in grey. You can however set a default value for these parameters.

For each parameter that you want to customize, you provide the following information. Enable This activates the parameter to make it available for display to administrators and travellers. Where and when the parameter is displayed depends on how you set up the remaining attributes for the parameter. Enabling the parameter makes it available: •

To administrators in the Create User and Modify User wizards.

To administrators in the User Profile Structure wizard of child communities.

To travellers on the profile page (if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page) and on the finishing page of the booking process (if you also select Display on Finishing).

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Default Value You can provide a default value that can be used by all users in the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities but the administrator can change the default value for each child community if he wishes. The default value is checked to ensure that you have entered the correct type of data (for example, numerals for a telephone number, characters for an address) and that the length does not exceed the maximum length allowed for that parameter. This setting affects all profile pages and wizards. This value will always be used by the user, unless the user defines his own value. If the parameter is set to Mandatory and Read Only, you must provide a default value, or set a value for each traveller in the Create User or Modify User wizard. Mandatory Setting this attribute means that the user must provide a value for the parameter, either: •

In the user's profile, if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page. In this case, the user cannot save his profile until a value is provided.


In the finishing page of the booking sequence, if you also select Display on Finishing. In this case, the user cannot complete his booking until a value is provided.

If he wishes, the administrator can provide a value either by setting a Default Value, or by using the Modify User wizard. This will satisfy the mandatory requirement. Read Only This allows the administrator to display the parameter to the user on the profile page and/or finishing page, while preventing the user from changing the value of the parameter. Setting this attribute will make the parameter read only on the Profile and Finishing pages only. The administrator can still set a Default Value for read-only parameters, and the default value will be inherited by travellers and child communities. Display to Traveller on Profile Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in their profiles. This setting only affects the user profile page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. Display on Finishing Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in the finishing page of the booking sequence. This setting only affects the finishing page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 17 User Profile Management

For a Division-Level Community For each parameter, enter the default value for the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities.

Field Information Arranger and Approver Designation You can enable another administrator or a profile manager to: •

Designate for any traveller a list of travellers for whom he will be allowed to arrange trips. To do this, select the Enable check box of the Designated users for Travel Arranging setting.

Designate for any travel approver a list of travellers for whom he will be a nominated travel approver. To do this, select the Enable check box of the Designated users for Travel Approval setting.

Once Arranger and Approver Designation is enabled in the Account Information wizard, the administrator or profile manager can select a list of users for whom a specific user is allowed to arrange and/or approve trips in the Modify User wizard. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Profile Structure - Contact and Personal Information Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure The Contact and Personal Information wizard lets you: •

In a Distributor-level and Company-level community, control the parameters for personal, contact and address information that are to be part of a travel profile

In a Division-level community, specify default values for the parameters for personal, contact and address information that have been enabled in the company-level parent

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Personal information

Contact information

Address 1

Address 2

What You Provide For a Distributor- and Company-Level Community Note:

Parameters that are required by the online reservation system have all settings except the default value preset and locked. These parameters,

© 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

known as locked parameters, are shaded in grey. You can however set a default value for these parameters. For each parameter that you want to customize, you provide the following information. Enable This activates the parameter to make it available for display to administrators and travellers. Where and when the parameter is displayed depends on how you set up the remaining attributes for the parameter. Enabling the parameter makes it available: •

To administrators in the Create User and Modify User wizards.

To administrators in the User Profile Structure wizard of child communities.

To travellers on the profile page (if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page) and on the finishing page of the booking process (if you also select Display on Finishing).

Default Value You can provide a default value that can be used by all users in the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities but the administrator can change the default value for each child community if he wishes. The default value is checked to ensure that you have entered the correct type of data (for example, numerals for a telephone number, characters for an address) and that the length does not exceed the maximum length allowed for that parameter. This setting affects all profile pages and wizards. This value will always be used by the user, unless the user defines his own value. If the parameter is set to Mandatory and Read Only, you must provide a default value, or set a value for each traveller in the Create User or Modify User wizard. Mandatory Setting this attribute means that the user must provide a value for the parameter, either: •

In the user's profile, if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page. In this case, the user cannot save his profile until a value is provided.

In the finishing page of the booking sequence, if you also select Display on Finishing. In this case, the user cannot complete his booking until a value is provided.

If he wishes, the administrator can provide a value either by setting a Default Value, or by using the Modify User wizard. This will satisfy the mandatory requirement. Read Only This allows the administrator to display the parameter to the user on the profile page and/or finishing page, while preventing the user from changing the value of the parameter. Setting this attribute will make the parameter read only on the Profile and Finishing pages only.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 17 User Profile Management

The administrator can still set a Default Value for read-only parameters, and the default value will be inherited by travellers and child communities. Display to Traveller on Profile Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in their profiles. This setting only affects the user profile page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. Display on Finishing Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in the finishing page of the booking sequence. This setting only affects the finishing page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. For a Division-Level Community For each parameter, enter the default value for the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Profile Structure - Cost Center Definition Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure Use the Cost Center Definition wizard to define a cost center list for the community. The cost centers you define will be available to users in the Profile page and in the Finish Trip page. The parameters in this wizard are optional. If you choose not to define a cost center list, the community will inherit the list from its parent community.

What You Provide Cost center code Each cost center code can be up to forty alphanumeric characters in length. You may also use spaces. Description You may enter an optional description for each cost center. Each description can be up to 240 alphanumeric characters in length. You may also use spaces, hyphens (-) and slashes (/). When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Profile Structure - Payment and Delivery Information Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure The Payment and Delivery Information wizard lets you: •

In a Distributor-level and Company-level community, control the parameters for billing and delivery information that are to be part of a travel profile

In a Division-level community, specify default values for the parameters for billing and delivery information that have been enabled in the company-level parent

The wizard consists of these pages: •


Invoice the corporation

Credit cards 1, 2 and 3

Ghost credit card Ghost cards are sometimes used by corporations so that their travel agency can centrally bill all travel expenses to them, without the need for individual expense reports and separate billing for each trip. If the community uses a single ghost card, you can use this wizard to provide the ghost card details and at the same time hide these details from travellers. You can force travellers to use the ghost credit card for their air bookings in the PNR Management - Payment Method wizard. You can also use this wizard to prevent travellers from using the ghost card to guarantee their car or hotel bookings.

Delivery information

What You Provide For a Distributor- and Company-Level Community Note:

Parameters that are required by the online reservation system have all settings except the default value preset and locked. These parameters, known as locked parameters, are shaded in grey. You can however set a default value for these parameters.

For each parameter that you want to customize, you provide the following information. Enable This activates the parameter to make it available for display to administrators and travellers. Where and when the parameter is displayed depends on how you set up the remaining attributes for the parameter. Enabling the parameter makes it available:


To administrators in the Create User and Modify User wizards.

To administrators in the User Profile Structure wizard of child communities.

To travellers on the profile page (if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page) and on the finishing page of the booking process (if you also select Display on Finishing). Edition v14.0

Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Default Value You can provide a default value that can be used by all users in the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities but the administrator can change the default value for each child community if he wishes. The default value is checked to ensure that you have entered the correct type of data (for example, numerals for a telephone number, characters for an address) and that the length does not exceed the maximum length allowed for that parameter. This setting affects all profile pages and wizards. This value will always be used by the user, unless the user defines his own value. If the parameter is set to Mandatory and Read Only, you must provide a default value, or set a value for each traveller in the Create User or Modify User wizard. Mandatory Setting this attribute means that the user must provide a value for the parameter, either: •

In the user's profile, if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page. In this case, the user cannot save his profile until a value is provided.


In the finishing page of the booking sequence, if you also select Display on Finishing. In this case, the user cannot complete his booking until a value is provided.

If he wishes, the administrator can provide a value either by setting a Default Value, or by using the Modify User wizard. This will satisfy the mandatory requirement. Read Only This allows the administrator to display the parameter to the user on the profile page and/or finishing page, while preventing the user from changing the value of the parameter. Setting this attribute will make the parameter read only on the Profile and Finishing pages only. The administrator can still set a Default Value for read-only parameters, and the default value will be inherited by travellers and child communities. Display to Traveller on Profile Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in their profiles. This setting only affects the user profile page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. Display on Finishing Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in the finishing page of the booking sequence. This setting only affects the finishing page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities.

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For a Division-Level Community For each parameter, enter the default value for the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities.

Field Information - Settings Page Booking fee credit card This is a credit card to be used for miscellaneous fees charged by the agency for bookings other than standard air bookings. This feature must be activated in the Payment Method wizard. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Profile Structure - Travel Preferences Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure The Travel Preferences wizard lets you: •

In a Distributor-level and Company-level community, control the parameters for travel preferences that are to be part of a travel profile

In a Division-level community, specify default values for the parameters for travel preferences that have been enabled in the company-level parent

The wizard consists of these pages: •

Air Travel Preferences

Rail Travel Preferences

Hotel Travel Preferences

Car Travel Preferences

What You Provide For a Distributor- and Company-Level Community Note:

Parameters that are required by the online reservation system have all settings except the default value preset and locked. These parameters, known as locked parameters, are shaded in grey. You can however set a default value for these parameters.

For each parameter that you want to customize, you provide the following information. Enable This activates the parameter to make it available for display to administrators and travellers. Where and when the parameter is displayed depends on how you set up the remaining attributes for the parameter. Enabling the parameter makes it available: •


To administrators in the Create User and Modify User wizards.

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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

To administrators in the User Profile Structure wizard of child communities.

To travellers on the profile page (if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page) and on the finishing page of the booking process (if you also select Display on Finishing).

Default Value You can provide a default value that can be used by all users in the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities but the administrator can change the default value for each child community if he wishes. The default value is checked to ensure that you have entered the correct type of data (for example, numerals for a telephone number, characters for an address) and that the length does not exceed the maximum length allowed for that parameter. This setting affects all profile pages and wizards. This value will always be used by the user, unless the user defines his own value. If the parameter is set to Mandatory and Read Only, you must provide a default value, or set a value for each traveller in the Create User or Modify User wizard. Mandatory Setting this attribute means that the user must provide a value for the parameter, either: •

In the user's profile, if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page. In this case, the user cannot save his profile until a value is provided.

In the finishing page of the booking sequence, if you also select Display on Finishing. In this case, the user cannot complete his booking until a value is provided.

If he wishes, the administrator can provide a value either by setting a Default Value, or by using the Modify User wizard. This will satisfy the mandatory requirement. Read Only This allows the administrator to display the parameter to the user on the profile page and/or finishing page, while preventing the user from changing the value of the parameter. Setting this attribute will make the parameter read only on the Profile and Finishing pages only. The administrator can still set a Default Value for read-only parameters, and the default value will be inherited by travellers and child communities. Display to Traveller on Profile Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in their profiles. This setting only affects the user profile page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. Display on Finishing Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in the finishing page of the booking sequence. This setting only affects the finishing page.

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If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. For a Division-Level Community For each parameter, enter the default value for the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities.

Field Information - Car Travel Preferences Accreditive Card An accreditive card can be used by the traveller to guarantee a car reservation. You can enter only one accreditive card for each car company in the Car Travel Preferences wizard. The accreditive card is a priority method of guarantee. If a card is eligible, it is automatically used as the method of guarantee. No other method of guarantee can be selected by the traveller. Note:

If a traveller profile contains both a frequent renter card and an accreditive card, the accreditive card takes precedence and is used as the method of guarantee. The frequent renter card number is not applied to the reservation. If a traveller profile contains an accreditive card and a car billing number is also defined as the method of guarantee in the Car Configuration wizard, the accreditive card takes precedence and is used as the method of guarantee for the car reservation. The car billing number is not taken into account.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure The Corporate Credit Cards Remarks wizard lets you define: •

The prefix of each AirPlus DBI remark field, to be used in the PNR.

The label of each AirPlus DBI remark field, shown to the traveller when he is requested to enter this information.

Before you can access this wizard, you must first enable the AirPlus DBI feature in the PNR Management – Payment Method Wizard. The wizard consists of a single page, Remark fields.

What You Provide For each field, provide: •

The remark prefix used in the PNR. The remark prefix does not normally need to be changed. The prefix must conform to the following format: RM */DBI/XX=


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Where XX is a two-letter DBI code. •

The label shown to the traveller when he is requested to enter the information. You can simply use the already provided labels, or create your own. However, for each language supported by the community, you must also provide the localized (translated) labels in the AirPlus DBI Remark Localization wizard.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard below AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings on page 443

Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure Before you can access this wizard, you must first enable the AirPlus DBI feature in the PNR Management > Payment Configuration > Payment Method Wizard. The Corporate Credit Cards wizard lets you manage your corporate credit cards. This corporate credit card feature is only available for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account. This is AirPlus International's Descriptive Billing Information (DBI) product that uses UATP (Universal Air Travel Plan) credit cards. Once set up correctly, travellers can then use these corporate credit cards to book air travel. Travellers cannot use corporate credit cards to pay for car, hotel or rail bookings. Exceptions: For communities using Amadeus, the AirPlus DBI credit card can also be used: •

to pay for Deutsche Bahn rail bookings.

as the method of guarantee for car bookings with specific car companies in specific markets.

In particular, this wizard lets you: •

Add and remove corporate credit cards.

Modify corporate credit card information.

Set which fields to display to travellers when they use the credit card to make a booking. This will allow them to provide necessary information or modify the existing information.

Assign the corporate credit card to travellers.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Manage Cards. For more information see Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Manage Cards below.

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Settings. For more information see Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Settings (Card Details) on page 283.

Fields Used. For more information see Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Fields Used on page 284.

Travellers. For more information see Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Travelers on page 285.

Related Topics Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard on page 280 AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings on page 443

Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Manage Cards This corporate credit card feature is only available for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account. You use this page to add, modify and remove corporate credit cards. If your community uses the automatic association of cards to travellers, you also use this page to configure which card is used for each product.

What You Provide If you want to: •

Add a new corporate credit card, click on Add.

Modify the credit card details, fields used, travellers assigned to or product types supported by an existing corporate credit card, select the credit card and click on Modify.

Delete a corporate credit card, select the credit card and click on Remove.


The corporate credit cards that you define are not inherited by any child communities. If required, you must create the corporate credit card in each child community.

Automatic Association This section is only displayed if your community uses the automatic association of travellers to corporate credit cards (defined in the Community Structure wizard). For each product type (air, rail, car, web), select which corporate credit card is automatically loaded in every traveller's profile. The drop-down list for a product shows only those corporate credit cards supported by the product (as defined on the next screen). Every traveller in the community, including guest travellers, is associated to the selected cards. You cannot change the association for an individual traveller. Click on Save to change the automatic associations. Related Topics Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard on page 281 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard on page 280


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AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings on page 443

Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Settings (Card Details) You use the Settings page to provide the credit card details for a new card or modify the details of an existing credit card. This corporate credit card feature is only available for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account.

What You Provide Provide the details of your corporate credit card: •

A free-form description of the card, for example, ABC Company credit card or Travel Expenses credit card. You can use up to 20 characters. The reservation system will display this description to travellers when they select a credit card for use in making travel arrangements.

The card type/vendor

The card number. Do not insert dashes as part of a credit card number. You don't need to leave spaces between groups of numbers.

The card's month and year of expiration

The name on the card

The address that you want to associate with the card

The availability - the products (air, web fares and so on) for which the card is valid

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard on page 281 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard on page 280 AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings on page 443

Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Fields Used You use the Settings page to add, modify and remove corporate credit cards. This corporate credit card feature is only available for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account.

What You Provide For each field: •

If you want the traveller to provide a value for the field, or modify the existing value for the field, select it in the Display column. Travellers will not be able

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to confirm their booking until they have provided values for every displayed field. •

If you want the traveller to be able to view but not modify the field, select it in both the Display column and the Read Only column.

The following fields may already have values when the traveller makes a travel reservation: •

Employee number – taken from the Employee ID field in the user 's profile (if available).

Date of departure – taken from the first (earliest) departure date in the traveller's air reservation.

Cost center – taken from the Cost center 1 field in the user 's profile (if available).

Destination – taken from the first arrival airport in the traveller's air reservation.

All remaining fields will be blank and therefore, if value are required, these fields must be displayed to travellers so that they can provide values. Note:

Fields that are grayed out cannot be modified.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard on page 281 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard on page 280 AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings on page 443

Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Wizard - Travelers This corporate credit card feature is only available for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account. Note:

This page is only displayed if your community uses the manual association of travellers to corporate credit cards (defined in the Community Structure wizard). If your community uses automatic association, then all travellers use the cards defined in the Automatic Association section on the first page of this wizard.

What You Provide Assign the corporate credit card to individual travellers, as required. For example, travellers from different departments can be assigned different credit cards for budgeting purposes. Each traveller can only have one corporate credit card assigned to them. If they already have a card assigned to them and you assign a new card to them, only the newly assigned card will be available to them. If you create a new traveller at a later date, you must assign a corporate credit card to them in the Modify User wizard. If you do not do so, the traveller will not have any corporate credit card available to them.


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When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving the settings, click on Start Over. Related Topics Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard on page 281 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard on page 280 AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard - Settings on page 443

Profile Structure - Custom Fields Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Structure The Custom Fields wizard lets you: •

In a Company-level community, define up to 50 community-specific text fields to capture additional information about a traveller Note:

If More Services is enabled in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard, you can use custom fields to customize password and log-in settings for External Content Provider URL links, allowing the traveller easy access to these providers via the online reservation system. In this case, the Display on Finishing box for the custom fields must remain cleared, and you must configure the custom fields for the passwords with the format-type Password in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard. For more information on External Content Providers, see the help for the More Services wizard.


After you define and enable one or more custom fields, you will need to localize the field(s) for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize custom fields for a given language, you run the Custom Fields Localization wizard associated with that language.

In a Division-level community, specify default values for the custom fields


If you are a custom administrator, the only field you can enter or modify is Default Value.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For a Distributor- and Company-Level Community Note:

Parameters that are required by the online reservation system have all settings except the default value preset and locked. These parameters, known as locked parameters, are shaded in grey. You can however set a default value for these parameters.

For each parameter that you want to customize, you provide the following information.

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Enable This activates the parameter to make it available for display to administrators and travellers. Where and when the parameter is displayed depends on how you set up the remaining attributes for the parameter. Enabling the parameter makes it available: •

To administrators in the Create User and Modify User wizards.

To administrators in the User Profile Structure wizard of child communities.

To travellers on the profile page (if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page) and on the finishing page of the booking process (if you also select Display on Finishing).

Default Value You can provide a default value that can be used by all users in the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities but the administrator can change the default value for each child community if he wishes. The default value is checked to ensure that you have entered the correct type of data (for example, numerals for a telephone number, characters for an address) and that the length does not exceed the maximum length allowed for that parameter. This setting affects all profile pages and wizards. This value will always be used by the user, unless the user defines his own value. If the parameter is set to Mandatory and Read Only, you must provide a default value, or set a value for each traveller in the Create User or Modify User wizard. Mandatory Setting this attribute means that the user must provide a value for the parameter, either: •

In the user's profile, if you also select Display to Traveller on Profile Page. In this case, the user cannot save his profile until a value is provided.

In the finishing page of the booking sequence, if you also select Display on Finishing. In this case, the user cannot complete his booking until a value is provided.

If he wishes, the administrator can provide a value either by setting a Default Value, or by using the Modify User wizard. This will satisfy the mandatory requirement. Read Only This allows the administrator to display the parameter to the user on the profile page and/or finishing page, while preventing the user from changing the value of the parameter. Setting this attribute will make the parameter read only on the Profile and Finishing pages only. The administrator can still set a Default Value for read-only parameters, and the default value will be inherited by travellers and child communities. Display to Traveller on Profile Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in their profiles. This setting only affects the user profile page. 282

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If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. Display on Finishing Page This specifies whether to display the parameter to travellers in the finishing page of the booking sequence. This setting only affects the finishing page. If this attribute is not set and the parameter is enabled, the administrator will still be able to access the parameter in the Modify User wizard. Also, administrators will be able to set a default value for the parameter in child communities. For a Division-Level Community For each parameter, enter the default value for the community. The default value will be inherited by all child communities.

Using Custom Fields in Command Builder For each Custom Field there is a corresponding Insert Variable available in Command Builder (called Custom_Field_x). This allows you to insert the value of the Custom Field in the PNR. You must use the appropriate Insert Variable in Command Builder script if you want the value of the custom filed to appear in the PNR. If the Custom Field is cleared in this wizard (effectively deleting it), the corresponding Insert Variable will not be removed from Command Builder; however the Insert Variable will be ignored when Command Builder is run, so it will no longer be inserted in the PNR. Allowing the Modification of Custom Fields If you want to allow travellers and travel arrangers to modify custom fields on the Travel Planner Finish Trip page and/or in the Traveller Profile, do the following: 1. Enable the custom fields in this wizard for Display on Finishing and/or Display on Profile. The Read Only option must not be selected. 2. Define the custom field format type and, optionally, the predefined values in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard. 3. Create a command using the custom fields in the Command Builder wizard located under PNR Management in the administrative tree structure. 4. Submit the commands that you have created in the Command Builder wizard to the ETV orders team (aetm-etvorders@amadeus.com) for upload into the TP_SiteRetrievable commands table. Note:

If you want to allow a travel approver to modify custom fields on the Trip Approval page, select the Allow travel approver to modify administrative information option in the Trip Validation wizard.


For trips that are placed on hold, the custom fields can only be modified on the Finish Trip page and not in the Traveller Profile.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Profile Structure - Custom Fields Configuration Wizard below

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Profile Structure - Custom Fields Configuration Wizard Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Settings This wizard displays the list of custom fields that are enabled and customizable in a community (these are the custom fields that you have previously defined in the Custom Fields wizard). It enables you to define the format type for a custom field. This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Settings

Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Configuration on page 289

For each custom field that you have created, the following information is displayed: 1. Field Label (as specified in the “Custom Fields Wizard”) 2. Default Value (if any - as specified in the “Custom Fields Wizard”) 3. Format Type: -

“Free text” (by default)


"Password" (allows you to define a custom field for passwords)


"List" (allows you to define predefined values that the traveller can select from a drop-down list. If more than 20 predefined values exist, the traveller must enter a value. After entering the first character of a value, an 'auto-completion' helper is activated that suggests to the traveller a list of matching predefined values to choose from.)


"Pattern" (allows you to define a specific pattern for a custom field value)


The list or pattern type can only be selected at company community level. At division community level you can only modify a list or pattern, but you cannot delete it.


If you select the type List or Pattern and you have also specified a default value for this field in the Custom Fields wizard, make sure that the predefined list values or the pattern that you configure in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard correspond with the default value that you have specified. If the list values or the pattern do not correspond with the default value, they are not validated by the online reservation system when a default value is entered by the traveller.

To define a custom field for passwords, or to define a list of values or a pattern for a custom field, select the field label and click on Configure. Related Topics Profile Structure - Custom Fields Wizard on page 285


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Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Configuration This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Settings on page 288

Custom Fields Configuration Wizard - Configuration

Use this page to define whether the value of a custom field in the Custom Fields section of the traveller profile can be free-flow text, a password, must be a predefined value from a list, or must be entered in a predefined pattern. If you are a custom administrator, the following restrictions apply: •

In a company-level community you can select the format type of custom field (free text, list, password or pattern) and set the predefined values in the List Upload field.

In a division-level community you can set the predefined values in the List Upload field only.

To configure a field for passwords, select Password in the Format Type field. Note:

The password value is replaced by asterisks when the custom field is displayed in the Traveller Profile.

To configure a field as a list, select List in the Format Type field. Fill in the following fields: Error Message Enter the error message text that will be displayed to the traveller in the following circumstances: •

You have entered more than 20* values for the list. In this case the values are not displayed to the traveller as a drop-down list, and he or she must enter a value. After entering the first character of a value, an auto-completion helper is activated that suggests to the traveller a list of matching predefined values to choose from. The system checks that the value entered corresponds to one of the values you have defined.

The traveller has entered a correct value in the custom field, but the administrator has changed or removed this value from the list. The next time the traveller logs in and displays the profile the field will be marked as an error.

A custom field has a default value (that you set in the Custom Fields Wizard Settings page) that is applied to traveller profiles. However, the default value is not defined in the list of values in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard.

* 20 is the default value. However, this value is set in the database and may be greater or less than 20. You can enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters, including a space, dash (-), slash (/), asterisk (*), comma, open bracket ( ( ) or closed bracket ( ) ). List Upload Enter a code and description for each possible value for this custom field. The values are displayed to the traveller as a drop-down list. However, if there are more than 20* possible values, a list is not displayed and the traveller must enter a value. After entering the first character of a value, an auto-completion helper is activated that suggests to the traveller a list of matching predefined values to choose from. The system validates against the values you have defined.

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The value in the Description field is displayed in the drop-down list and, if available, in the 'auto-completion' helper. The code is not displayed to the traveller. You must prepare the codes and values using a spreadsheet. Enter the code in column 1 and the description in column 2. The code can be up to 126 alphanumeric characters (including spaces, -, /, and *). The description can be up to 100 alphanumeric characters (including characters defined in ISO standard ISO-8859-1. For special characters that cannot be translated by a GDS, translation rules need to be defined. Contact the ETV Orders Team.) Enter up to 5000* codes/description, each in a separate row of the spreadsheet. Select the cells in the spreadsheet and choose Copy. Place the cursor in the List Upload field and choose Paste (Ctrl+V) * You can enter up to 5000 items. However, if you enter more than 20 a dropdown list is not displayed, but the value entered by the traveller is validated. After entering the first character of a value, an auto-completion helper is activated that suggests to the traveller a list of matching predefined values to choose from. The system validates against the values you have defined. 20 is the default maximum number of items for a drop-down list, but it is set in the database and may be greater or less than 20. Note:

If you entered a value in the Default value field for this custom field in the Custom Fields Wizard - Settings page, ensure that you define the default value in the list. Otherwise you may cause an error situation if the default value has been applied to traveller profiles.

To configure a field with a predefined pattern, select Pattern in the Format Type field. Fill in the following fields: Error Message Define the error message that will appear when the text field format is not accurate. Enter the error message text that will be displayed to the traveller in the following circumstances: •

The traveller has entered a value in an incorrect pattern.


The traveller has entered a value in a correct pattern in the custom field, but the administrator has changed or has removed the pattern for this value. The next time the traveller logs in and displays the profile the field will be marked as an error.

You can enter up to 255 alphanumeric characters, including a space, dash (-), slash (/), asterisk (*), comma, open bracket ( ( ) or closed bracket ( ) ). Note:

For division type (L2) communities, the error message that was defined at company community level (L1) is displayed here. You can modify it, but you cannot delete it.

Pattern Definition You must define at least one of the following fields: 286

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Minimum length Enter a numeric value between 0 and 50. The default value is 0. Note:

For division type (L2) communities, the minimum length that was defined at company community level (L1) is displayed here. You can modify it, but you cannot delete it.

Maximum length Enter a numeric value between 1 and 50. Note:

For division type (L2) communities, the maximum length that was defined at company community level (L1) is displayed here. You can modify it, but you cannot delete it.

Format Define a pattern or a prefix (partial pattern) by entering a format code (placeholders for specific characters) or by entering the characters directly. The combination of the maximum length and the length of the format defines whether the pattern is a full pattern or a partial pattern (prefix). For a prefix the maximum length of a value is greater than the format length; for a pattern the maximum length is either not specified or is equal to the format length. Table: Format Codes

Format codes are always preceded by a backslash. Format Code

Placeholder For


Alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) Note:

The system does not validate upper case against lower case and vice versa.


Numeric characters (0-9)


Alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)


Special characters: Dash ( - ), forward slash ( / ), at sign ( @ ), full stop (. ), and the hash sign ( # ).

Table: Letters, Digits or Special Characters Instead of a format code you can also enter a letter, a digit (number) or a special character. You can enter any special character with the exception of a backslash (\). A backslash can only be entered together with a format code. Format Examples: Format

Valid Values (Examples)


03-05-07 03/05/07


A2007 a2007


B2007 b3217

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For division type (L2) communities, the format that was defined at company community level (L1) is displayed here. You can modify it, but you cannot delete it.


A pattern for a custom field can only be modified, it cannot be deleted. If a pattern for a custom field has been modified by the administrator while a user was logged out, the user must log in, update and save the custom field again in his profile or on the Finish Trip page. Otherwise the custom field value saved in the profile will not be validated against the new pattern by the system.


Custom fields with a defined pattern cannot be localized in the Custom Fields Localization wizard.

Click on Finish to Save. Related Topics Profile Structure - Custom Fields Wizard on page 285

Profile Structure - Profile Upload Upload User Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Upload This wizard enables you to: •

Download a preformatted Excel template for a profile upload (creation and update). This file is created according to the community profile structure. You can fill in this file with your community's profile data, then upload it to the online reservation system for the creation or modification of user profiles.

Create new user profiles from an Excel file.

Update existing user profile data from an Excel file.


Depending on the value entered in the Activate Account field, the profile can be activated or deactivated.

More than one administrator or profile manager can submit profile upload requests at the same time. The requests are handled via a batch process. The requests are either processed in real-time or they are sent to a queue and are processed at a time when the impact on the online reservation system is low. You can monitor the status of an upload request in the Upload Monitoring wizard. Excel file requirements


The file size must not exceed 512 Kbytes.

All profile fields present in the file must be enabled in the profile structure for the community. To ensure compliancy with the community profile structure, you can download the Excel template from the target community.

Accepted formats are Excel 95, Excel 97 and Excel 2000.

The file must not be password-protected.

Data must be correctly formatted.

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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Minimum information to create a user profile is as follows: •

First name

Last name

Login name


Home community

E-mail address

Phone number

Preferred language

Preferred currency

One role in the home community


If the Activate Account field is left blank, the profile is activated by default.

Minimum information to update a user profile is as follows: •

Login name

Home community

Preferred language


If the Activate Account field is left blank, the profile activation status is not updated.

What You Provide 1. Log in as administrator or profile manager in the home community where you want to create or update the profiles. 2. Download the Excel template. 3. Complete the Excel file with the mandatory fields and the relevant information. 4. Select whether you want to create new profiles or update existing ones. 5. Enter the path and file name of the Excel file, or select it using the Browse feature. 6. Click on Upload. If your upload request is processed in real-time, do not click on another link or tab in the administrative tree, otherwise your request is stopped and the user profiles are not fully loaded. When your upload request is processed at a later time, your request is sent to a queue. The system displays a "successful" message when your upload request was successful. For more information on how to monitor the queue, and how to cancel or delete an upload request, go to the Upload Monitoring wizard. Note:

The system does not send an email notification when you create or modify user profiles using the Upload User wizard, even if the email for profile changes setting has been enabled in the Security wizard.

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Related Topics Upload Monitoring Wizard below

Upload Monitoring Wizard Navigation: User Profile Management > Profile Upload The Upload Monitoring wizard allows you to monitor user profile upload requests. The table that is displayed gives you information about the Excel file names of the requests, the upload dates, the upload process, the number of user profiles submitted in the requests, and the request status. The requests in the table are grouped by request status. To display a process report for a request, click on View Report in the Upload process column. In the Process Report pop-up window that appears, you can download the log file containing information about the profiles that could not be uploaded by the online reservation system. To display the log file for a request, click on Download Log File. To remove a request that has not yet been processed from the queue, click on Cancel Upload. To delete a completed request from the upload monitoring table, click on Delete From List. Email Notification When an upload request has been fully processed from the queue, an email is sent to the administrator or profile manager who requested the upload. The email contains information about the status of the upload process and the profiles that could not be successfully uploaded in the online reservation system database. If some profiles failed during the upload, logs are included in the email with the profile identification and the error messages. In case of a critical error, a connection failure for example, an email containing a warning that the request has been deleted from the queue is sent to the administrator or profile manager who requested the upload. Related Topics Upload User Wizard on page 293

Create User Wizard Create User Wizard - Overview Navigation: User Profile Management The Create User wizard lets you create new user accounts for the online reservation system. Each user must be uniquely identified by a login name and password. In addition, in order to have access to any given community, he or she must be assigned one or more roles in that community. Using this wizard, you can quickly create an account for a user that allows him or her to log in to the online reservation system. However, traveller profile information will need to be furnished before a traveller can make any trip 290

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arrangements. Profile information can be furnished by you using the Modify User wizard or by the traveller once he or she logs in to the reservation system. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Create User Wizard - Login Information on page 296

Create User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments on page 297

Create User Wizard - User Information on page 299

Create User Wizard - Login Information You use the Login Information page to specify the login information for a user account.

What You Provide Governing community Select the Distributor or Company community that governs the user's access to the online reservation system — that is, the community that is to store the user's account information and whose URL the user is to use to access the online reservation system. Only Distributor and Company communities can be specified as governing communities. Home Community Select the community to which a user is to log in to by default when he or she logs in to the online reservation system. (A user can log in to either his or her home community by default or choose another community in which he or she has been assigned a role.) If the governing community specified for the user is a: •

Distributor community, then you must select that Distributor community as the home community

Company community, then you can select either the specified Company community or any of its subordinate communities


In order for a home community to take effect, the user must be assigned a role in that community. You assign roles on the next page of this wizard.

First name Enter the user's first name. Last name Enter the user's last name. Login name Enter the name that the user is to use when logging in to the online reservation system.

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Password Enter the user's password. Passwords are case sensitive. The password requirements defined in the user's home community (on the Password Settings page of the Security wizard) govern valid passwords for the user. Do not use: •


The user's first name, last name, or first and last names

The name of governing community to which the user belongs

The user's login name, if your community has prohibited, on the Password Settings page of the Security wizard, a user from having the same password and login name


To prevent others from seeing the password, asterisks appear for the characters of the password.

Depending on your community configuration, you might be able to use: •

Special characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) + , -. : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ _ | { } ~


Verify password Enter the user's password again. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Create User Wizard - Overview on page 295

Create User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments You use the Role and Community Assignments page to assign roles to users and specify the community in which the role is assigned. You can assign a user any of the following roles: Administrator Permits a user to manage a broad range of travel activities and policies for one or more groups of users using the administrative interface. To allow read-only access to the administration interface, select Prevent modification of community settings by this user. Custom Administrator Only available when you have selected the Allow customization of the administrative interface field in the Community Structure wizard. Permits the user to manage the template settings of the customized administration interface.


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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

To allow read-only access to the administration interface, select Prevent modification of community settings by this user. When you have assigned this role to a user, you must also assign an administration template to the community in the Admin Customization Template wizard, or to the user on the Traveller Information page of this wizard. See the help for the Admin Customization wizard for more information about this feature. Profile Manager Allows a user to manage user profiles. This user can: •

Create new users (except administrators)

Assign user roles (except the administrator role)

Modify user profile information

Deactivate users

Traveller Permits a user to plan trips using the online reservation system. Appointed Travel Arranger Permits a user to book trips for another traveller using the online reservation system. An appointed travel arranger sees the same travel options as travellers, that is, the travel options specified by the Display Rule parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. Apart from the appointed travel arranger, who is assigned by the administrator or profile manager, travellers can also nominate other travellers to be their nominated travel arrangers. Principal Travel Arranger Permits a user to plan trips for another traveller using the online reservation system. A Principal Travel Arranger sees all travel options (that is, both in- and out-of-policy options), regardless of the setting for the Display Rule parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. It is recommended that you assign either the role of Travel Arranger or Principal Travel Arranger but not both to a user. Travel Approver Permits a user to approve and disapprove trips for travellers using the online reservation system. Note:

In order for this role to take effect, you must also set the Trip Approval parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard to Always needs approval or Needs approval when trip is out of policy.

Fallback Approver Permits a user to approve and disapprove trips for travellers using the online reservation system when travellers' regular approvers are not available or do not respond in a timely fashion to travel requests. Note:

In order for this role to take effect, you must also set the Trip Approval parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community

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Structure wizard to Always needs approval or Needs approval when trip is out of policy. The role of administrator can be assigned at any community level within the user's governing community hierarchy. With this role, a user has administrative rights to the community in which the role is assigned as well as communities subordinate to the community in which the role is assigned. The roles of traveller, travel approver, fallback approver, appointed travel arranger, and principal travel arranger can be assigned only at the company and division levels within the user's governing community hierarchy. With one of these roles, a user has access only to the community in which he or she is assigned the role.

What You Provide For each role that you want to assign to a user, select the communities in which the role is to be assigned. To allow read-only access to the administrator or custom administrator role, select Forbid the Administrator to modify the community settings. Note:

Be sure to assign a role to the user in the community that you specified as his or her home community on the previous page.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.


Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Create User Wizard - Overview on page 295

Create User Wizard - User Information Use this page to specify user-specific information for an account, such as name, phone number, and so on.

What You Provide Business phone Type the user's business phone number. Business phone extension Type the user's business phone extension. Primary e-mail address Type the user's primary email address.


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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Preferred language Select the user's preferred language in which to view the online reservation system. Setting a value for this parameter will override the primary language set for the community whenever possible. You set the primary language for a community on the General Settings page of the Community Creation wizard when you create the community or on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard once the community is created. Preferred currency Select the currency the user prefers to be used in the online reservation system. Setting a value for this parameter will override the currency set for the community whenever possible. You set the currency for a community on the General Settings page of the Community Creation wizard when you create the community or on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard once the community is created. Out of Office Select the Out of Office box to allow trip approvers within the community to delegate approval responsibilities when out of the office. If selected, a list of eligible approvers will appear when approvers click on Out of Office from within their personal profiles. Only one delegated approver can be selected. Selection of a delegated approver is optional. If the designated approver is also out of the office, the trip will be forwarded to that person's designated approver, and so on. Note:

When a designated approver is chosen, the name of the original approver - not the designated approver - is displayed in the list of approvers for selection by a traveller. If the original approver does not designate an approver when selecting the Out of Office box, the designating approver's name will not appear in the list of approvers.

My status (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Travel Approver or Fallback Approver) Specify whether the user's status as the Travel Approver is either in or out of the office. When the user's status is out of office, trips that require his or her approval are sent to the Fallback Approver instead. Custom Admin template assignment Only appears when the community has enabled the custom administrator functionality in the Community Structure wizard and user has been assigned the role of custom administrator on the Role and Community Assignments page in this wizard. Select a template from the drop-down list that the user is allowed to display and modify for the community. The template determines which administration settings can be modified by the custom administrator.

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See the help for the Admin Customization wizard for more information on this feature. e-Reporter User ID (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Administrator) If the user has access to Amadeus e-Reporter (the browser-based reporting tool), displays the user's e-Reporter ID for direct login. This parameter is read-only. e-Reporter User password (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Administrator) If the user has access to Amadeus e-Reporter (the browser-based reporting tool), displays the user's e-Reporter password for direct login. This parameter is readonly. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Create User Wizard - Overview on page 295

Modify User Wizard Modify User Wizard - Overview Navigation: User Profile Management The Modify User wizard lets you search for and manage existing user accounts. In managing an account, you can: •

Make changes to the account including changing the password, changing the home community, activating or deactivating the account, locking or unlocking the account, and deleting the account

Modify role and community assignments

Modify profile information (if the user has been assigned the role of Traveller) or user information (if the user has been assigned a role or roles other than Traveller)

Update the guest profile, if the community has been defined to allow the travel arranger to book trips for a guest traveller

The wizard consists of the following pages:


Modify User Wizard - Account Searches below

Modify User Wizard - Account Changes on page 303

Modify User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments on page 305

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings on page 307

Modify User Wizard - User Information on page 317

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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Modify User Wizard - Account Searches You use the Account Searches page to search for an existing user account in the community to which you logged in as well as any community subordinate to it in the community hierarchy. While this is most useful for modifying account information, it is also helpful when creating a new account. Performing a search first will help prevent the creation of duplicate accounts. Note:

User accounts for users who have roles in the community to which you are logged in or in any subordinate communities and also have roles in a community above the community to which you are logged in will be excluded from the search results.

What You Provide Enter at least one of following search parameters, then click on Search: •

The user's login name

Community in which to search

User's first name

User's last name

Account status (inactive or locked)

User status (arranger or approver)

Note that you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in any of the search parameters; for example, for a user's login name, you might enter *Smith, or John*, or J*Smith. If one or more users are found, the Search Results page appears with a limited amount of the information for each user. If you search by user status, the search results include only those users who have the selected user status in the community and any subordinate communities of the community selected in the Community field. If you do not specify a community in the Community field, the search results include only those users who have the selected user status in the currently managed community and all its subordinate communities. Select the user that you want from the search results, then click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Deleting Users The following restrictions apply: •

The user that you want to delete must not have any trips planned.

A travel approver or fallback approver must not have any trips assigned to him for approval.

The user that you want to delete must not be logged in.

To delete one or more specific users, select the users that you want to delete in the Search Results page, then click on Delete. To delete all users from the Search Results page, click on Select All, and then on Delete. Warning: © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved

Once a user account has been deleted, it cannot be restored. 297

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Deleting users is not available to all communities.

Guest Traveller Profile If the community has been set to allow a guest traveller, click on Edit Guest Traveller Profile to work in the guest profile. A community has a single guest profile. You can enter information in fields in the profile except for the traveller name. This data will be saved and can be reused each time the travel arranger makes a booking for a guest traveller. The guest traveller's name, however, must be entered for each booking by the travel arranger. Related Topics Modify User Wizard - Overview on page 301

Modify User Wizard - Account Changes You use the Account Changes page to manage an existing user account.

What You Provide Home community Select the community to which a user is to log in to by default when he or she logs in to the online reservation system. (A user can log in to either his or her home community by default or choose another community in which he or she has been assigned a role.) If the governing community specified for the user is a: •

Distributor community, then you must select that Distributor community as the home community


Company community, then you can select either the specified Company community or any of its subordinate communities


In order for a home community to take effect, the user must be assigned a role in that community. You assign roles on the next page of this wizard.

Login name Enter the name that the user is to use when logging in to the online reservation system. First name Type the user's first name. Last name Type the user's last name. New password Type the user's password. Passwords are case sensitive. The password requirements defined in the user's home community (on the Password Settings page of the Security wizard) govern valid passwords for the user. Do not use: 298

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The user's first name, last name, or first and last names

The name of governing community to which the user belongs

The user's login name, if your community has prohibited, on the Password Settings page of the Security wizard, a user from having the same password and login name

Previous password(s), if your community has set a threshold for denying reuse of previous passwords on the Password Setting page of the Security wizard


To prevent others from seeing the password, asterisks appear for the characters of the password.

Depending on your community configuration, you might be able to use: •

Special characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) + , -. : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ _ | { } ~


Verify password Type the user's new password again. Activation Specify whether you want to activate or deactivate the user account. If you deactivate a user’s account, he or she cannot log in to the online reservation system. If the user had the role of arranger and/or approver, he or she will no longer be identified in the traveller interface as an arranger and/or approver. If you deactivate an account for a user who is an approver for pre-trip approval, trips that require his or her approval are still processed in the usual manner. This means that approval requests will still be sent to the approver and then passed on to the fallback approver, if designated. Note:

You cannot delete a user account. To prevent the account from being used, deactivate it.

Locking If the status of the account is Locked, specify whether you want to unlock the user account. If the status of the account is Unlocked, the Unlock account parameter is not available. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Account locking Your community may implement a security feature that locks a user's account after a certain number of login attempts with an incorrect password. If this feature is in place and the user has exceeded the maximum number of login attempts with an erroneous password, the user can:

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Contact you to get the account unlocked.

Wait for the account to unlock automatically. The interval until the account becomes unlocked is specified in the message displayed when the user tries to log in to the locked account. Note that, if the user specifies an incorrect password on the first login attempt after the account is unlocked, the account will immediately be locked again.

Related Topics Modify User Wizard - Overview on page 301

Modify User Wizard - Role and Community Assignments You use the Role and Community Assignments page to assign roles to users and specify the community in which the role is assigned. You can assign a user any of the following roles: Administrator Permits a user to manage a broad range of travel activities and policies for one or more groups of users using the administrative interface. To allow read-only access to the administration interface, select Prevent modification of community settings by this user. Custom Administrator Only available when you have selected the Allow customization of the administrative interface field in the Community Structure wizard. Permits the user to manage the template settings of the customized administration interface. To allow read-only access to the administration interface, select Prevent modification of community settings by this user. When you have assigned this role to a user, you must also assign an administration template to the community in the Admin Customization Template wizard, or to the user on the User Information page of this wizard. See the help for the Admin Customization wizard for more information about this feature. Profile Manager Allows a user to manage user profiles. This user can: •

Create new users (except administrators)

Assign user roles (except the administrator role)

Modify user profile information

Deactivate users

Traveller Permits a user to plan trips using the online reservation system.


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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Appointed Travel Arranger Permits a user to book trips for another traveller using the online reservation system. An appointed travel arranger sees the same travel options as travellers, that is, the travel options specified by the Display Rule parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. Apart from the appointed travel arranger, who is assigned by the administrator or profile manager, travellers can also nominate other travellers to be their nominated travel arrangers. Principal Travel Arranger Permits a user to plan trips for another traveller using the online reservation system. A Principal Travel Arranger sees all travel options (that is, both in- and out-of-policy options), regardless of the setting for the Display Rule parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. It is recommended that you assign either the role of Travel Arranger or Principal Travel Arranger but not both to a user. Travel Approver Permits a user to approve and disapprove trips for travellers using the online reservation system. Note:

In order for this role to take effect, you must also set the Trip Approval parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard to Always needs approval or Needs approval when trip is out of policy.

Fallback Approver Permits a user to approve and disapprove trips for travellers using the online reservation system when travellers' regular approvers are not available or do not respond in a timely fashion to travel requests. Note:

In order for this role to take effect, you must also set the Trip Approval parameter on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard to Always needs approval or Needs approval when trip is out of policy.

The role of Administrator can be assigned at any community level within the user's governing community hierarchy. With this role, a user has administrative rights to the community in which the role is assigned as well as communities subordinate to the community in which the role is assigned. The roles of Traveller, Travel Approver, Fallback Approver, Appointed Travel Arranger, and Principal Travel Arranger can be assigned only at the Company and Division levels within the user's governing community hierarchy. With one of these roles, a user has access only to the community in which he or she is assigned the role.

What You Provide For each role that you want to assign to a user, select the communities in which the role is to be assigned. Note:

Be sure to assign a role to the user in the community that you specified as his or her home community on the previous page.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next.

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Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Modify User Wizard - Overview on page 301

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings Use this page to define or modify the profile information of a user who has been assigned the role of Traveller and/or Travel Approver. This page appears only if the user has been assigned the Traveller and/or Travel Approver role. Travellers can also furnish this information in the traveller interface.

What You Provide •

Traveller Information. For more information see Modify User Wizard Profile Settings - Traveler Information on page 308.

Method of Payment. For more information see Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Method of Payment on page 309.

Method of Delivery. For more information see Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Method of Delivery on page 311.

General Preferences. For more information see Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - General Preferences on page 312.

Custom Fields. For more information see Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Custom Fields on page 316.

Login Information. For more information see Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Login Information on page 316.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Guest profile You also use this page to enter details into the guest profile. The guest profile is used when a travel arranger makes a booking for a guest traveller, but the travel arranger must enter the guest's name, e-mail and phone number for each trip. Related Topics Modify User Wizard - Overview on page 301

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Traveler Information You use the Traveller Information section on the Profile page of the Modify User wizard to maintain some basic information that the online reservation system needs when recording a traveller's travel plans. 302

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What You Provide Traveller information Name – Provide the traveller's name and, optionally, information about his or her gender and date of birth. You cannot enter the traveller's name if working in the guest profile. If they are enabled in the Profile Structure, you can select up to two passenger types for a traveller or guest traveller. Passenger types allow you to book passenger type discounted fares (youth, senior, student, military, and so on) in the online booking system. For more information, see the help for the Passenger Type Code wizard. Absences – Select Out of Office when the traveller plans to be away from the workplace. If the traveller is authorised to approve the travel of others, the reservation system will divert approval requests to other approvers while this setting is selected. Nominated Travel Arrangers – Click on the link to search for traveller's in the current community to nominate as travel arrangers for this traveller. Nominated Travel Arrangers can book trips for a traveller. To remove a user from the list of arrangers, select the arranger and click on Delete from list. Nominated Travel Approvers – Click on the link to search for users to nominate as travel approvers for this traveller. You can search for users in the traveller's community and higher-level communities up to the company-level community. Nominated Travel Approvers can approve or reject travel bookings made by travellers. To remove a user from the list of approvers, select the approver and click on Delete from list. Designated users for Travel Arranging – Click on the link to search for travellers in the current community for whom this user is allowed to arrange trips. The user becomes a Nominated Travel Arranger who can book trips for the designated travellers. Note:

This setting is only displayed if it was enabled in the Account Information wizard.


A travel arranger that has been designated by an administrator or a profile manager cannot be deleted from the list of Nominated Travel Arrangers in the Traveller's Profile.

To remove a user from the list, select the user and click on Delete from list. Designated users for Travel Approval – Click on the link to search for travellers for whom this travel approver is allowed to approve trips. You can search for users in the traveller's community and higher-level communities up to the company-level community. The travel approver becomes a Nominated Travel Approver who can approve or reject travel bookings made by the designated travellers. Note:

This setting is only displayed if it was enabled in the Account Information wizard.

To remove a user from the list, select the user and click on Delete from list. Contact Provide phone, fax, pager, and e-mail information for use in contacting the traveller.

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Define addresses Provide information about the traveller's business and, optionally, the traveller's personal address or other address. Passports Provide identifying information for up to two passports. Administrative data Provide any identifying information required by the traveller's employer. My status (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Travel Approver or Fallback Approver) Specify whether the user's status as the Travel Approver or Fallback Approver is either in or out of the office.

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Method of Payment You use the Method of Payment section on the Profile page of the Modify User wizard to maintain information about the way in which a traveller will pay for travel. A traveller cannot make travel plans through your online reservation system without at least one credit card recorded.

What You Provide AirPlus DBI This option is only displayed if corporate credit cards are enabled and your community uses manual association of travellers to the cards. Assign a corporate credit card to the user, or alternatively do not allow the user to use a corporate credit card. The corporate credit card can only be used for airline reservations. Exceptions: For communities using Amadeus, the corporate credit card can also be used: •

to pay for Deutsche Bahn rail bookings.


as the method of guarantee for car bookings with specific car companies in specific markets.

Airline ticket payment Select the method the traveller will use used to pay for airline reservations. If the method of payment is defined by an account that your company has with its travel agency, select As per agreement. The credit cards displayed here are defined further down on this page. Web booking method of payment Select the method the traveller will use to pay for web fare bookings on low-cost airlines. The credit cards displayed here are defined further down on this page. 304

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To force the traveller to pay with a personal credit card, select Enter the CC at booking time. Train ticket payment This option only appears if the train component is enabled. Select the method the traveller will use used to pay for train reservations. The credit cards displayed here are defined further down on this page. Hotel/car guarantee Select the credit card that will be used to guarantee hotel and rental car reservations. The credit cards listed here are defined further down on this same page. Credit cards Provide the following information for each credit card: •

A free-form description of the card (for example, Business card or Personal card). You can use up to 40 characters. The reservation system will display this description whenever the traveller needs to designate a credit card for use in making travel arrangements.

The card vendor

The account number Do not insert dashes as part of a credit card number. You need not leave spaces between groups of numbers.

The card's month and year of expiration. Use either of the following formats: -

mm/yy (for example, 05/10)


mm/yyyy (05/2010)

The name on the card

The address that you want to associate with the card. Select from among the addresses that are defined as part of the traveller information. Alternatively, select Define other address and then use the displayed fields to provide information about the address that you want to use.

Ghost credit card Ghost cards are sometimes used by corporations so that their travel agency can centrally bill all travel expenses to them, without the need for individual expense reports and separate billing for each trip. Provide the following information for the ghost card: •

A free-form description of the card You can use up to 40 characters. The reservation system will display this description whenever the traveller needs to designate a card for use in making travel arrangements.

The card vendor

The account number

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Admin Guide

Do not insert dashes as part of a credit card number. You need not leave spaces between groups of numbers. •

The card's month and year of expiration. Use either of the following formats: -

mm/yy (for example, 05/10)


mm/yyyy (05/2010)


The name on the card

Account reference If you selected As per agreement as the airline ticket method of payment, specify the account number that your company has with its travel agency. Invoice the Corporation If you specified that the employer is to be invoiced for the airline reservations, provide the address to which invoices are to be sent. You can either designate one of the addresses defined in the Define Addresses section of this page, or you can click on Define other address and then provide the needed address information.

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Method of Delivery You use the Method of Delivery section on the Profile page of the Modify User wizard to maintain information about the way in which travel-related documents such as airline tickets will be delivered to the traveller.

What You Provide Select method of delivery Select the method that is to be used to deliver tickets for the traveller's flight reservations. E-ticket information Provide the information required to implement delivery of electronic tickets, including: •

The means by which electronic tickets will be verified

An identifying number for the verification mechanism

For Rail Details only: If you select Add a New Frequent Traveller Card from the drop-down list for eTicket Document Used, you can enter an expiration date for the new card together with the e-Ticket Document Number. In the Traveller Profile the expiration date of the card is mandatory. Delivery information In the event that tickets are to be physically delivered, specify the mail service to be used, then select one of the addresses defined in the traveller's personal profile information or Use other address and provide the needed information.


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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - General Preferences You use the General Preferences section on the Profile page of the Modify User wizard to record a traveller's frequent-traveller memberships and preferences for flight arrangements, hotel rooms, and car rentals. Note:

The preferences become defaults for any trip that the traveller plans. The traveller can change the choices for a particular reservation when he or she books it.

What You Provide General Preferences: Preferred language Select the language in which the online reservation system is to display information to the traveller. Preferred currency display Select the currency in which the traveller wants reservation costs to be displayed by the online reservation system. Setting a value for this parameter will override the currency set for the community whenever possible. Favourite destination Specify the destination to be used by default when the traveller starts a new itinerary. (The traveller can always change the destination for any given trip.) You can provide: •

A three-letter airport code (for example, JFK or ORD)

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. If you provide an ambiguous entry, a list of possible matches from which to make a selection appears. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking. Note that you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character; for example, you might enter Chat* to find Chattanooga. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Air Travel Preferences: Home airport Specify the airport to be used as the default departure point for the traveller's trips. (The traveller can always change the departure point, if needed.) You can provide: •

A three-letter airport code (for example, JFK or ORD)

A three-letter city code (for example, NYC or CHI)

A full city name (for example, New York City or Chicago)

Entries are not case-sensitive. If you provide an ambiguous entry, a list of possible matches from which to make a selection appears. To search for a location: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup page appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking. Note that you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character; for example, you might enter Chat* to find Chattanooga. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. Airline class preference Specify the airline class to be used as the default when the traveller is searching for flights and fares. Smoking preference If the traveller has a preference, specify whether he or she wants to be seated in a smoking or non-smoking section. Note that most flights are now non-smoking, and smoking sections may not be available. Seat preference If the traveller has a preference, specify whether he or she wants a seat on an aisle or near a window. This preference will be used if the traveller does not specifically select a seat on a given flight. Meal preference Select any meal preferences that the traveller has.


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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Preferred airlines Specify the identifying codes for as many as three airlines that the traveller prefers to use. If you need to find the correct code, click on the search icon to the right of the input field. When the list of available codes appears, click on the one you want. Frequent Flyer For as many as five airlines, specify: •

The identifying code If you need to find the correct code, click on the search icon to the right of the input field. When the list of available codes appears, click on the one you want.

The traveller's Frequent Flyer number for that airline

Air France Subscriber (when available) If you have any Air France Subscriber cards, specify: •

The card number

The end of validity date (day, month and year)

Rail Travel Preferences: Preferred Departure Rail Station Specify the preferred departure rail station that will be used as a default in all rail searches. You must enter a valid rail station name. Rail class preference Specify the rail class to be used as the default when the traveller is searching for rail connections and tariffs. Location If the traveller has a preference, specify whether he or she wants a seat on an aisle or near a window. This preference will be used if the traveller does not specifically select a seat on a given rail connection. Seat Preferences, Fare Types and Frequent Traveller Cards (Providerspecific) The remaining fields vary depending on your community's rail provider. They allow you to specify: •

Seat preferences

Fare types

Frequent traveller cards

Hotel Travel Preferences: Number of hotels per page Select the number of hotels whose information is to be displayed on the reservation system page when the traveller performs a search. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

Total number to return Select the total number of hotels whose information is to be returned when the traveller performs a search. Hotel sort order Specify whether the hotel display is to be sorted alphabetically, by room price, or by distance from the traveller's arrival point when the traveller performs a search. Hotel search radius Select the radius around a city or airport that the reservation system should use when the traveller searches for a hotel. Room type Select the type of hotel room for which the reservation system should search. Bed size Select the type of beds that the traveller prefers when searching for a hotel room. Smoking preference If the traveller has a preference, specify whether he or she wants a smoking or non-smoking room. Frequent Hotel Guest For as many as five hotel chains, specify: •

The identifying code If you need to find the correct code, click on the search icon to the right of the input field. When the list of available codes appears, click on the one you want.


The traveller's Frequent Guest number for that chain

Car Travel Preferences: Car type Select the type of vehicle that the traveller wants. These choices relate largely to the amenities afforded by the vehicle. Transmission If the traveller has a preference, specify the type of transmission that he or she wants in a car. Preferred car companies Specify the identifying codes for as many as three car companies that the traveller prefers to use. If you need to find the correct code, click on the search icon to the right of the input field. When the list of available codes appears, click on the one you want. Frequent Car Renter For as many as five car companies, specify: • 310

The identifying code Edition v14.0

Chapter 17 User Profile Management

If you need to find the correct code, click on the search icon to the right of the input field. When the list of available codes appears, click on the one you want. •

The traveller's Loyalty Number for that company

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Custom Fields You use the Custom Fields section on the Profile page of the Modify User wizard to maintain information required by your employer.

Modify User Wizard - Profile Settings - Login Information You use the Login Information section on the Profile page of the Modify User wizard to set the login name and password that the traveller uses to access the online reservation system.

What You Provide Enter the password that the traveller is to use, then enter it again in the Verify Password parameter. Requirements for valid passwords (such as, minimum and maximum lengths) are set on the Password Settings page of the Security wizard. Do not use: •


The traveller's first name, last name, or first and last names

The name of the governing community to which the traveller belongs

The user's login name, if your community has prohibited, on the Password Settings page of the Security wizard, a user from having the same password and login name

Previous password(s), if your community has set a threshold for denying reuse of previous passwords on the Password Setting page of the Security wizard


To prevent others from seeing the password, asterisks appear for the characters of the password.

Depending on your community configuration, you might be able to use: •

Special characters: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) + , -. : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ _ | { } ~


Modify User Wizard - User Information This page appears only if the user has been assigned a role or roles other than Traveller, Travel Arranger, or Principal Travel Arranger. Use this page to modify user-specific information for an account, such as name, phone number, and so on.

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Admin Guide

What You Provide Business phone Enter the user's business phone number. Business phone extension Enter the user's business phone extension. Primary e-mail address Enter the user's primary email address. Preferred language Select the user's preferred language in which to view the online reservation system. Setting a value for this parameter will override the primary language set for the community whenever possible. You set the primary language for a community on the General Settings page of the Community Creation wizard when you create the community or on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard once the community is created. Preferred currency Select the currency the user prefers to be used in the online reservation system. Setting a value for this parameter will override the currency set for the community whenever possible. You set the currency for a community on the General Settings page of the Community Creation wizard when you create the community or on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard once the community is created. Out of office Select the Out of Office box to allow trip approvers within the community to delegate approval responsibilities when out of the office. If selected, a list of eligible approvers will appear when approvers click the Out of Office box from within their personal profiles. Only one delegated approver can be selected. Selection of a delegated approver is optional. If the designated approver is also out of the office, the trip will be forwarded to that person's designated approver, and so on. Note:

When a designated approver is chosen, the name of the original approver - not the designated approver - is displayed in the list of approvers for selection by a traveller. If the approver does not designate an approver when selecting the Out of Office box, his name will not appear in the list of approvers.

My status (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Travel Approver or Fallback Approver) Specify whether the user's status as the Travel Approver or Fallback Approver is either in or out of the office. When the user's status is out of office, trips that require his or her approval are sent to the Fallback Approver instead. 312

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Chapter 17 User Profile Management

Custom Admin template assignment Only appears when the user has been assigned the role of Custom Administrator on the Role and Community Assignments page in this wizard. Select a template from the drop-down list that the user is allowed to display and modify for the community. The template determines which administration settings can be modified by the custom administrator. See the help for the Admin Customization wizard for more information on this feature. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.


Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Reporter User ID (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Administrator) If the user has access to Amadeus e-Reporter (the browser-based reporting tool), displays the user's e-Reporter ID for direct login. This parameter is read-only. Reporter User password (appears only if the user is assigned the role of Administrator) If the user has access to Amadeus e-Reporter (the browser-based reporting tool), displays the user's e-Reporter password for direct login. This parameter is readonly. Related Topics Modify User Wizard - Overview on page 301

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Chapter 18

Passenger Type Code Wizard


This wizard is only available for communities using the Amadeus GDS.

The Passenger Type Code wizard lets you define the passenger type codes (PTCs) that you can make available for a community in addition to the default passenger type code ADT for adult. Passenger type codes are used in the fare search and allow the traveller to select from the lowest fares including PTC discount fares (for example: seaman, youth, student, military, and so on). If a PTC discount fare is not found by the system, fares without a PTC discount are offered in the Search Results display. If a fare without a PTC discount is lower than a PTC discount fare, the lowest fare is shown. Cumulative PTC discount fares (for example: military - senior, government - senior, and so on) are not offered. Note:

PTCs can not be used for web fares, multi-passenger trips and Special Programs (except for Air France Subscriber). They can not be used in a Quick Shopper Search, and when the Cabin class selection at faring time - Search by Schedule only option is selected in the Cabin Class Selection Options section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard.

You must enable the passenger types that you define here for Display to the Traveller on the Profile page. You do this in the Personal Information section of the Contact and Personal Information wizard in the Profile Structure. The traveller or travel arranger can select up to two passenger types in the Traveller Information section of the traveller profile. The system administrator (or profile manager) can select the passenger types in the Traveller Information section of the Modify User wizard. Optionally, you can create a PNR remark element for the passenger type codes in the Command Builder wizard (RM PTC and the insert variables for the traveller's discount passenger types 1 and 2). For more information about Command Builder insert variables, see the help for the Command Builder wizard. This wizard consists of one single page: Passenger Type Code Handling.

What You Provide Passenger Type Select the passenger type that you want to define and make available for the community. Note:

You can enter the same passenger type only once.

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Admin Guide

Date of birth to be added to PNR Mandatory for passenger types with an age range. Select to allow the date of birth of the passenger to be added to the PNR. The date of birth is required in the faring process. Note:

For PTCs that require age validation (youth, student, senior, and so on) the date of birth must be specified in the traveller profile, otherwise the PTC is not considered in the faring process.

Age range Enter the age range (number of years) that is valid for this passenger type. For youth, enter, for example: from 2 to 24. For senior citizens, enter a from age only and leave the to age blank. Note:

Age ranges may differ depending on the destination and airline.

The age range is used in the fare search to verify that the trip (outbound and inbound) fits into the defined age range for the PTC. If a PTC is only valid on the outbound portion of a trip (traveller's birthday is before the inbound trip, for example), the PTC is considered as invalid and is not used in the faring process. (Exception: when fares with and without a PTC discount are combined). Note:

When you enter an age range, the Age verification setting in this wizard is automatically enabled.


For PTCs that require age validation (youth, student, senior, and so on) the date of birth must be specified in the traveller profile, otherwise the PTC is not considered in the faring process.

Age verification Automatically enabled, when an Age range is entered. When the traveller or travel arranger selects a passenger type in the traveller profile, the system checks the date of birth that is defined for the traveller or guest traveller in the traveller profile against the age range that is defined here for this passenger type (age of the traveller must be lower than the maximum age defined for the age range). Note:

For PTCs that require age validation (youth, student, senior, and so on) the date of birth must be specified in the traveller profile, otherwise the PTC is not considered in the faring process.

In the fare search, the system checks if the trip fits into the defined age range for the PTC. If a PTC is only valid on the outbound portion of a trip (traveller's birthday is before the inbound trip, for example), the PTC is considered as invalid and is not used in the faring process. (Exception: when fares with and without a PTC discount are combined). Remark displayed at booking Select, if you want an information message to be displayed to the traveller on the Trip Confirmation page advising him that the eligibility for a PTC discount fare will be validated at check-in by the airline. Click on Add to add the passenger type code to the Available PTC table. To delete a PTC, click on

in the row with the PTC that you want to delete.

To modify a code, you must delete the old code first and then add the new code to the Available PTC table. When you have provided all the required information click on Finish. 316

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Chapter 18 Passenger Type Code Wizard

Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Chapter 19

Security Wizard

Security Wizard - Overview This wizard is available only to Distributor- and Company-level communities. The Security wizard lets you manage security-related parameters for a community. Specifically, the wizard lets you manage: •

Password expiration and renewal

User account security

Number of itineraries that can be created per day

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Security Wizard - Password Settings below

Security Wizard - User Settings on page 325

Security Wizard - General Settings on page 326

Security Wizard - Password Settings You use the Password Settings page to set the policies that control the way travellers manage passwords. Note:

icon is displayed next to some of the fields. Move your mouse The over an icon to see the recommended setting for the related field.

What You Provide Reset login attempt counter after Specify, in minutes, the amount of time the system should wait before automatically resetting the counter for tracking the number of unsuccessful login attempts. This feature takes effect when there have been login attempts but the password attempt threshold has not been reached. (The counter is automatically reset when the password attempt threshold is reached.) Threshold for denying reuse of previous password Specify the number of times a user must change his or her password before being permitted to reuse a previous password. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

Minimum password length Specify the minimum number of characters permitted in a password. Maximum password length Specify the maximum number of characters permitted in a password. Enable minimum for alpha and numeric characters Specify whether a user password must contain a minimum number of alphabetic and numeric characters. If you enable this feature, specify: •

The minimum number of alphabetic characters that a password must contain (in addition to any numeric characters that the user chooses).


The minimum number of numeric characters that a password must contain (in addition to any alphabetic characters that the user chooses).

Enable password expiration Specify whether user passwords expire after a given time. If you enable this feature, specify the number of days after which expiration occurs and a user is required to create a new password. Enable deactivation of user account due to inactivity Specify whether user passwords should be deactivated after a given period of inactivity by a user. If you activate this feature, specify the number of months of inactivity after which password deactivation occurs. When an account is deactivated, the Deactivate account parameter is enabled on the Account Changes page of the Modify User wizard. To reactivate the account, enable the Activate account parameter on the Account Changes page. Enable password attempt threshold Specify whether a user's account should be locked after a given number of unsuccessful login attempts. If you enable this feature, specify the number of unsuccessful login attempts that can be made before the account is locked. To unlock an account that has been locked, enable the Unlock account parameter on the Account Changes page of the Modify User wizard. Enable password auto-unlock threshold Specify whether a user's account that is locked should be automatically unlocked after a given amount of time. If you enable this feature, specify, in minutes, the amount of time that must pass before a locked user account is automatically unlocked. Force password change at initial login Specify whether a new user must change his or her password when logging in for the first time.


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Chapter 19 Security Wizard

This feature makes is useful if users are given non-unique passwords at the time that their accounts are created. Allow user to have same password and login name Specify whether a user's login name and password can be the same. Disable password retrieval If selected, the Retrieve Password functionality on the Login page is suppressed. This can be useful, for example, if you want to prevent travellers from logging into the online reservation system directly instead of using their Single Sign-On. Force password change after a retrieve password If selected, the system generates a random password and emails it to the traveller, when he uses the Retrieve Password functionality on the Login page. The next time the traveller logs in, he is forced to change his password. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Security Wizard - Overview on page 323

Security Wizard - User Settings You use the User Settings page to set the security features in place for user login to the online reservation system. Note:

icon is displayed next to some of the fields. Move your mouse The over an icon to see the recommended setting for the related field..

What You Provide Locked accounts threshold Specify the maximum number of user accounts that can be simultaneously locked out before the online reservation system sends an email to the address specified in the Locked accounts information parameter. Locked accounts information e-mail address Specify the email address to which the online reservation system should send a message when the number of locked accounts matches the number set in the Locked accounts threshold parameter. Display date/time of last successful login Specify whether the online reservation system will display the date and time (in Greenwich Mean Time) of a user's last login each time the user logs in.

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Admin Guide

Display number of unsuccessful login attempts Specify whether the online reservation system will display the number of unsuccessful login attempts since last successful login for a user account each time the user logs in. Allow login with e-mail address Setting this parameter will allow the user to enter their email address (as specified in the user's profile) as their login name. Before using this feature, you must ensure that: •

The user's email address is unique

The email address is specified in the user's profile (as the administrator you can set this in the Profile Settings page of the Modify User wizard).

Allow login to a community other than your home community Specify whether or not the user can login to a community other than her home community. By default, the user is allowed to login to another community. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Security Wizard - Overview on page 323

Security Wizard - General Settings You use the General Settings page to manage the number of PNRs that can be created in a day. Note:

icon is displayed next to some of the fields. Move your mouse The over an icon to see the recommended setting for the related field.

What You Provide Maximum PNRs per user per day Specify the maximum number of PNRs that can be created by a user per day. Maximum PNRs per credit card per day Specify the maximum number of PNRs that can be charged to a particular credit card per day. Self-registration policy Self-registration allows those with access to the community's URL to create their own login name and password and hence become a traveller in the community. The new users must also enter all their profile details. This means that


Edition v14.0

Chapter 19 Security Wizard

administrators and profile managers do not have to create new users and enter profile information themselves. If you enable this setting, make sure you check the settings in the Self Registration wizard. Set this field to: •

Disabled to prevent persons from registering themselves as users.

Company community only to allow people to register themselves as travellers in the company-level community only. Registration will be open to all and no passcode is required. Self-registration will not be possible on any division-level communities below the company level community.

Hierarchy of company community to allow people to register themselves as travellers in the company-level community and/or any child division-level community. If this setting is enabled, users will have to specify a passcode before they are allowed to register. You specify the passcode in the Self-registration wizard for each community in the hierarchy of the company-level community. If you select the Hierarchy of company community option and you do not want to allow Self-registration in a particular community, do not complete the Self-registration wizard (and do not create a passcode) for that particular community.

Information Encryption Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security encryption protocol for transmitting data over the Internet. Use this option to set the security level for the community. Select Full SSL encoding to encrypt all sensitive information, such as names, home and billing addresses, and email addresses on all login, home, travel planner, travel review, and profile pages. With the full SSL encoding option selected, user names will not appear in the UI. Select Partial SSL encoding (default setting) to encrypt only user profile information on the related Profile pages. Personal data security Enter a valid email address in the E-mail for profile changes field for the system to send an advisory email each time a profile is changed. Select Send profile change e-mail notification to traveller to send an email to the traveller whose profile has been modified. An email is not sent when the guest profile is updated. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Security Wizard - Overview on page 323

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Chapter 20

Offline Booking

Offline Booking - General Settings Wizard Navigation: Offline Booking This wizard is available when the Allow offline booking request option is enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. The Offline Booking General Settings wizard lets you define the information that is required for a traveller or travel arranger to submit a flight, hotel or car booking request to a travel agency. This can be useful for complex itineraries and air fares. A link or button is displayed at the bottom of the Travel Planner screens, for the traveller or travel arranger to make the request at any time during the search or booking process (including when modifying or repeating a trip). The travel agency handles the booking 'offline' (outside the online reservation system). The booking request is sent to the travel agency via email. The travel agency returns a booking proposal with a booking reference via email to the traveller, who can then accept or reject the request. Note:

Web fare bookings can't be submitted in an offline booking request.


Rail bookings can only be submitted in an offline booking request, if you have defined rules for offline bookings in the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard. For more information, see the help for the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Settings Travel Agency Email address Specify the email address of the travel agency to which the offline booking request is sent. Allow traveller to select specific trip elements If enabled, and the traveller or travel arranger has already selected specific flight, hotel or car recommendations in the Travel Planner, all these recommendations can be sent to the travel agency in the Trip Details section of the Trip Request. If this option is not enabled, the Trip Details section contains only the locations, dates and times that the traveller has requested in the search. Exception: If the Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

traveller adds a flight, hotel or car to a booking, the system retains the locations (departure and arrival city for flights), the dates and times (rounded-down to the full hour) of the already selected trip elements as opposed to the search criteria entered in the request. If no availability returned, suggest creation of an Offline request Select, if you want to display a message to the traveller or travel arranger on the Travel Planner search screens suggesting that they request a booking proposal from a travel agency, when no availability is found for a search by the online booking system. Offline Request call type Link or Button Select, if you want to display a Link or a Button to the traveller or travel arranger on the Travel Planner screens, in order to create the request for a booking proposal from a travel agency. Note:

When the traveller or travel arranger clicks on the link or button, an information message that an offline booking is about to be made is displayed in a pop-up window. To customize this message, contact the Amadeus ETV Orders team (aetm-etvorders@amadeus.com).

Approval Settings Approval always required If selected, trip approval is always required for offline bookings. Apply the in-policy and out-of-policy community settings If selected, the standard trip approval and justification settings, as defined for the community, are applied for offline bookings. Travel Agency languages Travel Agency languages options The languages available to the community as defined in the General Settings section of the Community Structure wizard. Select the languages that you want to use in the offline booking request and reject emails to the travel agency. For more information, see the help for the Email Localization wizard. Note:

If no language is selected, the primary language of the community is used.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Offline Booking - Offline Rules Wizard below


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Chapter 20 Offline Booking

Offline Booking - Offline Rules Wizard Navigation: Offline Booking This wizard is available when the Allow offline booking request option is enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. The Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard lets you define a set of rules that are applied by the system to enforce bookings to be made by your travel agency versus bookings made directly by the traveller or travel arranger in the online booking system. You can, for example, define specific flight destinations and car or hotel locations which, when booked by a traveller or travel arranger, invoke the trip to be queued to your travel agency for 'offline' (outside of the online reservation system) booking or modification. This can be useful, for example, if you have special rates for these destinations that are not available online. You define the GDS queues that are used to exchange the bookings between the online reservation system and your travel agency in this wizard. The travel agency handles the booking offline and returns a booking proposal with a booking reference via email to the traveller, who can then accept or reject the proposal in the Planned Trips section of the Travel Planner. Note:

Offline booking rules can be configured in L0 (distributor) and L1 (company) communities. The entire set of rules is inherited from the parent community to the child community. If you modify the rules at child community level, the inheritance is broken.


Offline booking rules can only be created for communities using the Amadeus or Sabre GDS.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Settings Enable Offline Rules Select to enable offline booking rules. Default Queues Offline booking request queue Define the queue for itineraries that have to be booked offline by your travel agency. This is the queue in which the travel agency receives the offline booking requests from the online booking system. Provide: •

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems) of the travel agency

The queue address or placement number

Optionally, a descriptive category for the queue


Once defined here, this queue is displayed as read only in the Other Queues section of the Queues wizard (Standard Queues).

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Entry queue Define the queue to which all bookings that are made in the online reservation system are sent. The system checks, by applying the offline booking rules that you define here in this wizard, which bookings qualify for offline processing by your travel agency and sends them to the Offline Booking Request Queue (Travel Agency Queue). Provide: •

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems)

The queue address or placement number

Optionally, a descriptive category for the queue


You must define a unique queue that is not used anywhere else in the online booking system.


Once defined here, this queue is displayed as read only in the Other Queues section of the Queues wizard (Standard Queues).

Ready queue Define the queue to which all bookings that have been handled offline by your travel agency are sent. After handling the booking offline, the travel agent must update the booking with Remark elements that are specified in the Offline Booking Request/Reject Emails, and manually put it on this queue. The offline booking is then available to the traveller in the Planned Trips section of the Travel Planner or can be displayed by trip reference number. Provide: •

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems)

The queue address or placement number

Optionally, a descriptive category for the queue


You must define a unique queue that is not used anywhere else in the online booking system.


Once defined here, this queue is displayed as read only in the Other Queues section of the Queues wizard (Standard Queues).

PNR Remark to the Travel Agency •

Define a remark that you want to add as a remark element in the PNR before the offline booking is queued to your travel agency. This is optional.

You can enter up to 50 characters including the following special characters: -/*+



The person specified in the Contact page of the Community Structure wizard (of the community where Offline Rules are enabled) is notified by email if the Offline Rules Process is unable to access a GDS queue.

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Chapter 20 Offline Booking

Offline Booking Rules Air section Ticket element (TST) Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the TST (Transitional Stored Ticket) is present or is not present in the PNR. Different Airlines used, except Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when different airlines are used in the itinerary. 1. Specify the airline that you want to exclude from this rule in the Vendor Codes field. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the airline from the displayed list. You can enter several airline codes, separated by a comma. Note:

The airlines that you specify here are considered as combinable, not as different.

2. Click on Add. To delete airline codes, click on to delete.

in the row with the airline codes that you want

To modify airline codes, you must delete the entire row first, then enter new ones. Number of segments > Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the itinerary contains more flight segments than the number that you specify here. Enter the number in the box. Open Jaw, except Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the itinerary contains an open jaw. 1. Specify the three-letter IATA city codes of the cities between which you want to allow open jaws. These open jaws exceptions will be excluded from this rule. Enter the city codes in the City 1 and City 2 fields. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the city from the displayed list. 2. Click on Add. To delete open jaw exceptions, click on to delete.

in the row with the cities that you want

To modify open jaw exceptions, you must delete the entire row first, then enter new ones. Not symmetric trip Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the outbound and the inbound trip are not symmetric (mirror images). Example of a symmetric (mirror image) trip: Outbound: NCE-CDG-NYC Inbound: NYC-CDG-NCE Examples of dissymmetric trips: Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Trip 1: Outbound: NCE-CDG-NYC Inbound: NYC-FRA-NCE Trip 2: Outbound: NCE-CDG-NYC Inbound: NYC-NCE Stay duration > Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the stay duration (elapsed time between the arrival and the departure date) of a trip exceeds the number of hours that you specify here. Note:

You can specify both the Stay duration greater than > and the Stay duration less than < rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Stay duration < Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the stay duration (elapsed time between the arrival and the departure date) of a trip is shorter than the number of hours that you specify here. Note:

You can specify both the Stay duration greater than > and the Stay duration less than < rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if locations match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a flight booking that matches a specific departure and/or arrival location. (This means the point of origin and the final destination transfer points are not checked.) You can specify an airport, a city, a state or province, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the Departure and Arrival drop-down lists. World — Applies to any location in the world. City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province.


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Chapter 20 Offline Booking

If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. 2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the departure and/or arrival location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that contain flight bookings to be considered offline, select World as the Departure and Arrival location.

To delete a departure/arrival location, click on you want to delete.

in the row with the location that

To modify a departure/arrival location, you must delete the entire row first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if locations do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a flight booking that does not match a specific departure and/or arrival location. (This means the point of origin and the final destination transfer points are not checked.) You can specify an airport, a city, a state or province, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the Departure and Arrival drop-down lists. World — Applies to any location in the world. City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. 2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the departure and/or arrival location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that do not contain flight bookings to be considered offline, select World as the Departure and Arrival location.

To delete a departure/arrival location, click on you want to delete.

in the row with the location that

To modify a departure/arrival location, you must delete the entire row first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Multiple Passengers Select, if you want a booking that contains flight segments to be considered offline when it was made for more than or less than a specific number of passengers. Enter the number of passengers in the box. Note:

You can only specify either or.

Rail section Offline if locations match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a rail booking that matches a specific departure and/or arrival location. (This means the point of origin and the final destination transfer points are not checked.) You can specify a railway station, a city, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the Departure and Arrival drop-down lists. World — Applies to any location in the world. Main Station — Applies to a major train station.



If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller books the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station.


When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Edition v14.0

Chapter 20 Offline Booking

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. Note:

Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the departure and/or arrival location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that contain rail bookings to be considered offline, select World as the Departure and Arrival location.

To delete a departure/arrival location, click on you want to delete.

in the row with the location that

To modify a departure/arrival location, you must delete the entire row first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if locations do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a rail booking that does not match a specific departure and/or arrival location. (This means the point of origin and the final destination transfer points are not checked.) You can specify a railway station, a city, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the Departure and Arrival drop-down lists. World — Applies to any location in the world. Main Station — Applies to a major train station. -

If you select this option, the rule will apply when the traveller does not book the same main station or any minor station that is close enough to be associated to the main station.


When you enter the name of the main train station:


It is easiest to enter the city or town in which the main station is located; the system will then automatically find the main station. This is the recommended method. For example: Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munchen, Berlin.


You can also enter the full name of the main station. However, you must enter the exact name as it appears in the rail provider's database. For example, Stuttgart Hbf, Berlin Friedrichstr.


The system will not recognize minor or secondary train stations. You must use main stations for rules.


The station must be serviced by the rail provider you configured for the community.

Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world.

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Only railway stations situated in an airport can use the region based on an IATA airport code.

2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the departure and/or arrival location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that do not contain rail bookings to be considered offline, select World as the Departure and Arrival location.

To delete a departure/arrival location, click on you want to delete.

in the row with the location that

To modify a departure/arrival location, you must delete the entire row first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Multiple Passengers Select, if you want a booking that contains rail segments to be considered offline when it was made for more than or less than a specific number of passengers. Enter the number of passengers in the box. Note:

You can only specify either or.

Hotel section Offline if locations match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a hotel booking that matches a specific hotel location. You can specify an airport, a city, a state or province, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the drop-down list. World — Applies to any location in the world. City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 20 Offline Booking

If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. 2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the hotel location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that contain hotel bookings to be considered offline, select World in the drop-down list.

To delete a hotel location, click on delete.

in the row with the location that you want to

To modify a hotel location, you must delete the location first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if locations do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a hotel booking that does not match a specific hotel location. You can specify an airport, a city, a state or province, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the drop-down list. World — Applies to any location in the world. City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. 2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the hotel location. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that contain hotel bookings to be considered offline, select World in the drop-down list.

To delete a hotel location, click on delete.

in the row with the location that you want to

To modify a hotel location, you must delete the location first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if Property Codes match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains hotel bookings that match a specific property code. 1. Specify the property code. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the property codes from the displayed list. You can enter several property codes, separated by a comma. 2. Click on Add. To modify or delete Property Codes, make your updates directly in the box. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if property codes match one of the following and the Offline if property codes do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if Property Codes do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains hotel bookings that do not match a specific property code. 1. Specify the property code. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the property codes from the displayed list. You can enter several property codes, separated by a comma. 2. Click on Add. To modify or delete Property Codes, make your updates directly in the box. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if property codes match one of the following and the Offline if property codes do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Car section Offline if locations match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a car booking that matches a specific pick-up and/or drop-off location. You can specify an airport, a city, a state or province, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the Pick-up and Drop-off drop-down lists. World — Applies to any location in the world. City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. 336

Edition v14.0

Chapter 20 Offline Booking

If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. 3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. 2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the pick-up and/or drop-off location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that contain car bookings to be considered offline, select World as the Pick-up and Drop-off location.

To delete a pick-up/drop-off location, click on you want to delete.

in the row with the location that

To modify a pickup/drop-off location, you must delete the entire row first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if locations do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a car booking that does not match a specific pick-up and/or drop-off location. You can specify an airport, a city, a state or province, a country or any location (World). 1. Select the geographic application from the Pick-up and Drop-off drop-down lists. World — Applies to any location in the world. City/Airport — Applies to a specified city or airport. If you select this option, specify the city/airport as follows: 1. Click on the search icon adjacent to the field. The Location Lookup window appears. 2. Type the name of the location you are looking for. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

3. Optionally, type the country code of the location. You can click on the icon to the right of the field to display a list of available codes. 4. Select whether you want to display matching cities, airports, or both. 5. Click on Search. The window displays a list of locations that match your search criteria. 6. In the listing, click on the location that you want. The location appears in the field from which you initiated the search. State/Province — Applies to any location within a specified state or province. If you select this option, select the state/province from the list of states/provinces. Country — Applies to any location within a specified country. If you select this option, select the country from the list of all countries in the world. 2. Depending on what you have selected, enter the pick-up and/or drop-off location. 3. Click on Add. Note:

If you want all trips that contain car bookings to be considered offline, select World as the Pick-up and Drop-off location.

To delete a pick-up/drop-off location, click on you want to delete.

in the row with the location that

To modify a pickup/drop-off location, you must delete the entire row first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if locations match one of the following and the Offline if locations do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

General Offline if Passenger Type Codes (PTC) match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a specific passenger type code (PTC). Specify the passenger type code. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the PTC from the displayed list. You can enter several PTCs, separated by a comma. To modify or delete PTCs, make your updates directly in the box. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if Passenger Type Codes (PTC) match one of the following and the Offline if Passenger Type Codes (PTC) do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Offline if Passenger Type Codes (PTC) do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a passenger type code (PTC) that does not match the one that you specify here.


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Chapter 20 Offline Booking

Specify the passenger type code. Alternatively, click on the search icon to the right and select the PTC from the displayed list. You can enter several PTCs, separated by a comma. To modify or delete PTCs, make your updates directly in the box. Note:

You can specify both the Offline if Passenger Type Codes (PTC) match one of the following and the Offline if Passenger Type Codes (PTC) do not match any of the following rule in this wizard. In this case both rules are applied together.

Departure Time Limit Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when the Departure Time Limit* of a trip is before or after the time that you specify here. * The difference between the departure date and time of the first PNR element in the booking and the date and time when the system checks the trip for the applicability of offline booking rules. The time when the system checks the offline booking rules is defined by an automated scheduler process in the system. Note:

You can only specify either or.

Offline if PNR Remarks match one of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a PNR remark (RM element in the Amadeus GDS) that matches the content of a remark that you specify here. You can specify the entire remark or part of it. 1. Specify the remark in the box. Examples: POLICY OUT OF POLICY (entire remark) POLICY (part of the remark) You can also use wildcards anywhere in the Remark definition: SPECIAL SERVICE* (* replaces a set of characters) TRP/???BUSINESS (? replaces one character. Here, three characters in total.) STATUS\* (enter a back slash before the asterisk or the question mark, if you want to define a remark that contains a star or a question mark.) 2. Click on Add. To delete a PNR Remark, click on delete.

in the row with the remark that you want to

To modify a PNR Remark, you must delete it first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify only one rule, Offline if PNR Remarks match one of the following or Offline if PNR Remarks do not match any of the following.

Offline if PNR Remarks do not match any of the following Select, if you want a booking to be considered offline when it contains a PNR remark (RM element in the Amadeus GDS) that does not match the content of a remark that you specify here. You can specify the entire remark or part of it. 1. Specify the remark in the box. Examples: Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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POLICY OUT OF POLICY (entire remark) POLICY (part of the remark) You can also use wildcards anywhere in the Remark definition: SPECIAL SERVICE* (* replaces a set of characters) TRP/???BUSINESS (? replaces one character. Here, three characters in total.) STATUS\* (enter a back slash before the asterisk or the question mark, if you want to define a remark that contains a star or a question mark.) 2. Click on Add. To delete a PNR Remark, click on delete.

in the row with the remark that you want to

To modify a PNR Remark, you must delete it first, then enter a new one. Note:

You can specify only one rule, Offline if PNR Remarks match one of the following or Offline if PNR Remarks do not match any of the following.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Offline Booking - General Settings Wizard on page 329


Edition v14.0

Chapter 21

Self Registration Wizard - Settings

Before you can have access to this wizard, you need to enable self registration in the General Settings page of the Security wizard. Use the Self Registration wizard to specify settings for the self-registration feature. Self registration allows those with access to the community's URL to create their own login name and password and hence become a traveller in the community. The new users must also enter all their profile details. This means that administrators and profile managers do not have to create new users and enter profile information themselves. Before they can register themselves, you must provide potential users with: •

The URL for the community (the company-level community and all child division-level communities are accessed using the same URL).

The passcode, if the Home Community option was selected in Security wizard. The passcode is used as a security measure to prevent unauthorized registrations and to identify which community the person is registering in.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Notify self registered user by e-mail Specify whether users that register themselves should get a confirmation email. The confirmation email contains: •

The URL for the travel reservations Web site (for their community)

Their registrations details, such as name and currency choice.

1st, 2nd and 3rd administrator's notification e-mail Specify up to three email addresses of persons to be notified when users register themselves in the community. Community passcode (when present) Specify the passcode that people must use when they register themselves as travellers in a community. This field is present if the Home Community option was selected in Security wizard. The community passcodes are used as a security measure to prevent unauthorized registrations and to identify which community the user should be © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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registered in. If you do not specify a unique passcode for a community, then potential users will not be able to register themselves in that community. If you selected the Home Community option in the Security Wizard, but you do not wish to allow Self Registration on a particular community, simply do not complete the Self Registration wizard (and do not create a passcode) for that particular community. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Security Wizard - General Settings on page 326


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Chapter 22

Email and Notification Wizard Settings

The Email and Notification wizard lets you specify settings that control how travellers can use email when managing their trips, and manage the automatic notification messages that can be enabled to remind users of credit and travel card expiration dates. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide General Settings Allow non-ASCII characters in e-mail Specify whether non-ASCII characters will be allowed in email messages. If selected, the following non-ASCII characters will be accepted: •

. (dot)

- (dash)

_ (underscore)

@ (at)

Send a confirmation e-mail on booking and cancel Specify whether travellers are automatically sent trip confirmation, cancellation, and modification email messages after making travel arrangements. If you enable this parameter, also specify: •

The email address to which travellers can reply after receiving such email messages. This address will appear in each trip confirmation and cancellation email message.

Up to two email addresses to be copied on the trip confirmation, cancellation, and modification email messages.


If you enable this parameter, you also will need to localize the text of the confirmation and cancellation email messages for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize the email messages for a given language, you run the Email Localization wizard associated with that language.

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Send a confirmation e-mail on booking and cancel to Travel Arrangers Use this option to specify whether travel arrangers are automatically sent trip confirmation, cancellation, and modification email messages when the travel arranger is working with this community. Note:

Even if this option is not enabled, the travel arranger will still receive an email when a traveller sends a special trip request.

Enable Feedback Specify if a feedback link should be included in the application for this community. If selected, a feedback link will appear on every page of the Amadeus e-Travel Management site, allowing travellers to send emails to specified recipients. If selected, enter up to three email addresses to which the traveller feedback will be sent. At least one email address must be entered. Send a notification on ATL issues (Amadeus GDS) If the Automated Ticketing Limits process has been activated for your community (using database parameters), you can define an email address that will receive email notification when a PNR is saved in Amadeus but it is not eligible in the booking flow because the calculated ticket time limit does not fall within the community's eligibility rules. By default the title of the email is "An automatic ticketing time limit applies to reservation <RECORD LOCATOR>". System-generated e-mail From address Generic Sending - Specify the default email address to be entered in the From field in the following email messages generated by the online reservation system: •

PNR-related emails, such as notifications of travellers' trips sent to the individuals designated in the Trip Notification wizard, and trip confirmation and cancellation messages sent to travellers after making travel arrangements

Non-PNR-related messages, such as messages to the agency when travellers forget their passwords or messages about profile updates

Specific Sending - To avoid the possibility of the system rejecting an email as spam, enter an email address in the specific sending email field when: •

Submitting a trip for approval

Submitting a Special Trip Request to a travel arranger

Sending feedback

Override General and Specific Sending Emails with Online User Email - If this option is selected, the From address for PNR-related emails is taken from the Email 1 address in the Contact section of the logged user's profile. Card Expiration Settings This section is used to set up automatic reminders for the expiration dates of credit cards, subscriber cards, fidelity cards and accreditive cards. This is to avoid failures due to expired cards at payment time in the booking process.


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Chapter 22 Email and Notification Wizard - Settings

Administrator notifications The administrator can receive notification by email of card expiration dates for cards that are entered into the system by the administrator. Examples: credit cards 1 to 3, Airplus DBI card, Logee card, ghost card, car accreditive cards. To enable the feature, select E-mail notification. Select the number of reminders you want to receive (from 1 to 5) from the dropdown list in the Number of Reminders field. Select the time before the expiration date (number of weeks or days) when you wish to receive the email notification. Enter this time for each reminder. If you want custom administrators to receive email notification, select Send this notification to custom administrators. Note:

The URL defined in the email is for a company-level community only. If there are cards defined at division-level communities the administrator must modify the card data for each community.

Traveller notifications A traveller can receive email notifications of card expiration dates and warning messages displayed when the traveller uses the online reservation system for cards that are entered into the system by the traveller. Examples: credit cards 1 to 3, ghost card, car accreditive cards, frequent traveller cards (SNCF, Thalys, Lyria, PGM, Eurostar), Air France subscriber card. To enable automatic warnings displayed in the online reservation system, select Warning Message. Select the number of days before card expiration when the warning is to be displayed from the drop-down list in the Countdown Start field. The warning message displayed to the traveller invites the user to enter the new card data in the profile. The message contains a hyperlink to the profile section (unless the profile tab is not available to the traveller, as defined in the Community Structure wizard) because profiles are loaded automatically using the Profile Link or Upload User features. To enable warnings sent by email, select E-mail Notification. Select the number of reminders you want the traveller to receive (from 1 to 5) from the drop-down list in the Number of Reminders field. Select the time before expiration date (number of weeks or days) when you wish the email notification to be sent. Enter this time for each reminder. Note:

The following types of cards are not processed for automatic reminders: Swedish rail, Die Bahn, Multifly-e, Accor hotels guest card.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Chapter 23

Custom Images Wizard - Settings

The Custom Images wizard lets you: •

View the images that currently appear in the upper-left and upper-right corners of the online reservation system window

Replace the current images that appear in the upper-left and upper-right corners of the online reservation system window with custom images

Restore the default images

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Image to replace Select the image that you want to replace. The options are: •

Upper Left Logo — The image that appears in the upper-left corner of the online reservation system window

Upper Right Logo — The image that appears in the upper-right corner of the online reservation system window Note that the current image used for the option that you specify appears below the heading Current Image and the requirements for the replacement image appear below the heading Requirements for the new image.

The requirements for a replacement image are: •

The image must be a gif or a jpg

The size of the image must meet the exact size requirements specified in the Requirements for the new image section of the Settings page of this wizard. It should not be larger or smaller than the size specified.

In addition, it is recommended that an image to be used to replace the: •

Upper-left logo appearing on a blue (hex#333399) background Upper-right logo appearing on a white (hex#FFFFFF) background

New image Use the Browse button to select the image that you want to use in place of the current image. To use the new image, click on Upload.

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Admin Guide

To delete a replacement image and restore the default image (that is, the image inherited from the parent community), click on Delete. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 24

Custom Integration Wizard

This wizard only appears if the community is an integrated community. You can use the Custom Integration wizard to manage integrated communities, which are communities that incorporate external applications. Amadeus e-Travel Management communicates with these external applications using XML messaging over SOAP. Note:

Certain communities can use this wizard to integrate an external user profile application.


Before you use the Custom Integration wizard (this does not apply to the integration of external user profile applications), you must first create the community to be managed, then run the Setup Integrated Community database script. This script sets parameters that are specific to integrate the community, which cannot be set using the Admin wizards.

What You Provide SOAP Configuration Specify whether SOAP messages are sent from the online reservation system to the external application. These messages can be sent at the following stages of the trip booking process: •

When the trip is confirmed (either directly or after approval)

When the trip is submitted for approval

When the trip is cancelled

When a booking (PNR) that has been created or modified offline (outside of the online reservation system) is imported or retrieved in the online reservation system. For more information on offline bookings, see the Offline Booking- General Settings Wizard.

You must enter at least one Third Party Name and SOAP URL for each option you select. The maximum number of third party names and SOAP URLs you can enter for each option depends on your community. The SOAP URL is the external application address to which confirmation, approval, cancelation, or offline PNR import messages are sent. The URL must be able to support SOAP messages, and cannot be longer than 700 characters.

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Enable Failed PNR Exportation Recording Select this option if you want to be able to view and resend trip plans that failed during export. Logout Configuration The logout option in the Login Information pane enables users to end a work session. Display logout option as - the logout option can be displayed as a link or a button. Logout URL - Specify the address of the web page to which the user is redirected when he logs out. If you leave the Logout URL field blank, the user is redirected to the Login page when he logs out (unless a logout URL has already been specified for the Silent Sign On function). You can enter up to 700 characters in this field. Logout Label - You can specify a text label for the logout option, or leave it blank to keep the default label 'Logout'. You can enter up to 120 characters in this field. Note:

If you have chosen to display the logout option as a button, enter a short label. We recommend that you test the button before publishing the change in your community.

Select the Include additional data in Retrieve PNR XML output checkbox to allow the importing of GDS PNR data in the booking engine XML output at retrieval time. Custom profile integration (certain communities only) Allows you to integrate an external user profile application. Enter the external profile application URL in the Export profile URL field. This URL is the address of the web page to which the users are redirected when they click on the profile tab in the online reservation system. Note:

Not all online reservation system profile features may be available to an integrated external profile application. For example: Creating users.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 25

Local Content

Service Tools Wizard - Settings Navigation: Local Content The Service Tools wizard lets you specify whether travellers will have access to: •

Service Tools. Service Tools provide travellers with supplementary travel information and services. Each Service Tool you enable appears as a hyperlink in the Service Tools pane.

Functionality that allows travellers to download their itineraries to their electronic calendars. Access to this functionality appears on the Finish Trip page.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Infotriever Calendaring Specify whether to provide access to Infotriever Calendaring, which allows travellers to download their itineraries to their electronic calendars, such as Lotus Notes, MS Outlook and Palm. Service tools Specify whether to provide access to all of these Service Tools: •

Aircraft Information — Allows travellers to get information about particular aircraft

Airport Information — Allows travellers to get information about particular airports

Subway Maps — Allows travellers to view subway maps

Weather — Allows travellers to check weather forecasts

Maps — Allows travellers to view maps

Directions — Allows travellers to get driving directions

Flight Status — Allows travellers to check the statuses of flights

Timetable — Allows travellers to view timetables of available flights between two locations

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If you enable this parameter, you can then specify whether to also provide access to each of these other Service Tools: MileageManager, Vacations, and Ground Transportation. Health & Visa Info In order to enable this parameter, you must first enable Service tools. Allows travellers to view critical information for their chosen destination, such as essential documentation to enter the country, advice about local customs and potential health risks, vaccination requirements, and more. This appears under the heading "Health and Visa Info" in the Service Tools pane. MileageManager In order to enable this parameter, you must first enable Service tools. Specify whether to provide access to the MileageManager Service Tool, which allows travellers to manage frequent traveller award plan information and requests. Note:

MileageManager is provided by a third-party vendor. The vendor may charge travellers a fee for this service.

If you enable this parameter, you also will need to localize the text for the MileageManager hyperlink for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize the hyperlink for a given language, you run the Service Tools Localization wizard associated with that language. Vacations In order to enable this parameter, you must first enable Service tools. Specify whether to provide access to the Vacations Service Tool, which allows travellers to arrange leisure travel. If you enable this parameter, you must specify the Vacation Go ID. Note:

Vacations is provided by a third-party vendor and is available only in the U.S. market. Please contact your account manager for help in activating Vacations and obtaining the Vacation Go ID.

If you enable this parameter, you also will need to localize the text for the Vacations hyperlink for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize the hyperlink for a given language, you run the Service Tools Localization wizard associated with that language. Ground Transportation In order to enable this parameter, you must first enable Service tools. Specify whether to provide access to the Ground Transportation Service Tool, which allows travellers to arrange for transportation to or from an airport or other destination. If you enable this parameter, you must specify the Ground Transportation Company ID. Note:


Ground Transportation is provided by a third-party vendor and is available only in the U.S. market. Please contact your account manager for help in activating Ground Transportation and obtaining the Ground Transportation ID.

Edition v14.0

Chapter 25 Local Content

If you enable this parameter, you also will need to localize the text for the Ground Transportation hyperlink for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize the hyperlink for a given language, you run the Service Tools Localization wizard associated with that language. Amadeus SMS Traveller Contact (if available) This application is only available for administrators. Select to activate the SMS Traveller Contact application. SMS Traveller Contact allows you to track which employees of a corporation are present in a particular city, state or country, based on their trips. You can then contact them by sending an email or an SMS (text message to a mobile phone). You can also download a report containing the names of travellers at a particular location. You must activate SMS Traveller Contact in each community where it is required, because the setting is not inherited by any child communities. Download Amadeus Mobile Partner Select to activate the Mobile Partner function for the community. When activated, Mobile Partner is available in Service Tools. When a user displays it, the user can enter a mobile phone number or email address to receive the link to download and install the application on a mobile phone. When installed, the user can display trip information on the mobile phone, and a travel approver can approve trips. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

More Services Wizard More Services Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Local Content This wizard is displayed when the More Services option is enabled in the Travel Planner Components section of the Community Structure wizard. The More Services wizard lets you create and customize URL links for External Content Providers and manage Integrated Providers (max. 10 each). External Content Providers and Integrated Provider links allow the traveller to book other ground transportation and travel-related services (taxi, limousine and bus services, for example) through the online reservation system. The links to the External Content Providers and Integrated Providers are displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. Depending on the type of service (train, hotel, taxi, limousine, and so on) Integrated Providers are also accessible through the Rail, Hotel or Car section of the Travel Planner tab. Note:

The services of Integrated Providers become part of the online reservation booking (Miscellaneous and Remark elements are automatically created in the PNR. A maximum of 20 Integrated Provider bookings is permitted per PNR), whereas the services of External Content Providers are booked in the External Content Provider's system only. Integrated Provider bookings cannot be modified once the trip has

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Admin Guide

been finalized nor used to repeat a trip. To modify an Integrated Provider booking, you must cancel it and book a new one. You cannot cancel a trip that contains at least one Integrated Provider booking that does not allow cancellation. Integrated Providers are available to communities using a GDS other than Worldspan. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

More Services Wizard - Main Menu

More Services Wizard - Manage Providers/External Provider on page 359

You use the Main Menu page to: •

Create a new External Content Provider URL link, or modify or delete an existing one.

Manage an Integrated Provider

You can localize the link text of the External Content Provider or Integrated Provider that is displayed to the traveller in the More Services Localization wizard under Localization in the administrative tree structure.

What You Provide If you want to: •

Create a new External Content Provider URL link, click on Create a new External Provider.

Modify or delete an existing External Content Provider URL link, first select the provider from the list, then click on Modify or Delete, as appropriate.

Manage (activate, deactivate or modify the link text of) an Integrated Provider, click on Manage Integrated Providers.


The list of External Content Providers and Integrated Providers displays all the providers that apply to a community, including inherited locations. If you add an External Content Provider or activate an Integrated one in a child community, or if you modify or delete/deactivate an inherited one, the inheritance is broken.


The Integrated Providers list displays only providers that have been activated for this community.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

More Services Wizard - Manage Providers/External Provider You use the More Services wizard:


To define or modify the URL links for External Content Providers, and to activate Integrated Providers. External Content Providers and Integrated Providers allow the traveller access to other travel and travel-related services through the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. Depending on the type of service (train, hotel, taxi, limousine, and so on) Integrated Providers are also accessible through the Rail, Hotel or Car section of the Travel Planner tab.

To deactivate an Integrated Provider or to modify the description and link text of an existing one. Edition v14.0

Chapter 25 Local Content


Integrated Providers are available to communities using a GDS other than Worldspan. The Integrated Providers displayed in this wizard are the ones that are available to this community.


To create a customized URL link with custom fields for log-ins and passwords for External Content Providers, you must first create the custom fields in the Custom Fields wizard and configure them in the Custom Fields Configuration wizard. For more information see the help for the Custom Fields and Custom Fields Configuration wizards.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

More Services Wizard - Main Menu on page 357

More Services Wizard - Manage Providers/External Provider

What You Provide For Integrated Providers: •

Select the Integrated Providers that you want to activate in this community and enter the link text that will be displayed to the traveller in the More Services and in the Rail, Hotel or Car section of the Travel Planner tab. Note:

If you leave the link text field empty, the title of the provider will be the link text displayed to the traveller.

To deactivate an Integrated Provider, deselect it in the table.

You can modify the link text as appropriate.

For External Content Providers: Title Enter the name of the External Content Provider. Description Enter a description for the External Content Provider. Link text Enter the link text that you want to be displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. By clicking on this link, the traveller can access the External Content Provider URL. Note:

Don't forget to localize the link text in the More Services Localization wizard.

Logo Enter the link to the logo for the External Content Provider that you want to display to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. Custom Fields This field is displayed if you have created custom fields for log-ins and passwords in the Custom Fields wizard. You can customize a URL link by creating, for example, custom fields for log-ins and passwords in the Custom Fields wizard. The custom field values can be displayed (passwords are replaced by asterisks) and saved in the traveller profile. This allows the traveller easy access to the External Content Provider URL. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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Admin Guide

To configure custom fields as passwords or as free text fields, see the help for the Custom Fields Configuration wizard. Select the custom field labels that you have created in the Custom Fields wizard in the Custom Fields box and click on Add to add them to the link in the Link URL field. Note:

You can create up to 10 customized URL links per community.

Link URL Enter the External Content Provider URL. If the URL uses variables: •

Use ? to separate the main URL from the first variable.

Use & to separate each variable. You cannot use & inside a variable.

Variable values can be a fixed string, XML code or a custom field.

Example URL: http://www.amadeus.com/site?var1=value1&var2=<XMLTag>value2</XMLTag>& var3=<CUSTOM_FIELD_1> Note:

Some External Content Provider URLs may not authorize this type of connection with the online reservation system. In this case you will have no access to the External Content Provider's URL. Contact the provider directly for a dedicated URL.

Request Method Select which method you want to use for the link request. Post means that the form data appears within the message body, whereas with the Get method (pure query form) the form data is encoded by a browser into a URL. For long URLs and non-ASCII characters the Post method is recommended. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 26

PNR Management

Office Opening Hours Wizard - Settings Navigation: PNR Management Use this wizard to define the fulfilment office's opening days and hours and bank holidays. These days and times are taken into account when calculating ticketing fulfilment times. Your community inherits opening hours and bank holidays from the parent community. As soon as you modify data in this wizard, inheritance is broken. This wizard consists of a single page.

What You Provide Office Opening Hours Use the Office Opening Hours section to define the standard weekly working days and hours for the fulfilment office. Select the boxes next to each day of the week to define which days the office operates. Use the menus to define the opening hours for each day of the week. Bank Holidays To define bank holidays (public holidays) for your community: 1. Click on the calendar icon. 2. Select a date from the calendar. 3. Click on Add. The date appears in the table below. 4. If the office is closed all day, select the Closed all day option. If the office is open for part of the day, select the Opening Hours instead. When you have provided all of the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Ticket Exchange Wizard Navigation: PNR Management

This wizard is displayed, if both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are selected in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. Note:

This wizard applies only to communities using the Sabre GDS.

Use this wizard to match the booking corporate codes (Sabre SNAP codes) of the corporate fares with the Amadeus corporate codes. This is needed to enable Online Ticket Changer to perform automated reissues or revalidations of corporate fares for communities using a GDS other than Amadeus. This wizard consists of a single page.

What You Provide To add a new code, enter the booking corporate code (SNAP Code) of the corporate fare in the SNAP Code field and the equivalent Amadeus Corporate Code in the Amadeus Corporate Code field and click on Add. To delete a code from the list, click on to remove.

in the row with the code that you want

To modify a code, you must delete the old code first and then add the new code to the list. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Queues Wizard Queues Wizard - Overview Navigation: PNR Management > Queues The Standard Queues wizard lets you define the queuing process used to handle traveller itineraries. You can define a simple queuing process for the community, where PNRs are routed to only one default queue, or, you can take advantage of the different types of queues that the online reservation system supports and define a more complex queuing process, where PNRs can be routed to particular queues based on how they need to be handled. For example, you might want to route all PNRs that require rush ticketing to the rush ticketing queue while you route normal PNRs to the default queue. Note:

If you define a complex queue structure, a PNR can be routed to more than one queue.

The wizard consists of the following pages: • 358

Queues Wizard - Community Queues below Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

Queues Wizard - Special Purpose Queues on page 367

Queues Wizard - Secondary Queuing on page 369

Queues Wizard - Community Queues You use the Community Queues page to identify a number of standard queues to be used by the online reservation system to handle traveller itineraries. For each community queue that you define, provide: •

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems)

The queue address or placement number

Optionally, a descriptive category for the queue

What You Provide Include queuing office ID/PCC with received from command (appears only if the GDS is Amadeus) Specify whether the online reservation system should include, as appropriate, the queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems) with the Received From command. We strongly recommend that you select this option. This will ensure that if the airline or vendor changes the PNR, for example due to flight cancellation or schedule change, the PNR is not only sent to the queue of the booking office ID, but also to the fulfilment agent's office ID. Send modified PNRs both in default and modification queues Select this option to send modified PNRs to both the default queue and the modification queue. If the option is not selected, modified PNRs are sent only to the modification queue. Default queues Define at least one default queue to handle normal reservations as well as itineraries in which the sell of an element failed when no failure queue has been defined. You can define as many as five such queues. Failure queue Default queue in case of failure Optionally, define the special queue that is to be used if the sell of an itinerary element fails. ATL queue (Amadeus GDS) Optional, available if Automated Ticketing Limits has been activated for your community (using database parameters). Define the queue for PNRs that are not eligible in the booking flow because their calculated ticketing time limit does not fall within the community eligibility rules.

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Admin Guide

Rush ticketing queues Optionally define from one to five special queues for rush ticketing. These queues are only applicable for confirmed itineraries that require ticketing within a specific time limit, usually 24 hours (relative to the Internet office ID local date and time). Note:

If you do not enter a queue, travellers may be unable to submit itineraries that require rush ticketing.

Rush departure queues Optionally, define from one to five special queues for rush departures – that is, for itineraries whose departure is within 24 hours of confirmation, regardless of ticketing requirements. Note:

If you do not enter a queue, travellers may be unable to submit itineraries that require rush departure.

Unused Tickets Queues Manual Exchange queue Note:

This queue is only displayed, if Allow Unused Ticket Payment is enabled with or without the Allow GDS Feed setting in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Define the special queue for itineraries that contain an unused e-ticket as the method of payment towards the issuance of a new e-ticket. Note:

If you don't define this queue, the PNRs will be sent to a default queue.

Unused ticket report queue (Amadeus GDS only) Note:

This queue is only displayed if both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow GDS Feed settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard.

Define the special queue for the Unused E-Ticket Tracking Report (UETTR), as it is configured in the Amadeus office ID used by the community. This will allow the system a successful GDS feed. Note:

You cannot use the default queue.

UTT for revalidation queue (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This queue is only displayed if both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Define the special queue for itineraries that contain an unused e-ticket that is used as the method of payment towards the issuance of a new e-ticket and where a revalidation is required. Note:

If you don't define this queue, the PNRs will be sent to a default queue.

UTT for reissue queue (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:


This queue is only displayed if both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community

Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard. Define the special queue for itineraries that contain an unused e-ticket that is used as the method of payment towards the issuance of a new e-ticket and where a ticket reissue is required. Note:

If you don't define this queue, the PNRs will be sent to a default queue.

UTT for reissue with refund queue (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This queue is only displayed if both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Define the special queue for itineraries that contain an unused e-ticket that is used as the method of payment towards the issuance of a new e-ticket, and where a ticket reissue and a refund are required. Note:

If you don't define this queue, the PNRs will be sent to a default queue.

UTT for reissue with penalty queue (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This queue is only displayed if both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Define the special queue for itineraries that contain an unused e-ticket that is used as the method of payment towards the issuance of a new e-ticket, and where a ticket reissue with a penalty is required. Note:

If you don't define this queue, the PNRs will be sent to a default queue.

Other Queues International queue Optionally, define the special queue for international trips. If all segments of the trip are not in the same country, it is an international trip. Note:

Trips between the U.S. Mainland and unincorporated U.S. territories that have their own country code are considered international trips as far as queue placement is concerned. Example: A trip from Honolulu (country code US) to Guam (country code GU) is placed on the International queue.

Modification queue Optionally, define the special queue for itineraries that have been modified. Confirmation after on hold queue Optionally, define the special queue for pending or on-hold trips that have been modified by the traveller and then confirmed. The PNRs are sent to this queue: •

If the community is set to Never needs approval in the Trip Approval section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard.

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Admin Guide

If the community is set to Needs approval in the Trip Approval section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard and Enable immediate ticketing is selected in the Trip Pending Approval section of the Trip Validation wizard, and the traveller changes the date of his first itinerary segment to a date that is less than the number of hours specified in the Time limit before departure date to approve the trip setting.


If you don't define this queue, the PNRs are sent to the default queue.

Agent note queue Optionally, define the special queue for itineraries that contain one or more notes to the travel agent. Web search queue Optionally, define the special queue for itineraries that contain Web fares. Note:

If a Web search queue is not defined, web fare-only itineraries (itineraries containing no other GDS Air, Hotel, Car or Rail segments) are not queued at all, not even in the default queue.


This queue is not available if the community does not use Web fares.

Pending queue Optionally, define the queue for trips that travellers have put on hold. This queue is not available if the community does not allow travellers to put trips on hold. Pending approval queue Optionally, define the queue for trips that have not yet been approved. This queue is used when a trip is sent for approval or when an approver reassigns a trip to another approver. This queue is not available if the community does not have travel approval switched on. Reject approval queue Optionally, define the queue for trips that have been rejected by approvers. This queue is not available if the community does not have travel approval switched on. Offline booking request queue Note:

If you have defined rules for offline bookings in the Offline Booking Offline Rules wizard, this queue is set to read only and must be defined in the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard.

If you have enabled the Allow offline booking request option in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard, and you have defined the information that is required for an offline booking request in the Offline Booking - General Settings wizard, you can optionally define the special queue for PNRs that have been modified offline and for rejected offline booking proposals. Note:


When a traveller accepts an offline booking proposal or cancels an offline booking request, the standard acceptance and cancellation queues are used.

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Chapter 26 PNR Management

Offline entry queue This queue is displayed and set to read only, if you have enabled the Allow offline booking request option in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard, and if you have defined rules for offline bookings in the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard. You must define this queue in the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard. Offline ready queue This queue is displayed and set to read only, if you have enabled the Allow offline booking request option in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard, and if you have defined rules for offline bookings in the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard. You must define this queue in the Offline Booking - Offline Rules wizard. Cancellation queue/cancellation applicability queue Optionally, specify the cancellation queue. Then, specify whether the queue applies to all cancelled itineraries or only to cancelled itineraries for which ticketing has already occurred. The options are: •

All cancelled PNRs — Specifies that all cancelled itineraries are placed on the cancellation queue

Cancelled ticketed PNRs — Specifies that only cancelled itineraries for which ticketing has already occurred are placed on the cancellation queue


The cancellation queue cannot be used with web fares.

On Request Hotel Queue This queue is only displayed if Enable On Request Hotel Catalog is enabled in the Hotel Settings section of the Hotel Configuration wizard. For more information see Hotel Settings - Hotel Configuration Wizard - Hotel Settings on page 107. Optionally, define the special queue for itineraries that contain an on-request hotel segment. Note:

If the GDS is Sabre, the queue category is used as a prefatory instruction code (PIC), so you must enter a category for each queue.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Queues Wizard - Overview on page 362

Queues Wizard - Special Purpose Queues You use the Special Purpose Queues page to identify a number of special queues to be used by the online reservation system to handle traveller itineraries. Specifically, you can identify: •

A servicing queue — PNRs are placed on the servicing queue if the traveller selects Pick Up At… (office, airport or airline city office) or Deliver to… as the method of delivery.

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A queue for tracking PNRs when the number of passengers from the same community, travelling on the same flight, exceeds the maximum defined for the community.

One or more traveller profile queues — A traveller profile queue is used to handle itineraries for a specific traveller or group of travellers. You identify one or more traveller profile queues only if the Personal queuing address field will be used in the community. You specify whether this Personal queuing address field will be used and under what conditions in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard. The profile queues you specify appear as options for this field.

One or more policy queues — A policy queue is used to handle itineraries that meet the criteria of a particular standard rule for air travel. You identify one or more policy queues only if you will be creating one or more standard rules for air travel. You create air travel rules in the Air Rules wizard. The policy queues you specify appear as options for the Ticket queue parameter on the Standard Rule page of the Air Rules wizard.


After you define one or more special purpose queues, you will need to localize the queue(s) for each language in which the community's users can view the online reservation system (as specified on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard). To localize special purpose queues for a given language, you run the Queues Localization wizard associated with that language.

What You Provide Servicing queue Provide the following information for the servicing queue: •

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems)

The queue address or placement number

The category within the queue

A description for the queue using as many as 65 characters

Passengers on flight tracker queue You can define the office ID and queue/category for this queue if you have defined the Maximum Number of Travellers per Flight in the Auxiliary Parameters wizard. Traveller Profile/Policy queues For each policy or traveller profile queue that you want to identify, click on Add Row to add a row to the queue table, then provide the following information: •

Whether the queue is a profile or a policy queue

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems)

The queue address or placement number

The category within the queue

A description for the queue using as many as 65 characters

To delete a policy or profile queue, click on Delete to the left of the queue. (Note that you cannot delete the servicing queue.)


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Chapter 26 PNR Management


If the GDS is Sabre, the queue category is used as a prefatory instruction code (PIC), so you must enter a category for each queue.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Queues Wizard - Overview on page 362

Queues Wizard - Secondary Queuing You use the Secondary Queuing page to identify a secondary queue to handle traveller itineraries. You might want to do this, for example, if community queues are manned only during normal business hours. Rather than let the itineraries sit in the community queues until the next business day, you could route the itineraries to a secondary queue that is manned during non-business hours.

What You Provide Secondary Queue Identification Provide: •

The queuing office ID (Amadeus) or pseudo city code (other GDS systems)

The queue address or placement number

Optionally, a descriptive category for the queue

Office Name and Address Provide the name and physical address of the office associated with the secondary queue. Reroute to secondary queue when the booking is made outside the following opening hours Specify whether, during the hours outside the specified opening hours, itineraries are always rerouted to the secondary queue or rerouted only if a reservation is made less than a specified amount of time before departure. If you select Only if a reservation is made less than a specified amount of time before departure, then enter the amount of time in either hours or days. Note:

If the GDS is Sabre, the queue category is used as a prefatory instruction code (PIC), so you must enter a category for each queue.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Related Topics Queues Wizard - Overview on page 362

Finnair Queues Wizard - Settings Navigation: PNR Management > Queues The Queues wizard lets you define the queuing process used to handle Finnair Multifly.e itineraries.

What You Provide Multi-fly.e Queues Provide the following information for the reservation, modification and cancellation queues: •

The queuing office ID.

The queue address or placement number

The category within the queue

Related Topics Queues Wizard - Overview on page 362 Queues Wizard - Community Queues on page 363 Queues Wizard - Special Purpose Queues on page 367 Queues Wizard - Secondary Queuing on page 369

Remarks Wizard - Settings Navigation: PNR Management The Remarks wizard lets you define how remark elements are created in a PNR. A remark element consists of a prefatory tag to identify the type of element, and then the appropriate text. For example, the remark element for class of service might have a prefatory tag of COS and text of BUSINESS. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Remark Text The text inserted into PNR Remark fields. The following are available: Remark when PNR is cancelled Specify the text of the remark element that is included when the PNR is cancelled by the user.


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Remark when PNR is modified Specify the text of the remark element that is included when the PNR is modified by the user. Remark to indicate user has read fare notes Specify the text of the remark element that is to be included after the user has read the fare notes. Service fee remark Specify the text of the remark element that indicates there is a service fee. This field is required if you enable the Allow service fee to be charged parameter on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard. PNR remark Normally, you do not need to change this value. You can, if you wish, add additional detail to the default value. For example, you might want to append a distributor name to the value like this: BOOKED BY: AMADEUS E-TRAVEL MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTOR X. Remark when max number of travellers is exceeded Specify the text of the remark that is included in the PNR when the maximum number of travellers is exceeded. Remark Prefatory Tags These are the prefixes used for various types of Remark fields in the PNR. For each remark element listed, specify the tag to identify the remark element in the PNR. Here are further details for some remark prefatory tags: Include fare type Specify whether the remark element for fare type is to be included in a PNR. If the remark element for fare type is to be included, in the Fare type field, type the tag to be used to identify it in a PNR. User's special request message This field supports the Cross of Lorraine key. To use this key, enter the insert variable <CROSS> where this key is needed. The Cross of Lorraine key is supported by the Sabre GDS only. Linked reservation Enter the prefix that you want to be used for Remark elements that are automatically created: •

If your site is set up to create one PNR per passenger when a travel arranger creates a multi-passenger booking.

When linked reservations are made in one booking.

For more information about linked reservations, see the Allow Mixed Travel Pass and no Travel Pass setting in the Travel Pass Configuration section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) Wizard.

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Fare group Enter the prefix that you want to be used for Remark elements that are created when a PNR is booked from the Amadeus Single View display. The system creates a Remark element containing the name of the fare group that was booked from the Amadeus Single View display. The Remark elements are segment-associated. Example: RM FARE GROUP BUSINESS/S2-3 and RM FARE GROUP WEBFARES/S4 Note:

If you don't want a Fare Group remark to be created, delete the prefix from the Fare Group Remark field.

For more information on Amadeus Single View, see the Activate Amadeus Single View setting in the Settings section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard. Segment related fare Enter the prefix that you want to be used for Remark elements that are created when a PNR contains more than one Transitional Stored Ticket (TST). This can apply, for example, to itineraries booked from the Amadeus Single View display or for communities that have the Multiple Fares option activated. The system creates a Remark element containing the total fare for each TST. The Remark elements are segment-associated. Example: RM FARE AMOUNT: 300 EUR/S2-3 and RM FARE AMOUNT: 200 EUR/S4 Note:

If you don't want a segment-related fare remark to be created, delete the prefix from the Segment Related Fare Remark field.


The segment-related fare remarks are created in addition to a global fare Remark element that contains the total price of the trip. Fare remarks are not created for web fares.

For more information on Amadeus Single View, see the Activate Amadeus Single View setting in the Settings section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard. For more information on Multiple Fares, see the Cabin Class Selection Options in the Cabin Class Selection section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard. Unused Ticket Remarks These are the headers used for Remark elements that are created in the PNR when an unused e-ticket is applied as the method of payment towards a new, a modified or a repeated trip. For each Remark element listed, specify the header to identify the Remark element in the PNR. Here are further details for some remark headers: Unused Ticket Note:

This remark element is created when Allow Unused Ticket Payment is enabled with or without the Allow GDS Feed setting in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the prefix that you want to be used for PNR Remark elements that are automatically created when an unused e-ticket is used for a new trip or when a trip is repeated or modified.


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Exchange Calculation (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which indicates that the PNR contains an unused e-ticket exchange calculation. Original Total Fare Amount (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which contains the total amount (base fare amount and tax amounts) of the original unused ticket. Original Base Fare (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which contains the base fare amount (fare excluding the taxes) of the original unused ticket. New Total Fare Amount (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which contains the total fare amount of the new ticket that was calculated by the system by reusing the unused e-ticket selected by the traveller. Total Fare Difference (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which contains the difference between the total amount of the original unused ticket and the total amount of the new ticket. Total Add Collect Amount (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings

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are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard. Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which contains the total additional collection amount for the ticket reissue or revalidation. Residual Amount (Amadeus and Sabre GDS only) Note:

This remark element is created when both the Allow Unused Ticket Payment and Allow Unused Ticket Trader (Online Payment) settings are enabled in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard. For more information see the help for the Community Structure wizard.

Enter the header that you want to be used for this PNR Remark element, which contains the total refundable amount for the ticket reissue or revalidation. Note:

You can customize additional PNR remarks for Unused Tickets in the Command Builder wizard. For more information about Command Builder, see the help for the Command Builder wizard.

Other Commands Received from Specify the text of the Received From (RF) element in the Amadeus PNR. This must show who has made (or modified) the booking. Examples: •




Where <LOGINID> is the login name of the user that makes the booking. If you put a blank for this field, the system will automatically provide a generic value since the RF element is mandatory in the Amadeus PNR. Agent Note Use this option to enable and disable the Agent Note feature. If enabled (default) the user can send a note to the travel agent from the Trip Finish page. If enabled, choose whether the feature should appear to the user as a text box or a link. If Display as link is selected, the text box will appear when the user clicks the link. Note to Hotel Select this option to enable the Hotel Note feature. In a hotel note you can enter additional requirements or information related to a hotel booking. For example: Early or late check-in, quiet room, champagne on arrival, etc. Note:


The hotel note is for information purposes. The requirements that you enter are not confirmed at booking time.

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If Note to Hotel is enabled, the traveller can send a note to the hotel from the Finish Trip page. You can enable the hotel note as a free text box or with a default value. Note:

The free-flow text or default value information must not exceed 45 characters. You can only enter letters and numbers. Punctuation marks and special characters are not allowed.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Delivery Wizard Delivery Wizard - Overview Navigation: PNR Management The Delivery wizard lets you define the ways in which travel-related documents, such as airline tickets, can be delivered to travellers. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Delivery Wizard - Delivery Administration Settings below

Delivery Wizard - General Ticketing Settings on page 378

Delivery Wizard - Electronic Ticketing Settings on page 380

Delivery Wizard - Mail Service Settings on page 381

Delivery Wizard - Delivery Address Command on page 382

Delivery Wizard - Delivery Administration Settings You use the Delivery Administration Settings page to define the methods in which travel-related documents, such as airline tickets, can be delivered to travellers. Travellers choose from these methods of delivery on the Delivery Information page and the Finish Trip page in the online reservation system. To set a default delivery method for the community, go to User Profile Management > Profile Structure > Payment and Delivery Information.

What You Provide Delivery Administration Settings Pick up at office Specify whether to allow travellers to pick up travel-related documents at the office. If you enable this parameter, specify in the Time frame for this delivery parameter the amount of time (in hours or days) required before departure to fulfil delivery by this method.

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Pick up at airport Specify whether to allow travellers to pick up travel-related documents at the airport. If you enable this parameter, specify in the Time frame for this delivery parameter the amount of time (in hours or days) required before departure to fulfil delivery by this method. Pick up at airline city office Specify whether to allow travellers to pick up travel-related documents at an airline city office. If you enable this parameter, specify in the Time frame for this delivery parameter the amount of time (in hours or days) required before departure to fulfil delivery by this method. Electronic ticketing Specify whether to allow electronic ticketing. If you enable this parameter, specify in the Time frame for this delivery parameter the amount of time (in hours or days) required before departure to fulfil delivery by this method. Mail delivery Specify whether to allow travel-related documents to be delivered to travellers by mail. If you enable this parameter, you must also specify the mail service options on the Settings page of this wizard and of the Delivery Localization wizard. If you want to make the Hand delivery method of delivery available to users, you must enable this parameter. As per agreement Specify whether to allow travel-related documents to be delivered to travellers by a method agreed to by a travel agency and a company. Note:

The As per agreement method of delivery is linked with the Account Reference Number field. Both of these items must be configured in the User Profile Management > Profile Structure > Account Information Wizard.

Ticketless Specify whether to allow ticketless travel arrangements. This method of delivery is intended for air arrangements with airlines that do not issue tickets, such as "low cost" airlines. This parameter must be selected if you have activated a low-cost airline in Ticketless Access (Amadeus GDS only). Note:

The ticketless method of delivery is linked with the Mail Service Settings sections in both the PNR Management > Delivery Wizard and the Localization > Delivery Localization Wizard.

Rail Delivery Administration Settings These settings only appear if the rail component has been selected in the Community Structure wizard. 372

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Depending on the rail provider selected for your community, some of the settings described here might not be available.

Ticketless Specify whether to allow ticketless travel. Pick up at Agency Select this delivery method to allow the traveller the option of picking up his train ticket at the agency. (The agency is the rail reservations provider configured for the community in the Community Structure Wizard.) In the Time frame before ticketing time limit parameter, specify the minimum time required between the booking time and the departure time (in hours or days) for this type of delivery method. Electronic ticketing Specify whether to allow electronic ticketing, if the itinerary is eligible. If you enable this parameter, in the Time frame for this delivery parameter, specify the amount of time (in hours or days) required before departure to fulfil delivery by this method. Pick up at Ticket Machine Specify whether to allow travellers to pick up their train ticket from a Ticket Machine (usually situated in the railway station). If you enable this parameter, in the Time frame for this delivery parameter, specify the minimum time required between the booking time and the departure time (in hours or days) for this type of delivery method. Mail delivery Specify whether to allow train ticket to be delivered to travellers by mail. If you enable this parameter, you must also specify the mail service options on the Settings page of this wizard and of the Delivery Localization wizard. Desktop Printer (DB Bahn only) Select this option to allow the traveller to print a train ticket online from his desktop printer (PC). For online train tickets the method of payment must be credit card. If you select this option, you can enable Desktop Printer as the default value in the Select Rail Method of Delivery field of the Payment and Delivery Information wizard located in the Profile Structure. Depending on your profile settings, the traveller can select Desktop Printer as the method of delivery in the Rail Details section of his traveller profile and on the Finish Trip page. The traveller can print the train ticket (from a PDF file) from the Trip Summary page, when the trip has been approved by the travel approver, or from the Trip Confirmation page, if trip approval is not activated for the community. Note:

When the traveller selects Desktop Printer as the Method of Delivery, he must also select a credit card as the method of payment and a document (credit card or Bahn Card DB25 or DB50) as the form of identification in the e-Ticket Document Used field along with an address associated with the delivery. On the Finish Trip page he is asked to agree to the Purchase Conditions related to this method of delivery.

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Make sure that the time frame for delivery for at least one method of delivery is equal to or less than the time frame set for the Show availability starting from parameter in the Air Configuration wizard; otherwise travellers will be able to book a flight but have no method of delivery from which to choose. Also make sure that the time frame for delivery for any method of delivery whose TK element is set (or will be set) to Auto cancel (on the General Ticketing Settings page of this wizard) is greater than the time limit set in the Time limit for auto cancel and auto queue parameter (also on the General Ticketing Settings page of this wizard).

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Delivery Wizard - Overview on page 375 Profile Structure - Payment and Delivery Information Wizard on page 276

Delivery Wizard - General Ticketing Settings You use the General Ticketing Settings page to define, for each method of delivery that you have enabled for the community, the ticketing element (TK) to be created in the PNR.

What You Provide Ticketing elements for For each method of delivery listed, select the ticketing element (TK) to be created for it in the PNR. The options are: •

Auto cancel — The ticketing element that includes a time limit to automatically cancel the PNR. You specify the time limit in the Time Limit For Auto Cancel and Auto Queue field.

Auto queue for ticketing — The ticketing element that includes a time limit to place the PNR on the default ticketing queue. You specify the time limit in the Time Limit for Auto Cancel and Auto Queue field.

No queue placement — The ticketing element that indicates that the tickets have been issued. There is no queue placement of the PNR.

Mail — The ticketing element that indicates that the tickets should be mailed to the traveller. The PNR is placed on the default ticketing queue. This option is available only for the Mail delivery method of delivery. If you select this option and the GDS is other than Galileo, specify the Office ID/PCC to be included with Mail delivery method.

Time limit for auto cancel and auto queue If you selected the Auto cancel or Auto queue for ticketing option for at least one method of delivery, in the Time limit for auto cancel and auto queue field, specify (in hours, days, or months) how long before the first departure date the ticketing time limit occurs. For example, if you specify a time limit of 72 hours, then, 72 hours before the first trip segment is due to begin, the PNR for that trip is either automatically cancelled or automatically queued. 374

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This field is only used when there is no Air last day to ticket parameter for the PNR. If an Air last day to ticket parameter exists for the PNR, then the PNR will be auto cancelled or auto queued on the date specified by the Last Day to Ticket.

The expiration date will be the earliest of the following rules You must select at least one of the following options to calculate the expiration date after which confirmed trips are automatically cancelled. The expiration date is calculated as the earliest of the following dates: Last Day to Ticket the flights Select this option to set the expiration date based on the last-day-to-ticket as defined in the fare. Note:

If your community does not use Amadeus, you must select this option.

Amadeus Ticketing Limit (Amadeus only) This option is only available for communities that use the Amadeus GDS. The setting you choose here also applies to trips that are pending approval and on hold - for more information see Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1 on page 259. Select this option to set the expiration date based on the TK time limit date in the PNR. Last Ticket Date calculation based on Faring (Galileo only) If Galileo is the selected GDS for a community, you can enable the Last Ticket Date calculation based on Faring option. When you book, for example, an unrestricted fare in the online reservation system and Galileo is the selected GDS for your community, Galileo calculates the last day to ticket as "Reservation day plus 7 days" instead of storing the last day to ticket when a fare is priced. If you want the last day to ticket to always be the one that is stored when a fare is priced instead of the one that is calculated by Galileo, you need to enable the Last Ticket Date calculation based on Faring option. The last day to ticket is displayed to the Traveller in the Trip Summary page of the Travel Planner and the Travel Review. Note:

If a booking is modified outside the online reservation system, the last day to ticket is the one that is calculated by Galileo.

Additional time for fulfilment Use this option to extend the expiration date of a PNR by up to 48 hours (in accordance with the time required by the fulfilment office to process the booking.) This can be useful when a user is attempting to book a PNR for which the expiration date does not fall within the fulfilment office's business hours. Disallow booking if it cannot be ticketed within fulfilment office opening hours Use this option to block a user from booking a PNR for which the expiration date does not fall within the fulfilment office's business hours. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next.

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Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Delivery Wizard - Overview on page 375

Delivery Wizard - Electronic Ticketing Settings This page appears only if the Electronic ticketing parameter is enabled on the General Ticketing Settings page of this wizard. You use the Electronic Ticketing Settings page to specify the forms of identification to be used for electronic ticketing and whether to force travellers to use the Electronic ticketing method of delivery for in-policy itineraries.

What You Provide Identification Document Option Attributes Specify whether identification documents are required for all passengers. The options are: •

ID requested for all passengers If you enable this option, also specify the forms of ID in the FOID (Form of ID) Documents parameter.

No ID required

FOID (Form of ID) Documents Specify the forms of identification to be offered to a traveller in the online reservation system for electronic ticketing. You must select at least one form of identification. This parameter is available only if you enable the ID requested for all passengers option. Force e-Ticket method of delivery Specify whether to require the Electronic ticketing method of delivery for itineraries that can be electronically ticketed. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Delivery Wizard - Overview on page 375


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Delivery Wizard - Mail Service Settings This page appears only if the Mail delivery parameter is enabled on the General Ticketing Settings page of this wizard. You use the Mail Service Settings page to specify the mail service options to provide to travellers. These options are provided to travellers when they choose the Mail delivery method of delivery and there is enough time before departure to fulfil delivery by the particular mail service.

What You Provide For each mail service you want to provide, click on the Enable column, then, in the Time frame for delivery parameter, specify the amount of time (in hours or days) required before departure to fulfil delivery by this mail service. You must enable at least one mail service. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.


If you want to make the Hand delivery method of delivery available to users, select the Enable check box for the mail service you want to designate to this method. After completing this wizard, you can add a delivery description for this method in the Delivery Localization Wizard.

Related Topics Delivery Wizard - Overview on page 375

Delivery Wizard - Delivery Address Command You use the Delivery Address Command page to define how the delivery address is to be specified in a PNR.

What You Provide Specify the format in which the delivery address is to be specified in a PNR. To add address format insert variables to the delivery address format, you can either type them or can use the Address format insert variable menu to add them. To use the Address format insert variable menu to add a variable: 1. In the Address format insert variable menu, select the variable that you want. 2. Click Add. The address format variable is added to the end of the delivery address format. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

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Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Delivery Wizard - Overview on page 375

Payment Configuration - Payment Method Wizard Payment Method Wizard - Overview Navigation: PNR Management > Payment Configuration The Payment Method wizard lets you define payment methods that travellers will be allowed to use as well as how payments will be handled. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Payment Method Wizard - Settings on page 383

Payment Method Wizard - Credit Cards on page 388

Payment Method Wizard - Credit Card Validation on page 388

Payment Method Wizard - Credit Card Commands on page 390

Payment Method Wizard - Billing and Invoicing on page 391

Payment Method Wizard - Settings You use the Settings page to specify the payment methods that travellers will be allowed to use for air and rail travel.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Air Method of Payment Options for GDS bookings For GDS air bookings, specify which methods of payment to allow. You must select at least one method of payment. The options are: Call me Allows the traveller the option to select the Call me method of payment for an air booking, which means that the fulfilment agent must call the traveller to arrange payment. This method will appear as an option in the Airline Ticket Payment field in the Method of Payment section of the traveller's profile well as the Finish Trip page. As per agreement Allows the As per agreement method (that is, a method that the travel agency and corporation have agreed to) of payment. 378

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This method will appear as an option in the Airline Ticket Payment field in the Method of Payment section of the traveller's profile well as the Finish Trip page. If you enable this parameter, you also need to enable the Account reference code field in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard to provide travellers with a field in which to enter the account number associated with the As per agreement option. Invoice corporation Allows the Invoice corporation method of payment. This method will appear as an option in the Airline Ticket Payment field in the Method of Payment section of the traveller's profile as well as in the Finish Trip page. Credit card Allows the Credit card method of payment. This method will appear as an option in the Airline Ticket Payment field in the Method of Payment section of the traveller's profile. Force the ghost card as unique MOP Forces the ghost card to be used as the only form of payment for GDS air travel. Travellers will not be able to select any other form of payment. Ghost cards are sometimes used by corporations so that their travel agency can centrally bill all travel expenses to them, without the need for individual expense reports and separate billing for each trip. You enter the ghost card details in the Modify User wizard, or travellers can enter the ghost card details in their profile (if you make the ghost card fields writable). You must also ensure that the ghost card fields are correctly set up in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard in the Profile Structure section. You can also use this wizard to enter the ghost credit card details, and make them readonly if needed. Send air credit card to every PNR Forces the traveller to choose a credit card payment for all bookings that contain a car or hotel segment. The credit card used is the one specified in the Airline Ticket Payment field of the traveller profile. The purpose is to ensure that a credit card form of payment is present in the PNR in case the traveller subsequently modifies the booking to add air segments. If a booking contains only air segments, the credit card payment method is not mandatory - the traveller can choose any of the methods allowed (for example, call me). To enable this field you must first enable the Credit card field. AirPlus Company Account (Amadeus GDS only) This payment method is provided for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account. This is AirPlus International's Descriptive Billing Information (DBI) product that uses UATP (Universal Air Travel Plan) credit cards. Select this option to allow the traveller to select a corporate credit card as the method of payment for an air booking. Note:

The AirPlus DBI credit card can also be used as the method of guarantee for car bookings with specific car companies in specific markets.

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If you enable this parameter, you must provide the details of the corporate credit cards in the AirPlus DBI – Settings wizard in the Profile Structure section. Once set up correctly, the corporate credit cards will appear as options in the Airline Ticket Payment field (Car Guarantee field for cars) in the Method of Payment (Method of Guarantee for cars) section of the traveller's profile, as well as in the Finish Trip page. If you enable this parameter, you should also ensure that the parameters in the AirPlus DBI – Remarks wizard (in the Profile Structure section) and the AirPlus DBI wizard (in the Localization section) are correctly set. Use AIDA when AirPlus DBI is not supported by merchant (Amadeus GDS only) If selected, the traveller can use a corporate UATP credit card as the method of payment for airlines and the method of guarantee for car companies that accept Master Card but not UATP cards. The UATP card can be used as the method of payment for air or web fare bookings and as the method of guarantee for car reservations. When the traveller selects the UATP card as the method of payment (or guarantee for cars) on the Finish Trip page, AirPlus provides a temporary AIDA (AirPlus Integrated Data & Acceptance service) Master Card number that is used to make the reservation with the airline/car company. On the Finish Trip page, however, the descriptive billing information (DBI) fields of the UATP card are displayed to the traveller. The UATP card is also displayed in the Payment Information section of the Trip Summary page. Note:

The AirPlus DBI (UATP) card is not accepted in all markets and by all airlines and car rental companies.


Master Card fees may apply.

Use Billing Account Allows the traveller to select a specific billing account as the method of payment for an air or rail (SNCF only) booking. If both the air and rail components are enabled in a community and you enable the Use Billing Account parameter in the Air Method of Payment Options section, the parameter is automatically enabled in the Rail Method of Payment Options section and vice versa. If you enable this parameter, you must also ensure that billing numbers have been created in the Billing Account wizard, and that the use of billing accounts for airline ticket payment is enabled in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard of the profile structure. In addition you must enable billing numbers in the Account Information wizard of the profile structure. Once set up correctly, billing account descriptions will appear as options in the Billing Account field of the Administrative Data section in the traveller's profile, as well as in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page. In addition, Use Billing Account will appear as an option in the Airline Ticket Payment field of the Method of Payment section in the traveller's profile and in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page. Air Method of Payment options for Web bookings This section is only displayed if your community uses webfares.


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Chapter 26 PNR Management

Credit card For webfare bookings, you must pay by credit card. You cannot deselect this option. Force the ghost card as unique MOP Forces the ghost card to be used as the only form of payment for webfares. Travellers will not be able to select any other form of payment. You enter the ghost card details in the Modify User wizard, or travellers can enter the ghost card details in their profile (if you make the ghost card fields writable). You must also ensure that the ghost card fields are correctly set up in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard in the Profile Structure section. Rail Method of Payment Options For rail travel, specify which methods of payment to allow. These settings only appear if the rail component has been selected in the Community Structure wizard. You must select at least one method of payment. The options are: Use Billing Account (SNCF only) Allows the traveller to select a specific billing account as the method of payment for a rail (SNCF) or air booking. If both the rail and air components are enabled in a community and you enable the Use Billing Account parameter in the Rail Method of Payment Options section, the parameter is automatically enabled in the Air Method of Payment Options section and vice versa. If you enable this parameter, you must also ensure that billing numbers have been created in the Billing Account wizard, and that the use of billing accounts for train ticket payment is enabled in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard of the profile structure. In addition you must enable billing numbers in the Account Information wizard of the profile structure. Once set up correctly, billing account descriptions will appear as options in the Billing Account field of the Administrative Data section in the traveller's profile, as well as in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page. In addition, Use Billing Account will appear as an option in the Train Ticket Payment field of the Method of Payment section in the traveller's profile and in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page. Invoice Agency Allows the Invoice Agency method of payment. (The Agency is the rail reservations provider configured for the community in the Community Structure wizard.) This method will appear as an option in the Rail Ticket Payment field in the method of payment section of the traveller's profile as well as the Finish Trip page. Credit card Allows the Credit card method of payment. This method will appear as an option in the Train Ticket Payment field in the Method of Payment section of the traveller's profile as well as on the Finish Trip page. AirPlus DBI Credit Card (Amadeus GDS only) This option is only available when the rail provider is Deutsche Bahn. Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

This payment method is provided for organizations that have an AirPlus Company Account. This is AirPlus International's Descriptive Billing Information (DBI) product that uses UATP (Universal Air Travel Plan) credit cards. Select this option to allow the traveller to select a corporate credit card as the method of payment for a Deutsche Bahn rail booking. Once set up correctly, the corporate credit card will appear as an option for the rail payment method on the Finish Trip page. As per agreement Allows the As per agreement method (that is, a method that the travel agency and corporation have agreed to) for payment. Car and Hotel Method of Payment Options Exclude ghost card as warranty for hotel and car reservations Excludes the ghost card from the list of options travellers can use to guarantee their hotel or car bookings. Ghost cards are sometimes used by corporations so that their travel agency can centrally bill all travel expenses to them, without the need for individual expense reports and separate billing for each trip. Booking Fee Options If the travel agency makes charges for miscellaneous agency fees for bookings other than standard air bookings, you can activate the booking fee options feature. Require selection of a credit card to charge booking fee Select to activate the booking fee feature (miscellaneous fees charged by the agency). When selected, the Booking Fee Credit Card field appears in the Payment and Delivery wizard of the Profile Structure, and can be configured to appear in the Payment section of the traveller profile and/or the Finish Trip page at booking time. When finalizing a booking, the traveller must select a credit card to be used for booking fees. The credit card must be predefined by the administrator in the Profile Structure wizard, or by the user in the user profile. Require a billing address for booking Select to activate the transmission to the PNR of the billing address related to the booking fee credit card. Payment Services (specific customers only) Some sites require a unique method of payment to be used (database parameter). When the site requires a unique method of payment, the customer pays for every air segment, rail segment and fee in the booking using a single method of payment. Note:

If car and hotel segments are present in the booking, they are paid for using a different method of payment.

Select which unique methods of payment are available on your site.


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Chapter 26 PNR Management

Activate iDEAL method of payment Select this option to allow customers to pay by iDEAL. Note:

This option is not available if your community allows offline bookings.


The iDEAL method of payment is not displayed to the traveller if the trip contains a web fare or ticketless access element, or if the trip requires approval.


A trip cannot be placed on hold if the traveller chooses iDEAL as the method of payment.


Trips that were paid for by iDEAL cannot be modified or cancelled.


Do not select this option if your community allows unused ticket payment.

Activate PayPal Select this option to allow customers to pay by PayPal. Note:

This option is not available if your community allows offline bookings.


The PayPal method of payment is not displayed to the traveller if the trip contains a web fare or ticketless access element, or if the trip requires approval.


A trip cannot be placed on hold if the traveller chooses PayPal as the method of payment.


Trips that were paid for by PayPal cannot be modified or cancelled.


Do not select this option if your community allows unused ticket payment.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Payment Method Wizard - Overview on page 382

Payment Method Wizard - Credit Cards You use the Credit Cards page to specify which major and local credit cards travellers are allowed to use to arrange a trip. The online reservation system uses this information to check the credit card that a traveller selects in the Card type field in the method of payment section of the traveller's profile is an allowed credit card for the community.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Inheritance applies to all credit cards. The inheritance of the settings in Credit Cards, Credit Card Validation and Credit Card Commands pages in the Payment Method Wizard are linked, and a change in one will impact the others. Select the major and local credits cards that travellers are allowed to use. Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Payment Method Wizard - Overview on page 382

Payment Method Wizard - Credit Card Validation This page appears only if at least one major credit card has been enabled on the Credit Cards page of this wizard. Note: Depending on the GDS selected for the community in the Community Structure Wizard, these credit card validation options may not be available to you. You use the Credit Card Validation page to set up credit card validation for the major credit cards enabled for the community.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Inheritance applies to all credit cards. The inheritance of the settings in Credit Cards, Credit Card Validation and Credit Card Commands pages in the Payment Method Wizard are linked, and a change in one will impact the others. Air Payment Credit Card Validation Specify the type of credit card validation to perform. The options are: •

No validation — No credit card validation will be performed; however, the system will check that the credit card number is valid in length and format.

Approval code only — Requires a credit card approval code for the full amount.

Address verification only — Verifies the address on the credit card as defined by the Desired behaviour for address validation parameter on this page. Note that address verification will be performed on only these cards issued in the USA and Canada: American Express, Carte Blanche, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.

Approval code and address verification — Requires a credit card approval code and verifies the address on the credit card as defined by the Desired behaviour for address validation parameter on this page.

Desired behaviour for address validation Specify how address validation is to be processed. The options are: •


Match exact address — Requires that the traveller's address exactly match the credit card billing address Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

Match address or ZIP code — Requires that either the traveller's address or the ZIP code match either the traveller's address or the ZIP code in the credit card billing address, and that, if either the address or the ZIP code does not match, a remark to that effect be added to the PNR

Match ZIP code — Requires that the traveller's ZIP code match the ZIP code in the credit card billing address, and that, if the address does not match, a remark to that effect be added to the PNR

Match address — Requires that the traveller's address match the address in the credit card billing address, and that, if the ZIP code does not match, a remark to that effect be added to the PNR

Validating Airline Specify the validating airline. The options are: •

Use the first airline in the first flight segment of the PNR — Uses the first airline in the first flight segment of the itinerary as the validating airline. This is the default value. (If you select this option and the PNR does not include an air segment, the generic value "All Airlines" will be used as the validating airline.)

Use this airline — Uses the airline you specify as the validating airline. If you enable this option, specify the name of the airline.

Rail and Fee Payment (if available) Only applies when the site owner is a merchant for rail and fees. Credit Card Validation Specify the type of credit card validation to perform on the credit card used for rail and fee payments. The options are: •

No validation — No credit card validation will be performed; however, the system will check that the credit card number is valid in length and format.

1$ check — Requires a credit card approval for 1$ only.

Approval code — Requires a credit card approval code for the full amount.

Validating Provider Enter the code of the merchant for rail and fee elements. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Payment Method Wizard - Overview on page 382

Payment Method Wizard - Credit Card Commands This page appears only if at least one major credit card has been selected on the Credit Cards page of this wizard and Amadeus is the GDS selected for the © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

community on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. You use the Credit Card Commands page to specify the form of payment command for each major credit card enabled on the Credit Cards page of this wizard.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Inheritance applies to all credit card commands. The inheritance of the settings in Credit Cards, Credit Card Validation and Credit Card Commands pages in the Payment Method Wizard are linked, and a change in one will impact the others. For each credit card listed, in the Form of Payment Command column, specify the form of payment command. To add form of payment command variables to the Form of Payment command, you can either type them or use the Form of payment command variables menu to add them. To use the Form of payment command variables menu to add a form of payment command variable: 1. Select the row to which you want to add a form of payment command variable or click on Select All Credit Cards to select all rows. 2. In the Form of payment command variables menu, select the variable that you want. 3. Click on Add Payment Command. The form of payment command variable is added to the end of the Form Payment command. To select all rows in the Form of Payment Command column, click on Select All Credit Cards. To clear all rows in the Form of Payment Command column, click on Clear. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.


Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Payment Method Wizard - Overview on page 382

Payment Method Wizard - Billing and Invoicing This page appears if Amadeus is the GDS selected for the community on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. You use the Billing and Invoicing page to define how the billing and invoicing addresses are to be specified in a PNR.


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The Invoicing Address Format field is only present if the Invoice Corporation parameter has been enabled for the community on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard.

What You Provide If is displayed on the top right of the screen, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. Inheritance applies to all billing and invoicing command formats. For the billing address and the invoicing address, specify the format in which each will be added to the PNR. To add billing and invoicing command variables to either the billing or invoicing address format, you can type them or you can use the Billing and invoicing command variables menu to add them. To use the Billing and invoicing command variables menu to add a billing and invoicing command variable: 1. Select either the Billing address format row or the Invoicing address format row. 2. In the Billing and invoicing command variables menu, select the variable that you want. 3. Click on Add. The billing and invoicing command variable is added to the end of the address format. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back.

Discard all current values in the wizard without saving them, click on Start Over.

Related Topics Payment Method Wizard - Overview on page 382

Payment Configuration - Guarantee Wizard Navigation: PNR Management > Payment Configuration >Guarantee This wizard lets you specify which methods of guarantee can be selected in traveller profiles and on the Finish Trip page. The wizard consists of a single page - Guarantee Wizard.

What You Provide Hotel Guarantee Select which methods of guarantee are accepted for hotel bookings. The methods you select here are available in the traveller's profile and on the Finish Trip page.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Payment Configuration - Billing Account Wizard Billing Account Wizard- Main Menu Navigation: Rules > PNR Management > Payment Configuration For the Billing Account wizard to be displayed, you must enable the option Allow Billing Account in the Community Structure wizard. Use the Billing Account wizard to define the following: 1. Billing accounts that can be used by the traveller as the method of payment for air tickets and/or train tickets (SNCF only) in the Method of Payment section of the traveller profile and in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page. 2. Billing accounts that can be selected and submitted by the traveller together with a method of guarantee for car and hotel reservations. Note:

The billing account information can only be used together with a hotel or car method of guarantee, like a credit card, for example.

Billing Accounts as Method of Payment for Air/Train (SNCF Only) Tickets To allow billing accounts as the method of air and/or train ticket payment in the traveller's profile and in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page, you must do the following: 1. Enable the setting Billing Number in the Account Information wizard of the profile structure for Display To Traveller on Profile Page and Display on Finishing. 2. Enable the setting Use Billing Account for Airline Ticket and Train Ticket Payment in the Payment and Delivery Information wizard of the profile structure for Display to Traveller on Profile Page and Display on Finishing. Billing Accounts with Hotel/Car Method of Guarantee To allow a traveller to submit a billing account number together with a method of guarantee for a hotel or car reservation from the Travel Planner Finish Trip page, you must enable the setting Billing Number in the Account Information wizard of the profile structure for Display To Traveller on Profile Page and Display on Finishing. This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Billing Account Wizard - Main Menu


Billing Account Wizard - Settings below

You use the Main Menu page to create, modify or delete billing accounts. The Manage Billing Accounts table displays all the existing billing accounts that apply to the community. Note:


The entire set of billing numbers is inherited from the parent community to the child community. If you change, add or remove a billing account Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

at child community level, the inheritance is broken. To restore the inherited set of billing accounts from the parent community, you must delete all existing accounts at child community level.

What You Provide •

To create a new billing account, click on Create Billing Account.

To modify or delete an existing billing account, first select the billing account in the Manage Billing Accounts table, then click on Modify or Delete, as appropriate.

Billing Account Wizard - Settings The Billing Account wizard lets you define a list of billing accounts that can be used by the traveller as the method of payment for air and/or train (SNCF only) tickets. In addition, the Billing Account wizard can be used to define billing account numbers that can be submitted by the traveller together with a method of guarantee for a hotel or car reservation in the Travel Planner Finish Trip page. This wizard consists of the following pages: •

Billing Account Wizard- Main Menu on page 392

Billing Account Wizard - Settings

What You Provide Settings Label Enter a description of the billing account (max. 256 characters). This description must be unique for the community. Examples: Amadeus Marketing Department Madrid, Amadeus Training Department Nice, etc. Account Number Specify the billing account number (max. 8 numerics). Note:

A billing account number can be associated to several labels if it is associated to several office IDs. A billing account number, however, can only be associated with one Logee card and one Loca code.

Office ID Enter the office identification code (max. 9 alpha-numerics) of the fulfilment travel agency. Note:

If you wish to specify a different office ID for air e-tickets, enter it in the E-ticket office ID field (below the Allow billing account field) of the Community Structure - Community Identification wizard.

Loca Code Specify the agency number/billing site (max. 4 alpha-numerics). Note:

Each billing account number is associated with one specific Loca code.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Section Specify the section code that is associated to the Loca code (max. 3 alphanumerics). Note:

A section code can only be associated to one specific Loca code.

Sub-Account This field is optional. Specify the sub-account (max. 6 alpha-numerics) for the billing account number. Logee Card Name on card Specify the Logee card holder's name (max. 96 characters). Card Type Select the card type from the drop-down list. Number Specify the Logee card number (max. 96 alpha-numerics). Expiration Date Specify the Logee card expiration date. Select the month from the drop-down list and enter the year in YYYY-format. Note:

A Logee card must be associated to a billing account.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Create or Modify, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

Command Builder Wizard Command Builder Wizard Navigation: PNR Management The Command Builder wizard lets you manage scripts — sets of related commands — for use with travellers' PNRs. The online reservation system executes the scripts at the time a traveller submits a trip. You use the Main Menu page to view a summary of each command script that has been created for the community as well as create, modify, or delete a command script. The wizard consists of the following pages:


Command Builder Wizard - Main Menu

Command Builder Wizard - Command Script Definition on page 396

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What You Provide If is displayed next to the Create command script button, you can click on it to display whether the command scripts have been inherited from the parent community. Inheritance applies to all command scripts, and cannot be applied to an individual command script. For more information, see Restoring Broken Inheritance on page 13. If you want to: •

Create a script, click on Create command script, then fill in the required information on the Command Script Definition page.

Modify an existing script, select the script, click on Modify, then modify the appropriate information on the Command Script Definition page.

Delete a script, select the script, then click on Delete.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Command Builder Variables on page 399

Command Builder Wizard - Command Script Definition You use the Command Script Definition page to specify the specific commands and conditions that make up a command script. You can type the commands that you want, and you can also insert variables from a list of available insert variables. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Command Builder Wizard on page 395

Command Builder Wizard - Command Script Definition

What You Provide Script type Select the type of script that you want to create. The options are: •

Single command — Each command in the script is to be sent to the GDS by itself


In a Single Entry command script, each command is sent individually to the GDS. For every other type of command script, commands are sent in batches to minimise the time required in finishing an itinerary. You can use a GDS terminal to determine which commands require singleentry status.

Multiple command — Commands in the script are to be sent to the GDS in groups, to minimise the number of hits on the GDS.

Priority within type Assign a numeric value (from 1 to 99) that will establish the command script’s priority relative to other scripts with that type. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

When you create a single-entry or a multiple-entry command script, you can assign the script a priority. The priority determines the order in which command scripts within a specific type (for example, single entry) are sent to a GDS. You would assign a priority, for example, to a script that sends address information to a GDS. Depending on the GDS, you are required to break up the elements that make up an address and send them in multiple scripts. (Sabre, for example, requires a script for each line of an address.) As a result, you need to prioritise the scripts so that the GDS receives an address in the proper sequence (that is, the address line 1 first, address line 2 next, then the city, and so on). Insert variables To add an insert variable to the Command script field: 1. In the Insert variable menu, select the variable that you want. The menu lists the function of each variable. 2. Click on Add. The insert variable itself (not its menu representation) is added to the end of the command script and is contained within greater than and less than symbols (< >). For example, if you select Agency address, <AGYADDR> is inserted to the end of the command script. Command Select whether a command is sent to the GDS while the PNR is being created (default setting) or after it has been confirmed. A PNR is considered confirmed when it is not on hold and not to be approved. Type the commands that you want to send to the GDS in the command box. If you need to add an insert variable, use the Insert Variables function. Note:

Do not enter commands that end and file the PNR (such as queue commands, end transaction or ticket issue).

Condition to send the command (optional) Select a Variable 1 from the list, an Operator*, a Variable 2 or enter free-flow text** in the Literal Value field. * operation between two variables, or a value and a variable. ** Free-flow text must be hyphenated. Example: "ROBERT ". The following freeflow text formats are accepted by the system: numbers ("4", "5000", etc.), decimal numbers ("1365.67", "250.00", etc.), text ("NYC", "PAUL", "HILTON", etc.), dates ("30/05/2007 00:00:00" or "30/05/2007") and booleans ("TRUE" or "FALSE"). Table: List of Operators with Condition Examples




Condition Example (Variable 1/Operator/Literal Value)


Minor than



Greater than

<LOWFARE> SUP "75.60"


Equals (number)

<TOTALBASEFARE> == "200.25"


Does not equal (number)

<LOWFARE> != "100.00"


Equals (text)



Does not equal (text)


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Condition Example (Variable 1/Operator/Literal Value)


Has a sub string that equals (text)



Date before (with or without time)

<DEPDATE> BEFORE "25/03/2006 00:00:00" or


Date after

<LASTTKDATE> AFTER "30/05/2007"


Date is the same as

<DEPDATE> SAMEDATE "27/02/2007"

Multiple Value Variables Some variables may contain multiple values. For example, if a trip contains more than one hotel booking, the hotel variable <HOTEL NAME> can contain multiple values ("IBIS', "HYATT", "HILTON", etc.). If both the command and the condition have variables containing multiple values, the multiple value variables in the command and in the condition must match, otherwise the system is unable to process the script. Example: Command: RM HOTEL <HOTEL NAME> Condition: <HOTEL NAME> EQ "HILTON" When you have provided all the required information and you do not want to create a condition to send the command, click on Done to display the Main Menu page. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel. To create a condition to send the command, click on Create a Condition. When you have provided all the required information, click on Done to display the Main Menu page. If you want to delete a condition, click on Delete a Condition, and then on Done. Related Topics Command Builder Variables on page 399 Command Builder Email Address Examples below

Command Builder Email Address Examples To update a PNR with an email address, you need to create a single entry command script. The command that you include in the script depends on the GDS and on the email address with which you want to update the PNR, as described in the following table:

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Admin Guide


Email address

Command in Command Builder


From arranger's user preferences or from agent's login account


From user preferences


From arranger's user preferences or from agent's login account


From user preferences


From arranger's user preferences or from agent's login account


From user preferences




When the command script is executed, it converts the email address to support the special character requirements of Apollo, Sabre, and Worldspan. The following table shows how the email address <j_jones@domain.com> would be converted for each GDS: GDS

Command sent to GDS


APE-J_JONES@DOMAIN.COM The Amadeus system supports special characters required for an email address, including the underscore, dash, and period.


P:BOSE/J--JONES//DOMAIN.COM Notice that the at sign (@) has been replaced with a double forward slash and the underscore (_) has been replaced with two dashes.


PE@sJ==JONES@@DOMAIN.COM@s Notice that the at sign (@) was replaced with 2 at signs, that the <CROSS> variable (that is, @s) has been inserted after the PE and at the end of the email address, and the underscore (_) has been replaced with two equal signs.


5.ZJ@3U@3JONES@3DOMAIN.COM Notice that the @ has been replaced by the <CHANGEKY> variable (that is, @3) and the underscore has been replaced by the letter U with the <CHANGEKY> variable inserted on either side of the U.

Related Topics Command Builder Wizard on page 395 Command Builder Wizard - Command Script Definition on page 396 Command Builder Variables below

Command Builder Variables


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Chapter 26 PNR Management

Insert Variables The list of insert variables in the Trip Plan Rules wizard and on the Command Script Definition page of the Command Builder wizard includes: •

Variables related to profiles, trips, and communities

Variables that represent special GDS keys, such as the Cross of Lorraine key for Sabre

Variables for the custom fields that have been defined for the community on the Settings page of the Custom Fields wizard

The following table identifies these insert variables (except the custom fields variables) and how they are represented in the Insert Variable field. The source of the data for each variable is also shown. How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Accreditive card number


Traveller Profile

Agency address: city name


Community Structure Wizard

Agency address: postal code


Community Structure Wizard

Agency address: state


Community Structure Wizard

Agency address: street line


Community Structure Wizard

Agency free text line 1


Traveller Profile

Agency free text line 2


Traveller Profile

Agency name


Community Structure Wizard

Agency phone number


Community Structure Wizard

Agency pseudo city name


Community Structure Wizard

Air CC exp date - MM_YY format


Air Payment Credit Card - Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Air CC exp date - MMYY format


Air Payment Credit Card - Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Air justification text


Booking Process

Air method of payment


Traveller Profile

Air price amount without tax and decimal


Booking Process

Air price quoted to user


Booking Process

Air trip is international


Booking Process

Air trip is outside agency country


Booking Process

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How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Air trip is outside contact country


Booking Process

Air trip is outside country of point of sale/ticketing


Booking Process

Amadeus customer server profile ID


Traveller Profile

Approver's cost center 1


Travel Approver Profile

Approver's cost center 2


Travel Approver Profile

Approver's cost center 3


Travel Approver Profile

Approver's cost center 4


Travel Approver Profile

Arranger login ID for an arranged trip


Traveller Profile

Arranger phone number


Travel Arranger Profile

Billing account label


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account local code


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card expiry date


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card name


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card number


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account logee card type


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account number


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account office ID


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account section code


Billing Account Wizard

Billing account subaccount


Billing Account Wizard

Billing number


Car Billing Number Wizard

Boolean: PNR created by arranger


Traveller Profile

Business address: city


Traveller Profile

(The contact country is the community contact, defined in the Community Structure wizard.)


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Chapter 26 PNR Management

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Business address: company name


Traveller Profile

Business address: country


Traveller Profile

Business address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Business address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Business address: name


Traveller Profile

Business address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Business phone of PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Cabin code list


Booking Process

Car city IATA code


Booking Process

Car justification code


Booking Process

Car justification text


Booking Process

Car request date


Booking Process

Carrier code in each segment


Booking Process

Code for the selected rail method of delivery


Booking Process

Code related to meal preference


Traveller Profile

Company name


Traveller Profile

Cost center 1


Traveller Profile

Cost center 2


Traveller Profile

Cost center 3


Traveller Profile

Cost center 4


Traveller Profile

Country from travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Country from travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Customer number


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: city


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: company name


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: country


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: name


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Delivery address: state


Traveller Profile

Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0


Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Description of queuing office


Traveller Profile

Email domain of the PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Email domain of travel arranger


Traveller Profile

Email name of travel arranger


Traveller Profile

Email of the PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Email pseudo of the PNR creator


Traveller Profile

Emergency contact name


Traveller Profile

Emergency contact phone number


Traveller Profile

Expiration date for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration date for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Expiration day for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration day for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Expiration month for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration month for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Expiration year for travellers passport 1


Traveller Profile

Expiration year for travellers passport 2


Traveller Profile

Fare basis list


Booking Process

Final destination city code


Booking Process

GDS Change key (for Sabre, Worldspan)


GDS Support

GDS Cross of Lorraine key (for Sabre)


GDS Support

GDS End Item key (for Sabre, Worldspan, Apollo)


GDS Support

GDS Lozenge key (in Apollo this is known as the "pillow")


GDS Support

Gender (M or F)


Traveller Profile

Highest airfare offered per bound (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Highest airfare offered per bound segment related


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Highest fare offered per bound segment related without tax


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Highest fare offered per bound without tax (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Highest fare offered without tax


Booking Process

Hotel city IATA code


Booking Process

Hotel justification code


Booking Process

Hotel justification text


Booking Process

Hotel rate code


Booking Process

Hotel request date


Booking Process

Invoicing Address: city


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: company name


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: country


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: name


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Invoicing Address: state


Traveller Profile

Is PNR in policy


Air Rules

Justification code for air


Booking Process

Justification for policy variations


Booking Process

Label for the selected rail method of delivery


Booking Process

Last ticketing date


Booking Process

LCC (Low Cost Carrier) method of payment


Traveller Profile

Lowest airfare cabin codes - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare cabin codes - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare carrier codes - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0


Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Lowest airfare carrier codes - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare fare basis codes - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare fare basis codes - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare flight data low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare flight data upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered - all vendors


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered pref. vendors


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered per bound - all vendors (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered per bound - all vendors with decimal (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered per bound - pref. vendors (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related all vendors


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related all vendors with decimal


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related pref. vendors


Booking Process (Single View) Amadeus GDS only

Lowest airfare offered per bound segment related without tax


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest airfare offered per bound without tax (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest airfare offered with decimal - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Lowest airfare offered with decimal - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered without tax - low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest airfare offered without tax - upgrade rule plus low fare rule base itinerary


Booking Process

Lowest fare offered all vendors w/ decimals


Booking Process

Lowest fare: flight data, all vendors


Booking Process

Lowest fare: flight data, pref. in policy


Booking Process

Lowest GDS fare offered


Booking Process

Lowest GDS fare offered per bound (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest GDS fare offered per bound segment related


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Lowest web fare offered


Booking Process

Lowest web fare offered per bound (origin and destination)


Booking Process (Single View)

Lowest web fare offered per bound segment related


Booking Process (Single View Amadeus GDS only)

Number from passport 1


Traveller Profile

Number from passport 2


Traveller Profile

Number of air segments


Booking Process

Number of car segments


Booking Process

Number of hotel segments


Booking Process

Number of rail segments


Booking Process

Number of web fare products


Booking Process

OB Fee amount


Booking Process

Originating airport code for trip


Booking Process

Originating city code for trip


Booking Process

Payment Address: city


Traveller Profile

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Payment Address: company name


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: country


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: name


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Payment Address: state


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: city


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: country


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: line 1


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: line 2


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: postal code


Traveller Profile

Personal Address: state


Traveller Profile

Primary traveller's credit card for Webfares: Account Number


Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Primary traveller's credit card for Webfares: Expiry Date


Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Primary traveller's credit card for Webfares: Vendor Code


Traveller Profile or Finishing Page

Purpose of trip from code list


Booking Process

Rail company code in each segment


Booking Process

Rail method of payment


Traveller Profile

Rail provider record locator


Booking Process

Rail seat-only booking


Booking Process

Renter code (car rental company code) for the billing number


Car Billing Number Wizard

Room type preference


Traveller Profile

Seating preference


Traveller Profile

(This variable is set to True if the traveller booked a rail seat without booking a rail ticket. Suggested for use as a conditional command.)


Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Service fee amount (currently used to process Lufthansa's preferred fare fee)


Booking process

The email address from arr. users pref.


Traveller Profile

The lowest air fare basis


Booking Process

The lowest airfare cabin offered


Booking Process

The lowest airfare carrier offered


Booking Process

The lowest airfare offered without tax


Booking Process

The traveller CreditCardExpDate MM/YYYY


Traveller Profile

The traveller CreditCardExpDate MMYYYY


Traveller Profile

Total air price without tax of all bookings in case of split PNR


Booking Process

Total base fare


Booking Process

Travel arranger first name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger formatted first name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger formatted last name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger formatted middle name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger last name


Traveller Profile

Travel arranger middle name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's air CC num decrypted


Traveller Profile

Traveller's bed type preference


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car air conditioning


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car class preference


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car transmission type


Traveller Profile

Traveller's car type.


Traveller Profile

Traveller's complete email address


Traveller Profile

Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Traveller's credit card issuer for air


Traveller Profile

Traveller's department


Traveller Profile

Traveller's date of birth ddMMMyy


Traveller Profile

Traveller's discount passenger type 1


Traveller Profile

Traveller's discount passenger type 2


Traveller Profile

Traveller's division


Traveller Profile

Traveller's email domain: info after @


Traveller Profile

Traveller's email pseudo: info before @


Traveller Profile

Traveller's employee ID


Traveller Profile

Traveller's first name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's home phone


Traveller Profile

Traveller's gender


Traveller Profile

Traveller's hotel smoking type pref.


Traveller Profile

Traveller's job title


Traveller Profile

Traveller's last name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's middle name


Traveller Profile

Traveller's project


Traveller Profile

Traveller's work phone


Traveller Profile

Traveller's work phone ext.


Traveller Profile

Traveller's mobile phone 1


Traveller Profile

Traveller's mobile phone 2


Traveller Profile

Traveller's community


Traveller Profile

Traveller's date of birth


Traveller Profile

Traveller's login name


Traveller Profile

Trip creation day in DD format


Booking Process

Trip creation month in MM format


Booking Process

Trip creation month in MMM format


Booking Process

Trip creation year in YY format


Booking Process

(The initial of the primary traveller's middle name.)

(Format ddMMMyyyy)


Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Trip departure date


Booking Process

Trip purpose description


Booking Process

TSA applicable


Booking Process


Traveller Profile


Traveller Profile


Traveller Profile

Unused ticket airline code


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket airport tax details (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount of the non-US taxes (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount of the tax


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket amount of the US tax (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount with tax


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket amount with tax (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket amount without tax


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket amount without tax (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket currency


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket currency code of the base amount (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket currency code of the total amount (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

(This variable is set to True if any flight segment is to/from the US or its territory; otherwise it is set to False. Suggested for use as a conditional command sent at PNR confirmation) TSA SSRDOC first name (Use with SR DOCS commands) TSA SSRDOC last name (Use with SR DOCS commands) TSA SSRDOC middle name or initial (Use with SR DOCS commands)

Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

How it's shown in the menu

Insert variable

Source of data

Unused ticket expiration date


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket issuing date


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket number


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket record locator


Unused E-Ticket Bank

Unused ticket total amount of the taxes (from Sabre)


Unused E-Ticket data (from Sabre)

Unused ticket type


Unused E-Ticket Bank

User making reservation


Booking Process

User's login ID


Traveller Profile

UTT Additional collection to be paid


Booking Process

UTT Difference between the original total amount and the new total amount


Booking Process

UTT Extra tax (all the tax without tax 1 and tax 2)


Booking Process

UTT First tax amount


Booking Process

UTT List of airport taxes in the same string


Booking Process

UTT Penalty amount generated by the cat 31


Booking Process

UTT Refundable amount


Booking Process

UTT Second tax amount


Booking Process

UTT Total amount with tax


Booking Process

Web Fare confirmation number


Booking Process

Web Fare is international


Booking Process

Web Fare Provider web site address


Booking Process

Web Fare total price


Booking Process

Hotel Passive Segment Wizard - Settings Navigation: PNR Management This wizard is available only if the Hotel component is enabled and the GDS utilised by the community is other than Amadeus. You enable the Hotel


Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

component and specify the GDS type on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. The Hotel Passive Segments wizard lets you specify a passive segment template for hotel reservations. The online reservation system reserves hotels in the Amadeus GDS. In order for these hotel reservations to appear in an agency’s host GDS, if the GDS is not Amadeus, the online reservation system creates passive segments for them in the host GDS. The passive segment template defines the format of the passive segments required by the host GDS for a hotel reservation. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each segment required by the host GDS, specify, in order, each required variable. The first segment is always required and must start with one of the following strings: -HU, -HN, -0HTL, -0HHT. To add hotel passive segment variables to a segment, you can either type them or use the Variables menu to add them. To use the Variables menu to add a variable: 1. Select the segment to which you want to add a variable. 2. In the Hotel passive segment variable type box, select the type of variable you want. If you want to see all variables, select All. The variables for the selected type appear in the Hotel passive segment variable box. 3. In the Hotel passive segment variable box, select the variable that you want. 4. Click on Add. The hotel passive segment variable is added to the end of the segment. Note:

The built command (the command which uses the passive segment template) must not exceed 60 characters. If the built command is too long, it is not accepted by the system. To avoid this problem, you can limit the amount of non-mandatory variables, such as the street address and zip code, in the passive segment template.

To restore the default segment provided by the online reservation system, click on Restore Default. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Trip Plan Modification Wizard - Settings Navigation: PNR Management The Trip Plan Modification wizard lets you define when and how a trip (PNR) can be modified and whether bookings created outside the online reservation system can be retrieved. (Note that this wizard does not apply to Web fares.) The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

What You Provide Forbid Cancellation of: Select the cabin classes for which you want to forbid cancellation of air segments. Non-ticketed PNRs Allow modification of non-ticketed PNR Note:

These settings apply to air and rail segments only. You cannot modify car and hotel bookings; instead you must delete them and then rebook.

Specify whether travellers can modify an itinerary that has not been ticketed. If you enable this parameter, specify how the trip segments can be modified. •

Date change only — Allows travellers to only change dates in air and rail segments of a non-ticketed itinerary. The traveller cannot add a new segment.

Add segment and modify air segment — Allows travellers to add, modify and cancel air or rail segments of a non-ticketed itinerary.

Note that travellers can modify an itinerary only if the minimum amount of time before departure is also met, as specified in the Minimum time for PNR modification parameter of the Air Configuration wizard. Allow cancellation of non-ticketed PNR (appears only if cancellation is allowed for at least one cabin class) Specify whether to allow travellers to cancel an itinerary that has not been ticketed. This applies to air and non-air segments. If you enable this parameter, specify when and what part of an itinerary can be cancelled: •

Global cancellation immediately after booking — Allows travellers to cancel an entire non-ticketed itinerary but only immediately after booking, in the same login session of the online reservation system. The traveller cannot retrieve an existing trip and cancel it.

Global cancellation anytime — Allows travellers to cancel the entire nonticketed itinerary at any time (immediately after booking or after retrieving the trip). The traveller cannot cancel individual segments.

Global and partial cancellation — Allows travellers to cancel an entire nonticketed itinerary or individual segments of a non-ticketed itinerary at any time (immediately after booking or after retrieving the trip). Modifications are also allowed.

Ticketed PNRs Allow modification of ticketed PNR Specify whether to allow travellers to modify an itinerary that has been ticketed. If you enable this parameter: •

For car and hotel segments, travellers are allowed to add segments only.

For air segments, you can optionally allow travellers to change the date only.



You cannot modify ticketed rail segments. However, for some rail providers, the rail segments are never treated as ticketed in Amadeus. .

Edition v14.0

Chapter 26 PNR Management

In this case, the Allow modification of non-ticketed PNR setting applies instead. Note that travellers can modify an itinerary only if the minimum amount of time before departure is also met, as specified in the Minimum time for PNR modification parameter of the Air Configuration wizard. Allow cancellation of ticketed PNR (appears only if cancellation is allowed for at least one cabin class) Specify whether to allow the cancellation of a ticketed PNR. This applies to air and non-air segments. If you enable this parameter, specify when and what part of an itinerary can be cancelled: •

Global cancellation — Allows travellers to cancel an entire ticketed itinerary

Global and partial cancellation — Allows travellers to cancel an entire ticketed itinerary or individual air and non-air segments of a ticketed itinerary

Allow retrieval of offline PNRs Specify whether to allow the display of PNRs created outside the online reservation system. If you enable this parameter, then specify whether: •

Offline PNRs are to be registered when retrieved. If so, the PNR is added to the Pending Trips page in the online reservation system after being retrieved.

Travellers are allowed to modify offline PNRs.

Check TID remark before PNR modification or cancellation Specify whether, before allowing a PNR to be cancelled or modified, the online reservation system should check that the traveller's ID in the PNR (that is, the RM TID) matches the login of the traveller who is cancelling or modifying the PNR. Display price of the PNR from the ticket image (PNR stored price) Specify whether allowing the sending of the TQT command to get a price for a retrieved PNR. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Trip Plan Exportation Wizard

Trip Plan Exportation Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: PNR Management

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Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

The Trip Plan Exportation Wizard enables you to view details of trip plans that failed during export. You can view and resend (replay) these trips. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Trip Plan Exportation Wizard - Main Menu

Trip Plan Exportation Wizard - View on page 415

List of Failed Trip Plans This page shows the trip plans that failed during export, including the booking reference, traveller name and reason for failure. The maximum number of failed bookings that can be recorded depends on your community setup. Note:

A warning message is displayed when you are close to the maximum number. If you exceed the maximum number, the failed booking is recorded, but you cannot resend it.

From here you can: •

Click on View to see more detailed information about the booking.

Click on Replay to export the trip plan again. If the export is successful, the trip plan is removed from the list. If the export is not successful, the error code and failure date are updated.

Click on Delete to remove a failed trip plan from the list. You may want to do this, for example, if you are close to or reach the maximum number of failed trip plans allowed.

Trip Plan Exportation Wizard - View Here you can see the details of a trip plan that failed during export. Click on Back to return to the previous screen, from where you can resend (replay) or delete the trip plan.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 27


General Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The General Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, some general community settings, such as date and time settings. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

This wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Date and Time Long date Specify the long format in which to display the date. Short date Specify the short format in which to display the date. General time format Specify the format in which to display time. Ticketing date format Select the format in which to display the ticketing date. Ticketing time format Select the format in which to display the ticketing time. Flight query time format Select the format in which to display the flight query time. Flight query midnight string Specify the text to signify "Midnight." Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Flight query midday string Specify the text to signify "Midday." User Guide User guide title Specify the text for the hyperlink (maximum 30 characters) to a user guide, as it should appear at the very top right side of the online reservation system screen. User guide URL Specify the URL where the user guide is located. Service Fee Note:

You specify whether a service fee can be charged to travellers and whether service fee notification is permitted on the General Settings page of the Community Structure wizard.

Service fee messages are displayed on an unconfirmed Trip Summary page to indicate that a service fee may apply. Service fee charge (PNR Remark) The text you enter here will be included in the PNR remark (RM) element. You can enter an amount and currency, or any other text. Example: if you enter 25 EUROS, the PNR remark text will be: PAX ACCEPTS SERVICE FEE OF 25 EUROS. If you enter AS AGREED BY AGENCY the PNR remark text will be: PAX ACCEPTS SERVICE FEE OF AS AGREED BY AGENCY. Use a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. Display generic message to user Select to display a predefined message to the traveller to indicate that a service fee (as defined in the Service Fee Charge field) will apply. The message will be followed by the value in the Service Fee Charge field. Example: I agree with the service fee of 25 EUROS. Display customized message to user Enter the message to be displayed to a traveller who incurs a service fee instead of the generic message. Example: "XYZ Company charges a EUR 10.00 service fee." Use a maximum of 255 characters. Note:

If you want to display the service fee value, you must enter it in the customized message. It will not automatically be displayed in the Service Fee Charge field.

Define external service fee page Select to display a link to a web page that describes the service fee charges that apply. The web site may be maintained by the travel agency or an airline.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 27 Localization

Enter the message to be displayed to the traveller (up to 255 characters). Enter the URL of the web site (up to 1024 characters). Enter the text that is displayed as the hyperlink after the message text to display the web page (up to 100 characters). When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

General Messages Wizard General Messages Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Localization > Language The General Messages wizard lets you manage, for a given language, messages for display to users on the Home page of the online reservation system. You can create, modify, and delete messages, and you can also schedule when each message will appear. Only one message can be scheduled to appear at any given time. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

General Messages Wizard - Main Menu

General Messages Wizard - Message Details on page 420

You use the Main Menu page to: •

Create, for a given language, a new message to be displayed to users on the Home page of the online reservation system as well as schedule when it will appear

View a summary of each message that has been created, for a given language, for display to users on the Home page of the online reservation system, as well as when it has been scheduled to appear

Modify an existing message for a given language

Delete an existing message for a given language

What You Provide If you want to: •

Create a new message, click on Create New Message, then fill in the required information on the Message Details page.

Modify an existing message, select the message, click on Modify, then modify the appropriate information on the Message Details page.

Delete a message, select the message, then click on Delete.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Admin Guide

Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

General Messages Wizard - Message Details You use the Message Details page to create, for a given language, messages to display to users on the online reservation system's Home page. You also specify the time period during which each message is to be displayed. Although you can schedule multiple messages, only one message can be displayed at any given time. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

General Messages Wizard - Main Menu on page 419


General Messages Wizard - Message Details

What You Provide Provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Title Specify the title that will be displayed to users with the message. Use a maximum of 50 alphabetic and numeric characters. Description Provide a brief description of the message, which will appear in the listing of messages on the Main Menu page of this wizard. The description is for administrative purposes only and is not shown to users. Use a maximum of 100 alphabetic and numeric characters. Link (URL) You can enter a URL for a link to another web page here. The web page will open in a separate window. You can enter up to 500 alphabetic and numeric characters in this field. The URL must begin with http://. Example: http://www.abc.com Link text If you include a link URL in your message, you must enter text here - this is what the user will click on to run the URL. You can enter up to 40 alphabetic and numeric characters. Activation date Specify the month and day on which the message will appear to users. The start of the display period cannot overlap the display period of any other message on the page. Expiration date Specify the month and day through which the message will appear to users. For example, if you specify July 18, that date will be the last one on which the message will be shown.


Edition v14.0

Chapter 27 Localization

Message Type the message that you want displayed to users on the Home page of the online reservation system. Use a maximum of 4000 alphabetic and numeric characters. Start each paragraph with this tag: <p> End each paragraph with this tag: </p> Note:

This is the only way to break the message into separate paragraphs. Separating text by pressing ENTER will make the message easier for you to work with, but it will not affect the display for users.

The text of the travel policy is converted to HTML before being displayed, and you can use the following HTML markup tags to format it (note that no other HTML tags may be used): •

<B></B> — Marks text as bold

<I></I> — Marks text as italic

<FONT STYLE="font-size:20;color:green"> </FONT> — Specifies font size in points and font color

<BR> — Inserts a line break

When you have provided all the required information, click on Done to display the Main Menu page. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Cancel.

Login Message Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Login Message wizard lets you create a login message for a community, which is displayed on the login page of that community. You can use this message to notify users of any new events for that community. Users will see the message before they log in to the community. You can only create a login message for company-level communities. All communities below the company-level community will see the same message. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Login message title Specify the title that will be displayed to users with the login message. Use a maximum of 70 characters.

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Login message URL (optional) Optionally, provide the full Web address of a page to which the travel policy message is to be linked — for example, a travel policy page on your company’s intranet. Use a maximum of 120 characters. Example: http://www.abcc.com/ The Web address that you specify will be displayed at the bottom of the travel policy message, preceded by the words, “For more information, click here.” Message Type the login message that you want to display to users. Use a maximum of 4,000 characters. Start each paragraph with this tag: <p> End each paragraph with this tag: </p> Note:

The <p> and </p> tags are the only way to break the message into separate paragraphs. Separating text by pressing ENTER will make the message easier for you to work with, but it will not change the way it is displayed.

The text of the login message is converted to HTML before being displayed, and you can use the following HTML markup tags to format it (note that no other HTML tags may be used): •

<B></B> — Marks text as bold

<I></I> — Marks text as italic

<FONT STYLE="font-size:20;color:green"> </FONT> — Specifies font size in points and font color

<BR> — Inserts a line break

For more information, see How to Create a Login Message on page 447. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

Self Registration Message Localization Wizard Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This Wizard is only displayed if Self Registration Policy in the Security wizard is enabled. The Self Registration Message wizard lets you create a message for a community, which is displayed on the Self Registration page of that community. You can use this message to notify users of any new events for that community. Users will see the message before they log in to the community. You can only create a login message for company-level communities. All communities below the company-level community will see the same message. Note:


This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language

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Chapter 27 Localization

to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run. The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Create New User Message Title Specify the title that will be displayed to users with the self registration message. Use a maximum of 70 characters. Create New User Message URL Provide a full Web address of a page to which the self registration message is to be linked. Use a maximum of 120 characters. Message Type the self registration message that you want to display to users. Use a maximum of 4,000 characters. Start each paragraph with this tag: <p> End each paragraph with this tag: </p> Note:

The <p> and </p> tags are the only way to break the message into separate paragraphs. Separating text by pressing ENTER will make the message easier for you to work with, but it will not change the way it is displayed.

The text of the login message is converted to HTML before being displayed, and you can use the following HTML markup tags to format it (note that no other HTML tags may be used): •

<B></B> — Marks text as bold

<I></I> — Marks text as italic

<FONT STYLE="font-size:20;color:green"> </FONT> — Specifies font size in points and font color

<BR> — Inserts a line break

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Security Wizard - Overview on page 323

Travel Policy Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Travel Policy wizard lets you create, for a given language, the travel policy message to be displayed when users click on the Travel Policy link at the bottom © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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of the online reservation system window. A travel policy is a statement of a company's travel guidelines. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Travel policy title Specify the title that will be displayed to users with the travel policy message. Use a maximum of 70 characters. Travel policy URL (optional) Optionally, provide the full Web address of a page to which the travel policy message is to be linked — for example, a travel policy page on your company’s intranet. Use a maximum of 120 characters. The Web address that you specify will be displayed at the bottom of the travel policy message, preceded by the words, “For more information, click here.” Message Type the travel policy message that you want to display to users. Use a maximum of 4,000 characters. Start each paragraph with this tag: <p> End each paragraph with this tag: </p> Note:

The <p> and </p> tags are the only way to break the message into separate paragraphs. Separating text by pressing ENTER will make the message easier for you to work with, but it will not change the way it is displayed.

The text of the travel policy is converted to HTML before being displayed, and you can use the following HTML markup tags to format it (note that no other HTML tags may be used): •

<B></B> — Marks text as bold

<I></I> — Marks text as italic

<FONT STYLE="font-size:20;color:green"> </FONT> — Specifies font size in points and font color

<BR> — Inserts a line break

<FONT COLOR=”colour” SIZE=x> </FONT> — Specifies font colour and size in points

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.


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Chapter 27 Localization

Fare Groups Localization Wizard - Fare Groups Localization Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard is available, if Activate Amadeus Single View is selected in the Settings section of the Air Configuration wizard. The Fare Groups Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the names and URL links or descriptions of the fare groups that have been created for this community. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

Select a fare group in the table and click on Localize.

What You Provide Enter the Short Name (max. 10 alpha-numeric characters), Name, and URL Link or Description (max. 4000 alpha-numeric characters in valid html text) for the fare group. Note:

When you first localize a fare group, the default values that you have entered to create the fare group are displayed.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Fare Groups Wizard - Main Menu on page 131

Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Localization > Language Use this wizard to localize the messages that you have created for your Car Direct connections in the Car Configuration > Direct Connection Wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Main Menu

Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Message Localization below

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What You Provide Select a connection from the Main Menu table of connections and click on Localize. Related Topics Direct Connection Wizard - Main Menu on page 101

Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Message Localization Use this wizard to localize the messages created for your Car Direct connections. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Main Menu above

Car Direct Connection Localization Wizard - Message Localization

What You Provide Enter the message information in the appropriate language. When you've finished, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard the changes without saving them, click on Cancel. The Car Direct Connection Wizard - Main Menu is displayed.

Air France Subscriber Localization Wizard Settings Navigation: Localization > Language Use the Air France Subscriber Localization wizard to create, for a given language, the Air France Subscriber card types to be displayed to the traveller. Before you can access this wizard, you must enable this feature in the Behavior and Display Rules > Air Configuration > Air Settings wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Provide the localized (translated) description for the four types of Air France Subscriber cards: •

EV - Carte Evasion

RPDOFM - Carte abonné pour La France et les DOM TOM

RPDOM - Carte abonné entre La France et les DOM TOM

RPFM - Carte abonné domestique France

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. 420

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Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard on page 67

Privacy Statement Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Privacy Statement Localization wizard lets you create a custom privacy statement with a title and body text. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings. You can force users to accept the privacy statement before they can use the travel reservations tool. You can do this on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. You can use Amadeus e-Reporter to see which users have or have not accepted the privacy statement.

What You Provide Privacy statement title Specify the title that will be displayed to users with the privacy statement. Use a maximum of 70 characters. Privacy statement URL Enter a URL to link to a Web page containing the privacy statement, or enter a privacy statement in the Privacy statement text field below. Privacy statement text Type the privacy statement that you want to display to users. Use a maximum of 8,000 characters. Start each paragraph with this tag: <p> End each paragraph with this tag: </p> Note:

The <p> and </p> tags are the only way to break the message into separate paragraphs. Separating text by pressing Enter will make the message easier for you to work with, but it will not change the way it is displayed.

The text of the travel policy is converted to HTML before being displayed, and you can use the following HTML markup tags to format it (note that no other HTML tags may be used): •

<B></B> — Marks text as bold

<I></I> — Marks text as italic

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<FONT STYLE="font-size:20;color:green"> </FONT> — Specifies font size in points and font color

<BR> — Inserts a line break

Force statement re-acceptance Select this option to force the user to re-accept the privacy statement. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Community Identification on page 31

Trip Validation Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Trip Validation Localization wizard lets you create, for a given language, the messages displayed in the site and in reminder emails when trip approval is required. For the settings related to the approval process, refer to the Trip Validation wizard and the Community Structure wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Use a maximum of 200 characters and special characters to provide the subject header and a maximum of 55 characters and special characters for the body text for all emails that can be sent during the trip approval process. You must do this for each language supported by the community. These emails are:


Approval request sent to approver – This is the first email sent to the approver when a trip requires approval.

Approval request sent to department contact – This is the email sent to the department contact when a trip requiring approval has not been processed by the approver (and, in some cases, the fallback approver).

Approval request when trip reassigned – This is the email sent to the approver when a trip requiring approval has been reassigned to him or her.

Notification when trip approved – This is the email sent to the traveller when a trip is approved.

Notification when trip rejected needs modification – This is the email sent to the traveller when a trip needs to be modified before it can be approved.

Notification when trip rejected and cancelled – This is the email sent to the traveller when a trip is rejected and has been cancelled. Edition v14.0

Chapter 27 Localization

Reminder – This is the reminder email that is sent to the approver when he or she has still not processed a trip request.

Notification when trip on hold – This is the email sent to the traveller when a trip is on hold.

On hold trip reminder - This is the email sent to the person who last placed the trip on hold (the traveller or travel arranger), and, in some cases, the department contact, when a trip remains on hold and is not processed.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Trip Validation Wizard - Settings Page 1 on page 259 Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31

Trip Notification Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Trip Notification Localization wizard lets you create, for a given language, the messages displayed in the site and in notification emails when trip notification is used. Depending on the settings in the Trip Notification wizard, this email is sent to: •

The traveller's approvers

The designated person

The department contact

For the settings related to trip notification, refer to the Trip Notification wizard and the Community Structure wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Message to display when Notification is sent Specify the message to display to travellers when notification of their trip is sent. Notification subject Specify the subject header of the trip notification email. Notification body Specify the body text of the trip notification email.

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When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Trip Notification Wizard - Settings on page 269

Travel Planner Messages Wizard Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Overview Navigation: Localization > Language The Travel Planner Messages wizard lets you manage, for a given language, the messages for display to users on the online reservation system pages that they use to search for and view air, rental car, and hotel accommodations. Note:

Message pages are available for only those travel components that have been activated on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard.

For each travel component, you can provide a message on the search page and another on the search results page. As part of each message, you can specify a Web link – for example, to your corporate intranet or to a page on the Internet. The messages and their links appear at the top of the online reservation system pages for which they are created. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Air Messages below

Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Hotel Messages on page 432

Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Car Messages on page 433

Related Topics Community Structure Wizard - Overview on page 31

Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Air Messages This page appears only if the air component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. You use the Air Messages page to create up to two messages, for a given language, for the Air Search and Air Availability (search results) pages in the online reservation system.


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Chapter 27 Localization

What You Provide For each message for the Air Search and Air Availability pages, provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Message Type the text of the message. You can use a maximum of 3,000 characters. You can also add graphics and images and format the message with the HTML tags displayed below the field. Link (URL) Optionally, type the full Web address of a page to which the message is to be linked. Use a maximum of 500 characters. Link text If you provide a Web link, type the text that will serve as the hotspot of the link. Use a maximum of 40 characters. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Overview on page 431

Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Hotel Messages This page appears only if the hotel component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. You use the Hotel Messages page to create a message, for a given language, for the Search for Hotel and Hotel Search Results pages in the online reservation system.

What You Provide For the Search for Hotels page and Hotel Search Results page, respectively, provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Message Type the text of the message. You can use a maximum of 3,000 characters. You can also add graphics and images and format the message with the HTML tags displayed below the field. Link (URL) Optionally, type the full web address of a page to which the message is to be linked. Use a maximum of 120 characters.

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Link text If you provide a web link, type the text that will serve as the hotspot of the link. Use a maximum of 40 characters. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to: •

Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back (if available).

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, then click on Start Over.

Related Topics Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Overview on page 431

Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Car Messages This page appears only if the car component is enabled. You enable travel components on the Community Identification page of the Community Structure wizard. You use the Car Messages page to create a message, for a given language, for the Search for Cars and Car Search Results pages in the online reservation system.

What You Provide For the Search for Cars page and Car Search Results page, respectively, provide the following information in the language to which this wizard applies: Message Type the text of the message. You can use a maximum of 3,000 characters. You can also add graphics and images and format the message with the HTML tags displayed below the field. Link (URL) Optionally, type the full web address of a page to which the message is to be linked. Use a maximum of 120 characters. Link text If you provide a web link, type the text that will serve as the hotspot of the link. Use a maximum of 40 characters. When you have provided all the required information, click on Next or Finish, whichever is displayed. Alternatively, if you want to:


Return to the previous page in the wizard, click on Back (if available).

Discard your currently displayed values without saving them, then click on Start Over.

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Chapter 27 Localization

Related Topics Travel Planner Messages Wizard - Overview on page 431

Marketing Messages Wizard Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Localization > Language Use this wizard to localize the marketing communication messages that you have created in the Message Rules wizard. The messages will appear in the Availability pages, and in the Please Wait pages for air and train searches. They can be formatted with a limited selection of HTML tags and can include graphics, images and a URL. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Main Menu

Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Message Localization below

What You Provide Select a marketing message rule from the table and click on Localize. Note:

The table displays all the localized marketing message rules that apply to a community, including inherited rules. If you localize a marketing message rule in a child community, the inheritance to the parent community is broken.

Related Topics Message Rules Wizard - Main Menu on page 244

Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Message Localization Use this wizard to localize marketing communication messages that you have created in the Message Rules wizard. The messages will appear in the Availability pages, and in the Please Wait pages for air and train searches. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Main Menu above

Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Message Localization

What You Provide Message Note:

You can enter a Message, a Link, or both.

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Use this field to localize the marketing message for the rule, up to 4,000 characters. You can add graphics and images and format the message with the HTML tags displayed below the field. Link and Link Text Note:

You can enter a Message, a Link, or both.

Use the Link field to specify a fully-qualified URL, up to 255 characters. Also enter the localized Link Text that the traveller will click on to open the link, up to 150 characters. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard the changes without saving them, click on Cancel. The Marketing Messages Localization Wizard - Main Menu is displayed.

Predefined Location Localization Wizard Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Main Menu Navigation: Localization > Language Use this wizard to localize the predefined location descriptions that you have created in the Predefined Location wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Main Menu


Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Predefined Location Localization on page 436

What You Provide Select a predefined location from the Predefined Locations Localization table and click on Localize. Note:

The predefined location localization table displays all the localized predefined locations that apply to a community, including inherited locations. If you localize a predefined location in a child community, the inheritance to the parent community is broken.


If a predefined location shows no information in any of the columns in the table (Air, Station, Car, Hotel), the enabled Travel Planner components (Air, Rail, Car, Hotel) in a community might have changed. Check the Travel Planner components in the Community Structure wizard. To include these predefined locations in the Search pages, update the locations in the Predefined Location wizard.

Related Topics Predefined Location Wizard - Main Menu on page 140


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Chapter 27 Localization

Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Predefined Location Localization Use this wizard to localize the predefined location descriptions created in the Predefined Location wizard. The wizard consists of the following pages: •

Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Main Menu on page 435

Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Predefined Location Localization

What You Provide Enter the predefined location description in the appropriate language. When you've finished, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard the changes without saving them, click on Start Over. The Predefined Location Localization Wizard - Main Menu is displayed.

Campaign Codes Localization Wizard Navigation: Localization > Language The Campaign Codes Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the campaign codes for Swedish Rail that you have created in the Rail Configuration - General Settings wizard.

What You Provide For each code listed in the Localized Description column, enter up to 500 characters to translate the description of the campaign code in the language to which this wizard applies. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Rail Configuration Wizard - General Settings on page 89

Justification Codes Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard is available only if at least one justification code has been defined for the community. You define justification codes in the Justification Codes wizard.

The Justification Codes Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the justification codes defined for the community.

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This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each code listed, in the Localized Description column, enter up to 65 characters to translate the description of the justification code in the language to which this wizard applies. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Justification Codes Wizard - Settings on page 63

Trip Reason Codes Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Trip Reason Codes Localization wizard lets to localize, for a given language, the trip reason codes defined for the community. You define trip reason codes for a community in the Trip Reason Codes wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each code listed, in the Localized Description column, use as many as 40 characters to enter the description of the code in the language to which this wizard applies. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Trip Reason Codes Wizard - Settings on page 65

Email Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language The Email Localization wizard lets you define, for a given language, the content of the confirmation, cancellation, and modification email messages that are 430

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automatically sent to travellers, if the sending of such email messages has been enabled in the Email and Notification wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Confirmation E-mail, Cancellation E-mail, Modification E-mail For the confirmation, cancellation, and modification email messages, respectively, provide the text (in the language to which this wizard applies) that is to appear in the subject, header, and footer lines. Use a maximum of 200 characters (including special characters) for each subject line, and a maximum of 4000 characters (including special characters) for each header and footer line. You can format the layout of the header and footer using the ASCII codes /n for a new line and /t for a tab. New lines and tabs that are entered manually are ignored. Data Values and Custom Fields In addition to entering text, you can use values that are stored in the traveller profile or the traveller's trip. You can use the following values: Value



Trip departure date


Traveller's title (Mr., Mrs., etc.)


Traveller's first name


Traveller's last name


IATA code of the trip origin


Full name of the trip origin


IATA code of the trip destination


Full name of the trip destination


Trip name entered on the Finish Trip page


Record locator of the PNR


Where n is the number of the custom field, defined in the Custom Field wizard, and available in the Custom section of the Traveller profile.



You must enter all data values in upper case.

Link to an External Website In the Header and Footer fields you can add a link to an external website and optionally include data values.

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For example, to provide a link in the email to the checkmytrip website (Amadeus GDS), which automatically enters the PNR record locator and traveller last name, enter the following text in the Header or Footer field: http://www.checkmytrip.com/ITN/CMTSERVLET?&S=ITN&L=GB&R=^DATA(RE CORD_LOCATOR)&N=^DATA(NAME_LAST) where L=GB is replaced by the appropriate language code for checkmytrip, such as L=FR, L=US, L=IT. Offline booking request E-mail, Offline booking reject E-mail If you have enabled the Allow offline booking request option in the Community Identification section of the Community Structure wizard, and you have defined the information that is required for an offline booking request in the Offline Booking wizard, you can provide the text (in every language to which this Email Localization wizard applies) that is to appear in the subject, header, and footer lines of the offline booking request and reject emails that are sent to the travel agency. Use a maximum of 200 characters (including special characters and data values) for each subject line and a maximum of 4000 characters (including special characters) for each header and footer line. You cannot include data values, new lines or tabs in the header and footer. Note:

If you don't provide any text, default values are used for the subject line (traveller name and title, for example), and the header and footer remain empty.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Email and Notification Wizard - Settings on page 347

Custom Fields Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard is available only to Company-level communities that have defined at least one custom field. You define custom fields in the Custom Fields wizard. The Custom Fields Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the labels for the custom fields that have been defined and enabled for the community with the exception of the custom fields that have been defined with the format type "Pattern". Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each label, in the Localized Description column, use as many as 40 characters to enter the label in the language to which this wizard applies. 432

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When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Profile Structure - Custom Fields Wizard on page 285

Queues Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard is available only if at least one special purpose queue (servicing, policy, or profile) has been defined for the community. You define special purpose queues on the Special Purpose Queue page of the Queues wizard. The Queues Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the office descriptions specified for the special purpose queues. You specify the office descriptions for these queues in the Queues wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each queue listed, in the Localized Description column, use as many as 65 characters to enter the office description in the language to which this wizard applies. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Queues Wizard - Special Purpose Queues on page 367

Service Tools Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard is available only if at least one of these three Service Tools — MileageManager, Vacations, and Ground Transportation — has been enabled for the community. In addition, each of these tools is listed on this page only if it has been enabled. You enable these Service Tools in the Service Tools wizard. The Service Tools Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the hyperlinks that are to appear in the Service Tools pane for the following Service Tools: •



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Ground Transportation.


This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each Service Tool listed (MileageManager, Vacations, and/or Ground Transportation), use as many as 50 characters to enter, in the language to which this wizard applies, the text for the Service Tool's hyperlink. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Service Tools Wizard - Settings on page 355

More Services Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard is available only if at least one customized External Content Provider URL link has been defined or one Integrated Provider has been activated for the community. You define External Content Provider URL links and activate Integrated Providers in the More Services wizard. You use the More Services Localization wizard to localize, for a given language, the External Content Provider and Integrated Provider URL links text defined for the community. The localized URL links are displayed to the traveller in the More Services section of the Travel Planner tab. Depending on the type of service (train, hotel, taxi, limousine, and so on) the links to the Integrated Providers are also displayed in the Rail, Hotel or Car section of the Travel Planner tab. Note:

Integrated Providers are available to communities using a GDS other than Worldspan.


This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each provider listed, enter up to 65 characters to translate the provider link text in the language to which this wizard applies. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. 434

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Related Topics More Services Wizard - Main Menu on page 357

Delivery Localization Wizard - Settings Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard appears only if the Mail delivery parameter is enabled in the Delivery wizard. The Delivery Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, some delivery method options. Specifically, you can localize: •

The descriptions for the mail service options, if the Mail delivery parameter is enabled on the Delivery Administration Settings page and one or more mail service options are enabled on the Mail Service Settings page of the Delivery wizard.

The cost for each enabled mail service option, in the appropriate currency.


This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide Mail Service Settings For each mail service listed: •

In the Delivery Localized Description column, use as many as 50 characters to enter the description of the mail service in the language to which this wizard applies. Note:

If one of the Mail Service Settings has been added with the intention of designating it for hand delivery, type "hand delivery" into the Delivery Localized Description field.

In the Cost of Service column, enter the cost of the mail service as well as the code for the cost currency. (The cost of the mail service, which is displayed to travellers in the online reservation system, is not added to any fare totals.) This parameter appears only if the Mail delivery parameter is enabled on the Delivery Administration Settings page of the Delivery wizard and lists only the mail services that are enabled on the Mail Service Settings page of the Delivery wizard.

When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Delivery Wizard - Overview on page 375

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AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard Settings Navigation: Localization > Language Before you can access this wizard, you must first enable the AirPlus DBI feature in the PNR Management > Payment Configuration > Payment Method wizard. The AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization wizard lets you localize, for a given language, the labels for the corporate credit card (AirPlus DBI) remark fields. The label of each remark field is shown to the traveller when he is requested to enter this information. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

This wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each field, in the Localized Label column, use as many as 40 characters to enter the label in the required language. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Payment Method Wizard - Overview on page 382 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard on page 281 Profile Structure - Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard on page 280

Rates Localization Wizard - Air Rates Navigation: Localization > Language This wizard applies to Amadeus GDS users only. The wizard is displayed if Air is activated for the community. Use this wizard to define the localized text for different types of rates. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

This wizard consists of a single page, Air Rates.

What You Provide Air Rates For each rate type listed, enter the local text that will be displayed to the traveller. 436

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The description of private, public, corporate and negotiated rates appears on schedule-driven, fare-driven and Single View availability pages, and in the fare breakdown pop-up window. You can also localise negotiated corporate and negotiated agency rate descriptions in this wizard if: •

You have selected the option Cabin class selection at faring page (Multiple fares option) - option compliant with both Search by Schedule and Search by Fare in the Cabin Class Selection section of the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard

You have selected to search for negotiated fares in any standard air rules.

You have selected to search for negotiated fares in the Enhanced Process option of the Faring process - Search by fare section in the Air Configuration (Air Settings) wizard.

The negotiated corporate and negotiated agency rate descriptions are displayed in the multiple-fares faring page. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over. Related Topics Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard on page 67 Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Settings on page 165 Air Rules Wizard - Standard Rule - Faring on page 171

Hotel Rate Codes Localization Wizard Navigation: Localization > Language The Hotel Rate Codes Localization wizard allows you to localize, for a given language, the hotel rate code labels defined for the community. You define hotel rate code labels in the Hotel Configuration wizard. Note:

This wizard belongs to a set of wizards that you use to localize the online reservation system for a given language. The specific language to which the wizard applies is identified in the Localization branch of the administrative tree from which the wizard is run.

The wizard consists of a single page, Settings.

What You Provide For each code listed, enter in the Localized Description column the description of the code (maximum of 255 characters) in the language to which this wizard applies. When you have provided all the required information, click on Finish. Alternatively, if you want to discard your currently displayed values without saving them, click on Start Over.

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Chapter 28

How To...

The How To pages describe how to set up various functions in the e-Travel Management administration wizards. Refer to the online help for the individual wizards for a detailed description of the parameters.

How to Create a Login Message A login message is displayed to each user in the Login panel of the online reservation system. The message has an optional link to a website. This can be a useful tool, for example, to reinforce company travel messages or distribute travel-related contact information. You create the login message using the Login Message wizard. You must create a message for each language that your site is available in. Example: Login Message Here is an example of a login message, including a hyperlink to the company's online travel policy guide. The message is displayed below the Login button in the login window.

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How to Configure the Wizard 1. Run the Login Message wizard for the language of your site. You will need to repeat all steps for each language that the site is available in. 2. Fill in the fields. All fields are optional. -

The Login Message Title is centred and displayed at the top of your message.


The traveller can access the Login Message URL by clicking on the text "For more information, click here." at the bottom of the message.


The Message field is the message text.

3. You can optionally use the HTML formatting codes that are displayed in the wizard below the Message field to specify font style, colour and size. Example: Login Message Wizard The example below illustrates how to fill in the wizard to create the example shown on the login page, above.


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Chapter 28 How To...

How to Activate Multiple Passenger Bookings How Multiple Passenger Bookings Work You can book a trip for several passengers if multi-passenger bookings are enabled for your community. This is useful, for example, when several colleagues are travelling to a conference together. Depending on how your community is set up: •

The booking can be made by a traveller or a travel arranger.

The booking may be for registered travellers only, or may also include guest (unregistered) travellers.

The system creates either one booking reference (record locator) for all passengers or one individual booking reference per passenger.

Your community may allow multi-passenger bookings for air, rail, or both. However, you cannot include both air and rail segments in the same multipassenger booking. Single Booking Reference for All Travellers If your community creates a single booking reference for all travellers: •

The same method of payment and method of delivery applies to all travellers.

Only the primary passenger can view the trip.

Only the user (traveller or travel arranger) who created the trip can modify it.

All modifications apply to all travellers.

Passenger names cannot be changed after the reservation has been confirmed.

Individual Booking Reference for Each Traveller If your community creates multiple booking references (one per traveller): •

Booking fees apply to each traveller/booking.

Each booking has a different method of payment and method of delivery.

Travellers can view their own trips.

Once the bookings have been created, each booking is treated individually, allowing you to modify, cancel or approve a booking for an individual traveller.


If you book webfares, only one booking reference is created for all passengers, with one method of payment and one method of delivery. If the booking contains both standard fares and web fares, there is one booking per passenger for bounds with standard fares, and one combined booking for webfares.

Example: Booking a Flight for Four Passengers This example shows the booking process for the traveller. 1. On the Search page, in the Number of Travellers field, enter the total number of travellers for this trip. © 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved


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2. The Flight Search Results displays availability and prices for the total number of passengers.

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3. Enter each traveller's details. Make sure the information you enter is correct before proceeding, because you cannot change or add to a traveller's details beyond this screen.


Your own name and title is automatically entered by the online reservation system.


Enter the names and titles of the passengers travelling with you.


You can either type the passenger’s name directly in the fields (if allowed) or click on the Lookup icon to select from a list.

4. Continue the booking process as normal.

How to Configure the Wizards Note:

Access to this feature for your community is controlled by a database parameter, which must be enabled before you can configure the wizard.

1. In the Community Structure wizard, in the Multipax section, select whether to allow multi-passenger bookings for air, rail or both, and enter the maximum number of passengers (up to nine). If your community creates one booking reference for all travellers, you can allow guest travellers in multi-passenger bookings. In the Multipax section of Community Structure wizard, select the option to type names in free text fields.


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Chapter 28 How To...


If your community creates one booking reference for each passenger, guest travellers are not allowed in multi-passenger bookings.

2. If your community creates one booking reference for each passenger, in the Linked Reservation section of the Remarks wizard, enter the prefix that you want to be added to the remark elements that are automatically created in multi-passenger bookings.

How to Activate Swedish Rail This page is intended for administrators who wish to activate Swedish Rail as the rail provider for a community. It describes how to activate Swedish Rail with the Amadeus Single View format in the Search by Fare results page.

How to Configure the Wizards Community Structure Wizard 3. On the first page, Community Identification, in Travel Planner Components, select Rail to activate rail functionality, then select Swedish Rail in the list box below. 4. Using the settings Allow All Trips to be Placed on Hold, ensure that you do not allow trips containing rail bookings to be placed on hold. 5. Ensure that the setting Allow Multipax is not selected. 6. On the second page, General Settings, in the Default Travel Planner option, select the setting Air and Rail. 7. On the third page, Agency Identification, in the Rail Agency Identification field, enter the travel agency identifier of the agency handling the rail bookings. Rail Configuration - General Settings Wizard 1. Define the general behaviour of the rail options. 2. In the Search Type field, ensure that Search by Fare is selected. 3. Ensure that Activate Amadeus Single View is selected. 4. (Optional.) In the Campaign Codes table, enter the Swedish Rail campaign codes available to your corporation. Auxiliary Parameters Wizard 1. Define the rail classes available to travellers. 2. (Optional.) Enter the Swedish Rail Customer Number. 3. In the Other section, select the options Include Passenger Type in the PNR and Include Date of Birth in the PNR. Justification Codes Wizard 1. (Optional.) If justification has been activated in the Community Structure wizard, select Rail to enable justification codes for rail. 2. Create at least one code for rail in the table of justification codes. Delivery Wizard

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In the section Rail Delivery Administration Settings, select the train ticket delivery methods allowed. The default setting is Ticketless. Payment Method Wizard In the section Rail Method of Payment Options, select As Per Agreement. Campaign Codes Localization Wizard (Optional.) Localize the descriptions of the campaign codes that you created in the Rail Configuration wizard. Rail Rules Wizards (Optional.) 1. Create any of the following rail rules: •

Global rule

Standard rules

Upgrade rules

Provider preference rule

2. Test the rules using the Rail Rules Test wizard. Transport Type Wizard (Optional.) 1. Create any of the following transport type rules: •

Global rule

Standard rules

2. Test the rules using the Transport Type Rules Test wizard. Fare Group Wizard Use the Rail section of the Fare Group Creation wizard to create the fare groups that will be displayed to the traveller in the Amadeus Single View search results. Fare Group Localization Wizard (Optional.) Localize the short name, name, description or URL of the fare groups you created using the Fare Group wizard. Fare Group Rules Wizard 1. Create one or several fare group rules to determine which fare groups are available in which geographical location, and which type of fare is available. 2. Test the fare group rules using the Fare Group Rules Text wizard. Profile Structure - Payment and Delivery Information Wizard 1. In the Payment and Delivery Wizard Information wizard, Settings page, enable the Train Ticket Payment field in the user profile. 2. In the Payment and Delivery Wizard Information wizard, Delivery Information page, enable the following fields in the user profile, and where appropriate choose a default value:



Select Rail method of delivery


Rail form of identification


Rail identification document reference Edition v14.0

Chapter 28 How To...

If you enable the Ticketless method of delivery, you must also enable the Form of Identification and the Rail Identification Document Reference values. Profile Structure - Travel Preferences Wizard In the Travel Preferences wizard, Rail Preferences page, enable the relevant fields in the user profile. Modify User Wizard 1. If you have enabled the guest traveller feature on your community, run the Modify User Wizard and click on Edit Guest Traveller Profile. 2. Modify the profile to take account of the rail settings that you have added for Swedish Rail. Profile Upload User Wizard If you maintain user profiles for your community using the Profile Upload User wizard, run the wizard and download the updated template.

How to Activate the Automated Ticketing Limits Process Automated Ticketing Limits (ATL) enables an airline to assign and to manage time limits for ticket issuance in the Amadeus GDS. When ATL is active for an airline, and a PNR is filed, the system checks whether a ticket number (FA/FH Element) or an FB element (containing the A.I.R. sequence number) exists for the air segments belonging to the airline. If not, a ticket time limit is set automatically to a value defined by the airline. Once this time limit is reached, the air segments are cancelled if they have not been ticketed. Cancellation occurs at midnight local time of the office responsible for the PNR. Restrictions: •

Amadeus GDS only.

The airline must subscribe to ATL.

The ATL functionality must be activated for a community using database parameters before you can configure the wizards.

How to Configure the Wizards This section describes how to configure the wizards for the ATL feature. Note:

The ATL functionality must be activated for a community using database parameters before you can configure the wizards

1. In the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard, in the section Miscellaneous Options, select the parameter Display Last Day to Ticket. 2. (Optional.) In the Email and Notification wizard, enter an email address in the field Send a Notification on ATL Issues. 3. (Optional.) In the Queues wizard, (first page, Community Queues), in the section Failure Queues, define which office, queue and queue category will receive the PNRs when the calculated ticket time limits does not fall within the community's eligibility rules.

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How to Track the Number of Travellers on a Flight The online reservation system can track the number of travellers from the same corporation that have booked onto the same flight on a given date. If the maximum number of travellers as defined by the administrator is reached or exceeded: •

The traveller receives a warning message on the Trip Summary page that the trip is out of policy. If trip justification is enabled, the traveller must justify prior to the Finish Trip page.

A remark is added to the PNR, and the PNR is queued for special handling by the fulfilment agency. The remark text and queue placement is defined by the administrator.

Restrictions •

This feature must be initialized by Amadeus before you can activate it.

Only air bookings are tracked.

You can activate this feature at a level 1 type of community; it is read-only at level 2 communities. A single counter is used to track the number of travellers on the same flight from the level 1 community and all of its child communities. For example, if there are five travellers booked on a flight from the level 1 community, and three from a child community, the counter of the same travellers on the flight is set to eight.

How to Configure the Wizards 1. In the Auxiliary Parameters wizard, select Allow Passenger Count Tracking. 2. In the Maximum Number of Passenger per Flight field, enter the number of travellers that you wish to allow to travel on the same flight, before a booking becomes out of policy. For example, 4. 3. In the Remarks wizard, in the Remarks Text table, parameter Maximum Number of Travellers per Flight, enter the text you wish to appear in a remark in the PNR of the travellers whose booking exceeds the maximum number defined by the administrator. 4. In the Queues wizard, in the queue type Passengers on Flight Tracker Queue, define the office ID and queue category where you want PNRs that exceed the number of travellers to be placed. Steps 5 and 6 are optional. You must do them if you want the traveller to justify when a booking exceeds the maximum number of travellers on a flight. 5. Ensure that Require Justification is selected in the Community Structure wizard. 6. In the Justification Codes wizard, for the Require Justification When the Trip is Out of Policy parameter, select Whole Trip.


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Chapter 28 How To...

How to Upload Hotel Rules from an Excel File Overview The Upload Hotel Rules wizard allows you to create all the standard hotel rules for your community in one go using hotel property codes contained in an Excel file. The purpose of this method is to simplify rule maintenance, particularly when you have a lot of property codes to enter into the rules.

Features Here are the features of using the Upload Hotel Rules method to create hotel standard rules: •

When you upload the rules, all existing hotel standard rules with associated property codes are deleted. The new rules you create are based on the data entered in the Excel file.

When you create the rules, you can subsequently display, modify or delete them using the Hotel Standard Rules wizard. However, if you reload hotel properties from the Excel file, all existing hotel standard rules with associated property codes will be deleted.

There is a limit of 50 hotel properties per rule, but your Excel file can contain data for multiple rules.

The format of the Excel file must follow the structure described below. A blank template is provided.

Hotel property codes are mandatory. They are GDS-specific, and are determined by the GDS used by the community you are working in.

How to Load the Hotel Standard Rules 1. Run the Hotel Rules wizard. 2. Click on Upload Rules to display the Upload Hotel Rules wizard. 3. Click on the link to download the Excel template. 4. Fill in the property codes for the hotel standard rules, using the format described in the online help for the wizard. Example:

5. Use the Upload Hotel Rules wizard to load the Excel file. The hotel standard rules that have been created are displayed on the Hotel Rules wizard main menu.

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6. Run the Hotel Configuration Wizard and verify the following settings that affect how the online reservation system displays hotels by property code: -

The property codes setup in the hotel rules take priority in the request


Sorting options


Display rule

Here is an example of a hotel search for Marseille (MRS), showing the two hotels included in the Excel file:


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Chapter 28 How To...

How to Activate FareAnalyzer FareAnalyzer is a tool that allows the traveller to sort and view fares for an itinerary in a table format. This enables the traveller to quickly identify the best possible itinerary and fare from the solutions proposed by the system. The traveller can select which parameters are used to sort the display (such as by airline, trip duration, or departure time). FareAnalyzer is displayed when the traveller selects Search by Fare to find a flight, or on the pricing page following a Search by Schedule (except when only one fare is available).

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Example: FareAnalyzer Flight Search Results Sorted by Price The example below shows a trip from Miami to Frankfurt.



The FareAnalyzer table is displayed before the details of the travel solutions.


Your company settings define by which default criteria the columns in the FareAnalyzer table are sorted.


Your company settings define by which default criteria the rows in the FareAnalyzer table are sorted.

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Chapter 28 How To...


Other Options are airlines that are out of policy.


The price is displayed. Click on it to display only solutions with American Airlines below the table.


The number of travel options proposed by the online reservation system.


You can sort the list of travel options using this drop-down menu.

Example: FareAnalyzer Flight Search Results Sorted by Duration Here the table rows are sorted by total trip duration. The table changes dynamically when you choose a different parameter for the rows or columns.

How to Configure the Wizard Note:

Access to this feature for your community is controlled by a database parameter, which must be enabled before you can configure the wizard.

1. In the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard, go to the FareAnalyzer section and select Enable FareAnalyzer. Select the options that you want to be available to the traveller. 2. In the same wizard, go to the Fare and Compare section, and select Always display Fare and Compare itineraries.

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How to Activate a Ticketless-access Airline Ticketless-access airlines normally sell their flights direct to the customer from their website. The ticketless-access function allows you to make the flights of ticketless-access airlines available for sale in the online reservation system in the Search by Fare results screen. Restrictions •

The office ID of your travel agency must be authorized by the ticketlessaccess airline to sell its flights.

The Ticketless Access function is only available on the Amadeus GDS.

This function is only available for fare-driven searches.

If your site is not configured to use New Travel Shopper (database parameter), you must activate Single View.

If you book a ticketless-access airline, the booking cannot contain any other airline (ticketless-access or 'full' carrier).

Ticketless-access bookings: -

must be paid for by credit card. Your site must be configured to use the credit cards accepted by the ticketless-access airline.


cannot be placed on hold.


cannot be sent for approval. However, if the booking also contains a rail, car or hotel reservation, the whole booking can be sent for approval depending on your approval settings. Note that if the booking is rejected, the ticketless-access booking is still charged.


cannot be cancelled or modified.


cannot be repeated. However, if the booking also contains rail, car or hotel segments, those parts of the booking can be repeated.

How to Configure the Wizards 1. In the Community Structure wizard, select Air in the Travel Planner Components to activate air bookings. 2. If you have also activated Web Search in the Community Structure wizard, you must exclude the ticketless-access airline from the Web Search functionality. To do this, run the Web Search Configuration wizard:


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Select the Include/exclude airlines check box.


Then select the Exclude the following airlines check box.

3. In the PNR Management - Delivery wizard, select Ticketless to allow ticketless travel arrangements.

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4. In the Air Configuration - Air Settings wizard, ensure that Search by Fare is available. Select the Allow search by fare check box or the Allow both search by schedule and by fare check box.

5. You can optionally select the Activate Amadeus Single View check box, to see the search results in the Single View matrix format. Note:

This step is required if your community uses Old Travel Shopper (database parameter).

If you have activated Amadeus Single View, you must create a fare group to display the fares of the ticketless-access airline. Run the Fare Group wizard, create a fare group, select GDS air section, then select Restrictions. This fare group will be used to display the flights of the ticketless-access airline.


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Chapter 28 How To...

How to Activate the Air France Subscriber Program The Air France Subscriber program allows travellers who have an Air France Subscriber discount card to book Air France flights at special fares. The subscriber fares are highlighted with the icon in fare-driven searches. If you activate the program and the traveller has added a subscriber card to his profile, the whole air itinerary must be Air France Subscriber-compliant before the card can be used to get a discount. Note:

The Air France Subscriber program is available only in communities that use the Amadeus GDS. The subscriber fares are not available for multi-destination trips.

How to Configure the Wizards Air Configuration - Air Settings Wizard 1. In the Special Programs section, select Allow Air France Subscriber and specify how many subscriber cards can be added to the traveller's profile. 2. In the Faring Process - Search by Fare section, select Enhanced Process then select Air France Subscriber. Air Rules Wizard 1. Create a Standard Air rule. 2. On the Standard Rule page: -

Direction - if you use New Travelshopper, deselect Multiple Destinations.


Vendors - either enter AF for Air France or leave this field blank.


Cabin class allowed - select at least one cabin class.

3. On the Faring page: -

Air France Subscriber Program - select this option to allow Air France Subscriber fares to be displayed. (Amadeus GDS only).

Fare Groups Wizard This section applies if your community uses New Travelshopper. 1. Create a fare group. This opens the Fare Group Creation page. 2. Select Air France Subscriber in the Special Programs section. Fare Group Rules Wizard This section applies if your community uses New Travelshopper. 1. Create a fare group rule. This opens the Fare Group Rules page. 2. In the Direction field in the top right corner, make sure that you do not select Multiple Destinations. 3. In the Destination Groups Selection section, in the Available Groups field, select the fare group you created for the Air France Subscriber program. Note:

You can add a maximum of two Air France Subscriber fare groups to a fare group rule.

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Air France Subscriber Localization Wizard Translate the names of the card types in the Air France Subscriber Localization wizard. Traveller Profile The traveller adds his Air France Subscriber card details to his profile in the Air Travel Preferences section on the Preferences tab.


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A Account Information Wizard, 267 Accreditive card, 104 Admin customization, 51 Admin Customization Templates Wizard, 51, 52, 53, 54 Administrative interface, 1 Administrative mode pane, 2 Administrative tree, 2 Administrator role, 1, 292, 300 Agency access, 120 Agency identification, 44 Air component, 17, 29, 65, 116, 121, 123, 197, 424 Air Configuration Wizard, 65, 86 Air France Saturn, 65 Air France Subscriber, 65, 167, 420 Air France Subscriber Localization Wizard, 420 Air itinerary source, 9, 17 Air Itinerary Source Wizard, 49 Air preferences, 187, 237, 238 Air rules, 159 testing, 197 upgrades, 181 Air Rules Test Wizard, 197, 199 Air Rules Wizard, 159, 161, 167, 172, 177, 181, 184, 187, 193 Air Settings Wizard, 65 Aircraft Information Service Tool, 351 AirPlus DBI, 277 enabling, 378 remarks, 276, 436 AirPlus DBI Remark Labels Localization Wizard, 436 Airport Information Service Tool, 351 Amadeus Single View, 65, 126, 242, 248, 419 Approval, 65, 87, 95, 105 Approvers notifying, 265 Are You There, 351 Arranger, 29 Arranging trips, 59 Automated ticketing limits, 447 Automated Ticketing Limits, 65 Auxiliary Parameters Wizard, 121

B Banner, top, 347 Billing Account Wizard, 388, 389 Š 2010 Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved

Billing and invoicing, 386 Billing and reporting, 46 Broken inheritance, 10, 12

C Calendaring Infotriever, 351 Campaign Codes Localization Wizard, 429 Cancel trip, 255 Car Billing Number Wizard, 104 Car component, 17, 29, 95, 121, 124, 221, 426 Car Configuration Wizard, 95, 98, 99, 101, 104 Car Delivery and Collection Wizard, 101 Car Direct Connect, 99, 419 Car Direct Connect Localization Wizard, 419, 420 Car rules, 212 Car Rules Test Wizard, 221, 222 Car Rules Wizard, 212, 213, 216, 217 Car Settings Wizard, 95 Card expiration notification, 343 settings, 343 Carte logee, 389 Changing user accounts, 298 City/airport region, 132 Cloning communities, 15, 23 Codes, 61, 63, 429, 430, 437 Command Builder variables, 394 Command Builder Wizard, 390, 391, 393, 394 Command script definition, 391 Commands credit card, 384 Delivery Address, 377 Communities, 1 assignments to, 292, 300 configuring, 27 managing, 15 passcode, 341 queues, 359 structure of, 29 types of, 4, 9 Community company, 5 distributor, 4 division, 5 examples, 7 overview, 4 structure, 4 types summary, 5 Community assignments, 292, 300 Community Cloning Wizard, 23 459

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Community Creation Wizard, 16, 17, 20 Community Deletion Wizard, 24 Community Identification, 29 Community queues, 359 Community Structure Wizard, 29, 41, 44, 45, 46 Community tree, 9, 15 Community types, 4, 9 Companies, 9 Company community, 5 Configuring communities, 1, 27 Contact, 45 Contact and Personal Information Wizard, 269 Context-sensitive help, 3 Corporate credit card, 277 adding, 278 assigning to travellers, 280 deleting, 278 details, 279 enabling, 378 fields, 279 localizing remark labels, 436 modifying, 278 remarks, 276 Corporate Credit Cards Remarks Wizard, 276 Corporate Credit Cards Settings Wizard, 277, 278, 279, 280 Cost Center Definition Wizard, 271 Country region, 134 Create User Wizard, 290, 291, 292, 294 Creating communities, 16 users, 290 Custom fields, 281, 284, 432 Custom Fields Configuration Wizard, 284, 285 Custom Fields Localization Wizard, 432 Custom Fields Wizard, 281 Custom Images Wizard, 347 Custom Integration Wizard, 349 Custom profile integration, 349 Customized Admin Wizard, 57

D Deleting communities, 15, 24 Delivery address command, 377 Delivery Localization Wizard, 435 Delivery methods, 371, 435 Delivery Wizard, 371, 374, 376, 377 Destination Builder Wizard, 125 Direct connect, 99, 420 Direct Connection Wizard, 99 Directions Service Tool, 351 Distributor community, 4 Distributors, 9 Division community, 5 Divisions, 9 Downloading itineraries, 351 Dry Run Creation Wizard, 21 Dry Run Publishing Wizard, 22 Dry runs, 9, 15, 21, 22

E Email, 343, 430 localization of, 265, 422 Email and Notification Wizard, 343 Email Localization Wizard, 430 460

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E-ticket, 376 Excluding vendors, 123 External Content Providers, 17, 29, 281, 353, 354, 434

F Fallback Approver role, 292, 300 Fare Group Rules, 65, 126, 242 testing, 248 Fare Group Rules Test Wizard, 248, 250 Fare Group Rules Wizard, 242, 243 Fare Groups, 126, 242, 248, 419 Fare Groups Localization Wizard, 419 Fare Groups Wizard, 126, 127 Fare rules, 172, 242 FareAnalyzer, 451 FareAnalyzer, 65 Faring process, 65 Filters, 116, 118 Finnair Queues Wizard, 366 Flight Status Service Tool, 351

G G2 Switchworks Wizard, 86 General Localization Wizard, 411 General Messages Wizard, 413, 414 Ghost card, 378 Global rules, 157, 184, 206, 216, 227 Ground Transportation Service Tool, 351 Guest traveller, 29

H Health & Visa Info Service Tool, 351 Help system, 3 Hiding profile page, 29 Home page messages, 413 Hotel component, 17, 29, 105, 121, 124, 235, 425 Hotel Configuration Wizard, 105, 110, 112 Hotel Passive Segment Wizard, 406 Hotel rate maximum allowable (per diem), 105 Hotel rate codes definition, 110 Hotel rate codes, 437 Hotel Rate Codes Localization Wizard, 437 Hotel rules, 223 testing, 235 uploading from an Excel file, 233, 449 Hotel Rules Test Wizard, 235, 236, 237 Hotel Rules Wizard, 223, 224, 227, 229, 233, 449 Hotel Settings Wizard, 105 How to Activate a Ticketless-access airline, 454 activate Automated Ticketing Limits, 447 Activate FareAnalyzer, 451 Activate multiple passenger bookings, 441 Activate Swedish Rail, 445 Create a login message, 439 Track the number of travellers on a flight, 448 Upload hotel rules, 233, 449

I Icons, 9 Images, 347 Edition v14.0


Implementing a new travel site, 14 Inheritance, 9 breaking, 10 restoring, 12 Insert variables, 140, 395 Integrated Providers, 17, 29, 353, 354, 434 Invoicing and billing, 386 Itineraries modification of, 407

J Justification codes, 61, 429 Justification Codes Localization Wizard, 429 Justification Codes Wizard, 61

L Localization, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437 Login message, 439 Login Message Wizard, 415 Logins, 290, 296, 319, 321 Lowest fare rules, 172

M Mail services, 377 Managing communities, 1, 15 Managing scripts, 394 Maps Service Tool, 351 Marketing Messages Localization Wizard, 427 Maximum number of travellers per flight, 121 Message Rules Test Wizard, 242 Message Rules Wizard, 239, 240 Messages, 239, 424 Methods of delivery, 371 Methods of payment, 378 Modify User Wizard, 296, 297, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306, 307, 311 Monitoring user profile uploads, 290 More services, 17, 29, 281 More Services Localization Wizard, 434 More Services Wizard, 353, 354 Multi passenger, 29 Multipax, 29 Multiple fares, 65

N Negotiated discount rules, 193 Notification, 265, 343

O Office Opening Hours Wizard, 357 Offline booking, 325 request, 29, 327, 359, 430 request queue, 359 rules, 29, 325, 327, 359, 430 Offline Booking General Settings Wizard, 325 Offline PNRs, 407 Offline Rules Wizard, 327 On hold, 255 On Request Hotel Catalog Wizard, 112 On request hotels, 105, 112

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Online help, 3

P Passcode, 341 Passenger type code, 302, 315 Passenger Type Code Wizard, 315 Passive segments, 406 Password settings, 319 Payment and Delivery Information Wizard, 272 Payment Configuration Guarantee Wizard, 387 Payment Method Wizard, 378, 383, 384, 386 Payment methods, 378 Pending approval, 255 Pending queue, 359 PNR Management, 357, 358, 366, 371, 378, 387, 388, 390, 406, 407 PNR modification, 407 PNRs created offline, 407 Predefined Location Localization Wizard, 428, 429 Predefined Location Wizard, 135, 136 Preferences, 237, 238 Price filters, 116, 118 Privacy statement, 421 Privacy Statement Localization Wizard, 421 Privacy statement URL, 322 Profile page hiding, 29 Profile Structure Wizard, 267, 269, 271, 272, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 284, 285, 288, 290 Profiles, 288, 302 Provider list for Web fares, 119 Provider preferences, 237, 238 Provider Preferences Rule, 187, 207, 217, 229 Publishing dry run settings, 15, 22

Q Queue trip, 255 Queues, 358, 359, 366, 433 Queues Localization Wizard, 433 Queues Wizard, 358, 359, 363, 365, 366 Quick search, 65 Quick Shopper, 29

R Rail availability, 87 component, 29 configuration, 87 rules testing, 212 rules, 199 testing rules, 211 testing rules, 211 ticketing, 87 Rail Configuration Wizard, 87, 93, 94 Rail Rules Test Wizard, 211, 212 Rail Rules Wizard, 199, 200, 203, 206, 207 Rail settings, 87 Rates Localization Wizard, 436 Regions, 132 Regions Wizard, 132, 134 Remarks, 366 Remarks Wizard, 366 461

Amadeus e-Travel Management v14.0

Replacing images, 347 Roles, 292, 300 Room rate codes, 121 Rules, 138, 153, 159, 199, 212, 223

S Schedule driven, 65 Scoring, 65, 253 Scoring Wizard, 253 Searching for user accounts, 297 Seat map, 65 Secondary queues, 365 Security, 319 Security Wizard, 319, 321, 322 Self registration, 322, 341, 416 Self Registration Messages Localization Wizard, 416 Self Registration Wizard, 341 Service fee, 411 Service Tools, 351, 433 Service Tools Localization Wizard, 433 Service Tools Wizard, 351 Several passengers booking trip for, 441 Shuttle flights, 65 Single View, 65, 126, 242, 248, 419 Site implementation, 14 SMS, 121 SNCF, 87 SNCF Branch Access Setup Wizard, 94 SNCF Configuration Wizard, 93, 94 Special air programs, 65 Special programs, 159 Special purpose queues, 363 Standard rules, 233, 449 Standard rules, 161, 200, 213, 224 State/province region, 134 Structure of communities, 29 Structure of profiles, 267, 269, 272, 274, 281 Subway Maps Service Tool, 351 Supplier list for Web fares, 120 Swedish rail, 29, 87, 121, 429, 445

T Testing rules, 158, 197, 211, 221, 235, 248 Ticket delivery methods, 371, 435 Ticket exchange, 29, 358 Ticket Exchange Wizard, 358 Ticketing, 371 Ticketing element, 374 Ticketless access, 454 Time limit approval, 255 confirmation, 255 Timetable Service Tool, 351 Tools for services, 351 Track the number of travellers on a flight, 448 Transport Type Rules Test Wizard, 158, 159 Transport Type Rules Wizard, 153, 154, 157 Travel Approver role, 292, 300 Travel Arranger role, 292, 300 Travel Arranger Role, 29 Travel Arranging Wizard, 59


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Travel Pass, 65 Travel Planner Messages Wizard, 424, 425, 426 Travel policy, 417 Travel Policy Codes, 61, 63 Travel Policy Wizard, 417 Travel preferences, 274 Travel Preferences Wizard, 274 Travel site implementation, 14 Traveller role, 292, 300 Trip approval, 29, 255 Trip component, 61 Trip confirmation, 255 Trip notification, 265 Trip Notification Localization Wizard, 423 Trip Notification Wizard, 265 Trip Plan Modification Wizard, 407 Trip Plan Rules Wizard, 138 Trip reason codes, 63, 430 Trip Reason Codes Localization Wizard, 430 Trip Reason Codes Wizard, 63 Trip Validation Localization Wizard, 422 Trip Validation Wizard, 255, 261 Types of communities, 9 Types of community, 4

U Unused ticket exchange, 29, 358 payment, 29, 358 queue, 359 Unused Ticket Trader, 29, 358 Upgrade rules for air, 181 Upload hotel rules, 233, 449 Upload monitoring, 288, 290 Upload Monitoring Wizard, 290 Upload user profiles, 288, 290 Upload User Wizard, 288 URL of division community, 5 User accounts, 290, 296 User information, 294, 302, 311 User security settings, 321 User-defined fields, 281, 432 Users, 292

V Vacations Service Tool, 351 Validation for credit cards, 384 Variables for command builder, 394 Vendor Exclusion Wizard, 123, 124

W Weather Service Tool, 351 Web fares, 116, 177 Web Search Configuration Wizard, 116, 118, 119, 120 Web search rules, 177 Wizards, 2

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