Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing - User Guide - QuART

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Amadeus Custom Solutions Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing User Guide

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

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Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 2


Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide


© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Features..................................................................................................................................................9 Configurations .......................................................................................................................................................9 Scheduling..............................................................................................................................................................9 Scalability...............................................................................................................................................................9 Extensibility...........................................................................................................................................................9

Components............................................................................................................................................9 Robot......................................................................................................................................................................9 Administrator.......................................................................................................................................................10

Installing QuART.........................................................................................................................10 Install file..............................................................................................................................................10 Write Access........................................................................................................................................................10

Install location......................................................................................................................................10 Security ................................................................................................................................................10 System requirements...........................................................................................................................10 Operating system.................................................................................................................................................10 .Net framework....................................................................................................................................................10 Disk space...........................................................................................................................................................10 Regional settings.................................................................................................................................................10

Robot Module................................................................................................................................11 Features................................................................................................................................................11 Automatically launches Selling Platform.............................................................................................................11 Automatic signing into local or remote offices....................................................................................................11 Queuing options...................................................................................................................................................11 Reports.................................................................................................................................................................11

Configuring..........................................................................................................................................11 Queue to process..................................................................................................................................................11 Run Password.......................................................................................................................................................11 Fail Queue............................................................................................................................................................11 Fail Queue........................................................................................................................................................12 Queue to Fail Queue only................................................................................................................................12 Queue only to Agent’s queue...........................................................................................................................12 Queue to both...................................................................................................................................................12 Success Queue......................................................................................................................................................12 Success Queue.................................................................................................................................................12 Queue to success que only, if any....................................................................................................................12 Queue only to Agent’s queue...........................................................................................................................12 Queue to both...................................................................................................................................................12 Quality Assured Configuration Files....................................................................................................................13 Folder Path ....................................................................................................................................................13 Use configuration file for AIAN account........................................................................................................14 Selling Platform login..........................................................................................................................................15 This section is used to configure the local OIDs Selling Platform login credentials......................................15 Remote OfficeId...............................................................................................................................................15 Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 3

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide Sine..................................................................................................................................................................15 Duty code.........................................................................................................................................................15 Password..........................................................................................................................................................15 Test mode.........................................................................................................................................................15 Process View........................................................................................................................................................16 Run Now..............................................................................................................................................................16 Save settings.........................................................................................................................................................16 Exit.......................................................................................................................................................................16 Stop (next PNR)...................................................................................................................................................16 Statusbar...............................................................................................................................................................16 Status................................................................................................................................................................16 Version.............................................................................................................................................................16 Error log...............................................................................................................................................................16 Delete after days..............................................................................................................................................16 Log full debug information..............................................................................................................................17 ..........................................................................................................................................................................17 Success log...........................................................................................................................................................17 Delete after days..............................................................................................................................................17 Log full debug information..............................................................................................................................17 ..........................................................................................................................................................................17 Log ticketed PNR’s..............................................................................................................................................17 Log PNRs.........................................................................................................................................................17 Folder path.......................................................................................................................................................17 ..........................................................................................................................................................................18 Agent Queues.......................................................................................................................................................18 Sine..................................................................................................................................................................18 Type.................................................................................................................................................................18 Agent queue.....................................................................................................................................................18 Remote OfficeIDs................................................................................................................................................18 OfficeID...........................................................................................................................................................18 Sine..................................................................................................................................................................18 Duty code.........................................................................................................................................................19 Password..........................................................................................................................................................19 Process PNR in its Responsibility OfficeID....................................................................................................19 Fail the PNR (If PNR OfficeId is not in table below)....................................................................................19 Process PNR in main SELL login (If PNR OfficeId is not in table below)....................................................19

Scheduling............................................................................................................................................19 Windows ‘Scheduled Tasks’ tool.........................................................................................................................19 Scheduling with different configurations.............................................................................................................19 Command line arguments................................................................................................................................19

Configuration files........................................................................................................................20 Location ...............................................................................................................................................20 Quality Assurance rules.......................................................................................................................................21 Fare checks...........................................................................................................................................................21 File Finishing........................................................................................................................................................21 Ticketing options..................................................................................................................................................21

Administrator Module..................................................................................................................21 Menu ..................................................................................................................................................22 File .......................................................................................................................................................................22 Open….............................................................................................................................................................22 Save..................................................................................................................................................................23 SaveAs….........................................................................................................................................................23 Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 4

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide Close................................................................................................................................................................24 Exit...................................................................................................................................................................24 Tools.....................................................................................................................................................................24 Import Rules.....................................................................................................................................................24 Import Airline Max Difference Table..............................................................................................................24 Run Configuration...........................................................................................................................................24 Help......................................................................................................................................................................25 About Amadeus Quality Assurance Administrator.........................................................................................25 © 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

QA Rules...............................................................................................................................................25 Rules.....................................................................................................................................................................25 Order of execution ..........................................................................................................................................25 Delete rule ...........................................................................................................................................25 Rule is active ...........................................................................................................................................25 Rule is disabled ...........................................................................................................................................25 Add Rule..............................................................................................................................................................26

QA Rule dialog.....................................................................................................................................27 Rule name.............................................................................................................................................................27 Description...........................................................................................................................................................27 Clear fields ......................................................................................................................................................27 Enforce requirements...........................................................................................................................................28 Only when PNR contains.................................................................................................................................28 Only when PNR does not contain....................................................................................................................28 Always.............................................................................................................................................................28 Require PNR contain ...........................................................................................................................................28 Do not allow PNR to contain...........................................................................................................................28 Actions to perform after the rule checks..............................................................................................................28 Host command(s) if rule fails..........................................................................................................................28 Host command(s) if rule Passes.......................................................................................................................28 Disable rule..........................................................................................................................................................29 Test Rule..............................................................................................................................................................29 Test Rule result report..........................................................................................................................................29 See appendix for details...................................................................................................................................29 Save .....................................................................................................................................................................29 Cancel...................................................................................................................................................................29

Rule structure......................................................................................................................................29 PNR Element........................................................................................................................................................29 Field......................................................................................................................................................................30 Condition..............................................................................................................................................................30 Value....................................................................................................................................................................31 Range....................................................................................................................................................................31 And / Or Field......................................................................................................................................................31 And / Or Element.................................................................................................................................................31

Fare Checks – Lowest available..........................................................................................................32 Compare TST’s fare against lowest available fare...............................................................................................32 Check for Lowest Available (FXA).................................................................................................................32 Fail PNR if unable to check fare......................................................................................................................33 Compare total fares..........................................................................................................................................33 Compare base fares..........................................................................................................................................33 FXA parameters...................................................................................................................................................33 Append parameters to FXA/...........................................................................................................................33 Append /KY.....................................................................................................................................................33 Append /KC.....................................................................................................................................................33 Append /KF......................................................................................................................................................33 Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 5

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide ...only if PNR contains:....................................................................................................................................33 Limit fare differences...........................................................................................................................................34 Fail when difference exceeds limit..................................................................................................................34 Default max difference....................................................................................................................................34 Airline / Amount table.....................................................................................................................................34 PNR command to record max exceeded..........................................................................................................34 PNR command to record the FXA result.............................................................................................................34 If lower fare found...........................................................................................................................................34 If higher fare found..........................................................................................................................................34 If same fare found............................................................................................................................................35 Append amount................................................................................................................................................35

Fare Checks – Full fare.......................................................................................................................36 Compare TST's fare against full fare..............................................................................................................36 Check for lowest full fare (FXX).....................................................................................................................36 Checking this enables the “Compare TST's fare against full” fare section.....................................................36 Fail PNR if unable to check fare......................................................................................................................36 Compare total fares..........................................................................................................................................36 Compare base fares..........................................................................................................................................36 FXX parameters...................................................................................................................................................36 Append parameters to FXX/...........................................................................................................................37 Append default /BK-........................................................................................................................................37 Override default with value in RM*UD50......................................................................................................37 PNR command to record the FXX result.............................................................................................................37 If lower fare found...........................................................................................................................................37 If higher fare found..........................................................................................................................................37 If same fare found............................................................................................................................................37 Append amount................................................................................................................................................37 Max fare limits.....................................................................................................................................................38 Limit fares to max amounts.............................................................................................................................38 Apply max on Coach.......................................................................................................................................38 Apply max on Business...................................................................................................................................38 Apply max on First..........................................................................................................................................38 if PNR contains:...............................................................................................................................................38 Domestic O/W.................................................................................................................................................39 Domestic R/T...................................................................................................................................................39 International O/W............................................................................................................................................39 International R/T..............................................................................................................................................39

Finishing...............................................................................................................................................40 Retention Line......................................................................................................................................................40 Add Retention Line..........................................................................................................................................40 Number of days past last itinerary item...........................................................................................................40 Free text...........................................................................................................................................................40 Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD / APIS)......................................................................................................41 Require every passenger have an associated SSR DOCS................................................................................41 Require every SSRDOCS have a passport number (APIS).............................................................................41 Seats assurance.....................................................................................................................................................41 Check seats for all pax, all flights....................................................................................................................41 Require confirmed seats...................................................................................................................................41 Accept requested seats.....................................................................................................................................41 Do not check when PNR contains...................................................................................................................42 Service fees..........................................................................................................................................................42 Add service fee ...............................................................................................................................................42 Amount............................................................................................................................................................42 Add service fee for each passenger..................................................................................................................42 Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 6

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide Service fee type description (optional)............................................................................................................42 Agency accounting data (optional)..................................................................................................................42 Do not add when PNR contains.......................................................................................................................43 Do not add if TTP/TKT fails...........................................................................................................................43

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Ticketing...............................................................................................................................................44 Stored fares (TSTs).............................................................................................................................................44 Require TST(s) for all pax, all flights.............................................................................................................44 Require only 1 TST exist................................................................................................................................44 Require 1 or more TST exist...........................................................................................................................44 Do not require any TST..................................................................................................................................45 Ticket ...................................................................................................................................................................45 Do not issue ticket............................................................................................................................................45 Do not issue ticket when PNR contains..........................................................................................................45 Issue ticket......................................................................................................................................................45 TTP.......................................................................................................................................................................45 Issue 1 TTP for all TSTs.................................................................................................................................45 Issue 1 TTP for TST........................................................................................................................................45 Issue 1 command per passenger.......................................................................................................................45 Ticketing (or invoice) command:.....................................................................................................................46 Print docs to specific OfficeId........................................................................................................................46 PNR's Responsible office................................................................................................................................46 PNR's Queuing office......................................................................................................................................46 Final .....................................................................................................................................................................46 Host command if fully successful:...................................................................................................................46

Premium Add-ons................................................................................................................................46

Support..........................................................................................................................................46 Training...............................................................................................................................................46 Configuration development................................................................................................................46

Glossary of terms..........................................................................................................................48 Amadeus Selling Platform...................................................................................................................................48 Command Line Arguments..................................................................................................................................48 Logical operators..................................................................................................................................................48 .Net framework.....................................................................................................................................................48 Queuing Office.....................................................................................................................................................48 Responsible Office...............................................................................................................................................48 Regular expressions..............................................................................................................................................48 Robot....................................................................................................................................................................49 SELL....................................................................................................................................................................49

Appendix A....................................................................................................................................50 Logical operators (And/Or).................................................................................................................50 Test Rule result report........................................................................................................................52 The PNR does not comply with the 'Require' condition(s). .............................................................54 Test Configuration result report.........................................................................................................55 PNR Elements......................................................................................................................................59 FP ........................................................................................................................................................................59 HHL......................................................................................................................................................................60 CCR......................................................................................................................................................................61

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 7

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 8

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide


© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Amadeus’ custom Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing solution (also referred to as QuART) is a robotic processor of PNR queues which allows the agencies to configure a custom set of actions to be performed for each queue, and even a custom set of actions for each PNR on each queue. The set of configurable actions include rules checking, fare comparisons, PNR finishing, ticketing, queuing and logging actions.

Features Configurations The set of configurable actions include rules checking, fare comparisons, PNR finishing, ticketing, queuing and logging actions.

Scheduling QuART’s Robot component relies on the Windows ‘Scheduled Tasks’ accessory to schedule and launch user-less activations. The Windows ‘Scheduled Tasks’ application provides a full range of scheduling options. Each scheduled activation of QuART can be configured to perform a different set of configured actions against a different set of read-from and write-to Queues.

Scalability QuART’s processing capacity (count of PNR’s processed each day) can be increased by installing and running QuART on multiple machines. Only 1 instance of QuART can run concurrently on the same machine as it needs a dedicated communication channel through Amadeus Selling Platform.

Extensibility QuART’s capabilities may be extended by adding custom-developed add-ons, which may be inserted into any section of the processing flow.

Components QuART is comprised of two components: the Robot and the Administrator. Each is a separate application. The Robot module processes PNRs on an Amadeus Queue. For each PNR, it applies unique quality assurance checks, file finishing, fare checks, and ticketing as dictated by a configuration file. A different configuration file can be used for each PNR, based on the PNR’s AIAN element. The Administrator module is used to create and manage the configuration files.

Robot The Robot component is a highly configurable application which can be run on demand or can be run at scheduled dates and/or intervals using Windows’ ‘Scheduled Tasks’ tool. Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 9

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Administrator The Administrator is used to create and manage configuration files. A configuration file describes a corporate customer’s travel policy in the form of quality assurance rules, file finishing, applied fare checks and ticketing options.

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Installing QuART Install file Amadeus provides a Microsoft installer (.msi) file which installs QuART on a machine.

Write Access The .msi install process writes files to a subfolder of “C\Program Files”. While the installation is running, write access to the ‘Program Files’ folder is required.

Install location The QuART files are installed in the following folder on the machine. C:\Program Files\Amadeus\Scripts\CustomTicketingRobot

Security The QuART modules require a security password to run. This security password is provided by Amadeus. A security password is required for each OfficeId on which QuART is installed.

System requirements Operating system QuART will run Windows operating systems, versions XP and later (including 64 OS).

.Net framework QuART requires the .Net framework, version 2.0 or later is installed. .Net frameworks can be downloaded from Microsoft.com

Disk space At least 2 MB of free disk space is required.

Regional settings QuART is certified with the Regional Setting (1) of English (United States). Use the ‘Settings’, ‘Control Panel’, ‘Regional and Language Options’ dialog to manage these machine settings. Notes: (1) Notes: Any other Regional Setting will result in unpredictable behavior.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Robot Module Features

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Automatically launches Selling Platform The Robot will launch, and/or sine into Selling Platform using the configured credentials should the workstation not be signed in.

Automatic signing into local or remote offices QuART will sine into the local, or remote OID(s) (Office ID) as necessary and if configured.

Queuing options The Robot will queue PNRs to the configured queues for success or for failure, and will also Queue place the PNR’s to the owner agent’s success and fail queues if configured.

Reports The Robot provides two (2) levels of reports (overview or detailed) for both fail and success scenarios.

Configuring Queue to process Enter the Queue/Category that contains the PNRs to be processed. Example: ‘QE12C8’

Run Password In order for the Robot to run, it requires a valid password (2). Amadeus provides a customer-unique password to registered Amadeus users of QuART. Note: (2)The password cannot be changed.

Fail Queue

Unsuccessfully processed PNRs are placed on the specified Fail queue(s) for follow-up. This section allows configuration of where to place the unsuccessfully processed PNRs. There are different types of failures during the PNR’s processing. Most will result in the PNR being moved to the Fail queue, but there are some minor failures that can be recorded in the PNR, but allow the process to continue through the end, and not be placed on the Fail queue – for example, not being able to perform comparative pricing. Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 11

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Fail Queue Enter the Queue/Category to which PNRs that are not successfully processed will be moved to. Example: ‘QE15C0’

Queue to Fail Queue only © 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Selecting this option will result in failed PNRs being placed only in the Fail queue defined above.

Queue only to Agent’s queue Selecting this option will result in failed PNRs to be placed only in the PNR’s responsible agent’s Fail queue. The agents’ Fail queues are configured in the table in the ‘Agent’s Queue’ tab. The PNR’s owner agent is derived from the agent’s sine initials in the PNR display header.

Queue to both Selecting this option will result in failed PNRs being placed in both, the Fail queue and the agent’s Fail queue.

Success Queue

Success Queue Enter the Queue/Category to which PNRs that successfully processed will be moved to. Example: ‘QE1C1’

Queue to success que only, if any Selecting this option will result in successfully processed PNRs being placed only in the Success queue defined above.

Queue only to Agent’s queue Selecting this option will result in successfully processed PNRs being placed only in the PNR’s responsible agent’s Success queue. The agents’ Success queues are configured in the table in the ‘Agent’s Queue’ tab. The PNR’s owner agent is derived from the agent’s sine initials in the PNR display header.

Queue to both Selecting this option will result in successfully processed PNRs being placed in both, the Success queue and the agent’s Success queue.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Quality Assured Configuration Files

The AIAN typically identifies the customer who has booked the PNR, and whose travel policies need to be adhered. For each possible AIAN value (customer), there can be a unique “Configuration”, whose file name is the same as the AIAN value – for example: ‘01234567.xml’. For each Queue processed, the QuART Robot may be configured to use the AIAN to determine the “Configuration” to use, or to use only a ‘default’ “Configuration”, or to use the default configuration only when the PNR has no AIAN element or when no configuration file exists for the PNR’s AIAN value. Using the command-line feature, the Robot can be instructed to use the configuration files that are in folder ‘Q0 Finishing’ when processing queue 0C0. The configuration files in this folder can be constructed to only perform PNR finishing functions. Then, when the Robot is launched to process Q1, the command line arguments can instruct the Robot to use the configuration files in folder ‘Q1 Ticketing’. Again, the configurations in this folder can be constructed to only contain the ticketing functions.

Folder Path Clicking the Folder Path icon launches a dialog to aid the user in selecting the folder where the configuration files are located.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Use configuration file for AIAN account This option is to be selected when different configurations are created for each customer to apply their travel policies. Customers are identified by the AIAN element’s value in the PNR. The configuration files are named with the value of their AIAN number. Example: 012345678.xml for AI AN12345678 If no filename matched AIAN account When the ‘use configuration file for AIAN account’ option is selected, the instructions can be further defined by selecting to either: Fail, don’t process PNR Select this when every PNR is expected to have a valid account number in an existing AIAN element. If either an AIAN element does not exist, or there is no configuration file for the account number in the AIAN, then the PNR will be not be processed and will be moved to the Fail queue(s) Use configuration file below Select this option when not all the PNRs on queue belong to corporate customer (account). In this case a ‘default’ configuration can be used to define the process to be performed on the PNR. Default configuration file name Click this button to display a dialog to facilitate the selection of the default configuration file – that is located in the ‘Folder Path’ specified above.

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© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Selling Platform login

This section is used to configure the local OIDs Selling Platform login credentials. When Selling Platform is not open, or not sined into, the Robot will launch and sine in to it using the credentials entered in this section.

Remote OfficeId This is optional. If the queue to process is in a remote office Id, enter the OID here, and this remote office’s Sine and Password below.

Sine Enter the local (or remote, if entered above) OfficeId’s sine. Example: ‘0001AA’

Duty code Enter the local (or remote, if entered above) OfficeId’s Duty Code. Example: ‘SU’

Password Enter the local (or remote, if entered above) OfficeId’s password.

Test mode When this option is checked, the Robot will sine into the test area (JJ), instead of into production (JI). This option is only available for on-demand activations, not for scheduled, unattended activations.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Process View As the Robot processes a queue, it will display its activity to the user in the box inside this area. The display is auto-scrolled to the bottom as items are added so the user can read the display as it is updated.

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Run Now Click the ‘Run Now’ button to start an on-demand run of the specified queue. While running, the button caption will switch to ‘Stop (next PNR)’ When the process completes – the button caption will switch back to ‘Run Now’

Save settings Click this button to save any changes made to the configuration changes. Any configuration changes not saved will not appear the next time the Robot is launched. If the Robot configuration is changed, and then the Robot is started (‘Run Now’), The process will use the modified configuration, even if it has not been saved.

Exit Click this button to close, or exit the Robot application.

Stop (next PNR) While running, the ‘Run Now’ buttons caption is switched to ‘Stop (next PNR)’. Clicking on the ‘Stop (next PNR)’ button will cause the Robot to stop processing when it finishes the current PNR.

Statusbar The Robot’s statusbar provides useful information to the user.

Status The status section of the statusbar will provide in-time information as to what the Robot is currently processing.

Version The version section displays the version of the Robot currently running. This is useful when reporting problems to Amadeus. The version of the Robot may be different than the version of the Administrator, and even different than the version of the install file used to install QuART.

Error log Delete after days This value refers to the number of days old Error log files will be kept. Each time the Robot launches, it checks if there are any Error log files that were created more than this ‘number of days’ ago – any files that are older will be deleted.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Log full debug information

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

By default, the Robot logs basic information about the result of each PNR processed. When this option is selected Quart will log the full report of processing the configuration file this is the same information QuART produces when a configuration file is run against a single PNR from the Administrator module.

Click this button to view and/or open the existing Error log files.

Success log Delete after days This value refers to the number of days old Success log files will be kept. Each time the Robot launches, it checks if there are any Success log files that were created more than this ‘number of days’ ago – any files that are older will be deleted.

Log full debug information By default, the Robot logs basic information about the result of each PNR processed. When this option is selected Quart will log the full report of processing the configuration file this is the same information QuART produces when a configuration file is run against a single PNR from the Administrator module.

Click this button to view and/or open the existing Error log files.

Log ticketed PNR’s Log PNRs Selecting this option will cause QuART to write to file the record locator each PNR that was successfully processed. This may be useful if a separate process, like eMailing notices that the PNR was ticketed, will run after the Robot finishes.

Folder path Specify the desired folder where the log file is stored. The name of the file will be yyyy-dd-MM mm-hh_ListOfSuccessfulPNRs.txt

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Click this button to view and/or select the folder where the log file is stored.

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Agent Queues The Robot provides the option to queue the failed and or successfully processed PNRs to the responsible agent’s queue – in addition to, or in place of, the default success and fail queues. The Robot uses the agent initials in the PNR header to identify the responsible agent. Then it uses the values in the Agent Queues table to get the [success or fail] queue for that agent. The ‘queuing office’ in the PNR header is used in the queue place command. When the PNR header does not have a queuing office, its ‘responsible office’ is used instead. Given PNR header: RP/MIA1A1111/MIA1A1234


MIA1A1111 = Responsible office MIA1A1234 = Queuing office RE = agent initials

Sine Refers to the last 2 alphanumeric characters in the agent’s Selling Platform sine Example: “RE” (if sine were 0001RE) The Robot uses this sine to match the agent queue to the PNR’s owner. It uses agent’s 2 letter sine in the PNR header – see PNR header above..

Type Select if this queue row refers to the agent’s Success or Fail queue.

Agent queue Enter the agent’s QCAT (queue and category). Example “12C3”

Remote OfficeIDs The table of Remote Office IDs is used by the Robot to sine remotely to process other OfficeIds queues.

OfficeID Enter the remote OfficeId.

Sine Enter the remote OfficeId’s Sine. Example “0001AA”

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Duty code Select the remote OfficeId’s sine’s Duty Code. Example “SU”

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Password Select the remote OfficeId’s sine’s Password. Example “mypw2011”

Process PNR in its Responsibility OfficeID When checked, the process will remote sine into the PNR's 'Responsible OfficeId' using the login credentials supplied in the table. The PNRs will be processed in their own OfficeId.

Fail the PNR (If PNR OfficeId is not in table below) When checked, the PNR will be placed in the Fail queue if the PNR’s Responsibility OfficeId is not found in the table

Process PNR in main SELL login (If PNR OfficeId is not in table below) When checked, if the PNR’s Responsibility OfficeId is not found in the table, the PNR will be processed in the local OfficeId.

Scheduling Windows ‘Scheduled Tasks’ tool Typically, Microsoft's 'Scheduled Tasks Manager' is used to launch the Robot at its scheduled days/hours intervals. The Robot exits after completing the items on queue and will re-launch at the next scheduled interval.

Scheduling with different configurations Command line arguments See Glossary Of Terms, Command Line Arguments

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

The Robot supports the following Command Line arguments. When these arguments are passed, their values will override the GUI's values from the Settings configuration. When the value is not passed, the last saved Settings values are used. Example:

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C:\Program Files\Amadeus\Scripts\CustomTicketingRobot\QualityAssuredRoboticTktg.exe ?AutoRun ?PW=1234567 ?Queue=0c0 ? FailQueue=MIA1A0982/1C0 ?RMTOID=MIA1A0955 ?AgentSine=1234XX ?DutyCode=SU ?Password=amadeus1 ?ConfigUseAIAN=Y ? ConfigFailIfNoMatch=N ?CONFIGFILE=Test.xml ?CONFIGFOLDER="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\Amadeus\QualityAssuredRoboticTktg\Test.xml”

?AutoRun <- this parameter is REQUIRED for the Robot to start processing automatically ?PW=1234567 ?Queue=0c0 ?FailQueue=MIA1A0982/1C0 ?RMTOID=MIA1A0955 ?AgentSine=1234XX ?DutyCode=SU ?Password=amadeus1 ?ConfigUseAIAN=Y ?ConfigFailIfNoMatch=N ?ConfigFile=Test.xml ?ConfigFolder="C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\Amadeus\QualityAssuredRoboticTktg\Test.xml

Configuration files A ‘configuration’ file is typically used to define the travel policies of an agency’s customer. A different configuration file can be created for each customer. When a PNR is processed, it can have the customer’s configuration (policies) applied to it, or it can have a default configuration applied. A PNR’s customer is identified by the PNR’s AIAN element. The name of the configuration file should be the same as the expected AIAN value.

Location The user can choose any folder location(s) to store the configuration files. QuART’s default location is under the ‘…All Users\Application Data’ folder in accordance to Microsoft Windows convention. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Amadeus\QualityAssuredRoboticTktg

Users may create different folders for each queue. For example, if PNRs on Queue 1 are only to have Quality Assurance (rules) checks performed, while PNRs on Queue 2 are only to be ticketed, then a folder can be created to contain the configuration file(s) for Quality Assurance only, and another folder can be created with configuration file(s) that only perform ticketing. Later, the robot process can be configured to use the configuration files in the folder associated with the queue being processed during that run. Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 20

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Quality Assurance rules The configuration may contain a set of custom created rules.

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Fare checks The configuration may include the performance of configured fare checks - the comparison of total or base fares in the PNR’s TSTs against ‘lowest available’ and/or ‘full fare’ amounts using configured fare display commands. Acceptable max fare difference limits can also be configured. The comparison results can be recorded in the PNR in a customizable format.

File Finishing The configuration may contain configured options to create retention lines, check for APIS requirements, check for seats, and add service fees.

Ticketing options The configuration may contain instructions on if or how to perform ticketing.

Administrator Module The Administrator module is used to create and manage ‘configuration’ files. When the Administrator is launched, it prompts the user for a password. Amadeus provides a customer-unique password to registered Amadeus users of QuART. The password cannot be changed.

After successful authentication, QuART’s main screen is displayed.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide


File Open…

Provides a dialog to open a previously created configuration file.

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Save Saves the currently created or modified configuration. If saving a previously opened (not new) configuration, the updates are saved to its original location. If it is a newly created configuration, the action behaves as a ‘SaveAs’

SaveAs… Provides a dialog to select the location and name of the configuration

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Close Closes the current configuration, but leaves the Administrator open for further use.

Exit Closes the Administrator.

Tools Import Rules This feature provides the user a dialog to facilitate the importing (copying) of one or more Rules from another configuration file into the current configuration.

Import Airline Max Difference Table This feature provides the user a dialog to facilitate the importing (copying) of n ‘Airline Max Difference Table’ from another configuration file into the current configuration. The ‘Airline Max Difference Table’ is located in the ‘Fare Checks’ tab.

Run Configuration When this option is selected, the Administrator will execute the current configuration against the PNR that is currently active in Selling Platform. At the end of this test, a report of the results of each configured action is displayed to the user. Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 24

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See Append a, ‘Test Configuration result report’ for details


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About Amadeus Quality Assurance Administrator

QA Rules


Order of execution Clicking this icon will move the rule 1 position lower. Rules are applied against a PNR in the order they appear in this list. If a rule should be executed before another rule (ex. to create an element a later rule will check for), then it should be positioned higher in the list than the one that is dependent on it.

Delete rule Clicking this icon will delete the rule on its line. The user will be prompted with the following to avoid inadvertent deletions:

Rule is active This icon indicates the rule is active. Click on the icon to display the rule in the QA Rule dialog – the dialog used to create and/or modify rules.

Rule is disabled This icon indicates the rule is disabled. Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 25

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A disabled rule is saved and displayed but is not applied against the PNR at process time. This is useful for rules that are applied only seasonally. Click on the icon to display the rule in the QA Rule dialog – the dialog used to create and/or modify rules.

Add Rule © 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Click this button to open the ‘QA Rule’ dialog.

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QA Rule dialog The ‘QA Rule’ dialog is used to create or modify rules.

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See Appendix A, Logical Operators for an explanation of Rule writing

Rule name A Rule Name is required for each rule. The max length of a rule is 40 characters.

Description Description, an optional field, is used to describe what a rule does. This serves as an aid to administrators who maintain the rules.

Clear fields Clicking this icon initializes all of the dialogs fields to blank.

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Enforce requirements This section allows the user to specify under which conditions the rule should be applied.

Only when PNR contains

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When this option is selected, the Rule defined below in the ‘Require’ section is only applied if the conditions specified in this section exist in the PNR.

Only when PNR does not contain When this option is selected, the Rule defined below in the ‘Require’ section is only applied if the conditions specified in this section do not exist in the PNR.

Always When this option is selected, the Rule defined below in the ‘Require’ section is always applied to the PNR.

Require PNR contain This section defines the Rule to be applied against the PNR. A Rule is the requirement that a specified data exist, or not exist, in the PNR

Do not allow PNR to contain This is the opposite of the ‘Require PNR Contain’ option. This option says that the Rule FAILS if the defined data does exist. With this option, the Rule defines what a PNR can NOT contain.

Actions to perform after the rule checks QuART can be configured to send host commands when a rule either passes or fails. Examples would be to place the PNR on a specified queue whenever a certain condition exists in the PNR, or to add a PNR element that is required.

Host command(s) if rule fails These commands, when entered, will be sent to the host if the rule fails. Multiple host command may be entered in the box – each command must be separated with a semi-colon (;). Some commands may not be concatenated.

Host command(s) if rule Passes These commands, when entered, will be sent to the host if the rule passes.

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Disable rule

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Checking this option flags the rule as disabled. Disabled rules are not applied against the PNRs. Disabled rules remain in the configuration for later access. This is useful when a rule is temporarily not desired, or when it is only useful during certain seasons.

Test Rule Clicking this button will cause the Administrator to execute the current rule against the currently active PNR in Selling Platform. The action will display a report detailing the result of the test run.

Test Rule result report When QuART completes testing the rule against the currently retrieved PNR, it will display a report of the result in a new instance of Notepad. The report can be saved to a file for later reference using Notepad’s SaveAs menu option.

See appendix for details Save Clicking this button will save the rule into the configuration and will close the ‘QA Rule’ dialog window.

Cancel Clicking this button will cancel any changes made to the rule and will close the ‘QA Rule’ dialog window.

Rule structure Writing a rule consists of describing the existence, or lack of, specific data in the PNR. The ‘specific data’ is described by defining which type of element to search in, which field in that element, what text is targeted, and what condition is allowed, disallowed.

PNR Element The PNR Element drop-down combobox lists all the different types of elements in the PNR. Most elements are identified by the 2 or 3 letter prefix that appears in a PNR display, but there are exceptions: ITINERARY – refers to all itinerary items (AIR, HHL,CCL,INS, etc) TST-Any - refers to the existence of data in any one of the TSTs in the PNR TST-All - refers to the existence of data in every TST in the PNR Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 29

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Field The Field drop-down combobox will list the individual fields contained in the selected PNR Element. This list changes depending on the PNR Element selected. In this example, the NM (Name) element has fields for first and last names, INF flag, an ID value (if any), the whole element’s text and the element ID (NM). See APPENDIX B for descriptions of Fields for each element


The Condition drop-down combobox lists all the different types of conditions (of the data) to be checked for.



Checks if the PNR Element exists – regardless of the Field selected Checks if the PNR Element does NOT exist – regardless of the Field selected Checks if the selected Field of any of the selected type of PNR elements contains the data entered in the ‘Value’ textbox Checks if the selected Field of any of the selected type of PNR elements does NOT contains the data entered in the ‘Value’ textbox Checks if the full text (excluding ID) of any of the selected type of PNR elements is exactly equal to the data entered in the ‘Value’ textbox Checks if the full text (excluding ID) of any of the selected type of PNR elements is not exactly equal to the data entered in the ‘Value’ textbox Checks if the data in the Field of nay of the selected type of PNR elements matches any of the values in the List entered in the ‘Value’ textbox. A List is created by separating texts with commas – Example: “FIRST ITEM, SECOND ITEM, THIRD VALUE IS THIS” Checks if the date-type Field of any of the selected type of PNR elements has a date that falls between the 2 dates entered in the ‘Value’ textbox and the ‘Range’ textbox. NOTE: for best results, dates should include the year – “11NOV2011” Checks if the number-type Field of any of the selected type of PNR elements has a numeric value that falls between the 2 numbers entered in the ‘Value’ textbox and the ‘Range’ textbox. Checks if the data in the Field of any of the selected type of PNR elements matches the Pattern entered in the ‘Value’ textbox. A ‘Pattern’ is identified using a Regular Expression string. See Appendix C for help on building Regular Expressions

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Checks if the data in the Field of any of the selected type of PNR elements does not match the Pattern entered in the ‘Value’ textbox. A ‘Pattern’ is identified using a Regular Expression string. See Appendix C for help on building Regular Expressions

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Value The Value textbox becomes enabled when the selected condition requires a value.

Range The Range textbox becomes enabled when the selected condition is a ‘Range_’ type that requires two values.

And / Or Field The And/Or drop-down combobox is used to create a logical connection with a second or third Field in the same PNR Element to be checked. See Appendix A, Logical Operators

And / Or Element The And/Or drop-down combobox is used to create a logical connection with a second or third PNR Element to be checked. See Appendix A, Logical Operators

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Fare Checks – Lowest available

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The Configuration can be made to compare the stored ticket (TST) fare against the lowest available fare, and record the difference in the PNR. Additionally, a maximum cap can be set on the allowable difference, and have the PNR placed on the Fail queue for agent follow-up.

Compare TST’s fare against lowest available fare Check for Lowest Available (FXA) Checking this enables the lowest fare check option.

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Fail PNR if unable to check fare Check this if the PNR is to be placed on the fail queue when the host system is unable to fare the itineraries in any of the TSTs.

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If not checked, the failure to price will be recorded in the PNR, but the PNR will continue to be processed.

Compare total fares Check this to perform the comparison against the total fares.

Compare base fares Check this to perform the comparison against the base fares.

FXA parameters The FXA command is used to display the lowest available fares. The FXA commands parameters may be configured using the following options

Append parameters to FXA/ Enter any FXA parameters here - other than /K type parameters.

Append /KY Checking this will append a /KY parameter to the FXA/ The /KY will return the coach cabin fares

Append /KC Checking this will append a /KC parameter to the FXA/ The /KC will return the business class cabin fares

Append /KF Checking this will append a /KF parameter to the FXA/ The /KF will return the first class cabin fares

...only if PNR contains: Check this option to control the addition of the /K parameter. When checked, the /K parameter will be appended only when the PNR contains the PNR element and text entered in the input box to the right. Enter any RM or RX element and value: Examples: RM SKIP SEATS RMQ NO SEATS RZ SKIP ST Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 33

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide Note: Make sure to enter the PNR text exactly as it appears in the PNR display ie. “RM A SURE THING” is different from “RMA SURE THING”

Limit fare differences

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Fail when difference exceeds limit Checking this will cause the PNR to be placed on the Fail queue for agent follow up if the lowest available fare (less than) difference exceeds the configured max difference allowed.

Default max difference This value is used in conjunction with the option above. Enter the default maximum amount the existing TST fare may exceed the lowest available fare found. This default amount may be overridden by entering specific maximum amounts for each airline in the ‘Airline/Amount table’.

Airline / Amount table The ‘default max difference’ permitted may be overridden at an airline-specific level by adding an airline code (ex. “AA”) and its maximum allowed difference. The TST’s validating carrier is used to match the airline code. When the validating carrier (FV) airline code is not found in the table, the default max difference is applied.

PNR command to record max exceeded Enter the command to use to record the in the PNR that a lowest available fare was found that exceeded (less than) the maximum difference allowed.

PNR command to record the FXA result It is possible to have the results of the comparison recorded in the PNR. This section provides the means to configure if and how the results are to be recorded.

If lower fare found Enter the host command to be used to record the results of the fare comparison when the lowest available fare found is less than the TST fare. If left blank, the PNR will not be updated, but the execution logs will still contain the result of the comparison.

If higher fare found Enter the host command to be used to record the results of the fare comparison when the lowest available fare found is more than the TST fare. If left blank, the PNR will not be updated, but the execution logs will still contain the result of the comparison.

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If same fare found

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Enter the host command to be used to record the results of the fare comparison when the lowest available fare found is the same as the TST fare. If left blank, the PNR will not be updated, but the execution logs will still contain the result of the comparison.

Append amount Check this box to have the amount of the difference appended to the host command that records the result in the PNR. Even if not checked, the execution logs will still contain the difference found.

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Fare Checks – Full fare

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The Configuration can be made to compare the stored ticket (TST) fare against the full fare, and record the difference in the PNR. Additionally, a maximum fare limit may be applied for one-way, round-trip, domestic and/or international itineraries.

Compare TST's fare against full fare Check for lowest full fare (FXX) Checking this enables the “Compare TST's fare against full” fare section. Fail PNR if unable to check fare When this option is checked, the PNR will be placed on the Fail queue if the FXX command does not return a valid fare.

Compare total fares Check this to perform the comparison against the total fares.

Compare base fares Check this to perform the comparison against the base fares.

FXX parameters

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Append parameters to FXX/ Enter any parameters to append to the FXX command.

Append default /BK-

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Select this option to have the fare display override the existing booking codes in the itinerary. Then in the input box to the right, enter the booking code to use to price the itinerary (example: FXX/BK-F)

Override default with value in RM*UD50 If the overriding booking code to use is different for each PNR, then select this option to use the value found in the RM*UD50 element in the PNR.

PNR command to record the FXX result It is possible to have the results of the comparison recorded in the PNR. This section provides the means to configure if and how the results are to be recorded.

If lower fare found Enter the host command to be used to record the results of the fare comparison when the full fare found is less than the TST fare. If left blank, the PNR will not be updated, but the execution logs will still contain the result of the comparison.

If higher fare found Enter the host command to be used to record the results of the fare comparison when the full fare found is more than the TST fare. If left blank, the PNR will not be updated, but the execution logs will still contain the result of the comparison.

If same fare found Enter the host command to be used to record the results of the fare comparison when the full fare found is the same as the TST fare. If left blank, the PNR will not be updated, but the execution logs will still contain the result of the comparison.

Append amount Check this box to have the amount of the difference appended to the host command that records the result in the PNR. Even if not checked, the execution logs will still contain the difference found.

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Max fare limits

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The configuration may be configured to impose a limit on the fare that may be booked for varying types of itineraries.

Limit fares to max amounts Check this option to enable the ‘Max fare limits’ section.

Apply max on Coach When checked, the specified limits will be applied on TSTs fared in coach, depending on the TST’s itinerary type – Domestic OW or RT, or International OW or RT.

Apply max on Business When checked, the specified limits will be applied on TSTs fared in business class, depending on the TST’s itinerary type – Domestic OW or RT, or International OW or RT.

Apply max on First When checked, the specified limits will be applied on TSTs fared in first class, depending on the TST’s itinerary type – Domestic OW or RT, or International OW or RT.

if PNR contains: If the max limit is only to be applied to certain PNRs, enter in here the PNR element and text to be found in the PNR to indicate the max limit is to be applied. Enter any RM or RX element and value: Examples: RM SKIP SEATS RMQ NO SEATS RZ SKIP ST Note: Make sure to enter the PNR text exactly as it appears in the PNR display ie. “RM A SURE THING” is different from “RMA SURE THING”

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Domestic O/W Enter the maximum price permissible for one-way domestic travel.

Domestic R/T Enter the maximum price permissible for round-trip domestic travel.

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International O/W Enter the maximum price permissible for one-way international travel.

International R/T Enter the maximum price permissible for round-trip international travel.

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The Configuration provides the options to perform a variety of PNR Finishing actions.

Retention Line The Configuration can be set to create a retention line in the PNR for the configured number of days past the last date in the itinerary

Add Retention Line Check this option to have a retention line added to the PNR. Example: "RU 1A HK2MIA08MAY/freeText”

Number of days past last itinerary item Enter the number of days past the date in the last itinerary item to keep the PNR active. If the last itinerary date plus the number of days entered exceeds the latest future date permitted by the host – then the host’s latest date possible is used.

Free text Optional free text to append to the MIS segment Example: MIS 1A HK1 MAD 12SEP*THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS

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Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD / APIS)

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The configuration can optionally check for travel documents.

Require every passenger have an associated SSR DOCS Check this box if the PNR is required to have an SSRDOCS element for each passenger, and each airline in the itinerary. If the PNR is missing an SSRDOCS element for each passenger and airline, then the PNR will be placed on the Fail queue – ticketing and/or invoicing will not be attempted.

Require every SSRDOCS have a passport number (APIS) Check this option if the SSRDOCS must contain the passport number.

Seats assurance The configuration can be set to check for seat assignments in the PNR.

Check seats for all pax, all flights Checking this option enables the ‘Seats assurance’ section.

Require confirmed seats The seats check may be either to require seats have been requested, or that seats have been confirmed. When this option is selected, the process will require confirmed seats (KK, HK) exist for all passengers on all flights.

Accept requested seats When this option is selected, the process will only require that seats have been requested, and possibly denied (NN, HN, UC, NO, etc.) for all passengers on all flights. This accepts the fact that the airline may not have available seats for a given flight.

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Do not check when PNR contains

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The seats check may optionally be skipped on a given PNR when a PNR element exists that declares there is an exceptional reason why seats check does not apply to this PNR. Use this box to define the PNR element and text that instructs the process to skip the seats check. Example: “RMS NO SEATS” Enter any RM or RX element and value: Examples: RM SKIP SEATS RMQ NO SEATS RZ SKIP ST Note: Make sure to enter the PNR text exactly as it appears in the PNR display ie. “RMS NO SEATS” is different from “RMSNO SEATS”

Service fees The configuration may be set to create a service fee MCO Example: MCO XD ARC 27FEB/USD 25.00/*FREEFLOW/**-FREEFLOW

Add service fee Check this box to enable or disable the 'Service fees' feature. Enabling this feature will create a service fee MCO for the defined amount

Amount Enter the service fee amount (must be a 3-9 character decimal value). Example: “100.00”

Add service fee for each passenger When this option is selected, a separate MCO item will be created for each passenger in the PNR – each for the defined amount.

Service fee type description (optional) Optionally specify a description of the service fee to be appended to the MCO element (maximum of 69 characters).

Agency accounting data (optional) Optionally specify agency accounting data to be appended to the MCO element (maximum of 25 characters). Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 42

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Do not add when PNR contains

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The service fee creation may optionally be skipped on a given PNR when a PNR element exists that declares there is an exceptional reason why the service fee does not apply to this PNR. Use this box to define the PNR element and text that instructs the process to skip the seats check. Example: “RMF NO FEE” Enter any RM or RX element and value: Examples: RM NO FEE RMQ NO FEE RZ SKIP FEE Note: Make sure to enter the PNR text exactly as it appears in the PNR display ie. “RMF NO FEE” is different from “RM F NO FEE”

Do not add if TTP/TKT fails When this option is selected, the process will pre-validate the ticketing results (/TKT) before adding the service fee. If the ticketing pre-validation fails then service fees will not be added. This is helpful in cases where failed PNRs will be corrected and placed on queue again for QuART processing. It will help avoid adding the service more than once.

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The Configuration provides a variety of Ticketing and Invoicing options.

Stored fares (TSTs) The configuration can impose 4 different levels of TST requirements. When the PNR does not meet the selected TST requirement, the ticketing/invoicing action will not be performed and the PNR will be placed on the Fail queue.

Require TST(s) for all pax, all flights When this option is selected the process will require that stored fares exist for all passengers on all active flights in the PNR.

Require only 1 TST exist When this option is selected the process will require that one, and only one, stored fare exist in the PNR.

Require 1 or more TST exist When this option is selected the process will require that at least one, but possibly more than one, stored fare exist in the PNR.

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Do not require any TST

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When this option is selected the process will not impose any requirements on the existence of stored fares in the PNR.

Ticket This section allows definition of ticketing and/or invoicing – if it is to be performed, and how.

Do not issue ticket Select this option when no ticketing or invoicing is to be performed on the PNR.

Do not issue ticket when PNR contains Select this option and enter a PNR element and text here when ticketing or invoicing is to be skipped when the PNR contains the specified data in the PNR. Enter any RM or RX element and value: Examples: RM NO TICKETS RMQ DO NOT TICKET RZ SKIP TTP Note: Make sure to enter the PNR text exactly as it appears in the PNR display ie. “RM* DO NOT TICKET” is different from “RM*DO NOT TICKET”

Issue ticket Select this option when the PNR is always to be ticketed or invoiced, according to the methods defined in the ‘TTP’ section below.

TTP Issue 1 TTP for all TSTs Select this option to issue one command for the whole PNR.

Issue 1 TTP for TST Select this option to issue one command for each TST that exists in the PNR. The process will generate a ‘Ticketing (or invoice) command” for each TST, and will automatically append the ‘/T#” parameter for that TST.

Issue 1 command per passenger Select this option to issue one command for each passenger in the PNR. The process will generate a ‘Ticketing (or invoice) command for each passenger and automatically append the ‘/P#” parameter for that passenger.

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 45

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Ticketing (or invoice) command: Enter the ticketing and or invoice command to use.

Print docs to specific OfficeId

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Select this feature if the documents are to be printed at a remote location. If selected, use one the following two options to identify where to print the documents.

PNR's Responsible office This selection will send the documents to print at the PNR’s Responsible office. The Responsible office is found in the PNR display’s header RP/MIA1A1111/MIA1A1234

RE/SU 21JUL11/1748Z

PNR's Queuing office This selection will send the documents to print at the PNR’s Queuing office. The Queuing office is found in the PNR display’s header RP/MIA1A1111/MIA1A1234

RE/SU 21JUL11/1748Z

Final Host command if fully successful: Optionally, a host command may be configured to be sent to the host if the ticketing or invoicing is completely successful.

Premium Add-ons QuART is extensible. Custom processes can be developed and inserted anywhere in the overall flow. The custom developed processes can include integration of customer databases. Contact your Amadeus sales representative to inquire about extending QuART’s base functionality with additional, custom processes.

Support Training Configuration development

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 46

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Glossary of terms Amadeus Selling Platform

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Command Line Arguments A Command Line Arguments is date that is typed at the end of the command that launches an application. The argument(s) must be specific data that is expected and handled by the application. Spaces and or special characters may be used to separate multiple arguments – again depending on how the application expects to receive them. The QuART Robot expects question marks (?) to separate parameters, and uses a ? ParamName=ParamValue structure for its parameters. Below is an example of passing a command line argument to Notepad to instruct it to open with file ‘ABC.txt” displayed. Note: surround the path\filename with quotes when there are spaces in either: Notepad.exe “C:\My Folder\ABC.txt”

Logical operators See Appendix A

.Net framework The framework is a Window’s component that comes installed with Windows operating systems - starting with XP. Each newer operating system has come with higher, more advanced versions of the framework The framework provides tools and features to applications built for the Windows OS. Multiple versions of the framework may be installed on a machine without conflicts. Framework versions are backwards compatible.

Queuing Office The Queuing office is found in the PNR display’s header RP/MIA1A1111/MIA1A1234

RE/SU 21JUL11/1748Z

Responsible Office The Responsible office is found in the PNR display’s header RP/MIA1A1111/MIA1A1234

RE/SU 21JUL11/1748Z

Regular expressions Regular expressions provide a means to finding or matching strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. For instance, telephone numbers, social security number, and zip codes have well-known patterns. Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 48

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Regular expressions allow for flexibility in the way string will be matched, allowing for (201) 555-9867 to be just as acceptable as 2015559867 - if desired The web has many free sites that offer tutorials and samples of regular expressions, Example:. http://www.regular-expressions.info/

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There are also many free tools on the web for easy creation, and testing of, regular expressions.

Robot A Robot application is one that does not require a user in order for it to process, and is typically used to perform repetitious tasks.

SELL An acronym for Amadeus Selling Platform

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Appendix A Logical operators (And/Or)

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

QA Rules use logical And/Or operators to create complex checks against PNR data. The And operator performs a logical conjunction on two expressions that result in True/False. That is, if both expressions evaluate to True, then the And operator returns True. If either or both expressions evaluate to False, then And returns False. The Or operator performs a logical disjunction on two (True/False) expressions. If either expression evaluates to True, Or returns True. If neither expression evaluates to True, Or returns False. An example of an ‘expression’, in terms of a QA Rule would be:

The expression results in True or False. If there is at least one Air segment in the PNR that departs from Miami, then the result is True. If no flights in the PNR depart from Miami tghen the result is False. Multiple conditions may be checked for the same Air Element:

In the above example, the (AND) indicates both checks must exist in the same air segment for the expression to result True. If these expressions are applied to this PNR itinerary, the result would be False1 AA1114 Y 15DEC 4 MIALGA DK1 610A 855A 15DEC E 0 757 F 2 AA1895 Y 15JAN 7 LGAMIA DK1 600A 915A 15JAN E 0 757 F

The Boardpoint requirement exists in an Air segment, and the DepartureDate requirement exists in an Air segment, but both requirements do not exist in the same Air segment – thus the result is False. The OR operator must be used carefully. Finishing with an OR expression overrides the result of the previous expressions, when the OR result is True. Expanding on the example above –

We know the first 2 AND’ed expressions resulted in False. But now, the 3rd expression, Class of Service = Y or F or C, results in True. Because it is OR’d, by being True it overrides the result of the previous expressions. The result of the 3 expression check is True.

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Had the result of the 3rd, OR’d, expression been false, and the result of the previous expressions been True, the result would be True.

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And/Or combinations


True AND True True AND False False AND True

True False False

True OR True True OR False False OR True

True True True

True AND True OR True True AND True OR False True AND False OR False False AND False OR False False AND False OR True

True True False False True

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Test Rule result report

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When a user clicks the button in the QA Rule dialog, the Administrator executes the Rule against the currently active PNR in Selling Platform. The test ends with a textual report displayed to the user, that details the results of each step of the execution. The report provides the user an easy means to test, and debug the Rule. The following PNR and Rule will be used to describe the report: 1.TEST/ONE 2.TEST/TWO 3 BA4345 Y 10JAN 2 MIAJFK HK2 640A 925A 10JAN E BA/ 4 BA 178 Y 12JAN 4 JFKLHR HK2 830A 815P 12JAN E BA/ 5 AA6138 Y 15JAN 7 LHRJFK HK2 830A1110A 15JAN E AA/ 6 AA2297 Y 17JAN 2 JFKMIA HK2 535A 845A 17JAN E AA/ 7 AP MIA 305-499-0001- AMADEUS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT-NICE-A 8 TK TL04NOV/MIA1A0955 9 AI AN12345678 10 FM *M*5 11 FP CASH

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 52

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Executing a ‘Test Rule’ results in the following report (displayed in Notepad for easy saving). The report text is in blue. The explanations are in red… Rule failed -

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PNR Y6FPLW WHEN - - AND for element [AIR] For PNR Element: 3 BA4345 Y 10JAN 2 MIAJFK HK2 640A 925A 10JAN E BA/ value: [BA] FALSE! [Condition] AND AIR Airline {IN_LIST} CO,AA DepartureDate value: [10JAN] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR DepartureDate {RANGE_DATES} 1JAN 15JAN For PNR Element: 4 BA 178 Y 12JAN 4 JFKLHR HK2 830A 815P 12JAN E BA/ Airline value: [BA] FALSE! [Condition] AND AIR Airline {IN_LIST} CO,AA DepartureDate value: [12JAN] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR DepartureDate {RANGE_DATES} 1JAN 15JAN For PNR Element: 5 AA6138 Y 15JAN 7 LHRJFK HK2 830A1110A 15JAN E AA/ Airline value: [AA] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR Airline {IN_LIST} CO,AA DepartureDate value: [15JAN] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR DepartureDate {RANGE_DATES} 1JAN 15JAN For PNR Element: 6 AA2297 Y 17JAN 2 JFKMIA HK2 535A 845A 17JAN E AA/ Airline value: [AA] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR Airline {IN_LIST} CO,AA DepartureDate value: [17JAN] FALSE! [Condition] AND AIR DepartureDate {RANGE_DATES} 1JAN 15JAN - - - PNR element PASSED REQUIRE PNR CONTAINS - - AND for element [FP] For PNR Element: 13 FP CASH FOPType1 value: [CASH] FALSE! [Condition] AND FP FOPType1 {NOT_EQUAL_TO} CASH FOPType1 value: [CASH] TRUE! [Condition] AND FP FOPType1 {NOT_EQUAL_TO} CHECK - - - PNR element result - False AND for element [AIAN] - - - PNR element result - False AND for element [FM] For PNR Element: 12 FM *M*0 A_or_P value: [P] TRUE! [Condition] AND FM A_or_P {EQUAL_TO} P Percent value: [0] FALSE! [Condition] AND FM Percent {RANGE_NUMBERS} 5 10 - - - PNR element result - False

The PNR does not comply with the 'Require' condition(s). Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 54


Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Test Configuration result report

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

When a configuration is executed against a PNR, the result is a report that details the result of each action. Below is an example, and explanation, of the report that results after running the displayed configuration against the displayed PNR… Configuration…

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 55

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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

PNR… RP/MIA1A0955/MIA1A0955 RZ/SU 8NOV11/2018Z 2BGMQN MIA1A0955/1234RZ/8NOV11 1.REPORT/SAMPLE 2.REPORT/DOC 3 DL 782 B 15DEC 4 MIAJFK HK2 700A 952A 15DEC E DL/ 4 DL1843 B 18DEC 7 JFKMIA HK2 800A1129A 18DEC E DL/ 5 AP MIA 305-499-6244 - AMADEUS APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - NICE -A 6 TK TL08NOV/MIA1A0955 7 SSR DOCS DL HK1 P/USA/459889103/USA/01JUL13/M/30AUG19/REPORT /SAMPLE/P1 8 SSR DOCS DL HK1 P/USA/459889103/USA/01JUL13/M/30AUG19/REPORT /DOC/P2 9 FM *M*5 10 FP CASH 11 FV PAX DL/S3-4/P1-2

To test run a configuration, use the Tools menu, ‘Run Configuration’

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 56

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide Results of executing configuration: Configuration execution for recloc: 2BGMQN Itinerary type: Domestic >>> QA RULES execution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

PNR 2BGMQN WHEN - - AND for element [AIR] For PNR Element: 3 DL 782 B 15DEC 4 MIAJFK HK2 700A 952A 15DEC E DL/ Airline value: [DL] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR Airline {EQUAL_TO} DL For PNR Element: 4 DL1843 B 18DEC 7 JFKMIA HK2 800A1129A 18DEC E DL/ Airline value: [DL] TRUE! [Condition] AND AIR Airline {EQUAL_TO} DL - - - PNR element PASSED REQUIRE PNR CONTAINS - - AND for element [FM] For PNR Element: 11 FM *M*5 Percent value: [5] TRUE! [Condition] AND FM Percent {EQUAL_TO} 5 - - - PNR element result - True The PNR fully complies with the 'Require' condition(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------->>> FARE CHECKS execution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Compare TST's fare against lowest available fare (FXA) ... TST00001 Lowest Available [Total] Fare Comparisons... TST 1 TST fare: 1067.40 FXA/KY/S3,4 fare: 219.40 Difference: -848.00 Applying max limit on fare difference: [1000.00] Airline limit [900.00] Fare difference is within max limit (Policy max for airline is 900.00) -TST1 Compare TST's fare against full fare (FXX) ... TST00001 Command: FXX/S3,4 [Total] FXX fare:1067.40 TST fare: 1067.40 Difference: 0.00 Max Fare Limits check ... Checking max fare allowed... Itinerary type: Domestic / Roundtrip Fare limit applied to this itinerary: 2000 >>> FINISHING execution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Retention line ... add MIS 100 days later than last departure date (27Mar ) Added MIS retention line with date (27Mar) Secure flight passenger data (SFPD) ... Airlines in PNR: DL, Pax 1 ... 9 SSR DOCS DL PNR LastName (REPORT) SSR: [REPORT] PNR FirstName (SAMPLE) SSR: [SAMPLE] Names matched exactly! Names matched exactly! Pax 2 ... 10 SSR DOCS D PNR LastName (REPORT) SSR: [REPORT] PNR FirstName (DOC) SSR: [DOC] Names matched exactly! Names matched exactly! SSR DOCS matched for all pax, all air segments Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 57

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide Service Fee ... >>> TICKETING / INVVOICING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Command result (TTP/RT/TKT): O.K. TO TICKET

© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

*TRN* >

Configuration execution result was Success . PNR would be being placed in Success queue Queueing is not performed in test mode

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 58

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Appendix B – Rules

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PNR Elements FP Given the sample PNR element below, the ‘Field’ values will be: 3 FP O/CASH+CC+/CCVI4444333322221111E06/0913/USD1.01/N123 + CHECK PaxType











OldFOPType1 OldFOPType2

Currency2 Amount2 CCVendor1










CCVendor2 CCNbr2 CCExp2 CCExtendedPayment2 CCApproval2 Text

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 59

FPO/CASH+CC+/CCVI4444333322221111E06/0913/USD1.01/N123 + CHECK

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide




© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

AgencyAccounting AmericanPlan AmericanPlanAmount


AmericanPlanCurrency AmericanPlanNbr


AmountOverride AmountOverrideAmount


AmountOverrideCurrency BookingSource












CorporateID Crib Currency




Deposit ExtraPerson ExtraPersonAmount


ExtraPersonCurrency ExtraPersonNbr FamilyAmerican Guarantee HoldingInformation








PastTag PropertyName






RateQuoted RateQuotedAmount


RateQuotedCurrency RollawayAdult Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 60

Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

RoomOverride RoomRateCode


SafetyCompliance SegmentID


ServiceInformation StatusCode


© 2011 Amadeus North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark of Amadeus North America, Inc. and/or affiliates. Amadeus is a registered trademark of Amadeus IT Group S.A. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.


CCR Text

3 CCR ZI HK1 IAH 01APR 07APR ICAR/BS-05709841 /ARR-UA0756-1414/CD-B078200/ES-*ZI*USD 473.79 06D /ID-W7F25M/NM-BATSON PATRICIA WELGE/RC-4A /RG-*ZI*USD330.00WY-UNL FM XD 55.00 UNL FM/RT-0720 /CF-25819776US3 PEXP *ZI/ **SEE RTSVCC**

AgencyAccountingData ArrivalInformation ARR-


BillingNo BillingReference BookingAgent BookingSource BS-




CarBaseRateCarCompany CarBaseRateCurrency CarCompany CarEstimatedTotalAmount ES-


CarEstimatedTotalCurrency ES-


CarEstimatedTotalData ES-








Collection Company


ConfirmationNo CF-


CorporateID CD-


CorporateRate CustomerID ID-


Delivery DropoffDate DropoffInformation Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 61


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FrequentTravelerNo Location


Name NM-






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PickupInstructions RateCode RC-


RateGuarantee RG-

/RG-*ZI*USD330.00WY-UNL FM XD 55.00 UNL FM

RateGuaranteeAmount RG-


RateGuaranteeCurrency RG-


RateGuaranteeData RG-


RateQuoted RateQuotedAmount RateQuotedCurrency ReturnTime

7:20:00 AM



SpecialEquipment SpecialInformation StatusCode SystemLocationCode TourNo TrackingData VoucherValue

Amadeus Custom Desktop Solutions November 11, 2011 Page Nº 62


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Quality Assured Robotic Ticketing – User Guide

Appendix C – Regular Expressions

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