Guide to herbs reishi

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lvleschino Health Comprehensive Guide to

Reishi Mushroom Extract General Features Reishi Ít4ushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) is called "the mushroom of rnmortality" in Chna and has been used in 0rental lMedicine Íor over 2,000 years.12 ln recent years ts active ingredients have been ihe subject of intensive research regarding the r apparent ab I ty to he p prevent or treat certain types of cancer, aid in the treatment of iver disease, HIV infeclion, acute or recurrent herpetic infectons, high blood ptessure, chronic bronchits, alerges and asthma, and favorab y modulaie immune Íunction.3 The Reishi l\y'ushroom grows wld on decaying ogs and tree stumps in the coasta prov nces of China. The fruiting body of the mushroom is used med cina ly a

Principle Active Constituents 1. Specific Polysaccharldes: whlch occur ln the form of Beta-D-g ucans bound to shown to possess immune-modulat ng and ant -cancer propeflies

2. Triterpene compounds known

as ganoderic acids: which have been shown slickiness and may decrease LDL-cho esterol 5

3. other maior

an'rino acds. These agenis are


active consttuents include sterols, coumarin and mannitol

to owet

bLood pressure, reduce p ate et


Clinical Application and Mechanism of Action 1. Anti-Cancer Agent Animal cancer sludies have shown a 50% tumor regression outcome with Reishi l\lushroonr Extract treatment (e.9., connect ve t ssue cancer model in mlce).6 Reishl l\y'ushrooÍn Extract is used by some cancer surgeons in Japan to treat cancer patients and sign ficant antiluÍnor and immunostlmulalion effects have been noted in Ínany of these cases.T Po ysaccharides from re shi mushrooms and ftom other types of fo k-medic nal fungi are patented ln Japan for use as

mmunomodulators n the treatment of cancer. They are cornbined with chemo- and radiotherapy and have demonstrated an ablllty to reduce slde effects, increase the efficacy oÍ treatments, and to acceerate recovery from disease.s,e

Studies Írom China have shown lhat Reishl [,4ushroom Extract potenUates the tumoricidal capacity of macrophages and T-ce ls 101r Reishi l\lushroom Extract is known to have other immune modulating effects and antioxidant pTopedies


Animal siudies a so show that the polysaccharde Íaction of re shi mushroorns can induce apoptosls (programmed celL death ofcancerce ls) in eukemic cells and nduce ce lu ar differentiation ln 40-45% of leukenric cells ireated wth reishi

polysaccharides, demonstrating sgnificant cancer treatmeni potentia These efíects were primarly due to the increased secretion of anti-tumor cytokines (signaling agents) induced by Reishi [,lushroom polysacchardes, namely TNF-alpha and IFN-gamrna, and these two cytokines acted synergisticaly on the nhibit on oí leukemic-cell growth.rT ln a related experment, the D-glucan polysaccharide fraciion of Reishi I\lushroom was shown to produce dramatic tumor Tegress on in a mice sarcoÍna study. ln many animals, compLete turnot regression occurred n the group injected wth beta-D glucan fracUons w thin a s-week period. The study by Y. Sone et al, reported iumoÍ inhibiUon rates of g0% and iumor regression in 75% oí afflcted animalsls



Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

lmmune System Enhancement (Bronchitis Asthma, Allergies, Herpetic Conditions and HIV lnfectlon)

As noled above, Relsh [4ushroom Exiract modu ates many components oíthe immunesystem, which in part, account Íor its apparent anti-tumor propertes. Chronic bronchitis in ihe eLderly has been shown to respond favorab y to treatment using a concentrated Reishi l\,4ushroom product in a trial nvolving 2,000 cases ln China. This study demonstrated a better than 60% success rate. After several months of treatment there was a noted rise in the levels of Ínmunogobulin A in the sputurnl0 lmmunoglobu ln A ls the main immunog obulln found in the respiratory tract A deficiency is common in allerg es,le sysiemic lupus and rheumatoid arthrtis.20 Reishi l\lushroom Extract supplementation has been shown to hep improve cases of asthma and allergies. Two constituents oÍ Relsh l\,4ushroom Extract, oleic acid and cyc ooctasulfur were shown to inh blt the re ease of histamlne, which ls llkely how t beneíts asihmaic and allergic patients.r0,21,22 A speclfc protein-bound polysaccharde component of Reishi Mushroom Extract known as GLhw-02 has been shown to possess poi-"nt ani -viral properlies against herpes s rnplex virus lype 1 and 1ype"2 under experimental conditions 23 A sma I human trial dernonstrated that Reishi i\lushroom Extract reduced pain dramaticaly ln two pat ents w th postherpetic neuralgia and n two other patents wiih severe pain due to herpes zoster lnfection (shingles, which is caused by a herpes vlrus).2a t.lnder experimenlal conditons, varous ganoderic acids in Reishi l\,4ushroom Extract have been shown to be active ant-HlV agenls, showng an ablty to reduce vira replication by 50% at conservatve doses.25 Combined with other 0rental herbs, reishi is currently used ln treatments of A|Ds-related complex, AIDS, and aone or in combination forrnulas to treat chron c fatgue syndrome.262728 Finaly, stud es on male mice revea that Relsh Nlushroom Extract was effeclive in enhancing the recovery of celLu ar

mmunocompetence after gamma-ray rrad ation Reishi l\lushroom supplementation sjgniícanily ncreased whte blood cel count (eukocyies) and other parameters of irnrnune function in these animals,2e n a sim lar íash on as has been shown to occur with astragalus suppLementation n patients treated with chemo- or radiaUon therapy fsee Astragalus in this docunent )


Cardiovascular Health (High Blood Pressure and Reduced Platelet Aggregation)

Two human controled studies revealed ihal Reish l\,4ushroom Extract can reduce high bLood pressure to asignifcant degree (systolc and d astoLic), even n patients who had previously failed to respond to establshed anti-hypertens ve Íned catons 3031 Animal studies reveal that Relsh N,4ushroom Extract reduces blood pressure through a centra inhibiUon of sympathetic nerve act vty, aLthough it does not s ow head rate or induce a sedatve effect n general.32 Under experimental conditions, Reishi ft,4ushroom Extract has a mld to moderaie effect on reducng platelet

aggregation which may Íu(her help to decrease risk of cardiovascLr ar disease.


lt has also been shown io increase

ls As such, ii aids energy producilon on a cel ular which may mprove cardiovascular health and s used to boost memory and ntellectua capacity in some

endurance, bLood flow to the brajn and to lÍnprove oxygenation of ce leveL,

cultures,3a ncluding success in a study oí Alzheimers patients.35

4, Livër Protective Effects

(Hepatoprolective Properties)

Reishi is prescrbed n China for the treatment of chronic and acute hepatitis


Various ganoderic acids in reshi

mushrooms have strong antihepatotoxic propeÍt es,:7 which under experimental conditions have been shown to protecl llver celLs írom chemicaly-lnduced njury, includjng protection from the highly toxic and letha substance, carbon tetrach oride 38,39

l\,4eschino Health Comprehensive Guide to Herbs

Dosage and Standardized Grade Therapeutic App icalions: Typ cally 250 mg, one to íour times per day is used f laken as a sing e agent (standardized to 10-12.5% po ysaccharide conten0.a0

Genera Wellness; (immune, cardovascular, liver support, etc,) Consider 30-120 mg per day (standardized to 1012.5% po ysaccharide content).

Relsh lvlushroom Extract shou d be taken with food or it Ínay cause stomach upset and loose stools.4l

Adverse Side Effects, Toxicity and Contraindications Sde effects from Relshl fi,4ushroorn Exhact supp]ementation are lnÍrequent and include dizziness, dryness of lhe mouth, throat and nasal areas, slomach upsei and loose stoo s.a1 Reishi MushrooÍn contalns agenis that nray be a lergins to some patients, although al ergic reactions are rare.42 Note that there is no cross-sensit vjty to the Reishl

Mushroom f a person is alLerg c to the Button ftilushroom or the common y eaten white mushroom that is found in Ínost grocery stores.35 Ln general, Relsh l\,4ushroom has been shown lo be very non{oxic in animaL toxicity studes and in humans, even when used at high therapeutic doses.3

Drug-Nutrient lnteractions When used ai hlgh therapeuUc doses, Reishl l\,4ushroom Extract has the potential to potentiate (enhance) the efÍecls oÍ the folowing types of medications, and thus requlres proper patient moniloring: Aniihypertensive med cations a3a Hypog yceÍnic medicauons 45 Anticoaqulant medicatjons (e q. warfarin, coumadln)46


Pregnancy and Lactation During pregnancy and LactaUon, the on y supplemenis thal are considered safe include standard prenatal vitamjn and mineral supplemenis. All other supplements or dose alterations may pose a threat to the developlng fetus and there ls genera ly insufÍicient evdence al this time to delerm ne an absoLute level of safety lor most dietary suppLements other than a prenatal supplement. Any supplementation pracuces beyond a prenatal supplement should jnvolve the cooperation oÍ the atlending physician (e.g , magnesium and the treaiment of preeclampsia.)

References: Pregnancy and Lactatlon 1. Encycopedia


oÍ NutritionalSupplements. Ir/lurray l\1. Prima Publlshing 1998.

Reavley N[\/. The New Encyclopedla oÍ Vitamlns, MineraLs, SuppleÍnents, and Herbs. Evans and Company Lnc 1998.

3. Tre

rleal ng oower o' le-bs (2





V. Drira Dubl shing 1995.

4. Boon H and Smith IV.

Health Care ProÍessionaL Training Program lnstitute ofApplied Complernentary filedicine lnc. 1997.


Jong SC, et aL. Lrledic n aL benefils of the nr ushroom ganodeÍma Adv Appl Herbs to the Rescue Nulrition News 30Nov92tVXVl(11):p4


in CompleÍnentary

croblo 1992,31:101-34


Meschino Healtn Comprehensive Guide to Herbs


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19. 2A_


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N,4eschino Health Comprehensive Guide

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to Herbs



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