Activity extra points

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ACTIVITY EXTRA POINTS José Alejandro Ortiz Fernández

SECTION 2 ASSESMENT: 1) Recall: What European County colonized Brazil? R// Spianish  2)Make inferenca: Why did de colonist bring Africans to work on plantacions as salaves? R// Becouse they need help and money  3)Elaborate: Why do you think the main basis of Brazil’z colonial economy changed over the year? R//Becouse some people did’t have work  4)Identify: What religion is most commo in Brazil? R// Catholisism  5)Explain: Why is so much of Brazil’s culture influence by African Tradicion? R// Becouse more of the peoples that leave there are africand 

6)Define: What is a Megacity , and what is a example of Megazity in Brazil? R// is a giant urban area and example is Sao Pablo  7)How might life change life fpr a peson who move from the noetheast to southeast? R// that the economy in the northeast havea bad the economy and southesat is better and different 

SECTION 3 ASSSMENT: 1) What is Gaucho? R// An Argetntina Cowboy  2) WHy is Argentina’s polpulation mostly of European descent? R// Becouse the country was colonized and settled by people from Europe  3)What is Argentina’s biggest city? R// Bueos Aires.  4) What benefits do you think being of MERCOSUR brings to Argentina? R// Is promotes trade and economic cooperation aming the southern and eastern countries, which is good for economy. 

5) What are some benfits the informal economy provides, and what are some of its drawbacks? R// It helps people who lost their jobs during the economic crisis find work, but they do not pay taxes to help support the goverment.  6) Where is Uruguay’s capital located? R// On the north shore of Rio de la Plata, not far from Buenos Aires.  7)How has Uruguay’s location influence its culture? R// Becouse Uruguay is located between Brazil and Argentina, its culture has been influence by these large countries.  8) What does it mean a country is LANDLOCKED? It is comletly surrounded by land 

9) What is Praguays? Economy like? Agriculture is an important part of the economy, but much of paraguys’s wealth is controlled by rich families and compaiend.  10) what are some possible ways Paraguay may be able to improve its economy in the future’ R// Use its resources more effectively; sell suplus elecricity to Brazil and Argentina. 

SECTION 1 ASSESMENT: 1)What is the main physicak feature of Pacific South america? R//The Andes and Atacama Dessert  2)How is Bolivia’s lacation unique in the region? R// becouse they have so mucho resources there  3)What is El niño, and what are some of its effects? R// and ocean and weathern pattern that affets the Pacific Coast.  4)Why are parts of Ecuador, in the tropics, cooler than parts of southern Chile? R// besouse the Altiplano 

5) What country in this region has large oil reserves? R// Ecuador  6) Why do you think much of the region is not good for farming’ Becouse have a cool climate  7) what affects do you think cooper mining in Chile migut have on the enviromeny? R// Chile export more cooper than other countys in the world 

SECTION 2 ASSESMENT: 1)What ancient empire built paved poads thougth the Andes? R// macha  2) What role did Creoles play in the History of Pacific South America? R//the creoles werw the main leadern of the revolts  3)How might the Inca Empire have been different if the Incas had had wheeles and horses? R// maybe tha incas can win the fight  4) What conutry has the large pertage os South America Indians in its population? R// PERU  5) What aspects of culture in Pacific South America reflect Spanish influence, and what aspects reflect Indian heritage? R// the religion(spanish) the culture (Indian) 

SECTION 3 ASSEMENT:  1) What is Ecuadors’s largest city? R// Guayaavil  2) Why have Ecuadirians been unhappy with their goverment in recent years? R//Probably the reform are not presented quickly and the people need them.  3)What are Bolivia’s two capital cities? R//La paz and Sucre  4)why might Bolivia economy improve in the future? R// probably that will start to export more natural gas and metals  5) Why did many Peruvians move to Lima from the highland in the 1980? R// to scape violence and they were looking for work 

6) What challenge do you think people who move to Lima from the hidhland face? R// poor services, like water, elecricity  7) What is coup? R// A sudden overthown of goverment by a samll group of people.  8) What might happen to Chile’s economy if the world price of cooper drops? R// It probably becouse weaker, they probably will not ger more profit 

CHAPTER 5:  -Section 2  What kind of climates does the Amazon Masin have? R// festival,food ,religion  How are northeast Brazil and southern Argentina different? R// paraguay is land lockaded 

How might the region’s major influenced development and dalily life in Atlantic South America? No becouse i affects the enviromen and destroy habits animals

SECTION 3 What parts of Brazilian culture reflect African influence? R// There is a lot of European influence, also there are few native people .  What factor lead people from the northeast of Brazil to move to the southeast? R// is the poorest, peolple need deforestation of Amazon rain forest necessary? No becouse it affects the enviroment and the place that they leave of animals 

In wich counry do most people speak Portuguese? R// Brazil  What major river flows through northwestern Brazil? R// Amazon river  Which of the following statement abaout Argentina is true? R// Argentina is a member of Mercosur  Which of the following was an affect of the «Dirty War» in argentina? R// The country’s economy suffered  What is the most important part of the economy en paraguay? R// Agriculture 

CHAPTER 6 Atacama Desert- a deseer in northeast Chile that is one of the clodiest and driest places on Earth  Lima- Capital of Peru  Quito- Capital of Ecuador  Viceroy-a governot appoineted by the king of Spain  La paz- one of the capital of Bolivia  Creole- An american born desendents of European  Strait- a narrow passageway that conects two large bodies of water 

El niño- an ocean and weathern pattern that affects the pacific coast  Coup- a sudden overthown of a goverment by a small group of people 

CHAPTER 6 PG: 141 The main mountain range located in Pacific Sputh America is called the: Andes  Wich of the followinf conditions is a resul of el niño: Warmer water near Pacific Coast  What early culture had a huge ampire in Pacific South America early 1500s: Incas  Wich of the following statements abaut culture i nPacific South America is false: Chile has a higher percentage of Indians than any othet counrys in South Anerica  Wicho counry is main export of oil: Ecuador 

Bassed on the graph above, what one product is Chile’s main export to the United States ? R// Fruit  What has been a major cause of political unrest in the region? Dissafisfaction with economic polices 


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