Applying for lAndscApe Architecture (Ml A)
Applying for lAndscApe Architecture (Ml A)
pontificiA universidAd cAtólicA del perú (pucp) - fAculty of Architecture And urbAnisM
Recognition: Pre-selected 30 projects for thesis (final project) “The best 10 architecture student projects in Latinamerica and Spain in 2023” by ArchDaily, march 2023. https://www.archdaily.pe/pe/997941/los-10-mejores-proyectos-disenados-por-estudiantes-de-arquitectura-enlatinoamerica-y-espana-2023
Professional Title (Worskhop 10) grade: 17/20.
Standout academic project exhibitions - Workshops: 1,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10.
tecnico of lisboA (ist) - university of lisbon
Integrated Master Degree (MSC) in Architecture - 6 month exchange programme
Courses: Environmental Design II, Built environment and impacts, Building studies
Histories: Architecture theory, History of the city
ReseaRcheR - centre of Architecture And the city (ciAc, pucp)
Research group ‘Modelando el mundo’
“Guide of conservation and revalue of cultural landscape in Sondondo Valley” deliver to peruvian Ministry of Culture. Analysis between interior architecture and exterior landscape in different scales: territorial, urban-rural and architecture. On-site data collection.
Analysis and digitalisation of traditional houses as well as their construction systems: field work and survey of dwellings. Production of plans: floor plans, sections, elevations and construction details.
Analysis and digitisation of landscape units: ‘andenes’, terraces, towns, corrals and wetlands at different scales based on drone photos. Production of location, territory, urban, nolli and landscape unit plans. Design and layout of the book “Guide of conservation and revalue of cultural landscape in Sondondo Valley”. Arrangement of plans for publication.
Pre-selected 30 thesis projects: “The best 10 architecture student projects in Latinamerica and Spain in 2023” by ArchDaily 2023. Project ‘Balneario Miramar: The construction of a new coastal landscape from clearing’. Link: https://www.archdaily.pe/pe/997941/los-10-mejores-proyectos-disenados-porestudiantes-de-arquitectura-en-latinoamerica-y-espana-2023
First Place Public space design - Urban 95, Lima Como Vamos
Project design for public space ‘El Malambito’ in Barranco, Perú. Finally built in december 2022. Interview and project presentation as shown in ArchDaily, 2022. Link: https://www.archdaily.pe/pe/986849/ espacios-publicos-para-la-primera-infancia-en-lima-6-proyectos-para-barranco-y-miraflores
First Place urban development competition ‘Master Plan Salaverry’ - DESSIN TECHNISCH Organized by “Los Portales” company. LINK: https://www.instagram.com/p/CjmUAb2td7Y/?img_index=1
Landscape Representation Workshop, ‘Water shortage in Tacna region’ - paisajeORG and ANDES. LINK: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmfzMhRuE5v/?img_index=1
QGIS for architects workshop
Centre of Architecture and City (CIAC) in Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
3D Modelling: Revit
SketchUp Rhino + Grasshopper
Adobe: Illustrator Photoshop Indesign
Territory: ArcGIS
AutoCad Rendering: Enscape Lumion
the ConstruCtion of a new Coastal landsCape from the Clearing final proJeCt (proffesional title) - indiVidual worK softwares used (ai ps id sKetChup autoCad)
The project is located in the central coast of Lima city, in San miguel district, Peru. The coastline of San Miguel is a landscape that does not quite qualify as a beach. The wave conditions are among the highest in the whole coast in terms of height and intensity, which makes the place unusable for bathing. For more than 15 years it has been contaminated by more than 90 Hectares of clearing between rubble and demolition debris to gain space for the sea, which has accentuated the recreational sensory dissociation with the sea and the subsequent disarticulation with its city and hillside.
The proposal revolves around understanding the “beach” as a space for the inclusion of different social strata through leisure, sport and contact with nature, but also from the point of view of a landscape protected from erosion and as a marine ecosystem for birds, crabs and fishes. To this end, existing natural and anthropic resources will be used to reconstruct this new landscape. The boulder gabions as elements that have historically served to generate containment and filtration will form a new language in the landscape that will help to form a close link between the citizen and the sea.
RE-CONSTRUCTING the city from the seaside.
METROPOLITAN ESTRATEGIES LINK sea and lima citizen through recreation and ecology.
Use of the coast increased by 60% from “Sundays for cyclists”.
CONNECT with the northern part of the city through the metropolitan axis.
The most important public space in the city without activation.
Usable beaches in city with direct connection to the centre only
GENERATE environmental value through green axes
The green coast would add 0.5 m2 of green area/inh. to the city (currently 2.7m2/inh)
The dynamics of deforestation are the dynamics of power in the coastal landscape of San Miguel. These have allowed vehicles to take over the beach in the interests of gaining access to the sea, and roads have become the main means of access to the coast, ultimately disarticulating it from its landscape logic. Likewise, the main actors of the city have been relegated and so have the biological actors due to the conditions of the material expelled towards the sea. The project aims to reverse the conditions of power and rearticulate the landscape through the experience of the pedestrian and dispersed interventions that reconvert the clearing into an agent that links citizens with their territory in terms of its protection, regeneration and recreational use.
gabions function
that have been involved in the process. The aim is to use all those elements that have been part of the negativity of the clearing and domesticate them by means of the gabions. The materiality of these elements makes it possible to mimic the landscape and gives an aesthetic value to the tide levels in the rocks. An important factor that the project also takes into account is the process of degradation of the material for the formation of
Domesticate the waves by programmatic intertidal breakwaters made of boulder gabions and domesticate the clearing topography as ecological buffers and sports areas that form transitional spaces towards the city. First, protection is formed following the topographical lines shaped as breakwaters. In the intermediate zone, ecological catchment islands are implanted as a buffer between the sports area and the sea as drop-off points. Finally, the sports areas on the border between the highway and the seaside as support for pedestrian flows.
Interventions articulated by transversal circuits from the city that cross towards the sea by the use of 3 bridges and a longitudinal network depending on the part of the landscape. In the city, the streets will be paved pedestrian streets; on the hillside, soil paths; and on the beach, stone and wood paths.
A network of public spaces and parks are proposed to allow the reception of the new metropolitan flow and to permeabilise the neighbourhood towards the sea. This is done by opening up the perimeter walls and garages that create a sense of insecurity for pedestrians. On the hillside, rest areas that contain the terrain with gabion walls and by modifying the slope to 20% so that it can be used. Moreover, take advantage of these as refuge points for birds and fog water catch to generate drinking spots and irrigation.
Contain observation spaces
Contain shelter space for birds.
Lack of consideration of the landscape as a mental regenerator by being in contact with nature.
Element seen as stay point, not only as a connection between sea and city
New paths now belong to the cliff and allow people to walk and stay through to see finally the landscape. Small squares mimetize thank to gabion walls. The roofs intend to be as light as posible to generate shadows for runners and bikers. This place start to be transformed in a pause in the way to baths and shore.
Bridge connection Beach backfill for slope reprofiling Soil paths and bike route
The topographies of the previous reprofiling of the land are reorganised and reused for the shaping of the buffers and sports programmes. Grandstands, amphitheatres, shade supports and screens, and vegetation outcrops are constructed from local materials and are positioned to function according to the dynamics of the site. Even the use of salinityresistant palm trees to provide shade depends on design placement on site to create buffer islands where people can be.
Slope for
Wooden furniture
Football pitch with gabion stands
Washingtonia robusta palm tree
Clearing islands contain space
Water table upwellings as ecological buffer
The buffers appear as raised and depressed topographies that currently exist in the landscape. The outcrops of water table and the islands of clearing form a potential for establishing a transition between the city and the beach. Despite being a metropolitan public space, the dynamics are intended to slow down from a sporting edge (that is for the actors who constantly activate the place) to the intertidal devices. Furthermore, the winter seasonality leads to the creation of these spaces that are not for bathing but that do maintain the characteristics of leisure and relaxation.
Planters planted with palms and xerophytic vegetation
Washingtonia robusta palm tree
Clearing islands contain space
Water table upwellings as ecological buffer
The landscape was domesticated and adapted to the current conditions of material resources. The gabions form the new programmatic spaces for the safe use of the citizens and slow down the waves on the different breakers. Birds now perch on the walls and coexist with human dynamics reflecting the balance between enjoying leisure and respecting our environment.
Cartographies made in a landscape representation workshop. Graphic search to show specific qualities of the hydrographic landscape in the Tacna region from basins, volcanoes, geysers, agricultural soils, mining and how they are immersed in a problem of scarcity of resources for the city.
The structure of an active and predominant volcano in the Andean areas of the Tacna region is shown. The aim is to understand the natural system of contamination by volcanic action and at the same time to show the bubbles of clean water that exist in the place and from which all the cities in the region are supplied. These act as a resistance to the strong climate change that has caused the decrease of water for the cities and it is also necessary to show the elements attached to each of these water spaces. These include mining, agriculture, fauna, volcanoes and nearby population centres. On the other hand, volcanic activity counteracts a non-usable visual water landscape such as geysers. These are preserved together with the lagoons of the Vilacota National Reserve, but are a benefit for the village of Candarave due to its tourist activity.
After visibilizing the problem the next step analysis is the way to home and all the actors that are present on it. Mining, farmers, cities, populated centres, geographical issues, lagoons and snow-capped mountains. Mining takes all the percentage of water use in the region taking away from lagoons and from agricultors the main resource in the arid desert. Besides the arsenic contamination problem, the remaining amount of water goes to cities putting in risk several people. The graphic tend to make a comparison with different sectors through the region and take in consideration the amoun of rain, the scale of the cities and the amount of forest that still despite the mining process.
n g C u l t u r a l l a n d s C a p e
professional praCtiCe - researCh group ‘modelando el mundo’ (researCh Centre of arChiteCture and CitY (CiaC-puCp)
used (Qgis
EARTH AND GIS VERSION: Cartographic analysis of ‘andenerías’, terraces, rivers, canals, divine mountains, lagoons, roads and populated centres connected. Different representations as eart
CABANA AND SONDONDO TOWNS: Cartographic analysis of the relation between constructed area of a populated centre and their landscape units around.
CABANA AND SONDONDO TOWNS: Cartographic analysis of fertile agricultural areas, abandoned agricultural areas and traditional roofed areas. More over, paths and main squares as empty spaces in plan.
CCECCA AND AUCARÁ TOWNS: Inside town analysis in a closer view to the populated centres recognizing differences between the nine of them specially the scale of constructed areas and empty spaces.
Principal ‘apus’
Paved road
Principal ‘apus’
Rivers and canals Rivers
Secondary ‘apus’
Paved road
Sondondo Valley Lagoons
Terraces outside
Town natural spaces
Traditional roofs
Cultivable areas
Disused greens
Populated towns Populated towns
Agriculture outside Agriculture
Roads and paths
River terraces
Canyon borders
Non vegetation areas
Constructed area Abandoned greens Abandoned greens
Cultivable areas
Main square
Town natural spaces
Traditional roofs
Cultivable areas
Disused greens
Natural area Lagoon
Rivers and canals
Constructed area
Cultivable areas
Main square
Non vegetation areas
Roads Roads Natural area
Rivers and canals Rivers and canals Rivers and canals
Deep analysis and representation of several sectors in the general territory in which andenes are noticeable. The work consisted in create a mosaic of different types of ‘andenerías’ and also identify which other landscape units are related to the place such as rivers, specific vegetation and the shape of its geography.
In this case corrals or barryards are considered one of the main landscape units related to economic solvency. Here, the farmers keep livestock and graze their animals until they are ready to sell them. This generates an important resource for their survival. In this cartography, different variables can be seen, such as the areas of wetlands, the most used corrals, the less used corrals and even the manure produced in the entire landscape. Likewise, the areas of snow and water run-off such as canals.
Here terraces allow a major area of cultivation in contrast with ‘andenerías’. As a matter of fact, they have their own type of bushes and trees that grow there. The graphic tend to express the relation with rivers, abandoned areas and the different shapes of the land.
In this scale the analysis identify the natural and traditional roof houses in a traditional block. Some towns have more tiled roofs and adobe walls than others but in the case of Ishua, Sondondo and Cabana they are highly preserved.
In this case the work is close to the traditional building scale. This work was carried out in situ by asking the different house owners to make internal and external sketches of their houses in order to know the materiality of their walls, roofs and the details of the facades. Some of them maintain the use of balconies, reed and reed roofs, wood and stone finishings in the exterior.
sondondo TOWN HOUSE
As well as important is the landscape from inside houses and roads. To have a sensitive visualization the work presented use hand drawings and post digital interactions to show specific contexts in the perspectives.
BLOCK isometrY (waterColor stYle)
the union Between two distriCts BY green puBliC spaCe
aCademiC group worK (6 integrants) - semester 2018-2
softwares used (sKetChup ai ps id autoCad hand sKetCh waterColor painting)
Project that seeks change in the city on 3 different scales (metropolitan, inter-district and zonal). The long-awaited cable car project between SJL and Independencia arose to give potential to the idea of working in the ‘Amancaes Lomas’. In this way, it was proposed to work all the way up from the Naranjal station, proposing a design for the cable car stations and creating different public spaces according to the previous analysis and to achieve an eco-friendly project that integrates the Lomas to its city.
Shopping spaces nearby cableway stations where people can sell what is being produced in organic gardens uphill.
Organic gardens in edges of Lomas that supply and generate incomes for local people.
HOUSING TYPE 2 (green corridor)
HOUSING TYPE 1 (density/commercial)
A new eco-tourism sub-centrality based on the creation of an eco-tourism cultural inter-district park with recreational spaces. Likewise, the use of the cultivable area of the unique ecosystem of “Lomas” through bio-gardens, thus leaving an area for the conservation of species and their visibility on a metropolitan scale, which is connected to other sub-centralities of the same area.
HOUSING TYPE 3 (edge / public spaces)
Areas where desification is planned now have services and equipuiments. It is densified with residential buildings in the most consolidated areas of the districts.
Green areas supply people that live in this area and create a connection between parks and family groups.
Housing is supported by economic activity within your own home. Boulevard that surrounds the entire hill allows communication between houses, gardens and ravines.
Allocate cultivable areas as a basis for the creation of a productive-economic development system and shopping spaces for these products in cableway stations that will have new equipment that corresponds to the type of activity being proposed.
The densification of housing near the Naranjal and San Carlos bus stops and the consolidation of housing in high areas of the hillside connected through a system of public spaces on the edge of the hill and/or ravines control the expansion of housing that in turn, it is linked to a road system with connections to cableway stations, improving people’s access to these slopy areas.
The division of urban allotments responds to the criteria of population needs. The distribution from the road and a sequence of common spaces.
The organic form of the sustainable circulation axes for pedestrians and cyclists provokes the discovery of new visuals from an experience isolated from the vehicular grid.
Proposal of ideas for the urban development of a 70 Ha plot of land in Puerto Salaverry - La Libertad. Mobilisation approach and design response to different clients. Private participation of architecture offices. Obtaining the First Place in DESSIN TECHNISCH office.
The main idea of the project consisted in work with specific portions of area that the client gave to the office. In those spaces we produced a concept of central green area for every housing sector. Eventhough those were different economic classes families they deserved decnt and appropiate public spaces for leisure. Another main idea was to establish green corridors in all the roads that unify the different sectors making the proposal one big housing park responding to the area where it was located.
Green areas are pockets that branch off from the project’s main axis, creating public social interaction centers that guarantee quality of life in the neighborhood.
A central curved vehicular axis is constituted as a guiding circuit distributed among neighborhoods that connects each urban development.
peruVian goVernment proJeCt to reform puBliC sChools
professional worK - landsCape arChiteCt
softwares used (reVit ai ps id autoCad)
This was a program dedicated to reform specific public schools in the country that were in poor conditions. The government produce some regulations for the project and the design itself was produce by a design house where I worked. All design with BIM colaborate metodology in Revit. The integral project included the design of 9 schools. I was personally commissioned to design the landscaping and outdoor areas of one of them, Fe y Alegría 23 school.
Main roads of pozzolanic concrete, paving with cobblestones, burnished semi-polished concrete and concrete basins. Green areas defined by ground cover, xerophytic gardens, sensory gardens, colour gardens and native species such as Huaranhuay, Molle costeño, Mutuy, Mioporo, etc.
Square paving block, pre-fabricated concrete 0.20x0.10m, grey colour e=60mm, laid on a 40mm compacted sand base.
Concrete slab e=150 mm or pozzolanbased cement, natural reddish pigmented, finished in semi-polished cement and polished.
Podotactile tile type alert cementitious fibre-pressed mortar product composed of two layers, 0.30x0.30m, e=30mm. Installed on simple mortar, embedded 25mm yellow colour.
Podotactile tile type tiles cementitious fibre-pressed mortar product composed of two layers, 0.30x0.30m, e=30mm. Installed on simple mortar, embedded 25mm yellow colour.
Small stones from 2 to 6.4mm placed on raschell 50% mesh.
Washed river, beach or hillside sand, coarse-grained. From 2 to 8mm placed on compacted soil. Separated with raschell mesh 50%.
Enriched organic substrate specially prepared for garden, 150mm width
Compacted earth paths, dimensions according to soil study.
Recycled pieces of wood from local trees, treated against fungus, insects, humidity and painted with varnish. Height=150mm embedded in compacted soil. Diameter approx. 400mm.
Grouping of vegetable crops: aromatic, leguminous, solanaceous, gruticals and greens sown in rows of earthen mounds with intermediate channels.
Painting 18
Public space project for children below 5 years.
Integrants: José Fabián Jiménez, Akira Dacillo, Claudia Manrique, Penélope Silva