EYP Sweden's Regional Sessions 2014 - Call for organisers

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European Youth Parliament Sweden National Selection Process 2014/2015

Call for Organisers

Umeรฅ Malmรถ Gรถteborg Stockholm

Welcome... to the forth round of Regional Sessions by EYP Sweden! The overall theme for EYP Sweden’s National Selection Process will be: Shaping the future of Europe. The head organisers are now looking for members to join their organisers team. We are looking for EYPers who are: - creative & problem solving - responsible & on time - easy going and enthusiastic - independent individuals who can take initiatives - easy reachable and dedicated Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join us in November!

Umeå: 8-9 November 2014 Malmö: 15-16 November 2014 Göteborg: 22-23 November 2014 Stockholm: 29-30 November 2014 Officals are asked to arrive before noon, one day prior to the session. There is no participation fee for officials. EYP Sweden will offer travel reimbursement. For the southern, western and eastern regional session, organisers get a maximum of 25 euros in travel reimbursement. For the northern regional session, organisers get a maxiumum of 40 euros in travel reimbursement.

Apply! To apply, please fill in the application form and submit it by 19th of October, 23.59 CET. The selection panel will consist of the head organisers together with a representative from EYP Sweden’s board.

http://tinyurl.com/RSOrganisersCall We look forward to reading your application! Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact EYP Sweden’s project coordinator at: christina.abdulahad@eup.se or the Head Organisers:

RS North, Umeå: nord@eup.se

RS West, Göteborg: kristen.rosario@eup.se

RS South, Malmö: jesper.thunstrom@eup.se sofie.lundgren@eup.se

RS East, Stockholm: angelica.arnqvist@eup.se sara.ljungeryd@eup.se

Q: When is the deadline to apply? A: Submit your application by 23.59 CET on the 19th of October.

Q: What can I apply as? A: You can apply as organiser

Q: Should I apply? A: Yes.

Q: Where can I find the application form? A: http://tinyurl.com/RSOrganisersCall

Q: What does it cost to participate? A: There is no participation fee for officials. EYP Sweden will offer travel reimbursement.

Umeรฅ Malmรถ Gรถteborg Stockholm

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