Calls for Swedish Delegates

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Call for Swedish Delegates European Youth Parliament Sweden is now thrilled to launch the call for Swedish delegates to represent our National Committee at several sessions this spring. We have spaces to fill for National Sessions in Vienna and Luxembourg, the International Forum in Amsterdam, and the International Session in İzmir. EYP Sweden has 17 delegate spots for the abovementioned sessions; four for Vienna, four for Luxembourg, eight for Amsterdam, and one for Izmir. We are now looking for exceptional, engaged, enthusiastic and competent members of our alumni to build these Swedish delegations. We are now looking for members to join the Swedish delegations. These members have desirably contributed to the work of EYP Sweden in the past or plan to do so after their attendance to any of the session. For sessions in Vienna, Luxembourg and Amsterdam, there is no age limit, however delegates under 18 must submit a signed parental Letter of Permission from a parent or guardian, permitting their attendance. This Letter will be passed on upon your selection. Applicants for the International Session in İzmir must be aged 18 years or over. If you are interested in taking part, contact with a Letter of Application, totalling no more than 600 words, outlining your motivation to attend any of the above sessions, which sessions you are applying for, your previous work in EYP Sweden and/or your plans to further make use of your experiences within the organisation. Selected applicants will be required to sign a Consent Form, accepting to follow the rules and conditions of the National Organising Committee and the session. For applicants under the age of 18, this Consent Form as well as a parental Letter of Permission will also need to be submitted. Failure for any applicant to not submit these documents will result in a withdrawn selection. The letter can be written in either Swedish or English. Deadline to submit your application is Wednesday 28th January, 2015.

Hugo Dürr

Vice President of EYP Sweden Head of International Affairs

Call for Delegates - Vienna’15

The European Youth Parliament Austria is organising its National Conference in Vienna from May 1st to 4th 2015 for Delegates. For the duration of the session, participants from all over Europe will be divided into working groups, led by experienced members of the EYP. With the session proceeding, participants will increase their knowledge on European affairs and their awareness for Europe’s cultural diversity. Vienna ’15 will serve as a platform for debate and reflection on current European politics. Travel costs and a participation fee of €50 needs to be covered by participants.



Number of spots


Vienna’15 – 16th National Conference of EYP AT.

1st to 4th May 2015

4 delegate spots

Travel costs and a participation fee of €50

Call for Delegates - Luxembourg 2015

Welcome to Luxembourg 2015! Last year in spring, EYP Luxembourg celebrated its first NSC by inviting over 100 people from 15 countries with over 20 nationalities to Schengen, the birthplace of the free-movement agreement. This year, 1st until 4th of April 2015, they want to bring 150 young people from all across Europe to their wonderful capital to better understand, and act on European ideals by engaging with them. Travel costs needs to be covered by participants. There is no participation fee for delegates.



Number of spots


Luxembourg 2015 – 2nd National Selection Conference of EYP LU.

1st to 4th of April 2015

4 delegate spots

Travel costs

Call for Delegates - Amsterdam2015

From 8th to 16th of April 2015, over 200 participants from over 20 European countries will gather in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, to discuss current European affairs around the theme ’Global Issues from a European Perspective’. After the incredibly successful 71st International Session in Amsterdam in 2012 and the 2nd International Forum in The Hague last November, EYP the Netherlands is now preparing to host another magnificent event. Travel costs and a participation fee of €150 needs to be covered by participants. Visit for more information.



Amsterdam2015 - 3rd International Forum of EYP NL.

8th to 16th of April 2015 8 delegate spots

Number of spots

Fees Travel costs and a participation fee of €150

Call for Delegates - İzmir’15

The 78th International Session of the European Youth Parliament, will take place between 17th and 26th of April 2015 in İzmir, Turkey, hosting 10 days of heated debates and intercultural dialogue. The 78th International Session of the EYP will gather 320 participants from over 30 countries to discuss current European affairs, exchange ideas and vision for tomorrow’s Europe. It is a requirement that applicants have not taken part in an IS as a delegate before. Travel costs needs to be covered by participants. The participation fee of €200 is covered by EYP Sweden. Visit for more information. Session


Number of spots


İzmir - 78th International Session of the EYP.

17th to 26th of April 2015

1 delegate spot

Travel costs

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