Welcome booklet - 11th National Session of EYP Sweden

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Welcome Booklet

Table of Content, Session Theme 3 Letter from the President 4 Note from the Head Organiser 5 Session Programme 6 Globovillage 7 Organisational Information 8 Topics 10 First Day 12 Pictures of Ume책 13 Venues 14 Contact Information 15 Sponsors 16

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Session Theme, “Sustaining our future” aims to raise awareness of the common challenges our generation faces in creating a sustainable future. What can the world, the European Union and the European youth do to tackle problems like the global warming? While tackling these issues, the participants will also work together creating the future of Europe, a sustainable world and thus set common goals for our generation to build upon, and shape a world we can, and want to, live in. The 11th National Session of EYP Sweden aims to make Sweden youths reflect over their future, their problems and how they can affect and change their challenging situation together. Moreover, the 11th National Session of EYP Sweden also is the 1st Eco-session of EYP. The 1st Eco-session” will focus on creating an environmental friendly session with a focus on how small changes can make big differences. The Eco-session will include workshops for all participants, knowledge sharing prior, during and after the session through social media and an environmental focus on the session material and logistics.

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Dear Participants, In a time where the countries of Europe face difficult questions over balancing the needs of the current with the potential of tomorrow, sustainability becomes a vital tool in bridging the two. In approaching sustainability, we have chosen a range of topics that revolve around the 2015 priorities of the European Commission. From the digital agenda to the creation of more jobs, these are all topics that are currently being discussed around Europe. In this light, I believe that it is very significant that these vital topics will now be discussed by a group of young people, taking into consideration their needs and opinions. It is important for all of us to form an opinion on these issues; opinions that are informed, based on the available facts and that incorporate viable solutions. This is, in a sense, one of the strong points of EYP. Giving us all a chance to form ideas in a setting that is both friendly and constructive. As a chairs team it is one of our most sincerest hopes that we will be able to provide you with the guidance and information to help you cooperate towards this goal. For many of you, Umea will be the first stop of your journey in EYP. Along with the amazing potential of EYP as a platform to try out new ideas, you will quickly come to see that the social and fun sides are equally as important. No matter what drew you initially to this session - be it the debate or the curiosity – I can guarantee that as you stay on and continue in EYP, it will be the friendships and the warmth of the people you meet that will be one of the main reasons you stay. On behalf of all of the officials who will be the first but definitely not final group of warm and friendly people you will meet in Umea, I can barely express how excited we are as the session draws ever closer. I would like to welcome you all and wish you all the best in your preparations.

/Irem TĂźmer President of the 11th National Session of EYP Sweden The Welcome Booklet | 4

Dear delegates, It is with great pleasure I welcome you to The 11th National Session of EYP Sweden Congratulations, you are on your way to either begin or continue your EYP journey. A journey where you will meet new friends, work with current European issues and make your voice heard. The journey to Umeå 2015 begins here and I hope you are as excited as I am. 10 months ago this session was still a phone call between me and the national board of EYP Sweden and it feels thrilling and unbelievable that the session is roughly 40 days away. So why is this session so important? To get youths like you and me to engage, take action and start discussing the future is crucial for our future. That is what the theme ”Sustaining Our Future” means to me. It is a way to get youths like you and me to work for a change. If we do not engage youth, we will never have a future, because we are the future. With this being said I, on behalf of the organising committee, welcome you once more to the 11th National Session of EYP Sweden. Together we will make this session memorable.

/Emil Juslin Head Organiser of the 11th National Session of EYP Sweden

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Session Programme, Sunday 15th Friday 13


-1200 Arrivals at V채ven

1200- 1230 Introduction 1230- 1330 Opening Ceremony 1330 - 1400 Transfer 1400 - 1430 Change from formal clothing 1430 - 1730 Teambuilding 1730 - 1830 Dinner 1830 - 2100 Teambuilding 2100 - 2200 Evening Activity 2200 Transfer to Hotel

Saturday 14th 07 - 08 Breakfast 0800 - 0830 Transfer 0830 - 1030 Committee Work 1030 - 1045 Coffee Break 1045 - 1300 Committee Work 1300 - 1400 Lunch 1400 - 1530 Committee Work 1530 - 1545 Coffee Break 1545 - 1800 Committee Work 1800 - 1830 Transfer 1830 - 1930 Dinner 1930 - 2230 Evening Activity 2230 Transfer to Hotel 00


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0700 - 0800 Breakfast 0800 - 0830 Transfer 0830 - 1030 Committee Work 1030 - 1045 Coffee Break 1045 - 1300 Committee Work 1300 - 1400 Lunch 1400 - 1530 Committee Work 1530 - 1545 Coffee Break 1545 - 1730 Committee Work 1730 - 2100 Globovillage 2100 - 2130 Transfer to Hotel 2130 - 2230 Lobbying Hour

Monday 16th 0700 - 0800 Breakfast 0800 - 0830 Transfer 0830 - 0900 General Assembly Preparation 0900 - 1030 General Assembly 1030 - 1045 Coffee Break 1045 - 1215 General Assembly 1215 - 1315 Lunch 1315 - 1445 General Assembly 1445 - 1500 Coffee Break 1500 - 1630 General Assembly 1630 - 1645 Coffee Break 1645 - 1800 Closing Ceremony 1800 - Departures

Globovillage What is Globovillage?

The various culinary traditions of the globe will be explored during GloboVillage - spending dinner learning about the culinary customs of the cultures of the world, through walking from table to table talking to and tasting the food the delegates representing different cultures have brought with them.

What do you have to do?

Each delegation should bring food and drinks for around 10 people maximum. Decorations and clothing representing the assigned part of the world will be highly appreciated. Please remember to bring food and drinks that can be kept over night. We expect to have limited access to a refridgerator. Bäckängsgymnasiet - Mexico

Dragonskolan - Russia Enskilda Gymnasiet - USA Franska Skolan - Australia Göteborgs Högre Samskola - India Klippans gymnasieskola / Åbyskolan - UK

Minerva Gymnasium- China Risbergska gymnasiet - Germany S:t Petri Skola - Jamaica Sigrid Rudebecks gymnasium - Portugal IHGR - Spain Sundsvalls Gymnasium - Belgium

Hersby Gymnasium - France Hässleholms Tekniska Skola - Canada Umeå Internationella Gymnasium - Lebanon Kungsholmens gymnasium - Italy Österportskolan / Sydskånska gymnasiet - Egypt

Swiss delegation - Turkey Norweigan delegation - Greece Danish delegation - Kenya Lycée Français Saint Louis - Brazil Malmö Borgarskola - Kina

Jämtlands Gymnasium, Wargentin - Thailand Haganässkolan - Japan IEGS - Argentina

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Information Registration

The deadline for registration is the 9th of February and will be done in an online registration form. You will have received the link to the registration form in the same e-mail containing the Welcome Booklet. Otherwise you can find it here. Make sure you clearly state any special needs.

Session Programme

For the session programme, see page 6. Please note that delegates and teachers have separate programmes. After the Opening Ceremony, delegates will be in their respective committees where each chairperson has the overall responsibility for the delegates.


Please note that all session participants, delegates as well as teachers, are expected to arrive and register at Culture House V채ven in Ume책, no later than 12:00, Friday the 13th of March. On Monday, we suggest that departures are booked no earlier than 18:30.


During the session, all participants will stay at Scandic Syd in Ume책. Remember to bring your swim wear for the pool at the hotel!

Special Needs

Any special dietary preferences and disabilities must be mentioned in the registration form. Please provide us with the correct information as soon as possible so that we can arrange a satisfactory solution. Do not hesitate to contact the organisers should you have any questions.

Dress Code

Formal wear is required during Opening Ceremony and General Assembly. Formal wear is defined as a suit for boys and a suit/skirt/dress for girls. Semi-casual wear is required during Committee Work. This is defined as comfortable yet representable clothing. Jeans/chinos paired with a dress shirt for boys and jeans/pants paired with a dress shirt/top for girls are recommended by EYP. Casual wear is required during teambuilding. This is defined as comfortable clothes that allow for movement. Sweatpants and workout clothes are strongly suggested by EYP.

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Information Alcoholic Beverages

EYP Sweden applies a zero tolerance policy for alcohol throughout the session. Delegates who are confronted drunk will be disqualified from the selection and sent home.

Bring your own mug

Since we have a goal to be an Eco-session we urge all participants to bring their own mug to the session. Our aim is to use as little disposables as possible and this is a great step towards that goal.

Essentials: Warm Clothes Pocket Money Toiletries Mug

Committee Work Semi-casual wear Your own research material Committee Topic Overview Pens and pencils

General Assembly Formal Wear Note pad

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Topics ECON: Mobilising for growth

In light of the Commission’s recent proposal of the Investment Plan for Europe and the approaching mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework, how should the EU prioritise this budget to steer the EU further towards jobs, growth and competitiveness?

REGI: Unlocking the Urban Potential

With the agreed reforms, the transition to a low-carbon economy has been identified as one of the main priorities for the 2014-2020 term of the EU Cohesion Policy. Seeing that cities are key players in the regional implementation of this goal, how should the EU address urban challenges and engage cities in this transition?

JURI: Towards a Digital Single Market

The creation of a connected digital single market in the EU can generate up to â‚Ź250 billion of additional growth while transforming Europe into a knowledge-based society. How should the EU make better use of opportunities offered by digital technologies and take the necessary legislative and regulatory steps towards a connected single market?

ITRE I: Extending the Benefits

The use of digital technologies in key areas of public interest can help the EU tackle social challenges, while making it cheaper, faster and easier for citizens to interact with public bodies. How should the EU ensure the wider incorporation of ICT-enabled and supported benefits in its social policy?

LIBE: Balancing the Internet ecosystem

In light of the ruling of the CJEU in Case C-131/12 and the 2014 recommendations of the Article 29 Working Party, what balance should the EU establish between the safeguarding of the personal data and the ability of search engines to continue providing services that citizens within the EU have become accustomed to?

ENVI: The Dangerous Fall

The recent drop in oil prices is having a negative impact on the global investment in clean energy, with the share prices of many European green energy companies falling below the broader market. How should the EU best drive its clean energy agenda forward in a prolonged period of low crude prices?

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Topics CLIM: The next step in climate finance

The EU is currently the largest contributor of climate finance to developing countries, supporting them in reducing GHG emissions and in adapting to the consequences of climate change. How should the EU further integrate climate change in its broader development strategy and ensure that its support is translated into meaningful mitigation action?

ITRE II: The European Energy Union?

With current geopolitical events serving as a worrying reminder of the EU’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels and natural gas imports, how should the EU balance upholding existing energy trade relations with the development of self-sustainable means of energy production?

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First day


The registration will be at V채ven in Ume책. The venue is located at Storgatan 46A in the city centre and is easy to find. You can of course call any of the organisers if you need any guidance. Make sure you register before 12.00 on the 13th of March.

Clothing The dresscode for the Opening Ceremony is formal wear. We recommend that you change into your formal wear before arriving, otherwise there will be possible to change at the venue. Luggage

At check in we will take your luggage and transport it directly to your hotel room. Therefore it is important to bring a smaller bag were you can keep your cloths for teambuilding and other accessories you need during the day.

Food upon arrival

We will have a coffee break ready for you when you arrive.

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Photos: Ume책 Kommun

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Venues, V채ven is the new cultural centre of Ume책. Built in 2014 as an esssential part of Ume책 European Capital of Culture. The perfect spot for our opening ceremony.

Located in the southern part of Ume책, the newly renovated hotel Scandic Syd will be the accommondation during the session.

Venues for Committee Work and General Assembly will be released at a later stage.

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Contact, Do not hesitate to contact us through any of the information provided below. We will reply as soon as possible.

Emil Juslin Head Organiser emil.juslin@eup.se +4670 232 32 85

Jesper Thunstrรถm

Simon Sjรถstrรถm Grรถnkvist

Organising Committee

Organising Committee

jesper.thunstrom@eup.se +4670 549 14 69

simon.sjostromgronkvist@eup.se +4676 051 53 53

Like our facebook page for more information and news about the session: www.facebook.com/umea2015NS

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Sponsors We are very grateful to our partners for making the session possible as well as supporting the youth and the future of Europe.

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