Welcome booklet delegates - Umeå Youth Forum

Page 1

Welcome booklet Delegates

Table of Contents Welcome from the President 3 A note from the Organisers 5 Forum Theme 7 Elements of the Forum 8 Forum Programme


Venues & Accommodation




Our Officials


Travel Information


Contact Details




Umeü 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Welcome from the President Dear European youth, We’ve all heard the phrase ‘young people are the future’, perhaps one too many times. While meant to be empowering, calling for attention to be given and investments to be made in the benefit of today’s youth, it is also implying our time has not yet come. But that it will. In Umea, we beg to differ. Our time is now. If we want to have an impact on the future, we need to shape the present. And we need to begin today. We need to stop being postponed.

Fun fact #2: Umeås closest neighbor city is Vasa, in Finland, which is 1 hour away with boat.

There are numerous forums offering students and young professionals the opportunity to discuss core issues relevant to society the world. Thousands organizations around the world aiming to give the floor to young people to express their views and have their voice heard. But it is not only about having an informed opinion. We should not stop at calling for action, we should take action. We can do more than raise awareness; we can change things for the better. In our week together in Sweden, over 100 representatives of 27 different countries will discuss issues directly influencing not only our future, but our present. From how the increasing number of separatist movements around Europe affects culture, to how we can be more competitive on the job market, ensure more student housing, integrate LGBTQ individuals and more. We will not be addressing our home governments, nor European institutions. We will be developing concrete ideas for actions we can take. Actions we will take.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Welcome from the President Events of the European Youth Parliament are impressive for the windows they open to other cultures. They are also a unique opportunity to create a solid European-wide network. The organizing team of EYP Sweden is committed to creating an enjoyable and constructive atmosphere and supplying all the resources necessary. We have a talented team of facilitators who will be accompanying you throughout the sessions. To complete the picture, you are invited to contribute with your commitment and enthusiasm. Your dedication to making a change.

Fun fact #2: People from over 25 different countries will participate in UYF.

I am eagerly awaiting shaping the present and future with you, Yours, Adriana-Maria Manolescu

Umeü 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


A note from the organisers Hello, and Welcome to Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum! We are happy to welcome you to Umeå, the European Capital of Culture 2014. UYF, the Umeå Youth Forum, is a project that lies close to our hearts, one that we have been working on for quite some time. We are utterly excited to welcome you to the officials team, and hope that this booklet will provide you with answers to any questions you might have. Should you, however, have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either of the head organisers through the forum email, or their individual ones. So how, and more importantly WHY, Umeå? One day, late in April last year, Astrid got a phone call from the Board of EYP Sweden, and that was the call that changed everything! Josefine had, with the Culture Capital Year in mind, placed a bid to head organise the 10th NSC of EYP Sweden, but as you know that session was held in Gothenburg and Josefine was invited to organise a youth forum. Umeå Youth Forum is one of the first steps towards realising the vision of establishing a branch of EYP Sweden that is more geared towards including an older demographic, university students, and thus broaden the activities we offer our members. We also wanted to offer people who simply enjoy doing EYP because it is fun and not because it is a competition an opportunity to be delegates again.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet

Fun fact #1: Umeå is known as the “City of Birches”. In 1888, a large fire destroyed much of the city, so birch trees were planted to protect against the spreading of future fires.


A note from the organisers Realising that UYF had the makings of becoming more than a normal session, more than any other youth forum organised before, we ventured out to find experienced EYPers who wanted to break free from the “norm” and explore how we could take the classic EYP format further, and spice it up a bit! We, the organising team, are working hard to provide the prerequisites necessary (and more) to make this forum truly memorable, and we cannot wait until we start bearing the fruits from all of your and our hard work!

Fun fact #7: Umeå has 1782 hours of sunlight every year!

With this note, we wish to formally welcome you on board, and get this party started!

Photo: Per Lindberg

// The Head Organisers on behalf of the Organising Team

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Forum Theme Growth through culture Umeå Youth Forum will be revolving around the concept of culture as a driving force in development. Culture spans over everything from scenery and cuisine to art and democracy, and promotes entrepreneurship, employment and competitiveness. The topics proposed to participants thus aim to explore the wide ranging aspects of culture. Big enough to be taken serious, small enough to make it happen! Striving for progress, citizens need to become active participants in initiating changes and improvements, rather than being passive bystanders. In the mindset of educating youth to take initiative rather than expecting others to implement their ideas and fight for their interests, delegates at Umeå Youth Forum will be discussing current European affairs in order to propose actions they themselves can take. Resolutions will thus call for ideas and actions from young people, rather than merely encourage them to conceptualize solutions and then await for governments or EU institutions to take action. Follow-up plans to ensure that these proposed ideas are carried through to the best of the delegates’ abilities will also be compiled, and spread to anyone interested.

Fun fact #9: Umeå has over 180 kilometres of bicycle tracks, making bicycle the transportation of choice for most students, faculty and staff.

Photo: Per Lindberg

What does ‘Growth Through Culture’ mean to you?

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Elements of the Forum The city hosting EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum is Umeå, a city in the rural north of Sweden, as it will be one of the Culture Capitals of Europe in 2014. The culture capital year has inspired the cultural focus of this forum, and is the base upon which the forum concept has been built; creating the slogan ”Growth through Culture”. The Epic Brännboll Tournament Keeping in line with traditional Swedish summer games and activities, a high prestige tournament of Brännboll is being planned. It will take place on the first night to finish off an intense day of teambuilding. Brännboll is a game played much similar to softball, or baseball. It includes four bases which are to be passed and rounded, and offers the contestants a range of rackets that are to be used to hit a tennis ball as far away as possible. The contestants are divided into two separate teams, the “inner team” (the ones running around the bases), and the “outer team” that are supposed to catch the tennis ball and “burn”/”bränna” the members of the “inner team”. Let’s refer to is as “hipster baseball”. Night of Culture Among the highlights of the event, a Night of Culture is planned, a night where all of Umeå is invited to join us in celebrating through dance, song, rap, beatbox or whichever artistic expression one prefers. Keeping in line with the overall spirit of “learning by doing”, the Night of Culture will not only offer its participants an opportunity to enjoy some live music, and mingling with fellow delegates. It will also offer trainings including improvised theatre, drama-workshops, and theatre games.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet

Fun fact #5: Campus Umeå is the size of 28 football fields and is located within walking distance of downtown Umeå.

Fun fact #13: Umeå University receives more than 700 exchange students from over 30 countries every year. Over 40 nationalities are represented among students and staff.


Elements of the Forum Globo Village The various culinary traditions of the globe will be explored during GloboVillage - spending dinner learning about the culinary customs of the cultures of the world, through walking from table to table talking to and tasting the food the delegates representing different cultures have brought with them. During this element, the committees will be tasked with representing an allocated country through embodying its culture by playing music, wearing traditional clothes and of course treating the participants to food from said region. The way this usually is done, is that the committee members get in touch prior to the event and plan out who brings what, and how to best do this. Culture Workshops An entire afternoon will be devoted to Culture Workshops, during which the delegates will have the opportunity to express themselves creatively; the results of this afternoon will be put on display in the Municipal Library after the session, but also available for guests to admire during GA.

Fun fact #15: Right now we are in the second Sami season, Gijrradálvvie: 28 feb – 29 apr. When UYF take place we are in Gijrra: 30 apr. – 19 june. The programme for the Capital Culture year in Umeå are devided in these seasons.

Furthermore, together with Lund Debating Society (LDS), a debating workshop is being planned. LDS hosted a much appreciated workshop during EYP Sweden’s 10th National Selection Conference at the beginning of February 2014, and it is on this format we base the one that will take place in Umeå. Workshops and seminars of various nature will be hosted throughout the duration of this event, more details about the exact themes and content of these will be announced in due course.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Forum Programme Day 1: June 12 Delegate arrival and registration Team building Welcome Ceremony Day 2: June 13 2 hrs of Committee Work Expert talks to launch the delegates off into CW Committee work Night of Culture - Culture Workshops (Organiser in charge: Emil) Day 3: June 14 Open Air Brainstorming Committee Work Globo Village (Organiser in charge: Hanna)

Fun fact #18: The world’s largest brännboll (similar to rounders) tournament is played in Umeå every May.

Day 5: June 15 Committee Work Resolution Typing/Debate Workshop with Lund Debating Society Resolution Typing/Committee Dinners (Organiser in charge: Christina/Josefine) Brännboll tournament

Photo: Per Lindberg

Day 6: June 16 GA Day Delegates’ Departures

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Venues & Accommodation

Hotell Scandic Syd The hotel for the session is going to be Scandic Umeå Syd. This beautiful hotel is located in the southern part of Umeå, called Teg. Scandic Umeå Syd is 1.5 km from Umeå Centre and 1.5 km from Umeå Airport. Scandic Umeå Syd have a gym that is open round the clock for all guests. You can take a swim in their pool and relax in the sauna. And of course the hotel has wireless internet access. For a year now the hotel have been under renovation. 80 rooms, 120 bathrooms, all corridors, lobby, reception and much more are now in a new fantastic shape. During Mars-May the pool, sauna and relax area are going to be renovated. So concluded, everything is going to be tip top when we arrive in June. Dragonskolan Teambuilding and committéework will take place at Dragonskolan which is Umeå’s largest high school with 2000 students with Umeå’s nicest premises due to the newly completed renovation. “Mitten” which concludes a cafeteria, dining area, a scene where there often are things happening and a big beautiful staircase where many gather. For example where the whole school recently cheered on the swedish olympic team together. Here are future carpenters, scientists, nannies, elite athletes, electricians, hairdressers and more trained.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet

Fun fact #25: In all the hotel rooms there are is a custom made wallpaper inspired by Umeå and the nature and culture around. Be sure to look for it at your arrival and think about the motives!

Fun fact #33: During the Ice Age, the ice at the place where Dragonskolan today is was 1 km thick.


Photo: Per Lindberg

During Umeå YF we are going to be visiting a lot of different venues and places. Hopefully you will be able to see as much as possible of the city, like the culture house that will be finished later this year, the new shopping mall and new hotels. To conclude, there might be a lot of cranes throughout the city when you get here, but hopefully you will be able to see some of this beautiful city, old as new.

Venues & Accommodation Umeå University General Assembly will be held at Umeå University. Umeå University was founded in 1965 and is the fifth oldest university in Sweden. It is one of the nation’s largest providers of education. In good study environments you are offered a wide and attractive range of programs and courses. Culture on Campus arranges free cultural events open to everyone at Umeå University ever since 2003. Every year Umeå University receives 700 exchange students from more than 30 different countries. GA is going to take place in auditorium A in Lindellhallen. This building was rebuilt in 2007 when it’s roof was elevated and glass facades was added. The aim was to reproduce the auditorium hall it’s proper dignity and give the university library a representative entrance.

Photo: Per Lindberg

A part from these venues we will be visiting alot of other venues for our different forum elements. Opening ceremony, Culture Night, evening activities, resolution typing, committée dinners are all going to take place throughout Umeå. Central parks, Klossen youth house, city church are some of the places you might get to visit.

Fun fact #27: Lindellhallen got it’s name because it’s walls are adorned with a 95-meter-long painting of Lage Lindell (19301980), who is Umeå’s largest work of art and one of Sweden’s most renowned public embellishment.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Topics I. Civil liberties, justice and home affairs - LIBE (Kieran McNulty) ‘It takes no compromise to give people their rights...it takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression.’ Harvey Milk With ten EU countries now having accepted same-sex marriage, how can young people work to encourage further acceptance of people identified as LGBTQ in society? II. Environment, Public Health and Food Safety - ENVI (Sigrun Fagerfjäll) ‘It’s obvious that the key problem facing humanity in the coming century is how to bring a better quality of life – for 8 billion or more people – without wrecking the environment entirely in the attempt.’ Edward O. Wilson The rise of the middle class: with 3 billion people set to enter the growing middle class by 2030 in developing countries, what impact will the underlying increased economic prosperity have on environmental sustainability in Europe and what small nudges and big cultural changes does the youth need to lead on in order to accommodate the rising demands for resources? III. Regional Development - REGI (Charlotta Lahnalahti) ‘The secessionist case, at heart, is a cultural one: that the minority is different than the majority in some defined way – the definitions being usually exaggerated – and can only assert and protect its difference by leaving the old country.’ Jeffrey Simpson, The Globe and Mail From Scotland to Venice: separatist movements gain momentum like never before. With numerous examples of regions demanding autonomy from their home state in the EU, how do secessionist movements influence the culture of the region and that of the home state? What should young people strive for in the process? What concrete actions can they take?

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Topics IV. Employment and Social Affairs - EMPL (Hugo Dürr) ‘Europe’s labour market is experiencing a demographic transition. Analysis undertaken by the Commission in cooperation with the OECD shows that the share of skilled workers among retirees will be significantly higher over the next decade compared to the previous one. New entries in the labour force with tertiary education are projected to decrease from 3.5 entrants for each retiree to 1.4. As a consequence, despite progress made in terms of education levels, we are facing a possible ’skills squeeze challenge’ due to population ageing.’ László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion With a deepening integration of the European labour market resulting in increasing competition between employees, what can the youth do to increase its chances in the market? V. Employment and Social Affairs - EMPL II (Noura Berrouba) ‘Almost half of Europe’s young adults are living with their parents – a record level of dependency that has sobering social and demographic implications for the continent.’ Shiv Malik, The Guardian The dependent generation: With regards to the lack of affordable, reliable and central student housing in bigger cities in Europe, how can young Europeans encourage contractors, landlords and other stake-holders to uphold building options that match young people’s demands?

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Topics VI. Women’s Rights and Gender Equality - FEMM (Ciara Robinson) ‘As we develop emotionally and socially as young people, what could be more damaging than an environment dominated by gender stereotypes, the pressure to act recklessly and the sweeping dominance of ’lads’?’ Hazel Morgan, The Independent ‘Lad Bibles’ and ‘Rape Culture’: considering the persistence of ‘Lad Culture’, its promotion in pop culture and the ongoing sexism debate, how can students and young professionals end the acceptance and promotion of degrading and violent behaviour towards women? VII. Culture and Education - CULT (Julia Fahy) ‘Today we are raised with the notion that to be secure is to be financially autonomous. Amassing wealth is viewed as the primary rite of passage to a secure, autonomous existence but this is not my idea for the European Dream.’ Jeremy Rifkin, The European Dream: How Europe’s Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream Following the deepened integration and expansion of the EU, how can the youth of today establish a European identity – one that encompasses our common societal beliefs and values, while reflecting our diverse history? What is this ’European Dream’ that can be passed on to future generations, and instill pride in Europe as a ’Union’?

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials To get to know the officlas better we asked them all to answed the following questions: 1. What do you study, and where? 2. What are you passionate about? 3. For how long have you been in EYP?

Maria Manolescu - Session President Studying Advanced Masters in Peace, Justice and Development The Hague, The Netherlands (Interning as Legal Assistant at the International Criminal Court) Passionate aboud making things work, helping others develop, law; Laughing, target shooting, languages. Been in EYP for 10 years in November!

Ben Brown - Vice President Studied law at Durham University and currently a trainee Barrister working at K&L Gates LLP, London. Passionate about working hard and playing harder. Been involved in EYP since 2009 (old timer!)

Julian Staben - Vice President I am doing my law PhD at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. I am passionate about music, travel, water, and the law. I joined EYP many, many years ago, but I have been active for 4.5 of those.

Umeü 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Giada Benfatto - Trainer I am studying art and multimedia in Munich. I am passionate about learning and yes, I know how nerdy that sounds. :) I have been in EYP for 5 years.

Noura Berrouba - Chair I’m currently on a gap year. This fall I’m planning to enroll at either Stockholm School of Economics or Uppsala University for a bachelor in Business and Economics. I’m passionate about design, tech, politics, youth engagement, innovations and traveling. I’ve been in EYP since January of 2011. Since then, I’ve participated in around 25 sessions and trainings. Hugo Dürr - Chair Currently not studying, taking my EYP-year. Will return to International Relations in the fall (somewhere in Sweden, awaiting acceptance). Passionade about having a purpose. I aim to have a reason to all I do, and see the meaning behind an action. It is imperative for me to be contributing to a cause I believe in. My first session was the first Regional Session of EYP West Sweden, in January 2012.

Sigrun Fagerfjäll - Chair I’m studying business economics at Uppsala University in Sweden. I’m passionate about my friends, family and candy crush (level 350, just saying). I’ve been in EYP since the Swedish national session in February 2011. It just keeps getting more fun!

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Julia Fahy - Chair Im in first year in Trinity College, Dublin, studying Politics, Philosophy, Economics and Sociology. I’m passionate about baking, singing and I love travelling and exploring new places. I’ve been doing EYP since 2010, so this will be my fourth year! Charlotta Lahnalahti - Chair I am a Peace and Conflict studies’ first year Bachelor student in Malmö, which is challenging but very rewarding as well! Tea, food and art are my deep passions on the side of Global Politics. The best thing about them is that they can be easily combined in one day! I had my Regional Session long back in 2010 in Turku, Finland. Since then I have been to quite a many sessions despite having an ”EYP gap year” in 2012.

Kieran McNulty - Chair I study Law in Trinity College Dublin. I am passionate about stories. I have been in EYP for 4 years.

Ciara Robinson - Chair On a gap year but probably attending either UCL or LSE to study History and International Relations or European Social and Political Sciences. I’m passionata about my dog. He’s awesome. Great food. Makes me happy. Running. Exercise feels too good! I have been in EYP for 2 years!

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Christian Macht - Editor Christian Macht has studied teaching languages and currently works as a programmer. He’s passionate about storytelling and the web and thanks to over a decade in EYP is deeply in love with group dynamics.

Mara Balasa - Journalist I learn in the ”Ovidius” Theoretical High School and my specialisation is Mathematics/IT, Blinigual Studies in English. I am keen on attending EYP Sessions, learning German and debating. My first session was in May 2012.

Alex Coates - Journalist American History & Literature at Canterbury Christchurch University. Passionate about discovering hidden talents, the English language, the great outdoors. Been in EYP since July 2011.

Gloria Fackelmann - Journalist Studied medicine in Munich. Passionate about human behaviour and communication. Joined EYP 2 years ago.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Lorenzo Leuenberger - Journalist Studying last year of high school in Zurich, I’ll finish this summer and then hope to study Medicine in Zurich as well. Passionate about Tennis, Been in EYP since 1 1/2 years.

Maya Moss - Journalist Final year of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (mouthful; go for IB), focusing on History and Swedish and English language and literature. Gothenburg, Sweden. I’m passionate about people, our history and our futures, and how human societies work. I’ve been in EYP only for a year and a half! Anna Nichols - Journalist I study Law and Political Science at Trinity College Dublin. I’m passionate about being passionate about lots of things, from art to languages to weirdly obscure rituals from tribes and places most people haven’t heard of. I’ve been in EYP since 2011, so that makes for a scarily fast 3 years.

Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Journalist Studying Computer Science (2nd year), University of Edinburgh. Passionate about electronic things, languages, human being. Been in EYP for Four years - since March 2010.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Mathilde Pascal - Journalist I’m enrolled in a double master programme in European Governance at Sciences Po Grenoble in France and at the University of Constance in Germany. I’m passionate about translation, mathematics and helping people grow. Technically, I’ve been in EYP since 2010, although my first session was in 2012.

Katie Pennick - Journalist I study Arts and Sciences at University College London I am passionate about equality I have been in EYP for 1 and a half years

David Turelo Cano - Journalist Currently studying Civil Engineering in the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. I’m passionate about many things, above all, graphic design, photography and music (play the violin). I also enjoy a good reading. I joined EYP in early 2010.

Astrid Vikström - Head Organiser At the moment, EYP is my life. But if all turn out well, I’ll be a student of Politics with Economics at University of Bath in September. I’m passionate about constantly improving things, be it my own performance, an organisation I happen to be a part of or my friendships, it always applies! I’ve been in EYP since January 2012, I found my passion in chairing and organizing, and really hope you’ll enjoy what Josefine and I are organizing for you in Umeå!

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Josefine Wallenå - Head Organiser Right now I’m studying Business and Economics at Umeå University. I’m passionate about food, organising and my friends and family. I have been involved in EYP since Feruary 2011 when I participated in the 7th National Session of EYP Sweden.

Hanna Jensen-Torp - Organising Committée Economics, Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium, Stockholm. I am passionate about traveling, learning languages and spreading happiness around me. I have been involved in EYP since 2012!

Emil Juslin - Organising Committée At the moment I´m studying social science at Dragonskolan in Umeå but I will graduate the day before the forum wohoo! I am passionate about EYP (of course). But I also like all kinds of democracy projects! I’m also passionate about sports! I have been involved in EYP since 2012!

Christina Abdulahad - Fundraising Team I study social science with a European profile. Im passionate about people! I’ve been involved in EYP since January 2012, so about 2 years.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Mahlet Abera Techan - Organiser I’m studying Political Science at Sweden National Defence College in Stockholm, Sweden. Right now I’m passionate about international law and advocating girls rights, and of course chocolate. I was an organizer at RS Stockholm in 2012, and since then I have been indirectly involved in EYP. Although, my engagement in EYP will increase as I will be organizing, along with two other girls, another EYP forum in December.

Sally Andersson - Organiser I study the musical programme at Umeå international gymnasium, and passionate about my future career (not really sure what I want to do though). I’ve been in EYP since November 2012. Ludvig Deitmann - Organiser I am a senior at Upper Secondary School where I study Natural Science. I am passionate about music and good movies. I’ve been involved with EYP for almosts two years now. Einar Stefánsson - Organiser I’m still in high school (in Bergen, on the West Coast of Norway), so not really studying anything in particular. I am passionate about my second home country, Iceland, which isn’t only facing huge financial problems; society itself faces a terrible crisis, and the country as a whole really is in ”deep shit”. I have been involved in the EYP since 2012.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Marek Haisl - Organiser Penultimate year of high school (Gymnázium Strakonice) in the Czech Republic. Passionate about football, EYP, music and much more! been involved in EYP since November 2012.

Katarina Knuuttila - Organiser I’m still in high school, but i don’t have that much left. The school is in Helsinki - the schools name is Gymnasiet Lärkan. I love painting and drawing, i also really enjoy music, movies, food... The list is long. I have been active in EYP since 2012.

Anna Lefering - Organiser I study Psychology Bsc. at the Univerisity of Bielefeld (a city in Germany) I am actually (no kidding) very passionate about EYP, but also about my friends (the best in the world), my hometown (Aachen) and in my hate for spiders!! I started EYP at an International Forum in my hometown Aachen in 2008.

Kristen Rosario - Organiser I’m currently studying the International Baccalaureate in Gothenburg. I’m passionate about travelling and cats. I’ve been in EYP since November 2012.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Our Officials Viktor Salenius - Organiser I am a high school student at Gymnasiet Lärkan in Helsinki, Finland. I’m passionate about a lot of things, especially music, I play several instruments, as well as travelling as often and far as possible! I’ve been active in EYP since 2012.

Aleksandra Sawa - Organiser I’m this year’s high school graduate from Wroclaw, Poland. My passions include debating (surprising, huh?), English literature and studying neuroscience and communication disorders. I’ve been in EYP since March 2012.

Megan Smith - Organiser I’m in my second year of my Bachelor of Law in Maynooth, Ireland. I’m passionate about youth advocacy, human rights and trampolining. I’ve been involved in EYP since 2011, I think.

Mathias Westbrand Emilsson - Organiser I don’t study, I work as a waitor/bartender at Hotel Aveny here in Umeå. I’m passionate about worker’s rights, gender equality, anti-racism and installing furniture. Been in EYP for too short. Been to three sessions during 2 years as a delegate. This will be my first time as an organizer.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Travel Information Arrival: Before 12.00, 12th of June Departure: No earlier than 18.00, 16th of June Travel form: On arrival, the organisers will make sure to guide all the participants to the Teambuilding Venue. If you do not fill in the form organisers may not be able to help you with your arrival: http://tinyurl.com/naw3fpg Accommodation before and after the forum will not be paid for. Organisers can recommend the following hostels and hotels for accommodation. KFUM/ YMCA Hostel: http://umea.kfum.se/mat-boende/vandrarhem/ STF Hostel: http://www.umeavandrarhem.com/eng/engindex.html Hotell Gamla Fängelset: http://www.hotellgf.se/index_eng.html Scandic Syd: http://www.scandichotels.com/Hotels/Sweden/Umea/Scandic-Umea-Syd/ Contact information for the organiser that can help you with your booking can be found in the end of the welcome booklet.

How do I get to Sweden? Departure


Travel time


Way of travel

Different companies



2h – 4.5h

72£ -


SAS, Air Baltic, Lufthansa, Air Berlin



2.5h -

74£ -


British Airways, Norwegian, SAS, Air Baltic



3.5h -

98£ -


Norweigan, Vueling Airlines, Brussels Airlines


Stockholm C

12h -

119£ -




Stockholm C

5h – 6h

28£ – 132£



* Prices might differ due to date of booking, time of arrival, etc. The above mentioned prices are examples of a one-way ticket to Stockholm for June 12th, to give you a rough idea of the prices.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Travel Information How do I get to Umeå? Departure


Travel time


Way of travel



Umeå Airport

1 hour

53 € - 95 €




Umeå Airport

1 hour

26 €- 63 €



Bromma Airport

Umeå Airport

1 hour

66 € -


Malmö Aviation

Stockholm C

Umeå C

6-10 hours

70 € - 150 €

Train (day)


Stockholm Cityterminal

Umeå Busterminal

9-10 hours

39 € - 47 €



Stockholm C

Umeå C

8,5 hours

55 € - 180 €

Train (night)


Vasa Harbour

Umeå Harbour

4-5 hours

25 € - 35 €





134 hours



* Prices might differ due to date of booking, time of arrival, etc. The above mentioned prices are examples of a one-way ticket to Umeå for June 12th, to give you a rough idea of the prices.

Webpages for companies*: Air Baltic:


Air Berlin:


British Airways:


Brussels Airlines:






Malmö Aviation:










Vueling Airlines:




*We recommend you to use websites like http://www.momondo.com or http://www.skyscanner.com to find the best flights. These websites also include flights to Umeå.

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


Contact Details Want to get in touch with us? General questions? Try mailing the official UYF email at umea2014yf@eyp.se Questions regarding accommodation or travel details? Send a note to emil.juslin@eup.se Questions regarding eating habits/food or dietary preferences? Get in touch with kristen.rosario@eup.se

Fun fact #37: Umeå has 160 km jogging tracks and 180 km bike paths.

Delegate Support: Christina Abdulahad (christina.abdulahad@eup. se) and Katarina Knuuttila (katarina.knuuttila@eypfinland.org) Chairperson Support: Mathias Westbrand Emilsson (mathiaswemilsson@gmail.com) Media Team Support : Einas Stefánson (eina.ste@hotmail.com) Head Organisers Astrid Vikström - astrid.vikstrom@eup.se +46708 67 04 21 Josefine Wallenå - josefine.wallena@eup.se +4673 025 61 93 Organising Committee Emil Juslin - emil.juslin@eup.se +4670 232 32 85 Hanna Jensen-Torp - hanna.jensentorp@eup.se +4672 386 39 18

Photo: Per Lindberg

Extended Fundraising Team Christina Abdulahad - christina.abdulahad@eup.se +4673 360 70 13 The Board Maria Manolescu - mariamanolescu@pejfrance.org Ben Brown - benjamin.jbrown@yahoo.com Julian Staben - julian.Staben@eyp.de

Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet



Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum: Welcome Booklet


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