AMBITION 2015: EDUCATION A summary of what we will have achieved by 2015
We will have signature education sector programmes in each of South Sudan, Somalia, DRC and Afghanistan which provide a comprehensive package of interventions designed to provide early childhood care and education for very young children, reverse gender inequality in education, secure universal access to basic education and ensure all children leave school with the ability to read.
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Four signature approaches
We will have developed signature approaches to resolving four persistent educational challenges. These approaches will form part of our comprehensive interventions in our signature country programmes and will be implemented at scale on their own elsewhere.
We will develop an innovative, scalable, cost effective model of family ) & *$$ & children aged 0-3.
We will develop a comprehensive approach to increasing girls’ enrolment, retention, transition and graduation from basic education that is widely regarded as the standard for comprehensive, evidence based programming in this area. That approach will be being implemented at scale in four CAFS and be set for replication elsewhere.
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' % + % / 4 # ) also secure a post 2015 commitment to universal primary education by the international community.
We will be internationally recognised as having turned around the crisis in learning, with an effective approach to the acquisition of early grade 6 7 4 # ) international demand for the programme, helping millions of children to read. EDUCATION IN EMERGENCIES
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increasing the funding for education in emergencies and the number of children reached with educational services in emergencies, including by our own programming. THE SIZE AND SHAPE OF OUR EDUCATION PORTFOLIO
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' 4 This includes new life time contracts for education work across ' '
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( ) ) 6 6 ' ' ) signature approaches. 9 % ' )
) ' ' % % : over the strategy period.
the size, scale and quality of our work on education and will not be achieved without a concomitant investment in our capacity to grow and improve our work. To create the platform necessary to win funding for the work outlined in this document we will need investments in our ; ) '
& % % % to win institutional funding of this nature. ; % ' ) 6 and girls education. ; & %
evaluation necessary to provide the evidence that our programmes work and deserve additional support to take to scale. Delivering these programmes, particularly our signature country programmes will also require very different delivery platforms to the ones currently in place.