Gair Rhydd 1065 - 16th November 2015

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gair rhydd | freeword Cardiff ’s student weekly Issue 1065 Monday 16th November 2015 Also in this issue

Advice: What to look for in a student house P9>>

Sex survey finds more than half of students are not aware of SU’s sexual health services

Comment: Should drug use be decriminalised? P13>>

t VP Welfare says SU should be “doing more” to help sexual health society SHAG t Students complain of lack of support for sexual and gender minorities t Calls for consent lessons among suggestions from 250 students surveyed

EXCLUSIVE Joanna Beck, Anna Lewis, Shanna Hamilton & Joseph Atkinson


Gair Rhydd student sex survey of 250 Cardiff University students has found that around 50 per cent of participants are not aware of the sexual health services that are currently offered by the Students’ Union. The survey asked students about attitudes towards sex, experiences with sexual health and knowledge of existing health facilities. One particular cause of concern recorded was the lack of sexual health advice for LGBT+ students as one participant suggested, “there should be sexual health and education resources aimed directly at the LGBT+ community. We are, after all, sexual

and gender minorities. “Virtually all of the resources exist catered to straight people and most queer people are left completely in the dark having to fend for themselves and learn about sex the hard way with no prior educative material”. In the study 21 per cent of the participants described themselves as either gay, lesbian, bisexual or other, with the remaining 79 per cent selecting heterosexual or “rather not disclose”. Comments were also made regarding sexual consent and a large number of participants suggested that the University should introduce consent lessons or workshops. One participant suggested that the Students’ Union “make sure people know what consent is.” They explained: “Make people more aware of what a sexually abusive relationship may include and the warning signs of sexual abuse.”

Many universities have started to implement consent lessons and both Oxford and Cambridge have introduced compulsory sexual consent workshops for their students. One of the concerns associated with consent is the influence of alcohol-an issue which features prominently in the study. According to results, 59 per cent said that they have had a sexual encounter whilst drunk that they might not have had sober. One participant described their own experience of “pressured sexual encounters where I felt unable to express a ‘no’ emphatically enough for the other person to understand. Initial and early encounters were often undertaken because I felt unable to explain a No and was not comfortable in insisting”. Other comments mentioned the negative stigma associated with sexual activity and sexual health. One

Pictured: SHAG’s condom dispenser in the reception of the Students’ Union (Photographer: Anna Lewis)

Continued on page 4

Politics: Kirsty Williams talks tuition fees to Gair Rhydd P18>>

Science: Why there’s probably mould in your house P25>>

2 EDITORIAL Gair Rhydd Coordinator Elaine Morgan Editor Joseph Atkinson Deputy Editor Shanna Hamilton News Anna Lewis Shanna Hamilton Joanna Beck Toby Holloway

the free word

We’ve gone and done a sex survey Our survey brought up a number of contentious issues surrounding sex at university, that should be addressed

Advice Gwen Williams Comment Em Gates Charley Griffiths David Williams Columnist Helena Hanson Politics Carwyn Williams Luke Brett Sam Patterson Science Maria Mellor Lizzie Harrett Societies Aletheia Nutt Taf-Od Carwyn Williams Park Life Vacant Sport Jim Harris James Lloyd Jason Roberts Jamie Smith Social Media Editor Jack Boyce Thank you To all the proofreaders who helped with this issue! Get involved Editorial conferences are each Monday at 5pm. Proofreading takes place from 5pm on Thursdays in the media office during print weeks. Write to the editor Tweet us @gairrhydd

At Gair Rhydd we take seriously our responsibility to maintain the highest possible standards. Sometimes, because of deadline pressures, we may make some mistakes. If you believe we have fallen below the standards we seek to uphold, please email editor@gairrhydd. com. You can view our Ethical Policy Statement and Complaints Procedure at Opinions expressed in editorials are not reflective of Cardiff Student Media, who act as the publisher of Gair Rhydd in legal terms, and should not be considered official communications or the organisation’s stance. Gair Rhydd is a Post Office registered newspaper.

Joseph Atkinson


his week we’ve published the results of a survey that we’d been running for a good few weeks now. Sex and sexual health becomes much more focused upon once you come to university; you’re thrust (no pun intended) into an entirely new living arrangement in which you have virtually unlimited amounts of independence. So we thought it would be interesting to get a feeling of how students view sex and the many issues surrounding what is often viewed as a taboo subject. The inspiration for such a survey very much comes from the University of East Anglia’s student newspaper Concrete, who run an annual sex survey, which goes down very well with students over in Norwich and provides some really interesting insight, as well as a few laughs. We’ve chosen not to include some of the cheekier questions that Concrete put in their survey, mainly because they already do that very well and we don’t have space for a 16-page pullout (again, no pun intended) that they tend to run. Instead we’ve fo-

cused on some of the perhaps more serious sides to the subject. Those include people’s attitude towards sex, how people protect themselves, and their opinions on the Students’ Union’s sexual health provisions. First of all, I have to mention the work of SHAG, who as Kate Delaney from the SU has acknowledged, take up the brunt of sexual health work in the Union. More than half of the people we surveyed said that they weren’t aware of the services offered by the Union, but that is in no way indicative of any failing on SHAG’s part. They are a student-led service of volunteers passionate about their cause, just like us at Gair Rhydd, and they are very much constantly active in their pursuit of improving the lives of students at Cardiff University. Over 50 per cent of students not knowing what is available is worrying, however, and I think that the Students’ Union as a whole could talk more openly and advertise more of the fantastic services that the likes of SHAG, as well as Cardiff ’s Sexpression society, provide. The subject of sex has become less and less stigmatised over the years and attitudes toward sex are now a lot more tolerant

across society as a whole. The fact that the question ‘have you had an STI?’ resulted in more people answering with ‘not sure’ (27) than ‘yes’ (25) strongly suggests to me that people are not being tested when they suspect that they have an STI, which is really quite troubling, and potentially dangerous not only to themselves but to people that they may have come into sexual contact with. So what can be done to make more students aware? Advertising could definitely be improved for sexual health services; a sexual health clinic has opened within the Park Place GP practice, giving students a campusbased hub for STI testing, but I haven’t really seen it advertised outside of the confines of our own newspaper. The introduction of this clinic is a real step forward, but not advertising it effectively could hinder the extent to which it is successful. The people who filled out our survey are clearly passionate about the topic of sex and sexual health. We had a submission stating that sexual education for sexual minorities in this country is deeply ineffective and leaves people to find out about sex for themselves.

In fact, our survey found that 60% of students found the sexual education that they had previously undertaken had not been enough to prepare them for being sexually active and responsible. This is worrying and suggests that the system as a whole is flawed in so much that it fails to educate people about a hugely significant part of life. In the suggestions the topic of sexual consent lessons also came up. A few people suggested that such lessons were needed at university and referenced the previously-stated opinion that sexual education is not up to scratch in Britain. In my opinion the introduction of such classes at university level would be problematic and perhaps ineffective. However, introducing the notion of consent at an earlier age as part of a sexual education would perhaps be a more realistic solution to teaching consent. I hope that our survey helps to promote change within the Union and gets people talking about sex and considering some of the topics it covers. It’s vital that we are given the best services for our money at university and not having them in place because of outdated stigmas isn’t an acceptable situation.

THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: GAIR RHYDD 676 20/11/2000 This week in history we go back to a time when Judith Keppel became the first person to win £1 million on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, yep, it’s November 2000. The headline story is on a letting agency owner fleeing the country, leaving bond money debt outstanding. It was alledged that thousands of pounds owed to Cardiff students could have dissapeared because the money could have been illegally used for other buisness purposes. In other news students marched through London on the issue of hardship, due to their tuition fees of £3,000, tough times! An Union nightclub event was a cock up as Disco Stu handed out out of date condoms and failed to carry a safety stamp, but they took full responsibility, let’s hope it didn’t lead to too many STDs. And if you’re looking for a room, you can have one for £160 including water bills per month, might give them a number now! There was even a comparison to Plymouth students’ union, where the drinks there are a whole 10p more expensive than they are here at Cardiff, is this still true I’m not sure but I can’t complain at £1 shots on a Wednesday. Looking in focus at student culture, why students are assosiated with stealing trolleys, 15 years on and I’m sure

I’ve seen many trolleys still hanging aroud Talybont. There’s also an advert for a Students’ Union Christmas Ball in the union building, costing £12 with 500 free CDs to give away, so gutted I missed it, although the 2AM finish is a bit early. Despite the early fiish however, the student council, dicussed options on leaving the club, after reports of a crush every time the club closes. In a special pullout, it’s surprising to see the Welsh Varsity used to be in November, with a full line-up included in the paper. The game was to be held in Cardiff Arms Park and be covered by Xpress Radio online for the first time ever. In the issue they discuss Cardiff ’s failure to win for the last four years, extremely dissapointing but hopeful looking at this year’s match. Unfortunately, the game was eventually called off due to bad weather and would have to be rescheduled. There’s also a magazine pullout, but this is before the days of Quench, this is Grip, your Gair Rhydd magazine pullout talking about road rage withthe Dukes of Hazard and contemporary dance with stomp. - Carwyn Williams


Campus in Brief

Jack Boyce

Pauline Cafferkey, who was readmitted into hospital after suffering complications due to Ebola, has made a full recovery, according to doctors.


he National Library of Wales has announced it is set to host a special conference on Women, writing and literary criticism in the modern era of Wales next year. Cardiff University and Aberystwyth University have come together to co-organise the event as an opportunity to take a look at the impact feminism has had on writers and literacy criticism in Wales, with academic discussions also occurring during the conference to debate the current situation of Welsh female writers. The event is set to happen on Saturday 30th January 2016. A local businessman has stated that buskers should have to audition before being allowed to performance on the streets. Frank Moloney, who operates Specsavers on Queen Street, told WalesOnline that, “I am all in favour of Cardiff city centre being a vibrant place which the public can enjoy, but some of the buskers are awful.” Moloney has suggested a few steps in an effort to decide what buskers can and cannot perform, including bringing in Cardiff ’s Royal College of Music and Drama to judge candidates, or for Cardiff council to pay for a Parliamentary Bill to gain extra control over street traders. A unique proposal between the Welsh Government and pharmaceutical company Novartis could see cancer patients in Wales gain access to a drug not available within Wales. Deputy Health Minister Vaughan Gething has stated that a two-year deal for the drug everolimus, which is marketed as either Afinitor and Votubia, could soon be in place. Everolimus can be used to treat advanced forms of pancreatic, renal and breast cancers and non-cancerous brain and kidney tumours, and has even been campaigned to be made available in the Senedd back in 2013.


The Bank of England have warned that up to 15 million jobs within the UK are at risk of being lost due to the increase in the amount of machines and robots that are being developed that can do work usually preserved for humans. A study by the Bank of England found that the jobs that were most at threat from this technology perform administrative, clerical and production tasks. Andy Haldane, the chief economist at the bank, suggested that a “third machine age” may be upon us, which will hollow out the labour market and widen the gap between the rich and poor. A nurse who was readmitted into hospital after suffering complications due to Ebola has made a full recovery, according to doctors. Pauline Cafferkey, from South Lanarkshire in Scotland, first contracted the virus last year after working at a treatment centre in Sierra Leone. Cafferkey was initially thought to have been successfully treated on back in September, but had to be recharged as she developed meningitis due to the after effects of the virus. Cafferkey will now be transferred to Scotland to continue treatment. A statement from NHS Glasglow and Clyde stated, “We can confirm Pauline Cafferkey was transferred back to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital to complete her hospital treatment. Her condition is stable.” Prince Charles has written in Country Life magazine in a plea to urge people to buy more British food. Prince Charles identified the need to support British farms, as they make large contributions to the UK’s “food security, environment and prosperity.” He added that British farmers are currently in a “grave situation”. Mark Hedges, Country Life’s editor, continued, “By buying British food, we will all be playing a vital part to safeguard the future of our precious countryside”.


Barack Obama has applauded the success of the elections in Myanmar. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, has held the first openly contested general election in the region for 25 years. The US President personally phoned Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy party, which is set to take a 80 per cent majority for declared seats, stating that her “tireless efforts and sacrifice over so many years to promote a more inclusive, peaceful, and democratic Burma”. Despite Obama’s celebration of democracy, about a quarter of parliamentary seats will still be held by military personnel. Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister, Oppah Muchinguri, has spoken about poisoning of elephants in Hwange national park, blaming it on disgruntled game rangers and the local community who are not benefitting from the revenue from the park. Muchinguri said, “It was noted that a number of issues such as low staff morale, lack of community benefits and hunting quota anomalies are fuelling poaching in Zimbabwe”. Figures have shown that 71 elephants have died from cyanide poisoning in the last few months. Tourism in Zimbabwe contributes around $1 billion in revenue, with a lot of this coming directly from wildlife tourism. At least 37 people have been killed and a further 181 injured during two explosions in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. The two explosions occurred in the suburb of Burj el-Barajneh. A statement from a reported Islamic State group said that it had carried out the attack, which could have been caused by two suicide bombers. Tensions in Lebanon have been heating up recently after conflicts in neighbouring Syria. Lebanon has become a huge welcome of refugees from Syria, with well over a million now finding refuge in the country.

Pictured: Aung San Suu Kyi, whose National League for Demcracy Party are set for an election victory in Myanmar (Photographer: Htoo Tay Zar)

At least 37 people have been killed and a further 181 injured during two explosions in the Lebanese capital of Beirut.



Editors: Anna Lewis Shanna Hamilton Joanna Beck Toby Holloway @GairRhyddNews

Continued: Gair Rhydd sex survey

Continued from front page

had an STI at some point and some said that they had used the ‘pullingout method’ and have had unprotected sex in the past. Unprotected sex is sexual activity where no measures have been taken to protect the partners from an STI, whereas contraception is responsible for preventing pregnancy. Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and genital warts were the three most common STIs. None of the participants reported any cases of HIV, Syphilis or Trichomoniasis. 27 people said they were “not sure” if they had an STI and, perhaps more worryingly, 54 per cent said they have never been tested. Many people also commented that there should be more encouragement to get tested and that the Students’ Union should provide more information about places to get tested. A lack of awareness appears to be the main cause of concern and many comments were made regarding the sexual health service, or lack there of, that the Students’ Union currently provide. One student was not impressed with the current services and said “student services are kind of mediocre. There should be more available for students. I only know about SHAG and I probably wouldn’t

participant described how pressure to have sex during “Freshers” led to male students feeling “as though they ‘failed’”. The survey also found that 51 per cent of participants felt an increased pressure to have sex at university, with the majority having had sex with between one and three

“ “

The survey found that 51 per cent of participants felt an increased pressure to have sex at University, with the majority having had sex with between one and three partners.

Really basic mandatory sex ed, as not everyone had it in school! Especially for all the international students.

partners. Another participant commented that “choosing to abstain from sex does not make you weird and refusing to take a free condom does not mean it is because you are making ‘bad’ choices and having unprotected sex.” There were also comments that suggested condom dispensers should perhaps be placed in more “discreet” places, to avoid people feeling embarrassed. Some participants called for condom dispensers and sexual health advice to be implemented around the entire campus, although 86 per cent of people said they do not have difficulty accessing contraception, with the majority using condoms or the combined pill. Although 83 per cent said that they use contraception, as mentioned earlier, 66 per cent said that they have had unprotected sex. 25 students admitted to having

I worry a lot about consent and I feel the Union doesn’t do enough to educate people on consent.

” ” How many sexual partners have you had?

Not sure: 2%

What is your gender? Female: 36%

go to them for sexual health advice I would rather go to my GP.” This was a common theme and many comments called for a local sexual health clinic, a service which has recently been implemented at the Park Place Surgery. Many of the

Male: 63% Prefer not to disclose: 1%

Does your gender identity differ from the one that you were assigned at birth?

Better services are needed for victims of sexual abuse.

No: 91%

comments showed how little awareness there is regarding the Students’ Union’s facilities. Vice President Welfare, Kate Delaney, responded to these results saying “sexual health awareness and previsions are a big priority for me this year.” Talking to Gair Rhydd, Delaney explained that improvements are still to be made with improving sexual health awareness. The VP Welfare acknowledged that student group SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Group) “have picked up most of the work and they are fantastic at what they do, but they should not

Yes: 9%

Sexuality Heterosexual: 79% Gay/Lesbian: 6% Bisexual: 11.5% Other: 3% Prefer not to disclose: 0.5%

At what age did you first have sex? 42.5% 32.5%

60 60

6060 18.5%



No: 10%

Condoms should be placed in more discreet places in the Students’ Union.

80 80




Yes: 80%

100 100

100 100


Have you had sexual intercourse before?


40 40

12.5% 6%




20 20












1% Under 12


2.5% 12-13





0.5% 22+

NEWS 5 Are you aware of the sexual health services provided by the Students’ Union?

Have you ever been tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI)?

Have you ever had an STI?

Do you feel like your previous sex education was enough to prepare you?


10.5% 10% 51.5%









Not sure

There needs to be more access to sexual health services across both campuses.

Wednesday afternoons in the Students’ Union. This is the only occasion on which the students involved are trained to give advice about sexual health. Alternatively, you can go to the Students’ Union website for advice on sexual health, where you will find a list of clinics and services that are offered in the surrounding area.

There should be sexual health and education resources aimed directly at the LGBT+ community.


6060 3030 No



Injection 1%


Implant 12%


IUD 3%

120 120


I’d like to see the Students’ Union offering sexual health clinic sessions monthly.

Which type(s) of contraception have you used?



5 3 Other 0.5%

150 150

Pictured: 47 Park Place, where the campus GP surgery is located (Photographer: Cardiff Students)

Which STI(s) have you had/do you have?

Natural family planning 0.5%

Do you use contraception?


tell students where they can get the help they need. SHAG are currently responsible for ensuring that the condom dispensers in the Students’ Union are full and have ensured Gair Rhydd that they fill them up three times a week, ensuring they are full before club nights Flux and YOLO. Delaney also discussed plans to work with the Park Place Surgery on “sexual health provisions.” The new surgery opened in May 2015 in an attempt to offer GP services closer

to students and have recently started to offer sexual health check ups on Wednesday afternoons. The new clinic has received mixed reviews and one participant described that “getting sexual health appointments is difficult and then the time slots available are very limited if you have a busy schedule. This probably deters people from getting tested.” SHAG also run C-Card, a government scheme which provides a variety of free Durex condoms to students, from 1pm to 3pm on

Combined Pill 35%

C-Card is a valuable service but it should be advertised more as I was unaware of it until my second year.

Female condom 1.5%

SHAG have picked up most of the work and they are fantastic at what they do, but they should not be expected to deal with the sole responsibility of spreading awareness and supplying provisions alone. Kate Delaney, VP Welfare

Male condom 46.5%

be expected to deal with the sole responsibility of spreading awareness and supplying provisions alone. We as the Students’ Union should be doing more alongside them.” Ways in which awareness will be raised include putting on some “temporary testing in the Students’ union at points during the year, coinciding with Sexual Health Awareness Weeks with the help of SHAG.” As SHAG is student-led, the students involved are not qualified to give medical advice, but are able to



Genital herpes Crabs

7 00


Genital warts 10 10

15 15

20 20


Student democracy fuelling debate After one of the biggest nights in the Students’ Union calendar, Gair Rhydd reports on the highlights of the 2015 Annual General Meeting Motion 1 Mental Health Training

Anna Lewis

To merely “signpost” students to mental health counsellors may “alienate” students or dissuade them from seeking help at all


he Students’ Union Annual General Meeting took place last Thursday, and saw all members of the university community weigh in to discuss issues including mental health awareness, support for student parents and investment in fossil fuels. Despite all three motions receiving a majority vote, the most hotly contested issue came from Union sabbatical officers Kate Delaney and Katie Kelly, who took to the stage to lobby for personal tutors and research supervisors to receive compulsory mental health training. The motion, which passed with an approximate 60:40 majority, noted that as the first point of contact for many students during stressful university times, training should be given to tutors to ensure that they don’t provide “inconsistent and uninformed” advice.

It was also noted that to provide awareness training would help to inspire a campus-wide conversation about mental health issues and the stigma which the vast majority of victims encounter. However Delaney’s proposal was fiercely rejected by former Postgraduate Officer Ollie Wannell, who stated that implementing training would detract funding from the Students’ Union existing support services, including the current “crappy building in the Heath campus.” This was supported by a number of students who recommended that more money be invested in Students’ Union services for mental health support, in the wake of complaints that facilities such as counselling are underfunded and over-stretched. Wannell also suggested that the role of personal tutors is not to counsel students but to “signpost” them to qualified professionals. This was later contested by the Socialist Students President who described tutors as “a big friendly face for first years who may be experiencing mental health issues for the first time.” He explained that to merely

“signpost” students on to others may “alienate” students or dissuade them from seeking help at all. Finally, Wannell suggested that for a sabbatical officer to take a motion to AGM was “embarrassing” and accused Delaney of using the event as a “PR exercise”. Despite this, a rebuttal stated that as the “strongest student body” it was appropriate to take the issue to AGM to gain as much as support as possible.

Motion 2 Support for student parents In the meeting, students also voted in favour of improving of increasing the support available for student parents. The motion, which was launched by Madeline Page, noted that 77 per cent of student parents work alongside their degree to cover basic living costs, whilst 60 per cent had considered dropping out of their course. As a result, it was proposed that a pricing tier system be put in place to make crèche facilities more affordable as it was noted current costs of university child-care range up to £23 for half a day. She also demanded that information of the facilities available for student parents be put on the Students’ Union to establish an offline and online network. Speaking against the motion, one student described the statistics as “inaccurate” and noted that inconsistent and old sources are used to analyse the number of student parents in Welsh universities. He then suggested that the propsoal be postponed until an up-to-date study is created to establish the number of student parents at Cardiff University. In defence of her motion, Page explained that the need for new statistics was a major reason for calling on help from the Union and that an in-

vestigation was already suggested. Overwhelming enthusiasm was shown for student parent support in general, with one attendee asking: “Why are you treating this as an issue of numbers when it is a human issue? There is no support for those most in need.”

Motion 3 Disinvestment The last motion of the night was introduced by Ethical and Environmental Officer Daniel Tucker, who demanded that the Students’ Union lobby for University disinvestment in fossil fuels. This follows protests held by the People and Planet society last month after a Freedom of Information request revealed that over £2m is currently invested in the oil and gas industry. “Our University tuition fees are being invested to fund the exploitation of our environment”, Tucker appealed to the audience. “We must act now and act together. With our support ,the sabbatical officers can bring this to the University agenda and stop investment.” If this was achieved, Cardiff University would be the first in Wales to stop investment in fossil fuels. Other arguments in support of the argument stressed that to support disinvestment would force the University to look into renewable alternatives. “Why isn’t the university doing more research towards renewable energy sources, including the Swansea Tidal Lagoon?” Senator Usman Mahmood Bukhari questioned the audience. Arguments against the motion also noted the importance of research into energy sources, and suggested that given the absence of a suitable environmentally-friendly energy replacement, investigation into improving the efficiency of using fossil fuels remained vital.

Why are you treating this as an issue of numbers when it is a human issue? There is no support for those most in need Support for Studentt Parents

Our University tuition fees are being invested to fund the exploitation of our environment Daniel Tucker Ethical and Environmental Officer


Other topical debates voiced motions included failure of students working in the Union to receive the living wage, despite the institution’s status as a living wage employer

Pictured: AGM 2015 (Photographer: Charley Griffiths)

‘anti-Welsh’ attitudes seen during the evening. In his speech, Dylan Williams accused the audience of complaining about the use of Welsh translation headsets and of creating negative Tweets about Welsh speakers. One student took to Facebook to voice her frustration: “Moaning and groaning every time someone wanted to contribute in Welsh at tonight’s #CardiffAGM just shows their lack of understanding and maturity.” Other topical debates held in addition to the motions included the failure of the Union to pay students the living wage, despite the institution’s status as a living wage employer. “Can we get some perspective please on how little this would cost the Union?” one student questioned. “Sabbatical officers get paid over £20,000.” However, despite a third of students suffering severe financial pressures, Students’ Union President Claire Blakeway, admitted that to increase wages would mean budget cuts in other aspects of the institution. She said: “It would be fantastic and I would welcome discussion but to afford it we would have to cut budgets on some other services.” A petition has since been launched

to lobby the Union to create a report before the next AGM showing which areas could be cut to give the living wage to all its employees. The value of participation of the National Union of Students (NUS), including its costs of over £50,000 was also brought under scrutiny, with Blakeway conceding that “the presence of the NUS is not that tangible on campus and it is difficult to judge what we get.” She later added: “in spite of this we have been involved in every NUS campaign that I am aware of “ and stressed its effect on putting pressure on national government. When confronted with a supposed lack of support for students protesting against tuition fees, the Students’ Union President promised that sabbatical officers would take a more active involvement in future. The questions concluded with demands for more money to be allocated to help asylum-seekers in addition to the scholarships already provided. The 2015 Annual General Meeting concluded with a ratification of the minutes for previous events and thanks from meeting chair Bryn Griffiths.

£50,000 renovation of Heath park Students’ Union

Increased voterregistration by 19,500 in 4 months

£933,687 less turnover than last year for CUSL

87% satisfaction rate with Students’ Union

1st Students’ Union Medic Varsity

£15180.08 affiliation with BUCS

“This motion will stifle research” one student complained. Overall, one speaker concluded that the message of the motion was being lost within “all the nitty-gritty details of oil extraction and research” and underlined that “this is our opportunity for us to stand up to those in power”. Whilst the number of motions submitted was drastically smaller than last year, with three compared to seven, the large number of questions and criticism aimed at Students’ Union Trustees suggested that students are still engaged in university and union politics. In particular, the ongoing conflict surrounding Welsh language support in the Students’ Union featured prominently, as one student confronted Blakeway about the absence of coverage about the Welsh language Officer referendum that took place last year in the President’s overview of the previous year. “There is no mention of the most successful referendum in Students’ Union’s history. Why is this?” he questioned. As the evening drew to an end, President of the Welsh Society, Y GwmGwm, also drew attention to alleged

68% student engagement rate

Toby Holloway Anna Lewis

The anonymous movement makes a stand against governments controlling their people too much, saying that it should be people who control their government Poliskull


3 targets achieved, 5 partially, 2 not achived

£51, 830.40 affiliation with NUS

Anonymous march hits streets of Cardiff

n November 5th, Cardiff was one of many cities to play host to a series of marches organised by political activist group ‘Anonymous’. The march, which occurs annually and is referred to as the ‘Million Mask March’, started at the Aneurin Bevan statue on Queen Street, with protestors completing a lap of the entire city. An estimated 100 activists assembled on Queen Street to protest a range of issues, including government cuts, the need for an independent Wales, and right-wing media treatment of the unemployed and disabled. Whereas the march last year was created to raise awareness of such issues for the protesters themselves, this year the aim was to raise the “awareness of on-lookers on and passers-by”. As a result the original route taken to the bay in 2014 was altered to a more central location. The group donned the traditional Guy Fawkes masks worn by political activist ‘V’ in the popular book and film ‘V for Vendetta’. Grant Nicholson, a protester, described the motivation behind the peaceful protest, “we all marched together because we believe unity is the only way to make this world a better place. We support each other. We don’t have a leader, we have an idea that as

one we can change the world for a better place. One bit at a time.” In contrast to the corresponding march in London, in which both police and protestors were injured, resulting in the arrests of 50 activists, the demonstration in Cardiff remained peaceful throughout. In an interview with Capital FM, one of the lead organisers of the event, a man known only as ‘Politiskull’ clarified:”Both this year and last year, we’ve made it clear that trouble causers are not welcome. This is an inclusive event of peace where we will use our voices, not our fists.” Instead, during the event a number of the protestors spoke to a sizeable audience, who gathered around Aneurin Bevan’s statue to watch the proceedings. In a powerful speech, Politiskull accused the Conservative government of “serving aristocratic and corporate interests instead of the interests of the people.” He also bemoaned the “extortionate rent” charged by landlords and the need to regulate the banks. Claiming that the current government are damaging to Welsh interests, he added: “We need to demand Home Rule for ourselves if not independence”. This was a point that was reiterated by Keith Parry of Plaid Cymru, who also spoke for a need of an inde-

pendent Wales. A number of other left-wing figures, including Ben Rice of the Green party and Steff Pilaf, a former Socialist Party representative, were scheduled to speak at the demonstration but pulled out due to conflicting commitments. However, a member of Plaid Cymru did attend the night to talk about the importance of Welsh autonomy. Talking to Gair Rhydd, one protester described the event as a “prodemocracy demonstration all about power-to-the-people.” He stressed the importance of keeping things “accountable to the people, not shareholders and corporate execs” and noted that the march was held to stress the need put “an end to auster-

ity” and “the need for Wales to have home rule (now) if not independence (eventually) so we have a more accountable and representative government in Wales instead of Tory governments we never elect lording over us from London more than half the time”. The protest was deemed an overall success by those involved, and is likely to return to Cardiff next year. “Despite the smaller attendance than last year, the march got a lot of interaction from the public, people photographing and filming us, people talking to us and having conversations to find out what issues the protest was over, which helped achieve the goal of raising public awareness”, one protester concluded.

An estimated 100 activists assembled on Queen Street to protest a range of issues, such as government cuts and the need for an independent Wales

Pictured: Poliskull, one lead organiser of the march (Photographer: Taz WinkelOpleier)



Editor: Gwen Williams @GairRhyddAdv

Coursework: keep calm and carry on!

Rachel Barter

A quick assessment of a spider diagram can take a lot less time than trawling through pages of notes


e’ve all been there. The dark cloud of impending doom getting closer and closer as the realisation that THAT coursework is suddenly eight… five… two days away. Just the other day you could have sworn you had months before your deadline. How did it happen? There’s no denying that studying can be extremely demanding. University introduces a social life unlike any other where you are juggling societies, contact hours and some well-deserved nights off. Suddenly those assignments seem to be creeping up on you at an alarming rate. Here are a few pointers to combat the seemingly-impossible: Know exactly what is expected of you Before you start anything make sure you are fully aware of what it is you’re supposed to be doing. Whether it’s an essay, practical work, group work or a portfolio, it’s easy to misconstrue one element of the specification and end up down a path of irrelevant literature and untied ends. A great way of organising your ideas, before you start formalising them, is to plan. A quick assessment of a spider diagram can take a lot less time than trawling through pages of notes and allows you to identify any questionable areas before it’s made a mammoth impact on

your work. Always look at assessment criteria, which are usually provided by the lecturer or otherwise easily accessible via a quick email, and will prove invaluable when you’re doing that all important final check. Pace yourself If it’s possible, try to set yourself goals to achieve before the deadline is even on your calendar page. This not only relieves the last minute rush of trying to cram all of the relevant knowledge in a small period of time, but means that you will probably have more scope for making sure you are producing a good level of work. Give yourself mini deadlines to meet (and make sure they’re realistic) so that you can break down the work into manageable chunks. Timetables are also useful to see exactly what it is you have to do and give you, at the very least, an aim for the day. Keep sight of your objective Before throwing in the towel, you should remind yourself of why you are studying the particular topic. It may not always be out of interest, although in a perfect world we would always be completely enthralled by each of our subject modules. Even if it’s more of a ‘means to an end’ topic, you still need to keep in

mind why it is you’re doing it and what you want to achieve. Always keep the question or title at the forefront of your work to prompt yourself not to stray too far off topic or waffle. Don’t lose sleep over it Obviously sometimes pulling an allnighter seems your only option but avoidance of this is most definitely preferable. If you’re mind-set is that of ‘I have plenty of time’, with your trusty pro-plus and redbull diet for support, maybe you should look at the above point and consider timetabling. Not only will the quality of your work be forfeited with all-nighters, but you will probably not feel all that chirpy once it’s over. Believe me; you will be five times more proud of your work if you know it is not word-vomit written solely to fill a word count at 3.30 AM. If, however, it’s the other end and you’re a serial worrier, remember that your best work is not going to be done through heavy eyelids and a sluggish disposition. Between six and eight hours of sleep a night is optimal for brain power! Ask for help One of the biggest mistakes people make is not utilising their resources. Tutors, both personal and sub-

ject, are always happy to help when you’re struggling with a concept you can’t quite get your head around. All university staff members are contactable through email (find them on the Cardiff University website) and dropping a quick question to someone, however daft you think it may be, can give you the much needed peace of mind that’s been holding you back in your assignment. If you’re worrying about a more general area, getting together with other people doing the same assignment can be a helpful way of discussing your ideas. Don’t panic Arguably the most important point; the worst possible thing you could do is panic. Admittedly, it is difficult to stop yourself from flapping about in a deadline-induced state of terror, but if you’ve got to this point, take a few deep breaths and try and keep level-headed. Take half an hour out for some ‘me time’; go on a walk, watch an episode of a programme you like, or even just take five minutes on enjoying a quick cuppa. Sometimes, getting a little perspective gives you the push that you need to get that winning streak back. Just make sure that half an hour doesn’t turn into half a day!

Pictured: All nighters in the librarywe’ve all been there. (Photographer:

You will be five times more proud of your work if you know it is not word-vomit written solely to fill a word count at 3:30 AM


Is your university course really for you?

Gwen Williams

Is your subject course really for you? That doesn’t necessarily mean that university life doesn’t suit you

Gwen Williams

One major thing to be aware of is damp as it is unpleasant and can cause health issues


ou are likely to have developed a decisive opinion on what you like and dislike about your time at Cardiff now that you are two months into your first, or even second year. If you dread the thought of attending your lectures and seminars and if you find the work boring, unenjoyable and difficult, be honest with yourself. Is your subject course really for you? That doesn’t necessarily mean that university life doesn’t suit you, but why waste your time and money on a degree if you are not happy? Many people find themselves in this situation for various reasons. You may have been torn between two subjects at A level and were pushed or rushed into a decision to study your your current course. The pressures of the final year of secondary education could have affected your judgement about what would be the right path for you. Alternatively, you

may have picked the right subject but the wrong course for you needs. Degree programmes are all different depending on the university you choose, therefore you may enjoy another syllabus at another university. If you are not enjoying your course, you should consider withdrawing from university. There is no shame in dropping out. You are not giving up, but making an important and sensible decision for your future career and your emotional well-being. Students get stressed doing subjects they love, so imagine how much worse you will feel worrying about a subject that you can’t stand. Taking a year out of education can give you time to think about what you want. Why not request an interruption of study if it is affecting your emotional well-being or request a transfer to another course? You are letting the university know that you still want to study but need

some time out, meaning that you would not have to go through the UCAS process again. Alternatively, you could email other universities and enquire about the differences between their degree programme in comparison to the one that you are currently studying. You may find that they offer something different, something more appealing to you. The sooner you decide that you are unhappy, the better. If you change courses within your first year of university or immediately after it, Student Finance will offer you what’s known as a ‘false start’. This means that they will fund you for the duration of your new course. However, if you are in your second year, you may only be entitled to two years and would therefore have to think about how you would fund the final year of your studies. Although, if you took a part time job during your year out, you may be able to build up funds to help with this issue.

Speaking of employment, get yourself out into the world of work during your year away. This time could be an opportunity for you to organise various placements that could give you an insight into different careers that you have considered. This is also great for your CV and gives you something to talk about in job interviews. Employers love experience, no matter what it is because the skills that you learn are transferable. The bottom line is, if you don’t enjoy your course, you are going to find it difficult to motivate yourself to do well. The piece of paper that you get at the end of your degree is supposed to mean something. It is not only a mark of achievement, but is a symbol that you are proud to have spent three years doing something that you love. Why would you sacrifice your happiness for the sake of getting the wrong piece of paper?

House viewings: Your guide to getting a good house


his week is Housing Advice Week at the Students’ Union. With this in mind, here are a few tips about what to look for when viewing houses. The most important thing that I must stress is that there is absolutely no rush to sign for a house. Honestly, there are plenty of nice houses out there and they won’t all go at once. Letting agents may try to push you into signing for a house you’re unsure about by telling you that there are other viewings booked, but don’t allow them to make the decision for you. You need to be 100 per cent certain of your decision. When you go on house viewings, it’s important to have a thorough look at the property. Okay, as students, we aren’t experts in building work, but there are a few things we can look out for. Many say that the key to knowing if a house is in good condition and well looked after is to look at the outside. Look up at the roof. Are there slates missing or damaged? What about the windows? Are they sealed? Do they look main-

tained? Is the front door secure? One major thing to be aware of is damp as it is unpleasant and can cause health issues. Usually when you walk into a damp house, you can smell and sometimes feel the moisture in the air. Look out for any signs of mould on the walls and the ceilings, particularly in the bathroom as the ventilation may not be good enough. If the walls have been papered, keep an eye out for bubbling as it could be hiding a damp patch. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, particularly about the electrics and the boiler. When were they last tested? How often is the boiler serviced? Don’t just take their word for it either. Ask to see the appropriate certificates to prove it. Your safety is the most important thing and if the letting agent or landlord is being vague or unhelpful, don’t take the risk. As you look around the house, make a conscious effort to look for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Are there enough of them and are they fitted in the correct places? They are a legal requirement in rent-

5 things

house to be to important places such as the campus and town. Some of your house mates may be medics and therefore you would need to find a house half way between the main university building and the Heath hospital.

you should discuss before viewing houses 1. Location

Make sure you all sit down and talk about how close you would like your

2. Letting agents

Do some research about the different letting agents available to you. Ask someone who has used them before about the quality of service. Were there any upfront fees/ hidden costs?

Taking a year out of education can give you time to think about what you want

Pictured: Looking for your first house is an exciting step (Photographer: Sludge G via Flickr)

ed accommodation so should be provided. If the current tenants are at home when you view the property, be sure to ask them about the house. Do they think they are getting what they are paying for? Why not ask them what their landlord is like? Is he reliable and helpful? They are likely to give you an honest opinion unlike the letting agent that is showing you around. Remember, they are paid to persuade you to rent the house.

If you are all happy with what you have seen, and only if you are happy, sign for the house. However, make sure you all read the contract carefully and thoroughly before signing your names on that dotted line. Ask about anything that you don’t understand. You don’t want to be caught out by something half way through the year. Although it can seem like a chore, looking for your first house can be a very exciting time, so take your time with it and enjoy!

Why not pop into the students union and see how Cardiff student letting agency can help?

sharing a house, you need to make sure that the living area is big enough for all of you. Is there enough fridge space / surfaces for cooking? Are all of the bedrooms a decent size?

3. Price

Agree on a maximum price that you’re all willing to pay and stick to it. Remember you also will have bills to pay so factor these in, unless you decide to go for a house where bills are included.

4. Space

If there are more than four of you

5. Viewing times

Work out when your future housemates are all free to view houses. Remember that everyone needs to be happy with the house so don’t sign until you have all viewed the house and reached a mutual decision.

It’s important to have a thorough look at the property


What I did when I graduated...

Mike Davies talks about his career as an agronomist

Gwen Williams

The science behind growing crops is very in depth, and new challenges rear their heads each year, so it keeps me on my toes


e’ve all heard of cardiologists, botanists and marine biologists, a selection of terms that come under the umbrella of careers in science. Mike Davies is an agronomist. This is a job title that few have heard of. In this interview, Mike explains all about his profession that has a vital part to play in both the agricultural and food industries. What is an agronomist? What does the job entail? Basically, I work as a consultant and product supplier for farmers in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. I look after arable crops for my customers and advise them on how to get the best yield through using the correct pesticides, nutrition, cultivations and seed. What educational and career steps did you take to become an agronomist? I went down the standard route of A levels before going to Holme Lacy Agriculture College to complete a National Diploma in Agriculture. I then went off to work on a large arable business to gain practical experience, before joining my current employers as a trainee Agronomist. Here the company put me through the legally required qualifications (FACTS and BASIS) at Harper Ad-

ams University in order to become a fully qualified Agronomist. Why did you choose this career path? I have always had an interest in agriculture and the science behind it, really. However from an early age I realised that I wouldn’t be able to afford to own or rent my own farm in the near future. So I guess that Agronomy had always been my preferred alternative. I have been doing this job for over seven years now and enjoy every minute of it. What do you like about your job? I like being outside all the time and interacting with customers. The science behind growing crops is very in-depth, and new challenges rear their heads each year, so it keeps me on my toes. The pesticide chemistry is evolving all of the time and you have to be at the forefront of it in order to legally and correctly select the right product to counteract the problem in front of you whether it be disease, pests or weeds. I enjoy this challenge and so far I have managed to be fairly successful. Is there anything about your job that you dislike? Farmers are an interesting bunch and can be very difficult to deal with. They generally plead poverty

and don’t want to spend money unless they really have to. However more often than not they have more money than you or I ever will! The most frustrating thing about my job though is dealing with the general public’s perception of pesticides. It is a dirty word in most people’s eyes however they are as safe now as they ever could be. European law on pesticides is about one hundred times stricter than the US, to the point where our product armoury is shrinking more than it necessarily needs to be through revocations. Without pesticides, half the world would starve and unfortunately the general public don’t understand this. Describe a typical work day for you? I generally go into the office first thing in the morning for an hour or two to do some paperwork. Then I spend the rest of the day out looking at crops and advising customers. During the winter when it is quiet my standard day is 8-5 and most days are filled up with technical meetings. Throughout the spring and early summer, during the growing season, my days become very busy and can be up to fourteen hours long. I am responsible for looking after approximately ten thousand acres of land. To give you a scale to measure that figure against, it is equivalent to about ten thousand football pitches.

Did you consider any other careers? I did consider many other careers. However all of them were linked to agriculture. Farm management was a serious consideration but I am very pleased with the choice I made. Do you have any tips for students aspiring to go into the same career? I would highly recommend that you find some practical experience alongside your academic qualifications. You need to be able to relate to farmers and their farming practices through practical knowledge and you will learn a lot of this out in the fields. If you are at university studying biology and have an interest in plants and agriculture, then you should definitely consider agronomy as a career. What advice would you give your student self with hindsight? Honestly, I should have chosen a more targeted qualification to agronomy as I already knew that I wanted to follow that path and that there were courses available. This may have allowed me to enter the industry earlier than I was able to. However I did make it, so it is not the end of the world if you are not 100 per cent certain on your career path when studying. If you’re not sure there always alternative routes into your career of choice.

Pictured: An agricultural career could be for you if you want to know the science behind growing crops (Photographer: Karlis Kadegis)

I am responsible for looking after approximately ten thousand acres of land. That’s equivalent to about ten thousand football pitches

“After we’ve had so many issues with our house, it makes me wonder how the last tenants have just accepted it - assuming they have no rights as students.”



Editors: Em Gates Charley Griffiths David Williams @GairRhyddCom

Donald trumps the ratings

Saxon Norgard

Many have criticised the ‘celebritization’ of US Presidential elections, arguing that voters should be making decisions based on policy rather than personality


epublican Presidential candidate and billionaire celebrity Donald Trump hosted Saturday Night Live on November 7th. The tradition of US Presidential candidates appearing on SNL goes all the way back to Democratic-nominee Ralph Nader, who presented the show in 1977 in the lead up to the general election, which pitted him against President-elect Jimmy Carter. Whilst numerous candidates have appeared on the show in cameo roles–most recently Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton–only three had ever hosted it prior to Trump. Notably and perhaps of concern for Trump, is the fact that all three ultimately failed in their bids to become President. Trump’s success so far in the race for the Republican nomination has surprised many, particularly those of the GOP establishment, who have been marginalised by voters eager to see the radical change promised by the likes of Trump, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz. But even in this wave of antiestablishment sentiment, Trump’s campaign stands out. He has completely re-written the campaign rulebook with his brash ‘take no prisoners’

style, and forced the entire Republican field into a radical shift to the right by threatening to deport Syrian refugees and promising to force Mexico into paying for a new wall along its border with the US. His comments deriding Mexican immigrants, asylum-seekers, women and Muslims have been applauded by the increasingly hard-right GOP base, as have his attacks on fellow candidates, turning the Republican primary into a contest over who can be more radical. Many have criticised the ‘celebritization’ of US Presidential elections, arguing that voters should be making decisions based on policy rather that personality. Although this has definitely become more prolific–particularly in the 21st century–it never really had a material impact on the result. In 2012, the Republican primary consisted of four career politicians, which ultimately elected the relatively bland personality of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Typically, celebrity-type candidates have been viewed by the electorate as a sideshow to the task of electing the President. But not this year. Whilst less emphatic candidates like Jeb Bush have faded

into obscurity in the crowded Republican field, Trump is leading in national polling, has a professional campaign supporting him and, at present, looks to be the most likely to fight the eventual Democratic nominee in the general election. Like it or not, at least for the Republican primary, the Presidential race has become a popularity contest. As intended, Trump was quick to laud his performance on SNL and was careful to point out that it captured the show’s highest viewership since 2012. The episode is unlikely to go down as one of the show’s funniest, with many despairing at the predictable ways in which Trump was used throughout the various skits. It was engineered to be a ratings-generator, and in the end it achieved that goal. The more pressing concern is how it will affect Trump’s standing in the primaries. In one sense it seems to portray him as a celebrity and entertainerwhich he ultimately is-as opposed to the ‘politician Trump’ that the voting public has come to know over the past few months. Whilst in elections goneby this might have been damaging, the anti-establishment sentiment among

Republican primary voters means that this is likely to bolster Trump’s numbers. Whether or not this could prove detrimental in a general election remains to be seen, but at least for the moment, appealing to voters’ dissatisfaction with the Washington machine appears to be winning support. At the same time, the appearance is also a victory for Trump over the consequences that he faced over comments he made early on in his campaign. NBC had originally decided to deprive Trump of air-time in response to his comments about Mexican immigrants, but has since departed from that stance. For Trump, this reinforces his persona of a strong negotiator who will always get what he wants, whilst simultaneously downplaying the seriousness of those comments, in which he called illegal immigrants ‘rapists’ and ‘murderers’. More than anything however, the appearance has stimulated enormous publicity. Trump’s campaigners understand that it has been his popularity and status that have been the main driving forces behind his success, and with SNL they have milked it for all its worth.

Pictured: Donald Trump presenting his opening monologue on Saturday Night Live (Image source: Saturday Night Live/ youtube)

Trump was quick to point out that his performance on SNL captured the show’s highest viewership since 2012


Ireland’s Drugs Debate Ireland will decriminalise small amounts of drugs including heroin, cocaine and cannabis for personal use and they will implement controlled ‘injection rooms’. Is this policy a good idea?

Aislinn McDonagh

Brett Jones

Sophie Young

Young people are brought up being told that going to university will get them the job they want


YES: we should help the vulnerable

reland’s recent move to decriminalise personal drug possession is just the latest in a growing international, political, and academic trend to view drug use as a personal health issue, rather than a criminal act. It has been proved time and time again that harsher punishments do not stop crime, but the threat of a criminal record might prevent innocent people who need help seeking it. The medical community recognises addiction as a mental health problem, even if you disregard the physical effects of drugs and many diseases associated with drug use. Viewing personal


infection. Portugal is probably the best counter argument to those who oppose this change. In 2001, personal possession and use of small amounts of any drug was decriminalised. In the last fifteen years, none of the terrible predictions of increased drug use, rise in disease, or “drug tourism” have occurred (and the sky has not fallen). In fact, the major effects have been low uptake of legal highs (which are usually unregulated, unknown and untested), reduced drug use in teenagers, and HIV infection rate in drug users dropping by 17 per cent. Moreover, Portugal now has

one of the lowest drug related mortality rates in Europe. Whilst this cannot be wholly attributed to legalisation, by the admission of the lawmakers themselves, it might be this which the Irish government is considering, as Ireland has the fifth highest rate of drug death in Europe. Decriminalisation of drugs is sometimes viewed as a far left, pro-drugs approval of use of illegal substances. It is not. It is a logical step to reduce harm and fruitless government spending, and, for me, is a moral decision to cease the persecution of the vulnerable.

NO: decriminalisation is not the solution

should probably get any personal attacks out of the way first: generally, anybody arguing for the legalisation of drugs is a hippy-dippy, syringe-loving, benefits-leaching waste of organic matter who wants to let their life drift away in a haze that is less substantial than the smoke from their own spliff. If only it were that easy. Ad hominem attacks don’t make you look good even if you are on the ‘right side’ of the argument. Unfortunately for me there are actually some very good arguments in favour of the legalisation of drugs. There is the libertarian argument, why should anyone else care what chemicals you’re putting into your body? There is the consistency argument, allowing the


possession and use of drugs as a crime unfairly stigmatises and punishes vulnerable people. This applies equally to the proposed opening of ‘injection rooms’ in Dublin for intravenous drug users. Obviously, these are not designed to be a social space like “cannabis cafes” in Amsterdam – their aims are purely about harm reduction. Supervised injection sites or similar facilities have been set up in other countries such as Canada, Germany and Australia with success, and aim to reduce the danger drug use puts addicts in daily – overdose, blood-borne virus transmission, and

sale of alcohol and criminalising marijuana is admittedly bizarre. There is the economic argument, that the drugs trade has long been able to continue despite laws against it, at least let’s legalise it so that we can tax it and funnel some of its revenues into worthwhile enterprises like the NHS. According to the chief of Ireland’s National Drugs Strategy, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, Ireland is set to introduce specially designated injection rooms in Dublin later this year. The minister said attitudes to drugs needed to move away from shaming addicts to helping them and emphasised there was a difference between legalisation and decriminalisation. But all of these arguments leave

aside one very important point: the huge amount of damage that drug use can do to the individual. The wording of Aodhán Ó Ríordáin’s announcement is very telling, it means that making a profit from the sale of drugs would remain illegal, but possession of drugs (for your own consumption) would become legal. Implicitly the damage that drugs do is recognised. This measure is only an attempt to realign legislation so that the people targeted are the profiteers and not the users. Economically this means that there would be no increase in taxes, drug dealers don’t make for the most honest tax-payers, and drug users would still have to procure the goods illegally.

On the consistency argument nothing has really changed, alcohol and marijuana are still treated very differently. And from a libertarian perspective this is a spectacularly incoherent measure: if this were about guns then the policy would be about liberalising the availability of bullets and regulating the availability of guns, it makes no sense. Be under no illusions about this new measure. Whether it passes or not the victims of drug-use will still exist, their pain will be just as real, the physical and mental wounds that drug-use causes for them will be just as real. What this measure will achieve is the sweeping of some more of the most vulnerable in our society under the carpet.

Do students apply to UCAS too early?

s someone who went through UCAS twice, I can sympathise with the thousands of undergraduate hopefuls going through the process now. The first time was actually CUKAS, a specific version of UCAS used for applications to music, dance, and drama schools. I applied, I auditioned, I got in. This was in 2009. In 2010 I started my course, by 2011 I knew it was the wrong choice, in 2012 I reapplied through UCAS for a language degree and later that year started my adventure at Cardiff. What’s the point of my little life story? I have spent a lot of time thinking about the advantages and the shortcomings of the whole system. Young people are brought up being told that going to university will get them the job they want. Sometimes this is true. But it is neither a guarantee nor necessarily a good choice. The amount of university applicants these

days is much higher than the number of graduate jobs available, and the expectation of work experience is all too familiar with those of us in their final years People being asked to make a defining decision so young often leads to them pursuing qualifications they later realise are not for them. My take on this is that young people should not be encouraged to go straight to university from school, unless they ardently know what they want, instead taking a year or two to work and gain experience in something. This often produces more focused individuals, and more satisfied students. In between my first and second universities, I had the opportunity to work and take a break from having my head stuck in books. I absolutely know this had a positive impact on my time at Cardiff. Starting one degree and going onto another wouldn’t really be a big deal.

Except Student Finance only grants you five years of student loan. Depending on the length of your course, this could be make or break. From a different aspect of UCAS, applying for universities with predicted grades is a problem. Universities have to gamble on the places they offer based against how many they expect will achieve their offer. It adds stress to the already hectic final year of school for the student, not only do they have to take the exams, they have to get certain grades or have to rethink their whole plan. Would it not be simpler to apply for university after having received confirmation of A Level grades? When I applied for the second time, I already had my grades. The application process was no stress because I knew after I’d pressed send, all I had to wait for was a yes or a no. There was no maybe. For me, it was incredibly simple. For my peers at Car-

diff, it was incredibly stressful. To conclude, some people apply for university at the age of 17 or 18, and they get it absolutely right. But the system does not allow for the many people who do not. Something needs to change.

Pictured: Drugs will be decriminalized under the new measure, but it will still be illegal to profit from selling drugs. (Photographer: Laura Gilmore)

The ‘For’ arguments ignore the damage drug use does to the individual


Bradley Walker

Portia Ladrido

If you can’t reconcile who you are online and who you are offline, then that’s your problem, not social media’s


Fast walking lanes: a path to happiness?

nyone in a rush understands the bitter frustration of being stuck behind a group of dawdling tourists or meandering smart phone users. A recent poll conducted by Argos showed that 47 per cent of Christmas shoppers found this to be the most annoying aspect of the season. In reaction to this poll, Liverpool Council have introduced fast walking lanes for those who have no time for the annoyance of slow walkers blocking up pathways and being a general inconvenience. Argos customers in Liverpool were generally pleased with the implementation of the fast lanes saying they wanted “anything that makes things faster” and I couldn’t agree more! I, more than anyone, would love for Cardiff to implement fast walking lanes along Queen Street. In theory, the fast walking lanes would make everyone happier as they would provide an alternative route for people in a rush to pick up presents for their loved ones; or if the people in question are running in and out of town in a break from lectures or work. The fast walking lane


would provide a quick and easy way to shop without the inconvenience of people strolling down the high street at their leisure. Dedicated walking lanes are not a new idea. Cell phone lanes were introduced in Chongqing China last year with a mixed reception. The walking lanes were deemed unsafe by many, but for the opposite reasons of the fast walking lanes. However, similar concerns could be raised in regards to these, particularly when thinking about people being distracted when walking. Fast walking lanes could cause collisions if people were not paying attention, and may also enhance the ‘Christmas rush’ cause by people rushing out to buy last minute gifts. A fast walking lane may only further push people towards a ‘crazed shopper’ mindset. There is nothing I despise more as a shopper than a dawdling group of people walking casually through the high street staring at their phone while I’m in a rush, their plethora of bags hanging loosely at their side doubling their width while they block a route. The fast walking route would

Pictured: Shopping centres will soon implement different lanes for those just browsing (Photographer: .Martin. via flickr)

provide an alternative that I could see many students appreciating, this rang true in the poll as well. Of the proportion of 16-24 year olds asked, 71 per cent agreed that fast walking lanes were a brilliant idea. Whether they will actually work however is another issue. While in theory it would be great, how would they police the use of these walking fast lanes? The definition of ‘fast walking’ is different between

people, if some people are walking at a slower pace ahead and you are slowed down surely the idea of the fast walking lane is then made obsolete: If you have to step out of this lane to go past slow walkers it then questions the use of the fast walking lane in general. While in my mind they’re the perfect idea, in practice they may be harder to implement, especially if they became the more popular choice.

Insta-fame or Insta-insane?

nstagram does project a romanticised world—showing carefully curated potato wedges but never the mess you made in whipping out those munchies, or displaying a bird’s eye view of Paris but never the effort it took to talk to a rude French man to show you the best spot. Essena O’neill, an Australian InstaG star, was all over the news for quitting social media and blaming the platform for building up insecurities within her peers. When this “news” broke, she was widely praised for being so brave, honest, and all the other noble adjectives people would attribute to the great Eddard Stark. However, this recognition was shortlived. She’s been heavily criticised for accusing the very platform that made her thoughts and words seemingly relevant, IG users saying that her views don’t represent the whole online community. It makes you wonder: is social media really to blame for

her endless need for double taps? I’m never a fan of the blame game, which is why O’neill giving flak on how social media is badly influencing people is all noise to me. I read a book by James Frey called A Million Little Pieces where the protagonist, a drug addict/alcoholic in rehab, would refuse to attend psychoanalytical programs where doctors and experts try to understand the root of his addiction. Was it genetic because his grandfather was an alcoholic? Or was it because he was never close to his parents that he resolved to drugs to get their attention? In spite of all these probable and logical reasons for the cause of his addiction, he refuses to blame genetics or his relationships to his parents. Instead, he pointed his finger at himself. What I’m getting at here is that we can’t blame anything or anyone for our misbehaviour. If you can’t reconcile who you are online and who you

are offline, then that’s your problem, not social media’s. Social media has very little to do with who you are offline, and who you are offline is what counts as ‘real’. If you scroll down a person’s Instagram handle and then feel jealous then maybe you really are just a jealous person. Whether you see it on your computer screen or at the park doesn’t matter—you are who you are. Do Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook aggravate those anxieties? Maybe yes, maybe no. It would be unfair to generalise and say that social media is having a harmful impact to young people just because this hot blonde teen is breaking down and so it is highly likely that Instagramusing youngsters are in shambles all the same. Malala Yousafzai is 18 years old, already changing the world, and you don’t see her complaining about why she @malalafund has fewer followers than @KendallJenner.

On the other hand, there is no scarcity of people who constantly check their phones to see if their posts have been shared; people who see to it to post something between 11am – 1pm to ensure that their filtered photo becomes an Instagram blockbuster; people who are craving self-promotion and boundless validation. It’s quite sad to say that we can’t really do much about how their psyches work. This pseudo popularity brought about by social media isn’t going to go away anytime soon as we are living in a digital economy and online is where the money is. There could be various reasons for people wanting to claim fame online—from earning easy money to being a significant voice to an advocacy. And yet after you log off your accounts, press the power symbol of your device, and the backlights go down, coming to terms with who you are remains.

Whilst in theory it would be great, how would they police the use of these walking fast lanes?

Social media has very little to do with who you are offline, and who you are offline is what counts as ‘real’

Pictured: Instagram is becoming one of the most popular social networking sites (Photographer: César)


New solar farm plans divide the public opinion

Pictured: Should land be converted into solar fields like this? (Source: Brookhaven National Lab via flickr)

A solar farm the size of 23 football fields could get the go ahead between Cardiff and Newport. With the farm only having an estimated lifetime of 25 years , Dan Heard discusses whether the project is viable

Dan Heard

The land, that is currently classed as arable would be destroyed in the process of constructing the park

Ellise Nicholls

The protest drew in thousands of people, instructed by Anonymous on the YouTube video used to promote the campaign


large part of South Wales could soon be welcoming a brand-new solar park the size of twenty-three football pitches, if planning permission is approved by Cardiff Council. The park, if approved, would facilitate almost nineteen thousand panels on land owned by Fairwater Farm at Michaelston-y-Fedw, a village and community to the west of Newport, and on the border of Cardiff and Caerphilly. Though the seventeen and a half hectare park would be a joint venture between both Cardiff and Newport councils, interestingly, the site covered will predominantly be in the Newport area, where over fourteen thousand of the panels will cover fourteen hectares, compared to just over four thousand in Cardiff ’s three and a half. While Cardiff Council officials only met last Wednesday to discuss these propositions, Newport have powered ahead (no pun intended), approving

the scheme over a month ago, which, at first glance, appears to be something from one of George Orwell’s nightmares. The site will be under heavy surveillance, with CCTV cameras and a three metre-high security fence protecting five large transformers, the all-important switch room and, of course, the enormous area occupied by the panels. But by far the most contentious point of the proposed site is the fact that its expected lifetime is only twenty five years, after which, the site will be levelled, only for the project to be later recommissioned. The land, which is currently classed as arable (land capable of being ploughed and used to grow crops) would be destroyed in the process of constructing the park. So, massive amounts of potentially valuable farming land and countryside decimated (also putting an end to hopes of future jobs in agriculture for the area). Fears of over the development from concerned local

residents include its ridiculously short lifetime and the little say the public get on the matter. It doesn’t make a strong case for solar farms, now does it? On further inspection however, there may be more positives than negatives to this than first meets the eye. Wales, and moreover, the UK needs solar power to meet its fifteen per cent renewable energy target by 2020, as part of the EU’s renewable targets. One of the most significant points cited by solar advocates is that it reduces the reliance on overseas fossil fuel imports. Within Britain (despite an unrelenting backlash from a number of right wing publications in recent years), solar power, and, ever more increasingly, solar farms, are the most popular form of energy generation, with more than eighty per cent support. They also function surprisingly well in a country seemingly always under siege from the elements, with a recent investigation stating that

a London-based solar farm produces nearly seventy per cent of the power of one in sun-baked Madrid. Incredibly, cheap electricity generated from farms, such as the one proposed here, could put over four hundred million pounds back into consumers’ pockets through reducing overall energy bills by 2030. And what are the alternatives? Continue burning fossil fuels at our already irreversibly-destructive rate? Nuclear power stations? Now it really is beginning to sound like an Orwellian future. Though this park will only be active and useful for twenty five years, that is still a quarter of a century of clean, renewable energy produced within Wales, and works towards reducing both surging energy bills and our ever-growing carbon footprint. Though this scheme may not completely benefit Cardiff and Newport directly now, long-term, it could prove to be invaluable.

Wales, and moreover, the UK needs solar power to meet its fifteen per cent renewable energy target by 2020

Anonymous Mask March


ast week, protestors were led through the streets of London as part of what I’d consider an organised and peaceful march. But despite this annual peaceful protest, 50 were arrested and many were injured, including campaigners, police officers and even their horses. The Million Mask March was a global anti-capitalist protest, where thousands of people gathered to show their support for the cause. All wearing the distinctive Guy Fawkes mask, the march coincided with Bonfire Night; the annual celebration of Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt to blow up the House of Commons back in 1605. I regard myself as being in support of many of the issues the activist and ‘hacktivist’ group, Anonymous, and this is an event that captures the worlds attention every year. Placards with messages such as ‘One solution, revolution’ and ‘Whose streets, our streets’ captured the morals of the protestors on their walk from Westminster Square to Whitehall. Although the messages could be seen to demonstrate an element of ruthlessness, I thought they reflected the revo-

lutionary ideas central to Anonymous and evidenced the apparently widespread ideologies of discontent with the corrupt and scandalous society of today. The March was marked a peaceful protest by the government, although many protestors were arrested and countless injuries preceded the day. However, mounted police officers felt it necessary to control the crowds by forming human shields directing them on their way towards Whitehall. Although I can acknowledge that crowd behaviour can be difficult to contain, the police used intimidating tactics in preparation for the demonstration. For example, demonstrators were warned of the consequences for not removing their masks if the police deemed necessary. Laser beams were used to project messages such as ‘failure to comply is an offense’ on the side of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, but would tactics like this really do anything to deter the select few who intended to demonstrate in an anti-social manner? Probably not. The Million Mask March began with peaceful intentions; songs and chants

filled the square projecting anti-capitalist and social injustice messages in an act of unity. This was not to last, as during the height of the event, violence erupted as a police car was set ablaze and three officers were hospitalised. It has been reported that three men between the age of 38 and 50 were arrested before the protest had commenced on suspicion of being in possession of offensive weapons. Although there may be some truth in this, the reports reveal it to be unconfirmed and the media were quick to jump to the offence of the police and state. It’s ironic in that it perfectly evidences what is central to the protest – anti-establishment. Additionally, it is apparent that the protestors weren’t the only ones to be involved in anti-social behaviour. Terry Small, aged 20, was filmed emerging from a crowd with blood pouring from his head after being caught in a clash between the police and the protestors. He has stated he was ‘hit by the police with a baton four or five times on the head’ and protested that he ‘couldn’t move’ when caught in the scuffle. Baton bashing is not appropriate under

circumstances such as this. Crowds are extreme and can be problematic, but what will hitting them with wooden sticks do? It’s patronising and can only lead to elevated anger; especially when considering the distinctive and, in my opinion necessary, reason behind the protest: Anti-capitalism and anti-austerity. Commander BJ Harrington of the Metropolitan Police stated via Twitter: ‘Thanks to the Londoners for their patience and tolerance whilst antisocial and intimidating behaviour was happening. I praise the professionalism and restraint officers have shown. Those responsible for the criminality will face justice’. While one placard carried the ironically appropriate message: ‘Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to change the world’. Although some anti-social behaviour was present during the protest, it’s interesting to note that 48 of the 50 arrested were bailed the following day and only a handful are to face actual charges. It’s difficult to pinpoint the blame, but really does highlight the division between those in power and those trying to achieve it.

Pictured: The Million Mask March tookplace in cities all over the world. (Photographer: Frédéric Bisson)


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Fork out or fork off?

In an age of equality, men are still expected to cover date costs, but why?

Helena Hanson

Why should men pay the bill? Particularly for students, when the idea of paying full price for your own meal is unnerving, never mind somebody else’s too


irst dates always have been, and always will be, awkward as shit. Unless you’ve been friends first, or are an incredibly confident individual, the first date presents a number of terrifying questions. What do I wear? What if it’s awkward? What if he smells weird? What if I smell weird? Who pays the bill? A study last year by financial website NerdWallet, found that just under 80 per cent of both women and men would expect the man to pay the cheque on a first date. Not only this, 56 per cent of all the men surveyed, expected to foot the bill every time they go out with their partner. In an age of emergent gender equality, equal expectations, and level social roles, it appears this one tradition has been left behind. The convention derives from a time when men worked and women didn’t. An era where women simply could not pay. Men paid because there was no alternative, rather than because they felt obliged to. Although now many women earn equal to or more than their partners, the expectation continues, and it shouldn’t. Ultimately, it’s not fair. Why should men pay the bill? Particularly for students, when the idea of paying full price for your own meal is unnerving, never mind somebody else’s too. Particularly someone else’s who you may not actually get on with or who could potentially unmatch you on Tinder the moment they get home. But sometimes life isn’t fair. It’s not fair that women have to pay tax on

tampons and it’s not fair they get paid less than men in many professions. Unfortunately this is the system we have inherited and unless were prepared to lead instant cultural reform, for now do we just have to make the best of it? The Channel 4 show ‘First Dates’ (a show on which strangers go on first dates) caused a Twitter storm a few weeks ago, when 38 year-old Marc suggested splitting the bill, after admitting on camera he didn’t like 30 year-old Elle and thus wasn’t prepared to pay for her. Fair enough. Elle however, thought otherwise. “Of course I’m giving it [the bill] to you. I never pay on dates. Why would I?” (She actually said that). He then interrogated her on their equality which subsequently resulted in her throwing £30 towards the £136 bill at him, and walking out. (She actually did that). If you don’t like the person you are on a date with, you should not feel obliged to pay for them. Why should you? It can also can be incredibly weird and awkward having someone insist on paying for you, particularly if it’s expensive or if it’s clear pretty early on that it won’t go anywhere. On one date, I found myself ordering food I didn’t really like, or want, because it was cheap and thus I felt less awkward about him paying the bill when I knew he would insist. That way, when he does pay, you feel less awkward about your £9 salad than the £27 steak that you really fancied. This is ridiculous on both behalf ’s.

It wasn’t fair on him, because he felt obliged to pay for a meal I didn’t enjoy and a date I wasn’t overly in to, and it wasn’t fair on me because I felt obliged to eat salad. Ultimately it was no fun for either of us. On a first date, I’d always offer to split, or try to pay for what I’ve ordered if it was expensive. Usually this can be categorised into two scenarios. One; if I don’t like the person and wouldn’t like to see them again, I don’t want them to pay for our date. Morally that feels weird, emotionally I’d feel guilty, and I think it makes it a whole lot easier to say ‘no thank you’ if they ask to see you again. Two; If I like them, and want to go out again, then I offer as a reflection of the kind of person I think I am, and the kind of relationship I’m interested in. An argument given by some women who believe that men should pay, is that they spend equal amounts if not more on date-preparation. Getting their hair dyed, their nails done and hair waxed, not to mention a new outfit. They suggest this maintenance must continue throughout all succeeding dates. This is sad. Of course I’d make an effort for a date, you want to feel comfortable and confident, but you shouldn’t need to go to extreme beauty lengths. If it’s the right person, they’ll like you regardless. Moustache and all. What about gay or lesbian dates? When your sex becomes irrelevant, and there is no social expectation? Steven Petrow, who writes the LGBT advice column for The Washington

Post simply suggests “you invite, you pay.” Yet still, does this mean one can only ask another out if they know they can afford to pay for the entirety of it? Does this mean if you are too shy to ever ask for a second, third, seventieth date, that you will never pay? I think this logic too is flawed in perhaps more ways than one. Perhaps it goes a little deeper than not wanting to foot the bill because you’re a man, or a woman. I think it’s about something more than that. Rather I think it is about who you’re on a date with. When you meet someone you like, someone you really get along with, you will want to pay the bill, regardless of your sex, because it was worth it. The resentment doesn’t come from feeling obliged to pay the bill because you’re a man, or from eating a salad because you’re a woman but rather because you aren’t enjoying the company. When you go on a date with someone you like, you really, really like, the financial outcome has little importance. In this case, I think people are more comfortable and happy to take turns, because you know you want to see each other again. Splitting the bill, or taking turns to pay particularly, signifies more of a commitment. You pay now, and I’ll pay next time, means you hope there will be a next time, and a next time, and a next time. We’re no longer going on dates but instead were dating each other, and this saves money, and saves gender inequality and most importantly saves everyone from unnecessary salad.

Pictured: Is it right that men are expected to pick up the bill? (Photographer: Robert S. Donovan via Flickr)

When you meet someone you like, someone you really get along with, you will want to pay the bill, regardless of your sex, because it was worth it


p politics

Editors: Carwyn Williams Luke Brett Sam Patterson @GairRhyddPol

Gair Rhydd talks to Kirsty Williams

Their finance offer to students:

EXCLUSIVE Carwyn Williams

In a perfect world there would be no fees at all, but we don’t live in a perfect world


t “No party has a good record on tuition fee policies” t “We’re being open, upfront and honest with people” t “For many students it isn’t the fee level that put them off from studying, it’s the day to day costs”

fter this year’s General Election, it was obvious that faith in the Liberal Democrats had collapsed across the country. The party must however look forward, and with the Welsh Assembly elections just over six months away, Kirsty Williams insists her party has been listening to students. Stating the importance of students voting, she said, “It’s important if people are living in a country that they, and students could be doing that for a number of years, that they use that opportunity to vote for services that are going to be potentially affected for them.” The Welsh Liberal Democrats have policies that will affect many students, fighting for better mental health services and investing in higher education institutions. “In our manifesto we’ll be pledging to not only to help students gain a higher education but ensure the quality of the education is good by investing in our institutions” so it’s vital that students get their voice heard. Defending the party in Wales, she reminded me that “In the Welsh perspective, Welsh Liberal Democrats

MP’s kept their pledge, and while Liberal Democrat Assembly Members who make tuition fees policy here in Wales have always supported limitations on limitations on fee increases.” However, this is changing. Under current arrangements, Welsh students pay £3,810 in tuition fees, and receive a grant from the Welsh Government to cover the rest of the fees, of up to £9,000. This is seen by many, including Kirsty Williams, as unsustainable, and changes will have to be made to this policy, since “the maths simply don’t add up.” Also, under the current arrangements “what we do know is that because of policies pursued by previous Labour governments, investment in the infrastructure of Welsh institutes of higher education sometimes have not been what should be. Halls of residence and resources could be better.” Their 2016 manifesto will include plans to introduce a Student Living Support Grant for all Welsh-domiciled students. Whilst the value of this grant is yet to be proposed, it would be paid for by withdraw-

ing the Tuition Fee Grant, meaning tuition fees for Welsh students would increase, to a potential £9,000 a year. “In a perfect world there would be no fees at all, but we don’t live in a perfect world.” This is the stark reality of the situation. “What students say to me and to my party, it’s not the fees that put them off, it’s the day to day living expenses; paying for your books, keeping a roof over your head and feeding yourself while you’re a student.” This is a system for Wales “that is fair and transparent and deals with the main issue that students are struggling with.” Thinking about whether this was a political problem for the party, given their already damaged record due to tuition fees, she said, “We have to make a decision on how best to support higher education. “I think the Liberal Democrats are being open, upfront and honest about what our intentions are. Yes, Welsh students will have to pay the full cost of their fees, but students will also be able to apply for grants to help them with the day to day liv-

ing costs.” “Fees were introduced by the Labour party and they were increased under a Labour Plaid Cymru administration. No party has a good record on tuition fee policies.” She also outlined that this would mean there would be more money available to invest in our higher education institutes, “Having a cheaper education is fine, but if those institutions where students are studying are being robbed of resources and it’s not as good teaching as it could be, then that’s a problem too.” “What we’re very clear about going forward into this election, is that we’ve recognised that for many students it isn’t the fee level that put them off from studying, it’s the day to day costs”. “We have worked very hard and taken into consideration to what students and students’ families are the biggest pressures to them. And the biggest pressure for them is not paying the tuition fees, which they take as part of a loan which they can pay back when they’re earning a decent salary.”

Pictured: Welsh Liberal Democrats leader Kirsty Williams at the party’s Spring Conference earlier this year (Photographer: James Gourley/ Liberal Democrats via flickr)


Continued from previous page

What we’re talking about introducing is a return to maintenance grants that are non-repayable, that limits the amount of debt people get into and actually deals with the day to day pressures of being a student

“What we’re talking about introducing is a return to maintenance grants that are non-repayable, that limits the amount of debt people get into and actually deals with the day to day pressures of being a student.” She believes her party is taking a fair and clear stance on this issue, telling the electorate their intentions “before the election, so people know what they’re voting for.” Carwyn Jones suggested to Gair Rhydd last month that Welsh Labour would not outline a preferred policy until the Diamond review reports, four months after the election. Williams said her party was being clear, while voters “will not be clear on is what the Welsh Labour party have to say about tuition fees”. Talking to Cardiff students from Wales on this issue, this policy is having mixed reviews. Many students would certaily welcome the extra income from the maintenance grant, but are suspicious of the tuition fee increase, and the fact that it could increase even further in the future. Tomos Williams, a history student told me “the extra maintenance money won’t account for the increase in fees (that we don’t have to repay). So straight away it’s not worth voting for.” Dan Heard had reserved feelings too, “The whole tuition fees scandal that erupted under the coalition government did the Lib Dems no favours, particularly in Wales, and while this move may prove to be contentious once again, the additional grant will soften the blow slightly.” Another student however seemed positive, “Many students do worry about the costs, and so even if I had to pay back more in the long term, I want more money now.” In coalition at Westminster, they delivered a loan for English postgraduate students. While this issue is a confusing one around where the powers are to implement one in Wales, Williams “would dearly love to see the number of Welsh students studying at an even higher level increase.” “If we’re to have a successful econo-

my I do think we need to look at new ways of supporting students studying at an even higher level, because that would be of benefit to the wider economy.” Onto housing, and a new Bill is going through the Assembly, making changes to the renting sector, but it will not scrap letting agency fees. Many students are hit by big agency fees every year, but the Welsh Liberal Democrats want to focus on quality for now, wanting to improve the housing stock and drive up standards. “Could we have gone further? I think we probably could have, but we’re content that the legislation is an important step forward in driving up standards in the private rent sector for all involved.” Having been leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats for almost seven years, Kirsty Williams has showed she can be a strong opposition leader in the Assembly, whilst constructively working with the Welsh Government to make a difference. As the smallest party in Cardiff Bay, Williams is proud they’ve accomplished so much, and some big policies such as “increased the availability of some cutting edge cancer treatments, an increase in the number of apprentices, extra child care for students, reduced bus travel costs for young people in Wales.” “I’m particularly proud of the Welsh version of the pupil premium, where we’re investing additional resources into the education of some of our poorest young people. I will never grow tired of hearing how teachers are able to use that money of using that money to improve the life chances of some of our poorest students.” Looking ahead to next year’s election, Kirsty Williams is feeling positive, adding her party overcame expectations in the 2011 election when journalists were predicting doom and gloom, and she’s determined to return five members to the Assembly again. A message to the public is that devolution can work better for Wales. She

” A week in the Senedd

First Minister’s Questions Talking about the Tories’ proposed Trade Union Bill in Westminster, Carwyn Jones described it as “appalling”. We’ll be doing all we can where we can, was the message from the First Minister last week. He went on to describe the bill as a straightforward attack on workers’ rights, a “fundamental attack on rights and democracy”, adding that the “Tories

adds “As someone who believes passionately in the powers of a Welsh Government and Welsh devolution, it’s a source of huge disappointment to me that it has not delivered the improvements in education and health and the economy that I would like to see.” “So that’s ensuring that our National Health Service has the resources that it needs to end the situation where people struggle to get a timely appointment with their GP. Ensuring we have enough nurses on our hospital words, that people are treated with dignity and care. To end the discrimination against mental health. In terms of the economy, we’ll invest in apprenticeships, we’ll reform business rates to incentivise manufacturing development and new businesses. “It’s only by voting for the Welsh Liberal Democrats who are advocating these policies that we can see devolution begin to deliver for people.”

What’s your favorite uni memory?

I don’t know which ones of those might be printable! They were some of the best years of my life. I did three years in Manchester, one year at an university in America, and I think that exchange year was particularly memorable. I got to work on the 1992 presidential election campaign on that year abroad. I think working on the Clinton campaign in 1992 while at the University of Missouri probably tops it all

with Carwyn Williams

This bill will drive up standards in the letting industry, but many will be disappointed that letting agency fees will not be axed

Pictured: Kirsty Williams campaigning with Nick Clegg and Jenny Willott (Photographer: James Gourley/ Liberal Democrats via flickr)

want to undermine trade unions.” Carwyn Jones went further, bringing the NHS into the matter, saying the trade union bill would undermine the junior doctor strike, and “Junior doctors part of sorry state of English NHS”. A few weeks ago the Welsh Government withdrew cabinet decision reports, leaving many criticising the government over this attack on

transparency. Through a Freedom of Information request by the Liberal Democrats, these decision reports were released, and a day after they decided to publish the information again. Kirsty Williams demanded further transparency, saying the First Minister should apologise for his staff ’s criticism of her party’s scrutiny. She also called on the government to increase transparency further, wishing to see records of when ministers have met with lobbyists. Carwyn Jones said that meeting with lobbyists is not government policy. Andrew RT Davies queried the minister on information about funding for the M4 relief road around Newport. The First Minister insists that the project will cost less than the estimated £1 billion, but the Conservative leader doubt this as any new information regarding the matter has not been publicly released. Letting agency fees here to stay Plaid Cymru tabled an amendment

to the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill last week, that would prevent landlords from charging letting fees. They also tabled a motion introducing rent controls, but both amendments did not pass as Labour would not agree with them. The hope is that this bill will drive up standards in the letting industry, but many will be disappointed that letting agency fees will not be axed. Kirsty Williams calls on AMs to protest their £10k pay rise The Assembly Commission budget is a routine vote held every year, confirming the running costs of the Assembly. However, last week the Liberal Democrats called on other parties not to support it. Williams justified her decision not to support the budget in protest against the decision taken to increase AMs salaries by £10,000. The budget was however passed, and other parties said the decision was done by an independent body that cannot be changed, and AMs have a legal responsibility to accept it or jobs could be at risk.


What does the future hold for Syria?

Conor Holohan

Regardless of the outcome, blame for failures in this process will be directed at the foreign powers that oversee it; blame Britain could do well without


ecently, a gradual alignment of political and military circumstances has presented a unique opportunity to Britain. Syrian president Bashaar al-Assad - the authoritarian dictator and son of an authoritarian dictator - and moderate Syrian opposition groups will be asked to agree on a constitutional reform process, overseen by the UN and taking place over 18 months. This is Russia’s plan to bring an end to the civil war that has been going on in Syria against Assad’s regimen since 2011, having been allies of Assad, and now taking military action against ISIS in Syria whilst also supporting his regime. Meanwhile, the USA, the UK and representatives from over 70 other countries will be meeting to discuss a transition of power in Syria (without Syrian representation present).

Thus far, Britain’s hands are relatively clean. It seems that now may be a good opportunity to sit back and allow the forces already involved to negotiate and, not to tempt fate, make their mistakes. Of course, strikes on ISIS bases should continue - and they shall as all negotiating parties including 70 countries agree that Islamic State terrorism is a common enemy. Politically, though, Britain has very little reason to engage in the transition of power in Syria. If anything, it would be a much better idea to stay distant from the process. Why? Well, to begin with, the question of whether Syria should remain a single country is surely not settled. Considering the diverse ethnic and religious composition of Syria partnered with the growth in religious extremism and the scale of

the civil war, perhaps a plebiscite on the existence of Syria as a single nation should be held before a leader of that nation is elected. Regardless of the outcome, blame for failures in this process will be directed at the foreign powers that oversee it; blame Britain could do well without. Secondly, though the hunger for democracy in Syria is very obvious, the civil war having been inspired by the Arab Spring, establishing a mechanism by which a legitimate president could be elected would present problems of its own. As IS continue to strive to gain territory in Syria and the neighbouring Iraq, the execution of any plebiscite or election would be optimum targets for ISIS - with whom Assad has made multiple deals in weapons - or Assad-backed terrorism from Hezbollah or Hamas, whom he employs to fight the rebels revolting against him. It increasingly becomes clear the more one revises the situation that there is very little opportunity for any sort of moral, ethical, geographical or political victory for the West in Syria. President Obama, who has obviously and inevitably failed at his ambition to bring peace to the Middle East, has sent 50 Special Operations Troops to Syria in order to train rebel groups to help tackle ISIS - yet more evidence that we need not intervene. America are adamant that the region cannot be brought to stability without the removal of Bashaar al-Assad from office, and would like to exclude him from the presidential election they hope to be held in Syria. America should consider that if Assad were fairly beaten in an election, perhaps he might be more willing to accept defeat and not cre-

ate an opportunity for him or ISIS to mobilise the possible political outrage that could be stirred up against the new government or the west for unfairly turning Assad out of office. It is right of the British and America to refuse to work with Assad. His affiliation with terrorist groups, the use of them in suppression of rebels and his years of authoritarian rule are among the very good reasons to advocate only the removal of Assad. This is also another significant reason to stay out of Syria’s political future, as there are already fundamental disagreements between the U.S. and Russia about even this, which could cause international tension and intense scrutiny in the establishment of real democracy in the region. The question of fighting alongside Assad is one we could have gotten seriously wrong, so let’s quit while we’re ahead. Ultimately, Britain does not need the credit if this complex situation can be solved by outside forces, and we don’t need the typical abuse and the excuses for terrorism if it goes wrong - were all aware of the lengths people will go to to blame modern Islamic terrorism on its western, often secular victims. Over 70 other nations are to be part of the decisions over Syria’s future, and our involvement in the country should extend only as far as the fight against ISIS. There is nothing Britain can or should offer to Syria that is not already being offered. If democracy is to prevail in the region any time soon, we are doing all we morally and politically should; offering aid, accepting thousands of refugees, condemning Assad, and playing a main role in the war against ISIS.

Pictured: Above: Sunset over Palmyra from the Qala’at ibn Maan castle, Syria, will there be a new dawn soon? (Photographer: Alessandra Kocman via flickr) Left: Doha residents call for Assad to go (Photographer: Omar Chatriwala via flickr)

If democracy is to prevail in the region, we should be doing all we morally and politically should


Dan Heard

NFL teams, like the Atlanta Falcons who received a total of $879,000 since 2012

Rory Wade

A candidate for the NLD won against the ruling party’s runner despite the fact that he died two days before


US promoting military propaganda?

merican sports teams have raked in $6.8 million over almost four years from the U.S. government as part of a multi-million taxpayer-funded programme to promote military events, according to an official report. The report says that the Department of Defence paid NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS and NHL teams millions to bolster recruitment and promote the military by staging patriotic events at sporting events. The activities included organising recruitment ceremonies, on field colour-guard performances, “Hometown Heroes” ceremonies, amongst other perks. Senator John McCain, the former Republican Presidential candidatenominee of 2000 and 2008, and one of the co-authors of the report, said this week that “Americans across the country should be deeply disappointed that many of the ceremonies honouring troops at professional sporting events are not actually being conducted out of a sense of patriotism, but for profit in the form of millions in taxpayer dollars going from the Department of De-

fence to wealthy pro sports franchises,”. McCain and his co-report author, fellow Arizona Senator Jeff Flake, believe as a result of their study the Pentagon has been barred from spending taxpayer money on these events and sports teams have been asked to donate the money given to them for “paid patriotism” to organisations supporting veterans and their families. Some of the recipients of this funding are NFL teams, like the Atlanta Falcons who received a total of $879,000 since 2012, and NASCAR which received a whopping $1.5 million this year. The NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers were paid $27,000 for an onfield swearing in ceremony in 2014, the New England Patriots included the recognition of a Massachusetts National Guard soldier and four season tickets, field passes and a VIP parking pass in return for the $700,000 the Guard paid them between fiscal year 2012 and 2014. The MLB’s Milwaukee Brewers were given $49,000 to sponsor each Sunday performance of “God Bless America” during 2014 home

games and the NHL’s Florida Panthers were paid $20,000 in 2012 for ceremonial puck drop, colour guard demonstrations and the screening of a recruitment film prior to a home game. The MLS’s LA Galaxy were also given $1,500 for a pregame recognition ceremony of five “high-ranking” US air force officers. The millions the defence department has spent on sports patriotism seem more for vanity than impact and that screams waste. I was in America during the 2012 Presidential Election Campaign, and witnessed first-hand the complete indoctrination-like tactics deployed on the field of play for myself. Along with some friends, we turned on an American football game involving the Pittsburgh Steelers, my own team and one which is now in the limelight following this report, and the first thing we see is a playing field size US flag, held by a sea of military bodies in uniform. Slowly, the penny dropped, at least for me anyway. Only later, did I realise that average American tax dollars were paying for this military presence and military

adverts, enriching TV stations and networks, as well as, clearly, the football team owners. The subtle militarisation of American sports really is not so subtle anymore. What national security purpose is served by spending millions that enrich TV networks and team owners? Viewers are fed a steady diet of a smiling military, injured military, even football playing military. No other country sings national anthem at each and every sports game, except in international play, or international events like the Olympics, yet this is commonplace in the US. If a regular league game is being played, most countries do NOT stand and praise their military or their flag. They simply enjoy the game. In all honesty, the average couch-potato sports fan will probably never know about the generals on the field or the giant flag before the game. If the primary reason to spend around $7m on patriotism at sporting events was to reach teens and young people watching at home, then the strategy has probably failed.

The subtle militarisation of American sports really is not so subtle anymore

New era for Myanmar as Aung San Suu Kyi’s party head for election victory


emocracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi is claiming victory in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) with her liberal National League for Democracy (NLD) Party heading for a major victory in the countries first democratic election. Early results point to a sweeping victory for the NLD but final official results will not be known for days. A quarter of Myanmar’s 664 parliamentary seats are set aside for the army, and for the NLD to have the winning majority it will need at least two-thirds of the contested seats. However Suu Kyi has claimed that her party has suppressed that, and has won about 75 per cent. The gains were so strong that a 53-year-old regional parliamentary candidate for the NLD won against the ruling party’s runner despite the fact that he died two days before the election while delivering a campaign speech. The military-backed Union Solidarity Development Party (USDP) has been in power since 2011 in a widely criticised election when the country began its transformation from decades of military rule to a civilian government. In this election they have so far only gained 5% of the seats contested. The parties acting chairman U Htay Oo conceded that they had lost out to the NLD in the country yet had won in some constituencies.


he choice of names for this country used to differ, based on whaich context is used. Officially, until 1989 the country was the Union of Burma,

In an interview with international media he said, “In the first free and fair election in 25 years, in the November 8 election I have to confess that the USDP has lost to the NLD. We will accept this result”. The President of Myanmar has also personally congratulated his opponent and has agreed to hold talks with her on how the South-East Asian country will now be run, “Our government will respect the people’s decision and choice and will hand over power as scheduled,” President Thein Sein pledged in a post on his Facebook page. The election results are being hailed as a major victory for democracy in the country which was under military dictatorship from 1962 until 2011. Under its military rule Myanmar became one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world. General elections were held in 1990 with a voter turnout of 72.6 per cent and a sweeping victory for Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD. However the military junta refused to recognise the results and placed Suu Kyi under house arrest for 15 years for “being a threat to the peace and order of society”. She was then released in 2010 and has been campaigning to restore full democracy to the country ever since. Under the constitution Suu Kyi won’t be able to become President due to having non-Burmese ties with

her sons having British passports. However she has let it be known that regardless of the constitutional block she will be the power behind the new president. There are many challenges ahead for the NLD Party and Suu Kyi when they come to power such as the fact that she will have to negotiate with the hard-line military who still have the right to suspend Parliament or the government in the event of an “emergency or security threat”. Also Suu Kyi will have to face the issue of the oppression of the 1.3 million Rohingya Muslims in her country – who were banned from voting in the election as the government deemed them “illegal immigrants”. The previous government of Thein Sein has been accused via an Al Ja-

zeera investigation of orchestrating a genocide against them with Buddhist monks being allegedly payed to encourage violence against the Rohingya – which may have led to the deadly Meikhtila school massacre in 2013 when monks stormed an Islamic school killing 25 students and 4 teachers. Suu Kyi’s silence – which has been condemned by the Dalai Lama – will have to be broken in order to re-unite the ethnically diverse country and face the tasks ahead to complete Myanmar’s transition to full democracy. Although the election was a landmark, Myanmar still has a long way to travel. Yet with business, investment and a clear call for democracy now flooding into Myanmar, the country is sure to be heading to a new era.

Pictured: Aung San Suu Kyi (Photographer: Wally Gobetz via flickr)

Burma or Myanmar? but the military regime changed it to the Union of Myanmar. This was part of a wider commission to adopt spellings closer to the Burmese pronouncia-

tion, and discard spellings chosen by British authorities. The UN endorsed the name change in 1989, but many English-speaking

governments have taken longer to recognise this change, but politicians have now started using Myanmar more often.


Cameron lays out EU renegotiation plan

Rhys Thomas


ast Tuesday (November 10th) the Prime Minister formally set out his objectives for the United Kingdom’s renegotiation with the European Union. They were written in a letter to the Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. The demands were met with derision from what seemed like all sides. Lord Lawson the former Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer and head of Conservatives for Britain called the letter “disappointingly unambitious”, UKIP leader Nigel Farage claiming that Cameron “is not aiming for any substantial renegotiation” and backbench Tory MP Bernard Jenkin simply asked “Is that it?”. Whilst these figures would be expected to unhappy with the PM’s plan, many pro-Europeans weren’t happy either. A spokesman for European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called some of the points “highly problematic”, Labour shadow Chan-

cellor John McDonnell called it “bluff and bluster” whilst the Scottish National Party’s European spokesman Stephen Gethins said that Cameron’s European policies “are taking us closer to the exit door than ever before”. Despite this discontent the ‘Remain’ side will have the support of most major UK parties - Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the SNP, Plaid Cymru and Greens being most notable. He also received a notable endorsement from a non-British figure, although maybe not one he would’ve liked Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right French Front National. There is no doubting that David Cameron is an ardent pro-European and strongly in favour of staying inside the European Union regardless of renegotiation success, and the Prime Minister has never said that he’d be prepared to campaign to leave the EU, even if his renegotiation fails. There has been much criticism that

Cameron’s four objectives are:

There is no doubt that David Cameron is an ardent Pro- European and strongly in favour of staying in

” Brett Jones

Protection of the single market for Britain and other non-euro countries Boosting competitiveness by setting a target for the reduction of the “burden” of red tape Exempting Britain from “ever-closer union” and bolstering national parliaments Restricting EU migrants’ access to in-work benefits such as tax credits

this will be a sham renegotiation with little actual change, and those critics have a fair point - the proposals won’t actually alter the EU much. Take for example exempting the UK from ‘ever closer union’ which is just semantics, and negotiating to protect the status of countries that don’t use the Euro as their currency will have no practical effect. Cameron will want to be seen to have a fight with the European Union especially if he doesn’t get everything that he has set out - the Europeans know this and are prepared to play along. In addition, the main issue for the Europeans is the restriction on access to in-work benefits for four years. Freedom of movement is one of the founding principles of the European Union with widespread agreement on this amongst leaders of the constituent nations. This is the least likely place that the PM will make progress and is especially why he has only made a very limited proposal in this area. Many (including key players in the EU, France and Germany) see this as an internal Conservative Party issue - something which Cameron doesn’t really want to do but has been forced into doing by his rowdier Eurosceptic backbenchers. The Prime Minister

was much happier being in coalition with the Liberal Democrats rather than having a small majority to deal with. A Conservative Prime Minister with a small majority being held hostage by angry Eurosceptic backbenchers is nothing new, the most notable example being John Major in the 1990’s with his signing of the Maastricht Treaty. Despite annoyance from Brussels and elsewhere about metaphorically scratching Cameron’s backbench itch, they are keen for the UK to stay in the EU for several reasons. Without the UK the EU would undoubtedly be weaker including in economic and diplomatic terms, and there is also the issue of other Eurosceptic parties and leaders across the continent demanding concessions themselves. Some fear a ‘Brexit’ would lead to the eventual break-up of the European Union with a domino effect occurring if the British leave. The referendum must be held before the end of 2017, with the Prime Minister believed to want to hold it as soon as possible after the May 2016 elections in Wales, Scotland, London and English councils and before the German and French general elections in mid to late 2017.

Criticism of Corbyn again


n Remembrance Sunday, the leader of the opposition attended the memorial ceremony for those who lost their lives in the service of Britain. He did so dressed in a dark suit that was adorned with a poppy. He did not use the occasion (and the cameras) to pivot the focus of the public onto another issue he would rather talk about. He was quiet, demure and restrained. Sections of the media accused Jeremy Corbyn of showing insufficient levels of respect by not bowing as he laid a wreath at the Cenotaph. The video of this event can be viewed online, it is described on numerous websites of countless political persuasions in a myriad of ways. He approached the Cenotaph in a composed, solemn manner, laid down the wreath, took some steps backwards and then before rejoining the other dignitaries he inclined his head towards the monument. You can see that he doesn’t really pivot at the waist but his inclining of his

head is very respectful and it would be misleading and dismissive to call it a ‘nod’. Quibbling over the distinction between a disrespectful nod and a reverential bow is an odd position to be in when considering Jeremy Corbyn. Apparently he is a firebrand ideologue intent on fermenting revolutionary zeal, yet the stories we read about him in a hostile press are depressingly petty. If Jeremy Corbyn had been more dismissive of the sacrifices made by many generations that came before him that furnished him with the liberty to extol his beliefs then his actions would still have been undermined by that very irony. But he was not dismissive at all. The critics of Jeremy Corbyn seemingly do themselves no favours when they make glib or opportunistic attacks which miss the substance of the debate. He has very strongly, longheld, divisive views, and he seems very sincere in those views. Those could be his weak-points. Those would be the

Pictured: PM at the European Council (Photograph: Number 10)

Pictured: Remembrance Sunday (Photograph: Hammersmith and Fulham Council)

places it would make sense to attack if you wanted to bring down Jeremy Corbyn. But here is a morsel for your consideration: if you were a critic of Jeremy Corbyn why would you want to get rid of him? There is an old political story of Tony Blair feeling very happy beating Iain Duncan Smith week after week at Prime Minister’s Questions. Then he was pulled aside by an advisor who pointed out to him that he was only helping the case of the group of Conservatives who wanted to re-

place Iain Duncan Smith with someone judged by the electorate to be more electable. Suddenly Tony Blair’s PMQ performances were a lot more subdued. Jeremy Corbyn’s political views could so easily be opened up to a very severe barrage of intellectually heavyweight critiques and criticisms. While that is not happening, instead we are overwhelmed with ephemeral and trivial nitpicking; it would be naive to assume that this is all due to an oversight on the part of his opponents.


2015 SATURDAY 21ST NOVEMBER 09:30-17:00








science Lizzie Harrett

Over 65 per cent of the population have at least one impacted wisdom tooth by the age of 20

Brett Jones

Clearly these are ambitious people, you do not achieve what they have achieved without a great deal of drive and determination



Wisdom teeth: what’s the point?

ou may have read about Lucas Unger, the Californian who recently proposed to his girlfriend using a ring with a truly personal and slightly odd touch – his wisdom tooth embedded into a ring. The lucky girl said yes and they are set to be married. However, third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth, are often the bringers of pain rather than pleasure. Whether it be unpleasant aches from the teeth pushing through, a nasty infection that requires antibiotic treatment or even having them extracted from your mouth: most people have a horror story. Students unfortunately seem to be worst hit by wisdom teeth problems, as they usually appear between the ages of 17 to 25. Our jaw typically accommodates room for 28 teeth, which is a full set of adult teeth prior to the third molars emerging. However, up to four of these additional wisdom teeth can push through. These third molars can cause lots of problems if our jaw


Editors: Maria Mellor Lizzie Harrett

Pictured: Four removed wisdom teeth (Photographer: Ian Glover)

is not big enough to accommodate them. They can become impacted, meaning that as it pushes through the gum it can push up against our second molar tooth, becoming trapped and leaving it vulnerable to nasty bacterial infections. According to research by Dr Sands and colleagues, over 65 per cent of the population have at least one impacted wisdom tooth by the age of 20. So if all they appear to be giving us is a toothache, why do we have them? It isn’t like we have a lack of teeth and the additional molars

are desperately needed. However, our ancestors would have greatly benefitted from them. Their diets consisted of tough vegetation and raw meat, requiring serious chewing power. They were also unable to pop to the dentist every six months to maintain their oral hygiene, making rotten and broken teeth an unfortunate reality. Therefore, if they developed additional teeth then they would be at a great advantage, being able to obtain more nutrition. However, softer diets and improved dental hygiene have led to

wisdom teeth becoming redundant, with our initial 28 adult teeth serving their function. They are now more of hindrance than a help. According to Professor Alan Mann, it is evolutionary pressures that has led to wisdom teeth becoming such a problem. Our ancestors typically had much larger jaws. “Impacted wisdom teeth can be blamed on our development of large brains, which caused the shape of our skulls to change and shortened our mouths leaving no room for a third molar,” Professor Alan Mann added.

Tim Peake to be the first British astronaut on the International Space Station

f all goes according to plan in just one month’s time, on December 15th, the Soyuz space rocket will successfully launch. On board will be Tim Peake, Flight Engineer 4 of Expedition 46. This will make him the first British European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut to visit the International Space Station. (ISS). Whilst on the ISS, Tim Peake will be helping to run some thirty scientific experiments and some of these could yield fascinating, even paradigm-shifting results. In many ways he could even be considered the first ‘official’ British astronaut. Other UK names may spring to mind such as Michael Foale or the fortuitously named Mark Shuttleworth, but they also held US and South African citizenship respectively. Only Helen Sharman could really be held up as a UK predecessor of Tim Peake, and because her efforts were part of a privately funded enterprise her achievements are often overlooked. Helen Sharman became the first Briton in space in May of 1991, also aboard a Soyuz rocket. Her flight was funded by individual UK citizens and the Soviet Union, and she was selected after an ITV hosted competition. A former employee of Mars choco-

late company, she took a photograph of the Queen and a so-called ‘space passport’ to be used in the case of her landing back on earth anywhere other than in the Soviet Union. During her trip she took part in a ‘ham radio’ test with British school children. Next month Tim Peake will be launched from a very different looking planet. But in some ways his aims are not dissimilar to Helen Sharman’s. It is striking to note the modesty of people like Helen and Tim. These people are our era’s pioneers, going further and pushing more boundaries than almost all of their contemporaries, yet their desire to push themselves forward never seems to overstep the mark into self-promotion. Helen and Tim both share a passion for exploring the unknown but also, luckily for us, they also share a passion for communicating the wonders of scientific endeavours. The amount of time they have spent engaging with young Brits explaining what it is they hope their efforts can achieve is telling and remarkable. After returning from Mir, Helen Sharman became a children’s author and hosted TV science shows aimed at the young. Tim Peake’s mission is also going to be heavily featured on Newsround and CBeebies Stargazing.

Clearly these are ambitious people - you do not achieve what they have achieved without a great deal of drive and determination - but their ambitions are for something greater than themselves. When he was a flight instructor Tim Peake said that he, “loved push-

ing aircrafts to their limit… there are some experiences I had where I was genuinely taking the aircraft somewhere nobody had taken it before – speed or altitude.” That kind of curiosity, motivation and ambition can push people to do extraordinary and remarkable things.

Pictured: A view of the International Space Station (Source: NASA)


Student Science:

What mould is growing in your house?

Maria Mellor

Certain types of mould have been known to contain allergens, irritants, and in some cases, toxins that may trigger adverse reactions in humans

Kept for so long after Halloween, mould has had a chance to grow


s students, I’m sure we encounter mould in our day to day lives far more than the average person. There’s the cheese you’d forgotten about at the back of your fridge, the bread that went off far quicker than you’d expect, the apples that are way fluffier than they’re supposed to be. All the photos you see on this page are ones I took in my own house. Shameful, isn’t it? There are different types of mould, all of which just love the dampness of your home. All of them are fungi, with spores that spread it through the air, water or via insects. The spores give mould the colour you see, while roots anchor it to your food, walls or shoes. Invisible bacteria may also be growing alongside the mould, as they thrive in the same conditions. Several types of mould can be found in the house: Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Ulocladium, Alternaria, Botrytis, Busarium, Geotrichum, Monilia, Penicillium... I could go on but it wouldn’t be much help. Each type of mould can be found in differing colours and can be harmful or not, depending on what

strain it is. You’d have to send samples off for lab testing to find out what kind of mould you’re dealing with, so the best thing to do would be to just get rid of it as soon as you find it. You’ll find mould in any place where conditions allow. Ask around and I’m sure you’ll find someone who has experienced the problem of having mould in or on their shoes. I recently found a pair of black suede shoes gone white with mould - the fungus just loved the damp state I left them in, and were able to cling to the soft suede material. Not ideal. The biggest question that you can’t deny you have asked yourself at some point: is this mouldy food safe to eat? Some people go by the colour of the mould, but there are both harmful and non-harmful kinds in each colour group. What you should go by is the type of food. Mould loves damp conditions and so the more moist food is, the less safe it is to eat. While yogurt, milk, sauces and condiments are the most likely food to grow mouldy, eating them is a big mistake. It may seem like a good idea

to just scrape the white fluff off your pesto and continue using it, but surface mould may be just the tip of the iceberg. Filaments can be buried deep within the food although invisible to the naked eye. Leftover food, casseroles and cooked pasta all have a similar problem. They contain a relatively high moisture content so once mould appears, it’s best just to throw it out as the problem will have spread further than you realise. There is some good news amongst all of this. With hard cheese such as cheddar it’s okay to cut the mould off leaving a margin of about half an inch. When you are cutting it do not touch the mould with your knife and rewrap it in a fresh covering to stop it from going mouldy again. The same goes for hard fruit and vegetables such as carrots, as it’s hard for the fungus to penetrate the dense structure. Cut around the mould with a margin of half an inch to one inch and you should be fine. Bread is one of the main perpetrators of mould in the kitchen. If only

one slice out of as entire load has gone mouldy it may be okay to throw just that one slice and the slices next to it away. The most important thing to realise is that mould does not just ‘appear’. If you touch the mould on your bread and then touch your other clean food, you risk cross-contamination. Likewise if you leave mould to grow in your house and on your food, the spores will infect the air and could affect your health. Certain types of mould have been known to contain allergens, irritants, and in some cases, toxins that may trigger adverse reactions in humans. Long-term exposure to mould may cause or worsen conditions such as asthma, hay fever, or other allergies. Living with mould can be a right pain, but there are special products you can buy to get rid of it. There’s ‘mould and mildew’ spays for the bathroom and anti-mould paint for the walls, designed to kill mould spores and roots to stop them from regrowing. Try not to let things get too fluff y and all should be fine!

Pictured: How clean is my house? Answer: Not very (Photographer: Maria Mellor)

The residue left in this mug provides mould with food and moisture


Study drugs: too good to be true? An increasing number of students are taking pill modafinil in efforts to improve focus and concentration

Lizzie Harrett

Because of the chronic use, the brain has adapted and without it, you’re performing at a lower level Peter Morgan


e have reached Week 8 of this semester. The reading week you spent binging on Netflix now seems like a distant memory and the deadlines are starting to mount up. In order to conquer their workload amid the enormous pressure to do well, students have adopted a range of techniques. Some fuel their essay writing sessions with caffeine whereas others have the willpower to be strict with their procrastination, invoking a social media ban prior to deadlines. However, there are a growing number of students who take prescription drugs to enhance their concentration and improve their focus, but is this safe and does this help? The most popular of these appears to modafinil. It is typically prescribed to individuals who suffer from narcolepsy, a chronic disorder that causes excessive sleepiness. Modafinil has been licensed in the UK since 2002 to treat this disorder. When administered the drug induces an increased sense of wakefulness and makes the individual alert. However, modafinil is not only being used by those with disrupted sleeping patterns, with students getting hold of modafinil for motives that are not related to the treatment of narcolepsy. Students in the USA and Europe are taking the drug to help them concentrate and focus on work. According to a survey by The Tab in 2014, over 26 per cent of UK students have tried modafinil. Although the people who have taken modafinil are more likely to have filled out the survey, giving it a selfselection bias, it is still a shocking figure. If you haven’t taken it then it’s likely one of your flatmates or seminar buddies have.

“I took it a couple of times in final year to help focus on some important essays,” says Jack* a recent history graduate. “It allowed me to work without getting distracted for 12 hours straight. I only had very short breaks. The only side effects I got were needing to go to the toilet more and a slight headache the next day.” Jack’s story is by no means unique. A simple search in an anonymous drug forum pulls up rave reviews, although it does contain warnings that users must focus on the correct task just after they have taken the drug. There are stories of users inadvertently concentrating on organising their iTunes library for 12 hours instead of on that nasty essay on existentialism that’s due in for the next day. These reviews and the mainstream press have touted Modafinil as a ‘smart drug’. But while it has been proven to treat narcolepsy and related sleep disorders, does it really improve cognitive ability? And do nasty side effects make this drug too good to be true? A recent paper in the European Neuropsychopharmacology journal addressed this, reviewing all research projects undertaken between 1990-2014 that studied the effects of modafinil on cognitive performance. Interestingly, they discovered that they discovered that modafinil did improve cognitive ability in some respects. Modafinil was shown to enhance executive functions, which is the planning and decision making aspect of our cognitive ability. The reviewers also concluded that modafinil appeared to induce no severely negative side effects in the majority of the studies reviewed.

Before we get too excited and jump to conclusions, the study states that while modafinil does not appear to be addictive or have nasty side effects, there have been no long term studies confirming this. The only studies have focused on short term use of the the drug. Moreover, a recent study by Nora Volkow and colleagues showed that modafinil administered in high doses to men resulted in activity in areas of the brain known to be linked to substance misuse. This opinion is echoed by Peter Morgan at Yale School of Medicine, who states that modafinil may not be dissimilar from other cognitive enhances such as caffeine and nicotine. These have short term cognitive benefits but are erased by long-term use and replaced by deficiencies in cognitive performance. Referring to nicotine, he explains: “Nicotine is an amazing cognitive enhancer, purely from a lab perspective! But for people who use nicotine chronically, we know their baseline cognitive function goes down and the nicotine is maybe bringing them back up to normal. So now nicotine is no longer a cognitive enhancer, it’s a cognitive normaliser. Because of the chronic use, the brain has adapted and without it, you’re performing at a lower level. There’s no reason to think that modafinil would be any different.” Anecdotal comments also suggest otherwise. “I have a mate who became dependent on modafinil and basically ended up taking it every day. He struggled to come off it when our finals finished,” Jack stated. We are also still unfamiliar with the exact effect modafinil has on the mechanisms in our brain. We know that it effects neurotransmit-

ters, which communicate signals between our brain cells. Modafinil appears to affect a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which makes you alert and more interesting in things. It also affects one that is called norepinephrine which also makes you more alert and better able to focus. Additional theories have also been suggested. One proposes that the drug increases blood flow to brain areas that affect attention and learning. However, until we have a deeper understanding about how modafinil affects our brain, it will be hard to pinpoint the long term effects that modafinil causes. The rise in the use of “smart drugs” provides cause for an interesting ethical debate. Modafinil is currently only licensed for use in treating sleeping disorders. If the use of modafinil continues to rise and research proves that there are no harmful side effects, then demand for it to be licensed as a cognitive enhancer could occur. It could also have interesting effects on university and school policy. Cardiff University currently has no official policy on use of such smart drugs. However, if they rise in use continues, will the university outlaw them officially? And would they test for presence of these drugs in students in the same way athletes are tested? According to the 2014 survey by The Tab, only nine per cent of modafinil users perceived it as cheating. However, these questions are a long way from being considered beyond the scope of hypothetical debate. Very little is known about the long term consequences of using modafinil or how it effects our brain, which is incredibly worrying giving the rise in its use.

Pictured: Students are turning to prescription pills in a bid to complete deadlines (Photographer: Scott Akerman)

Modafinil was shown to enhance the planning and decision making aspect of cognitive ability


Kat Pooprasert

Using alternatives such as olive oil, butter and even lard may be a healthier choice as they produced much lower levels of aldehydes

Lisa Carr

Spending on science and innovation is not a state subsidy; it is a strategic investment Nicola Blackwood


Vegetable oil releases toxic chemicals when heated

cientists have suggested that cooking with vegetable oils may be harmful as they can release toxic chemicals linked to cancer and other diseases. Through a series of experiments, scientists determined that heating vegetable oil at high temperatures can release high concentrations of aldehyde, a chemical which is linked to many serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and dementia. Typical meals fried with cooking oil might be more harmful that you think. Professor Martin Grootveld, a bioanalytical chemistry and chemical pathology specialist, stated that “a typical meal of fish and chips” fried in vegetable oil at high temperatures contained as much as 100 to 200 times more toxic aldehydes than the safe daily limit set by the World Health Organisation. This statistic might be shocking and highly unexpected for us who depend on fried food as a staple. Grootveld’s research also has shown that using alternatives such as olive oil, butter and even lard may be a healthier choice as they produced much lower levels of aldehydes. Coconut oil seems to be the best option, producing the lowest levels of the harmful chemicals. The health problems associated with toxic chemicals and heated oils is also demonstrated by a separate research project conducted at Ox-

ford University by Professor John Stein, Oxford’s emeritus Professor of Neuroscience. He described how partially, corn and sunflower oils causes the human brain to change “in a way that is as serious as climate change threatens to be.” He believes that vegetable oils that are rich in omega 6 acids are replacing omega 3 acids found in the brain, thus reducing them. Furthermore, he states that the “lack of omega 3 is a powerful contributory factor problems as increasing mental health issues and other problems such as dyslexia.” The NHS advises to replace food highs in saturated fat with lowerfat version. They also warn against frying food in butter or lard while recommending corn oil, sunflower oil and rapeseed oil because saturated fats raise cholesterol levels and increase risk of heart disease. This seems to be undisputed general knowledge. However, contrary to this, Professor Grootveld has said how through research, he has found that “butter is very, very good for frying purposes and so is lard”. His experiment focused on measuring the levels of aldehydic products produced when oils were heated to varying temperatures. The results suggests that while coconut produces the lowest levels of aldehyde, corn oil and sunflower oil produced three times more aldehydes than butter.

The major health concerns linked to these toxic by-products are no small issue and might raise alarms to many: heart disease, cancer, malformations during pregnancy, inflammation, risk of ulcers and a increased blood pressure. While healthier alternatives such as coconut oil and even butter might

Pictured: It might be worth laying off the vegetable oil and opting for a healthier version (Photographer: Mike Mozart)

reduce the amount of toxic by-products, it is important to keep in mind that saturated themselves also pose several health risks. The main key here is moderation: Public Health England suggests that saturated fats can be eaten occasionally, but in small amounts and as part of a balanced and diverse diet.

Britain set to lose ‘science superpower’ status


Fall in investment leads to British research suffering

aving previously been strides ahead of other developed nations in science research, Britain is set to lose its science superpower status after investment has fallen way below the average for other developed nations. Lack of government funding into science endeavors means that Britain can’t fully reach its potential in research and development, currently spending about 1.7 per cent of its GDP on scientific research in public and private sectors. Britain currently produces more than 15 per cent of the world’s scientific research despite only having one per cent of the world’s population. MP’s have called for change in a recent report by The Science and Technology Committee, highlighting that Britain must double its spending to retain its science superpower status. Although the science budget hasn’t suffered the same recent cuts as many other public services, with the annual budget being protected since 2010, spending hasn’t increased since this time in course with inflation so Britain is now out of line with other major nations. There is also a significant lack of private sector investment into science services putting Britain’s productivity and high value jobs at risk. Scientists and MPs alike have urged

Chancellor George Osborne to use this month’s spending review to raise investment into science services, highlighting the far-reaching benefits greater investment into science can have. Prominent scientist Professor Brian Cox said “the foundations are strong and the message to government is clear: Invest now to grow our economy, inspire our young people and make Britain the best place in the world to do science. Anything less than a long term commitment to increased investment and science will be grossly negligent and damage our country, perhaps irreparably.” The Science and Technology Committee’s report says that public and private sector science research and development investment in the UK should amount to three per cent of GDP – the EU target. University labs and national science facilities have struggled with the rising capital costs of equipment and running charges through inflation, some centres are not able to operate at full capacity and extra funding could counter the difficulties these services have faced. For example, the £400 million ISIS neutron source at Harwell, Oxford has only been able to operate for 120 days this year in contrast to the optimal 180 days due to insufficient funding. As Nicola Blackwood MP, Chair

Pictured: George Osborne is under pressure to increase science funding (Source: altogetherfool)

of the Science and Technology Committee said “It’s a farcical situation.” “We were shocked to discover a situation where national facilities were lacking investment and were unable to operate at full capacity.” “Spending on science and innovation is not a state subsidy; it is a strategic investment that creates jobs, increases productivity and attracts inward investment.” Other scientists have applauded the report for demonstrating that

UK investment into research and innovation has been failing to keep pace with other leading nations such as Germany and Japan. Professor Sir John Tooke, President of Academy of Medical Sciences said :“We hope the Government will reflect on the committee’s findings and work with the sector to ensure that any changes further support the delivery of excellence, and make the UK the best place to carry out research and innovation.”



Editor: Aletheia Nutt @GairRhyddSoc

Hannah’s Note:

Hannah Sterritt VP Societies


This week is Interfaith Week

i everyone, as ever it’s been another busy week in Societies! Last week was the Union’s AGM. It was great to see so many people there, especially so many representing their clubs and societies. There was a lot going on behind the scenes, especially from the Media Office with live broadcasts from Xpress and CUTV, and healthy debate around the room. The full time officers also had our first Scrutiny Committee, where the things I’m working on this year were held to account. I’m happy to say that the evening went really well, and left me with a few things to think about before the next one which is happening just before Christmas. I’m always looking for more feedback and ways to improve your Societies experi-

ence so just let me know if you have anything to add. Last week also saw a really successful ‘Help the Homeless’ campaign from the Red Cross Group, where they collected warm clothing in the SU Reception during the week ready to hand out to Cardiff ’s homeless at the weekend. It’s great to see the work that societies are doing for the local community as too often we can be stuck in the Cathays bubble with seldom reason to leave. This week is Interfaith Week with several events being held. In particular there is an Interfaith Question Time held in Y Plas on Monday 16thNovember from 7-8.30pm, and an Interfaith Living Library, where there are representatives from different faiths acting as ‘books’ for

the evening, on Wednesday 18th November from 5-6.30pm. There’s also ‘Convinced?’ which is a massive series of events and talks held by the Christian Unions on both campuses. For all of these events, there’s plenty of information on Facebook and the Students’ Union website. I’m also heading to another conference for a day, the NUS Wales Zones conference in Wrexham. This will be discussing issues affecting all Unions in Wales and should be really interesting to hear how we can tackle the national issues together as Unions. As ever, if you need anything from me please just pop into the third floor of the Students’ Union or drop me an email at VPSocieties@cardiff.

Sexpression Cardiff : Let’s talk about sex!

Lucy Hoskyns


ho are we? We are Sexpression Cardiff, a group of students who go into schools to teach Sex and Relationships Education to young people aged 11-18. We are also part of a National StudentLed Organisation - Sexpression:UK. Our aim is to empower young people to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. What do we do? Sexpression:UK is a student organisation that empowers young people to make decisions about sex and relationships by running informal and comprehensive sex and relationship sessions in the community. Sexpression:UK aims for a society in which young people are able to access reliable information about relationships, sex and sexuality; where youth are free from STIs and unwanted pregnancy; and where they are empowered to make individual, informed decisions regarding their bodies and their health. Here at the Cardiff branch, we currently run sessions that focus on puberty, relationships, contraception and STIs in local schools. The sessions are informal, usually to a class of around 30 young people, involving ice-breakers, discussions and demonstrations, with all sessions ending with confidential questions. Last year we ran over 33 workshops and taught over 1060 young people and have recently been awarded ‘Best Branch’ from the National Committee! We are also involved in ADVOCACY, which involves campaigning for causes that are related to Sex and Relationships Education, Women’s rights, reproductive rights and

LGBT+ rights. We have held events in the past around Sex Trafficking and FGM awareness, and we also support national campaigns such as Menstrual Hygiene Day and World Aids Day. I bet you’re wondering how you can get involved. Well, if you’ve been interested in what you’ve read so far, please come to one of our events or one of our training days, we are all welcoming and friendly and will be happy to welcome some new faces to our society! On November 17th we are holding our Sexual Health Pub Quiz. We have teamed together with Cardiff SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Group) and LGBT+ to bring you a Sexual Heath pub quiz! It will be in the Vulcan in Cathays from 7pm onwards. Bring a team (entry will be £1 per person) and let’s talk about sex baby! After this, Training Day! We are running a training session on the 28th November in the Students Union Room 4G. Please visit our Facebook page (Sexpression Cardiff ) or twitter(@sexpressioncdf ) or e-mail to sign up. The training day will consist of going through all the lesson plans and training you up with some teaching skills, such as how to create a nonjudgemental environment, how to answer difficult questions, and child protection. At a recent National Conference, we were voted in by other branches to hold this year’s General Assembly which will be in March. This will involve keynote speakers and workshops and will be attended by all

Pictured: Sexpression’s advert for their training day

branches of Sexpression:UK. Watch out for tickets going on sale in the new year! We are currently only training people who are healthcare students, or

who already have DBS certificates. However, if you don’t fulfil these criteria please still get in contact with us as we are hoping to branch out to other students very soon!

Sexpression:UK aims for a society in which young people are able to access reliable information about relationships, sex and sexuality


Like Manga? Join the Anime Society Lilith Hickling


Winner of the ‘Best Medium Society’ Award

i everyone! I’m Lillith Hickling, the secretary of the Anime Society, and I want to spread the word about our society and the events that we run. We are a gold tier society with over 100 members, and last year we won the award for ‘Best Medium Society’ at the Society Awards. If you haven’t heard of anime before: it’s a form of Japanese film and television animation that is typically aimed at adults. We run three to four events every week. On Mondays, we run a weekly event which is open to members and non-members alike: our Manga Library, which is run by our Manga Library Officer Ambrose Law. Here we have around 250 mangas and 50 anime DVDs that we rent out to our members, just like a real library. For those of you who don’t know: a manga is a style of Japanese book similar to a comic or graphic novel. People also come to this event to socialise, play video games and generally meet

people. We also occasionally hold inter-society Pokémon tournaments at this event. Every other Tuesday our Workshop Officer Bryony Humphries holds a Japan-themed workshop session where people can learn new skills and show off their arts and crafts abilities. So far this year we have run Origami, Japanese Fan Making, Pumpkin Carving, Paper Lantern Making and an AMV (Anime Music Video) Making session. These events are Give It A Go events, so can be attended by non-members if they pay a small fee (usually £2-£3) on the Students’ Union website to cover equipment costs. Our next workshop is on Tuesday 17th November and is a Calligraphy workshop. On Thursdays, we typically hold our socials. So far this year these have included BBQs, Bowling, Board Gaming (with BRAWL Society) and going for Japanese meals. A new social that we have started doing this year is our monthly pub quiz, the first of which

was written by our treasurer Freddie Gibson. On Thursday 19th November, we are going to Stadium Plaza by the bus station to play Laser Quest. Fridays evenings are when we screen anime chosen by our screenings officer Alex Hillman. Every week, we have use of a large lecture theatre in Main Building to screen either an anime movie or five episodes of an anime TV series. We then go to Kokos for drinks afterwards to discuss the anime. This event is also open to non members. As well as these events, we also run special one-off events throughout the year. This year our president Aiden George took 50 people to London MCM (a film, gaming and comic convention) for a day trip. We also ran a joint charity Halloween party with 6 other societies (Gaming, BRAWL, Sci-Fi, Stitch, Tea and Alternative Music), helped by our RAG officer Rosie Little. Last weekend, we also ran a 24 hour anime screening in the Union, where

we had three different rooms showing non-stop animes from midday to midday over the weekend for charity! Our society still has many more events to run throughout the year. Future workshop ideas include Mask Making, Japanese Arts and Crafts, and possibly even designing our own short manga strip. We are planning to do a joint social with the Anime Society in Swansea University, which will be a union that has never happened before, and will hopefully strengthen our ties with their University as well as enabling our members to meet new people and share a common interest. We are also hosting another joint party in Spring which will be a Masquerade Ball. Hopefully, you now understand our society a lot more, and if you are interested in any of our events we would love to meet you. Further details of all these events can be found on our page on the Union website or on our Facebook, so feel free to come along!

Capoeira Society: Get ready to get hooked!

Stefani Botusharova


ardiff University Capoeira Society is unique, and our membership is made up of people of different ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. What we have in common is an interest in Capoeira. Capoeira is a Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial art, dance, acrobatics and music. It is ‘played’ between to people in a Roda (capoeira circle), it is simultaneously a game, a dance, and a fight. The game (or jogo) is played to live musical accompaniment, and a physical dialogue takes place between the two players. It is difficult to define a capoeira game as it involves many different elements, and these can be affected by the interaction between the players, the speed of the music, and the atmosphere of the Roda. Capoeira is a great physical workout, during a two hour session you can ex-

pect to work on flexibility, strength and balance. It also builds awareness, of your body and your surroundings. Capoeira is not played on your own, so you learn to be constantly aware of your opponent’s position in the Roda. You will also improve your musical ability, Capoeira is played to music and there is always an opportunity to learn new rhythms and instruments. Songs are sung in Brazilian Portuguese and are quite beautiful. Our teacher is the experienced Contra Mestre Claudio Campos. Claudio is from Brazilia, DF, and has been teaching Capoeira in the UK for over ten years. He has a deep understanding of Capoeira and its music. His philosophy is generous and inclusive, and he is always happy to share his experience. We have a number of regular events that the society performs at these in-

clude Go – Global and Cardiff Mass carnival. In addition we have a number of extra activities that take place throughout the year. There is a social Roda once a month, where students are invited to come and train their movements, play capoeira and music. These events are usually free and take place outside if the weather permits, we round off the afternoon by going for some food together. Fast approaching is our winter capoeira festival, taking place at Talybont sports centre on Friday 27th November. The festival takes place twice a year, and is a great opportunity to learn new movements and songs from visiting teachers, and to experience a concentrated dose of Brazilian culture. The festival has a great party with live Samba and Forro bands. Not to be missed! We train twice a week: Wednesdays

8-10pm in NoFitState rehearsal studio and Friday 8.00-10.00pm in Talybont Sports Centre, for £4 per class for students. No pre-training is required to attend the classes, they are for absolutely all levels of ability. So come along, bring a friend, wear something comfortable to move around in and get ready to get hooked on this amazing activity!

We have about 250 mangas and 50 anime DVDs that we rent out to our members

Pictured: Some of the moves that can be learned and equiptent from the Brazilian form


Elise PurdueSnocken


Sing along with the TCUPS

he Cardiff University Purcell Singers (TCUPS Choir) has two exciting events coming up open to all students, and we’d love for you to be a part of it! The first is our Give it a Go session: an exclusive Choral Singing Workshop with renowned music director Lindsay Gray. On Wednesday 18th

November in LLT of the School of Music, the Royal School of Church Music director will be joining our weekly rehearsal at 2pm for a workshop on Gjeilo’s ‘Ubi Caritas’ and a Christmas Carol medley. If you’re an experienced musician looking to perfect your choral technique or a beginner to classical music

who would like some tips to get you sounding great, this workshop is not to be missed at only £1 per person! The second is our end of term concert. Together with the Wind Ensemble, we will each be showcasing the pieces we’ve worked on this year, and we will even be performing a surprise joint piece at the end of the night!

Our songs will include Pharrell William’s ‘Happy’, a ‘The Sound of Music’ medley and ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ from Glee – so make sure to keep 7pm-9pm of Thursday 10th December free! For any further information or questions, please email us at

Are you convinced?

Cardiff University Christian Union are holding events all week James Griffiths


ll through next week (16th – 20th November) Cardiff University Christian Union are holding a huge array of events tackling some of the biggest questions there are about Christianity, God, Jesus, and indeed ourselves. A team from the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics will also be in town throughout the week as part ‘Convinced?’ week, giving talks and being on hand for questions and discussion. Keep an eye out for them and the CU all around campus! During each day two free lunches are on offer (one at 12pm, the other 1pm) both at Koko Gorillaz AND at Heath Campus, along with a short talk on a particular topic, addressing questions ranging from “Isn’t God

Pictured: Cardiff University Christian Union’s advert for their events.

sexist?” to “Is faith in God reasonable”, to “Who is Jesus?”. Each night at 8pm, Highfields Church on Monthermer Road, an evening event is also happening with live music, free desserts, a talk and Q&A all packed into what promises to be a really chilled, fascinating time together. You might be surprised to find, for instance, that in reality Christians aren’t anywhere near as weird as you might think they are, and that there really is a whole lot more to life than exams, nightclubs and Netflix (not that we can’t enjoy all, or none, of those things!). So bring yourself and any of your questions along, or simply come and have a gander as to what Christianity really has to say for itself.

During each day, two free lunches are on offer

Cardiff Volunteering: Housing Week

Rachel Jones



his week is housing week. For those of you in first year, housing week is dedicated to stopping people rushing into signing house contracts (No, all the houses will not be taken by Christmas) and to let you know what you should look out for when viewing a house. Here are our top tips. Firstly, DO NOT RUSH INTO SIGNING A HOUSE CONTRACT. A housemate is for a year, not just for fresher’s fortnight. Yes Amy from across the hall might be your best friend now, but what is she like to live with? Will she put the bins out, or is she going to play blaring music at 2 in the morning when you’ve got an exam? There are hundreds of houses in Cardiff, take your time to decide who you want to live with, and where you want to live. If you’re not sure who you want to live with, Give It A Go are hosting a Flat Mating event at 6pm on the 17th of November. Sign up through the Give it a Go section on the CardiffStudents website. Secondly, find out how much you have to pay upfront. Unlike halls, you can get caught out by lots of nasty fees and unexpected costs when renting. Most letting agencies charge an agency fee per person (I paid

between £80-£120 for mine) plus a month’s rent as a deposit. This is NON- REFUNDABLE if you change your mind. Make sure that when you pay your deposit, you know what protection scheme is being used. By law your landlord or letting agency must pay your bond into a protection scheme within 30 days, this is often to stop landlords withholding your bond if you get into a dispute about charges. Beware of promises. Lots of landlords and letting agencies will tell you anything they think will get you to rent a house off them (new furniture, painted walls, a flat screen TV...) but unless these promises are written into your contract, they do not have to deliver and failing to deliver on these promises does NOT mean you can get out of your contract. Moreover, tenancy documents are legal contracts. Make sure you read the document thoroughly and get it checked (FOR FREE) by Student Advice. Once you’ve signed the contract, you can’t just change your mind. If you sign as a group, you are all legally responsible for paying the rent and keeping the contract, which is why it’s important to live with people you know you can trust.

Over the week, those of you in halls will be receiving a visit from our friendly Advice Squad. Advice Squad are students who volunteer their time to inform you guys about important things that are happening, and what actions you need to take. You’ll see them a few times over the year, handing out leaflets and informing you of events happening. If you’re interested in being part of Advice Squad or any kind of volunteering (we can offer you a cuppa whilst we chat through our projects!) pop down to our office

on the 2nd floor or email us on If you need advice of any kind, are worried about housing or want your house contract checked over (all for free!!) contact Student Advice on or 02920 781410. Student Advice offer drop ins Monday to Friday 10am-3pm (except 1-3pm on a Thursday) on the 3rd floor of the Students Union, Park Place and Mondays and Wednesdays 12-2 at the Students Union at the Heath.

Pictured: Student housing in Cathays, Cardiff.

November/Tachwedd Slaves

January/Ionawr The Temperance Movement

Richard Hawley 28/02/16, £25 ADV

15/11/15 - SOLD OUT

26/01/16, £14 ADV

Treatment Presents: Annie Mac 20/11/15 - SOLD OUT

NME Awards Tour 2016 ft. Bloc Party & more

Theory Of A Deadman

Public Service Broadcasting

Coheed and Cambria & Glassjaw

Machine Head

29/01/16, £25.60 ADV

26/11/15, £20 ADV

Andy C All Night

31/01/16, £27.50 ADV


27/11/15, £13 ADV

Marina And The Diamonds 28/11/15 - SOLD OUT

Neck Deep

Happy Mondays 29/11/15, £28.50 ADV

KERRANG! Tour 2016 ft. Sum 41 & more


05/02/16, £13.50 ADV

11/02/16, £18.50 ADV

Gabrielle Aplin

The Story So Far Kodaline 03/12/15 - SOLD OUT Scouting For Girls

12/12/15, £22.50 ADV


14/12/15, £17 ADV

03/03/16, £15 ADV

10/03/16, £26 ADV

The Stranglers

18/03/16, £26 ADV

Boyce Avenue

19/03/16, £25 ADV

Wolf Alice

12/02/16, £16.50 ADV 01/12/15, £14 ADV


Bowling For Soup 14/02/16, £20 ADV

Fun Lovin' Criminals 18/02/16, £23.50 ADV

City and Colour 19/02/16 - SOLD OUT

24/03/16, £17 ADV

April/Ebrill Sunset Sons

03/04/16, £12 ADV

Funeral For A Friend 05/04/16- SOLD OUT Funeral For A Friend 06/04/16- SOLD OUT PVRIS

08/04/16, £12 ADV

Stiff Little Fingers

28/02/16, £18.50 ADV




All tickets subject to booking fee Codir ffi archebu ar bob tocyn


ppark life Katey Beggan VP Heath Park

Last year we won every game so we’re hoping for the same victory this year!

OT Lecturers


ello! I hope you are all well and that the weather hasn’t been too bad for you all this

week. Medics Varsity is finally here! It’s being held this Saturday, November 21st, against Bristol who have their Tshirts and have almost sold all of their tickets! The day begins at 9am with the Men’s Hockey with the final sport of the day at 2.30pm naturally with the Rugby. It’s an absolute bargain for a day of sport, which also includes a T-shirt, event programme, pint in the Taf and entry to the Flux after party. You can collect your T-shirt for on the day from the Students Union at the Heath in the IV Lounge from Monday 16th November. Last year we won every game so we’re hoping for the same victory this year! Myself and Sophie Timbers (VP Education) will be giving away free pizza this Thursday in the Cochrane 0.22 in exchange for feedback on PC provisions, Exams and social space from 12:30 until 2pm. Please come along, we’d love to hear what you think. In other news, I attended a demo against the government’s proposed changes to junior doctor contracts the other week on behalf of Cardiff medical students who have the option to go onto work their junior rotations in English health boards. It was a cold evening however hundreds of people turned up to stand against the changes that are being proposed and there

Editor: Vacant @HeathParkCSU

Katey’s note

Medics Varsity, Interfaith Week and free pizza

were some very emotive and strong speeches made by representatives from all the Royal Colleges. However, there was a recurrent theme throughout each speech and this was the risk to patient care that these changes will cause by taking away the frameworks that stop doctors working high workloads. This is incredibly worrying for patient and staff welfare, and is something I will carry on lobbying this year. This week is Interfaith Week with several events being held at the Cathays campus. On Monday 16th November in Y Plas between 7-8.30pm there is an Interfaith Question Time, which gives a platform for discussion on different faith related issues. On Wednesday 18th November in 61 Park Place between 5-6.30pm the University Chaplaincy is hosting an Interfaith Living Library, where there are representatives from different faiths acting as ‘books’ for the evening. For Heath students, the Healthcare Christian Union is teaming up with Christian Union to host a week of talks which include free food called ‘Convinced? There is information on all of this on the Students’ Union website and Facebook page. MedDay, held last Friday and Saturday was a success. We had lots of people attending and I even got pied! We raised loads for charity with the final figure being released over the next few weeks. Have a good week – always here to talk.








Occupational Therapy: The Halloween Social


t Park Life we like to point out different events and occasions that go on through the Heath Campus. When staff find innovative and fun ways to engage with students and make their time at Cardiff a better and more inclusive experience we think it should be highlighted to inform students and maybe encourage and inspire lecturers on other courses to do the same. Here is a roundup of what some great innovative Occupational Therapy lecturers did to encourage their students to interact with each other, make some friends, be more comfortable with lecturing staff and remind the students to relax occasionally:

‘On Friday 30th of October, the first and second year OT students were invited to a pre-Halloween get together in the Heath Social Club in order to get to know each other and some staff members in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. The second year students had been approached to establish a “buddy” system for the first years’ so some of the OT staff approached the social club and Student’s Union to support this event. With a spooky theme, about 65 students descended on the social club and highly competitive “Get to know your tutors” and “Get to know Cardiff ” quizzes were fought out between 10 teams, and unfortunately for those caught cheating forfeits of

singing and riding imaginary horses were performed! Fantastic prizes for the quiz and raffle were very kindly and generously donated by the Student’s Union and hopefully everybody left with a prize, hopefully got to know each other and the staff a little bit better (including how they looked as babies!) , and a bit more about Cardiff. So thanks for the support, and we look forward to planning an even bigger event for next year! Nina Cogger and Maria Clarke OT lecturers’ If you, your course or lecturers have run similar events give us a shout and we can highlight it for you. If you are

intending put something like the above event on pop into the Students’ Union at the Heath to see how they can help you out.

Pictured: Left: Tickets are available for the Medics Varsity event at cardiffstudents. com Below: First prize winners of the OT social quiz


The Student Rep System: What’s it all about?

Sophie Timbers VP Education


ello Heath students, I am Sophie, the Vice President Education at the Students’ Union. Essentially I represent ALL students on academic issues to the University – that’s including you! We have over 1000 academic reps across the university which is essentially 1 to every 28 students at Cardiff University. Student Academic Reps represent their cohorts in student-staff panel meetings identifying any issues and sharing best practice. One student rep is elected as the Chair of the student-staff panel who then meets other Chairs at their College Forum. I chair this meeting and we invite the College Dean along so they are aware of any up and coming issues, hear students’ views and ideas and create discussion about hot educational topics in the university. This year I have recruited an Education Executive committee of nine students, three from each college, which act as my sounding board and help me promote education campaigns and engage with as many students as possible. They even have the opportunity to sit on certain meetings within the university to provide another level of student

representation which the university always really appreciate. So you may be thinking either “yep, I know all this, thanks for the reminder” or “I had no idea this was how it worked...” – either way, it’s important you know this goes on so you can understand why it’s so important to get involved. You could even call it a shameless plug to get more students to become Student Academic Reps – for example, there are still Healthcare courses without student reps. How can I (and VP Postgraduate, Katie and your very own Heath Park Campus officer, Katie) properly represent you if you don’t let us know what issues you would like to resolve? As much as I’d love to think there aren’t any issues… I’m sure there are, and it’s important we help you to sort them. All minutes from the Student-Staff panel meetings and the College Forums are sent to Student Voice so the team and I can access them, collate data and monitor certain schools in terms of whether they really are doing what’s best for students. After all this is YOUR education, and you deserve the right to be able to have a voice and speak up about what you

Pictured: The structure in the Students’ Union that represents education

like and don’t like about your course or school opportunities etc. You might not think that student academic reps can change anything, you might not think that they represent you, and you might not think that they have a “voice”. But they do. And it’s especially important that we have student representation up at the Heath.

We need as many students as possible to get involved with becoming a student academic rep… why not? You want to make change then do it. There’s nothing stopping you. If there is, let us know and we’ll do our best to knock the barrier down. As horrifically cliché as that sounds. Nothing wrong with the odd metaphor or two.

Student Minds - supporting your mental health

Aysha Haththotuwegama

Pictured: Left: Volunteers taking part in a Mind Your Head week event Right: Students at National Stress Awareness Day (Photographer: Student Minds Cardiff )


tudent Minds is the UK’s student mental heath charity. We believe that peer interventions can change the state of student mental health. Through research-driven training and support, Student Minds aims to guide students in order to bring about positive change through campaigning and providing peer support programmes. We believe it is important for the university and health services to recognise positive mental health as a priority for student success. Student Minds in Cardiff is a Stu-

dent Led Service, helping to support students with eating disorders by facilitating weekly self-help support groups. They are held every Thursday, 6.15-7.15pm, in room 4H at Cardiff University Students’ Union. In these sessions, two trained student facilitators are present to ensure a safe environment for prorecovery discussions. Not only do we run support groups but we also host events to raise awareness of mental health! This year we have already hosted a yoga session, held a stall promoting

national stress awareness day and have even more upcoming events. On the 16th November we are holding a free film showing of “Girl, interrupted’ and later on this term a “love your body” campaign and a Christmas party! This year we are also looking forward to Eating Disorder Awareness Week in February, where we hope to hold a dodgeball tournament, ‘Supporting the Supporters’ workshop and a talk from a clinical psychologist. Previously, we’ve hosted an inner

Child Day in the Student Union, music gigs and a pub quiz! So keep your eyes peeled for more details of upcoming events on our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you want to get more involved with Student Minds we always welcome volunteers to help at any of our events or join our campaigns. We are also currently recruiting for facilitators to run the eating disorder weekly support groups; for more information please visit http://

Student Minds ais to guide students in order to bring about positive change, through campaigning and providing peer support programmes












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BUCS Results: Wednesday 11th November Presented by:



Cardiff Team






Mens 1st

Oxford University Mens 1st





Womens 1st

University of Bath Womens 3rd





Mens 1st

University of Gloucestershire Mens 1st





Mens 2nd

Cardiff Metropolitan Mens 5th





Mens 3rd (Medics)

University of Plymouth Mens 3rd




Rugby Union

Mens 1st

University of Exeter Mens 1st




Rugby Union

Mens 5th

University of Bath Mens 3rd




Rugby Union

Mens 6th

University of Bristol Mens 5th




Rugby Union

Mens 2nd (Medics)

University of Exeter Mens 3rd




Rugby Union

Mens 4th (Medics)

Swansea University Mens 4th





Womens 1st

Cardiff Metropolitan Womens 1st





Womens 2nd

Aberystwyth University Womens 1st





Mens 1st

Oxford University Mens 1st





Womens 3rd (Medics)

University of South Wales Womens 5th





Womens 8th (Medics)

University of Southampton Womens 2nd





Womens 5th

University of St Mark & St John Womens 2nd





Womens 1st

University of Hertfordshire Womens 1st





Womens 4th

University of Bristol Womens 5th




Table Tennis

Womens 2nd

University of Bath Womens 1st




Table Tennis

Mens 1st

University of Bath Mens 1st





Mens 1st

University of Exeter Mens 3rd





Womens 1st

University of Exeter Womens 3rd





Mens 2nd

University of Winchester Mens 2nd





Mens 2nd

University of Bristol Mens 2nd





Womens 1st

Oxford University Womens 1st





Mens 4th (Medics)

Swansea University Mens 3rd





Womens 4th

Cardiff Metropolitan Womens 3rd





Womens 2nd (Medics)

Bournemouth University Womens 1st





Womens 3rd

University of Southampton Womens 2nd





Mens 1st

University of Exeter Mens 1st





Mens 1st

University of Southampton Mens 1st





Mens 2nd

Cardiff Metropolitan Mens 1st




Water Polo

Mens 1st

Oxford University Mens 1st










Stage set for Cardiff to host second Medics’ Varsity

Mark Wyatt

Ed Woolcott

Cardiff, who were playing their 250th competitive fixture, have established themselves as contenders in the Western 1A Division


he second ever instalment of the Medics Varsity is upon us, with the action set to get underway this Saturday, here in Cardiff. Last year saw the first ever Medics Varsity between Cardiff University and University of Bristol. Just one year ago, Cardiff travelled across the Severn to Bristol to compete in a day of sport. Due to its success, Cardiff have been given the right to host this year’s fun-filled sporting festival. The stage is set and Cardiff are ready to welcome the University of Bristol to the capital of Wales. Cardiff are sure to be looking to equal last year’s whitewash victory as wins came in all sports, with late drama in the football where Cardiff won 6-5 on penalties. There was also success in the men’s hockey where Cardiff finished with a 4-1 penalty flicks victory. This year sees more sports, more action and more crowds flocking around Talybont, Blackweir and the Squash Centre to witness another year of drama. It may not be as famed as the traditional Welsh Varsity with Swan-


sea, but the Medics’ Varsity proves that when bragging rights are on the line, Cardiff tend to step up to the plate and represent the University gloriously. After their invincible performance last year, Saturday 21st November is the date stuck in the Medics’ calendar and hopefully it will be a day to remember for many Varsity’s to come. The young students will battle through hockey, netball, basketball, squash, football and rugby this year. Events will run from 9am until the big 2.30pm Rugby Match at Blackweir where big crowds are expected to attend to support the Cardiff team. Last year in the blue riband event, Cardiff ran out 37-0 victors, an impressive score line given they played in Bristol on away turf. This year should prove to be even more exciting. The Facebook event currently has well over 350 people attending from both Universities’, with expectations of even more looking to be there on the big day that is rapidly approaching us. As with all sport in Cardiff, we

Medics’ Varsity Fixtures: 21/11/2015 9:00: Men’s Hockey - Talybont Sports Village 10:00: Women’s Netball - Talybont Sports Village 10:20: Women’s Hockey - Talybont Sports Village 11:30: Men’s Basketball - Talybont Sports Village 11:30: Men’s Squash - Talybont Sports Village 12:00: Women’s Squash - Talybont Sports Village 13:30: Men’s Football - Blackweir Fields 14:30: Men’s Rugby - Blackweir Fields will be reporting on the event as we have been doing recently; last month Gair Rhydd heard from Katey Beggan, the VP at Heath Park. She told us how excited everyone is for the big day and how the event will allow the Medics to show off the talent that Heath students have to offer. Katey also highlighted how this year will be the first time that Healthcare Basketball will be competing – we hope it’ll be a debut performance that they will never forget!

If you wish to get involved and watch the action then head over to the SU where Cardiff Student Union are offering tickets priced at £6.50 which includes a Medics Varsity TShirt, a programme of the events, a free pint from the Taf and entry into Flux for the official after-party where the Medics should be celebrating their hard fought work from the day. It should promise to be an excellent day and we look forward to enjoying the continued success of the Medics.

the defense, UWE were forced to give the ball back to the Cobras who added a field goal on their next possession from 30 yards out to make the contest a two possession game. The Cobras then shifted their mindset to one of clock management to control the game and allow UWE as little time as possible to try and mount a comeback. Midway through the 4th quarter, Patterson and fellow running back Rhys Romo continued to move the chains and quarterback Chris Brinkworth broke the tackles of four UWE players on a 35 yard run, only being denied a score by the last defender. It was no matter though, as later in the same drive he found wide

receiver Scott Higgins for the touchdown, marking Higgins’ first points in the red and black. With the lead extended to 16-0, the game was all but out of reach for the Bullets as the clock ticked down. Cardiff ’s win was sealed with an interception from Canadian linebacker Logan Evans on his own one yard line followed by a 97 yard return to the UWE two yard line, falling just short of the goaline. The clock expired on the next play and the Cobras had seen off one of their toughest opponents for the year in convincing fashion, recording their first shutout victory in almost two years against a highly touted Bullets team.

Cobras shut out UWE in season opener

he Cardiff Cobras opened their 2015/2016 campaign against the UWE Bullets last weekend in a matchup that, on paper, had the makings of a great contest. Cardiff, who were playing their 250th competitive fixture, have established themselves as contenders in the Western 1A division after a solid seven wins and one loss in the league last year plus a 19-17 victory over the divisional champions Swansea Titans at their Varsity meeting. The Bullets are the traditional powerhouse of the division and overhauled their coaching department almost in its entirety this offseason, leading to the emergence of arguably one of the best coaching staffs in the country. The early stages of the match saw both teams grappling for a foothold in the game. Cardiff dominated the field position battle spending much of their time in Bullets’ territory, but high winds and rain hampered their efforts to pass the ball effectively. It was left to workhorse running back Ronan Patterson to shoulder the load for the Cardiff offense. Patterson often found holes to squeeze through for solid yardage to keep Cardiff moving down the field. However, the Bullets’ defense held firm when it counted to keep Cardiff out

of the endzone. On the other side of the ball, the Cardiff defense had UWE’s number. Playing physically and aggressively throughout the early sparring saw the Bullets having to punt on numerous occasions. Great defensive line play allowed the linebackers to roam and stuff the UWE attack repeatedly. With the weather conditions also hampering UWE’s attempts to pass the ball, the Cobras could focus almost solely on stopping the run game. At the halftime interval, the score was 0-0, with both teams not quite clicking on offense. Moving into the 3rd quarter, Cardiff began to gather some momentum. A punt from James Lloyd pinned UWE inside their own ten yard line, and a fantastic series from the defense meant UWE were punting the ball back to Cardiff from their own end zone, with the wind going against them. The poor punt gave Cardiff the ball at the UWE 20 yard line and after two good run plays, the Cobras were knocking on the door. With the ball five yards out, Ben Mason and Dan Stewart sealed off the UWE defenders on the left edge of the line allowing Patterson to cross the line for the game’s first score after breaking a tackle in the backfield. Cardiff 6-0 UWE. After more stellar work from

The stage is set and Cardiff are ready to welcome the University of Bristol to the capital of Wales and are sure to be looking to equal last year’s whitewash victory.

Pictured: Canadian Rookie, Logan Evans, is stopped inches away from the goaline. (Photographer: Paul Jenkins)


Cont’d: Clamp down on IMG Rugby

Continued from back page

Students’ Union have taken lightly and whilst the situation seems unlikely to be resolved in the foreseeable future, the Union’s intention is to try to bring it back at some stage: “Obviously with my background, the last thing I want to do is to take a stance against student’s playing rugby but after spending countless hours trying to work out a way in which we can support this provision, we were left with this disappointing outcome” the former Cardiff University Rugby Club Chairman said. ‘We are currently in contact with the WRU on possible solutions, and due to Wednesday’s happenings we can now open the dialogue with those, and more specifically, the cap-

tains of each respective team. We are still awaiting correspondence from the teams involved to ignite these discussions”. One player, who has asked to remain anonymous stated: “It’s hugely disappointing that the Athletic Union are still unable to resolve the situation. However, I knew when I started that this was not supported by the AU like the football is, so in terms of playing I don’t see why and how anything will change in the future”. Another added: “Everyone is pretty annoyed by it. There hasn’t been a conversation between the SU and the players, they’ve just decided we can’t play.”

‘If they don’t want to have anything to do with it then they shouldn’t be able to stop us playing. If there’s no affiliation, they shouldn’t have any authority on if we can play or not. A lot of the players play IMG because they fancy a casual game of rugby without the pressures of training every week and as it is, the university doesn’t offer anything like that.” The University and the Students’ Union have stressed that any teams found playing rugby will be in breach of Union advice and will be forced to stop immediately. They have also asked that “university staff assist by making any individuals that they suspect are taking part in this activity aware [of the advice]” and that

“where games are witnessed taking place at venues without consent, we would encourage and support the removal of players from the venue”. “I hope that students who have been involved with ‘IMG Rugby’ over this year do not continue to play in light of this statement, as this is overtly going against what both the Students’ Union and the University have stated” Parsons added. Representatives from the university and the Students’ Union will continue to have presence at the council pitches on Wednesday afternoons in a bid to nullify the temptation that some teams may have to continue to play on, however their effect is as yet unknown.

Pictured: Earthsoc IMG rugby team (Photographer: Earthsoc)

Everyone is pretty annoyed by it. There hasn’t been a conversation between the SU and the players, they’ve just decided we can’t play. IMG rugby player

Jess Cox-Martin

Cardiff’s only medal of the day went to captain Rachel Woodman.

Trampolining Club spring to success


ardiff University Trampoline club began their competitive season last weekend at the Southern Universities’ Trampoline League in Bristol. After a great intake of new members and a new trampoline, training sessions are the busiest and best they have ever been, so it was great to finally put practised routines in to competition. 15 gymnasts travelled to Bristol to represent Cardiff University, and for the majority of them it was their first competition so nerves were running high. They did not however let their nerves get the better of them, and with lots of team support, pep talks and plenty of Haribo sweets, they all produced two solid routines. In particular, there were outstanding performances produced by Emma Lane and Emma Riches. There were also fantastic performances from the more experienced members of the club: Laura Williams produced two particularly lovely routines, earning her a top ten finish in a category of over 80 competitors! A special mention also

has to go to Cerys Erwood, who broke her tradition of incomplete routines and spectacular crashes at Bristol, to complete two high scoring routines, which is particularly impressive as one of them had only been learnt the night before! Cardiff ’s only medal of the day went to captain Rachel Woodman. After spending the day coaching the other members of the team, she stepped up and competed in the Level One (Elite) group for the first time. Through completing her highest tariff to date, she earned herself a silver medal. It is safe to say that the club has had a brilliant start to the year. The hard work will continue in to 2016 with more league competitions and BUCS, the highlight of the competitive year! Members of the squad are already training hard for this and we are hoping that this year will be our most successful to date. We are also planning on holding another have-a-go bounce in the New Year for anyone who wants to try trampolining out!

Pictured: Action at the Southern Universities Trampoline League earlier this month (Photographer: SUTL)


Coach’s Corner: Paul Jones Mark Wyatt speaks to Paul Jones, Head Coach of the Cardiff University Futsal Club

Mark Wyatt

The best way to describe futsal would be that it is the basketball version of football.

Last season was the most successful season we’ve had to date, we won the Welsh National Cup and went to the UEFA National Futsal Cup in Montenegro.

Harry Elliott Cardiff Blues Columnist


aul Jones is the Head Coach of Cardiff University Futsal team as well as the Assistant Coach for the Welsh National Futsal team. Mark Wyatt spoke to him about the sport and what it means to him. The Cardiff team will this season embark on another season in the BUCS League. After five successful years as a club, including a lot of trophies and playing in UEFA competitions, we look forward to this year’s itinerary. So what are they key differences in futsal to football? The best way to describe futsal would be that it is the basketball version of football. Indoors, time-outs, foul-limits, touch-lines. Instantly you can see its very different to 5-a-side football which a lot people associate it with, it’s a fast, highly paced game. You must be quick to play, physically and mentally. There are two ways of looking at futsal as a sport, two arguments that people suggest. The first is that in a lot of countries it is a totally isolated sport to football, it has its own performance pathways, and it’s a professional sport and so can provide people with a living. The other side is that the sport is there to provide better footballers, which is what it is like in our country at the moment, we’re generally using it with young people to develop them as better footballers through playing in confined spaces with more touches on the ball and more 1 v 1 situations. So in Wales that is where we are but other countries are streets ahead in that they have a professional sport in their own right. How do you draft your players? Is it difficult to attract potentially brilliant players as they’d rather play 11-a-side? It can be incredibly difficult, we do get a lot of players who may have failed to get a football team and think that futsal is easier to get into. Luckily I currently coach the University Football 2nd Team and I’ve got a way in with the players so I can identify who we think would be good and try to persuade them to come into futsal. There is that stigma to begin with that it is a lesser game than football and I can understand that being an exfootballer myself, but as we’ve got more and more successful as a futsal team, its been easy. The games are on different

I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but it is difficult when commenting upon the Cardiff Blues in recent weeks. I have called for Head Coach Danny Wilson to be given time to implement his methodology, and I stick by this. I have noted the improvements in performances for the Blues without them necessarily turning these performances into tangible results. This also remains true. In their last league game, the Blues went down 30-35 against Glasgow Warriors in the first match at Arms

days, we play our matches on a Sunday whereas the footballers play on a Wednesday and we also train on different days too. Very few players currently choose futsal over football so we have to accommodate both sets of players – essentially futsal and football are under one club banner though so players can do both and there is a great feel of flexibility. But overall once people buy into futsal they’re hooked – we do things the right way, we have a very good facility down at Talybont. We have a team in the National League and a team who won the BUCS Premier last year who were also Team of the Year at the AU Awards. So when other students see their friends doing well and playing at a high level it becomes a lot easier to attract players. What are your aims this season? Well last season was the most successful season we’ve had to date, we won the Welsh National Cup and went to the UEFA National Futsal Cup in Montenegro in the summer. So we’d love to retain our titles and qualify again. We had a strong team in BUCS last year including three Welsh Internationals in our squad, one of them has now graduated and the other two are part time students so their availability wavers. The aim is obviously still the same though, to win the BUCS. We only reached the Semi-Finals of the Championship last year, so this year the aim to get to the final eight, where you have a mini-tournament and try to reach the final which is in St George’s Park in April. The English FA Headquarters have a purpose built futsal arena there so for our students it would such a fantastic opportunity. The internet shows many clips of skills and goals in futsal, has the game risen in popularity over the past decade due to its exposure in the media? Social media is a huge help for the post, futsal is currently the fastest growing sport in the UK. We’ve been going just over five years here at Cardiff, but one of the biggest things now is that a lot of top players have grown up playing futsal, so Neymar and Ronaldinho played futsal as children and have hit the highest heights of professional football. The South American and Spanish players Park since the 6th of September when Zebre were put away 61-13. What a long time ago that feels like now. The Blues showed flashes of good rugby and again scored points, also welcoming back Gethin Jenkins, Sam Warburton, Lloyd Williams and Alex Cuthbert into the fold. Centre Gavin Evans powered over for the Blues’ solitary try and at one point Cardiff were 17-8 ahead, to the delight of nearly 6,000 spectators in the capital.` However the delight was to be short lived as Glasgow fought their way back into the contest and took

have that flair from futsal as they take it very seriously. There are one or two futsal superstars, Falcao is a massive player who has made a great living out of futsal. He was originally a footballer but chose to play futsal instead. He’s been great for the sport, most of the clips are him and he’s very good with a great personality to be the face of futsal. Not only that though the media coverage is improving, the World Championships are now on Euro Sport and loads is streamed on the internet. There is a live Spanish League match on the internet every week as well. Because of the University and domestic leagues it is slowly creeping in more and more – maybe it will get recognition as a Commonwealth and Olympic sport. Plus, given the weather we have here in Wales, having another indoor sport doesn’t do much harm! What is your favourite thing about being coach? Being Welsh and being involved with the national team is great, the futsal national team still comes under the national football association of Wales so we get a huge level of sport from kit to logistics to coaching support as well. There are seven or eight staff there and if we need something we can usually get it. There is a massive sense of pride alongside all of this obviously, being able to represent your country as a player or a coach, hearing the national anthem at fixtures is just fantastic. From where we were a few years ago to where we are now is great, we’ve beaten established teams like Israel and Greece so the progress is great to watch. Generally as a coach, whether it be futsal or football, its great planning training sessions and seeing the things you work on coming off in a match.

League last year was great, winning the Welsh Cup as well was fantastic and being the first UK University to compete in the Futsal Cup. Every time the Welsh team take up the court and I’ve been involved is great. Futsal is a sport that came out of nowhere for me, the chance came out of nowhere and fell into my lap to make a University team and it’s taken me to some countries that I would never have been to otherwise so I’m very grateful to be involved and long may it continue!

What has been your best moment in the sport? Unfortunately futsal in the UK wasn’t really available when I was a player, I was more of a footballer and won the British Universities Championships as a footballer whilst I was a student at Swansea (pause for inevitable shocked reaction). As a coach of the football team, two years ago I coached the 2nd team to the top of BUCS league. Futsal though has to be the higher end of my coaching, winning the BUCS Premier

Finally can you make a futsal team for me using current professional footballers, why would they get in your team? It’ll be mainly South American and Spain dominated ill assure you here! As a keeper, being a Manchester United fan I’ll have to pick the Spaniard David de Gea. Given the way he plays with his feet a lot he would be good, you need to be very good on your toes for futsal. The centre forward role, known as a pivot in futsal, I would go for the Sweden Captain Zlatan Ibrahimović. A big strong guy with a great touch – he would be brilliant at futsal. Then the three behind him would be Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Neymar Jnr – they’ve all played the game before, they suit the game and are currently the three best players in world football at the moment. They are a great example of how futsal and football link up. The other player who springs to mind who I’d have on my bench would be Phillipe Coutinho of Liverpool, he has been publically supportive of the game and played a great deal of futsal growing up alongside Neymar. Not a bad side indeed I think.

the victory. Fly-half Rhys Patchell kicked 18 points for the Blues, amidst speculation over a potential departure of Cardiff to another Welsh region. Wilson has confirmed there has been outside interest in the 22 year old who is understood to be unhappy at playing second string to Gareth Anscombe, when the latter is available for selection. Patchell has not signed a new contract for the Blues and is linked with Ospreys and more especially Scarlets. It is thought that Patchell will take over from interim Llanelli fly-half Steve Shingler at the

end of the season, as the Scarlets view Patchell as a long term replacement for Rhys Priestland. There is now no Pro-12 game until the end of the month when the Blues trundle west to the Liberty Stadium to take on the Ospreys, who are also flattering to deceive thus far. This will be the first Welsh derby of the season for the Blues, but before that they face Harlequins and Calvisano in the European Cup. Results really now must come sooner rather than later for Danny Wilson and the Cardiff Blues. This record must change imminently.

Pictured: Current futsal world champions, Brazil, in action against Sweden at the 2012 World Championships (Photographer: Estilo Fefe)

Futsal is a sport that came out of nowhere for me... It’s taken to some countries that I would never have been to otherwise.


Sport Spotlight: Kickboxing

Dan Heard

For an hour and a half, I took part in what can only be described as one of the most surreal experiences I’ve had at Cardiff University

Shaun Davey Cardiff City Columnist


This week in Sport Spotlight, Gair Rhydd Sport sent Dan Heard to master the art of kickboxing with CUKC.

f you had have told me last week that I’d let James Lloyd, one of our brilliant if not persuasive Sports editors, talk me into covering kick-boxing for Sport Spotlight, I’d have kicked you in the stomach. Now, though, thanks to my experience during the most recent Give-it-a-Go session at Talybont Sports Centre, I can now kick you in the stomach in a much more dignified and co-ordinated way (sorry James)! For an hour and a half on Wednesday night, I took part in what can only be described as one of the most surreal experiences I’ve had at Cardiff University (believe me, some of the things I’ve seen down Chippy Lane on a Saturday night aren’t worth mentioning). I’m not really sure what I was expecting- perhaps some kind of bizarre Fight Club-esque set-up, complete with Ronda Rousey-style takedowns on inexperienced first timers (like me). It didn’t start like that anyway.

Hooray! Cardiff finally ended a baron run of not scoring a goal in nearly ten hours of Championship football as they found the back of the net against promotion chasers Reading last time out. Goals from Kenwyne Jones and Matthew Connolly either side of half time were crucial to the Bluebird’s quest to keep a promotion push alive, especially after the crushing defeat at Leeds United in their midweek meeting. The return of Kenwyne Jones could be crucial in Cardiff City’s search for more creativity and goals up front,

We began with a warm-up so rigorous, it could have passed for a deleted military training scene from Full Metal Jacket. The whole group, of at least a hundred plus, were made to run first clockwise, then anti-clockwise, around the hall. On the instructors command, in unison we’d all touch the floor with either our left, right or both of our hands. It’s more gruelling than it sounds, trust me! As if that wasn’t enough, we were then divided into two groups, and given a series of challenges designed either to warm us up (most likely), or break our spirits as human beings (quite possibly this too). This meant that I was partnered with one of the green belt-wearing kick-boxing pro’s (the grading system in kick-boxing, much like Judo or other mixed martial arts, goes from White, to Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown, and finally, Black), who I assumed would know her stuff. For the first time that evening, I wasn’t

however after missing the entire start to the season, Idriss Saadi will have to wait at least another six weeks before he can return to action having picked up a hamstring injury last Tuesday in training. The Reading win also did wonders in lifting the ever-increasing pressure on Russell Slade, who before the encounter, had received mounting criticism from the City fans. The former Leyton Orient boss said post match: “We looked a little bit more of a threat, a little bit more creative. I thought we were more resilient and resolute in our defending. We have

wrong. She proceeded to punch me continuously in the stomach twenty times, before high-kneeing my hands a further forty times (don’t worry, this was all actually part of the exercise- I couldn’t believe it either), before then sprinting back to the other side, which meant I had to follow, and repeat it on her. After this tirade of abuse, we were made to walk on our hands and feet from one side of the court to the other, complete ten piggy-back press-ups, drop from a standing position into a press-up over and over again, and then walk back to our starting point holding on to our ankles (I retained what little pride I had left by not falling flat on my face). Warm-up now over, and after some high school P.E-style stretching (I could do that bit), we began getting down to business. The business being learning how to punch, kick and basically annihilate our opponents. Or so I thought. Instead, we were told basically what to do in order to not begin dishing out serious pain, to either ourselves or others. Counterattacking, we were told, requires knowing three things: the lead of the opponent, your method of avoiding his lead and the exact way of executing the proper counter-shot. The main point our instructor got across to us was how we should not stand square while in front of an opponent, as if your shoulders are open, “you not only present an easy target for your

opponent, but also limit your ability to fully rotate your hips through the centre-line to create power in your knee strikes or inside punches” she said. Ah, knee strikes and inside punches? Sounds promising, eh? Well, read on. We were working towards orchestrating a threepunch combination, firing the first two punches with speed, almost like slapping, to get our opponent’s attention or cause them to drop his guard, then throwing the third shot hard. Pretty cool, right?! The most important part, I felt anyway, was attempting to maintain composure when fatigue set in (as it did. And I’m not really in bad shape either) or when you get hurt. It’s evidently all too easy to do when you’re inexperienced, which so many of the participants were. All I can say is, our fellow student instructors, many of who were either Yellow, Blue or Green belt-wearers, were excellent in teaching us the basics, reassuring us, and correcting and helping us whenever we put a foot wrong (literally, in my case). Overall, I did really enjoy the session. It was fast, rigorous and very interesting to be a part of. And even though I had no experience of kick-boxing before, through the guidance of the instructors, I learnt so much in such a short space of time. If you’re interested in getting involved, get in touch with CU Kickboxing Club, at KickBoxing@

a very good goalkeeper in behind us of course, but I thought we were a constant threat.” With a lack of goal-scoring threat at fault for the Bluebirds’ plight prior to this clash, it will be vital for them to improve their form up front, but also to maintain their impeccable defensive record at the other end. David Marshall was again the hero, putting in another man-of-the-match display as he made a number of impressive saves to deny Reading - yet again proving his class as one of the best goalkeepers in the division.

Lastly, it should also be said that the return to form of Joe Ralls (who bagged another two assists last time out) and Craig Noone will be pivotal in Cardiff gaining key momentum. The latter once again proved he had the tenacity and drive to carry the team forward, something critically lacking since the beginning of the campaign. However, with the loom of another international break upon us, Cardiff are once again back in the mix of the division and their solid home form will need to continue if they want to be in and around the top six by the Christmas period.

Pictured: Above and below: Cardiff University Kickboxing members in action (Photographer: Jeff Clark)

Overall, I did really enjoy the session. It was fast, rigurous and very interesting to be a part of.

sport p

Editors: Jim Harris James Lloyd Jason Roberts Jamie Smith @GairRhyddSport

Also this week

Coach’s Corner: Cardiff University Futsal coach, Paul Jones P38>>

Students’ Union reaffirm stance against IMG rugby

Sport Spotlight: We go along to the kickboxing club P39>>

AU President: “IMG rugby cannot be supported in the same way as both netball and football” due to the nature of the sport Jim Harris


ardiff University Students Union and Cardiff University have re-confirmed that it will not allow any rugby activity to take place in the form of intra-mural competition. Intra-Mural sports have always been an integral part of university sport and provide students with the opportunity to partake in competition outside of the BUCS representative environment. The University currently supports IMG programmes for netball, and 11-a-side and 7-a-side football, with matches regularly taking place on Wednesday afternoons, however rugby has not been supported for over eight years. The Students Union and Athletic Union suspended the IMG rugby programme in 2007 following concerns over the health and safety of students participating; however matches have continued to take place, predominantly at the Blackweir fields on Wednesday afternoons, against the advice of the union. In a statement released by Cardiff University Students Union,

they explained that suspending the programme “was a difficult and unfortunate decision that was made with advice from the Welsh Rugby Union”. Athletic Union President Sam Parsons reaffirmed the decision explaining; “IMG rugby cannot be supported in the same way as both netball and football due to the manner of which the game is played. “Rugby is a high-risk contact sport that can, and does, result in serious injury. As far as we are aware the current structure does not abide to any guidelines set out by the national governing body of the sport - the WRU. For example, no registered officials are overseeing the fixtures, and there is no First Aid & Trauma provision for those taking part,” he added. Whilst the Students Union’s attitude to the programme has not changed since 2007, the statement’s release comes as IMG rugby’s popularity continues to rise: “Over recent years the programme has started to gain momentum and achieve a status that many students understand is the equivalent to that of IMG Netball and IMG Football, both supported by the

Students’ Union, the Athletic Union and the University. We felt a statement was needed to confirm our stance, as a Union & University, and to provide clarity around why the reason has been made” Parsons explained. Currently, there are nine competing teams and over 200 players in the IMG rugby league, but unlike in the football and netball, teams are not required to pay any fees. All 11-a-side IMG football teams must pay £250 at the start of the year to cover the cost of pitch hire at Pontcanna and the registered official on site. There are also registration fees in the 7-a-side and netball leagues, however rugby teams are not required to do the same as there is no league administrators and the use of the rugby pitches at the Blackweir fields is not paid for, despite also being council owned. In alignment with guidelines set out by the national governing body of the sport: the WRU, the lack of recognised officials overseeing the matches means that for now, the Athletic and Students’ Union have no option but to keep the IMG rugby suspension in place. This is not a decision that the

Pictured: Rugby fields in Cardiff (Photographer: Welshleprechaun via Flickr)

Continued on page 37

A preview of this weekend’s Medics’ Varsity P36>>

Match report: Cobras versus UWE P36>>

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