Landscape Architecture Portfolio 2016

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My philosophy of design is about combining community and sustainability within the landscape. Continually asking myself how science, art and people can be seamlessly blended together to create a space that becomes an educational, rich and diverse place. Getting involved directly with the users of the space is key to understanding the culture and is necessary to understand the history of the space. It also allows me to encounter the wants and needs of the community and to begin to envision how design can bring about change that benefits the people and the environment.


CONTENTS ACADEMIC Neural Network 3 Verticulture 5 Achieving Gestault 11 Delaware’s Edge 15 Basketweavers Trail 19 The Giving Bunker 21 Weaving Links 25 PROFESSIONAL Reimagined Park 9 Competition Experience Kruger 29


NEURAL NETWORK Location Balitmore, MD Advisor Barry Kew, Larry Gorenflo Type Professional (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop,

A thorough analysis of Watershed 263, inspired to create an urban ecological research network by utilizing schoolyards. Baltimore has over 84,000 students that can be molded in to becoming the next stewards for the environment, but the current conditions of asphalt and blight make it difficult to achieve this. The masterplan calls to determine which schools to target within Watershed 263 to become a pilot program in both current Baltimore Ecological Study’s research on the ecological impacts of the project, and to create a new network of learning through renewing the schoolyards.




Location Balitmore, MD Advisor Barry Kew, Larry Gorenflo Type Academic (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD, Vue, Rhino The overall layout of the design includes experimental vine tree strucures to act as a canopy, but also to compare carbon sequestration of the vine structures to treed areas. The measurements can be taken by the students and compared year to year to see the evolution of the design and its effectiveness. The structures can then be modified and put in ideal areas around the city to help boost the urban tree goal. This is a relatively new concept and this can be linked to BES’s research on how carbon sequestration through urban canopy can change the quality of the air. Also, the temperature changes between areas can be tested and compared to one another to monitor change from the existing conditions.


Rain Ga

Rain Garden

Rain Garden

Material Lab


Lawn/ Mounds Entry Plaza Urban Agriculture

Rain Garden

Permeable Sur face Crosswalks


Grommet to clasp mesh onto

Branches connected by welding together the Cor-Ten steel rods

Holes to allow vines provide additional surface area.



REIMAGINED PARK Location Balitmore, MD Advisor Steve Preston Type Professional (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD

Working with Parks and People as part of the Urban Resource Initiative for the summer allowed me to farther explore the ideas from the spring semester. I was interested in combining community involvement and sustainable design, while setting personal goals for myself. By conducting my own community meetings and getting involved on the block scale allowed me to understand the local history and problems that need to be dealt with. My ultimate goal was to form a plan to rebuild an innerblock park which provides a place for the community to play, live and learn. The path included presentations, talking to locals, and coming up with funding sources that could make the plan a reality.



ACHIEVING GESTAULT Location Philadelphia, Pa Advisor Bryan Hanes Type Academic (Team) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD, Rhino, Vue

This masterplan is a solution of extensive research which determined the major issues within the site. We determined that the Vine Street Expressway, Ben Franklin Bridge and the I-95 overpasses separates the neighborhoods within Philadelphia. The design solution presented focuses on these areas and bridges neighborhoods back together through methods of binding, tying and any way identified possible to reconnect the areas of the city. Masterplan





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Riv er


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Site Character

Site Programing






Proposed Existing

Delaware River








DELAWARE’S EDGE Location Philadelphia, Pa Advisor Bryan Hanes Type Academic (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD, Rhino, Vue

The focus on the Festival Pier site was chosen because of its location along the Delaware River and the need to reactivate a space that was lost to private ownership and losing its historical connection to the water. Allowing people to be actively engaged with the water front and interact with the surrounding allows to people to regain their sense of history and ecological need for the Delaware River. 15

Ri ve r De la wa re The new landscape offers chance for new development along the river to reinvent the area once known for entertainment and industry to create a new form of recreation and entertainment right next to the water’s edge.


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BASKETWEAVERS TRAIL Location Zion National Park, Ut Advisor Barry Kew, Larry Gorenflo Type Academic (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD


This trail network is a weaving of a basket. No thread alone can make a basket, but when combined with other threads and woven together it allows it to form the shape of a basket. Basket making has been done by the people of Zion since the people arrived over 8000 years ago. It is an important tool for gathering, storing and cooking, it was the way that the people survived the long cold winters when there was a scarcity of food. It was a tool to hold the abudance. But the technique of weaving togehter the willow branches and yucca plant leaves resembles the way of life of the people in Zion. They built upon each others knowledge, talents and resources in order to become a community. As one group left and another arrived, the people would build off the knowledge of the past to weave together a new basket of knowledge. The similicity of the basket shows the relationship between people and the land and how their knowledge and their sense of community can manipulate the landscape in order to survive.

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Zion National Park Colorado Plateau Ho pi

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New Mexico

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THE GIVING BUNKER Location Bonn, Germany Advisor Bruno Rover Type Academic (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD, Rhino The concept of the design is to take a relic of the past that is no longer used as it was intended to, but can become an important resource to the people. A block full of bricks, concrete, creates opportunities materials to be used to fulfill the needs of the people and reactivate the space around the bunker. The bunker is transformed by method of subtraction determined by the needs of the space. The ongoing process will manipulate the very shape of the bunker. Piece by piece the solid block that has held back this space will be slowly broken down and whatever is left will be the ruins to remind people of the important past of the site. It evokes memory, enhances contemplation and releases the potential energy that was held within the thick concrete of the bunker. Each piece is a reminder for the people of the history and importance that it had in protecting the people. It now has a new life, a new breath and can now interact with the people. The concrete once strong and unbreakable is penetrated, extracted and repurposed to become new amenities and resources for any one that needs them.





WEAVING LINKS Location Bellefonte, Pa Advisor Barry Kew, Maria Counts Type Academic (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD, Rhino

Understanding the needs of both the environment and the community, a masterplan lays out the flood plain of Spring Creek within the bustling city of Bellefonte. The need to protect the creek while also providing better access to the water was important. Also, careful development to provide services, residences, and providing stunning views and recreational opportunities encourage people to engage with the landscape. 25


Site Section


Site Character


Process: Physical Site Modeling phase 1

phase 2

phase 3

phase 4

final phase


final phase

Site Character

Site Programing








EXPERIENCE KRUGER Location Kruger National Park, South Africa Team Katie Moffatt, Andrew Vargo, Rita Seith Type Professional (Individual) Software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Arc GIS, AutoCAD

The competition called for our group to form a conceptual plan to create a place where tourists and wildlife could interact with one another. Though the main component was to create a network of spaces that would have a minimal impact on the environment and the wildlife. The proposal includes a trail network and a series of module structures to allow visitors of the park to see a variety of ecosystems and wildlife. The trail network utilizes existing features and by allowing the structures are movable, they may be easily arranged to meet the needs of the people.




Joseph Ignatius, III Bacholar of Landscape Architecture (443) 340-2531

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