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PORTFOLIO Josephine Van Haverbeke

PORTFOLIO Josephine Van Haverbeke last edited september 2015

Josephine Van Haverbeke 29 april 1992 Diksmuidseweg 113 8900 Ieper josephinevanhaverbeke@gmail.com 0032496687480

EDUCATION 2014-2015

Master of Science in Engineering Architecture / Option Urban Project


Master in Architecture and Urban Design


Bachelor of Science in Engineering Architecture


Secondary education: Mathematics - Science / Latin - Science

KULeuven, University of Leuven Department of Architecture, Urbanism and planning / ASRO Graduated in june 2015 cum laude Politecnico di Milano, Italy Erasmus

KULeuven, University of Leuven Department of Architecture, Urbanism and planning / ASRO

Sint Bavo humaniora, Ghent


Porto Academy, architecture summerschool

March 2015

Athens exchange program

Faculdade de Arquitecture da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) Porto, Portugal Politecnico di Milano, Italy One week workshop

Septembre - Octobre 2015

International Workshop: Agua + Ciudad

August - Octobre 2015

Thesis research in Bogotรก, Colombia


Art academy

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotรก in collaboration with KULeuven, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Universidad de Chile and Idipron fieldwork, mappings and spatial readings in Bogotรก, Funza and Mosquera

Academie voor beeldende kunst Ieper

LANGUAGES mother tongue







German, Italian, Spanish

SKILLS - INTERESTS Graphic software

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Autodesk AutoCAD, Google Sketchup

Operating system

Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows


Traveling, sports, art, graphic design


PROJECTS A small selection of projects and assignments. Location, year and supervisors.


Re-articulating waterscapes and urban structures in the Sabana de Bogotรก Bogotรก, Colombia / 2nd master Bruno De Meulder, Claudia Lucia Rojas


Muequetรก, a mosaic of cultivated fields Bogotรก, Colombia / 2nd master Bruno De Meulder, Claudia Lucia Rojas


Uit de Klei - De Achtertuin Niel, Belgium / 2nd master - 1st semester Ward Verbakel, Wim Wambecq


Milan West; the territorial field and its habitability profile Milano, Italy / 1st master Bertrando Bonfantini, Antonio Longo, Marco Mareggi


Metropolitan Synopsis Milano, Italy / 1st master Bertrando Bonfantini, Antonio Longo, Marco Mareggi


Molenbeek West station




Public Program - The Cube

Brussels , Belgium / 3rd bachelor - 1st & 2nd semester Goedele Desmet, Nathan Ooms

Heverlee, Belgium / 1st bachelor - 1st semester Geert Deneuter

No context / 2nd bachelor - 1st semester Ward Verbakel, Wim Wambecq



Urban Sprawl - Athens program Kortrijk, Belgium / 2nd master - march Lorenzo Degli Esposti


Via Panoramica - Porto Academy Porto, Portugal / summercourse july 2015 Adrien Verscheure (Baukunst)


Masterthesis. Urban research and design 2nd master 2014-2015 Promotor: Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor: Claudia Lucia Rojas Readers: Kelly Shannon, Christiaan Nolf, Camilo Pinillo, Paulina Espinosa w/ Miep Linssen, Charlotte Timmers, Liese Van Aert, Bram Van Sever, Anna Zervas August 2014. Six students left for an unforgettable two months of investigation to one of Latin America’s most known cities, Bogotá. The performed research and fieldwork form the basis of this master thesis. In the first steps of our investigation, we contributed to an international seminar, ‘Agua más Ciudad’. It led to a better understanding of the potential of the Rio Bogotá and the resilience issues caused by the urbanisation trends. The Sabana de Bogotá is facing a great number of challenges, both environmentally and socially. On the east side of the river, uncontrolled urbanisation has reached its limits, leaving a large part of the city’s periphery with a deficit of public space, social infrastructure and adequate accessibility. The urbanisation encroached on water bodies and fragmented ecosystems. At the west side of the river, a growing population and a booming industry is consuming the rural land. Unplanned urbanisation is leaving the future of the Sabana de Bogotá undecided and random, giving great insecurity to its inhabitants, its booming economy and the ecosystems. This thesis aims to acknowledge the Sabana as a whole and to re-articulate its waterscapes and urban structures as guides for the transformation towards a more sustainable future. The first book’s ambition is to unfold the strong relation between the landscape and the city in order to systematically relate the water issues with the ongoing urbanisation. The book consists of six chapters. The first one gives a broader framing of Bogotá in Colombia, followed by three chapters, which provide an analysis and a critical reflection on the city’s transformation and its water and urban issues. In the final chapter a vision for the Sabana de Bogotá is elaborated.

Rio Bogotá



chapter: Transformation of the Sabana

chapter: Water Issues 9

The vision for the Sabana de Bogotá is based on the identification of landscape elements. Two waterscapes that are the large urban voids along the three Bogotá River’s tributaries and the agricultural landscape structured by the irrigation system coupled with large wetlands. On the other hand, two urban typologies are defined. A dense and compact urban tissue characterizes Bogotá’s urban landscape. The sub-urban landscape is a mixture between middle-sized urban cores and sub-urban residential areas, industries and other services scattered across the agricultural landscape. The re-articulation of the landscape structures are imperative to prevent over-consumption of productive landscapes, the continuous fragmentation of the ecological structure and the disappearance of the scarce urban voids. The vision provides a framework that guides the development in the Sabana de Bogotá through soft interventions and the restoration and preservation of ecologies. The landscape structures meet each other at the Rio Bogotá, making the river the backbone of the Sabana. The presence and overlay of the landscape structures intensify their characteristics. The river, now considered as a backdrop, needs to function as the key element in the new water approach. Not a border, but an ultimate collector or connector of waterscapes and urban structures. Therefore a zoom is taking on the Rio, exploring more in detail the specific characteristics of the landscape structures along the river. The three following books set forth the design projects, which explore different sites, scales and entities. Together, they aim to create a framework for future phases in the further development of the study areas. They contribute to a larger vision on water management in the Sabana de Bogotá.

Water performative places Charlotte Timmers, Anna Zervas Muequetá, a mosaic of cultivated fields Miep Linssen, Josephine Van Haverbeke Interweaving infra- and ecostructure Liese Van Aert, Bram Van Sever


Sabana de Bogotรก with the four most important landscape structures highlighted.

Our focus area. 11

Masterthesis, Urban research and design 2nd master 2014-2015 Promotor : Bruno De Meulder Co-promotor: Claudia Lucia Rojas Readers: Kelly Shannon, Christiaan Nolf, Camilo Pinillo, Paulina Espinosa w/ Miep Linssen The indigenous name for the Sabana was Muequetá, which means a plain of cultivated fields. “Muequetá: A mosaic of cultivated fields” accentuates the agricultural identity of the Sabana de Bogotá. Within our area, that covers the region of Funza and Mosquera, a perception on the interplay between the fragile ecological structures, the productive landscape and the urban tissue is offered. The focus area encompasses the interaction of different factors in the rural territory. The conurbation of booming municipalities Funza and Mosquera is probably the most obvious one. Systematically the industrial settlements and profitable flower housing units follow the large infrastructures, which connect the region to the rest of the Sabana. Above all the most impressive is the ecology, a vital element for the region, which has to cope with the draining of the wetlands and the polluted water coming from the city, the industry, agriculture and the flower houses. The agriculture offers a crucial transition between the built tissue and the ecological structures. However, since the last decades it is facing a progressive demographic pressure, which triggers the future of the region. How to balance urban growth, the environmental needs and the economic production? The challenge is to tackle the impacts of the current dynamics on the Sabana’s territory and to structure the development of a regional urban network that balances current urbanisation trends. To preserve its inherent rural character the design strategy builds on the systematic coexistence of dwellings and production by giving the agriculture a prominent role. The proposal aims to pursue a continuous landscape, which determines the shape of the buildable space without setting down the confines in an absurdly strict manner. Taking into account the current socio-economic conditions, the design functions as a guiding principle for future transformations. With the reinforcement of the water system as an intertwining structure between ecology, productivity and the rural/urban tissue, the proposal seeks for a common territory. One that can ensure the coexistence of rural and urban landscapes.




The dissapearance of agricultural land. 12

Analysis map


Topography 13

map with the proposed interventions

Towards a common territory A wetland infiltrates the city, providing a sustainable structure which carries both the productive land and the city. This new wetland provides a continuous water structure that generates public space and productive land along its shape while guiding urban storm water to agricultural land. Within the urban fabric, the streets that carry water are elaborated as blue green lanes throughout the crowded tissue. Water becomes the guidance in the urban tissue. Along the new water shape, the agriculture infiltrates the city and safeguards its open space. The open plots will be designed as urban fields where cultivation can take place. In this way, the water network will become a productive one which bears urban activities. On one hand the agriculture gives identity to the vicinity and will be integrated. On the other hand, the city generates qualitative water to the agriculture. The designed highly productive land is embedded in a water network with large irrigation canals surrounding it. These interventions build on a community while setting the foundation for a sustainable development based on productivity. The changing relation of an interacting agriculture within an urban vocabulary creates different contexts. 14

manipulation of the topography in dry and wet season

more elaborated proposal


The invernadero comĂşn functions as the place where the farmers start their day and it provides a platform, which gives a pleasant view over the beautiful productive landscape.


The wetland gives rise to leisure space for the community while serving as a water source for surrounding community farms.



Uit de klei: ‘De Achtertuin’ 2nd master - December 2014 Mentors : Ward Verbakel, Wim Wambecq w/ Wouter Verstraete This design is part of the studio ‘Uit de Klei’. The studio focused on 5 areas in the region of the Rupel, situated in the province of Antwerp. The studio tackles the problems of living in a landscape in transformation. Our design is situated in Niel with specific conditions such as an industry zone, a new planned industrial road, a nature reserve and a residential zone. The area of what we have called ‘the backyard’, as (former) part of nature reserve ‘Walenhoek’, is created by the implementation of an industrial road right through the nature reserve. This encloses the concrete factory Coeck and relieves the municipality of Niel of heavy transport, in particular the Landbouwstraat. However, cutting through the Walenhoek creates valuable scenic opportunities. A garden, a landscape, a place that will fulfill several needs of the population; that will bring a community closer. The design proposes a number of interventions that will transform the area with respect for the existing landscape, and will create places that can accommodate.

open forest/grassland 18





accomodation 19


Urban planning and design studio - Politecnico di Milano 1st master 2013-2014 Urban planning and design studio Mentors : Bertrando Bonfantini, Antonio Longo and Marco Mareggi with Claudia Botti, Giulia Fini, Talita Medina, Michele Vianello w/ Rober Dobrowlski [POL], Filip Strzelecki [POL] , Wouter Verstraete [BE], Matthias Wilkens [GER] The studio program was undertaken in two main steps; a search for a new, innovative analysis followed by an exploratory design. This work contains an interpretation of the western Milan urban region through the eyes of five foreign students with different backgrounds. It shows an outline of the specific territorial field and its habitability profile. The outcome is used as a base for the re-composition scheme of the territorial field. The topics that are covered are divided into four main subjects: morphological research, practices of use, perceptions and memories and construction sites and projects. Infrastructural lines and natural conditions have been taken into account to define the area. The area is very multifaceted, i.e. growth around historical centres, merging cities in the north of our territory, huge open spaces used for agriculture and a recent linear expansion extending from Milan in west direction along the Naviglio Grande. The work is composed of overall regional researches and detailed zooms on the southern horizontal axis of our territory, meaning the composition between Milan and Abbiategrasso. The report shows that ‘The capital of Northern Italy’ is not only a fashion stronghold with piazza Duomo as its touristic “Mecca” but a versatile network of rich historical heritage, generous open spaces, agriculture supplying the region and people with different behaviors and ways of using their territory.






The western territory of Milano.

A survey of the physical appearance and composition of the settlements and territorial infrastructures.

Synthesis, recognising three different layers. 21


Urban planning and design studio - Politechnico di Milano 1st master 2013-2014 Urban planning and design studio Mentors : Bertrando Bonfantini, Antonio Longo and Marco Mareggi with Claudia Botti, Giulia Fini, Talita Medina, Michele Vianello w/ Rober Dobrowlski [POL], Filip Strzelecki [POL] , Wouter Verstraete [BE], Matthias Wilkens [GER] Looking at the metropolitan area of Milan, some tendencies clearly can be distinguished. While the majority of the irrigation system develops in a vertical direction, the Naviglio Grande is orientated in a horizontal way. However the settlements expand in a vertical direction. How is it possible to underline existing, reasonable situations, emphasizing different purposes and developments that continue growing in an adequate way? Taking into consideration the importance of the dominating natural protectorate too, this asks for innovative solutions including subtle transformations, selective re-qualification and cognizant preservation. The vision is based on improving the network of the territory. As starting point we asked ourselves: what are the gates in this region? We examined that the stations can play an important and multifunctional role. The introduction of a new transportation system helps revitalizing the stations in the area of interest. Moreover, new, efficient bus lines will serve the region as part of the network improvement. By doing this, the road along the Naviglio becomes less frequented by heavy transport and can serve as an attractive leisure space again. New central nodes are proposed which are well connected to each other and have their unique value. The stations Santo Cristoforo, Gaggiano and Vermezzo will be re-qualified to become new urban realms. In the future, they will not only serve as functional units but as centroids influencing the particular areas too.

In the first step our aim was to recognize the potentialities and the areas of possible development for west Milan’s area located along Naviglio Grande canal which creates an urban order.


In the second step we selected the major points which belong to the Naviglio area of influence and tried to measure the intensity of relations and behaviours between all of them.

Finally the main idea was to develop many connections, communcation nodes, new transportation systems between the selected areas, considering the ‘no soil consumption’ policy.

San Christoforo The present station will be extended by the new S-Bahn line, a tram station, bus connections and the prospective metro M4.The new bridge will also serve as a recreation place and green connection crossing the borders of the rail and the Navigli canal.



Public Program 3rd bachelor - 1st semester 2012 Mentors: Goedele Desmet, Nathan Ooms w/ Pieter Bieghs, Tine Excelmans, Elisabeth Verstraeten Sint-Jans-Molenbeek is a densely urbanised suburb of Brussels known for its lack of public spaces, its high population density and a general sense of insecurity. This results in a poor living quality. The given site of triangular shape is situated at the rupture between new and old. The design problem here lies in finding the right balance between built and unbuilt space. In addition, the edges of the area are quite specific. The west has a metropolitan character: a subway station, a busy road, higher buildings,... A partially demolished building is located on the north side and there are storage sheds on the east side. The assignment was subdivided into a three-step-approach including the design of a masterplan, an architectural approach and a technical elaboration. Analysis of the area shows three different dynamics; the local neighborhood, calm and quiet; the Ninoofsesteenweg, an access road to Brussels; the busy intersection at the station, both for traffic, train and subway. Starting from the idea to preserve and strengthen the relationship between the area and its immediate surroundings, we created three types of open areas. One with a metropolitan character, referring to the urban atmosphere and moreover accommodating the local food market. It’s the center of the project; a place where the hustle and bustle and the dynamic flow come together. The second one is on the scale of the neighborhood and focuses on community activities and is upgraded by a community center. The collective garden that forms the courtyard of the residential building block is only open to residents but passers-by can catch a glimp through the semi transparent entrances. The aim is to create a morphological division between the metropolitan sphere and the adjacent residential neighborhood. The presence of the Ninoofsesteenweg and the station requires a buffer volume. The commercial activities located on the ground floor will serve as an attractor and are being distinguished from the residential units by a shifting in the volume. The other volume originated from the idea of a collective garden, which gives access to the residential units. The building height is adapted to the height of the existing tissue and by sculpturing the volume interesting typologies and relationships arise. The different volumes allow the emergence of various spaces with their own characteristics, specific scale and atmosphere such as the public square, the collective deck terrace, the covered market place and so on.

Three different dynamics 24

Three new connections

Public spaces working on different scales


station plaza


central plaza

collective deck terrace

collective garden

neighborhood plaza

Different characteristics and atmospheres of the spaces 25

The second phase consists of a further elaboration of a cluster of housing units from the master plan and a technical elaboration. In our research for a good alternative for high-density housing, we focused on the right block that encloses the collective garden. In our design all residential units can be reached from the collective garden. The new building block has to engage with the neighborhood and has to control it at the same time. That’s why the public/private nuance is examined carefully. It’s a merger of private, public and collective spaces taking into account the residents of the existing fabric and the ones from the new project.


Plan of the ground floor. A gallery together with commercial spaces form a buffer for the intense traffic along the Ninoofsesteenweg. Two ways of entering the project; one small subtle entrance with a large bike shed place next to the market and a larger one as an extension of the neighborhood plaza.



1st bachelor - 1stsemester Mentor: Geert Deneuter The exercise existed in designing a space where one person can retreat for a day and a night to work, to reflect and to rest. No oversized house but a space where the experience of the space is central. The design is located in a park next to the castle of Heverlee. The dimensions of the project are limited to 10 x 6 x 4 meters. The shape of the project is the result of the translation of the program. Designing the atelier was the main function. The result is one bigger cube to which the other three cubes are subordinate. Each cube has a different orientation and other openings, this ensures different atmospheres in the spaces.




Public Program 2nd bachelor - 1st semester Mentor: Bart Bomans w/ Evi Hellebaut, Sander Henkens, Machiel Van Nieuwenhove The assignment was the design of a spatial sculpture within a cube (15 x 15 x 15m). The design was developed from a study of how form and space can coexist without affecting each other. The answer to this inquiry is found in one of the strongest natural phenomena: the erosion. The erosion allows the creation of a kind of corridor, which winds from bottom to top, in the shape of a helix. The climax of this path is in its origin and final destination. Both of them are characterized by a very monumental opening. The spiral winds its way through the massive cube and where it meets the facade, it cuts out parts in its search for air, light and vision. The openings in the facade are the contact with the outside. By playing with these apertures, there is a wide variety of atmospheres. The shape of the helix is manipulated via widening and constrictions in order to create a variation within the voids. To translate the project into a usable design, we chose to start from stratification so that the spiral is turned into a passable surface. This gives the effect of a large seating surface.

the helix works itself through the massive cube 30

the helix meets the facade in its search for air and light

facade openings functioning as contact points with the exterior

“A figure with curves offers a lot of interesting angles.� - Wesley Ruggles 31


Athens program - politecnico di Milano The art of building cities Workshop Leader: Lorenzo degli Esposti with Davide Borsa, Damiano Flisi, Ceren Ozsahi, Ami Velcani, Daniele Zerbi. w/ Jeff Geudens [BE], Marliese Höfer [GER], Anja Höhl [GER], Jean Baptiste Marcellin [FR] The workshop focused on the conceptual operations within artistic processes and architectural/urban projects and on the architectural resistance in growing and shrinking contexts. The design task was simple: an analysis of 1 of the 5 case studies (Sprawling: Kortrijk; Shrinking: Detroit; Tabularising: Singapore; Gating: Cape Town; Slumming: Mumbai) and the proposal of an urban configuration resistant against the pinpointed expropriating, standardizing and deurbanizing phenomena. A suburban context where the E17 and E403 motorways cross, in the North Western Metropolitan Area, a huge conurbation spreading from Lille, Bruxelles, Antwerpen up to Rotterdam/Amsterdam. This context presents heterogeneous urban conditions, such as infrastructures, detached and semi-detached houses and agricultural fields. Our task was to propose urban forms/structure/objects which preserve the agricultural fields from being developed as generic city, and adding value to inhabitants’ quality of life (against individualism). Our team started with an investigation of the space. A conceptual exercise comparing the place used for residential buildings with the hypothesis of a different use of space: more compact with a large collective garden. During the one-week course, the question arose of how to how to stop the urban sprawling and concentrate more towards the urban centres. We developed a ‘game’ where specific conditions correspond with a new set of rules. We worked together with civil engineers and developed a strategy where energy is generated for a specific amount of people. The strategy of productive landscapes and self-supporting regions will help to create more compact urban cores and limit the sprawling.

example region 32

real situation


Map showing the space taking by residential buildings vs pastures and agricultural fields.

A hypothetical future image of the region of Kortrijk. 33


Porto Academy July 2015 Urban Portraits Workshop leader: Baukunst, Adrien Verscheure Guest critic: Manuel Montenegro ‘Many young architects, inspiring lectures, intensive workshops’ During the workshop of Porto Academy 2015, guided by Adrien Verschuere, we worked on the role of images and visual thinking. Photographic works can be a usefull talking point, they can be a way to gauge public response to urban propositions. The result had to be one picture collecting a typical urban situation of Porto and a new urban condition. I chose to work within the theme of infrastructure.


Manipulated image




Asro revisited Leuven, Belgium / 2nd bachelor - 2nd semester

Context Heverlee, Belgium / 2nd bachelor - 1st semester w/ Sander Henkens, Miep Linssen, Lukas Versteele

Structure no context / 2nd bachelor - 1st semester w/ Sander Henkens, Miep Linssen, Lukas Versteele

The architect house Leuven, Belgium / 1st bachelor - 2nd semester

Beach structure Oostende, Belgium / 1st bachelor - 1st semester

Park Pavilion Oostende, Belgium/ 1st bachelor - 1st semester


josephinevanhaverbeke@gmail.com 0032496687480

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