Diary 18/05/2020 (a)
Joseph Karam Karam 16/01/1986. My phone keeps turning off on its own it's a mission to get anything done, I also come across phonotype coding and silent letters like (T);means silent shhh. And shhh is how anyone can transform the untrackable sound waves into readable text, they use sound waves at a level -10 dB up to -30 dB it's a volume under 0 so it needs magnifying to turn into text or amplifying, it is very didectibale and easy to amplify but need a amplifying software that works like the brain decoding of sound waves for the human ear to be able to hear it in a comprehensive matter, once amplified without the software needed it just sounds like a high volume not readable by human brain, the amplifier has to have a software that reads the sound wave the same way the human brain reads it and analyses it's data. I am staying at a girls place Deana Gray, she was introduced to me by Timothy O'Shea I met Him in jail, been helping with furniture painting.