Master Tips Joe Shares For Golfers Do you love playing golf but you have still long time to go before you give that winning stroke? Then we assume that you do not have the idea of the techniques of that killer stroke that would make you an ace golfer within few years. But there is nothing to be disheartened about as long as you have the expert tips of world famous golfer Joe Saigh. Here are the tips that he has shared for your convenience. Watch out for the tips.
Stand in the right posture and position If all your strokes have failed to be successful, it is high time that you have a check on your position. It might be so that you are not standing properly before making the stroke. Eventually, your strokes are failing to make those winning stokes. Here the expert suggestion of Saign is that your position must be such you feel comfortable while making each and every stroke. Thus, you need to strand in such a manner that your upper torso remains slightly bent towards the front and simultaneously your hip remains a bit tilted too. In addition, the knees should also remain flexed so that it becomes easier to withstand the jerk when you make a forceful stroke. Keep the arms easy and allow them to hand freely so that you can whip the golf club conveniently.
Position the club properly One of the undeniable reasons for which you might not be able to hit the ball with the club properly all these years may be the positioning of the club. Yes, you have heard it right. The expert Joseph Saigh Golf Consultant suggests here that you must imagine that there is a wall in front of you when you position the
club. Stand in such a position where your feet must be in same level with each other and the golf club should also be placed parallel to the feet. Now before making a stroke, you have to drag back the club in the backward direction from the level of your toes. The club should be in straight line when you drag it back. Next, you have to imagine that the ball is kept at the edge of the virtual wall in front of you. Hence, make a straight forward stroke with the golf club now, and you will find that the ball automatically takes its course to the hole.
Follow perfect hand and body coordination While hitting the ball, you must take care to see if there is a perfect coordination in between your hand and body. Always remember that the body and the arms must not operate separately. Rather, they should function as a singular unit. When you follow this tip, you will find that you are handling the power strokes much better.