2 minute read
from Proceedings
December 2022
Prof. (Mrs) Bernedette U. Cornelius Ukpepi Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Faculty of Education University Of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.
The Principal, St. Ann’s College, the Patron, Sr. Olivia Joseph, the Chairperson, Prof. Dr. Sr. Marry Kutty P. J., Webinar coordinators headed by Dr. T Diana Jacob and all other dignitaries present. I am delighted to be here and be the one to give the valedictory speech at this webinar.
We all know that Conference or webinar attendance is the life wire of all academics. They connect many academics together to share their views about a particular theme like the just concluded webinar you have just had on LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION STUDIES: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES. It gives opportunity to the conferees to share their views in a particular theme. It builds confidence in the academics and students and helps them to learn from one another’s views and innovations which in turn help the academics and students to apply such innovations in the classroom.
It is worthy to note that it is from World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI) conference in 2014 in California that I met Dr. Thankachan who has connected me to Dr.T. Diana to be here today. I cannot forget the experiences we had and shared then which has brought about the relationship we have built in the academic cycle.
We have reached the end of the two days international webinar on Language, Literature and Translation studies with various issues raised and discussed along the part of the sub themes. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending”.
These two days have brought together intelligent minds with torrents of information, ideas and have shared wealth of experiences and knowledge. A platform such as this encourages collaboration, inter- connectivity and lasting friendship.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the organizers of this webinar for the efforts they have put in to making it a success, for the kind of theme and sub-themes they have addressed, for the amazing guest speakers and participants they have drawn for this webinar without which this webinar would not have been possible.
Although we have gained some knowledge and new ideas, for me, it is sad, to know that we shall be closing the door on this lively and stimulating debate as well as bidding farewell to friends and associates. However, it is a privilege and honor to be entrusted with such an important task at a gathering of such eminent people from different parts of the world in the fields of academia and the media.
With this, I can see St. Ann’s College of Education increasing in influence and gaining greater recognition in future. It has been an honor to be among such a highly talented and scholastic audience.
Thank you.
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