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Muskogee Phoenix Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022
19 After Eufaula’s monumental run to semifinals, it’s reload, not rebuild
By Nick Hampton Phoenix Correspondent
Even though some of the big names are gone and there are only four returning starters on offense, don’t sell the Eufaula Ironheads short in 2022 coming off a 12-2 campaign that took them to the Class 2A semifinals.
“We’ll have a lot of new faces this year, but a lot of these guys
got a lot of experience last year because most of our games were decided by halftime,” said head coach Larry Adcock Newton Jr. “We talk about it all the time — the next guy up — and that’s the way it’s going to be.
“I think our secret Bumgarner to success year after year starts in the summer, and we just work extremely hard. I demand a lot of our kids

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VON CASTOR/Special to the Phoenix
Eufaula quarterback Luke Adcock, a third-year starter, is one of a few returnees.
and, for the most part, they’re up to the task and they can tell you it’s not easy being an Ironhead.”
The one Gragg big constant returning for Eufaula will be third-year quarterback Luke Adcock, a two-time All-Phoenix selection who has accounted for over 4,000 yards and 41 touchdowns in the last two years playing just a half in many games. A standout in both football and baseball, Adcock admits that being on the diamond is his favorite sport as noted by his commitment to play at Seminole State next year. “Baseball has always been my favorite sport growing up. There’s just some- Pippenger thing about it but, of course, there’s also nothing like

(See Page 23)