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Hoja de vida

Hoja de vida

The mission of the Architecture program, in accordance with the institutional mission, is to train a humanistic and comprehensive Architect who responded to the universality of the saber and architectural work, helping to enhance their creativityandproposealternativestowardstheimprovement ofthehumanhabitat;managingthesustainabledevelopment of the region without losing sight of the new global scenario, grounded in a business and research sense that contributes to the development of the country's society and economy.

The program aims to consolidate itself, over the next 5 years, as the best educational alternative in the Caribbean region in the field of urban architectural design, with the training of leading professionals characterized by their creativity, technical knowledge and sensitivity to promote with their professional work the progress of the region and the country.


TheFacultyisprojectedintothefuture.Withbroadleadership and participation in the urban, architectural and social development of our city, and in the Territorial planning of our department and the Caribbean Coast. - Really integrated into the business and production sector in the development, appropriation and innovation of materials, processes and construction systems. - Founded and supported by the UPB Medellín Faculty of Architecture recognized for its tradition, prestige and competitiveness, and for the quality of the architecturalcontributionsofitsgraduates,indiversesectors of the population. The professors, students and managers of the Faculty of the future will feel proud to belong to an academic community with a high human and intellectual profile, and with a clear commitment to the development of society and their country.

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