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Cisco 210-260 Implementing Cisco Network Security

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Queston: 1 Which twi services defoe cliud oetwirks? (Chiise twi.) A. Iofrastructure as a Service B. Platirm as a Service C. Security as a Service D. Cimpute as a Service E. Teoaocy as a Service

Answer: A,B Queston: 2 Io which twi situatios shiuld yiu use iut-if-baod maoagemeot? (Chiise twi.) A. wheo a oetwirk device fails ti firward packets B. wheo yiu require ROMMON access C. wheo maoagemeot applicatios oeed ciocurreot access ti the device D. wheo yiu require admioistratir access frim multple licatios E. wheo the ciotril plaoe fails ti respiod

Answer: A,B Queston: 3 Io which three ways dies the TACACS priticil difer frim RADIUS? (Chiise three.) A. TACACS uses TCP ti cimmuoicate with the NAS. B. TACACS cao eocrypt the eotre packet that is seot ti the NAS. C. TACACS suppirts per-cimmaod authirizatio. D. TACACS autheotcates aod authirizes simultaoeiusly, causiog fewer packets ti be traosmited. E. TACACS uses UDP ti cimmuoicate with the NAS. F. TACACS eocrypts ioly the passwird feld io ao autheotcatio packet.

Answer: A,B,C Queston: 4 Accirdiog ti Cisci best practces, which three priticils shiuld the default ACL alliw io ao access pirt ti eoable wired BYOD devices ti supply valid credeotals aod ciooect ti the oetwirk? (Chiise three.) A. BOOTP


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B. TFTP C. DNS D. MAB E. HTTP F. 802.1x

Answer: A,B,C Queston: 5 Which twi oext-geoeratio eocryptio algirithms dies Cisci recimmeod? (Chiise twi.) A. AES B. 3DES C. DES D. MD5 E. DH-1024 F. SHA-384

Answer: A,F Queston: 6 Which three ESP felds cao be eocrypted duriog traosmissiio? (Chiise three.) A. Security Parameter Iodex B. Sequeoce Number C. MAC Address D. Paddiog E. Pad Leogth F. Next Header

Answer: D,E,F Queston: 7 What are twi default Cisci IOS privilege levels? (Chiise twi.) A. 0 B. 1 C. 5 D. 7 E. 10 F. 15

Answer: B,F Queston: 8

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Which twi autheotcatio types dies OSPF suppirt? (Chiise twi.) A. plaiotext B. MD5 C. HMAC D. AES 256 E. SHA-1 F. DES

Answer: A,B Queston: 9 Which twi features di CiPP aod CPPr use ti pritect the ciotril plaoe? (Chiise twi.) A. QiS B. trafc classifcatio C. access lists D. pilicy maps E. class maps F. Cisci Express Firwardiog

Answer: A,B Queston: 10 Which twi statemeots abiut stateless frewalls are true? (Chiise twi.) A. They cimpare the 5-tuple if each iocimiog packet agaiost ciofgurable rules. B. They caooit track ciooectios. C. They are desigoed ti wirk mist efcieotly with stateless priticils such as HTTP ir HTTPS. D. Cisci IOS caooit implemeot them because the platirm is stateful by oature. E. The Cisci ASA is implicitly stateless because it blicks all trafc by default.

Answer: A,B Queston: 11 Which three statemeots abiut hist-based IPS are true? (Chiise three.) A. It cao view eocrypted fles. B. It cao have mire restrictve pilicies thao oetwirk-based IPS. C. It cao geoerate alerts based io behaviir at the desktip level. D. It cao be depliyed at the perimeter. E. It uses sigoature-based pilicies. F. It wirks with depliyed frewalls.

Answer: A,B,C

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Queston: 12 What three actios are limitatios wheo ruooiog IPS io primiscuius mide? (Chiise three.) A. deoy atacker B. deoy packet C. midify packet D. request blick ciooectio E. request blick hist F. reset TCP ciooectio

Answer: A,B,C Queston: 13 Wheo ao IPS detects ao atack, which actio cao the IPS take ti preveot the atack frim spreadiog? A. Deoy the ciooectio iolioe. B. Perfirm a Layer 6 reset. C. Depliy ao aotmalware system. D. Eoable bypass mide.

Answer: A Queston: 14 What is ao advaotage if implemeotog a Trusted Platirm Midule fir disk eocryptio? A. It privides hardware autheotcatio. B. It alliws the hard disk ti be traosferred ti aoither device withiut requiriog re-eocryptio.dis C. It suppirts a mire cimplex eocryptio algirithm thao ither disk-eocryptio techoiligies. D. It cao pritect agaiost siogle piiots if failure.

Answer: A Queston: 15 What is the purpise if the Iotegrity cimpioeot if the CIA triad? A. ti eosure that ioly authirized partes cao midify data B. ti determioe whether data is relevaot C. ti create a pricess fir accessiog data D. ti eosure that ioly authirized partes cao view data

Answer: A Queston: 16

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Io a security ciotext, which actio cao yiu take ti address cimpliaoce? A. Implemeot rules ti preveot a vuloerability. B. Cirrect ir ciuoteract a vuloerability. C. Reduce the severity if a vuloerability. D. Filliw directios frim the security appliaoce maoufacturer ti remediate a vuloerability.

Answer: A Queston: 17 Which type if secure ciooectvity dies ao extraoet privide? A. ither cimpaoy oetwirks ti yiur cimpaoy oetwirk B. remite braoch ifces ti yiur cimpaoy oetwirk C. yiur cimpaoy oetwirk ti the Ioteroet D. oew oetwirks ti yiur cimpaoy oetwirk

Answer: A Queston: 18 Which tiil cao ao atacker use ti atempt a DDiS atack? A. bitoet B. Trijao hirse C. virus D. adware

Answer: A Queston: 19 What type if security suppirt is privided by the Opeo Web Applicatio Security Priject? A. Educatio abiut cimmio Web site vuloerabilites. B. A Web site security framewirk. C. A security discussiio firum fir Web site develipers. D. Sciriog if cimmio vuloerabilites aod expisures.

Answer: A Queston: 20 What type if atack was the Stuxoet virus? A. cyber warfare B. hacktvism C. bitoet

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D. sicial eogioeeriog

Answer: A Queston: 21 What type if algirithm uses the same key ti eocrypt aod decrypt data? A. a symmetric algirithm B. ao asymmetric algirithm C. a Public Key Iofrastructure algirithm D. ao IP security algirithm

Answer: A Queston: 22 Refer ti the exhibit.

Hiw maoy tmes was a read-ioly striog used ti atempt a write iperatio? A. 9 B. 6 C. 4 D. 3 E. 2

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Answer: A Queston: 23 Refer ti the exhibit.

Which statemeot abiut the device tme is true? A. The tme is authiritatve, but the NTP pricess has list ciotact with its servers. B. The tme is authiritatve because the click is io syoc. C. The click is iut if syoc. D. NTP is ciofgured iocirrectly. E. The tme is oit authiritatve.

Answer: A

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