A Chairman’s Message – Reopening Stanmore Shul - Re’eh 5780 Last Shabbat was a special moment. We were at last able to open the Shul doors to our younger members to allow them to return and experience toddlers, children’s and intermediate services. It was a very welcome return and extremely special to hear children saying the Shema at Shul once again, bringing the building to life and giving us hope. The weather was warm and comfortable and the youngsters and their parents were able to be outside and enjoy their services in the shade, staying cool while lots of singing and fun was had by all. If you have children or grandchildren, please bring them to Shul this Shabbat. They are guaranteed an enjoyable experience. The toddlers and children's services will start at 10:40am and the intermediate service will begin at 10:30am. If the weather remains good, services will be outside in the car park – otherwise they will be in the classrooms in the synagogue community centre and the services will follow all current precautions and protocols. It is also hoped that this Shabbat, we will restart our Youth services and these are expected to begin at 10:15am. We are hoping that children over 12 will be pleased to get back to Shul for their services. As our main Shul services have resumed, with twicedaily weekday services now in operation, we would ask that all those who are able to, to prebook your space at any one of our services and support our daily minyan. The minyan is essential to ensure that our beating heart can continue and that those who want and need to say kaddish are able to do so communally. Please can I ask that you make every effort to support it. As you are hopefully aware, the Honorary Executive, Synagogue Council and Rabbinic team have spent a considerable amount of time considering the plans for the Yamim Noraim this year. Your response is important so that the service planning reflects the expectations of our members and so we would like as many members as possible to complete a short survey. Due to current health and safety guidelines, the services this year will be very different in their content, duration and the numbers allowed to attend at any one time. Please be aware that any planned programme may be amended (potentially at short notice) depending on any changing government medical advice. The link to the survey is [surveymonkey] For those of you that are intending to complete the survey, can we respectfully please ask that you do so by latest Tuesday 18 August. We thank you for your continued support and in the meantime, be well and healthy and stay safe. Best wishes
Jeremy Harris Chair
Samantha Jacobs ViceChair
David Rosen ViceChair