!!!" לאין סוף ברוך הוא, ברוך שמו"!! "הללויה" "אין סוף תודות," "ברוך פודה ומציל...בס"ד "אין עוד מלבדו
Issue 981
Candles lighting time: Los Angeles: 19:01 New York: 19:11 London: 19:32
Shabbat ends: Los Angeles: 20:01 New York: 20:15 London: 20:46
Latest Kriat Shema (M”A): Los Angeles: 9:00 New York: 8:54 London: 8:37
Latest Kriat Shema (Gr”a): Los Angeles: 9:38 New York: 9:38 London: 9:34
Mincha Gedola: Los Angeles: 13:26 New York: 13:29 London: 13:35
Lesson of Parshat 'Ki-Teitzei' 5780 "I know you are sad"!! In our Parsha it says about one that fulfills the commandment of "Shiluach haken" (sending away the mother bird)': "in order that it should be good for you, and you should lengthen your days," - the one who fulfills this commandment merits a long and good life. It is also quoted in the Midrash [Bamidbar Rabbah 13:3), the commandment of "Shiluach haken" has a special virtue, it has the power to protect a person from all evil forces, from traps and from all kinds of harsh and bad decrees. The commandment of "Shiluach Haken" has the power to expedite the zivug of the person who fulfils it. Many barren men and women have merited to have children, even though they had no natural chance of this happening. In the Mishnah of Rabbi Eliezer [Parsha Fifth, page 22] it is stated: "The one who merits to fulfill this commandment, saves himself and his father from the judgement of hell." Rabbi Yitzchak Caro, the grandfather of the Maran ‘Beit Yosef’, asked: "This mitzvah is very easy to fulfill because it is effortless, so why does it have such a big reward?” and he replied: "It is only by virtue of the love of Hashem to us, that in order to give us a good life he commanded us to keep the commandments of our sacred teachings, and by fulfilling them we equip ourselves to be 'vessels' to merit and receive the good things He wants to bestow on us. We have no idea how great the power of a mitzvah is, for such an easy mitzvah entitles its holder to such a great reward, and from this we can learn the reward of the mitzvahs that are difficult to fulfill.” Rabbi Yosef Molcho wrote: "And this is what the Chasidim and righteous people do here in the Holy City of Jerusalem, they go looking in the mountains, hills and in the villages in the dead of night and in the darkness [because the dove incubates at night, and during the day the male incubates], and they endanger themselves in order to fulfill the commandment of "Shiluach haken" (Shulchan Gavoha 10, 292). To what extent? Rabbi Shmuel Darzi Zya”a, The "Niot Barama" Rosh Yeshiva of the Kabbalists in Jerusalem, lived around Shamgar Street in Jerusalem, and in those days the old biblical zoo was located
nearby. The humming and sounds of animals and their screams disturbed his peace, in addition to the bad smells emanating from the dung of the animals. Our Rabbi, whose whole conduct was above and beyond, sometimes feared that this constituted a foul smell and that it was forbidden to study Torah and pray when the smell was present. One day he learned of a man who wanted to sell his apartment on HaAmerchalim Street near the Kabbalist Yeshiva "Beit El", where he was studying at the time, and later he even established his holy yeshiva nearby. But as much as the rabbi tried to move forward with the process of buying the apartment, there were many obstacles to this, and he could not. One day, our Rabbi, together with the G-dly Kabbalist, Chacham Salman Mutzafi Zya”a, merited to perform the mitzvah of "Shiluach haken". They both went up to the attic of the synagogue, dressed in overalls [because of the dust] and hid there for about two full hours. Since they did not rely on the opinion of those who allowed the dove to be sent off with a stick [as interpreted in Rashi Cholin 141b. Gr”a there. Chazon Ish 10 siman 175], they decided to seize and hold it in their hand according to Maimonides' opinion (Hilchot Shechita). And when they succeeded in catching it, they said the ‘Leshem Yichud' order and they happily sent the dove off as is commanded. This happened on Thursday night, and already the next day on Friday, Rabbi Shmuel Darzi met the owner of the apartment on HaAmerchalim Street and they reached an understanding, and already on that day he bought the apartment. After the purchase, our Rabbi emphasized the quote in Rashi Parashat Ki Tzatza (22: 8) on the verse: ”Once you build a new house,” “If you fulfilled the mitzvah of "Shiluach haken", you end up building a new house” etc. In the Holy Zohar, a reason is brought for the mitzvah of "Shiluach haken" and they said: "Every bird has an angel in charge of it in heaven and when the mother is sent from her nest she is very sorry about it, and the angel in charge claims and says to G-d, Blessed be He: “It says about You “He has mercy for all his creations”, If so, why was it
FYI: This wonderful Torah newsletter is available in Hebrew, English and French. As we get your request at Alon.Ahavat.Israel@gmail.com, we will email it to you and to anyone you see fit. Yishar Koach!!!
!!!" לאין סוף ברוך הוא, ברוך שמו"!! "הללויה" "אין סוף תודות," "ברוך פודה ומציל...בס"ד "אין עוד מלבדו decreed on this bird to be expelled from its nest? And The Holy One, Blessed be He, is filled with mercy and says to his entourage: "Every appointed angel advocates for its birds, how come not one of you advocates for my beloved son who is in exile, and for the Shechinah whose nest has been destroyed?" At that moment He declares and says: "For my sake, for my sake I will do" (Isaiah 48) and his mercy awakens for His Shechinah and for His sons who are in exile (Tikunei HaZohar 23A). It is further explained that the dove, expelled from the nest of its chicks, wanders in a world crying, full of sorrow until it wants to end its life, and arouses pity for itself and all the victims like it. As a result, G-d's mercy awakens on the abandoned nest of his children, on the Knesset of Israel wandering restlessly among the Gentiles, and on the removal of the Shechinah from its abode, the Temple (Zohar Chadash, Ruth, page 94). The great rabbis of Israel, throughout all generations, have endeavored with all their might to fulfill the commandment of "Shiluach haken", they did not feel their old age and made an effort to climb to high places, on which the dove decided to establish its nest. From their high virtue, they understood this elevated commandment and often talked about it, until their students and family members hurried to inform them: "Here, you have the opportunity to fulfill the "Shiluach haken" mitzvah." One day, the sister of the man of G-d, Chacham Ben Zion Abba Shaul Ztz’l, came and told him that a dove was nesting in her yard and that he was invited to fulfill the mitzvah of "Shiluach haken". Our Rabbi was happy and very excited. He asked to inform him of the day the eggs hatched, and the chicks came out, as our rabbi was very sensitive and did not want to interfere with the pigeon in its incubation! When he was informed in the evening that the chicks had now hatched, he was very excited! In order not to disturb the rest of the household members, he asked to come in the morning and fulfill the mitzvah. He testified upon himself: "All night I did not sleep, I sat and memorized the Jewish laws and Kavanahs." When he arrived at his sister's house in the morning, he jumped out of the car and, while running, asked, "Where is the nest?" And began to say "Leshem Yichud" as he ran. As he was all shrouded in supreme and sublime sacred feelings, he took the dove in his hand and set it free while shaking with excitement. After performing the mitzvah, his heart was flooded with great joy and he began to thank the Holy One for having been privileged to perform this mitzvah. Rabbi Aharon Abutbul Shlita, son-in-law of Maran Malka Raban of all the Diaspora, Chacham Ovadia Yosef Ztz’l, testified: “When Maran performed the mitzvah of "Shiluach haken", he was in great joy, and despite his joy after sending the dove and taking the chicks, we saw him speak to the dove in an excited voice and say to her: "I know you are sad, but you should know that our holy Torah commanded us to do so. You go on and ask for mercy." [Zohar Hadash Ruth page 94 starts with “Vayehi”]. G-d will merit us to happily perform this wonderful mitzvah and all the other mitzvot, and soon in our days may our eyes see and our hearts rejoice in the coming of Moshiach and the building of our Holy and Majestic Temple, Amen!! With Blessing of Hallelujah, Shabbat Shalom, All-inclusive salvations and kol tuv, Moshe Yazdi
Dear Rabbi, shalom and bracha! My child is not very easy. When he wants something, you cannot refuse him. He cries, screams, lies on the floor, stomps his feet and does not stop whining. It always happens at the most unexpected moments. While shopping at the supermarket in front of dozens of people he simply lies on the floor, kicks his legs and shouts loudly that he wants a specific candy that I, as a mother, refuse to buy him. It also happens on Shabbat in the presence of guests. The child wants to eat sweets before the Sabbath meal. It is enough to say to him: "I will give you candy after the meal" and immediately he starts crying and screaming and he stops the joy and pleasure of Shabbat. Even when the guests try to calm him down, they fail, and they will never succeed. He does as he pleases. We can't leave him crying and screaming, because you can't eat with his cries in the background. So time and time again I give in. Sometimes my older sons and daughters ask me to surrender in advance and claim: "You know that in the end you will do as he pleases so why let him scream and ruin the routine and peace of the house"? It is clear to me that they are right, and I am also right and it is clear to me that I am failing in educating my child. So I ask: what do we do? How do you calm him down when he has a crying fit? How should I respond? I am at a loss and very hurt. Or rather we are all very much suffering! It is important for me to emphasize that he is a clever and bright child and when he is calm it is enjoyable to have a conversation with him. He is very mature in his opinions. In family conversations around the table, he sometimes amazes us with flashes of ideas or advice to the point that my husband and all the members of the household are very impressed with his intellect and advice. He gives us a very great satisfaction, until the moment when we refuse his request, one way or another. Obviously, we talked to a lot while he was calm and he was even convinced and he promised to change, but when it came to the test, he does not keep his promise and sometimes his outbursts seem to get worse from time to time. It happens that we experience a severe outburst from him and for three or four days I am paralyzed, simply not functioning, devoid of any mood, feeling depressed mentally and emotionally. I have a lot to write about the outbursts and explosions of anger of this child of mine, but since the paper is too small to contain all that is in my heart, I will be content with this and ask you to give us advice that will put an end to terrible continued suffering that we, as parents, and the whole household, endure from him. Thank you: A suffering Mother, depressed and tormented.
This newsletter is dedicated to the holy memory of our father, the Torah
!!!" לאין סוף ברוך הוא, ברוך שמו"!! "הללויה" "אין סוף תודות," "ברוך פודה ומציל...בס"ד "אין עוד מלבדו Answer: Dear Mother! A. Before I write you my advice for restraining and educating the child, let me start with the following: Every difficult and odd trouble that arises on a man has a semblance of request from our heavenly Father who calls out through the trouble and says: "I am here! Relate to me! Turn to me! Talk to me! You cannot continue your regular life!” B. This means: It is our duty to turn to professionals and rabbis for advice and tools to deal with adversity, but first of all we must turn to our Father in heaven and beg him to have mercy on us and save us. C. In our sources, various reasons are given that cause odd troubles, such as: harming others, lack of gratitude for the good one has, unjustified sadness and crying, contempt for the holy Jewish saints, creating controversy and unwillingness to forgive. D. So that every person who has a hard and rare trouble come upon him, must first check to see if he has one of the above reasons and uproot it. Only then is there a good chance of success in treating the trouble. E. My words are not necessarily directed at you, dear mother, but each and every one of our wonderful people who are in trouble must do the same. F. Now to your specific question. Your submission to your son, who howls and stamps his feet, is the invitation to his howls and screams that come in a day or two. Your sons and older daughters are right when they ask you to submit in advance and prevent all the suffering and howls that precede your submission. G. Therefore, you must be strong and make a determined decision "from now on, when I understand and decide that I must refuse the child's request, no power in the world will move me from my decision no matter what". You must understand it is for the good of the child to see you as a strong mother, an educating mother with solid principles. When the child lies down on the floor and stomps his legs, he is as if shouting: "Mother! I want you to be strong! Do not give in to the riot I am causing, and do not get excited about my kicks on the floor. You are being tested now and you must prove how strong you are and how far we can rely on you.” The child is saying: “It is very hard for me to accept your refusal so I am expressing myself with such intensity, but please! Do not panic! I am just venting my frustrations because it is hard for me to accept borders. I need you to be brave! Do not succumb to the exciting drama I am creating and bring up here now! Please be strong enough for me, please please! Do not give up on me "! H. Even in the presence of many guests, with all the unpleasantness involved, insist on your decision. Do not give in at all! Educating your child is more important than all the guests together. Even more than all the people in the grocery store or the supermarket. I. It may be that at the time of the situation it is very difficult to cope with it. So, if it is very difficult for you, leave him kicking on the floor
and go do your errands or shopping that you need to do, or even just go for a short walk. When you are not around, he will lose the momentum of pressure, because there is pressure here, but there is no one to pressure and it is clear that he will calm down faster. Also playing music at a slightly higher volume than the child's screaming, will make him understand that his screams are swallowed up in the sounds of the music and are not heard at all, and he is clever enough to understand that you are stronger than him and you do not give in. Once you have done this a few times, you will be able to explain to him and convince him in a calm and loving conversation that it is a pity for him to get upset and howl and it is better for him to accept your opinion "because it is clear to both of us that I love you very much and do everything to benefit you" . I am sure he will understand and accept this and together with your prayers to our Father in heaven (like in the first paragraph), you will have much satisfaction from him J. Shabbat Shalom Umevorach, comprehensive salvation and all the best.
Tikun for the deceased!!! Thank G-d, every Friday (about two hours before Shabbat), we have the merit to learn the teachings of the Holy "Or HaChaim" (Rabbi Chaim Ben Attar Ztz'l) on the weekly Parshah. After the Shiur all of the participants perform the "Tikun (correction, improvement)-for the deceased", presented in "Kuntrass HaYechieli". Any person may order this wonderful Tikun for his parents or other relatives of blessed memoryl, and the merit of the study of the Tikun helps save their soul from the judgment of Gehennom (Purgatory). Even the souls that merited, and are in Heaven, benefit thanks to the Tikun, to rise from one level of Heaven to another. As conclusive evidence that they are doing better due to the Tikun, the deceased will appear in a dream, looking well and dressed in opulence. Sometimes, they specifically thank those who made the effort for them and dedicated their money to elevate their soul. Below is a synopsis of some of the letters received in our office: Dear Rabbi Moshe Yazdi Shlit"a, After we asked to have the Tikun done for our grandfather, Rachamim ben Rachel z"l, he showed up in his daughter's and granddaughter's dream, wearing a beautiful white shirt, and looking very good. I have no words to thank you. Orit: 050-8733-474. Dear Rabbi Moshe Yazdi Shlit"a, After having bad dreams about my late grandfather z"l, we, the entire family, asked you to perform the famous Tikun for him. I am happy to inform you that about a week later, he appeared in the dream of my mother Techi'. He was very happy and was laughing. We thank you very much for that. Ruth: 050-413-4799. Anyone who wishes to please and gratify their relatives by ordering this wonderful Tikun, Please call 323-4498184, or email: Ifat08@gmail.com G-d bless you and Kol Tuv!
Scholar Kvod Harav Yashar ben Tzion Ben Shifra, of blessed memory.
!!!" לאין סוף ברוך הוא, ברוך שמו"!! "הללויה" "אין סוף תודות," "ברוך פודה ומציל...בס"ד "אין עוד מלבדו
The Rabbinical Judges of the high court in Zfat, rubbed their eyes in surprise, the man who walked in was known as a corrupt, immoral man. Everyone knew that he was evil toward the heavens, and evil towards people. Some even defined him as “a person who transgressed every transgression in the Torah!!” That’s why they were surprised that a person who despises all things holy, should suddenly enter the high court. The judges surprise grew when they heard what he had to say. “Please”!! He said, “Accept me as a Baal Tshuva (repenter), allow me to repent.” The judges, who knew the man and his doings, had a hard time believing him. It’s probably an evil scheme he is planning, to shame the court, they thought, and decided to reject him. The man exited the courthouse, his face fallen, and went towards the house of the Holy Ari (Rabbi Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, greatest kabbalist 1524-1572). “Rabbi", pleaded the man, "show me the way to complete repentance”. “Go back home” responded the Holy Ari, “and know that every person can communicate directly with HaShem, and there is no need for brokers”. But the man did not relent. “Please Holy Rabbi, give me a Tshuva rectification, whatever it is I will do it…I sinned in such and such way… and he started detailing all his sins before the Holy Ari, all the while tears rolling from his eyes. “Son” said the Holy Ari, "even if you lived 1,000 years you will not be able to rectify all your sins, for they are so numerous, there is only one religious ruling, and that is death. Only death by the ruling of the high court, will atone for your sins”. “I agree” proclaimed the man. At the Rabbi’s request the man came to the Beit Medrash of the Holy Ari, on the eve of Yom Kippur, in order to hear with which method of execution he will be atoned. (There are 4 methods of execution by the high court depending on the severity of the transgression, from the harshest to the lightest: Burning, stoning, strangling, killing). The court sentenced him to death by burning!! How was the process done? lead will be poured into his mouth, it will travel down his throat and burn all his inner organs. It was a terrifying and horrific sentence, but the man happily accepted it, saying: “May my death be my atonement”!! The emissaries of the court started the preparations. His hands and legs were tied, a blindfold was put over his eyes, boiling liquid lead was scooped with a spoon. “Confess! And then open your mouth” he was told. The man started confessing with deep intentions, all the while crying. When he finished, he opened his mouth and waited to the boiling melted lead to go down his throat…. “Now your guilt is removed, and your sin atoned for” (Isaiah 6:7), called out the Holy Ari. Behold, instead of the hot boiling liquid, a sweet fruity compote was poured into his mouth. The Holy Ari switched the spoon with the lead, with a sweet tasty confection and poured it into the man’s mouth. For a moment the man was dumbstruck, can it be?? What just happened?! Quickly he understood what happened. “Please, Rabbi” he pleaded with the Holy Ari, “Carry out the verdict of sentence, I want to atone for my sins”! “Don’t worry, my son” The Holy Ari calmed down the agitated man, “The Holy One, Blessed be He, already said: “I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways, and live!” (Ezekiel 33:11) When a man’s repentance is done willingly, and wholeheartedly, and the pain of their remorse burns his heart and soul, certainly he is then accepted and welcomed. There is no doubt such a man will never sin again. “You did such a Tshuva” concluded the Holy Ari, “You merited to do complete Tshuva, and there is no need to take your life”!
The following is an example of the holy customs and ways of our father, who served G-d with all his being, Kvod Harav (KH), Yashar Ben Tzion Ztz”l ben Shifra A”h. On Friday night, the eve of Shabbat Kodesh Parshat Shoftim, I came to My mother's house, may she have long life, to kiss her hand and receivenher blessing for Shabbat Shalom. When I left, I met the honorable Rabbi Reuven Cohen Shlita (son-in-law of my teacher and Rabbi, my beloved Rabbi Yosef Netanyan Shlita, may G-d prolong his life and his years pleasantly out of sound health). Rabbi Reuven Shlita approached me and said: "For years I wanted to tell you a story about Mor your father Zlh"h and now that I met you I will tell you: "About twenty years ago, Mor your father Zlh"h came to stay at your sister's house in Ramot neighborhood on Shabbat Kodesh. Apparently, that Shabbat there was too much talking in the synagogue. Already at the beginning of the prayer we saw that he did not like it and he tapped lightly on the table and asked the people not to talk. A few minutes later, when there was talking again, Mor your father Zlh"h tapped on the table again and asked not to speak in the synagogue. Unfortunately, this repeated itself for the third time and again there was talking in the synagogue. Mor your father Zlh"h could not stand the disgrace of talking and he stood up and in a roaring voice said: "Gentlemen! I ask your forgiveness! It is forbidden to talk in the synagogue!! After all, it is a contempt and desecration of this holy place! please! Stop talking!" The crowd noticed that his words came from a pure heart, that really hurts and protests the sanctity of the synagogue. His words made a great impression. Most, if not all of the people, approached him after the prayer and strengthened him by saying, "Your protest for the sanctity of the synagogue is now etched in our minds." Tnsb”h. His merit should protect us. To be continued next week.
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