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Synagogue: Stanmore & Canons Park Date: Thursday, 31st December 2020 Time: Shabbat Service Bookings for Summer/Autumn 2020 Venue: Stanmore and Canons Park United Synagogue London Road Stanmore HA7 4NS ( Map link )
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Shabbat Morning Service starts at 9.30am and begins from "Shochain Ad". There will be no sermon and no kiddush. The service will end at approximately 11.30am. · Please bring a face covering to shul. You will need to wear this for the duration of your time on the shul property. · Please bring your own tissues to shul in case you need to cough or sneeze. Please take any used tissues away with you. · Please bring your own siddur, chumash and tallis. · Please always keep 2m apart from anyone else. · You will not be able to shake hands or come close to anyone else. · Please ensure you wash your hands before you come to shul. We will supply you with alcohol based antibacterial sanitiser on your arrival to shul. · You will be checked in by name before being given access to the shul. Please arrive a few minutes earlier before the service start time in order to ensure we can start davening on time. · If you are feeling even slightly unwell please do not attend the shul. · If you or anybody in your household are displaying symptoms of Coronavirus including high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell, please do not attend the shul. · If you or anybody in your household are isolating, please do not attend shul. We will take whatever precautions are possible to make the Shul premises as safe as we can. There is however always a risk of contracting COVID-19 and people should make their own decisions with this in mind.
22/08/2020 Saturday Shabbat Morning
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29/08/2020 Saturday Shabbat Morning
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05/09/2020 Saturday Shabbat Morning
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United Synagogue Member Portal
12/09/2020 Saturday Shabbat Morning
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