Josh Ayer Academic Work Sample

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work sample


Music Link is a cooperative music center for the City of Chula Vista that aims to provide, promote and prolong the education of music through community integration. fall 2010 - spring 2011

Del Mar City Hall

The Del Mar City Hall was designed in summation of events and studies gathered in the previous two quarters while studying urban design. With the inspiration from a heat sink, office spaces finger out of the main circulation space to maximize air circulation as well as natural light. Water harvesting and photovoltaic calculations were undertaken to understand the potential for a net zero design. With a site looking over the ocean, the buildings orientation was designed in alignment with the solstices and equinoxes to frame beautiful views four times a year.

Spring 2010

spring 2010







The user has two possible lab areas to work in. In this laboratory section, one lab space is taken so the user will go to the vacant lab space to chose his/her specific lab bench

The chosen lab bench is now lowered down in preperation to enter the chosen working area.

Dynamic Laboratories Dynamic Laboratories was part of a two-quarter special studio project in which two other students and I were given the task to make laboratories more efficient. Our client, Dr. Mobley a neuroscientist at UCSD, is worried that the current laboratory designs are lacking efficiency. Mobley wanted us to find a way where a handful of researchers could share the same lab space, yet still have their own personal bench. Our solution was a modular laboratory bench that is similar in size to two existing benches, yet provides workspaces for eight researchers.

The user has now chosen his/her specific laboratory bench top that they will work on. An ID number can be entered into a control panel to achieve this task

The users chosen lab bench remains in place while the storage system shifts to the right.

The chosen lab bench is now pushed out and placed in its rightful position ready for the user to begin doing their research.

As soon as one of these spaces are free, one of six users designated to this lab area can choose their personal bench top to be loaded into one of the two lab areas.

winter 2010 - summer 2010

BALBOA PARK Restaurant &Lounge

As part of an extension to Balboa Park, our studio was given a handful of typologies to choose from to design. Having worked in the restaurant industry for several years, I chose to apply my ideas of how a restaurant should function into a design. The form I generated was simply inspired by a rolled up piece of paper. As I was sitting in the studio one day, I glanced across the room to notice a student’s recent print out of our sites topography. The way this large roll of paper was angled towards me ended up making an interesting shape. I quickly sketched out exactly what I saw and then digitally modeled it in Sketchup. Within two days I had my form for the restaurant, and was pleased with its graceful interaction with the sloped site I chose. Serving at both the parking level, as well as the park level. This two-story restaurant features a full service restaurant on top, and a music lounge and bar at the bottom.

fall 2008


San Diego Speed Transit Station

As our last third year design studio, our task was to design a long-span structure that will house the terminus for the California High Speed Rail System. With a site directly on the harbor in view of incoming passenger jets, I believed that this structure needed to be a landmark for San Diego. Inspiration for the design came from the fluid movements of the dolphins and stingrays that inhabit the neighboring ocean. The structure is composed of a vast space frame that is then supported by a large tensile system in the middle. The tracks are located below grade while retail shops, restaurants and parks are located at street level.

spring 2009

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