Awakening: Original Endings

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Cut to shot of GH's lab, reality bubbles out and he appears GH: Finally her­... Drill: Doctor? GH: WHAT HAPPENED? Drill: What do you mean Doctor? GH: We're back where we started! Drill: Yes, Doctor. We've dimensionally shifted, not physically. GH: But... Everything is the same! Drill: Yes, Doctor. Everything will always be the same. GH: But the new dimensions! Hyperspace! What happened...!? Drill: Dimensions are an aspect of reality Doctor. All the universe exhibits the same dimensions. What you need is a new perspective to witness the new dimensions. Not a new location. GH: Bu­.... Wh­... How... can.. I ­DO­ that?

GH steps out of the machine, walking slowly across his lab, he's moving in the other direction this time, towards the camera, he peers and looks in, He reaches foreward and his fingertips break through the page, just show them overlapping the panel's border a little, maybe extending over to the previous page or something, he grabs the side of the panel and pulls his head through >>> Just had an idea, when he pulls himself through, we could have his hands overlapping the top and bottom of the page, like he's gripping an edge, then on the back cover of the book, we show his fingers wrapping around the top and bottom as a continuation of that shot taps on the "glass" of the 4th wall, he presses on it a little. Stands up, scratches his head, steps back, grabs his chair/stool, screams, runs and throws the chair through the 4th wall, shattering the page, blank page as the comic panels, page numbers, title, everything falls off and apart, GH begins to glow, illuminating himself in the dark, nothing else can be seen around him, he reaches towards the viewer again and tears the page open, crawling through >>> I like this bit, this is my favourite part of the ending and I was proud, as a writer, to have been able to write this. I've redone it so it's even better now. If you don't appreciate this you can suck an egg

Cut to BC, laying in the middle of nowhere, naked, covered in filth BC: Guh.. What the hell happened? I was sure I saw it... saw something... Fuck. Did I reach enlightenment and can't even remember? Where am I? BC stands up and cleans himself off. Looking around, he's standing on a barely visible path (make the reader have to really pay attention to notice he's on it), I'm thinking of a gently warn trail of grass, He's standing in the middle of an endless field, very empty, few random trees, clouds and birds above, flat ground everywhere though

BC: How can I reach enlightenment... If I don't know where I am? How can I reach it... if I don't know where I'm meant to be going? Camera has been pulling out, he's very tiny towards the center of the page BC: How can I reach anything if I don't even know how to walk? >>> I like this line, but I'm almost convinced it would be stronger without it, I'm not sure the reader would get the message though; I'm trying to say instead of worrying about it all, you just have to GO, and so he's finally started walking BC sighs, slumps and begins walking off

Few bits of BC walking, he's going very far in this endless prairie, not thinking or saying anything, as he walks a tree just sort of pops up, hide it with the angles if you want, but I want it to appear out of nowhere As BC steps into the tree's shadow, he steps through into nothingness, move the camera to show him walking towards it instead of away and just wipe (maybe literally wipe) the world away from him, the same nothing he experienced very briefly early in the comic, he's falling towards an intensely bright point though

Cut to shot of Norman, the world is very vague around him, I'm thinking where everything is almost black, and there's this small bubble around him of light, when things pass through, we catch a quick glimpse of an outline or a sketch of them, Norman himself is shifting, changing styles while still keeping the same general appearance Norman: There's no explanation. No sense. It's nonsense. It's nothing. Nobody tells you anything. They just fuck and your born and you die. They talk about living. What IS living? How can this be living? We do nothing. We die. What for? Why die? If dying is all we do, why live? Can we do anything else? What else is there? Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death. Life. Death Life Death life death lifedeathlifedeathlifedeathlifedeathlithedealithldeafelideafelithdealidaflithadeithaldiahtalthef... *pause and then step* Norman: I refute it thusly. Show shot of Norman, everything black around him, illuminated by the truck's headlights shining onto him from his side.

Cut to Meatbot, fighting his way up to the very top of the mountain, there's a gigantic palace, He's killing gods now, lots of gods, big scary angry gods, the kind of gods that could make Caligula cry. Women, Men, animals, other worldly, the wildest gods you can think of, just murdering and brutalizing them, blood, limbs, entrails, everything Meatbot has begun growing, don't draw attention to it though, he doesn't notice it happening, at first, his limbs stretch a little and his muscles bulge more, then he's slowly getting larger and larger, he's fighting bigger and bigger stuff, giants, ogres, dragons, bigger gods, the other stuff is bigger than him still, but he's catching up, the bigger he gets, the bigger the stuff he fights is, finally he's fighting the last god, the god of the mountain he's standing on, he's finally matched it's size and both of them are enormous, he's fighting it on the top of the mountain, they fight and he kills it, crushes it under his fist Suddenly he's left standing alone, on top of the mountain, no bodies, empty, silence, serenity, everything is dead and there's nothing left to kill, his eyes are bugged out, muscles are twitching, we can see the blood running through his

veins, he's looking around frantically, can't find it, that one thing MB screams: WHERE IS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!?!?!? Slams his fist down on the top of the mount, the entire earth shatters beneath him, crumbling away and he falls, plummeting into nothing, as the debris falls away, he sees a land, a single beautiful oasis of an island floating in the middle of nothing, he falls towards it

Cut to shot of Gearhead's face, standing in the middle of nothing, camera shifts behind him and we see his back in front of him. He reaches forward and taps his shoulder, a hand comes from behind and taps him on the should, he turns his head back to look and sees himself looking back with his arm on his shoulder, he turns fully around and sees himself turn around. He looks around and sees himself looking around everywhere he looks. He runs somewhere but all he sees is himself running. Finally he gets tired and stops, he pants a little and looks down to catch his breath, he sees something a point... something, he reaches down, can't feel anything, reaches past where his feet are and still can't feel anything, reaches further and further until he just slips down towards the point, almost falling forward, sort of dives down at the point

>>> Inspired by Douglas Adams, finally finished Hitchhiker's same day I wrote this Cut to shot of Norman, standing in a psych office, he looks around and sighs, sits down on the couch and browses the magazines on the small end table next to it. They're all about llamas. He hears a door open and looks up, Norman w/ a beard is standing there Beard: Hello... *checks clipboard/forms in his hand* Norman. How are you doing today? Norman: ...Fine... I guess? Hello. Who are you? Beard: Fine, fine. Good. Well... welcome to not living. Norman: Excuse me? Beard: Not living. You're not living anymore. Welcome to it. Norman: You mean I'm dead? Beard: No! No, preposterous. Of course you aren't dead. You're just not living. Norman: So where am I? Is this heaven? Purgatory? Nirvana? Beard: Bah. None of those things. They're awfully dreadful this time of year. Lines all over the place. For the bathrooms especially. Norman: Bathrooms... in heaven? Beard: Yes and all the other places. They're all in one area. Just different sides to the same amusement park really. Norman: And the bathrooms? Beard: Ah, yes. Bathrooms. Well, the open bars keep the bathrooms pretty full. Norman: There are bars in heaven? Beard: Mm­hmm. Dreadfully good cocktails, if I might say so.

Norman: Are there bars here? Beard: What? No. Of course not. You're not dead, remember? Norman: So where am I? Beard: You're not living. Norman: De­ Beard: Anyways, Mr. Norman. This is where you'll be for eternity. Norman: ETERNITY?! Beard: Yes. Well... unless you decide to leave. Norman: I can leave? Beard: Eventually. N: How do I do that? B: Afraid I can't tell you. You're insurance wasn't good for omniscience. N: What? B: Yes, you're insurance didn't cover the non­living perks. Sorry about that. But... you do get this... *rummaging through desk* handy... little.. gift basket! *pulls up gift basket and hands it to Norman* N: It's full of towels! B: Yes, you'll probably be needing those. N: For what? B: I have no idea. But you fleshy types always seem to need them for one reason or another. N: So what will I be doing here? B: What­ever­you­want! *said with a little jig* This is your not­living, so it's entirely up to you. Most just get rather bored with it. N: I can see how... B: But... the important thing to remember is that it's all up to you. N: And...? B: It's up to you! If you're bored, you're not trying. This is yours. Do with it whatever you want. N: Whatever I want...? B: Yes, Mr. Norman. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another arrival waiting. N: There are others here?

B: Of course not! This is your not­living. Not theirs. Now have fun. Bye! Beard leaves briskly, shutting the door loudly as Norman stands with his gift basket of towels N: ...bye...

Norman sighs and sets the basket down, sits on the couch again. Looking at the magazine lying on the armrest where he left it. He picks it up and flips through, looking at the llamas A thought passes through his mind "Whatever I want..." as he turns the page he sees a picture of him smiling, he turns the page again and he's smiling and standing with a woman, he turns the page and he's smiling w/ woman and child, he turns the page again... Shot from the window of the office, bearded looking in, smiles and thinks "I think he's finally getting it..." >>> I really like this ending. I find it very touching, personally. Whenever I read over it, I have this mental movie running through with it, and at the end I see Norman, this battered, tired, worn, bruised and utterly confused man, who finally gets some rest, and as he looks through his magazine, not having any idea of what's been going on, he finally turns the page and finds happiness, first he finds happiness in himself, and then in others and finally in family, and when he finds his happiness, in this magazine, something that's been right in front of his nose the whole time, he smiles. And every time I picture Norman on the couch smiling at a picture of himself smiling, it makes me smile. I know I'm being sappy, but I think this ending is incredibly sweet

>>> Inspired by my own non­sensical philosophical prattling, usually with myself or while trying to explain myself to others, best evidenced by Tar Baby and Sometime, Someday Cut to shot of Brainchild, floating awkwardly in front of a bright sphere BC: Hello...? Sphere: WELCOME, BRAINCHILD, TO INFINITY! BC: Ow, my ears. Would you mind not shouting? S: SORRY! *ahem* Sorry. Most people expect a little drama. BC: Most people? So I'm not the only one here? S: Yes and no. BC: But I'm not the first? S: Yes and no. BC: ...How can it be yes and no? Doesn't it have to be one or the other? S: Why? BC: ...because... that's how it works. That's how it's always worked?

S: What has always worked? BC: Everything! S: You don't even know what that is. BC: Yes I do... it's ... it's... S: See? BC: Alright, then what is everything? S: Everything. BC: What's that supposed to mean? S: I am everything. You are everything. We are everything. BC: hmm... S: These words you use to identify everything simply separate everything from everything else. But these are only words. BC: ...ok. S: Instead of looking at the words, look at everything, the world, the cosmos. Infinity. BC: Look at the moon... S: Sun. BC: What? S: I'm the sun. BC: But I thought you said you were everything. S: I am. And so are you. BC: But you just said you were the sun. S: I am. And so are you. BC: How can I be the sun? Shouldn't I have noticed? S: I birth all life where you come from. Not a bit of energy used by you came from elsewhere. BC: So you're a part of me. S: I am you. BC: But you only said you gave us life. S: But we're both made of the same things. The same dust that formed me, formed you. Together, we were formed and together we live.

BC: So I AM you. S: And we are everything. BC: So everything is everything. To reach infinity, I simply have to be. S: Yes. BC: Incredible! So why am I here? S: Because. BC: Because... S: Because. BC: Because what?! S: Look, I just gave you ultimate enlightenment. Don't try taking down all the questions in one go, ok? BC: WHAT?! S: We'll come to the rest later. Now, just be happy with everything, you greedy bastard. BC: Sorry... The sun slowly fades as the camera pulls away to infinity >>> This ending, as I said earlier, is almost a direct parallel to my life. My own philosophical pursuit has been continuously finding possible answers from a weird realm of philosophical pseudo­science only to discover new ideas and questions banging on my door. It's a never ending pursuit, but you do get answers, even if they aren't quite as profound or moving as you had hoped

>>> I have no idea what inspired this, other than the mental image of a brain in a jar screaming "How the #$@!! should I know!? I'm a brain in a jar!" Cut to shot of Gearhead, he steps climbs up onto a small platform, there is a pedestal with a brain in a jar sitting there GH panting: Where... the hell... am I? Brain: You're here! GH: But where's here? B: HERE! WHERE ELSE?! GH: Fair enough... so am I... B: Here? GH: In the 5th dimension?

B: Pshaw! You left dimensions a long time ago! Didn't you notice that? GH: So what's going on? B: YOU'RE HERE AND ANNOYING ME! GH: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I'm just­ B: Confused? GH: Yes. How did you know... B: Anybody talking to a hyper­dimensional entity is expected to be confused. GH: I suppose so. B: As you always do. GH: What's that supposed to mean? B: Supposing is all you do! Thinking. Plotting. Questioning. Wondering. That's it! GH: Well what's so bad about the pursuit of knowledge? B: NOTHING! As long as you DO something with it. GH: Do something? B: Yes. Something. Anything. Build a better mousetrap. Underwater basket weaving! It doesn't really matter. GH: And I didn't? B: You don't even know what you're doing now! GH: ...yeah... I suppose... B: AGAIN WITH THE SUPPOSING! GH: I'm sorry... B: AND QUIT BEING SORRY! We've got other things to do than be sorry. GH: Ok. What then? B: Learn. GH: Learn what? B: Anything! WHAT DID YOU COME HERE FOR?! GH: I... I don't really know. B: See, that's the problem with people like you. You get so worked up to get where you're going that you never realize why you're going there in the first place.

GH: Yeah... I see what you're saying... B: So what would you like to know? GH thinks... pauses: What... *pause* What is the answer to life? B: HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW!? I'M A BRAIN IN A JAR! I HAVEN'T LIVED A DAY IN MY LIFE!!! GH: ... >>> I don't remember what you told me they were supposed to do or why you mentioned Higgs­Bosson particles or whatever the fuck they are >>> This ending is my view of science. Science is a wonderful pursuit as long as it continues to provide. Too many people will fall into frivolous knowledge or knowledge for the sake of knowledge. At those times, it becomes circular and self serving, essentially worthless to the populace as a whole. Isn't the idea of science to learn new things for the pursuit of new goals? We can't fall into blindly worshiping science as the new deity. We must remember to make it practical and worthwhile. There are already enough religions in the planet and science was never meant to be another. Also, his approach to his endgame reinforces this. Gearhead has used the only thing he knows, technology, to pursue the only thing he wants, higher dimensional awareness. Eventually, he finds himself stranded by technology. He learns that he's resided partially in higher dimensional space the entire time and that his world is already a slice of that higher dimensional space. He realizes that he's not traveling physically, but mentally. He has to open his mind to a new perspective. It's not even an unscientific perspective, it's just the unnoticed elephant in his room. He's spent the entire story locked away in one room and he finally realizes that there's more to the world. And when he sees this new idea, this new perspective, that's when he reaches his goal. It's not about the abandonment of science. It's about keeping an open mind AS a scientist. He's tried everything except leaving his room. Once he does, everything falls into place.

>>> Meatbot is inspired by the sheer disappointment most of life's relentless pursuits manage to bring us Cut to Meatbot as he crashes into the land, he crawls up out of the crater, camera pulls back a little and a pair of astoundingly shapely legs stands there, Meatbot looks up, tears forming in his eyes, the beautiful naked woman stands over him, she's smiling brilliantly, she leans down and extends the glowing grail levitating between her hands to Meatbot, Meatbot reaches for it shakily, finally he grasps it and brings it to his lips, he takes a long draw from it and collapses onto his back, the world shimmers and colors increase in vibrancy, everything is turning shiny, large­eyed smiling animals pop out of nowhere and begin prancing around meatbot, singing and dancing, some wear clothes and others are nude, their exaggerated genitalia flapping all over the place, they start a disney style orgy around Meatbot, birds fucking on the fly even, Meatbot's head looks around confusedly Meatbot thinks: What the hell? ... His eyes roll into the back of his head, blood trickles from his nose/eyes/ears/mouth and the page goes black >>> I know you are going to absolutely hate this ending, but I think it's fucking hilarious. Meatbot spends his entire time being all degrees of bad ass in the single­minded pursuit of his holy grail, and once he finally gets it, it turns out to be the gayest thing imaginable, a rainbow, disney, furry orgy, I would have made them all gay, but I have a hard enough time picturing you working up the nerve to draw this one as is, anyways, everything he has worked for turns out to be the complete opposite of his very character, whether he dies from OD, from incurred injuries or from the shock of being caught in the midst of a mass furry orgy is up to the reader. Please just think about it a little before you turn it down flatly, and please don't turn it down just because you don't want to draw deer and rabbit penis, I've done a lot on this book I didn't want to already

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